Being an entrepreneur predict the future and plan to face the obstacles


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Azim Premji, N.R.Narayana Murthy, Ratan Tata, Prannoy Roy, who are they?

What do these people do? How do they become so influential among 7 billion

people in the world? What makes them so popular?

The answer to these question is just “ENTREPRENUERS”. Yes, they dream,

create, achieve and repeat. All these people were crazy about ideas and daring

to take risks in their life.

They thought of creating their own future and designing the life of millions.

Around 60.3% successful entrepreneurs started their own firms just because the

standard working model did not suit them.

If you wonder how come these men can change the fate of millions like us,

then it’s hard to believe that it is possible even possible by every single person.

When you have the guts and working towards your passion, you too can be

such an influential person in the history. Entrepreneurship is the key. Small

businesses have generated over 65% of the net new jobs since 1995.

Becoming a billionaire is the most common thought running at the back of

mind in almost every soul who dreams big, but how to do that? The answer is

simple, start your own business. It’s never late to start.


Okay, if you are one among that souls who really dream big, then you are

obviously ready for the challenge. Starting a business on your own doesn’t really

look like a great threat, but the problem lies in where do you start it? Which is

your area of excellence? From what point does your thought meets the market

demands? These will be the main questions coming in your mind when you look

to start your own business. To all these questions, the answer must begin with

your passion. If you are already having a strong hold on what to do, then there is

absolutely no problem at all. When you seem to be confused by the swinging

thoughts of business, then you have to allocate a scheduled time to study the

market strategies that could prove vital at the end of day. The fastest growing

sector for freelance businesses in 2015 included telehealth services, computer

system design and related design, services to building and dwelling, engineering

related services. This may give you a fruitful decision on where to start with your



Even after having made enough discussion and research of the market, it

is natural to feel unsecured when you have invested your heart and soul into it.

But it is just a driving factor towards the success. Starting a business isn’t rocket

science that is so complicated to understand. Contemporary world is a

competitive era where the adage “survival of the fittest” holds true more than

anything else. Fill yourself with people beaming with confidence and feel

motivated all the time. Be pragmatic on your business and everyday will teach

you the art of business.


Fear of failures is the major reason which prevents most of the people from

starting a business. You might have heard friends saying that they will ensure

and enter a point where they feel they won't fail in their business. But it

is impossible to predict whether a business will succeed or fail before starting it.

There is absolutely no guarantee that your business will be revelation in the

market until you get it into market. And if you are the first generation

entrepreneur in your family, there may be some resistance in the family to start

up an own business. But its amazing statistic to read that around 51.9% of

successful entrepreneurs are also the first to launch a business in the family. This

depicts the preparedness that first-gen entrepreneurs possess.


Whenever you feel like an ordinary person cannot dream for an own

business with some meek amount of money, you can just remember Reliance

groups and Tata groups who constitute to 44% of total Indian economy. There

are lot of opportunities available to raise money in the markets. Moreover it’s not

so difficult to find people who are ready to invest in right projects. The advent of

private banks has made it all the loans as a matter of weeks. “First serve and then

manufacture” model, first start as a labour working for giants and then use the

money for your investment.


It’s all now done for you to start a business, but it is in the hands of media

that make you a household name in the market. It’s a smart yuga and you have

to be ultra-smart to infiltrate into the hearts of mob. Regular updates in social

networking sites, continuous articles on blogs and repeated advertisements in

messaging are the contemporary tactics.66% of businesses that have been in

operation for 10 years or less use their company website for marketing. People

look forward to fresh design and modern appeal to new products. So it’s evident

that you have a persistent updates on the look of the product.

Real entrepreneurs have what I call the three Ps (and, trust me, none of

them stands for 'permission'). Real entrepreneurs have a 'Passion' for what they're

doing, a 'Problem' that needs to be solved, and a 'Purpose' that drives them

forward. Zuckerberg started at 19 and some start at 70. So age doesn’t matter,

it’s just the way you are in the race. It’s enough to have ideas and the world is

ready to make ideas happen. Start and design your own future!

Author’s Bio: Thirumurugan is one of best business consultant with his strategic

planning techniques for your business growth. He is the Founder and Director of

Our Business Ladder, a motivational speaker and writer. Contact him through
