Being more than a Sustainable Sympathizer


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Being more than a Sustainable Sympathizer

-Ashleigh Richardson/Ferguson

Recognizing our own apathy

Putting information to use

Being a confident educator

Tangible resolutions

Why recycling is good? Why fossil fuels are unsustainable? What impacts pesticides have on

people and environment?

do you feel confident to explain:

Have you taken a carbon footprint quiz?

What sustainability documentaries or TEDtalks have you seen?

How do you feel leaving an ESS or sustainably focused class?

What you already know…

Habits are hard to break and start Its expensive or inconvenient….

We’ll live like that after college Maybe the message isn’t appealing

to you in the right way

If we know this, then why are we green sinners still?

Almost never turn laptop off nor unplug from wall

I buy 1-2 pairs of jeans a year which equals 20-40k galleons of non-reclaimable water

When driving on the freeway I speed, decreasing my fuel economy

Eat shrimp which destroys mangroves

My Green Sins

Biosphere 2

Are we so far gone that the only solution is terraforming?

The data and analytical argument has been presented, and its worked enough to get you into this major or minor.

Motivating Change

Pathos, ethos, logos Physiological need (water, food, sleep,

urinate) Safety need (health safety, natural

disasters) Love and Belongingness (being cool,

having family) Esteem (being useful and necessary in

the world) Self Actualization (humor, altruism)

Motivating Change

Or are we just not

making good goals for


Specific: I will unplug my laptop and cell phone charger and all kitchen appliances when not using them

Measurable: an alarm in my phone will have me check every other day to see if I've slipped up

Achievable: I have control over most of these cords and will warn my roommates about the toaster oven

Relevant: Not wasting electricity is great for the earth and my wallet

Timely: I will keep the alarm reminders for 2 weeks and it will be a success if I have 2 days or less that I forgot

Example: Unplugging phantom cords

Once you start living the sustainable life you've learned about, its your

moral imperative to influence others

Making the Message Clear

Making the Message Clear

As clear and concise as it gets

1) Climate Change is happening 2) It is happening now 3) Its caused by anthropogenic

behavior 4) There are many things we can

do to fix it

IPCC’s Message

CLEAN Education Climate Literacy Empowerment and iNquiry Education

The Green Initiative Fund ESS 178 Science Communication

Lets practice using this Comingle Bin!

Productive ways to educate someone at UCI

Alliance for Climate Education They give high school assembly presentations At the end of a presentation there is a call to action


If you have your phone or laptop lets take a second to make a DOT

A Tangible Change
