Bell Work Take out Reading Packet and open to questions Im stamping questions for Wooreddy



A little background about British convicts in Australia…

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Bell Work Take out Reading Packet and open to questions Im stamping questions for Wooreddy The ultimate culture clash Aboriginal Australians meet British Convicts. AHHHHHHH! A little background about British convicts in Australia Botany Bay 1770 Captain Cook discovered Named Australia New South Wales Ten years later730 convicts and 250 free settlers. The situation in England Transportation High Death Rate Arrival in Australia Botany Bay- Traditional Song Farewell to old England for ever, Farewell to my rum culls as well, Farewell to the well known Old Bailey Where I used for to cut such a swell. Singing too-ral-li-ooral-li-addity Singing too-ral-li-ooral-li-ay Singing too-ral-li-ooral-li-addity Oh we're bound for Botany Bay. There's the captain as is our commander, There's the bosun and all the ship's crew, There's the first and the second class passengers, Knows what we poor convicts goes through. 'Taint leaving Old England we cares about, 'Taint 'cause we mis-spells what we knows, But because all we light-fingered gentry, Hops around with a log on our toes. Oh had I the wings of a turtle-dove, I'd soar on my pinions so high, Slap bang to the arms of my Polly love, And in her sweet presence I'd die. Now all my dookies and duchesses, Take warning from what I've to say, Mind all is your own as you touchesses, Or you'll find us in Botany Bay. Life of convicts Macquerie Harbor, Tasmania Norfolk Island Port Arthur FreedomFreedomFreedomFreedom What happened after that? Drovers Assimilation The process whereby immigrants or a culturally distinct group are absorbed into the prevailing culture The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture The process of making one thing/people similar to another AssimilationNo! Pour your pitcher of wine into the wide river And where is your wine? There is only the river. Must the genius of an old race die That the race might live? We who would be one with you, one people, We must surrender now much that we love, The old freedoms for new musts, Your world for ours, But a core is left that we must keep always. Change and compel, slash us into shape, But not our roots deep in the soil of old. We are different hearts and minds In a different body. Do not ask of us To be deserters, to disown our mother, To change the unchangeable. The gum cannot be trained into an oak. Something is gone, something surrendered, still We will go forward and learn. Not swamped and lost, watered away, but keeping Our own identity, our pride of race. Pour your pitcher of wine into the wide river And where is your wine? There is only the river. Convict Point of View HOMEWORK Read Breaking a Mans Spirit Annotate (take notes) on any facts that relate to convict life and colonization.
