Belmont Chronicle jfY - Chronicling AmericaThe delay in the National ' House of March uable...


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Gen. Tom Powell, of Delaware and The chestnut bell bas at last obtained OHIO LEGISLATURE. THE NEWS. A Remedy for Lang Disease. SX3.exrlT's Sale.Belmont Chronicle E B Fioley.of Bucyrus.are being boom-


high recognition by being mentioned in Dr. Robert Newton, late president of the

by the Democratic press to lead the tbe United States Senate Chamber Feb. 22 Senate, Appointments by the Dakota had a terrible blizzard on Feb-ruary

iJectic college, of tbe city of New 1 otk, and BSMfONT COMMON PLIAS.Govenor confirmed: D W H Howard, 25. formerly or Cincinnati. Ohio, used Dr. Wm.

W. A. HUNT, Ohio coal-oi- l crowd, next fall. It is im-

material.During tbe discussion of the resolution Fulton county, trustee Toledo Insane Hall's Balsam very extensively in his practice. jfY Hiram Boroff vs. Matthew Patton, et investigate tbe Pacitlic railroads, Mr. asylum, 5 years: trustees of Miama uni Dayton, O , gets 857,679. 05 under tbe as many of his patients, now living, and re to an order of sale in the above

KDITOR AND PUOPEIETOQ. Dow law tax. stored to health the of the this PURSUANTEdmunds repeated the same argument versity for term of 9 years beginning by use tnval issued and to me directed from the

National ' House of uable medicine, can amply testify; he always court of common pleas, of Belmont county, Ohio. 1The delay in the March 1 Horace bukeny, of Green coun-ty,

Thos A Edison, the is inused another ; inventor, the on. Seael H that he had previously in said that so good a remedy ought to be will offer at public sale, upon premises,OSew Malm Street, Representatives In passing the appropri-

ationElam Fisher of Preble county .Qulncy Florida.and is much improved in health.

prediscussion. He was interrupted by Mr. scribed freely by every physician as a sover Saturday, March 5th, 1887,

bills, may necessitate an extra Cor win of Montgomery county, W J The President has vetoed the bill for eign remedy in all cases of lung diseases; itThursday, March 3, 1387session of congress. If such is tbe case

Riddleberger, who asked permission to McSurely of Highland county, D W g

a government building at Portsmouth. cures consumption, and has no equal for all estate,At 1 o'clock


p. !m the following described realmake an inquiry. This being granted of Hamilton county, James W pectoral complaints. 2 17-- 4tOhio. Bituated in the oi nicniand ana coamy

tbe House will bave to bear the respon-

sibility.Owens of Licking county, Johb W Her-- township

and known ofby the Senator from Vermont, tbe Vir ot Belmont and state of Ohio, as partTh Bismark party carried the Ger Tbe senate should not be re ron of Hamilton county, John M With Tha President bas declared that there Wonderful Cures. section 23, township 8, in range 3, commencing for

enquired: "Is there Senator the the line between Richlandginian any same on townshipman elections by a groall majority. quired to pass upon the bills without row of Hamilton county; also Clark B is no need of a special session of tbe W. D. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and retail and Colerain townships; thence east 55.45 poles;

here who bas a chestnut bell?" Tbe Montgomery of Hamilton county, for senate. druggists of Rome, Ga , say: We have been thence south 27 east s.16 poles: thence sooth 4M

Congress die on Friday a suitable careful examination. roars of laughter which followed pre tbe term ending Feb. 1890, to fill tha va The new Hennlng welt at North Bah selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric eastsouth





east 20south



occasioned by the resignation of Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two 23.16 Doles: thence north 74'V east 20J8 poles;.Mount, for the lower House to The death of a child in Reading, Pa. vented an answer to the question. cancy timore, O., is producing 6,000 barrels ofRichard Smith. years. Have never handled remedies that thence north 83 east 20.72 poles; thence south 59

expire. - from a dose of medicine vended by an Bills passed: H B regulating the lay oil daily. sell as well, or give such universal satisfac-tion;

east 10 poles; thence south 2H5i east poles;Ex-Go- t. Hoadlt. at tbe Ohio Club thence south 3V west poles; thence soutn S- f-

"Indian doctor." is a warning that the ing pipe by natural gas companies; H B Snow at St, Johnsbury, Vt, blocked there bave been some wcnderful cures west poles; thence soutn stf west m poire:We are to have a re issue of the one

should need. These "Indian farewell reception tendered him on Satproviding a commission to expend mon-eys

tbe railroads last week, and in places effected by these medicines in this city. Sev thence south titi V west 16 poles: thence south 1Vlea;people

and two dollar treasury notes, much to ornay night, made a very fine speech, a for tbe relief of indigent soldiers was five feet deep. eral cases of pronounced consumption have thence south 7 west 26.40 poles to a stone; encowho dislike the doctors" that do so abound every sum been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of soots) 854 west HO poles; thence north W east 118of those portion of it directed pointedly against who are incapacitated to expand thethe gratification are unmitigated frauds and quacks. James Freeman Clarke, who has been Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connec-

tionpoles to the place of beginning, containing o acres.

weighty silver dollars. mer, Democratic methods in Ohio he liter same far their own benefit: H B amend-ing

quite ill, is not now thought to be in a with Electric Bitters; we guarantee them 1 rood and 25 perches, be the st

Tbe oeoDle who take their stun are tbe act for draining and reclaiming subject to all legal skinned the Democracy of Cincin dangerous condition. always. Sold by, Patterson and sons. 1 Appraised at liOU. '

Charleston and ssummervllle were lucky if they lose nothing more by it tbe swamp lands granted tbe state by PDUDEB Terms Cash. O. E. FOULKE, Bhenff.Onati, and exposed tbe putrid bide to pub-

lictbe general government; H B trustees Mr and Mrs Armstrong, of Coal City, By M. M. Scott, Deputy.

shaken UDbv an earthquake on Satur than tbeir money. J. W. PUT 120-t- dinsoection. Perhaps the most re of the Orphans' home at Xenia to retain Owen county, Ind., are tbe parents of a Shannon, Att'y.

dav. iast enouah to remind the peopleHarper's Weekly in an editorial on markable passage of bis speech was this girls at the home until they are 18 years child born without eyes. Vitiated Blood. Absolutely ih rnin of last season, and of the of age;H B codifying certain sections of It ia SHERIFF'S SALE.the contest uow being waged in the "Letting tbe past alone, and looking announced that Frank Siddalls,

present devastation In the Riviera. on!v to the future, the duty of the the revised statutes by striking out tbe of Philadelphia, bas increased his offer Scrofulous, Inherited and Contagion! IIuNew York legislature relative to the Democracy of Hamilton county is this: word "seal;" S B to pay the matured for Maud S to 125,000. mors Cored by Cntlcura. strength and wholesomeness; more economical BELMOyT COMMON PLEASthan tbe kinds, and cannot be sold

Grover Cleveland oassaee of a high license law. 9ays: "It allow hon debt and tbe interest on the irreducible ordinaryAfter tomorrow Never again never again an In competition with multitude of low teat-sbo- rl

debt of tbe state; H B to Increase tbe Newton Watt, Morris, 11L, is on trial alum phosphate powders. Bold William Pickersgill, jr., vs. Mattie E Cox, et al.bonest advocate the medium of weight, orwill miss for a season the opportunity must be clear to every orable man to contemplate, as I had to, THROUGH one ofyonr books,for theaccredited with tax levy for the nee of indigent soldiers murder and robbery on tbe Rock Mr. Frank T. Winy, druKKist, only In cans. ROY ALBAK.INU POWDER CO. pursuance of an alias order of sale in the

to indulge la his meet enjoyable past of prohibition that if publie sentiment with shame my nameto three-tenth- s of one mill; H B Quaker Island railroad last March. Appuuu. x uvcame acqoainiea Wit II your (it - ion wau street. Aew lora. XN entitled issued and to me92G votes I never reeeived in the Fourth cara Remedies, and take this oonortnnitv r.t r.n.tifv case,

ffmA that of vetoing pension bills to will not support the enforcement ofWard, and my friend Judge Furaker in City association to sell real estate and Senator Sherman entertained the to yon that their nee hae permanently cared me of directed, from tbe court of common pleas of

worthy and dependent Unions oldiers. hieh license, it would certainly not Precinct A, Fourth Ward, accredited and encourage manufactures. Obio people in Washington, at bis borneone of the


erysipelas,cases of


I havepoisoning,

ever seen,in con-

nection andBelmont county, Ohio, I will offer at public

support prohibition. with 46 only, wheu becettainly received Bills introduced: For the better in-

spectionon K street, Saturday evening. this after having been pronounced incurable by some Dr. Fennefs Blood sale, upon tbe premises, on

of beef intended for human of the best physicians in our connty; I take greatThere are some rs in Bel nearly 200. Let it be known that when Gov Lee, of Virginia, has issued bis pleasure in forwarding to yon this testimonial, un-solicited

Saturday, March 1SS7,toont county, who have bad special im-

munitiesUnder the Mexican pension lsw re- - a rascal is nominated for office on the food ; stock books incorporated compa-

niesas it is by you, in order that others suffer-

ingDemocratic ticket he is not a Democrat to be open for inspection;amending proclamation calling an extra session of from similar maladies may be encouraged to stiver Remedy At 1 o'clock p. nu, the following real estate,under Democratic favoritism, centfy passed a number of rebel gener section 81 providing for tbe succession tbe legislature on tne 16ih of March. give your inucura nemeuies a trial. towit:ic candidate: that when nominations are P. a WH1TUNGER. Leechbarg. Pa.

whose returns should be scrutinized als draw pensions from tbe national bought and sold they are rrnt Democrat to the office of Governor. An earthquake, with more noise than Reference: Frank T. Wray, druggist, Apollo, Pa. Nerve Situate in Pease township, Belmont connty,Tonic.with a view of making large additions treasnrv. Mr. Cleveland, was not dis ic nominations, ami that when dishonest House Bill introduced: Making pro quake, disturbed South Carolina and SCROFTJXOCS ULCERS.

Ohio, beginning at John Fennimore's (now

to the duplicate. tressed about bankrupting the govern methods are resorted to tbe promoters visions for presidential electors contest Georgia at 5 o'clock Saturday morning. Jaa. E. Richardson. Cnstom HnnflA. New Orleans Prom the New York Tribune.deceased) northeast corner, on Second street,

.in the city of Martin s Ferry; thence northed elections. Tbe day was spent in con-

siderationon oath, 'In 1870 scrofulous ulcers brokesays: outof the fiauds to be pursued, evenbe this bill and did are 'New lork Tribune. New Tark.ment when signed of tbe general appropriation on mvpouy until I was a mass of corruption ; every, 53lj west 125 feet to what was originally

The proverb about extremes meeting not hasten to interpose a veto to defeat into the penitentiary.where they belong Texas will vote on a prohibition body known to the medical faculty was tried in vain 'Dr M M Penner. Fredenia. N Y known as tbe Enoch Bower's line; thence withI know the Democratic party of Ohio. bill. amendment oo the first Thursday of I became a mere wreck: at times could not lift mv 'Dear .Sir: Please send me two more bottles

is illustrated in New York at present by tbe measure. Ob, no! his especial Feb. 23. Senate. Bills passed :S B au-

thorizingtha Btate bas deoided. hands to my head; could not turn in bed; was in con-

stantof your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve said line north 43 east 81 feet; thence south

There is better earth." August, so senatenot a onparly and Tonic- - wife bas 40a 28 feet 4 48interest pain, looked upon life as a curse; no relief my been taking it and It has east inches; thence souththe of "the liquor friends were the beneriaries. guarantee insurance com pa or cure in ten years. In 1SS0 1 heard of the Cuticura aoue ner good. xours truly, U A TRA.OY.' east 88 feet 2 inches to Second street; thenceProhibitionists in opposition to nies; S B amending the Dow law so as Judge Brown, of the U S circuit court nemeuies, used mem, and was perfectly cured.and the BARNESVILLE. before Wm H Steiwir, member Editorial Staff N with said street south 3JU west 67 feet toBworn to U. 8. Com. J. D. divert tbe fund in a small village in New York holds that the boycott of the Y Herald, of Kxclae, Newthe high license bill, of which the Rev The pastor of a Methodist church in place of beginning, being the same property

Old Dominion Line is York City 48 Ann street writesPickaway county; H B prescribing a actionable for ONE OF THE WORST CASES.Birmingham. Ala. advertises over his Not much this week, that 'I bave bienagreat sufferer from biliousness, conveyed to said Mattie E. Cox by R. S.MoorDr Crosby is the father. news again penalty for decoying females under 18 damages. We have been selling your Cuticura Remedies for nervousness, dyspepsia and consumption tor and wife, April 3d, 1883, as lot zxn, accordingown signature that his church is exclu inbaustible topic -- tbe weather bas oc nf H B amending years, and nave the first complaint yet to receive h N,wto places prostitution; ErSJ-6?- ? Hon. 5 U" .of Pla of John L. VanPelt.West Virginia legislature reach cupied tbe entire attention of the people Miss Maggie Beadling.BanksAille, Pa., from a purchaser. One of the worst cases of scrofu-

laThe sively for white people.and that negroes tbe jury law so as to require tbe county ia said to have been cured of paralysis I ever saw wes eared by the use of five bottles Blood and liver Remedy andme


Tonto.yoar n north "rty-fo- ur (34) feet of the above

rh limit of its term Friday and are neither Invited or xpocted to attend for the past week, as indeed it well clerk to notify township trustees of the by faith. But she has suddenly becomeCuticura Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticura Soap. By tbe use of two bottles I bave realized a described premises will be sold separata and

might, for surely such weather never me ooap i&ues tne cane here as a medical soap. complete restoration toSenator iinUlgibititj ui naansa xmt in for jury health.' from the remainder.without electing a apartadjourned TAYLOR 4 TAYLOR, Kan.If this pastor is a representative of the beiore wu oeu. Suudajr was a whole speechless. druggists, Frankfort, Frommen. Chioojo. First north 34 feet, atAppraised tract,m. have to be tilled by an rnprai BpnTini.MtnTr imijr mmwjr son ID One day. and so cold House Bill passed: S B refunding to Mrs Logan has selected tbe center of SCROFULOUS, INHERITED, Wholesoledry goods honse of J V Farwell A Oo $1166; second tract, the remaining portion,auDoiotment by the Uovernor, auu ii On let tbe weather restit is a good city for progressive north well, oo peace certain parties at Celina $10,000 under a the circle of tbe north end of South And contagious humors, with loss of hair, and erup-tions rJH ii ... ' reaon'lV . . Isouth 33 feet, at $1133.of the skin, are positively cured by CnticuraIntimated that bis choice will be Lucas fully now March is here.ern capitalists to steer clear of. lease of canal property by state, which Park, Chicago, for tbe burial of tbe late and Cuticura Soap externally, and Cuticura Resolv eayand Nerve 1 onlcforaseverebillous attack, I Terms Cash.

Tbe revival services at tbe M E tbe latter was unable to fulfill. General Logan. ent internally, wnen ail other medicines fail. Send with perleot success. J M PHULPS. O. E. FOTJLKE, Sheriff.HwAvnn. Riddleberger. who was church closed last Thursday ulght. Feb. 54 Senate, Bills passed; S B tor pamphlet. By M. M. Scott, Deputy.The failure of tbe Democrats iu the It is announced that a vein of ironcounted by some Democrats as an "un Though there were not so many new mayors of cities and villages to solemn DRUGGISTS USE THEM. Cochran k Shieve, PUT Att'ys. 2 3-- td

West Virginia legislature to elect a sen sixteen leet thick and yielding 62members taken in in the ore, We have obtainedof as to proceed ize marriages; SB county commissioners satisfnetorv mnltn fmm rhe rcertain quantity" in the organization per cent of metal, bas been struck at of the Cuticura Remedies in fumilv. and Sugar-Coate- dator before adjournment and the failure ing years, the meeting was very suc-cessful,

to receive donations and bequests for our own AYER'Sthe Senate after March 4, settled any Tuscaloosa, Ala. recommend them beyond any other remedies for Cathartic Corv) Chicago, Aim. tlst, 18NL

thus far to elect in New Jersey, is an aod the church is in a very pros educational purposes; H B for the erec uisaases 01 uie sKin and uloou: the demand for them This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust anddoubts that may have existed as to expressive commentary on the lack of peruus condition. tion of buildings witbin 100 yards of White, of Cornell Uni' grows

MACMILLANas their merits become known. If. the Liver be-

comes PILLS. Savings Bank has this day received from the4 CO., druggists, Latrobe, Pa. if tbetorpid, Union Cigar Company ofChkago, to be heldfuture intentions by pairing in favor of Kev Reed begins a series or services cmeteries in tbe country. versity declined to allow his name to bein tbe Democratic which as a special jufeposu.harmony party, bowels are constipated, if the stomachSenator Ingalls for president pro tern at the Presbyterian church Thursday Bills introduced: Changing tbe order considered iu connection with the inter-

stateCuticura Remedies are sold everywhere. or

U. S. 4lo Coupon Bonds,is made up of such a motley crowd that ni;lit of this week. Owing to Mr Reed's of succession to sheriff s office so as to commission. Price: Cuticura. SO cts: Resolvent SI : Roan. 25 eta. fails to perform its functions properly, tas follow, :Preunid by Pottkb Dnua

The Democratic House has refused to they cannot agree to do anything except poor health, the meetings at this church dispose of the coroner; reorganizing the Mrs Cart aud her two children, resid uw, juass.and Cesmicu. Co., Bos-- Ayer's Pills. They are invaluable. h.rmi. . Market Value of which Is

agree to the appropriation of 8500 000 to oppose every measure for the bane are later than usual this year; but will Hamilton county board of control; ing at Holbrook, Ariz., while driving in Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." For some years I was a victim to Liver 419S41IOS $1012.

doubtless all the the law for the Complaint, in consequence of which I U10prove better. amending providing PLES, Blackheads, Skin Blemishes and Babyfor the enlargement of postal cotr muni tit of the state or nation. tbe country were overtaken by a bllz xiuiuure, use cuticura ooap. suffered from General Debility and Indi ssoo. ) (S.) fas. S. Gibbs, of real bvMessrs Jacob Heed and Robinson Me or personal property ex zard and frozen to death. gestion, a lew imxes oi Ayer's rim We offer the above as a FOBFSIT, if ourcation with South American countries A Yocngstown preacher, tired of Gain, of this place, who have been so ecutors! amending the township ditch restored me to perfect health. W. T. " F15CT GROCEB" does not prove to be a

'and closer relations between the two journing in California this winter re law. The question bas arisen whether or Brightney, Henderson, W. Va. genuine Cigar Co.

the in hiscontinents are probably postponed until

long prayers indulged byturned home last week well pleased House Bills passed: Tbe general ap not the President bas tbe right to ap-

pointChoking Catarrh. For years' I have relied more upon

members, bas invented a scheme to propriation bill with several amend the Inter-st- a e commission after Ayer s miatuan anytning else, toiu both branch-

es,with their trip' Mr Heed has quite an Have yon awakened from a disturbed sleep withCongress is Republican abate the nuisance. He has provided interesting collection f birds, mosses ments; 11 B applying the Cincinnati reg tbe adjournment of tbe senate. all the horrible sensations of an assassin clutching Regulatewhich will not be the case until istration law to Columbus and Toledo; your throat and pressing the th from yourandhimself with call bell, when anda a gdowers, gatlieied together during tightened chest? Have noticed bowels. These Pills mild inis the languor andDiphtheria nearly epidemic through-

outyou my are ao1890. bis wanderings in the Goiden State. II B amending the lien laws; II B amend debility that succeed the effort to cleargood brother has prayed long enough Dutchess county, N Y. Tne origin tion, and do their work thoroughly. Iing the law governing outside support at auu neau or uus caiarrnai matteri- - vt hat a depress have used them, with trood effect, in

The shock of the European earth tbe minister taps the bell as a signal to Mr De wees, advance agent for Prof the Xenia home. of the disease puzzles the physicians. ing influence it exerts upon the mind, clouding the cases of Kheumatism and Dyspepsia.Harts Magical Trick Co., is in towu memory and filling the head with pains and strangeScores of deaths have occurred. .There is tbe i. r jyiiiier, Aiueoorougn, jviass.quake was fell with sufficient distinct quit no patent on process noises: xluw uimcuii it is to rid tne nasai passages,tor theirand if other minister is troubled in

making arrangements appear I, is stated in Ottawa, OnU that a throat and lungs of this ooisonous mnens nJImn Ayer's Pills cured me of Stomach anddpss in this country to be noted and any ance here. Greatly Excited. testify who are afflicted with catarrh. How difficult Liver troubles, from which I had suffered i! Trecorded by the seismoscope iu the this wav he is at liberty to try tbe bell Col J M Lewis and wife spent several Not a few of the citizens of St. Clairsville

retaliation bill will be introduced im totowards




againstand kidneys,

its furtherall physicians

progress for years. I consider them the best pills75 ceut all articles

United States signal office in Washing method. days last week with relatives in Si. have recently become greatly excited over tbeposiug a per duty on will admit. It is a terrible disease, and cries out for made, and would not be without them.Imported from tbe United States. reiiei auu cure. Morris Gates, Downsville, N. Y.Clairsville. Mr Otto Thalr.eitner, of facts that several of tbeir friendsastounding The remarkableof curative when all otherwhich theton. The time at wave powers, I attacked with BiliousThe women at Parsons, Kan. beld an Cambridge was with his inanv friends who bad been pronounced by tbeir physicians Hon Jessie W Fell the first lawyer remedies utterly fail, of Sanford's Radical ( tare, are was Fever,

motion reached Washington shows that incurable and all attested by thousands who gratefully recommend it which was followed by Jaundice, anahere, Sunday. Mr Max Rembeimer, our as beyond hope suffering who practiced at Bloominglon, 111., andenthusiastic jubilee meeting aver tbe to fellow-sufferer- s. No statement is made regard-ing

was so dangerously ill that my friendsft had traveled at the rate of about 500 one price clo! bier, bas returned from with that dreaded monster consumption tue man who, it is said, first proposed it that cannot be substantiated by the most re-

spectabledespaired of my recovery. I commenced

- miles an hour.passage of tbe stare law giving women a business trip east. Misses .Nettie have been completely cured by Dr. King's Lincoln for the Presidency is dead. and reliable references. taking Ayer's Pills, and soon regainedthe suffrage for municipal purposes, and Eaton and Jessie Longley spent Satur New Discovery for Consumption, the only Each packet contains one bottle of the Radical my customary strength and vigor.Cure, one box of the Catarrlial Solvent, and Im-

provedA BAND of "Holiues3 Evangelists," declare that they will array themselves day aud Sunday in St. Clairsville. The .1remedy that tMrfc,autbtoat William Irving, DD, of the 2d Presby Inhaler, with treatise and directions,

anand is John C. PattLson, Lowell, Nebraska.

teachers all weut to lo mutisms ij.'jumij.'coggS'coius, asthma ami tenao church, of Troy. JN Y, has ac sum uy ail urngisis or i T.ot .pn T B..ffrf. frraotly from ahailing from Canada, and who labor on the --erne or "temperance, morality stcniuay uroncuitis. Trial bottles tree at fatterson & cepted tbe call to the secretaryship of Pottkb Dnco & Chemical Co., Boston. Mass.. troublesome humor on ray side. In spite

visit the schools. They report a very of effort to cure this eruption, it in-

creasedand government.'' Certainly, tha ons' dr ug store; large bottles $1. 1 everywithout and without price, have good tbe Presbyterian board of borne pleasant time, and were highly pleased How My Side Aches! until the flesh became entirelybeen violently expelled from the State dear creatures are always on that side, at the niap.cer in which the Bbllair? Tbe Obio club, Cincinnati, raw. I was troubled, at the same time,gaveof South Carolina for telling the negroes yet notwithstanding this, tbeir enthu-

siasmteachers received them, and with the COMMON PLEAS COURT. farewell reception Saturday night to the




andmachinethe counter,


npwith Indigestion, aud distressing pains ia

management of the schools. Mr H It- the crv of rain and weaknsfl: anhinir The Bowels.for tbe ballot will cool down Judge George Uoadly and Edgar Johnthat their treatment by the whites was Hon. JOHN B. DRIGGS. Judge; W. sides and hack, kidney and urine twins.Brown moved the remainder of his who are to become residents of the advice of friend Ison, Byin tfter they have engaged ia a few strains and weakness, coughs, cold and a began takingShameful that many a negro was CASH,

Clerk; O.E Sheriff; M.stock of dry goods to Malaga last week. FOULKE, New York. cheat rjains. and nvwv rutin and nh nf Ayer's Pills. In a short time I was free)the penitentiary for stealing a chicken skirmishes. acd is now auctioneering them off at that M. Scott, Deputy Sheriff. daily toil relieved in one minute by the Cuti-

curafrom pain, my food digested properly, tha

The dicision of the court of A ii ti -- .Pain Planter. Mew, elegant and in-fallible. commencedsupreme sores on my body healing,when the judge who sentenced him place. Messrs bmUh and Holliday. B & At drnggista, 25c; five for $1; or of Potter and, in less than one month, I was cured. Our LA LOX1 10c Cigar b ttricdy HandEsther J Anna Barrett et Obio as to tbe right of tbe city of CinPry or vs al;The Coufeds in the National House O railroad civil engineers were in towu xmig ana inemicai ixM .Doston. mass. made.should be committed for far worse Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ga. Elegant quality. Superior workma&hip.cinnati receive certain ofsale in partition confirmed and deed or- a portionlast week, still looking after the doubledo not think it is constitutional for con I have long used Ayer's Pills, In Sold by all Crocers.Dow willcrimes. track. Misses Mary Powsll aud Laura the tax, give tbe police fund OATAERTJ sampije treatment rTJrr my

gress to inquire into the system of fraud Crawford W Armstrong et al vs Ze- - over 8175,000. I ill ttlUlfl We mail enough to convince. I Kllll family, and believe them to be the best UNION CIGAR COMPANY,Ch.ippel went to Bellaire Friday eve-ning;

U.h.liAUUKKKA H A. ' I sills made. S. C. Darden, Darden, Miss. .Mr Miller, tbe Internal Revenue ind massacre by which the Solid South rilda Wright et al cause settled and dis-missed

- 76 M. CllatoB 6k, CHIC160,; 773 Broadthey returned with the teachers Green Smith, of the Indiana senate, is street, Mewabk, M. J. My wife and little girl were taken withCommissioner, is to be investigated by is preserved for the use of the Demo Monday night. at costs of plaintiffs. not satisfied with tbe decision of tbe A O U on James R Va.. In Claremont Dysentery a few days ago, and I at once Betail bytbe senate. It seems that he has been cratic party. . The Confeds before the Oue of the chimneys at- the glass Emma Fitzpatrick vs Jno Fitzpatnck; supreme court iu favor of Lieutenant Ml I lilv)Q county: Illustrated

ver,circular free began giving them small doses of Ayer's GEO. JEPSOX,

cause continued at costs of plaintiff. J.F.MANCHA, Pills, thinking I would call a doctor if thaplaying into the hands of a ring of war were also specialists about the con works blew don again Saturday night.S 1. Mooney et al vs A R McClure;

Governor Robertson, and is preparing Claremont, Virginia, disease became any worse. In a short St, CIialrsill, Ohio.mashing the roof in. Workmen were I r further legel steps. time the bloody discharges stopped, allin Xew York, bywhisky Speculators stitution. Next to their rights in prop udgment by default against defendantbusy Sunday iind Monday repairing the FARMS&MILLS pain went away, and health was restored,

winking at evasions of the regulations in and in tor $489 80 and costs. Some twenty Hungarians who went QBHE1B Theodore Va.erty man woman, they were a Jamage.and everything is in good work 1 or 8ale it Exchange. lisling, Richmond, LEGAL NOTICE.from Obio to failed andR V Muhletnan south gtt work,Henry Daily vs CfttnlnsuA- -the withdrawal of whisky fromto state of aboutas particularitypermanent LEMUEL. udgment by agreement in favor of are now iu a destitute condition trying R. B. CHAFflX Si CO., Richmond, Va. Ayer's Pills,and tbe reim LEWIS, who resides , at Oxford,consumption permitting the constitution. It does not in the plaintiff lor $34 55. to get borne. Twenty more were let 4T WANTED (i ilenfrnel ANN C. V. B. whoPnpsred by Dr. J. C. AyerfcCo Lowell, ICsja, Duncan, residesportation of spirits sent abroad for least worry them, however, that the Excitement in Texas. Catharine riowel.s vs wm Howeils behind at Chattanooga. C forBff SC3TT'SbeantifuiLtblHIU liUKS Jt, BRUSHES, BELTS. ETC. No Mold hv mil DeaJara l sTodlriaou at Elmwood, Ills., Jennie Muldooo, John

storage without tbe usual formalities. south is made solid by the most brutal Great excitement has been caused in the decree of divorce to plaintiff; cause, gross A Chieago court haa refused to inter risk, quick sales. Territory eiven, satisfaction guar Duncan, Ellen Dillon, Rebecca Burk, WilliamThis is truly an administration of bon violations of the constitution. It is tbe vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the remarkable neglect of duty and extreme cruelty fere with a musium managers exhibi

anteed, J DR. SCOTT, 841 Brsaaway, N. Y. Hutchison, all of whom reside it Wheeling.recovery of Mr J E Corley, who was so custody of child to plaiuttff. W. Va., Robert D. Crawford, who atand reform. constitution it before the ting a wax model of Nina Van Zandt TS7 A "NITrTl pro work for Administrator's Notice.estry as was war helpless be could not turn in bed, or raise his Mt. ThomasElcedonia Rush et al vs Rhoda Moore Infamous W nlllllUrS at their hnnu.. ? In till . Union, Iowa, Hutchison, who

that fills tbeir sonls with rapture, and head; everybody said he was dying nf con et al; trial to jury ; verdict in favor ofwbomade herself by trying to week can be quickly made; no photo painting: no X

"VfOTICEl of Belmont

is herebycounty,


thatthein the

underBinedprobate court resides at Washington, Pa, Robert (i. Dun--

The vote in the House on Thursday sumption; a trial bottle of Dr King's New aud that tbemarry the Anarchist Spies. canvassing. 1 or full particulars, please address at appointed and qualified as Administrator of the! CAD, WOO resides at Pittsburgh, Pa-- , MarTwith the blather defeudaut, rindingthey on bloody paper CRESCENTgo once ART CO., 19 Central Bos--Discovery was sent inra; finding relief, he street, ttat of George IJeita, deed late of Belmont county. I vf ilia mhn imMm st Iji11 Mr. Tveto of the Rumor bas it that Govwhich the President's Fltzbugb Lee,by writing to be the last will luii, mass, uoz Jlju.purporting Ail lndebed saidabout the reserved rights of the states, bought a large bottle and a box of Di King's persons to estate are requested to who residesHills, at Mouodsville. W. Vs..of Virginia, is figuring for tbe Vice mk nAvm.nt iw. v.- .- -- uiDependent Pension bill was sustained and testament of Armsted Moore, is tbeNew Life time be had takentheir slates had not been Pills; by the two atnunstsaid estate will J OOn David Mas though Presidential nomination by the Demo present them, duly authenu-- 1 LiOgan, Logan, anion Logan,

was not eo close as had been expected. boxes of pills and two bottles of the discovery. valid last will, &c, of Armsted Moore. EXHAUSTED VITALITY. cated for payment. Kllen Logan, all of whom reside at Shawneenailed by the ears with bayonets to the he well and had in flesh dee'd. crats, and was up in Minnesota for the BTJRGET McCONNAUGHY.The solid Republican vote was cast iu was gained thirty-si- x A Great Medical Wark far Yeans and Mid 2 10-- Administrator. town, Ills., Wm. Duncan, who resides at Chat-

tanooga,gate-pos- ts of tbe nation. Cin. Com.Gaz. pounds, trial bottles of this Great Discovery Isaac Cotts vs Franklin Build'g Asso'n purpose or mending bis fences tbere.dle-Ag- ed m ea. Tenn , Jane Smith, John Duncan,favor ot the bill and agaiust sustaining for consumption free at Patterson & toons'. motion of defendant to dissolve In Tbe Freedmen's Aid Society of the Robert Duncan, Jane Duncan. Margaret Dun

the veto, but a number of Democrats In November last the Republicans ofjunction heretofore allowed in this case Methodist church has asked for tbe res Tjegal Notice. can, Nannie Duncan, Mary SlXlair, Margaret

wno originally voted for the measure, FAIRPOINT. sustained and injunction dissolved. ignaliou of Prof Wilford Caulkins, of St. Clair and Jane St. Clair, whose residencesIndiana elected tbeir candidate for Lieu A P Tallman. trustee, vs Bellaire are unknown, and a minor heir of CharlesUniversity, and has declarwas lashed into the traces by the Presi-

dentChattanooga TO MARY E. LATHAM, Jerusalem. Monroe Cotenant Governor, to Oil vacancy, by over Ah, There! Another trying their hand at Street Railway Co; sale confirmed and ed its objection to any person being X Ohio, Henry C. Caldwell. Hebron. Nebraska Duncan, deceased, three minor heirs of Wil

s whip and changed their votes. J allow Ada Ranney, Kansas You liamson Duncan, deceased, two heirs of Robert3,000 majority. Until after the votes writing locals from this place. deed ordered; C Tallman, att'y, refused admission to tne University Anthony, are each notifi-edKNOW that on the id day of February. 1987, as adminis, (. St. Clair, deceased, and an heir of JohnOf this number was tbe demagogue who ed a fee of $175; Fred Rodewig, receiv THYSELF.were counted there was no dispute as to M. Y. Rusk has sold his interest in the classes because of color. trator of the estate of Nancy 8. Caldwell, decenssd- - W. St. Clair, deceased, whose andrepresents, for the last time it is hoped, store here to W. L. Patton, who will take r, allowed $745 1 ,r services as receiver. the PABUD iHED. 1 nieu Willi tne Drooste court of rami ennntv. a names

che existence of a vacancy. Tne lead- - possession about the first of April. Mr. Pat-to- n, and A P Tallman, trus'ee, 830; trustee Mooly and Sankey, the Evangelists, X ICAI INSTITUTE N. 4 Bull! neb Nc, claim against said estate, evidenced by a Dremissorv places of residence are unknown.this district, Mr. Warner. Bst4ia. Mrs. WM. H. PARKER. Uf. D- - note, of date of November 2i)th, 178, calling for

02 attorneys of the State, Republican it will he remembered, had aa interest in ordered to distribute balance of pur are to have built for them in Cnioago by Author Morethnon million copies Bold. Ittreata $1900, with interest at o per cent., and ask said court will take notice.and Democratic, agreed that there was this store a few yenrs ago, and will be wel chase money pro rata among bond hold wealthy residents, a bunding costing vjMnnerroaBtuidt'ajrnceU Debility, PramatarelJealiiM, to allow said claim for


..with interest

. . ... .as above I That.on... tbe 2d dav of

.February. A. D. 1887.Manhood. atnaA ) -The vote of the Ohio delegation on the nn-or- oi loata, uxoAUStea vitality, IvOhi - : i

comed back by his old patrons. ers of said railway. 8250,000 in which they will wrestle with Impaired Vigor, and Impurities of the Blood, Ami M AiV.r.,u.,TH. w. Duncan Wed. in the court of com- -dependent pension bill in the House, a vacancy, anl so advised the Slate con

A. T. Dinsmore bas sold his store to Ruek Enoch Burns vs Ignatius Burns; mo the wickedness infesting that city QDtoldmteenesoooBeqQeDttbereon.Bubetantial embossed bindinjr. foil

Uont&msrilt. Warranted

300 pages.18H7. A. H. I'Af.DWKl.F mon pleas of helmont coun'y, Ohio, tis peti-

tionshows that but three Democrats voted ventions. Judge Turpie, the alleged & Co., and will remove o Martiu's Ferry in tion to set aside report of master over There will also be carried oo tbere a tnelinn




(tl bypablisoedmail, postpaid,

in tne Kag- -

andlast Adm'r of estate of Nancy 8. Caldwell, deo'd. in case No. 4137, against the above- -

Messrs. Warner, United States Senator-elec- t froin Indi the spring. ruled, and report confirmed. Finding "school for training Christian workers.' concealed in a plain wrapper. Illustrative wapitfrm named parties and others, praying for par-tition,the vetoto sustain if you send now. Addrr-g- as above. or if partition cannot be made, l ben

Outhwaite and Hill that trinity of ana, advised the Democratic State Con Taylor Wilcox sold his personal property that all matters in dispute herein be-

tweenA man giving bis name as Henry .Dr.Life,

WM.and ehisf

H. PARKER,consultinar

theautbofofDhvaician of



ofVALUABLE BUSINESS SITE for appraisement and sale of the following

ou last i nday, una will start to Nebraska plaintiff and defendant had been Adams has been Ohio far Medical Inwit imitators betrecorded in vention in writing that there was a va swindling ute, Boston, aas maaj no described real estate, towit: Situate in theBourbon saints. Those about tbe middle of next month. fully settled and adjusted by defendant etiuai. i emmet iiuuunHe offered them the of of in theWhen it found that mers. agency a FOR. SATiTI. county Belmont, state of Obio, andwas thefavor of the bill were Mesrs. Browa, cancy. The stone abutments of Blair's bridge across and one Nimrod Burns, acting under er if tLey would sign an ITS and a new and in the town of St. Clairsville, being lots num--Grosvenor. Taylor (E B). Taylor (Isaac), Republican candidate, Robertson, was Wheeling creea are about completed. power of attorney from plaintiff before order for a sample, which hundreds of D auguDMiui . t. iv r a, vour own TTTE will sell at private sale, on easy terms, ber 3,4 and 5 of Andrew J. McFarland's

Romeis, McKinley, Thompson and But-te- r elected, and wouid be the constitutional Wheeling creek was higher on Saturday beginning of this suit, and that said them did. Tbe orders turn out now to bornetreated




wasthe noted


28 Tears: M I valuable business Dronertv and dwell- - addition to the town of St. Clairsville; and

and Messrs presiding officer of the Senate, the Dem th; n it bas been lor a long time. plaintiff was fully competent to execute be promissory notes, and the farmers aril l nr. KAnnfl t vuiPwuiuirBiin -- nl hi m iu lUfinUiUULUIk. . i ine house, in the town of Powhatan. Belmont another tract of land in the aforesaidworth, Republicans,

T. A. HcPherson started for Kansas on said power of attorny ; petition of plain don't know what to do about it. andreds of others; full partio-lar- a county, Ohio, being lots Noe. 6, 8 and 9, in toWD '"K P1 ot an out-l-ot laid out byCompbell, LeFevre, Gedds aud ocratic leiders declared that there was

1'ueeday of last week. UQ dismissed and defendant recover aistsent on application. T. 8. PAO&, 41 West said town, and improvements, consisting of a 842611 Wells, bounded on the east by tha

Democrats. The boys of the GAR no vacancy, that Robertson was there Prof. . W. Glass came in from Iowa on against plaintiff his costs. It looks as if an extra session of con street, X4ew lora. large two-stor- y store room and warehouse rVarnock pike, on the south by lands knownHester Green et al Joseph gress will be necessary. combined, 60x40 feet, and a two-stor- y brick M T-- Buttiiogton and David Darrah, andfore, not elected, and that Green Smith. vs Perkins;Friday to attend the funeral of bis child.will this list in their hatspasteposts defendant for CURE DEAF dwelling house and all outbuildings- - on the north by lands of Andrew J.judgment against $159 75. necessary

for future reference. O S Journal. president pro tern, was Lieutenant Gov-

ernorMr. John McPherson offers his farm for Priscilla Hedges et al vs Joseph Per

Burglars blew open the safe in the on or address M.. M. Soorr. or T. Or '""d nd J- - B-- nd on tbe bYex officio. sale.

kins; judgment against defendant forbank at Lagrauge, Mo. .and took 821,000. PECK'S PATENT IMPROVED CUSHION EAR DRUMS Hobsbroor, assignees of Theodore Horn-- aUey laid out by said Bazsll Wells, and this

Congress has passed a bill to create The General Assembly canvassed the Our station agent here is observing the rules 6179 65. Dozens of oil wells are being sunk at PERFECTLY RESTORE THE IIRARIxn brook, Powhatan, Ohio. 4 $2-- tf trac' or l"11 18 '""her and particularly de--and has and perform the work ol the Natural Drnm ouriueu aa iuiiuwbi ociuuiu iw iuq samoof the to theput a stopa Department of Agriculture, and now votes, and declared Lieutenant Gover boys jumping

companyon moving trains. Ohio Valley Railway Co. vs I H Bur-goo- n, Toledo, O., and the town is going wild Always In position, out Invisible tootbers and at an elm tree; thesce south 33 east 73-1-

the President's staff will be enlarged by nor Robertson elected. The Democratic If 'Quiet Observer" will tell us who they receiver B, Z& C R R; temporary over its success.evencomfortable



distinctly;all conversation

we referand

to T nrn "Vit 1 f perches; thence north 84 east 1.80 perches;tbe addition of a new minister the injunction allowed against defendant. Prof Geo W Smith.iCincinnati.wonthe using mem. mna lor illustrated bookmajority in the Senate refused to allow mean by the would-b- e teacher, perhaps we with testimonials AddrnuW Reed Gi-- FRKR. E-- msmvJohn vs Perkins; to

of and Labor. could give them some information. jury; championship of Obio ia the chess tour . GIBSON, Milton Gibson, Samuel Gib. HCmX. ViOSecretary Agriculture him to preside, and carried the case intoPAUL DOMBY. verdict in tavor or plain tin for $15. nament. uwuiu,un;, n, i mention tnis paper. GRANT Gibson. Harry (iilison and Eilward t?enc0 ?orth T Mt 1S-O- pereoes to the

The Signal service will be given in the courts, in which they have been de R W Lindsey vs Jas Lash et aljdecree Gibson, who are minors and resident Derry post- - place Of beginning. Also, another tract Otof partition. The Boston Advertiser claims Sber office, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, will land, situated in said county of Belmont andof the andcharge Agricultural Secretary, feated at every point. Their revolu A Captain's Fortunate Discovery. man to be in New take notice, that on the iisth day of December, A. 1. known andstrong England for and as tneWingJesse VMO,Isaac Eosley vs Phillips; cause Kebvcca A. filed in thetbe Bureau of Labor will also be trans-

ferredlwi, Dyson court of commontionary proceedings culminated in forci-

blyCant Coleman, schooner Weymouth, plying settled and dismissed at costs of defend the Presidential race. !2)tJb leas ot lieluiunt county. Uhio, a petition amun-r- t oonuwest quarter in acciiun puuiutrr a, iu u--

to the new Department The ejecting Lieutenant Governor Rob between Atlantic City and New York, had ant. Werta. et al.. for the partition of certain renl ahtn number 7 of nnj nnmher 4. anil beinaAn effort will be made to raise fU.nflfl.nnn estate, situate in the town of ht. flairsviUe. iu said ,k f l.H H..iaH n. th will nfbead of this Department will receive ertson from the Senate chamber last been troubled with a cough so that he was un Amos Albert vs Village of Barneville; tor a guarantee fund lor tbe Cincinnati cen connty, and being part of lot number 57, and fully

able to sleep and was induced to try Dr King's PIANOFORTS. described in said petition, on file in the clerk's Robt. Duncan therein mentioned and of whichleave intbe same salary as the beads of week. Mew discovery for consumption; it not onlyerror; given plaintiff error to tennial exhibition. office of said oonrt; that ou the 18th day of February, he died seized. Said parties are required to

other Departments $8,000 per year.and Having stolen the Lieutenant Gov gave him instant relief but allayed the extreme withdraw from tbe files his petition in oisnor (Joben. a diamond broker nf Ht I7NEUCLLED FOK a1.H87.

cross-petitio-nthe defendants

in saidD.

action,8. (iibson

making-and others

said trrantfiled answer on or before tbe 2btb dav of jnarcn.

error herein.the Assistant Secretary tbe same as tbe and about soreness of bis breast: his children were si mi Louis, was robbed of $3,000 worth of spark Tone, To WorJnnansliiD ani Uilison and others above mentioned! parties to 1887. JOHN W. DUNCAN.ernorship, brought condi- - acli, DimMtj.a larly aff-ct- ed and a single dose had the same Home Building Asso'n vs Alfred H lers In a Pullman car. said action, aud they are required to answer to said 3 36t By A. H. A W. Mitchell, his Atty's.Assistant Secretary of the Interior. ion of auarcby in the State government. happy effect; Dr King's New Discovery is Short; sale confirmed and deed ordered. WILLI M KN ABE A CO., cross-petitio-n ou or beiore the Wh day of Aunt, Itm.

Isaac N Ilardesty vs J Weiler et al:to At the Bessemer steel work. rWelanri Harper, Soarl A Milner, Dallas Albert, and A. FOR ALL. Permanent employtbe Democratic leaders now offer to ar now tbe standard remedy in the Coleman Ohio, the roof tell in Isaac Naa. 2O4-- 0 West Balilnare St., Baltimore, H. A W. Mitchell, Alt'). for Del ta, D. B. Gibson, ment given to eneraatlo men andinto the condition of killing EdwardsAn investigation household and board the schooner. Free suit for damages; verdict in favoron jury; ln. is f iua Avenue, New York. ecai. in 'omea everywhere, S3U a week andbltrate the whole mutter. They fear the anathe state hospital for the insane uf West trial bottles of this standard remedy at Pat of plaintiff for $35; notice by defendant injuring eigot others. expenses paid, samples worth S3

results of popular indignation at their tersons store. of aside verdict Indiana will haveV a li. J and all particulars sent free. Address at oneVirginia shows a frightful Btate of drug a motion to and for a an extra aemion nf her O.VD KKRY Augusta. Maine, Don't mIM

violent and high-hande- proceedings. new trial. legislature unless the 'deadlock between the HOBSON. T. C. FA1KS. this ehaaoa. Writsaffairs there. The superintendent it is The Indiana Republicans refuse to arbi The Ohio river reached fifty-fo- ur feet, six Mary C Hoge vs Lambert Phillips et two nouses is speedily broken. HOBSON & PARKS,definitely charged, has wickedly and and a half inches at Cincinnati at midnight al; cause Battled and dismissed and costs 1 n a , m .. . PARKER'Strate, and they are ruht. By agreeing iraac j. ooiii ana mart iiniemsn n 8Monday nignt. Physicians Surgeons, HAIR BALSAMshamefully abused (his trust by being paid. Kineo at Aiena, u., by a tree which they badto arbitrate they would admit that pos-- Rankin ihm pnftmlmr tvmm for 4

guilty of tbe grossest improprieties with Tbe colored people of Springfield, O., had Catharine vs Lewis D Rankin dbtcgu uuwn, inning on mem. IT', O.ibly the Democratic revolutionists were a nvignitlcenl celebration in Donor of the re et ui; decree of partition.the female patients under his charge, Mrs. Koxalana Druse, Herkimer, N. Y., Ik omip, mm Ikpeal by the Ohio legislature of the obnoxiousustirled in their infamous proceedings ho killed her husband. Wm. Druse nnH Winter Exposure CttiueM 4 oiigba, Office Hours 7 to 8; I to 3 p.m; 7 to 8 p. r. fcwd to Mr t sMawhile the furnished for tbe insti-

tutionblack laws.stores Let them adhere to tbe stand they have Five men, four of them masked, entered chopped up his body and burned the pieces,

Oolils. pleurisy, rheumatism, pneumonia,aud olber

neuhave been regularly and largely taken and let tbe Legislature adj.iurn At Akron, O., Philip Blanche, after saying Mrs. Elizabeth Alburn's saloon, in Columbus. ubujjcu iu mat town on c eoruary 28. ailments,

raliila, sciatica,for wblob

lumbago,Benson's l apolno 1 asters PLEASE DON'T FORGET IT HINDERCORNS.

appropriated to private use. The best Kjini-ni;- vt uu inujr love, mew out his at midnight, gagged her and another woman. are admitted to be tbe best remedy known. Tasmnwl. sarnw sad ssl gars for Coma.without having performed a singlelegal brains because she wanted to postpone their and a Mr. Collins, and bound them, and

Governor Wilson, of West Va.. h. tnar They relieve and core In a lew hours when na tli at Dr H James' Ctinaooti lntltea Is prepared Stops all pmln. KnaarM comfort U th, nMt. Shething that can happen our little sister got ed the senalorshlp to D. B. Lucus, of Jeffer-son

other application is or the least beaent. r n in Calontta, inula, from tbe purest and best wwa u saeaiat uraeaissa.act! The Democrats of Indiana are fix- - m&rrmge. away with ever $1,400. who dorsed by COOO physicians aud druggists. re Native Hemp, and Is tha only remedy, eithertbe water will be the reform of the county, was one of the twelve Dem-ocratic

WANTED (Ram pie FREE) for Drover of Imitations under similar sounding Iu that country or Ibis, that will positivelyDemocratic which controls her.

ng things for an overwhelming Repub Major Duncan McArthur Vance.Thlrteenth The name of James M Trnttpr. a vln.ut 'kickers' in tbe lecent senatorial con-test.

and permanently cure Consumption, Bron iGEHTS (SCOTT! beaulleul ELECTRIOpartylican victory in 1888, and they should be infantry, died in Washington. He was the gentleman of Massachusetts, was sent to the Mr. Lucas bas accepted the lender, and slolne.'' Ask for Benson's and lake no others. ehltls. Asthma, Masai Catarrh and Nervous OUK3ETS, BKCSHES. BEETS,

and fromby ousting it root branch grandson of General McArthur, governor of senate by the president for the position ot re-

corderwill receive bis credentials sbortlv after th. Examine csrefnlly wben you buy. an drug-- . Debility, or break up a fresh eold In 24 boars; Etc. No risk: Quick sales. TarrU

tory given: satisfaction guaranteed. Dr- allowed to complete the job. isia dkuuhi juuhw.-i- . rroprietora. ti 50 per bottle, bottle for Sttatf. Creddook. atpower. the northwest territory. of deedi in the district of Columbia. 4th of March next. ew York. to., proprietors, luaa ttaoe street, runs. aoOTT, l Broadway, Mew JLork,
