Benghazi Africom Vaughn.index PDF



from Judicial Watch. This is the Vaughn Index which should explain what was produced by the Pentagon through JW lawsuit, and what was blacked-out - 261 pages

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    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 1-3

    Email 0230Z 12 Sep 2012 JUKEBOX LOTUS


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 4

    Slideshow Air Movement Update: Current as of 130100ZSEP12

    9/13/12 0100Z

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a) Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations.

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 5-18

    Slideshow (United States Africa Command: Jukebox Lotus) 12 1000Z Sep 2012, Operations & Intelligence Update

    9/12/12 1000Z



    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 19-34

    Slideshow (United States Africa Command: Jukebox Lotus) 12 1400Z Sep 2012, Operations & Intelligence Update

    9/15/12 1400Z



    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 35

    Emails 13 2100Z JUKEBOX LOTUS Movement Update

    9/13/12 11:17pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospational-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6)

    1 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 36

    Slideshow Air Movement Update: Current as of 130052ZSEP12

    9/13/12 0052Z

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a) Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations.

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 37-55

    Slideshow (United States Africa Command: Jukebox Lotus) 13 0700Z SEP 2012

    9/13/12 0700Z



    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 56-82

    Slideshow (United States Africa Command: Jukebox Lotus) 13 1400Z SEP 2012

    9/13/12 1400Z



    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3) as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of private citizens is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 83-84

    Theater Analysis Report

    J2-Intelligence and Knowledge Development

    9/13/12 SECRET// NOFORN//


    (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 85-91


    Commander US Africa Command Request for Forces 7120XXX

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3),as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 92

    Email Benghazi Attack CCIR Update brief

    9/12/12 2:07am


    (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Additionally, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 93

    Email blurb 9/12/12 6:59am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 94

    Email BPT: 9/12/12 9:15am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 95-96

    Email Cross Collaboration

    9/13/12 2:56am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 97

    Email Distro Lists 9/13/12 7:36pm


    (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Additionally, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 98-104



    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3),as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    3 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 105-113



    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3),as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 114

    Email 9/12/12 9:12am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 115-122


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 123

    Email 9/12/12 6:35am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6)

    4 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 124-142


    9/13/12 1:49am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 143-161


    9/12/12 10:48am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 162-167

    Email FW: Cairo Update (12 Sep, 1300L)

    9/12/12 8:02pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (b), (d), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; foreign government information; foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 168-169

    Email FW: DJ3 RFIs from 12/1400 EDT DC SVTC's

    9/12/12 10:48pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    5 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 170-172

    Email FW: ___________ Co working Copy.docx

    9/13/12 11:20pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 173-175

    Email FW: 9/13/12 9:35pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 176-177

    Email FW: 9/12/12 11:25pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 178-179

    Email FW: 9/12/12 9:08am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    6 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 180-195

    Email FW: Situation Report as of 0030 12 September 2012

    9/12/12 1:59pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 196-200

    Email FW: (Secret) 9/12/12 7:28am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 201

    Email FW: (U) VTC Question

    9/13/12 10:41am

    SECRET N/A Released in Full

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 202-203

    Email FW: AMB Intel 9/12/12 7:19am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    7 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 204-206

    Email FW: 9/13/12 1:24pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 207-209

    Email FW: Benghazi Timeline

    9/12/12 12:10pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 210

    Email FW: 9/12/12 9:25am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 211-221

    Email FW: HAM RFI 9/12/12 11:12am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    8 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 222-232

    Email FW: HAM RFI 9/12/12 7:23am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 233-234

    Email FW: ic/intel coord re attacks in cairo and benghazi

    9/12/12 7:24am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 235-237

    Email FW: INITIAL 5W-Benghazi Consulate Attacked

    9/12/12 12:25am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 238

    Email FW: Intel slides for the 0600 briefing

    9/12/12 5:57am

    SECRET (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Additionally, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    9 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 239-242

    Email FW: JOC Watch Update

    9/13/12 6:19pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 243-244

    Email FW: Libya New Article

    9/12/12 12:43am


    (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Additionally, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 245-247

    Email FW: No Subject 9/12/12 6:33am

    SECRET (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Additionally, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 248

    Email FW: 9/13/12 5:29pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (b), (d); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; foreign government information; and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 249-252

    Email FW: 9/13/12 12:2pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (b), (d); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; foreign government information; and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    10 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 253-256

    Email FW: Slides for 1400Z Meeting

    9/12/12 3:52pm


    (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, intelligence sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 257-258

    Email FW: SOCAF Intel Sync DCO For Jukebox Lotus

    9/13/12 6:18pm

    SECRET (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Additionally, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 259-261

    Email FW: 9/13/12 4:10am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 262-264

    Email FW: 9/13/12 8:06am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    11 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 265

    Email FW: 9/12/12 7:23am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 266-285

    Email 9/12/12 12:55am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 286-287

    Email INITIAL 5W-Benghazi Consulate Attacked

    9/11/12 10:43pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 288

    Email 9/12/12 6:44pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Gestational-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6)

    12 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 289-290

    Email Joint Staff Quad Chart Intel Bullets

    9/13/12 11:59am

    (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 291

    Email new loc us personnel

    9/12/12 12:14am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 292-293

    Email Notes from 12SEP 1800Z Libya DC

    9/13/12 2:15am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; intelligence activities, sources or methods; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 294

    Email POC Contact Information

    9/12/12 9:25am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    13 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 295-296

    Email Re:(S//) Jukebox Lotus Depord (U)

    9/12/12 9:04am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 297-302

    Email Re: 130700ZSEP12 JUKEBOX LOTUS Update

    9/13/12 12:26pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 303-306

    Email Re: SECRET// NOFORN

    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 307-311

    Email Re: 1600Z 12 Sep 2012 JUKEBOX LOTUS

    9/12/12 11:26pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans, or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    14 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 312-323

    Email Re: AC-130's to Sig

    9/13/12 11:22pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (b), (d), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; foreign government information; foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 324-326

    Email Re: AOR Arrivals for 13 Sep 2012

    9/13/12 6:31pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 327-329

    Email Re: 9/12/12 7:23am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 330-335

    Email 9/13/12 10:56pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    15 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 336-339

    Email Re: DJ3 RFIs from 12/1400 EDT DC SVTCs

    9/12/12 10:48pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 340-346

    Email 9/12/12 9:21am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 347-348

    Email Re: 9/12/12 6:59pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 349-352

    Email Re: Joint Staff Libya CMT Activation

    9/13/12 1:27am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 353-354


    9/12/12 11:52pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6)

    16 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 355-358


    9/13/12 1:30am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans, or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 359-363

    Email Re: 9/12/12 7:45am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans, or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 364-366

    Email Re: Notes from 12SEP 1800Z Libya DC

    9/13/12 3:29pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; intelligence activities, sources or methods; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans, or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    17 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 367-368

    Email Re: 9/12/12 9:02am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities or systems, installations, projects, plans, or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 369-373

    Email Re: [S//N] Libya Ops

    9/13/12 7:00am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities or systems, installations, projects, plans, or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 374-376

    Email Re: [S//N] 9/13/12 8:40am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (c), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; intelligence activities, sources or methods; and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, plans, or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    18 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 377-380

    Email Re: TF 76-2 SITREP-13 1600Z SEP 2012

    9/13/12 6:40pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities or systems, installations, projects, plans, or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 381-384

    Email Re: 9/12/12 8:36am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities or systems, installations, projects, plans, or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 385-387

    Email Re: [S//N] VTC info

    9/12/12 7:32am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 388-389

    Email Re: [SECRET,Record]

    9/12/12 10:14pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    19 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 390-393

    Email Re: S//RTUF]

    9/13/12 11:57pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (b), (d); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; foreign government information; and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 394

    Email Re: 0930 Stuttgart Time Brief

    9/12/12 8:38am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 395-399

    Email Re: 130700zSEP12_JUKEBOX_LOTUS_UPDATE(2).pptx

    9/13/12 1:17pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 400-402

    Email Re: AFRICOM Analyst discussions

    9/13/12 2:41am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    20 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 403-404

    Email Re: AMB Intel 9/12/12 5:18am


    (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, intelligence sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 405-408

    Email Re: 9/13/12 7:48am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 409-412

    Email Re: Cross Collaboration

    9/13/12 7:59pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 413-414

    Email Re: 9/13/12 12:15pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    21 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 415-416

    Email Re: 9/13/12 12:18pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 417-418

    Email Re: _______Telephone and Email Addresses

    9/12/12 3:56pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 419-424

    Email Re: HAM RFI 9/12/12 7:27am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 425-427

    Email Re: HAM RFI 9/12/12 2:48am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    22 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 428-429

    Email Re:_____Libya Crisis

    9/12/12 4:53am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 430-432

    Email Re: 9/12/12 11:39am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 433-434

    Email Re: Libya 9/13/12 7:23pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (d); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 435-436

    Email Re: Libya Crisis TAR distribution

    9/13/12 2:50pm

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    23 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 437-440

    Email Re: 9/12/12 8:14am


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 441-445

    Email Re: 9/12/12 8:09am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 446

    Email Re: pls call me on Tandberg when able

    9/12/12 12:23pm

    SECRET (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Additionally, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 447-449

    Email Re: 9/12/12 9:59am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    24 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 450

    Email Re: standing by in _______

    9/12/12 5:55am


    (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Additionally, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 451-452

    Email Re: Status of Ambassador

    9/12/12 6:32am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 453-454

    Email Re: Status of Ambassador

    9/12/12 6:35am


    (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 455-456

    Email Re:update 0525Z 9/12/12 8:28am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    25 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 457-458

    Email 9/12/12 11:17pm


    (b)(1)1.4(a), (g); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and vulnerabilities or capabilities or systems, installations, projects, plans, or protection services relating to national security. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6)

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 459-460

    Email RFIs 9/13/12 4:53am

    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 461-462



    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 463-465


    slides 9/13/12 10:18am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    26 of 28


    Bates Number

    Document Type

    Title Date Classification Exemptions Explanation of Exempt Material

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 466-474

    Email 9/12/12 7:59am

    SECRET (b)(1)1.4(a), (c); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b, 10 USC 424; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations; and intelligence activities, sources or methods. Additionally, exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, protects personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit; and 10 U.S.C. 424 further protects organizational and personnel information for members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below is protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 475

    Email standing in by____

    9/12/12 5:49am


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to protect information pertaining to military plans and operations. Additionally, this document contains personally identifiable information regarding personnel assigned to an overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable unit, information which is protected under exemption (b)(3), as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b. Lastly, personal privacy information of government and military officials in the rank of GS-15/0-6 or below, information protected under exemption (b)(6).

    2014-23/ AFRICOM/ 476-480


    9/13/12 04:57Z


    (b)(1)1.4(a); (b)(3): 10 USC 130b; (b)(6)

    Currently and properly classified information is denied under exemption (b)(1) to p