BEPAA-Integrated Health Sciences (IHS) Curriculum, Fundamentals of Mathematics | Student Version


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  • 7/21/2019 BEPAA-Integrated Health Sciences (IHS) Curriculum, Fundamentals of Mathematics | Student Version


    BEPAABoard for the Education of People of African Ancestry

    286 Convent Avenue New York, NY 10031Integrated Health Sciences ProgramFor H.S. students interested in pursuing careers in the health professions


    Fundamentals of MathematicsWith clinical medicine, nursing and pharmacy application

    Designed and Facilitated by

    Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.
  • 7/21/2019 BEPAA-Integrated Health Sciences (IHS) Curriculum, Fundamentals of Mathematics | Student Version



    There is an old adage that questions, Is it better to givea poor man a fish, or teach him how to fish?Of course, simply giving him the fish will satisfy his immediatehunger; but he will soon again be hungry. If you teach him how to

    fish, on the other hand, he will never be hungry again.

    Similarly, it is better to understand how to preform mathematicalfunctions in a general sense, and thereby feed yourself, than it is

    to be dependent on someone else should an unfamiliar problem/equation come along.If you learn the basics of solving math problems and

    equations, they will all become familiar.

  • 7/21/2019 BEPAA-Integrated Health Sciences (IHS) Curriculum, Fundamentals of Mathematics | Student Version


    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Fundamentals of Mathematics


    Math is used extensively to solve problems and equations in the varioushealth professions

    A thorough understanding of mathematics will be required as you pursueyour chosen health field

    This mathematics review will help prepare you for the upcoming ChemistryModule lessons where math will be applied to understand Chemistry

    concepts and principles and solving problems

    Finally, this mathematic review module will contribute to your success oncurrent and upcoming high stakes exams, such as ACT, SAT, AP and Statestandardized test



  • 7/21/2019 BEPAA-Integrated Health Sciences (IHS) Curriculum, Fundamentals of Mathematics | Student Version


    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Unit Approach and Content


    These Units/Lessons will review basic math concepts andapply math to the science concepts you have alreadylearned, including: learning dimensional analysis (conversion factor-method) drugs and dosage calculations and solving for physiologic variables like cardiac output,

    stroke volume, and mean arterial blood pressure etc.

    Companion Workbook/Clinical Calculations Ch. 1 and 2Source: Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using DimensionalAnalysis, Fifth Edition; LLW 2012- Pg. 2-46
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Mathematics Units/Lessons


    I. Basic Mathematical Definitions and FractionsII. Decimals, Percents, and Ratios

    III. Exponents, Scientific Notation, and the Metric SystemIV.An Introduction to AlgebraV. An Introduction to EquationsVI.More Equation Forms

    VII.Statistics and Graphs

    Special Reading (cloud folded):Mathematicians of the African Diaspora-49 Special Articles and Web Pages
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Unit I

    Basic Mathematical Definitions and Fractions



    Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to

    Relate mathematics to everyday activities in the healthsciences and state the importance of a thoroughunderstanding of mathematics to a successful career in thehealth professions

    Define basic numerical terms and types of numbersDefine and perform various operations with fractionalnumbers

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    Key Terms


    common denominator

    common fraction


    gram (g)improper fraction

    least, or lowest, common

    denominator (LCD)

    liter (L)

    meter (m)

    metric system

    mixed numbers


    ophthalmometer (off-thal-MOM-et-er)proper fractions


    respirometer (res-per-OM-et-er)


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    Mathematics in the health field


    The ability to correctly calculate the dosage of a

    drug for a patient may mean the difference betweenlife and death

    Relate to mathematics: The vital signs of blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and respirationAll relate in some way to mathematics

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    Mathematics in the health field (2)


    Many measurements taken in

    the health professions require

    mathematical calculations.For example, by measuring theamount of air a patient is breathingover a period of time, you candetermine whether the patient needsto be placed on a breathing machine

    (called a ventilator)

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Mathematics in the health field(3)


    Many medical instruments are used tomeasure patient parameters and, thus,require the user to understandmathematicsFor example,

    thermometer(thermos meaningtemperature, meter meaning to

    measure) is used to measure

    temperature; ophthalmometer(ophthalmus meaning

    eyes) is used to measure eyes; and

    spirometeris used to measure


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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 11

    The Nurse and MathematicsEvery nurse must know and practice the six rights ofmedication administration including the

    1. Right drug2. Right dose3. Right route4. Right time5. Right patient

    6. Right documentation

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 12

    The Nurse and Mathematics (2)

    Although the right drug, route, time, patient, and documentation maybe readily identified, the right dose requires arithmetic skills thatmay be difficult for you

    This lesson reviews the basic arithmetic skills (multiplication anddivision) necessary for calculating medication dosage problemsusing the problem-solving method of dimensional analysis

    Calculating the right dose of medication to be administered to apatient is one of the first steps toward preventing medication errors

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Basic ArithmeticReview


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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 14

    ObjectivesAfter completing this lesson, you will successfully be able to:

    1. Express Arabic numbers as Roman numerals.

    2. Express Roman numerals as Arabic numbers.3. Identify the numerator and denominator in a fraction.4. Multiply and divide fractions.5. Multiply and divide decimals.6.

    Convert fractions to decimals.

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 15

    Most medication dosages are ordered by the physician in metricand household systems for weights and measures usingtheArabic number system with symbols called digits (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4,5)

    Occasionally, orders are received in the apothecaries system ofweights and measures using the Roman numeral system withnumbers represented by symbols (i.e., I, V, X)

    The Roman numeral system uses seven basic symbols, andvarious combinations of these symbols represent all numbers in theArabic number system

    Arabic Numbers and Roman Numerals

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 16

    Arabic Numbers and Roman Numerals (2)

    Correctly identifying Roman numerals will assist in preventingmedication errors

    Some medication orders may include a Roman numeral.Example: Administer X gr of aspirin, which is correctly

    interpreted as administer 10 gr of aspirin

    However, according to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices(ISMP), abbreviations increase the risk of medication errors

    While some health care providers may still use roman numerals andthe apothecaries system, the ISMP recommends using the metricsystem
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 17

    Arabic Numbers and Roman Numerals (3)Table includes the seven basic Roman

    numerals and the corresponding

    Arabic numbers

    The combination of Roman numeralsymbols is based on three specific

    principles:1. Symbols are used to construct a

    number, but no symbol may be usedmore than three times

    2. The exceptionis the symbol for five(V),which is used only once becausethere is a symbol for 10 (X) and acombination of symbols for 15 (XV)

    Also see Cloud Folder Notes:More RN Rules The Romannumerals controversy
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Roman Numerals Subtractive Principle


    Any numeral is counted positively unless there's a larger numeralanywhere to its right, in which case it is counted negatively

    However, proper Roman numbers are subject to the followingrestrictions about the applicability of the subtractive principle

    The use of the subtractive principle has always been optional. Its

    systematic use is fairly modern

    For example, it's acceptable to use IIII instead of IV, as is usuallydone on clockfaces (to "balance" their left and right halves, so

    we're told).Source: Final Answers 2000-2014, Grard P. Michon, Ph.D.
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Roman Numerals Subtractive Principle


    The subtractive principle (asubtrahend preceding a minuend) may apply:

    Only to a numeral (the subtrahend) that is a power of ten (I, X or C).For example, "VL" is not a valid representation of 45 (XLV is correct)

    Only when the subtrahend precedes a minuend no more than ten times larger

    For example, "IL" is not a valid representation of 49 (XLIX is correct)

    Only if any numeral preceding the subtrahend is at least ten times largerFor example, "VIX" is not a valid representation of 14 (XIV is correct), and

    "IIX" is not correct for 8 (VIII is correct).

    Only if any numeral following the minuend is smaller than the subtrahendFor example, "XCL" is not a valid representation of 140 (CXL is correct)

    Modified from Final Answers 2000-2014, Grard P. Michon, Ph.D.
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 20

    Arabic Numbers and Roman Numerals (4)

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 21

    PracticeExercise 1.1 ArabicNumbers and Roman


    Companion Workbook/Clinical Calculations Ch. 1 and 2Source: Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems UsingDimensional Analysis, Fifth Edition; LLW 2012- Pg. 2-46
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 22


    A common fraction is a comparison of two numbers.Fractionsusually are written , where ais called thenumeratorand bthe denominator.The denominator, or bottom number, tells how many total

    partsit takes to make the wholeThe numerator, or top number, is the actual numberofparts of a whole being considered

    QUOTES & NOTESFractionshave been used for more than 3,600 years.

    They appear in an Egyptian handbook of mathematics

    called the Rhind papyrus, written around the year 1650 B.C.
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program



    A fraction is a comparison of parts

    (numerator) to a whole (denominator)

    Source: Delmar/Cengage Learning

    S f F i i H l h

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 24

    Summary of Fractions in HealthcareMedication dosages with fractions are occasionally ordered by the physician or used

    by the pharmaceutical manufacturer on the drug label.

    A fraction is a number that represents part of a whole number andcontains three parts:

    1. Numeratorthe number on the top portion of the fractionthat represents the number of parts of the whole fraction

    2. Dividing linethe line separating the top portion of thefraction from the bottom portion of the fraction

    3. Denominatorthe number on the bottom portion of thefraction that represents the number of parts into which thewhole is divided

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 25

    Multiplying Fractions

    The three steps for multiplying fractions are:1. Multiply the numerators2. Multiply the denominators

    3. Reduce the product to the lowest possible fraction

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 26

    Multiplying Fractions(2) Examples

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 27

    PracticeExercise 1.2 Multiplying Fractions

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 28

    Dividing Fractions

    The four steps for dividing fractions are:1. Invert (turn upside down) the divisor portion of theproblem (the second fraction in the problem)2. Multiply the two numerators.

    3. Multiply the two denominators4. Reduce answer to lowest term (fraction or whole number)

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 29

    DividingFractions (2)

    P ti

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 30

    PracticeExercise 1.3Dividing Fractions

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 31

    Simplifying Fractions to Lowest Terms Being able to simplify a fraction to the lowest equivalent fraction

    (i.e., to the lowest terms) is extremely important

    A most fundamental rule of fractions states that the numerator(the top number) and the denominator (the bottom number) canbe divided or multiplied by the same nonzero number without

    changing the value of the fraction

    Source: Modified from An Integrated Approach to Health Sciences 2e, Delmar Cengage Learning 2012: pg. 198

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 32

    Stop and Review

    a. If 13 pills remain in a bottle originally containing 40 pills, what

    fraction would apply?

    b. If you gave a patient 20 mL of a 100-ml bolus (a concentratedamount of a drug) of Lidocaine, what fraction of the drug have yougiven to the patient?What fraction of the drug is left?

    c. A bottle contains 300 mL of liquid. If 200 mL were given to apatient, what fraction does this represent? What fraction remains?

    d. A bottle contains 800 tablets. The pharmacist asks that 350 tabletsbe sent to the nurses station. What fraction of the bottle was sent?

    R l Lif

    I d A li ti

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 33

    Source: Modified from An Integrated Approach to Health Sciences 2e, Delmar Cengage Learning 2012: pg. 207

    Real Life Issues and ApplicationsHard Decisions with Fractions

    Suppose for the sake of argument that you were chosen from the total population of theUnited States to dole out $100 billion for health care. This $100 billion would be the totalhealth care budget for our nation for 1 year. What fraction of this amount would you spend on new equipment for research or on new

    equipment for diagnostics and treatment of disease? What fraction would you spend to find a cure for AIDS or a cure for cancer? What about prenatal care or the care of premature infants? How would you justify giving to one group and not to another? Would giving an equal amount to each group be a good idea, or would the resulting

    lower amount of money given to each group prevent any one group from accomplishinganything?

    Using what you have learned about fractions, devise a simple budget showing the actual amountof money to be given to each area of health care that you think is important. Then, explain thereasons for your decisions. If you have difficulty deciding to whom to give the money or even

    how to divide up the money, you are not alone. State and federal governmental agencies have to

    make these tough decisions on a regular basis.

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 34

    DecimalsMedication orders are often written using decimals, and

    pharmaceutical manufacturers may use decimals when

    labeling medications.

    Therefore, you must understand the learning principles involving

    decimals and be able to multiply and divide decimals.

    N.B. A decimal point is preceded by a zero if notpreceded by a number to decrease the chance of an error

    if the decimal point is missed

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 35


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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 36

    Rounding Decimals

    Decimals may be rounded off If the number to the right of the decimal is greater than or

    equal to 5, round up to the next number

    If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, deletethe remaining numbers

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 37


    Understanding the importance of a decimal point will assist in preventingmedication errors.

    An improper placement of a decimal point can result in a serious

    medication error

    According to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP):

    Trailing zeros should not be used with whole numbersExample: Administer 1 mg of Xanax

    WHY? If a decimal point and a zero are placed after the number (1.0 mg),the order could be misread as Administer 10 mg of Xanax

    Leading zeros shouldalways

    precede a decimal point when thedosage is not a whole numberExample: Administer 0.125 mg of Lanoxin

    WHY? If a zero is not placed in front of the decimal point the order couldbe misread as Administer 125 mg of Lanoxin

    Reference: Companion Workbook/Clinical Calculations Ch. 1 and 2
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 38

    PracticeExercise 1.4 Rounding Decimals

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 39

    Multiplying Decimals When multiplying with decimals, the principles of

    multiplication still apply

    The numbers are multiplied in columns, but the numberof decimal points are counted and placed in the

    answer, counting places from right to left

    The answer to the problem before adding decimalpoints is 345 but when decimal points are correctlyadded (two decimal points are added to theanswer, counting two places from the right to theleft) then 3.45 becomes the correct answer


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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 40

    PracticeExercise 1.5 Multiplying Decimals

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 41

    Dividing Decimals

    When dividing with decimals, the principles of division still apply,

    except that the dividing number is changed to a whole numberby moving the decimal point to the right

    The number being divided also changes by accepting the samenumber of decimal point moves

    N.B. Division problems can be written as

    "Dividend Divisor = Quotient" or

    "Dividend / Divisor = Quotient." Because multiplication is the inverse of

    division, you can turn the equationaround to read

    "Quotient * Divisor = Dividend."

    F f ll t lk th h
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 42

    For full steps walk throughsee or your cloud

    Basic Math & Pre-Algebra for Dummies.pdf
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 43

    Source: Basic Math & Pre-Algebra for Dummies.pdf
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 44

    Source: Basic Math & Pre-Algebra for Dummies.pdf

    P i
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 45

    PracticeExercise 1.6 Dividing Decimals

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 46

    Converting Fractions to Decimals

    When problem solving with dimensional analysis, medicationdosage calculation problems may frequently contain both fractionsand decimals Some of you may have fraction phobia and prefer to convert

    fractions to decimals when solving problems


    To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator portionof the fraction by the denominator portion of the fraction

    When dividing fractions, remember to add a decimal point and azero if the numerator cannot be divided by the denominator

    Converting Fractions to Decimals (2)

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 47

    Converting Fractions to Decimals (2)Example

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 48

    Understanding the importance of converting fractions to decimals

    will assist in preventing medication errors

    Many medication errors occur because of a simple arithmetic errorwith dividing

    Every nurse should have a calculator to recheck answers foraccuracy. N.B. If a recheck results in a different answer, the next recheck

    should include consulting with another nurse or pharmacist

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 49

    PracticeExercise 1.7 Converting Fractions to Decimals

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 50

    Basic Units ofMeasurement

    Exponents, Scientific Notation, and the Metric System

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 51

    Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to

    Evaluate numbers having positive and negative exponentsRepresent numbers in scientific notation

    Change units within the metric systemConvert units between systems of measurement


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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Key Terms



    deca (da)

    deci (d)

    English system ofmeasurement


    factor-label method

    giga (G)

    gram (g)

    hecto (h)

    kilo (k)

    liter (L)

    mega (M)

    meter (m)

    metric system of measurement

    micro (mc)milli (m)

    nano (n)

    pico (p)

    scientific notationunits

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program



    In health care we deal with very large numbers, such as thenumber of cells in your body, or very small numbers, such as themicroscopic size of the cell

    Also, health care professionals regularly use the metric system ofmeasurement in their clinical practice

    Therefore, this unit focuses on scientific notation and the metric

    system of measurement,both of which are based on the powerof 10, and therefore can be related to the decimal system,discussed earlier and to follow

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program



    Working with scientific notation and the metric system

    requires a basic understanding of the powers of 10 and of

    where to move the decimal point

    This is especially true for conversions within the metric system

    Also discussed in this unit are conversions between the Englishsystem of measurement, which is used predominately in UnitedStates, and the metric system of measurement, which is used

    worldwide and in the health professions

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Exponents and Base


    The health professions often require use of both extremely largenumbers and extremely small numbers

    For example, there are about 25,000,000,000 blood cells

    circulating in an average adults body, and many organismsfound in the body are microscopic in size

    Thus, it convenient to write these numbers in an abbreviated

    form known asscientific notation

    Doing this requires an understanding of certain terminology

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Scientific notation terminology

    Exponents and Base


    Consider the expression bn, where bis called the baseand nthe exponent The nrepresents the number of times that bis

    multiplied by itself: bn is read the nth power of b. Exponents of 2 and 3 are read squared and cubed

    That is,32

    is read 3 squared

    , while43

    is read 4 cubed


    34= 3 3 3 3 = 81



    = 5 5 5 = 125

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Stop and Review


    Evaluate each of the following

    a. 32b. 43

    c. 25d. 103e. 105

    Note: When the exponent is positive, the resultingnumber is relatively large

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    SN for small numbers less than 1


    Small numbers less than 1 canalso be represented in scientificnotation In these cases, negative

    exponents are used A negative exponent

    can be thought of as afraction

    To do this, you simply put binthe denominator and thepositive version of nin thenumerator

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Stop and Review


    Write each of the following using a positive

    exponent, and then change each to a fractional form

    a. 4 3

    b. 3 4c. 10 1d. 10 2

    e. 104

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    The Power of 10Base 10


    Of special interest are the powers of 10, or base 10

    When b is 10, the number of zeros in the answer

    equals the exponent

    Example:102= 10 10 = 100103= 10 10 10 = 1,000104= 10 10 10 10 = 10,000105= 10 10 10 10 10 = 100,000

    Evaluate each of the followinga. 106b. 107

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Scientific Notation(SN)


    To write a number in scientific notation, write it as a product of anumber greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10, with acorresponding power of 10 In other words, only one number should be to the left of the

    decimal point

    As an example, consider those 25,000,000,000 blood cellsin your body We can shorten this number to 2.5 1010

    The exponent is 10 because in order to ensure that only one

    number is to the left of the decimal point, we need to movethe decimal point 10 placesfrom the end of the number tobetween the 2 and 5

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    The process of scientific notation illustrated


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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Scientific Notation Summary


    So, in scientific notation, the decimal point is moved so that onlyone nonzero digit is to the left of the decimal; the number ofplaces that the decimal is moved is the exponent

    Further, as is illustrated in the preceding example and slide , if the decimal point is moved to the left, the exponent is

    positive; if the decimal point is moved to the right, the exponent

    is negative Notice also that

    the exponent is positive if the number is large and negative if the number is small (less than 1)

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Systems of Measurement:Basic Definitions


    Several systems are used for measuring.

    The one we commonly use in the United States is theEnglish system

    In the English system, distanceis measured in inches, feet, yards, and miles; weightis measured in ounces, pounds, and tons; and volumeis measured in pints, quarts, and gallons

    English system is not the system of choice usedthroughout the world and within the health professions

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    International System of Units


    Most scientific and medical measurements utilize what is commonlyreferred to as the metric systemThe system accepted as the metric system is the InternationalSystem of Units

    The metric system uses only three basic units of measure:1. the meter(m) for length,2. the liter(L) for volume, and3. the gram(g) for weight

    The metric system has only one basic unit of measure for each typeof measurement.Compare this to the English system, which has many units of measurefor distance, volume, and weight

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 66

    Source: Modified from An Integrated Approach to Health Sciences 2e , Delmar

    Cengage Learning 2012: FIGURE 1-14, pg. 197

    In the metric system, the prefixes are used to indicate the differentlengths, volumes, and weights The conversion is the same for each type of measurement.

    1. 1,000 meters in a kilometer,2. 1,000 grams in a kilogram, and

    3. 1,000 liters in a kiloliter.For now, just be aware that a milliliter (mL) is a unit of volume, acentimeter (cm) a unit of length, and a kilogram (kg) a unit ofweight

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    Systems of Measurement (3 systems)Metric System, Apothecaries System and Household System


    1. The Metric System The metric system is a decimal

    system of weights and measures

    based on units of ten in whichgram,meter, and liter are the basic unitsof measurement

    However, gram and liter are

    the only measurements from themetric system that are used inmedication administration

    The most frequently usedmetric units of weight and theirequivalents are summarized:

    1 kilogram (kg)1 gram (g)1 milligram (mg)---------------------

    1 microgram (mcg)1 kg= 1000 g1 g= 1000 mg1 mg= 1000 mcg

    M t i t it f i ht d

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    Metric system units of weight andequivalents

    Source: Clinical Calculations Made Easy: SolvingProblems Using Dimensional Analysis, Fifth Ed:32

    Metric System Units of Volume &

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 69

    Metric System Units of Volume &equivalents

    1 liter (L)1 milliliter (mL)

    1 L 1000 mLSource: Clinical Calculations MadeEasy: Solving Problems UsingDimensional Analysis, Fifth Ed:32

    2 Th A th i S t

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 70

    2. The Apothecaries System

    The apothecariessystem is a system ofmeasuring and

    weighing drugs andsolutions in whichfractions are used to

    identify parts of the

    unit of measure

    The basic units ofmeasurement in theapothecaries system

    include weights andliquid volume

    The Apothecaries System (2)

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 71

    e po eca es Sys e ( )

    Apothecaries System Units of

    Volume and Equivalents1 gallon (gal)1 quart (qt)1 pint (pt)1 fluid ounce (fl oz)

    1 fluid dram (fl dr)1 minim (M)1 gal= 4 qt

    1 qt =2 pt

    1 pt =16 fl oz1 fl oz = 8 fl dr

    1 fl dr = 60 M

    1 fl oz =1 oz

    1 fl dr = 1 dr

    Apothecaries System Units of

    Weight and Equivalents

    1 pound (lb)1 ounce (oz)1 dram (dr)1 grain (gr)

    1 lb =16 oz1 oz =8 dr

    1 dr =60 gr

    Apothecaries system of equivalents for weight and

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    Apothecaries system of equivalents for weight andvolume Illustrated

    Source: Clinical Calculations Made Easy: SolvingProblems Using Dimensional Analysis, Fifth Ed:35

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 73

    3. The Household System

    The use of household measurements is consideredinaccurate because of the varying sizes of cups, glasses,and eating utensils, and this system generally has beenreplaced with the metric system.

    However, as patient care moves away from hospitals,which use the metric system, and into the community, it isonce again necessary for the nurseto have an

    understanding of the household measurement system tobe able to use and teach it to clients and families.

    H h ld t t d

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 74

    Household measurement system andequivalents for volume Illustrated

    Source: Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving ProblemsUsing Dimensional Analysis, Fifth Ed:32

    Drugs and Dosage

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 75

    Drugs and DosageFormulas and Conversions

    Volume60 minims = 1 dram = 5cc = 1tsp4 drams = 0.5 ounces = 1tbsp8 drams = 1 ounce16 ounces = 1pt.32 ounces = 1qt.

    Drugs and Dosage

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    Weight60 grains = 1dram1/60 grain=1mg8 drams = 1 ounce15 grains=1g12 ounces = 1 lb. (Troy weight/ Apothecaries )

    2.2 lbs.=1kg

    Drugs and DosageFormulas and Conversions (2)

    NIST General Tables of Units of Measurement

    Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metalsand gemstones. There are 12 troy ounces per troy pound rather than the 16ounces per pound found in the more common avoirdupois system.

    D d D

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    Household pothecary1tsp = 1 dram1tsp = 60 gtts (drops)

    3tsp = 0.5 ounce1tbsp = 0.5 ounce

    Drugs and DosageFormulas and Conversions (3)

    D d D

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    Household Apothecary Metric

    1 tsp=5cc 1fl.dram=4cc 5cc=1tsp

    3 tsp=1tbsp 4 drams=0.5oz 15cc=1tbsp1tbsp=0.5oz or15cc 8 drams=2tbsp (1oz) 30cc=2tbsp(1oz)2tbsp=1oz or 30cc 16 minims=1cc 1cc=16 minims

    1pt.=16oz or 480cc 500cc=0.5L or 1pt.1qt=32oz or 960cc 1000cc=1L or 1qt.

    Drugs and DosageFormulas and Conversions (4)

    T C i M h d
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    Temperature Conversion Method

    To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius:

    C (F 32) 1.8To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit:

    F C 1.8 + 32

    C temperature in degrees CelsiusF temperature in degrees Fahrenheit


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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 80

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    Factor-Label Method of Units Conversion


    The factor-label method works for all conversions of units, even

    outside of the metric system

    To use this method, simply write the original quantity as a fraction,and then treat the units as is done in the multiplication of fractions In other words, cancel the units

    ---------------------In Nursing Clinical Calculations this is called:Dimensional Analysis or the Conversion Factor Method

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    Factor-Label Method of Units Conversion (2)


    For example, to change from hours to seconds, first write hours as afraction over 1You may not know how many seconds are in one hour, but you do knowhow many minutes are in one hour

    so you first convert to minutes by making a fraction that

    represents this Since we are solving for seconds, we need to determinehow many

    seconds are in a minute by making a representative fraction The next step is to cancel the like units that divide out

    The final conversion should look like this:

    Factor-Label Method

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 83

    Factor Label Methodof Units ConversionExamples

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    Dimensional Analysis Terms and Steps


    TERMS USED IN DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS Given quantitythe beginning point of the problem Wanted quantitythe answer to the problem Unit paththe series of conversions necessary to achieve the answer to the problem. Conversion factorsequivalents necessary to convert between systems of measurement andallow unwanted units to be canceled from the problem


    1. Identify the given quantity in the problem2. Identify the wanted quantity in the problem3. Establish the unit path from the given quantity to the wanted quantity using equivalents asconversion factors

    4. Set up the conversion factors to allow for cancellation of unwanted units5. Multiply the numerators, multiply the denominators, and divide the product of the numeratorsby the product of the denominators to provide the numerical value of the wanted quantity

    Source: Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analysis,

    Fifth Edition; LLW 2012- Pg. 48-59


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    Source: Clinical Calculations Made

    Easy: Solving Problems Using

    Dimensional Analysis, Fifth Edition;

    LLW 2012- Pg. 48-59


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    Source: Clinical Calculations Made Easy:

    Solving Problems Using DimensionalAnalysis, Fifth Edition; LLW 2012- Pg.48-59

    Practice Dimensional Analysis

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Practice Dimensional AnalysisSource: Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analysis,

    Fifth Edition; LLW 2012- Pg. 48-59

    Learn and Practice moreSolving Problems Using DimensionalAnalysis-Ch. 3-Clinical Calculations.pdf

    E l
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    Decimals, Percents,and Ratios


    Decimals, Percents, and Ratios

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    Decimals, Percents, and Ratios


    Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able toWrite decimals in word formEstimate values for operations involving decimals and use acalculator to find the results

    Write equivalent numbers as percents, fractions, and decimalsRepresent fractions as ratios in simplest formDifferentiate the terms solute, solvent, and solutionDifferentiate between W/V solutions and V/V solutions andexpress each as percent solutions and ratio solutionsCalculate unit price and rate of flow


    Colbert BJ et. Al. Chapter 15 DECIMALS, PERCENTS, AND RATIOS , An Integrated

    Approach to Health Sciences 2e, Delmar Cengage Learning 2012: 209-19

    Key Terms
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 91

    Key Terms


    intake and output (I&O)percents

    percent solution





    unit priceV/V solution

    W/V solution

    Decimals Ratios and Percents

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    Decimals, Ratios, and Percents In the previous lesson, we learned about fractions

    There are, however, other ways to represent parts of awhole These include decimals, ratios, and percents.

    In the health field, these representations tendto be used more often than fractions are used.

    Blood Tests and Decimals

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 93

    Blood Tests and Decimals For example, blood tests reveal information about a patients

    health Tests are performed in laboratories by medical laboratory technicians and

    results are analyzed by clinicians

    Many of the levels are reported in decimal form. The presence of abnormal values can often be of diagnostic significance

    for specific disease states An analysis of red blood cells, (carry oxygen to the tissues),

    would shows a value within the range of 4.5 to 6.3 million cellsper milliliter If the number of red blood cells is too low, the patient may have a

    condition called anemiawhere the bodys tissues may not get enoughoxygen.

    This can be the result of a deficiency in iron or certain vitamins

    Blood Tests and Decimals(2)
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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 94

    Blood Tests and Decimals(2)Another type of cell found in the blood is the white blood cell

    This type of cell is important for the body to fight infections. A normalwhite blood cell (WBC) count is between 4.5 and 11.0

    thousand cells per milliliter (thou/mL) A level that is too high might indicate diseases such as a

    bacterial infection or leukemia a level that is too low might indicate bone marrow disease.

    So you can see why a thorough understanding of decimals is important

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    Writing Decimals in Word Form

    Given the widespread use of calculators, a complete understandingof decimals has never been more important. Using a calculator, itcan easily be seen that , which equals 3 4, can be written as0.75The decimal 0.75 is read seventy-five hundredths, which can bewritten as the fraction This, of course, simplifies to

    W i i D i l i W d F (2)

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    Writing Decimals in Word Form (2)

    In math, the symbol {} means and so forth.Any fraction having a denominator of {10, 100,1,000, 10,000 } can easily be written as a decimal

    The decimal system (showingdi l l )

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 97

    corresponding place values) In each of the preceding examples, notice that the

    number of zeros in the denominator of the fraction isthe same as the number of places to the right of thedecimal point, which, in turn, corresponds to the way

    the fraction is read

    Decimal point read as the word and

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    Another important use of the decimal point is to separatethe whole number from the portion that is less than 1 The decimal point is read as the word and

    For example, 10.23 is read ten andtwenty-threehundredths

    Another Example:

    0.104 is read one hundred four thousandths100.004 is read one hundred andfour thousandths

    Stop and Review

    Write each of the following decimalsin words.a. 0.23b. 1.003c. 104.2

    Decimal Operations and Estimation

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    Because you will likely use a

    calculator to perform problemsinvolving decimals, no need to spendmuch time discussing mathematicaloperations involving decimals

    You should learn enough, however, todetermine whether answers obtainedvia use of a calculator arereasonable Will help you catch errors that

    result from hitting wrong calculator


    For example, if you use acalculator to add 2.1 + 5.06and the result is 52.7, you shouldbe able to draw the conclusionthat an error has occurred You do this through


    Given that 2.1 is approximately2 and 5.06 is approximately5,the sum of these two numbersshould be approximately 7 Estimation, thus, gives you

    an idea of reasonableness

    of an answer


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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 100

    examples(rounding off)

    Stop and Review

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    Stop and Reviewa. Estimate the value of each of the following, and then use a

    calculator to determine the exact value.

    2.01 + 3.66 + 15.1

    4.02 16.03

    b. Over an 8-hour period, a pediatric patients fluid intakeand urinary output (intake and output, or I&O) weremeasured. The child ingested 200.2 mL, 150.0 mL, and 25.1

    mL of fluid; the childs urine output was 130.5 mLand 170.5 mLWhat was the childs fluid balance (the difference between

    the I&O) for that 8-hour period?


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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 102

    Percents are used frequently in the health fieldFor instance, drug concentrations often are represented as

    percents (e.g., 2% [two percent] solutions), and percentages areoften used with burn patientsto describe how much of thepatients body has been burned (e.g., 5% of body surface)

    nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent

    Changing Percents to Fractions

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 103

    In physiology we learned the importance of oxygen; if there were no

    oxygen, we would not exist

    But do you know how much of our atmosphere is composed of oxygen? The answer is approximately 21%, or 21 parts out of 100 parts

    Carbon dioxide makes up 0.03% of our atmosphere, or 0.03 partsout of 100 parts

    The most abundant gas is nitrogen, which composes approximately79% of our atmosphere, or 79 parts out of 100 parts

    the symbol % represents the word percent, which means out of 100


    A percent is a simple means of writing any

    fraction having a denominator of 100

    Changing Percents to Fractions (2)

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    For example, 50% means or

    50 (parts) out of 100 (parts)

    To change a percent to afraction, simply write the percentas a fraction having a

    denominator of 100; rememberto simplify the fraction

    Stop and ReviewWrite each of the following percents

    as fractions in the simplest forma. 40%b. 200%c. 75%

    Changing Percents to Decimals

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    C g g e ce o ec

    To change a percent to a decimal, move the

    decimal point two places to the left Remember, a whole number is considered to

    have a decimal point to the right of it

    Example:25% = 0.25 Stop and Review

    Change each of the following

    percents to decimals

    a. 15%b. 300%c. 37.5%

    Changing Decimals to Percents

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    To change a decimal to a percent, move the

    decimal point two places to the right, for example, 0.35= 35%

    Note that it may be necessary to add zeros

    for example, 0.6 = 60%

    Change each of the following decimals to a percent

    a. 0.15b. 0.2c. 1.25

    Changing Fractions to Percents

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    To change a fraction to a percent, first

    change the fraction to a decimal, and thenchange the decimal to a percent Use a calculator when appropriate


    Practical Application Did you ever

    wonder if there is an easy way to

    figure out a 15% tip at a restaurant?Just move the decimal point on the bill

    one place to the left to find 10%

    Then take half of that 10% to arriveat the remaining 5%

    Add those two numbers, and youve

    got 15%!

    Changing Mixed-Number

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    Percents to Simple Fractions

    Sometimes percents are written using mixed numbers(i.e., whole numbers along with fractions), such as

    To change a mixed-number percent to a simple fraction, firstchange the mixed number to an improper fraction

    Next, divide by 100 and simplify. (Remember, percentmeans out of 100)

    Thus, is the same as the fraction

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    One of the most common therapies is oxygen therapy

    As you breathe, you are breathing room air which contains 21%oxygen

    Certain disease states and environmental conditions maynecessitate increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to your

    body tissues For example, at sea level the atmospheric pressure (PB ) is 760 mm Hg(millimeters of mercury)

    We can find the available oxygen by multiplying the atmospheric pressureby the oxygen percent

    To perform the calculation, you must convert the percentage into the decimal

    formTherefore, the answer becomes:

    760 mm Hg .21 (decimal form of 21% oxygen) =159.6 mm Hg of oxygen

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    If we want to increase the amount of available oxygen, we can

    place the patient on a higher-percentage device such as anoxygen mask set at 50%

    This patient would now have more oxygen available as follows:760 mm Hg .50 = 380 mm Hg of oxygen

    An environmental example is mountain climbing

    As you climb above sea level, the atmospheric pressure becomesless

    Lets assume you have reached a height where it has dropped to

    600 mm Hg The oxygen now available is: 600 mm Hg .21 = 126 mm Hg

    of oxygen


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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program

    Ratios Another way to show the relationship between numbers is to

    use ratios A ratio is simply a comparison between two numbers

    For example, the fraction can be written as the ratio 1:2

    Thus, the fraction is the same as the ratio 1:2, the decimal 0.50,and the percent 50% All of these are different ways of expressing the same value

    As is the case with fractions, ratios can be simplified As with fractions, simply divide both numbers in the ratio by

    the largest number that divides evenly into both

    Equivalent expressions for fractions,

    ratios, decimals, and percentages

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    Ratios (2)

    Example:For the ratio of 50:2, the largest number that will divideevenly into both 2 and 50 is 2Dividing both numbers in the original ratio by 2 yields a

    simplified ratio of 25:1------------------Simplify each of the following ratios

    a. 50:5b. 30:15c. 100:1

    Ratios (3)

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    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 113

    Another use of ratios is to find the individual cost or unit price of anitem-that is, the price of one item

    To find the unit price, set up a fraction,


    A bottle of 100 aspirins sells for$7.50, while a bottle of 150aspirins of the same brand sells for$12.00. Which is the better buy?

    Since each aspirin in the 100-tabletbottle costs less, it is the better buy

    Stop and Review

    a. An IV dispenses fluid at a rateof 750 mL in 5 hours. How much

    liquid is dispensed in 1 hour?How much in 3 hours?

    b. Which can of coffee is the

    better buy, a 42-ounce can for$13.00 or a 12-ounce can for$4.00?

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    Ratios in Medicine


    Real Life Issues and Applications With normal breathing, it takes twice as long to exhale as it does

    to inhale This can be expressed by the ratio 1:2

    Certain disease states of the lungs can alter this ratio. Patient A has a 2-second inspiratory (I) time and a 4-second

    expiratory (E) time

    Patient B has a 2-second I time and a 1-second E time

    What are their respective I:E ratios?

    Which patient has a normal ratio?


    Mathematics and Dosage Calculations

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    When a physician orders a medication and the dosageordered is not the same as what is available, you mayuse two additional methods to determine the correct

    dosage. First is the proportional method, which may be used to

    solve almost any type of dosage problem, and second isthe formula method.

    Both of these methods are described in the following slides

    CALCULATING ADULT DOSAGE(Alternatives to dimensional analysis)

    Reference: Rice J. Unit 5 Calculating Adult Dosages: Oral and Parenteral Forms.

    In Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting; Cengage Learning; 5 ed. 2010:51-8

    Calculating Adult Dosages Using theMathematics and Dosage Calculations
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    Proportional Method

    The physician orders 0.2 g of meprobamate tabs. The dose onhand is 400 mg tabs

    Step 1. Determine whether the medication ordered and themedication on hand are available in the same unit of measure

    Step 2. If the medication ordered and the medication on hand arenot in the same unit of measure, convert so that both measures areexpressed using the same unit of measure

    Conversion: To change 0.2 g to mg

    1000 mg : 1 g =x mg : 0.2 gX=200 mg

    ormultiply 0.2 x1000 =200

    Proportional Method cont

    Mathematics and Dosage Calculations

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    Step 3. Now use the following proportion to calculate the dosage.

    Remember, you converted 0.2 g to 200 mg

    Proportional Method cont.

    Step 4. Prove your answer. Remember to place your answer in theoriginal formula in thex position

    Calculating Adult Dosages Using the

    Mathematics and Dosage Calculations

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    g g gFormula Method

    The physician orders 0.2 g of meprobamate tabs. The dose onhand is 400 mg tabs

    Step 1. Determine whether the medication ordered and themedication on hand are available in the same unit of measure

    Step 2. If the medication ordered and the medication on hand arenot in the same unit of measure, convert so that both measures areexpressed using the same unit of measure

    Conversion: To change 0.2 g to mg1000 mg : 1 g =x mg : 0.2 g

    X=200 mgor

    multiply 0.2 x1000 =200

    Formula Method cont

    Mathematics and Dosage Calculations

  • 7/21/2019 BEPAA-Integrated Health Sciences (IHS) Curriculum, Fundamentals of Mathematics | Student Version


    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 119

    Formula Method cont.

    Step 3. Now use the following formula to calculate the dosage

    The physician ordered 0.2 g of meprobamate tabs (0.2 gconverts to 200 mg). The dose on hand is 400 mg tabs.


    Mathematics and Dosage Calculations

  • 7/21/2019 BEPAA-Integrated Health Sciences (IHS) Curriculum, Fundamentals of Mathematics | Student Version


    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 120


    Medications such as insulin, heparin, some antibiotics,hormones, vitamins, and vaccines are measured in units

    These medications are standardized in units based on

    their strengths

    The strength varies from one medicine to another,

    depending upon their sources, their conditions, and themethods by which they are obtained

    When calculating medications that are ordered in units you may useHOW TO CALCULATE UNIT DOSAGES

    Mathematics and Dosage Calculations

  • 7/21/2019 BEPAA-Integrated Health Sciences (IHS) Curriculum, Fundamentals of Mathematics | Student Version


    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 121

    When calculating medications that are ordered in units, you may useeither the proportional or the formula method

    The Proportional MethodThe physician ordered 4000 United States Pharmacopria (USP) unitsof heparin to be administered deep subcutaneously. On hand isheparin, 5000 USP units per milliliterStep 1. Use the following proportion to calculate the dosage

    You may use a tuberculin syringe to draw up 0.8 mL


    Mathematics and Dosage Calculations
  • 7/21/2019 BEPAA-Integrated Health Sciences (IHS) Curriculum, Fundamentals of Mathematics | Student Version


    BEPAA Integrated Health Sciences Program 122

    The Formula Method

    The physician ordered 450,000 units of Bicillin for deep IMinjection. Available is Bicillin, 600,000 units per milliliter

    Step 1. Use the following formula to calculate the dosage

    Mathematics and Dosage Calculations Group Oral Exam 04-2014

  • 7/21/2019 BEPAA-Integrated Health Sciences (IHS) Curriculum, Fundamentals of Mathematics | Student Version


    THE END BEPAA IHS AbridgedMath Review Guide

    Thank You for your attention and participation ,

    Dr. Cray
