Beresford Memorial CE (VA) First School has now achieved...


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Beresford Memorial CE (VA) First School has now achieved Full Dyslexia Friendly Status. The following slides give a flavour of what our dyslexia friendly classrooms look like.

We have lots of word walls to help us.

We have lots of word walls to help us.

Phonics Bug helps us to learn our letters and sounds..

All of the cupboards are labelled to make things easy to find.

Visual timetables tell us what is happening and when..

Another word bank to help us.

How many sounds do you know?

We have word mats on our tables to help us write independently.

Press the sound tin if you are unsure of the words.

What time is it? Does the Numicon help?.

Labelled cupboards with a picture clue as well.

We love practising our letter formation on the I Pad.
