Beri O'Dell



Beri O'Dell

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Dweller on the Threshold (Beri O'Dell #1)by Rinda Elliott (Goodreads Author) Beri ODell is investigating paranormal creatures because she wants to now what she is!"aller and stronger than most men# she astral pro$ects and can peel through dimensional layers to see the creatures and spirits beyond!%he once helped her &oster sister# Detective Elsa Remington# trac down illers in 'acsonville# (lorida# but stopped when a nasty &ire elemental turned her strength against her! )ow# she &inds hersel& pulled bac when something steals Elsas soul and puts her into a coma!*ith little time to spare# Beri searches &or the reason behind her sisters coma! %he has help in her spirit guides (red and +hro# but others come along &or the ride# including a pyro,nervous witch# and an androgynous necromancer!"he last thing Beri needs is to &all in love with a mysterious stranger! But the handsome -inoan warrior )iolos nows what creature shes a&ter because hes battled it be&ore!.ts bad!Really# really bad!/e calls it the Dweller on the "hreshold!*arning01ontains a worried heroine with no time# a witch with &ire problems# a pissed,o&& necromancer# a trapped goddess# and a damned se2y# but scary# warrior! "hrow in bloody battles# mass,murderer history lessons and a bit o& se2y time and you get the start o& Beris new li&e!Blood of an Ancient (Beri O'Dell #2) by Rinda Elliott (Goodreads Author) 3!45 o& 6 stars 3!457rating details758 ratings 79reviews Saving the love of her life could mean letting her inner darness out to !la"#Beri ODell is on a mission! %he has to rip bac into a hell dimension &ast# but needs two things &irst:the blood o& an ancient and a &i2 &or her &riend Blythes magic# which careened out o& control a&ter the battle with the Dweller! (inding ancient blood isnt easy when the old ones are rare and unwilling to donate! %he needs to &ind Blythes &ormer mentor;e2cept the woman has lost her mind and $oined a traveling band o& singing witches! "hats not the only magical money on her bac! )iolos is imprisoned# and a&ter a screwed,up spell lets her witness the horror that has become his li&e# her &ear &or him grows by the day! )ow theres another problem:a power&ul being unleashed during the battle with the Dweller lies her gluttonous new e2istence# and will ill anyone who threatens it! But Beri has a &ew trics up her costumed sleeve# even i& it means mining the darness o&her soul to set everything right;and get )iolos bac in her arms! Warning: Sleazy ancients. Random fires. Nosy teenage hackers. Hints of off-screen torture. Battles with...Beri doesn't know what. nd one scary !oyfriend who kee"s inching toward insanity.
