BhagavadGita Seminar


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  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    The Bhagavad-GitaThe Bhagavad-Gita


  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    The search forThe search forhappinesshappiness

    All activities are performed inAll activities are performed inhope of happinesshope of happiness

    Many anxieties:Many anxieties: College educationCollege education JobJob FamilyFamily

    RetirementRetirement DEATH (the biggest anxiety)!DEATH (the biggest anxiety)!

    Always looking for reliefAlways looking for relief Vacation --- a break!Vacation --- a break!

    As humans, we can question theAs humans, we can question thecause of our unhappiness iscause of our unhappiness is

    there permanent happiness?there permanent happiness?

  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Humans vs. AnimalsHumans vs. Animals

    Four (4) things in common:Four (4) things in common:1.1. EatingEating2.2. SleepingSleeping

    3.3. MatingMating

    4.4. DefendingDefending

    Humans do these activities in moreHumans do these activities in moresophisticated manner but activity is samesophisticated manner but activity is same

    Finer/more refined intelligence allows usFiner/more refined intelligence allows us

    to question & search for true happinessto question & search for true happiness

    Use human intelligence to solve theUse human intelligence to solve the realrealproblems of life, otherwise how are weproblems of life, otherwise how are wedifferent from animals?different from animals?

  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Real Problems of LifeReal Problems of Life

    Birth Disease Birth Disease Old age Death!Old age Death! For example, childFor example, child

    born cryingborn crying

    Other reasons which prevent happiness

    Their nature (not relative applicable toALL): Common to all

    No one wants it

    No one can avoid it

  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Threefold miseriesThreefold miseries

    AdhydaivikaAdhydaivika (material nature)(material nature)

    AdhybhautikaAdhybhautika (other living entities)(other living entities)AdhyatmikaAdhyatmika (body & mind)(body & mind)

    We look towards science for solutions

  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Scientific SolutionsScientific Solutions

    Most scientific solutions are notMost scientific solutions are notpermanent solutions:permanent solutions: Cosmetic industry (old age)Cosmetic industry (old age) Cryogenics (death looking forCryogenics (death looking for

    eternal life)eternal life) Prozac (mind/ depression) evenProzac (mind/ depression) even

    teenagers are using itteenagers are using it

    While generally helpful,some scientific solutions

    are worse than theactual problem: Cars pollution Industries oceans

    flooded with wastes Cell phones make

    lives busier / can cause


  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Happiness from the Senses (eyes,Happiness from the Senses (eyes,

    ears, nose, tongue, skin)ears, nose, tongue, skin)

    Temporary andTemporary and DisappointingDisappointing ((i. e., piece ofi. e., piece of


  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Spiritual books of India tell us thatwe cannot achieve real

    happiness from the senses or

    from scientific advancement --

    real happiness comes from

    within -- and these spiritual texts

    implore us to seek out that

    source of inner happiness

  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Two basic divisions of spiritualTwo basic divisions of spiritual

    knowledge of Indiaknowledge of IndiaSRUTI (heard)SRUTI (heard) 4 Vedas:4 Vedas:

    RgRg SamaSama

    YajurYajur AtharvaAtharva

    BrahmanasBrahmanas AranyakasAranyakas

    Upanisads (108)Upanisads (108)

    SMRTI (remembered)SMRTI (remembered) PuranasPuranas ItihasasItihasas

    Ramayana & MahabharataRamayana & Mahabharata

    (includes the Bhagavad-(includes the Bhagavad-Gita)Gita)

    We want to focus on the Bhagavad-Gita, the essence of all

    spiritual literature

  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Bhagavad-Gita Indias timelessBhagavad-Gita Indias timeless

    classic on all facets of spiritualclassic on all facets of spiritual

    knowledgeknowledge Song of GodSong of God Put into written form 5,000 years ago Put into written form 5,000 years ago

    previously rememberedpreviously remembered

  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Topics of the Bhagavad-GitaTopics of the Bhagavad-Gita

    Describes:Describes:atmaatma (the Soul)(the Soul)yogasyogas and their purposesand their purposeskarmakarma (duty or action)(duty or action)reincarnationreincarnation (life after death)(life after death)sanatana dharmasanatana dharma (eternal duty(eternal duty

    of the living entity)of the living entity)

    prakrtiprakrti(material nature)(material nature) isvaraisvara (the Supreme Lord)(the Supreme Lord)

    Universal teachings not only for Indians/Hindus

  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Extraordinary personalitiesExtraordinary personalities

    reflect on the Gitareflect on the GitaMahatma GandhiMahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)(1869-1948)

    The Bhagavad-Gita calls on humanityThe Bhagavad-Gita calls on humanity

    to dedicate body, mind and soul toto dedicate body, mind and soul to

    pure duty and not to become mentalpure duty and not to become mental

    voluptuaries at the mercy of randomvoluptuaries at the mercy of random

    desires and undisciplined impulses.desires and undisciplined impulses.

    Albert Einstein

    (1879 1955)

    When I read the Bhagavad-

    Gita and reflect about how

    God created this universe,

    everything else seems so


  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Extraordinary PersonalitiesExtraordinary Personalities

    reflect on the Gita (cont.)reflect on the Gita (cont.)Ralph Waldo EmersonRalph Waldo Emerson (1803 (1803


    The Bhagavad Gita is an empire ofThe Bhagavad Gita is an empire ofthought and in its philosophicalthought and in its philosophicalteachings Krishna has all the attributesteachings Krishna has all the attributes

    of the full-fledged monotheistic deityof the full-fledged monotheistic deityand at the same time the attributes ofand at the same time the attributes ofthe Upanisadic absolutethe Upanisadic absolute

    Dr. Albert Schweitzer

    (1875 1965)

    The Bhagavad-Gita has a

    profound influence on the

    spirit of mankind by its

    devotion to God which is

    manifested by actions

  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    Setting the scene / Why theSetting the scene / Why the

    Gita was spoken?Gita was spoken? Mahabharata leading up to the GitaMahabharata leading up to the Gita Pandus death Dhrtarastra in chargePandus death Dhrtarastra in charge

    of Pandavas, but favored own childrenof Pandavas, but favored own children Pandavas poisoned/house burned/Pandavas poisoned/house burned/

    wife insulted/cheated/exiled for 13wife insulted/cheated/exiled for 13yearsyears

    Kingdom refused/attempted peaceKingdom refused/attempted peacefailedfailed

    Battlefield of KuruksetraBattlefield of Kuruksetra Arjuna refuses to fight and turns toArjuna refuses to fight and turns to

    Krishna for instructions.Krishna for instructions. Thus a conversation ensues betweenThus a conversation ensues between

    Krishna & ArjunaKrishna & Arjuna

  • 8/14/2019 BhagavadGita Seminar


    En d Of Pa rt On end Of Pa rt On e
