Bharti Gahlot -2


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  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2



    Project Study Report

    OnTraining Undertaken at



    Evaluation of Huan Re!ource "liate

    Submitted in partial fulfillment for the

    Award of degree of

    Ma!ter of #u!ine!! Adini!tration

    Su$itted $y %

    Bharti Gahlot

    M.B.A. Part-II

    Su$itted to %

    M. !andana "handna



  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2



    The #air$ Indutr$ i aptl$ %alled one of the foundation tone of e%onomi% growth

    ha&ing a &at potential %ompared to the e%tor.

    Though the Indian dair$ indutr$ emerged among the lat $et it oon %aptured the

    momentou and preentl$ it i pro&ing it worth in term of re&enue and emplo$ment


    The Uttari 'a(athan Utpadak Sangh )td. Popularl$ known a U'MU) i one of the

    pioneer milk %ooperati&e union in India with a wide dair$ network of *+, milk o%ietie.

    The pro(e%t taken up b$ the reear%her in&ol&ed %olle%tion of primar$ data and

    anal$i of data the pro(e%t dealt with e&aluation of human reour%e %limate at the headoffi%e of U'MA) )td.

    The reear%h aimed at tud$ing the atifa%tion le&el of emplo$ee regarding &ariou

    human reour%e poli%ie and identif$ing the area needing impro&ement. Thi report I the

    %ompilation of introdu%tion to the organiation and indutr$ pro(e%t o&er&iew fa%t and

    finding anal$i and interpretation and %on%luion made b$ the reear%her.

    The reear%her hope that the organiation i benefited from the uggetion made

    on the bai of the finding of the tud$.

    B/A'TI GA/)OT

  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2



    I e0pre m$ in%ere thank to m$ pro(e%t guide.M. &andana %handna for guiding

    me right from the in%eption till the u%%eful %ompletion of the pro(e%t. I in%erel$

    a%knowledge her for e0tending their &aluable guidan%e upport for literature %riti%al re&iew

    of pro(e%t and the report and abo&e all the moral upport he had pro&ided to me with all

    tage of thi pro(e%t.

    I would alo like to thank #r. ).1.2hatridire%tor for hi help upport and %ooperation

    throughout the pro(e%t.


  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2



    The reear%her undertake her pro(e%t in a unit of milk pro%urement indutr$ in India &i. -

    U'MU) Bikaner. The pro(e%t title i /UMA1 '3SOU'"3 ")IMT3.

    The main tak aigned to the reear%her i to find and e&aluate the repone of

    emplo$ee regarding the /UMA1 '3SOU'"3 ")IMAT3 on the bai of the pro(e%t tak

    the reear%her %he%k the atifa%tion of emplo$ee regarding the human reour%e

    Program that wa preentl$ run in the organiation.

    The ummar$ of the pro(e%t work i a follow in %hronologi%al e4uen%e- The report i

    %on%erned with the introdu%tion to indutr$ and alo %on%erned introdu%tion to %ompan$.

    The pro(e%t profile %omprie of pro(e%t title ignifi%an%e methodolog$ %ope and limitation

    of the tud$.

    In fa%t and finding where reear%her ha preented all the %olle%ted information.

    The reear%h in%lude the anal$i and interpretation of the %olle%ted data and the S5OT


  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2


    TAB)3 O6 "O1T31TS

    "HAPTER)*%Introduction to t4e Indu!try.

    "HAPTER)&%Introduction to t4e or5ani6ation

    "HAPTER)7% Re!earc4 Met4odolo5y

    +.7 Title of the tud$

    +.8 #uration of the pro(e%t

    +.+ Ob(e%ti&e of the tud$

    +., T$pe of reear%h

    +.* Sample ie and method of ele%ting ample

    +.9 S%ope of the tud$

    +.: )imitation of tud$

    "HAPTER)8% fact! and findin5!

    "HAPTER)9% analy!i! and interpretation!


    *.7 Strength

    *.8 5eakne

    *.+ Opportunit$

    *., threat

    "HAPTER):% conclu!ion

    :.7 "on%luion

    :.8 Suggetion



  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2



    Introduction to t4e indu!try


  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2


    *+* Introduction to t4e Indu!try

    Dairy Scenario%

    The #air$ Indutr$ in India ha made ignifi%ant progre during the lat two

    de%ade whi%h ha put India on top of the dair$ map of the world. #uring7;; *: million %ow ad +; million buffaloe.

    !alue of the annual output of the Indian #air$ Indutr$ i '. 7=*= billion. The

    indutr$ i growing annuall$ at the rate of *.9?. The in%reaing large middle %la with

    di%retionar$ in%ome i puhing up the demand for milk and milk produ%t.

    The OP3'ATIO1 6)OO# in India ha hown remarkable a%hie&ement in planned

    milk produ%tion pro%eing and marketing of milk produ%t through %o-operati&e e%tor.

    India %an offer larget te%hnolog$ and know-how in thi e%tor to the other %ountrie. The

    white re&olution i till to tou%h the peak in India and hen%e India %an aborb man$

    te%hnologie in the dair$ e%tor.

    The Indian a%hie&ement in the area of %attle and buffalo breeding ue of agri%ulture

    @ Indutrial b$-produ%t i %oniderable. India ha alo regitered ubtantial progre in

    the field of %attle feed produ%tion of medi%ine and &a%%ine li&eto%k health et%. All thi

    and de&elopment of %o-operati&e e%tor milk produ%tion i indeed mot imprei&e. Up

    gradation of the te%hnologie will lend a boot to the Indian #air$ Indutr$.

    NDD#% Prootin5 Rural In!titution%)

    O&er the lat 8*-$ear or o the Indian dair$ indutr$ ha progreed from a ituation

    of %ar%it$ to that of plent$. #air$ farmer toda$ are better informed about te%hnologie of

    made effi%ient milk produ%tion and their e%onomie. 3&en the landle and marginal

    farmer now own highl$ produ%ti&e %ow and buffaloe in man$ area. Along with high

    in%reae in the produ%tion of both %ereal and %ah %rop dair$ing ha e0panded rapidl$

    with a %ompound growth rate of o&er * per%ent per annum o&er the lat two de%ade.

    Appli%ation of modern te%hnolog$ and ad&an%e management $tem in milk pro%eing

    and marketing ha&e brought about a marked %hange in the market pla%e. "onumer now

    ha&e a wide range of %hoi%e of produ%t and pa%kage. The a&ailabilit$ of dair$ produ%t

    ha be%ome regular. The %ountr$ ha a%hie&ed a greater degree of elf relian%e in the

    dair$ e%tor and thi ha happened eentiall$ be%aue of the ound bae that ha been

  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2


    %reated b$ the dair$ %o-operati&e. Man$ fa%tor %ontributed but the ke$ role in bringing

    about thi tranformation ha been pla$ed b$ 1##B.

    1##B wa %reated in 7;9* in repone to the then Prime Miniter )al Bhadur

    Shatri %all to tranplant the pirit of Anand in man$ other pla%e. /e wanted the AnandModel of dair$ de&elopment with intitution owned b$ rural produ%er. 5hi%h are eniti&e

    to their need and reponi&e to their demand-repli%ated in other part of the %ountr$. /e

    aid in a letter addreed to the tate "hief MiniterC 5e en&iage a large programme of

    %o-operati&e dairie during the 6ourth Plan and thi will no doubt be baed on the Anand

    model. If we %an tranplant the pirit of Anand in man$ other pla%e it will alo reult in

    rapidl$ tranforming the o%io-e%onomi% %ondition of the rural area.C /e de%ided that the

    go&t of India would %reate a bod$ whoe (ob would be to repli%ate Anand. It would beheaded $ #r. !erghee 2urien the General Manager of the 2heda #itri%t "o-operation

    Milk Produ%er Union )imited DAMU)E. In the late i0tie the Board drew up a pro(e%t

    %alled Operation 6lood DO6E- meant to %reate a flood of milk in India &illage- with fund

    mobilied from foreign food donation. Produ%er %o-operati&e were the %entral plank of

    the pro(e%t whi%h ought to link dair$ de&elopment with milk marketing.

    1##B underwent a tru%tural %hange in 7;

  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2


    an in&etment in building India dair$ indutr$. 5ith the aitan%e of the world food

    programme and in the form of milk powder and butter oil wa obtained from the 33"

    %ountrie to finan%e the programme. It wa for the firt time in the hitor$ of e%onomi%

    de&elopment that food aid wa een a an important in&etment reour%e. Ue of food aid

    in thi wa$ i anti-inflationar$ it pro&ided a buffer to%k to tabilie market and it %an be

    ued to prime the pump of market that will later be upplied b$ dometi% produ%tion.

    T4e "o)/perative Moveent%)

    The network of %o-operati&e intitution %reated now en%ompae :==== dair$ %o-

    operati&e o%ietie in 7:= milk hed %o&ering ; million produ%er familie. The a&erage milk

    pro%urement b$ thee %o-operati&e ha now rea%hed ome 7=.8 million liter per da$ of

    whi%h ;., million liter i marketed a li4uid milk while the remainder i %on&erted into

    produ%t like milk powder butter %heee ghee and a wide range of traditional milk

    produ%t milk pro%eing %apa%it$ of around 7:.8 million liter per da$ %hilling %apa%it$ of

    9.; million litre per da$ and milk powder produ%tion %apa%it$ of

  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2


    in the India %onte0t i primaril$ a tool to %reate a nu%lear germ plama pool to uppl$ future

    bull to artifi%ial inemination %enter for produ%tion impro&ement in %attle and buffaloe.

    The te%hni4ue ha&e enabled India to rapidl$ multipl$ the elite donor among the %ro-

    breed and buffaloe and to produ%e uperior bull from then in ade4uate number.

    Produ%tion of buffalo %al&e uing non-urgi%al tranfer wa a%hie&ed u%%efull$ in India

    for the firt time in the whole of Aia. Through the wide network of reear%h laboratorie the

    tranfer of embr$o ha alread$ mo&ed from the laboratorie to the &illage where embr$o

    ha&e been tranplanted into %ow b$ pe%iall$ trained taff belonging to the %o-operati&e.

    The u%%e of %o-operati&e mo&ement under the aegi of 1##B ha $ielded

    une0pe%ted reult. The go&ernment ha brought other primar$ %ommoditie like edible oil

    fruit and &egetable under the ambit of 1##B. The "o-operati&e umbrella ha beene0tended to tree plantation and e&en to alt farming.

    Operation 6lood-7 wa laun%hed in 7;:= with the aitan%e from world food

    programme in the from of the aid of 789=== met of butter oil. 6und generated through ale

    of thee %ommoditie were ued in the de&elopment of 8: rural milk hed in 7= tate and

    for etting up dairie in the rural hinterland and in four metropolitan %itie of the %ountr$.

    Three wa a i0t$ per%ent in%reae in milk produ%tion whi%h roe from an etimated 8=

    million metri% tone in7;:= to +8 million tone in 7;:

  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2


    milk produ%t. Thi in turn ha pro&ided the in%enti&e on whi%h the growth of our dair$

    indutr$ ha been baed.


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    Introduction to t4e or5ani6ation

    &+* Introduction to URMUL Ltd+

  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2


    #rief Hi!tory%)

    The UTTA'I 'AAST/A1 SA/A2A'I #UG#/ UTPA#A2 SA1G/ )T#. famou a

    U'MU) )td. wa etablihed at Bikaner on augut 8

  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2


    of milk and alo maintain health of animal. In the $ear 7;;< U'MU) pro&ided ;*== metri%

    ton of %attle feed to the milk produ%er for their %attle.

    URMUL Tru!t%)

    In order to impro&e the o&erall lot of &illage population effe%ti&el$ the U'MU) in


  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2


    The produ%tion of %hha%h lai dahi and hrikhandh a %ommen%ed re%entl$ and ha

    gained a &er$ poiti&e repone from the lo%al market.

    The produ%t manufa%tured are marketed with the help of '"#6 aipur under a

    %ommon brand name CSA'ASC.

    'e%entl$ U'MU) ha a%%epted a %ommon pa%k deign DM1AMO1I" SHMBO)E for

    different t$pe of milk old in the market. An agreement to hi effe%t ha been igned

    between 1##B and '"#6.


    To further impro&e the effi%ien%$ and effe%ti&ene of the plant performan%e and to

    pro&ide afe milk produ%t to %onumer U'MU) ha obtained the ISO ;==8 along with IS

    7*=== D/A""PE %ertifi%ation on +7tO%tober 8===. The effort to adopt the new &erion ISO

    are going on. The 4ualit$ poli%$ of U'MU) i e0e%uted b$F

    3du%ating Milk produ%er for %lean milk produ%tion.

    Manufa%turing and uppl$ing milk milk produ%t and er&i%e of %onitent 4ualit$ at

    %ompetiti&e pri%e.

    Adopting inno&ation and modern te%hnologie and $tem.

    Adoption of high afet$ and en&ironment friendl$ tandard with the help of

    appli%ation of /A""P prin%iple.

    .uture Plan!%

    7. )ooking to the growth and in%reaing trend of milk pro%urement it i e0pe%ted that b$ the

    $ear8==, U'MU) hall on an a&erage pro%ure 8.7= la% litre of milk per da$ with peak

    handling of 8.*= la% litre.

    8. 3nhan%ing market for %heee a pe%ialt$ and premium produ%t.

    A a long-term meaure for enhan%ement of milk produ%tion a pro(e%t %oting '.

    *.=="rore for geneti% impro&ement of C'AT/IC %ow ha been taken up.

  • 8/10/2019 Bharti Gahlot -2


    &+& Introduction to t4e 4uan re!ource of t4e urul

    The trength of human reour%e in U'MU) i appro0 +7= alar$ paid emplo$ee.

    The plant> /' i hired on the %ontra%t bai for 7 or 8 $ear and the top management paid

    them wage dail$. So we %an bifur%ate the whole /' O6 I'MU) in + %ategorie i.e. F-

    7. Skilled alar$ paid emplo$ee.

    8. Semi killed both owner.

    +. Unkilled plant labour.

    U'MU) ha no eparate /' department for the hiring @ maintenan%e of /' but the

    peronnel aitan%e i e0it under the offi%e manager.

    The human reour%e of the U'MU) #AI'H i a follow F-

    7. Adminitrati&e department
