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I. The Chapter Describing Names 1-17

2. The Kno" ledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother 18-27

3. The Knowledge of Marks on the Native's Body 28-31

4. Aristha or Evils to the Native 32-42

5. Antidotes to E' ils 43-48

6. Considerations with Regard to Getting Progeny 49-60

7. Raj yo gas 61-94

8. The Marks of the Body 95-97

9. The Women Natives 98-128

10. The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 129-156

II. The Shayanadi Twelve Avasthas 157-165

12. The Effects of the A vasthas of the Planets 166-191

13. The Effects of the Planets' A vasthas Like Balavastha etc. 192-196

14. The Killers 197-220

15. The Twelve Houses 221-244

16. The Dashas of the Planets 245-268

17. The Planets in the Houses in Their A vasthas lil-.e the Garvitavastha etc. 269-273

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I offer my obeisance on the lotus feet of Vighneshwara (the god who removes all obstacles). He is elephant-mouthed, served by Bhuta-ganas etc., the cater of the cs~--nce of Kapiththa and Jamboo fruits, the son of Uma or Parawall and the destroyer of all sadness

. II ~~: I 19 I I



lfl;: ~lt "Slt '8 <6 cl G1 41 d I Jf ~~ cg«fm "flGT w~~1:f<f11<1?11 o 1 G1 '1 q; '{

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I (the ,.,.ntcr JEEV A NATH) again and again offer my obct­sance to those clean feet of Lord Shiva which possess more beauty than the beaut) of lotus . Bcmg the germ (the first seed or the 11rst

2 Bhav Kutuhalam

cause) of the whole universe he (Lord Shiva) becomes the bridge in freeing Brahma from the Shaclcles of the world; he has in him im­mense light; he is ever cheerful and he delights the hearts of both the gods and the demons.

Notes : It has been the tradition among the Indian thinkers that when they begin to write a book, they first of all offer obeisance to their Ishta Devata (the god they worship most). Here the writer of Bhava-Kutuhalam first of all offers his obeisance again and again on the beautiful feet of his Ishta Devata, Lord Shiva. Another learned man interprets this worship in a different way from the above inter­pretation. "This universe is born of the sacred water of Lord Shiva although it is created by Brahma. That Lord Shiva protects man from the fear of birth and death, he causes bliss in the hearts of gods and demons; and gods demons and parbrahmaswaroop concentrate their mind on him; he is bliss incarnate; he is the emancipator (bridge) of all the worlds and he is the cause of the creation of the universe. I (the writer) bow on the lotus feet of Lord Shiva which have blissful and unique delicacy in them.

The Indian thinkers regard Lord Shiva as the prime source of all Knowledge and learning.

~ :q I'< -t1 ~ I'< :q '1 fCP d ~ ~yft';ri 'qfcn:;fl Cf~ -til '< '{ I

JJfl\lftq'11tRftcri ~ SICbl:t~tl 'Jilqifiq6<"i 'ffil II ~ II The Source of the Sutras (Shlokas) of the Book : I, the writer

Jeeva Nath, publish this book 'Bhava Kutuhalam' for the benefit of learned Astrologers. Due to the prevalence in Astrology of the vari­ous miraculous ideas propounded by many thinkers, I have observed well only the substance of the available statements

Notes : It is quite clear from this statement of Jeeva Nath that the ideas, that is, the principles of Predictive Astrology which were left by the thinkers on Astrology before the writer were quite capa­ble of making true predictions. Therefore Jeeva Nath calls their pre­dictive Sutras miraculous. The writer of the present book studied deeply those very miraculous predictive Sutras, and having studied them, he, the writer Jeeva Nath, compiled in this book 'Bhava Kutuhalam' in his own words, those miraculous predictive Sutras which were found to be perfectly correct by him according to his

The Chapter Describing Names 3

own views Obviously such a confession is found only in persons of very high character.

t~1=XIRd fctGft;rcj

II~ II 3. May the knowledge of the supreme fruit-giving predictive

Astrology given by Lord Brahma which is oppressed with trouble be­cause of being mixed with the irrational Sutras of the Predictive As­trology of the Yawanas, bathe itself for the benefit of the world in the flowing current of my delicate and clear words which are like a pool of nectar.

Notes: Many mysterious branches of knowledge like that of predictive Astrology got favourable circumstances to prosper in An­cient India. Indeed India has remained prosperous with the treasure of both knowledge and wealth. In the ancient times other countries of the world were obsessed with the wicked desire of making con­tact with India, attacking her, looting her wealth and treasure and rul­ing over her. Many foreign nations came into India and Settled here. These people left the impression of their nature, character, conduct and Culture on India. Some of the invading nations were cruel and Savage. They left no stone unturned in looting the wealth of this country and also in destroying her culture. But besides such foreign­ers some of them made cultural exchanges also.

Among the various invaders the Yawans, that is, the inhabit­ants of Greece also came here as invaders. These invaders also brought with them the learned persons well versed in various branches of knowledge philosophers and intellectuals and lovers ' of cultures. In about 326 B.C. Alexander came into India and he established his rule over Gandhar, Sindha, Punjab, Taxila, Visa etc. His rule contin­ued to exist immovably even after Alexander's death. These people had got success in establishing their contact and rule in India over a wide area. The Yawans reached down to Patliputra (modem Patna) during the times of Demetrius, Ukretides and Minander. The emper­or Chandra Gupta Maurya had even merital relations with the daugh­ter of the Yawan King named Sclukas. The contact of the Yawanas

4 Bhav Kutuhalarn

contmued to increase in later times The first exchange was in the field of trade. The Indian people began to keep the yawan girls as their wtvcs or stepwives. This is written in a famous book entitled ' Peri plus '. The yaw an breed thus got mixed in the Indian society. This mtxing did not fail to be there in the field of Knowledge, Sci­ence, Arts and literature. In the field of Astrology some of the yawans got their place among such great astrologers as Parashara, Narada, Garga, V ashishtha and Bhrigu Y awanacharya is one of such famous Astrologers Such Y awan astrologers were specially honoured during the times of Varahamihira. Varahamihira himself has written so in his famous book 'Brihat-Sarnhita' .

" ... ~ ~ qq~~ ~ ~nefilc: ~~ ?li~<ffisfil ~ ~ !J~~~Ci ~ II "

that is, the Yawanas among the Mlechchas are well versed in this branch of knowledge (Astrology) They are worshipped like the rishis or the sages. It may then be imagined as to how the Brahmins, Well versed in Astrology should be adored.

Indeed some of the Yawan learned persons got themselves mixed with the Indian soil in the real sense and glorified not only Astrology but also the various branches of knowledge. But some proud, power hungry yawanas had their treatment with Indian As­trology which was like that of rape It is because of this that the learned person who knows the essence of predictive Astrology is so full of sadness. But this is highly ironical that those things which were added separately to the Indian Astrology by the yawanas and those hmbs of Indian Astrology which were destroyed by them can be hardly identified. The writer Jeeva Nath himself has been the vic­tim of tlus irony of fate because even he has not been able to iden­tifY correctly the passages which were quoted from the yawanas.

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ft«pi m'f 311~1'<41~ {I) Sf>lRI: ~ ~ft'<M!Jd: II\( II

4. Names of the Twelve Houses I . Tanu, 2. Kosha, 3. Sahodara, Sandhu, 5. Suta, 6 Ripu, 7. Kama, 8. Vinaasha, 9 Shubha, 10 Pitra, II . Aapt1 and 12 Apaaya, these are respectively the names of the twelve houses as spoken of by famous Astrologers like Mihtracharya.

The Chapter Describing Names 5

Notes : Tanu is the name of the First House. ln Northern In­dia the picture of the horoscope (or the birth chart) is drawn in this way.

The place where there is the sign 0 is called the First House. It is this which is named as Tanu. On the left hand side the second place which bears the sign X is called the Second House. It is named as Kosha. In the same way the various Houses are counted anti clock­wise and the place which bears the sign Z is referred to as the Twelfth House.

Tanu means lean and thin, emaciated delicate. Tanu refers to the body. It is the outward form of the person concerned.. It may be called presentation:-

Prakriti, the word 'Tanu' it­self gives the meaning of the out­ward form and character of an object or a living being. The word 'Ghaal ' has also been used in literature at many places with reference to T anu.

The synonyms of the Bhavas ' Tanu' etc. have occurred in the following manner.

I . Tanu- Kalpa, Udaija, ....__----~~----~ Aadya, Janarna, Vilagana, Hora, Moorti, Sir (Head), Deha, Roop, Shirsha, Vartmaana, Janama, Aatma, Anga, Vapu, Kendra, Kantaka, Chatushtaya, Prathama etc.

2. Kosba- Vaak, Vitta, Kutumba, Netra, Vidya, Swa, Annamaana, Dakshakshi, Aasya Patrika, Artha, Kosha, Swadhana, Dravaya, Swayam, Panphar Dwitiya, Mukti etc.

3. Sahodara- Dushchikya, Veerya, Dhairya, Kama, Sahotha, Gala, Urasa, Sena, Bhratri, Prakrama, Apoklima, Bahu, Tritiya etc.

4. Bandbu- Paatala, Hibuka, Kshiti, Matravidya, Yaana, Geha, Suba, Chatushtaya, Ambu, Rasahala , Kshetra, Matula, Bhagineya, Mitra, Gau, Mahtsha, Sugandha, Vastra, Bhooshana, Setu, Nadi,

6 Bhav Kutuhalam

Kendra, Kantaka, Chatushtaya. Chaturtha etc

5. Suta- Dhee, Deva, Raaj, Pitra. Panchaka, Buddhi, Prabhava, Aatmaja, Mantra, Viveka, Shakti, Udara, Rajanka, Sachiva, Kara, Aatmana, Asu, Jathhar, Shruti, Smriti, Pravesha, Putra, Pratibha, Vidya, Tanaya, Paaksthan, Tanuja, Pratishtha, Trikona, Panphara,


6. Ripu - Roga, Anga, Shastra. Bhaya, Shashtha. Ripu, Kshata, Ari, Vyasana. Chorsthala, Vighna, Rina, Ashtra Shatru, Gyati, Aaji, Dushkalpa, Agha. Bhiti, Avagya, Dwesha, Vairi, Apoklima, upachaya, Trika, Shashtha etc.

7. Kama - Jamitra, Kaama, Gamana, Kalatra, Sampata, Dyoona, Asta, Chittotha, Madan a, Dadhi, Soop, Y amisha, Mada. Adhawana, Loka, Marga, Bharya, Pati, Smara, Bharta, Stri, Patni, Kendra, Kantaka, Chatushtya, Saptama etc.

8. Vinaasha - Randhra, Aayu, Ashta, Rana. Mrityu, Ksheer, Guna, Mutra-Krichcha, Guhya, Mangalaya Malina, Adhi, Prabhava, Aayushya, Klesha, Apvaada, Marana, Ashuchi, Vighana, Dasa, Antaka, Aayu, Chhidra, Yamya, Nidhana, Layasthana, Panaphara,

Trika. Ashtarna.

9. Shubha- Dharama, Guru, Tapa, Nava, Bhagya, Daya, Aacharya, Daivata, Pitri, Purnabhagya, Paitrika, Navama, Trikona. etc.

10. Pitra- Vayapaar, Meshurana, Gyana, Rajya, A asp ada, Karma, Aagya, Maana, Kha (Aakash), Jaya, Sata, Kirti, Kratu, Jeevana, Vyoma, Aachar, Guna, Pravarti, Gamana, Karmya, Taata, Rajapada, Maana, Karma, Ambar, Madhya, Pooja, Chatushtaya,

Upachaya, Dasharna, etc.

11. Aapti - Upantaya, Bhava, Aaya, Laabha, Aagamana, Siddhi, Vibhava, Praapti, Shlaghyata, Jyeshtha Bhrata, or Babin, Varna Kama, Saras, Santoshma-Karnama, Aagama, sarvatobhadra, Panphara, Upachaya, Labdhi and Ekadasha etc.

12. Apaaya- Rishpha, Vayaya, Antaya, vinaasha, Lagnanta, Khanda, Dukha, Anghri, V amanetra, Kshya, Suchaka, Daridraya, Paap, Shayana, Ripha, Bandha, Prantya, Antima, Trika. Apoklima, and Dwadasha etc.

The Chapter Describing Names 7

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5. The Lords of the Signs: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter, these are spoken of by the ancient Astrologers, respectively as the Lords of the 12 signs Mesha etc.

Notes : The signs are twelve in number. The planets are sev­en. The planets who have the nature and disposition in accordance with the sign or signs were declared to be the Lords of those sign or signs. The Lords of the various signs are as follows:

Names of the signs Lords of the signs

Aries Mars

Taurus Venus

Gemini Mercury

Cancer Moon

Leo Sun

Virgo Mercury

Libra Venus

Scorpio Mars

Sagittarious Jupiter

Capricorn Saturn

Aquarius Saturn

Pisces Jupiter

Rahu and Ketu have also been regarded in Predictive Astrolo­gy as planets. In this way the number of planets becomes nine. Some Astrologers give the Lordship of the signs to these planets (Rahu and Ketu), but some others do not give them such Lordship. The matter of greatest sadness is that those learned Astrologers who provide these planets the lordship of signs are not of one view. Aacharya Jeeva Nath has spoken of the Lordship of these planets in this very chap­ter in Shloka 9.

8 Bhav Kutuhalam

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~11Fl I


~'1<t>xl~~' ~'qcd!J4l~s6~un ~:yq~ life II

6. Determining the Friendship of the Planets: Mars, Jupit~r and the Moon are mends of the Sun. The SW1, the moon and Jupt­ter are fnends of Mars. Venus and the Sun are friends of Mercury. Mars the Sun and the Moon are fnends of Jupiter. Mercury and Sat­urn ~ fnends of Venus. Venus and Mercury are mends of Saturn.

The Table showing the friendship of the Planets

Planets The The !Mars Sun Moon

Friendly Mars The 1The

Sun Sun

Plm•~ ("pi"' Mercury The The Moon Moon Jupiter

Mercury 1 Jupiter Venus


The Sun

Mars Mercury

I The Sun Saturn The Moon

fttM Sq flt tiG 1-

11\9 II





7. Neutrality and Enmity Relationship of the Planets: The sun with Mercury, the Moon with Mars, Jup_iter, ~enus and Saturn, Mercury with Saturn, Jupiter and Ma:s, Juptter W1th Saturn, Venus with Mars and Jupiter and Saturn wtth Jup1ter-th~s~ are the neu­trality re!at1onships of the various planets the remammg planets are enemy planets. And the planet situa~ed in ~e 12th, 2n~, 11th, 1Oth, 3rd and 4th House from a planet s1tuated m a House ts the tempo-

rary friend of him.

The Chapter Describing Names 9

Notes : It has not been given in this Shloka as to which of the planets are enemies of a given planet Only this has been point­ed out that the remaining planets are enemies. But it can be easily understood on the basis of this Shloka that Saturn and Venus are en­emies of the Sun, Mercury is the enemy of Mars, the Moon of Mer­cw}r, Mercury and Venus are enemies of Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon of Venus, the Sun, the Moon and Mars of Saturn and there is no enemy of the Moon. Below is the table showing the neutrality and enmity relationship of the planets.

Planets The The Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon

Neutral Mer- Mars Venus Saturn Saturn Mars Jupiter Planets cury Jupiter Saturn Jupiter Jupiter

Venus Mars Saturn

Enemy Saturn X Mercury The Mercury The Sun The Sun Planets Venus Moon Venus The The

Moon Moon Mars

Although Acharya Jeeva Nath has very easily explained with regard to the natural friendship, neutrality and enmity of the various planets, I would like to quote an important Sutra (Shloka) of Sage Parasbara. This Shloka will be beneficial to the reader because he will easily remember on the basis of this small Shloka the various relationships of the planets to one another which have been given in great detaiL

"~Cf)~ uJiq ~-~-ffi!R'l4~ Erlff~: ~l'ftrl: I ~JG't ft'4'Cfl'qTr1l ~lfTl'q'~-Pr~~run: 1 1

31. ~I l<ffiq; ~ G ••• "

The meaning is, 4th, 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th and 8th from their Mooltrikona sign and the Lord of a planet's exaltation sign-these are the friends of a given planet and the Lords of the other signs than these are his enemies. The planets wtuch show both the char­acteristics (that ts of fnendship and also of enrruty) are neutral to

10 Bhav Kutuhalam

him. In this way one can understand the natural relationship of friend­

ship, neutrality and enmity of the planets.

Here is an example which shows how this relationship can be understood.Thus from the Sun' s Mooltrikona sign Leo, the places giv­en in the Shloka 2-4-S-8-9-12 and lord of his exaltation sign Aries, the planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon become friends to the Sun. And from this very Mooltrikona sign, Leo of the Sun, the other planets than these, the lords of 1-3-6-7-10-11 Houses, respec­tively Mercury, Venus, and Saturn become enemy to him (the Sun). Now we see here that Mercury is both the friend and also the ene­my to the Sun. Therefore, Mercury is neither a friend nor an enemy to the sun. He is indifferent or neutral to the Sun. The table of nat­ural friendship may be prepared on the basis of this Sutra or Shloka.

~iii4i1~ ~liT~ fl1f&~afcrl ~~i1{'t~: I ~qtfiJiq;) ~ ~ q:q~~qSI~ ftfEA: II ~ II CfiRt~t:q tj.{'tiJiq;) ~: ~ ~ ~ ;ft:q11t1: I

~tflffi: fl1fbi;ft ~Jt~~~'Jtq~'t II~ II 8-9. The Exaltation and the Debilitation Positions of the

Planets: The Sun has his highest exaltation at ten degrees (l 0°) of the sign of Aries, the Moon at three degrees (3°) of the sign of Tau­rus, Mars at twenty eight degrees (28°) of the sign of Capricorn, Mer­cury of fifteen degrees ( 1 so) of the Sign of Virgo, Jupiter at five degrees (S0 ) of the sign of Cancer, Venus at twenty seven degrees (27°) of the sign of Pisces and Saturn at twenty degrees (20°) of the sign of Capricorn. And from this highest exaltation position ev­ery seventh sign at the degrees spoken of above is the deepest de­bilitation position of all the planets. Rahu is at his highest exaltation position at one degree ( l 0 ) of the sign of Gemini and Ketu at one degree ( I 0 ) of the sign of Sagittarius. Rahu in the sign of Virgo and

Ketu in that of Pisces are in their own Signs.

The Chapter Describing Names II

Table Showing the exaltation signs etc. of the various planetl . Pia- The The Mars Mer- Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu nets Sun Moon cury

Pia- s 4 I and 3 and 9 and 2 and 10 and 6 12 net's 8 6 12 7 II own sign

Exalt- I 2 10 6 4 12 7 3 9 ation Sign

Highe- 100 30 28° 1S0 so 27° 20° 10 10 st exa-ltation point

Debili- 7 8 4 12 10 6 1 9 3 tation sign

Deepe- lQO 30 28° 1S0 so 27° 20° 10 10 st De~ ilitati-on po-int

Note.• : ~en the Sun is at 1 oo in the sign of Aries, he is said ~o ~ at his high-.:st exaltation point, that is, his exaltation there is at Its ~~est .. Th~ effects of the planet which have been spoken of when ?e IS .m his highest exaltation point will be obtained by the native ~ thetr . fulness. As the Planet moves away from the highest exalta­tion pomt and moves towards the deepest debilitation point the amount. of the .effe.cts giving power also goes on decreasing i~ the proportion of his distance from his highest exaltation point and it be­comes zero when the planet reaches its deepest debilitation point.

12 Bhav Kutuhalam

~) "fl "flfuG<'i ~~ l1 '-Tlffl~ ~ ~n;fl«fl ClH'lH 'til GTrl) C{Cf) I u I q d 'Q: 'f<fTe=ri~: I

~~~) C{~ t1 JiCf)'(lf!T~ ~~~ Cf)ct>f~q "1qi~1Cf)l~ ~: 't'ga\~1i~11: 't<Miq II 9<> II

10. Finding out the Shada Vargas: The half portion of a sign is called Hora. The first half part of an even sign is of the Moon, and the last half part is of the Sun. It is reversed in the case of an odd sign, that is, in an odd sign, the first !5° have the Hora of the Sun while the last 1 so of the Moon. 10° of a sign form its Decanate. The first decanate is of the own sign, the second of the 5th sign and the third of the 9th sign. In the sign of Aries the first Navamsha begins and then moves forward from the sign of Aries, in the sign of Taurus from that of Capricorn, in the sign of Gemini from that of Libra and in the sign of Cancer from that of Cancer. Dwadashamsha is the twelfth part of a sign, that is Dwadashamsha is of r-30' (Two degrees, thirty minutes). It is counted from its own


Notes: Another name of Hora is also there. It is Dwibhaga or two parts, that is two parts of a sign or of 30°. Therefore there are two Horas each one of which is of !5°. In an even sign in the first 15° there is the Hora of the Moon and in the last 15° there is the Bora of the Sun. In an odd sign the case is reversed, that is, in the first 15° there is the Hora of the Sun and in the last 15° there is the

Hora of the Moon.


Signs Aries Taur Gem- Can- Leo Virgo Libra Scor- Sagit- Capr- Aqua Pis

us ini cer pio tarius iaxn rius Ices

0° to 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4


16° 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5

to 3()0

A dec an ate is of 1 0°. Therefore, there are three decanates in a sign The Lord of the First decanate will be the Lord of that Sign.

The Chapter Describing Names 13

TJ:te Lord of the second Deeanate will be the Lord of the sign which ~llthbe the 5th from. that si$11 and the Lord of the 3rd Decanate will

e Lord of the stgn which will be the 9th from that sign.


Sign Arie! T .. "l '"'~ Can- Leo Virnn · • ~1u.:.u - 0 - Lil:ra Scxr Sagit- Care- Aqua Pis US DU cer pio lllius icom rius ces

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

8 9 10 II 12 I 2 3 4

21°- 9 10 11 12 1 2 . 3 4 5 6 7 8 300

. The 9th P~ of_ a sign is called Navamsha. In the signs of Ar­tefs, Leo and. Sagtttanus th.e Navarnsha begins from Aries, in those o . Taurus, Vrrgo. and Capncom from Capricorn in those of Gemini LCtbra and Aquanus from Libra and in those or' Scorpio Pisces and

ancer, from Cancer. ' '

th Suppose th~ Asc~ndant is Aquarius (10-1 °-22'-40"). Therefore e Navarnsha Will begm from the sign of Libra whose Lord is Ve­



Degre Arie! Taur I~ Can Leo Virgo Libni Scor- Sagit- ~ Aqua Pis us uu cer pio tan us !COOl nus ces

3-20 I 10 7 4 I 10 7 4 I 10 7 4

6-40 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5

10-00 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6

13-20 4 I 10 7 4 I 10 7 4 I 10 7

16-40 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 II 8

20-00 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9

23-20 7 4 I 10 7 4 I 10 7 4 I 10

26-40 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 II 8 5 2 II

3().00 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12

14 Bhav Kutuhalam

The 12th part of a sign is called Dwadashamsha The first Dwadashamsha will be of that sign whose Dwadashamsha 1s to be found out. The second Dwadashamsha will be of the Second s1gn to that sign and the third Dwadashamsha will be of the sign next to that sign (i.e. the Second sign) and so on.


n.-lA ..;..._ Taur Gem- Can- Leo Virgo Libra Sea"- ~agit- C~r- Acp.l3 Pis '1:>'

~us icxxn rius ,ces us I.IU cer p10

2-30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

5.00 2 3 . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I

7-30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2

10-00 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3

12-30 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4

15-00 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5

17-30 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 ~ 4 5 6

20-00 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 ~ 5 6 7

22-30 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

25-00 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

27-30 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 'l 8 9 10

30-00 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 10 II

FINDING OUT THE TRIMSH AMSHA: ln the odd signs the Trimshamsha will be of 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5 degrees respectively of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. The Trimshamsha of the even signs should be regarded respectively as exactly opposite to that

of the odd signs.

Notes: In the case of odd signs the Lord of the first 5 de­grees will be Mars, the Lord of the degrees from 5 to 10 will be Saturn, the lord of the degrees from 10 to 18 will be Jupiter, the lord of the degrees from 18 to 25 wlll be Mercury and the Lord of the degrees from 25 to 30 will be Venus.

The Chapter Describing Names 15

Although Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and venus are lords of two signs. But in the case of odd signs when we want to see the Trimshamsha, these parts or degrees ·Nill go to the odd signs of these planets.

ln the even signs the lord of the degrees from 0 to 5 -*ill be Venus, that of the degrees from 5 to 12 will be Mercury, that of the degrees from 12 to 18 will be Jupiter, that of the degrees from 18 to 25 will be Satwn and that of the degrees from 25 to 30 will be Mars. Here, it is the even signs of Venus Mercury, Jupiter, Sat­wn and Mars that will be taken for Lordships.


Degrees Aries, Gemini, Leo,· Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius

oo-50 1

50-100 11

10°-18° 9

18°-25° 3

25°-30° 7


Degrees Tatu1.1s, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces

oo-50 2

5°-12° 6

12°-20° 12

20°-25° 10

250-300 8

16 Bhav Kutuhalam

TRVT ~C{Oii~l~el~~~i1~6~(@) ~if>~o 1 il ur;A :q~M ~ JllKif. q~Rl ~ ~ II 'R II

12. KINDS OF ASPECTS: A planet has aspect of one charan (quarter) on the Third and the Tenth House, of two Charans on the 9th and the 5th House, of three Charans on the 8th and the 4th House and of four Charans (full aspect) on the 7th House from the House in which he is situated. The effects of these aspects are also obtained in the same order.

~: ~~'<lq\J11~d: I

'1'<'11~ if)i11~q ~tti116Q~i11qftl II ct~ II

13. THE KNOWLEDGE OF MOVABLE, IMMOVABLE SIGNS ETC.: The signs Aries etc. are respectively movable, inunov­able and dual nature, malefic and benefic, male and female and odd and even.

Notes: This classification of the signs is used by the predic­tive Astrologers from various points of view. For example, this clas­sification has significance in getting answers to such questions as to whether a certain deed will be accomplished quickly or will be de­layed or will take average time; what will be the nature of a na­tive ' s profession; when the person gone abroad will return home; What will be the disposition or nature of the native; whether the in­fant in the womb will be male or female; whether the native ' s na­ture will have in it delicacy or hardness etc.

~~ Ef ~ tt:<~f~g <'I I 4>~ I El e l

:qgtq~l ~: Ri6<Att~ttl ~~11R11: ~=


14. The first half of Gemini and Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, these signs are biped, that is, they are male signs. The second half of Sagittarius, the first half of Leo, Taurus, Aries and Capricorn, these signs are quadruped signs The second half of Capricorn and Pisces, these are the signs living in water, and Cancer and Scorpio are the signs having names of msects

Notes: Varahamihir, in chapter I Shlokas 12 and 13 of 'Laghujata!<a' has regarded the sign of Cancer as San-Sarpa or the crawling or creeping livmg bcmg.

The Chapter Describing Names 17

According to him Scorpio bears the name of an insect Cancer is called 'Karkata ' which means 'Kankra '. 'Kankra' lives in water Therefore he has spoken of cancer as living in water. As cancer is counted as a sign living in water, in knowing Digbala (Directional strength) Scorpio is meant by Keeta (Insect) because here we get a Separate statement of a sign living in water.

'1<'t~if)~Oii14>f~: tml <['fJf ~: I

4>"'ijl~j~<'llcgfl: Jllq~t;, ~ld'11 : II 'l<J..II

15. In the order of the Planets the Sun, etc. the signs respec­tively Leo, Taurus, Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius·, Libra and Aquarius are the Mool Trikona signs of these Planets.

Notes : The sign of Leo is the Mool Trikona sign of the Sun, that of Taurus of the Moon, that of Aries of Mars, that of Virgo of Mercury, that of sagittarius of Jupiter, that of Libra of Venus and that of Aquarius of Saturn.

According to Parashara the concept of Mooltrikona is very Sub­tle and complicated. According to him there is the Mooltrikona of the Sun in the sign of Leo upto 20° and after 20° there is the own sign of the Sun; there is the exaltation of the Moon in the sign of Taurus upto 3° and after 3° there is the Mooltrikona of Mars in the sign of aries upto 12° and there is his exaltation in this sign after 12°; there is the exaltation of Mercury in the sign of Virgo upto )5°, there is his Mool Trikona upto the next 5° and then there is his own sign; there is the Mooltrikona of Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius upto 10° and there is his own sign in the remaining degrees; there is the Mooltrikona of Venus in the sign of Libra upto 15° and there is her own sign in the remaining 15° and; there is the Mooltrikona of Saturn in the sign of Aquarius upto 20° and there is his own sign in the remaining 10°.



atiR~ I C{t;~ l ~ "QTtJ: cfl~o) t;~li1J~q:

OGT ~g~61Cf)te ~ ~ cGIR1tt'{ llct I I

1. The Knowledge of Kashta or Evils To Father: If there is a malefic planet in the 1Oth House from the Sun and the 1Oth Lord is afflicted (that is, if he · is in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic), the native's father is put to extreme trouble or be dies. It has been said by the Munis.

Notes: In this Chapter special importance has been given to the Karakas or significators. The things which are studied from the As­cendant may also be studied by taking the significators of those things as Ascendants. For example, the lOth House from the Ascendant is studied to know the auspicious or inauspicious effects with regard to father. In the same way the 1Oth House from the Sun, the significator of father may also be studied for the knowledge of aus­picious or inauspicious effect with regard to father.

If this matter is considered in some greater detail, new dimen­sions will open out before us. The meaning is that the 1Oth House from the Sun should be studied for those matters which are studied from the I Oth House from the Ascendant. Thus the 1Oth House from the Sun is to be analysed for the acquisition of state; auspicious, holy

The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother 19

deeds like yajna; ceremonies; status, grandeur, business, honour from the king or governmental favour, governmental work, job or service and magnificence etc.

This is the statement that is given by Maharishi Parashara at the end of the Chapter of ' Varga Vivechanadhaya' or ' Divisional Considerations.'

We give two horoscopes to illustrr.te the statement given above. The frrst confirms the statement of Pt. Jeeva Nath, and the second tells us how, when the I Oth House is affiicted, the other aspects of life which are considered from the I Oth House from the Ascendant are also affected

Example No. 1

Date of birth


Time of birth

10.20 p.m.


27°-54' (N)





78°-04 (E)

Mar Sun

Ketu Mer


Jup Ven Moon

In this horoscope Mars, the 1Oth Lord from the Sun is in his sign of debilitation and is combust and in the 1Oth House from the Sun is situated Saturn, a planet who is malefic, opposed to life and is yama (the god of death) incarnate. A few days after the birth of this native its father died due to falling from a great height.


Example No. 2

Date of birth


Bhav Kutuhalam

Time of birth

2.35 p.m.



Sun Mer


Jup Sat



Ven (R)




If in this horoscope we study the I Oth House from the Sun we fmd that there is Saturn in his own sign in this House but Jupiter here is in his sign of debilitation. Again this House is aspeeted also by debilitated Mars. Saturn in his own sign could give the native government service, but because the debilitated Jupiter is situated in this House and the debilitated Mars aspects it, he (Saturn) could not encounter these two evil effects and consequently the native had to be suspended. At present the situation is terrible. The native suffered ill repute, decline in respect and living standard. Therefore, it may be said that if the lOth House from the Sun is ill affected all those things that are considered from the I Oth House from the Ascendant are also affected.

Another aspect of the picture has also been seen. It is this: in this situation the things that are related to the significatorship of the planet are also affected. Thus, the Sun is the significator also of good health and absence of self, bones etc. Therefore, in the situation stated above these things will also be adversely affected. However, if the significator is endowed with strength the adverse effect will be in lesser degree.

The effect is negligible or it is nil, this is seen in those situa-

The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother 21

tions also when there are yogakaraka planets in an angle from the significator planet or the planets situated in an angle are in their ex­altation or Mooltrikona signs.

'JfCJfcr ~ :tl:tlict>= 414m'<-=t1'<1~\J1:t~ ~ ~T~1: tntfflt: ~T~TT Cl)lq I

fctf!~ ~ '16(! Cf) I P=d \J'\Jtr~ ~E4'1'1~fch) lSIIGI§'<Iill4q<;qf: II=? II

2. The Knowledge of Kashta or Evils To Mother: If the Moon is placed between malefics, if there are malefics in the 4th and the 7th House from the Moon and if the Moon is devoid of strength and is weak, the native's mother is swallowed by death, this has been pointed out by eminent teachers of Astrology.

Notes: There is the word '3,~' (Api) in the Shloka. There­fore, according to Jeeva Nath, the meaning of the above mentioned Shloka is that the native may also die. The Moon is the representa­tive planet of infancy or childhood. Hence, if the moon only becomes a prey to extremely evil influences, hope of life in childhood gets extremely weak. The ancient sages of India have accepted the evil influences falling on the Moon as the factor or reason of the native' s death in childhood without exception. Acharya (a great scholar and teacher) Vaidyanath says in this connection:

That is, if the moon is in the 7th, 8th or 12th from the Ascen­dant in Conjunction with malefic planets and is not aspected by benefics situated in other Houses than the Angles, by benefic plan­ets situated in Panphara or Apoklima Houses, she is the giver of death to the native.

The moon is the factor of the native ' s mother. Extremely evil influences on the moon weaken the vitality of his or her mother. In the present Shloka Pt Jeeva Nath has not left any bypath for the Moon from which she can get strength. In the helpless situation in which she has been put, declaration of the mother 's death may be

22 Bhav Kutuhalam

made with certainty. According to Pt. Jeeva Nath, the following com­binatiOns are noteworthy in connection with the above Shloka.

i) The Moon is placed between malefics, that is, there are malefics in the 2nd and the 12th Houses from the Moon. In such a situation if the planet posited in the 2nd House is retrograde and that posited m the 12th House is direct the manner of the native's or his mether' s death may be terrible.

ii) Malefics are situated in the 4th and the 7th House from the Moon. If benefic planets are situated in an angle from a House or a planet, that House or that planet gets strengthened. However, on the contrary, if malefic planets are posited there-in, that planet or that House gets harmed. Therefore, malefic planets situated in the 4th or the 7th House from the Moon will cause harm to the body of the native and of his mother.

iii) The Moon is devoid of strength and is Ksheen or emaciat-ed.

We are all well acquainted with this situation of the Moon. Be­sides this, the Acharya has not mentioned of any aspect of a benefic planet or of a malefic planet on the moon. Therefore, here this mean­ing may be derived that even if there is the aspect of benefic plan­ets on the Moon in such situation, it will not carry much signifi­cance, and the aspect of malefic planets will naturally cause only harm. Acharya V aidyanath has made things about these aspects quite clear in Shloka 35 of Chapter 4 of ' Jataka Paarijaata'. He says, "If the Moon is situated in the 6th or the 8th House from the Ascen­dant and is aspected by a malefic, the native dies soon after his birth; if she is aspected by both malefic and benefic planets he gets lon­gevity of four years and if she is apsected only by benefic planets his longevity will be of 8 years." Our conclusion then is this that the aspect of a benefic planet does not have the ability to relieve the Moon from her own affictions completely.

When we fmd, through an example, Vaidyanath's statement sur­prisingly true, our reverence for these formulas gets certainly en­hanced.

The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother

Example No. 3

Date of birth


Time of birth

8.05 a.m.



Moon Sat Ven SunAS~ah


77°-01' (E)



Mer Mar


Here the Moon is posited in the Ascendant in her debilitation sign and hence she is weak and is devoid of her brilliance due to her nearness to the Sun. Malefic planets like Saturn and Rahu are also in conjunction with her. There is a malefic planet like Ketu in the 7th House from the Moon. Saturn, the 4th Lord or the Lord of the House of mother is in the 1st House with his extreme enemy, ~e Sun and hence he is combust. In the event of planetary war he ts defeated by the Sun. Therefore, both the Ascendant of the native and . the 4~ House, . the House of the mother are devoid of strength. Bestdes this, there 1s another reason also-the situation of Mercury between such malefic planets as Mars and Saturn. This Mercury is the 8th Lord from the Ascendant and is the 8th Lord from the 4th ~ouse also. Therefore, the lords of both the Houses, 'of the native htmself and of his mother, are highly afflicted and the life of the native and also of his mother both are endangered. This is what ac­tually occurred. The native died on the 1Oth day after his birth and the mother got the benefit of the aspect of Jupiter on the 4th House only for three years as she died after three years.

24 Bhav Kutuhalam

~ 414~:q1Rolt \Jt"'ict>lcl t=F<I"1"G"11st>l"dstlqlffiSJ~ I

~ ~ 'tt~tll ~ lifUI~IG~ Jl~l'ql.l: I ~ II 3. The Knowledge of Kashta or Evils To Brother: The na­

tive in whose horoscope there is the situation of malefic planet/s in the 3rd House from Mars sees the certain death of his younger brother. This is the view of the Acharyas Maniththa etc.

Notes : Mars is the significator of the younger brother or sis­ter and the Third House is studied to know about younger brother or sister. Therefore the benefic or malefic influences falling on the 3rd House from Mars throw light on these relations. If the 3rd Lord from Mars is in his sign of debilitation and if he is hemmed be­tween malefic planets, that is, there are malefics on his both sides, such situation is also indicative of evils to the younger brother. Be­sides this, the weakness of Mars will also contribute evils to the younger brother.

~l'<lkNI~ g qrqr afqRtCJdl ~ ~ "1~<1¢ I

tfGT Jilgt"11"1i FAmr ~~IRkl JU§<I'qll~Qq<d "1'<1°11'1 I~ II 4. The Knowledge of Kashta or Evils To Maternal Uncle:

If malefics are situated in the 6th House from the House in which Mercury is posited in a horoscope, and if Mercury is weak due to his being in conjunction with malefic planets or because of some oth­er way, the native's maternal uncle is subjected to early death, this was said by ancient writers on Astrology.

Notes : The significatorship of maternal uncle belongs to Mer­cury. The situation of malefic planets in the 6th House from the House in which Mercury is situated in a horoscope or the aspect of a malefic planet on it (the 6th House from Mercury) and the utmost weakness of Mercury- these are all proved to be fatal to the side of the native's maternal uncle. Here is an example from our own expe­rience.

The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother

Example No. 4 25

Date of birth


Latitude Time of birth

12.00 Noon 27°-09' (N)



81°-57' (E)




Sun Ven Moon Mars Mer Jup

In this . horos~op~ of Capricorn Ascendant Mercury is in the II th House m COnJuchon with the Sun and the debilitated Moon. Me~c?fY himself is in the sign of his natural enemy and there is the debilitated Saturn in the 6th House from Mercury. Being posited in the 8th House Ketu aspects the sign of which saturn is the Lord.

. Ideas similar to those of Jeeva Nath with regard to the native's havmg lack of happiness from maternal uncle are found in ' Jyotistattawam' .

~l<pl~ ~ Fcl>J1Qiif1<4f4j ~'<ldi\\Jt't ~S(jaftlfql'tf) iilg~'<"ll -"1)- ~ ~ II

In the above Shloka it is the malefic influence falling on the 6th H~use ~om Mercury, the significator of Maternal uncle, that has ?een given unportance. Here it is said that if there is a malefic planet tn the 6th House from Mercury or if there is Mars in the 1Oth or the 9th House, and a malefic planet aspects that House (the 6th House from Mercury), the native does not get the happiness of having ma­

ternal uncle.

26 Bhav Kutuhalam

_........~~. n:qJ1i1tq'ti~ iilt\J1i1~1!!Rqtct>'<l~~q I if6'Nt1· ., ~

, Qtn~· -tNIQ'«iGIM\J1l~i ~ qGI'<\1 11'1,11 !I'<i'<Qfllh~hltl· .

5 The Knowledge of Kashta or Evils to Son: If th~re IS an5thy · S Rah and the sun m the f th planets among Mars, atum, u . . . .

0 e J . d the 5th Lord from Jupiter IS m COnJUCUOn House from uplter, an d ·tb n or if he with malefic planets, the native is not blesse WI a so gets a son he (the son) is swallowed by death. . .

Notes • The Fifth House from Jupiter has been giVe~ gr~at ~­portance by • all the astrologers. Thus Shakramuni emphasises Its un­portance in the following Shloka when he says,

~pf t '61ftt'QT l vlJT~ " ••• tfT.fl{ q:q~~t: tt'51R! ~GIM\J11 1tT<f: I ... "

that is, if the 5th Lord from Jupite~t:~ th~e l ~~~s9~~r:;, from the Ascendant have been J?<>Sl . m

. ts l·ssue or r ...... "tn" childless. the native ge no .... ,.........,.

The formulas propounded by Jeeva ~ath have been fothund :. . . 1 true Here is an example which proves the tru co

be surpnsmg Y · tained in them:

Example No. 5

Date of birth

1-9-1 940

Time of birth Latitude

7.50 a.m.


Ket Sat Jup


77°-55' (E)


Sun Mars Mer


The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother 27

In this horoscope of Virgo Ascendant there are the sun, Mars and Mercury in the 5th House from Jupiter. The condition le:id down in the Shloka is fulfilled because a malefic planet like Mars is there in the 5th House from Jupiter and the conjunction of the Sun with Mars may also be considered sufficiently malefic. But the deficiency that pinches us in this Shloka is this: Should we not give importance to the aspect of Jupiter which he gives to the 5th House from him? It can be said with certainty that his (Jupiter' s) aspect on the 5th House will give it auspiciousness. Therefore when we consider this Shloka we should have in our mind certain other factors also. The 5th House and the 5th Lord from the Ascendant are the other fac­tors of which we should have sufficient knowledge. Here the 5th Lord saturn is in the 8th House in his sign of debilitation and the 5th House has the aspect of Rahu, although it has also the aspect of such a benefic planet as Venus. Due to this complex situation the native got a son but be died soon and got a very short life.

~tif)~~·~~~·n-<•114'1ifi\J1'dl f<l~ttils•l~'q': ~ ~~= 1 ~ ~ QIQOO ~~tel ~ ~ ~ 'fl~~Rt I~ II

6. The Knowledge of Kasbta or Evils To Wife: If in the 7th House from the House in which Venus is posited there is the sun in conjunction withsome malefic planet, the native ' s wife is subjected to early death and if there are very strong malefic planets in the 8th House from Saturn then the native himself becomes subjected to early death.

Notes : Here also Venus will have aspect on the 7th House from her as Jupiter had on the 5th House (in the 5th Shloka). But the situation like that of Jupiter in the 5th Shloka will not be formed, because the Malefic planets situated in the 7th House from Venus will also exert their malefic influence on Venus who will be the 7th from there.

I I~ I I



~ t't•~•lffl q~i'{\dl Ji~~·h~ ~: Cfjfcl~q enl ~ ~ ftRr ~•1Rd ~ '161~~1 I ~ II

1. The native in whose horoscope there is Mars in the Ascen­dant, Jupiter or Venus in the 7th House keeps the mark of wound in his head, this is the view of Y awanacharya, the great sage.

~ <:~t•~•l~ cttf41'{\~ ~~ ~tfcl6 \J1~~1't I ~I'<Ri R.l;s!jG I~dJiiR~1~~m'<t11<'t1'11't1d: II=? II

2. The native in whose horoscope there are Mars, Venus or the Moon in the Ascendant acquires some kind of mark on his forhead

in his 2nd or 6th year.

11Tlf~ ~~ :q,cse¥) fttftCf)l'tla 1

¥1«1~ ctiJiCf)~ en R-1~~~~111R~q II~ II

3. It is to be predicted that the native m whose horoscope there is Venus m the Ascendant, Rahu in the 8th !louse will have mark

on his forehead and left ear.

The Knowledge of Marks on the Native's Body 29

Ji~"fff~'1~ Ri~Cf)l'1~~ en '§'<qftl~on

~ci"'Rlll' ~~ :1 : I SfCf)~orsts ~ ~ qjq~eCf)f<l-<fll

11~1) <f~6T 1!~: I I ~ I I

4. If there is Rahu in the 7th House, Jupiter in the Ascendant and Venus in conjunction with malefic planets in the 8th House then according to the sages there is some mark on the left arm ~f the native.

cllii 1Rt16Gt ~ ~ en ~S6~gtl 1 q(Jiqj~~ ~ ~ ~ jfOJ\jf ~: 11~11

. 5. If _there is Mars in 3/6111 Houses or venus in conjunction With !'-1ars m the _12th House, the Pandits (learned astrologers) should take 1t that there IS the mark of wound in the native's left arm.

~ ~kl'{\~ ~ ~S61~ ~if))Dt~ I ~ !J~tilf!~ en ~ ti~~'i~: II~ II

6. If there is Saturn in the Trikona or Trinal Houses (5th and 9~ Houses) and h~ is aspected by venus and Mars, it should be pre­dicted that the native has a mole on his reproductive organ or anus.

Wllt't~ 1ii•ttf.)~o~ en Cf)fcl4~1 =qfcse¥1•~ ~ufl<fl 1 ~ ~ dj'tiCf}l en 00 ~ "\J1Cff ~ I I l9 11

7. If there is venus in the 5th or the 9th House, Mercury in the 8th House and Jupiter in the 4th House or in the Ascendant House, it should be stated that there is a mark on the abdomen of the native

~ Cf)CfiCftiCJicl 4'1ft qJ RctiCf)~ '1~<!?,~ ~I <t>feSf~~ SfCf~'"1'<1°1i ~ fcl~tttR6 \JildCf)$1: lit:; II

30 Bhav Kutuhalam

8. If Venus occupies the 2nd House, the sun is in the 8th or the Ascendant House and Saturn and Mars are situated in the 3rd House, it should be stated that the native has a mark on his back.

Qldl(lf~ ~I§§St>~ (ifT.) ~ ~sftl CfT I

QIC:fl~~ql ~ ~ ~ ~~~~q I ~ II

9. If there are Rahu and Venus in the 4th House and the As­cendant is occupied by Saturn or Mars, it should be predicted that the native has a mark in the palm of his foot or in the left foot.

CQl) ~ fWt ~ (lfPIIR~6Gt ~ •h(lfcb jG'ibQ~ A'vf CU Mq~~!~: 11qo I I

10. If there is Jupiter in the 12th House, the Moon in the 9th House and Mercury in 3, 6 or 11 House, the native has a circular mark in his anus.

~'1qtn ~ ~ ~ ~6\J161 PI~qt~~6i fll'11'{ I q;pJ6 ~ o¥ ~~q~ UFft ~ ~ I ffi II

11. The younger brother of the native in whose horoscope the Sun is posited in the 9th House in the Leo sign is certainly swal­lowed by early death, and the mother of the native in whose horo­scope there is Saturn in the 2nd House and weakened Jupiter is sit­uated in the Ascendant is also subjected to early death.

~~tf ~'1Jiiq•ld ~ ~~'() t1~'11~ T.f \J1pq'11'{ I

·~~6\Jti~& Pl•iRd~ : Ut!t't~Ro'{ ll'l~ I I

12. The native in whose horoscope there is Jupiter in conjunc­tion with Mars and Saturn in the Second House and there is Rahu in the Third House does not get the happiness of having a younger

brother, this bas already been spoken of by Yawanacharya.

The Knowledge of Marks on the Native's Body Jl

\i!Rf.t~~Sqf.t'1~4 ~ XJS~ff ~ tAl 1

PI•1Rd ~6Gt) \J1Pii11~ffl ~ SI\Jttft~ !J'<Id"': ll'l~ II . 13~ Th~ younger brother of the native in whose horoscope there ts. the sttu~tton of Mars in the 6th House, of Saturn in conjuction ~th Rahu m the 8th House, is swallowed by death just after his birth, this has been spoken of by our ancient astrologers.

II 31~ atRtel~: I I~ I I



g2'1~'<"1SJR<f>l Tf ~ ¥toq'<'1~11: <!IC16*1 'GFfr ~I ~ '<ut;\)tJ414d~'<f&C1oqgte~flfcl'11:tl~m ll<t II

1. If the native's birth occurs in the Hora of the Moon or if it occurs in the evening time and there is the situation of four planets in the last Navamsha of the Rashi, he (the native) does not remain alive. Besides this, if there is the situation of the Moon together with Malefic planets in an Angle or if there is the situation of the Malefics in the Angles, even then the native dies soon.

Notes : Arishta Yogas remain strong since the birth of the na­tive to his 12th year. Therefore, the consideration of the native's lon­gevity is to be done after he has attained the age of 12 years. There is a clear indication to this fact in the first and second shlokas of the 4th chapter of ' Jataka Parijata' .

" 311&1~'11<1"<1'< 41Ptut*1'11'11~C11 Pt:t"q~ft1 "1' ~I 1tm Tf fiaT ¥1414 ~ iiiC't~;fl:tt!/fkl ~: II

31M~ \Jt'i~Cfldl~~ g ftlolsR1ftNI4'flti I

=qg:'fl'11'§ ~<I>)~ ctJ\ >ti!/fRt ~ II" that is, it is not possible for viviparous creatures (as men are) that

Aristha or Evils to the Native 33

their longevity may be ascertained before they attain the age of 12 years. In these years the child may be subjected to destruction be­cause of the sinful deeds of the parents and also because of the de­mons called Balagrahas. During the first four years of his longevity due to the sinful deeds of the mother, from 4 years to 8 years due to those of the father and from 8 years to 12 years due to those of his own (in the former birth) death swallows him and he is destroyed. In order to pacify these evils born of sins Muni Mantreshwara has suggested certain remedies or measures which are as follows:

For the pacification of Balarishta every year, on the day of the native's birth or in the Nakshtra of his birth (on the basis of chandramasa or Lunar month) Japa, haum etc. (ablutions) should be performed and the native's life should be saved by taking recourse to all possible medical treatment

The word 'Arishta' is a synonym of Kashta. Here 'Kashta' means bodily pain. Death is also possible in this bodily pain. The eight years from birth to the 8th year are called Balarishta; the years from 8 to 20 are called Yogarishta; those from 20 years to 32 years Alpayu; those from 32 to 64 (or 70) years Madhyamayu and those from 64 to I 00 years Poornayu.

The situation of the planets, due to which the child gets dis­eased or reaches near death or is swallowed by death, is called Balarishta. When the Moon is Ksheen or emaciated or when she is in the 6th, 8th or 9th House, it is called balarishta, and the Arishtas formed due to Tithi, Var and Nakshtra etc. (date, day and nakshtra etc.) are called Yogarishtas.

The meaning of 'Sandbya Kala' is the meeting point of two times, or the end of one time and the beginning of another time. Thus 5 ghatis before and 5 ghatis after the setting of the Sun' s disc, this time period is called the Sandbya of the evening time. In the same way, the 5 ghatis before and the 5 ghatis after the rising of the Sun's disc, this time period is called the Sandbya of the morning time. In this way one Sandbya comprises a time period of 10 ghatis For the pacification of the Arishtas (Evils), Bhaum Pradosh Vrata (a particu­lar fast) Shiva-archan, medical treatment, giving alms of grains,

34 Bhav Kutuhalam

clothes, balances etc. are to be done as per rules prescribed in the Vedas.

Here is an example which illustrates the above mentioned fact.

Eumple No. 6

Date of Birth


Time of birth

6.30 p.m.



Born in the evening Sandhya, this native could not breathe for long in this terrestrial world.


Jup sun Rah Vcn Mcr(R)



Moon ASC Kct

The reason why this native could not live long in this terres­trial world is given in the above stated shloka of Pandit Jeeva Nath. The malefic planets are situated in the last Navamsha in the 4th, 7th and I Oth Houses and the time is of the evening Sandhya. The Moon is also situated alongwith Ketu in the Third House. Here the Ascen­dant House is devoid of any planet, that is no malefic planet is situ­ated therein. The Ascendant lord, though he is the 8th lord also is exalted; but she is also situated in the last Navamsha in the 6th House; Venus is at 29° in the sign of Pisces; but her exaltation has become meaningless. Another evilcausing situation for the poor As­cendant Lord Venus is this that she is in conjunction with Jupiter who is her enemy planet and the most fatal planet for the Libra As­cendant. It was due to these reasons that the native could remain alive only for 15 months and 26 days.

Aristha or Evils to the Native 35

3llj~~ ~ iHf)'{qf4'<i11.)~ ~ ~e~..,) I

~ tl!i~~ ill~ct>'lsti 6~a~'<~Cf)J~4)tt~: II~ II

2. If all the benefic planets or all the malefic ones are there in the eastern portion of the horoscope (the portion from the traversed degrees of the Ascendant to the mid degrees of the 7th House via the 2nd, 3rd etc. Houses) and if the Ascendant is Cancer or Scor­pio, the native meets with early death. In the same way if all the benefic planets or all the malefic ones are situated in the western portion of the horoscope (the portion from the mid degrees of the 7th House to the traversed degrees of the Ascendant House via the 8th, 9th etc. Houses), even then the native meets with early death.

Besides this, the native does not remain alive for a long time if all the malefic planets are situated in the Ascendant House or in the 7th House.

Notes : It will be easier to understand the formula in this Shloka if we make a figure of a horoscope. Suppose the Ascendant of the native happens to fall on 17 degrees and the mid degrees of the 7th House happen to fall on 16 degrees, then the eastern and western portions of the horoscope may be traced in the following way:


1~ &~&•lttftffi PI~ J ICf)'<~~ ttj'J:m'il'<•lffl ~ \J1~Cf)l~ I

~~4Gj4~ 1m ~qiiJ ("f~sfil T.lttCf)~'<q~fcl;ffi ~~ II~ II

36 Bhav Kutuhalam

3. The native in whose horoscope the moon in conjuction with the malefic planets is situated in the Ascendant House, the 8th House and the 7th House and benefic planets do not have their aspect on her, the native although he may be the son of a god, meets with an early death.

Notes : Here is an example to illustrate this fact:

Example No. 7

Date of Birth


Time of birth

7.25 a.m.



ASC Sun Mar Mer Sat





78°-06 (E)

Jup Rah

The present horoscope is of Aquarius as Ascendant in which there is the situation of the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Mercw-y and the Moon in the Ascendant House. Saturn and Mars are obviously malefic plan­ets. The Moon is in conjunction with the Sun and hence she is com­pletely emaciated and has lost her beneficence. The Sun has been counted by our ancient sages among the malefic planets. Now there remains Mercw-y. It is well known about him that he is moved by the influence of the planet with whom he is in conjunction. There­fore he will assume the nature of the malefic and emaciated planets with whom he has conjoined and will easily play the role of a malefic planet; secondly it should also be remembered that the conjunction of the Ascendant lord and the 8th lord is extremely harmful for life. Here the conjunction of the Ascendant lord and the 8th lord (Saturn and Mercw-y) clearly makes a combination leading to death. This na-

Aristha or Evils to the Native 37

tive was embraced by Y ama (the god of death) before he attained

the age of one month.

3Tlliilq•~~~Pit1, l,l~~~ ";J~ ~mf<t~: I

'lfi"<~~ Cfi~tfcldt cn•tGtt•rstfl: a~'<~ fcl~~~~ : I I~ II 4. If there is the situation of two malefic planets without the

aspect of a benefic planet in the 7th House or the Ascendant House, and if the Moon also does not receive aspect from any benefic planet and she also does not conjoin with any benefic planet this combina­tion causes the early death of the native.

Or if there is Ksheenendu (emaciated Moon) in the 12th House and malefic planets are situated in a fixed sign in the Ascendant House and in the 8th House and the Angles (1 , 4, 7 and 10 Houses) are completely bereft of benefic planets, even then the· native is swal­

lowed by early death.

Notes : In the present Shloka there is the inclusion of two Arishta sutras (evil causing combinations) According to the frrst sutra (formula) the Ascendant House should be assailed by the situation of two malefic planets and the Moon should be bereft of the aspect and the conjunction of a benefic planet. As a matter of fact, the As­cendant is extremely sensitive with regard to giving vitality or life to the native. A malefic planet situated in the 7th House will have aspect on the Ascendant. And malefic planets situated in the Ascen­dant will themselves rebel against life. The planets of malefic nature will · always work against the vitality or life of the relative indicated by that House in which they are situated. In such a condition the Moon who is the representative planet of life and the age of infancy and Childhood will be bereft of help from anywhere and there will be little (or no) possibility of the native' s life.

Here is an example which proves the truth enunciated in the



Example No. 8

Date of Birth


Bhav Kutuhalam

Time of birth

12.50 Noon



Jup Ven

Sun Rahu


ASC Sat Moon Mar




The direct experience of this Sutra (fonnula) was felt by my friend Mr. Ram Kumar Gupta. In the present horoscope of his son there is the situation of two malefic planets Saturn and Mars. The position of the Ascendant Lord Jupiter appears to be such as if he would be able to bear the evil influence of Saturn and Mars falling on his sign of Sagittarius. But for the natives of Sagittarius as As­cendant Venus, due to her being the 6th and the lith lord, has got strong maleficency. On the basis of this strong maleficancy she has the ability of causing so much harm to Jupiter that his beneficency is rendered ineffective. This combination is that of the body (the As­cendant Lord, or the lord of the body, Jupiter) and of the disease (the 6th lord, or the lord of diseases, wounds and things opposite to the strength of the body). Therefore it cannot be ignored nor it can be put in the class of auspicious combinations.

The moon does not have any aspect of a benefic planet. But She is the 8th lord, is debilitated and is situated in the 12th House. All these factors are averse to life. Therefore proving the truth of this Shloka this native could not remain alive even for a month.

The second thing that has been enunciated in the above Shloka is this: " the situation of the debilitated Moon in the 12th House, the situation in the fixed signs of malefic planets in the Ascendant I louse

Aristha or Evils to the Native 39

and the 8th house, and besides this, the absence of the benefic plan­ets in the Angles" It seems that Pt. Jeeva Nath has taken great care in sending back the Jeeva (life) to its own abode just after bringing it into this terrestrial world. How the presence of the malefic planets in the sphere of the Ascendant or the sphere of the activities of the body will allow the presence of life in the Jeeva ? ~e ~ituation . of amalefic planet in the 8th House (the 8th House whtch ts the .vtsa of the Deha or the b<)dy for remaining in this world for a long ttrne) is like the attack of the ants on the documents of the visa. Then there is the moon. There is little or no need of saying any thing about her as none of our savants of Predictive Astrology has admired the situation of the Moon in the Trik Houses (618/12 Houses). Jeeva Nath has even laid the condition of the Moon' s being emaciated. This yoga or combination comes into existence very hastily in the Sagittarius Ascendant, while in Leo Ascendant it is somewhat delayed.

lftoi'nqRrct\(Rt~ ~"1"1: ~Tffitf~ ~ fl ft.Tfl flr UJ~l : I

~JJtd~~c:l.a\(~ att!GI~: :U¥1&i4~fq 1J, ~fl.T~ ~a~ ott II~ II

5. If the Moon is situated in the 6th or the 12th House along with malefic planets and is aspected also by malefic planets, the na­tive falls into eternal sleep soon after his birth. If the Moon being placed in the 6th or the 8th House, is aspected by and makes. com­bination with benefic planets, the native is subjected to death m the 8th year; and if the moon in these very House is conjoined wi~ ~d aspected by both the benefic and malefic planets, the native dtes m his 4th year, this has been stated by ancient teachers of Astrology.

34Rfcl\(~·~~ ~ "q we it('f't1~"1 G'ffi';J

i1C:"1't1C:"1~sflt ('I •"1"11~ q, Cf~ lfT~lfT~: IIG II

40 Bhav Kutuhalam

6. If in a horoscope there is the situation of benefic planets in the 6th and the 8th House and they are aspected by strong malefic planets, the age of the native is limited to one month, or if the As­cendant Lord being defeated by a malefic planet is posited in the 7th House, the native ' s longevity or age will be certainly of one month's duration.

Cfi ~I~ I fll f.'1 tFfr ~Sl5Ci'6~ f! Rl '<'-T

lfttl~'ifl "GT~F·tf~rc.;l I

!Jf.'ift!C6('t~~ftt ~ !tf.'i('t~~~if ~~l"J.~~T "GT~ : ~~Ttl, I ll9 I I

7. In case there is the emaciated Moon in the Ascendant, there are malefic planets in the 8th House and in the Angles (1, 4, 7 and lO Houses), the native's death occurs soon; and another formula is this : if the Moon is in between malefic planets in any of the 7th, 4th and 8th Houses, and there is the presence of malefic planets in the Ascendant House, the 7th House and the 8th House, the native is swallowed by death along with his mother.

iiFcl-<m•lo~h¥1"'-<<ice ~~~~f.) "GT~ 1{_ ftr: ~Tq_

o:x•1o~'1•n ~ ~ 1j, ~fl.y: flTlTl ~Cfl~l{ I It; I I

8. The native in whose horoscope the Moon is there in the As­cendant House or in the 8th House without aspect of benefic plan­ets, and there are malefic planets in the Trines (5th and 9th Houses) the native meets with early death or; (another formula is this) : if the Moon is in the Ascendant House and the malefic planets are sit­uated in the 7th House, even then the native is swallowed by early death, this has been stated by Munis or the thinkers on Astrology.

3Nj~~ ~";f 1j<ffi ~1@t~ ~lflf"J.if~T ~~T~

Aristha or Evils to the Native

l!fffi'-1 o:r' ~ 'fl ~ 1 t?l 11s o 1•1 a 6T~~1!ff sflr lJ.~1!: I I~ I I


9. If the Moon is poised in ascendant along with any malefic as well as Rahu, the native dies along with its mother. Additionally, if along with this combination the Sun and Mars happen to be in the Ascendant or Eighth House, then, death is caused by a weapon. And, even if eclipsed moon is in Ascendant along with malefic, the native dies.

'fl it ('I :tJ¥1 (Sf ~ !! -a ~-;y-.t s~r<n

";f Ci~ gft'1<6~ t1 -;yf Tl q_ I

~'1'1q'§dl~: ~= 'f!lf.1l:4'1fil61~ CfG~~ cl 1j, oft~ T: I I 9 o I I

10. Learned sages have opined: that if the Sun or the Moon in the Ascendant are conjunct with or aspected by strong benefics; and Eighth, Ninth and Fifth Houses are occupied by malefics, the native dies.

~lf.'i-<fclfcl~~: ~ CZ1~'1q('t 4'1('t~l~ffr: ~I 'flif('t~'<~'<~~tl'1 ~ftlff0i~t1GT~: 1199 II

11. So say sages: a native would die if alongwith Saturn in the 12th house, the Sun be in the 9th House, the Moon be in the Ascendant House and Mars be in the Ascendant and Mars be in the 8th House. However, if strong Jupiter aspects these death inflicting combinations, not death but only distress is caused.

~lJTX(ifl~Ef)c.~: GR'J~TR'Dl ~ftcf: fmf:l: I 31q{>t\lfcht1~ ~ go~if ~~f.1~d ~ '1'<011~ t1GT 119~ II

12. A child meets early death if any of the 8th, 7th, 1st, 5th or 12th houses have Moon with any malefic Planet and there is no benefic aspect or conjunction.

42 Bhav Kutuhalam

teR;tm~ \J1Pt~ t,..11qf?l4c:lfffi ~= 1

te('f:flgo: (!l('f\J1«iCN1fto: ~I'<C:"'t'' ~~: ~'tfGT 119~ II

13. Whenever in transit, a strong Moon aspected and for con­junct with malefics, moves through a sign occupied by strong malefics (determinants of death), the child meets death. This combination, how­ever, is not applicable during the first year of life.

I lt.l.l I



'Jiqtfi~~ lj'¥11~'<1~ ~uf: ~'<~lT-r \J1~CfH~ I

~~6Pttoc:1:y ~~t4:fl~i~ii~~~~~q ~ ilf<=lte: 11911

1. If in a horoscope strong and full Moon in between benefic planets is situated in the Ascendant etc Houses, she destroys all the evils in the same manner as a lion may destroy a herd of elephants.

Notes : The planetary combinations due to which the evil caus­ing combinations described in the 4th chapter do not come into ex­istence are called combinations destroying evils or antidotes to evils. The role of the Moon in bringing about evil causing combinations is considered to be the greatest. If such Moon being in between benefic planets, strong (being in exaltation sign, in her own Navamsha, or in her friend's sign), and near Pauranmashi (the day of the full Moon) is situated in the benefic Houses, like the Ascen­dant House, an angle or a trine, then inspite of the presence of the evil causing combinations in a horoscope, the native' s longevity is great. The Moon serves as 75% Ascendant (Life) for the native in his infancy or childhood. When she is in between or in conjunction with benefic planets and when being near Paurarunashi she is full of the life giving rays, how inspite of the presence of evil causing com­binations she will not protect life in every possible way ?

44 Bhav Kutuhalam

~ ~ f:)!tiiCf)'<)sRfil~ !f(iq;fcl:q~\Jtq•f•~ ~tlqJq I

!tl¥1(4~ ii§Cf)te\J11('1'1Ciil ~6'<"11¥1 ~IS&>ti~Eidlq't I R II 2. If in a horoscope the Moon being situated in the shadavarga

(the divisional chart) of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury has been placed in the 6th House, she (the Moon) destroys all the evils in the same way as the repetition of the name of Murari, the killer of the demon Mura (Lord Shiva) pacifies or alleviates all the sins.

~ >t1 q; ('I "14P I <fl~ '11 o ~ ('I Ri t1 t1 jwfj~ "'$~ q -m;r: I

Rtilit'<\Jt~d ~6R1 G'rti 6•N~'<I~ ~ ~Gi•i\Jtl('l't II~ II 3. If in a horoscope the Moon, being aspected by all the benefic

planets, is situated in the Ascendant, she destroys all the evil caus­ing combination in the same way as a Garuda (a bird considered as the Chariot of Lord Vishnu) destroys the crowd of snakes.

Notes : If being situated in the Ascendant House the Moon is aspected by all the benefic planets, then the Ascendant and the Moon as Ascendant both receive a significant defence armour as a conse­quence of which even the strongest of the evil causing combinations become ineffective. The truth of Jeeva Nath' s statement in this shloka may be proved through the following horoscope in which the condi­tions of the formula are only partially fulfilled.

Example No. 9

Date of birth : Time of birth : Lat : Long :-

6-5-1955 4.40 P.M. 280-43' (N) 77°-55' (E)


Ven Sun Mer Ketu mar



Rah M oon

Antidotes to Evils 45

In this horoscope, Saturn in the Ascendant House, the Sun in the 7th House and Mars in the 8th House (all the 3 are malefics) make a sufficiently strong evil causing combination. But at the same time the Moon who is situated in the Ascendant is strong due to Paksha bala as she is near Pauranmasbi. Here the Ascendant and the Moon as Ascendant are the same. The Ascendant is Libra. The Hous­es on both sides of the Ascendant are aspected by such benefic plan­ets as Jupiter (in the lOth House) and Venus (in the 6th House). Both these planets are in their exaltation signs and have their aspects on the Houses before (Venus on the 12th House) and after (Jupiter on the 2nd House) the Ascendant House. Therefore, the aspect of the benefic planets on the sides of the Ascendant and the Moon as As­cendant will act as a strong defence armour.

~ ~ wfi: l!NICf)'<)Sli 't~fiq~ ~fideq•f•l~q I

•lc:filq;('loj ~ ~ ~ ~ qR-<19~ lffi"f. I nll l

4. If the Moon is situated in the 8th House from the Ascen­dant in the divisional chart of the benefic planets she, after destroy­ing all the evils, protects the life of the native in the same manner in which a father cheerfully protects his son.

~ '11 q "1•1 t1 «t cflqsu ~ \J1 (:) >t1 '1 ~ q; ~ "11 q (it) Fcl> t1 !t~ q 1

!tl¥1(4~ ~ mt eqRee \Jt('lf&lq qJqq;JiPl"1Ji1d)q I ~II

5. If in a horoscope the Moon is in the sign of a benefic planet and also in the Navamsha of a benefic planet and if Venus aspects her, then all the evils are destroyed in the same way as fire is cooled down by water.

46 Bhav Kutuhalarn

E:umple No. 10

Here is an illustration of the above stated fact :

Date of birth


Time of birth





Lat :

Ven Mer


Moon Jup


Sat Mar

The native whose horoscope appears above is still alive al­though here in this Pisces Ascendant malefic planets like Saturn and Mars are there in the House of Longevity, the 8th House and cause terror to life. This is due to the fact that the Moon receives the as­pect of Venus and at the same time Mercury also aspects her. There is beneficiency in Mercury because of his being in conjunction with Venus; Moon's longitude being 1-18° -48' it is also certain that she is in the Navamsha of Mercury and therefore she is in the Navamsha of a benefic planet. It is on these grounds that there occurred the 'Arishta Yoga Bhanga' (the breaking of the evil causing combina­tions) of the native and the native's longevity was not affected inspite of several other evil causing factors. Thus, the Ascendant lord is in his enemy' s sign and is aspected by a malefic like Mars. The ex­change between the 8th and the 9th lords, each occupying the sign of the other is also undesirable. These disabilities of the horoscope show the presence of an Arishta Yoga in the horoscope, the pacifi­cation or alleviation has been done according to the formula in the


Antidotes to Evels 47

iltwtql'1ff1 ~~·h fch)t11R6 ~ ~ twti:.Ph ~: I

ttl'14~rtltwt1'1Rte'11twt1'1ftll'fi1T it~ 4"11~\Jtltwt't I I& II

6. If strong Mercury or any benefic planet is situated in an An­gle and the Sun is there in the lith House, then all Arishtas (evils) are destroyed in the same way as the water of the Holy Ganga may destroy all sins.

~ it \J1:t(•14) t~R:tte: 'tfCbtwt~-<qcl)fcbffi ";J ~: I

~ f1RI'1q614 cfl\l'itgffltNRI fclt1'tfj"1R1 ~:llt11q l ll9 I I

7. The native in whose horoscope the Ascendant lord is en­dowed with strength, aspected by all the benefic planets and does not receive the aspect of any Malefic planets, is blessed with long life and much wealth.

Notes : Here in this shloka it is the significance of the Ascen­dant lord alone that has been emphasised. In a horoscope the As­cendant and the Ascendant lord do represent life, they are in them­selves the whole horoscope or the whole life of the native. On the basis of the Ascendant's strength got by it due to its being aspected by all the benefic planets will certainly make the native long-lived and wealthy.

~-<qRI!!~•ttrl'1•11¥ft Pf\Jtq~•~flt T.l "{i~~o: I

il§tNa•tui f.)5Pd Gltt 6R~jql•lti it ~ II.:; II 8. If Jupiter, being in his own sign or being in his sign of ex­

altation, is posited in the Ascendant, then he removes the many de­fects caused by the planets in the same way as a lion destroys a herd of elephants when he reaches it.

!J'6Rid~q*ll it lfTQT: 'tfCf)t't!I~'<qcllfcbdl ~ ~: I

d•l<fld'1ftlq1'<4Pd fre ~01'<1tflf.)q q()g~~Cf): II~ II

9. If Malefic planets are situated in the divisional chart of Ju­piter, Venus and Mercury and they receive aspect from benefic plan-

48 Bhav Kutuhalam

ets, even then Arishta Yogas Created by planets are destroyed ex­actly in the same way as only one spark of fire destroys a heap of straws.

'tf6Gt~!J~IC1~~-H~I¥t~~ C1J 'tfct)('l~~'(qtflfchffi ~ C1J I

at!}R6~Pt6R1 Rteutlc:1 "1~1utl~~~ ~ql~t114'<1~1't ll<t<> II

10. If Rahu, being in conjunction with or being aspected by all the benefic planets is situated in the 3, 6 or 11 House, then he procures relief from the net of many Arishtas as the name of Parvati's husband Shivs destroys all the Sins.

31~Cf)il<.'l!{t11 utj4¥1~~11 ~ 'tfCf)<.'ll "1'<'<1~1~11 ~ I

~tf¥tq"1Ptu?Jii:t~64 11 C1J il§tt'<¥11!:( ~ ~ ~ II<M II

11. If in a horoscope, all the benefic planets are endowed with strength and are situated in a male sign or if they have gone in their own signs or in their signs of exaltation, then Arishtas of many kinds are immediately removed.





"1~"11~4~"11 !l~~ci ~ ~¥1"111~•1ofl!{d't "1~"11•1¥1"1~q ~ ClQt<~t.""t ~ "1~"11•111: ll<t II

1. If the 5th lord is posited in the 5th House or if the 5th House is aspected by the 5th lord and benefic planets are situated in the 5th House, the native is soon blessed with a son. If the situation is reversed, that is, the 5th lord and benefic planets are not there in the 5th House and nor they aspect it, on the contrary, malefic plan­ets are situated in the 5th House or have their aspect on it, the na­tive does not get the happiness of having a son.

Notes: The views of the writer of ' Jataka Parijaata' are simi­lar to those of Pandit Jeeva Nath. According to this writer, "If there is the conjunction of benefic planets in the 5th House from the As­cendant, or if the 5th lord is posited in the 5th House or the 5th House is aspected by its lord or is aspected by a benefic planet, there is the happiness of getting a son."

The writer of 'Phal Deepika' has also expressed a similar idea in the following shloka:

" ... ~~ ~ <.'1 • "1 ~I fl1 "1) ~Cf4ll uficn: I

~ ~TT;pJT~Tll, ~T~ f\c~ fl ~ a~f I I

50 Bhav Kutuhalam

(01 h11 ~ ~ 'l!~ T.f ~t.T: ~Ci~ ~?l lJ~~"Ifal ~~ lJ,?I'ftr~: II

that is " If the 5th lord from the Ascendant and the Moon as Ascen· dant, and Jupiter, the significator of the Son··are situated in a benefic House and the 5th House receives the aspect of its lord and of benefic planets and of the benefic lords of the 4th and the 9th Houses etc and if there is not the aspect on the 5th House of the 6th, the 8th and the 12th lords, and the Ascendant Lord and the 5th lord are in conjunction or if they are in each other's House or if there is the friendly aspect of each on the other, the native is blessed with a son".

All the above stated views are understandable from, the logi· cal point of view. But the native was blessed with a son when these combinations were present in his horoscope, this has not been always our experience. The signi.ficator of the son is Jupiter. Besides this, the Sun and Mars are male planets. Their influence on the 5th House has also been regarded as a helping factor in bestowing a son to the native. But when t)le above stated combination is present in the horo· scope of the natives having the Leo Ascendant, or the 5th lord Jupi· ter is placed in the 5th House, the native first gets three or four daughters at least, and it is then that he is blessed with a son. The following illustration will testify to this fact :

Example No. 11

Date of birth


Time of birth

9.12 a.m.





Long. :



Ketu Ven Mer


Mar Sat

Considerations with Regard to Getting Progen 51

In this horoscope of Leo Ascendant the 5th Lord Jupiter is sit· uated in a friendly sign in the 9th House which is a benefic House. Jupiter has his full aspect on the 5th House. The Sth lord and the 5th House are being aspected respectively by male planets Mars and the Sun. This native first got the blessing of three daughters and it was after this that he was blessed with a son. This has been seen 90% in this Ascendant.

at~ <"lh'1•tit q~ El'11<"1ll err u~ ~a:~ 1

~ ~ <"t•'14tft "'1WfifRUwn~ '§dtil qRU II~ II 2. If the Ascendant lord is placed in the Ascendant House, the

2nd House or the 3rd House, then the native first gets a son; and if the Ascendant lord is situated in the 4th House he first gets a daugh· ter and then a son or son and daughter are born together as twins.

qlq~t11'11~6 ~~¥11~ ~51011~6 ~~: ~: I

Cf1'CRf ~ ~ !fU- Cf)~Jfllftl: :efl~6'i~gt"QI II~ II 3. CONSIDERATION OF NUMBER OF Cllll.J)REN : The

native is blessed with as many sons as is the number of the male planets aspecting the 5th House; and he is blessed with as many daughters as is the number of the female planets aspecting the 5th House.

Notes : All the writers on Astrology must confirm to this view of Pandit Jeeva Nath. But it does not always happen to be the truth, although according to the principle of cause and effect the view pro· pounded here is undoubtedly true.

'fl6G1Jilqqfi): ~ "lfGT ttj•to) ~ Oli~P~sftt CfT I

'§tt•ttt: '§t161~Cf):{l ~ ~~'{)Re1~ fll~-<IR~: II~ II 4. THE COMBINATION CAUSING LOSS OF SON: If the

3rd lord is posited in the 3rd, the Ascendant, the 2nd, the 12th or the 5th House, then there is the loss of children, this has been stat· ed by the great writers on Astrology Varaha Mihira etc.

Notes : If the Ascendant is Virgo, the 3rd lord Mars is situat· ed in the 5th House, then there is the possi"ility of the formation of

52 Bhav Kutuhalam

the combination causing the loss of children as several factors are at work behind this possible result. These factors are as follows :

(i) In the Virgo Ascendant Mars, being the 3rd lord and the 8th lord is regarded as giver of inauspicious result as the 3rd House is on the Trishadaya Houses and the 8th House is one of the Trik Houses.

(ii) Mars is in himself a malefic planet.

(iii) In the Virgo Ascendant Mars's situation in the 5th House means, a malefic's becoming extremely malefic for when placed in ilie 5th House he will be in his sign of exaltation or will be endowed with strength, and the strengthening of a malefic person or planet is always harmful.

Besides this, the more malefic planets and the more lords of those Houses which are regarded as inauspicious Houses have their relation with the 5th House, the more harmful will be the combina­tion causing Joss of children. This is proved by the following illus­tration :

Example No. 12

Date of birth:


Time of birth : Lat. :

9.35 p.m. 26°-48'(N)



Mar Sun

Vcn Jupiter Kctu

Long. :





In this horoscope there are in the 5th House Mars and the Sun who are are respectively the lords of the 3rd and the 8th Houses

Considerations with Regard to Getting Progen 53

(Mars) and the 12th House (the Sun) All these three Houses whose Lords Mars and the Sun are have in them the quality of inauspi­ciousness. There is the aspect on the 5th House of two Malefic plan­ets Saturn and Rahu. Due to these reasons the native suffered the loss of three sons.

Moreover, there are other Ascendants also in which Combina­tions cussing loss of children or those averse to the life of children are formed. Thus in the Aries Ascendant, if Mercury having the in­auspiciousness of being the 3rd and the 6th lord, will be situated in the 5th House, then it is certain that the native will be troubled with regard to the health of the children although grave reasons will not be present. If the Ascendant is Gemini and the 3rd lord Sun is pos­ited in the 5th House, then being in his sign of debilitation he (the Sun) will be the cause of great danger to the life of the native 's son. If the Ascendant is Libra, and there is Jupiter in the 5th House, then there may be defect in the Son' s health due to certain grave rea­sons. The Venus of the Pisces Ascendant when she is posited in the 5th House cannot be regarded admirable in this respect as she will be the 3rd and the 8th lord in this Ascendant.

~Sf) i ~II "<PI~ii Cf)'< 1 ~ t1 j~ 11: 'fl "ttl"1~ 6ti ion '11 ct1 ~ \J1 '1 ~ Pd \J190¥1 'fl '1 ~ TfT1i ~ 11~: I

~ CU ~ Sli11Diqcq: 'fl"t!FMI~ ~ 'fl"ttl;i ~ d~I'1'1Ptl fct!m: ~m ~~fill~6 II~ II

5. COMBINATIONS CAUSING GAIN OR LOSS OF CHILDREN: If in a horoscope, Venus, Mars and the Moon are sit­uated particularly in the 5th House, in a dual-natured sign (3/6/12) except the sign of Sagittarius, then the native is soon blessed with the happiness of getting a son.

If in the 5th House there is only the sign of Pisces or Sagit­tarius, then learned Astrologers do not speak of the natives ' happi­ness of getting a son.

Notes: If the Ascendant is Taurus and Venus, Mars and the Moon are posited in the 5th House in the daul-natured sign of Virgo, then the native 's happiness of getting a son sooner or later, this poses a question before us. Let us go back to the 4th Shloka of

54 Bhav Kutuhalam

this very chapter of Jeeva Nath 's book. Here this writer says that accordmg to the learned Astrologers Varaha Mihira etc the situation of the 3rd lord in the 5th House is undesirable for the native with regard to his getting a son : The rationale is this : If the Ascendant is Tawus, the Moon will be placed in the 5th House as the 3rd lord. Venus here (in the 5th House) wi!J be in her sign of debilitation; and Mars in the 5th House should not be considered with great ex­pectations as according to 'Laghu-Parashari' the 12th lord (who will be Mars in this Ascendant) is neither auspicious nor inauspicious, he will give auspicious or inauspicious effects, in accordance with the lord of the House with whom he is conjoined, or the House in which he is posited, or the other House of which he is the lord. Here Mars will be conjoined with the 3rd Lord the Moon and the debilitated Venus (the 6th lord). Here the Moon and Venus are Trikeshas also. The Mool Trikona sign of Venus is in the 6th House. Therefore she wilJ give less effect of the Ascendant House and more of the 6th House. And the lord of the Trik Houses have been regarded by all the writers on Astrology as undesirable and unpraise worthy as the meaning of the word Trik is three wicked or inauspicious Houses : If the Ascendant is Scorpio and in the 5th House there is the place­ment of Venus, the Moon and Mars, then the native is blessed with a son very soon as the Moon is posited in the 5th House as the 9th lord; although Venus is posited in the 5th House as a Trikesha yet she is in her sign of exaltation; Mars is placed in the 5th House as the Ascendant lord and the 6th lord. This condition is very quick in bestowing a child, but there is the fear that the child will invite some serious illness which jeopardises his longevity. The treatment of the child continues for a long time, as the Mool Trikona sign of Mars is in the 6th House and therefore he will play the role of being the 6th lord with greater strength than that of being the 8th lord. Venus is in her sign of exaltation, but she also cannot forget the quality of being a Trikesha.

Considerations with Regard to Getting Progen

Here is a horoscope which illustrates this fact.

Example No. l3


Date of birth :


Time of birth :

2.20 A.M.




Mar Ven Jupiter


Mer Sun Ketu



In this horoscope of Scorpio Ascendant the 5th House is occu­pied by Mars, Venus and the Moon. The native was blessed with a daughter some days after marriage. But according to the above stat­ed reason the daughter contracted a disease named Thalacaemia due to which the daughter is given blood every month from some one else's body, otherwise her life gets endangered.

ri Cf)~•l~ 00' ~ ~ gC'II~II1~ ~ ~ '1 '< ~ '"~~ eft~~ o~ s~1 "J.T~ q_

~ ~ ~ '<~'{!~ ~ ~ufilljffi ~ m<fr 'Jdlqftl ~ Ck'ftq,S~ Cf) 0e~ II~ Ill

6. COMBINATION CAUSING IMPOTENCY: If in a horo­scope there is the Sun of Cancer, Venus of Leo, Satwn of Libra and the Moon of Aries, the native becomes a person of ' Ksheendhatu' or impotency. Again, if the Moon and Jupiter are posited in the As­cendant and the 5th House is occupied by Satwn, even then the na-

56 Bhav Kutuhalam

tive will be of Ksheendhatu or impotency If the Sun conjoins Jupi­ter m the Ascendant, Mars occupies the 8th House and there IS the sign of an impotent planet in an Angle, even then the native con­tracts impotency.

(f)~J'<Ifli•Jd ~ !~+i"'GJq('f)~ I

~~~~~•Jtl ~ ~£4S1"1~ ;ffi ~ lll9 II

7. If Virgo is the Ascendant and there is the aspect on it of Mercury and Saturn and Venus is in the sign of Saturn, the native having these combinations is impotent

-;fM ~x't 1!1Tt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tfGT !}~:ya ~ 't'QJRtg:ffi •J 01cffl=tt~: lit:; II

8. If Jupiter or Venus is gone in his/her sign of debilitation, Mercury in an even sign and the Sun in an odd sign, the native is not blessed with the happiness of getting a son, this is the saymg of the excellent scholars of Astrology.

U~ ~ (f)<."fHI~ ~~fan) "lJGT I


WITH A SON AT THE AGE OF SIXTY : If the moon, being posited in the sign of Cancer, is aspected by Malefic signs and Malefic planets and the Sun gets the aspect of Saturn, the native be gets a son at the age of sixty years

lfllf~ ~ ~ ~ \l1 rif <."f • ~ '< q I q <."f1 ~ q:yt~J!}~ ~!.lDIJiGJ(q~ ~: 119o II

10. COMBINATIONS IN WHICH THE NATIVE IS BLESSED WITH A SON AFTER THE AGE OF THIRTY YEARS : If the Ascendant House has the sign of a Malefic planet and it 1s occupied by a Malefic planet, the Sun is of ScorpiO and Mars IS of Gemini, then the combinations of getting a son are formed after acquiring the age of 30 years

Considerations with Regard to Getting Progen 57

~ !.1~(f)4) ~ 'J{C)of 'q~\l1Jc$~

~ q~llft1 ~ itt (f)~Jfl.l~ftl ~: 1199 II

ll. THE COMBINATIONS IN WHICH THE NATIVE RE­MAINS BEREFT OF A SON : If in the sign of Scorpio there are Jupiter and Venus, in the Ascendant there are Mercury and Saturn, the native having such combinations hardly sees a son in his house or he does not get a son.

~~C{~ ftlj~~ms~ '<~~~~~ER ~~: I +i~IR~~ $~~4-q~cf~ f'at't•:t ~en 119~ II

12. If the Ascendant lord is in his enemy's sign or is in con­junction with an enemy, Saturn and the Moon aspect him and the Sun is situated in the 2nd or the 6th House, the native does not get a son. Or if Mercury is aspected by the Sun, and the Moon, Saturn is in enemy's sign and the Ascendant House is aspected by the Malefic planets even then the native does not get a son

+i"'GI<."fll~ ~~~ <."f 4 :t~ err qJq&•l~ if1l I

atqfll6rPt: ~qCf))qrt!!=<m ~~·JaroiPt~ctt~r 119~ 11

13. If the Sun is aspected by or is in conjunction with the Malefic planets and he is in a sign of Saturn and the divisional chart of the Malefic planets is gone in the Ascendant House, then accord­ing to the saying of the Pandits (those learned in the Shastras or the classics) there is the loss of the son due to the curse of the 'Kuldevta' (the deity of the family).

Notes : The Sun is related with progeny or the son because in a natural horoscope he is the lord of the 5th House. Besides this, he is regarded as the presiding deity of life force. The Sun will be in enemy's sign in the sign of Saturn and if he is in conjunction with and is aspected by the Malefic planets there, the reproductive ability of the native is badly affected. Moreover, there should be the sign of Malefic planets in the First House or the Ascendant House in the Ascendant, Hora, Decanate, Saptamamsha, Navamsha and Trimshamsha.

58 Bhav Kutuhalarn

314~¥11~ ~ ~: t'QIC:4~'<1fli ~Pt6Pd ml: I

31'«1i,ll'l 414!Jtl ~ (1GT ";{ ~"dloot'§& ~ llcnlll

14. If in the 5th House there is Mars, it destroys all the sons. If the the 5th Lordis combust and is in conjunction with a Malefic planet, even then the native is not blessed with the happiness of get­ting a son.

Notes : The placement of Mars in any house points to the fact that the relative representing that House has his life in danger. If the 5th lord is combust and is in conjunction with the Malefic planets, he will lose his strength to a great extent and therefore the happi­ness of getting progeny will be hardly there. Here is an illustration which testifies to the statement given in this shloka.

Example No. 14

Data of birth :


Time of birth :

3.35 A.M.


ASC Ven Ket

Sun Jup Mer- Sat


77°- l3(E)

Mar Moon


In the 5th House there is Mars who is conjoined by the Moon also. Mercury the 5th lord is combust and a Malefic planet is aspected by Rahu. Due to these factors four children of the native were swal­lowed by death.

Considerations with Regard to Getting Progen 59

~: ~di411'<4R1 : ~414~ effi-.:r tA) ~ ~: I

31'<1q41~ ~ Oifm: ~ tFfl '1jG1'«1C:I.ft't llct~ II 15. If the 5th lord from Jupiter is a malefic and is bereft of

strength, the native remains devoid of a son. If there are benefic plan­ets in the 6th House and the 6th lord is posited in the 8th House, even then there is the same effect.

Notes : Jupiter is the significator of the 5th House .. Our ~eat sages like Parashara and other learned astrologers have giVen drrec­tions at many places that the knowledge relating to any relative or any matter may also be properly obtained by counting fro_m ~e House in which the significator of that relative or that matter ts Situated to the House representing them. For example, Jupiter is the significa_tor of the 5th House with regard to progeny etc. Therefore, by countmg from the House where in a horoscope Jupiter is situated, the 5th House will give us proper knowledge about progeny etc. hence when the 5th House from Jupiter and its lord will be malefics and weak, there may be the possibility of the native's being devoid of issues.

Pt. Jeeva Nath bas said that if there are benefic planets in the Sixth House and the 6th lord is posited in the 8th House, the native will be devoid of a son why this will happen is beyond understand-


~ 'lff:l: moj q:q11~ \iffif "'if urnt ~Pt6Rl ~ I ('f4 ~'q'(: 414!Jd: ~ oq~ltiC~ !J~'§~"1 lfr;f: llctft II

16. The Sun when he is situated in the 5th House causes the death of the native 's progeny. if the Ascendant lord is in conjunc­tion with the Malefic planets and the 5th lord is posited in the 8th or the 12th House, even then the native remains devoid of the hap­piness of getting progeny or son.

~C:I!l~urh";!t':q'<loli ~ GGT Gt~Pt '11"1ql"11't I

q~'l<t>~~""t '§d'fll ~ (1GT qC:~ffi !J'<IDI~~I: ll9t9 II

17. When in the horoscope there is the loss of a son due to Rahu Mars and Saturn, the progeny or the son is destroyed because of th~ wrath of the Kul Devta (the god or the goddess who is main-

60 Bhav Kutuhalam

ly worshiped in the family), this is the view of the learned Astrolo­gers.

!~~Sf>ct{a ~ ~dllf?d: fll<lt{\iF11q I

!}'Qii~Cfl~ eM ~~'"t"'"~tt~il<'tlq ll(k; II

18. If the tmhappiness relating to the progeny or the son is due to a wicked combination which is formed by Mercury and Venus, the happiness of getting a progeny or a son is obtained by worship­ing god Shiva, if it is due to a wicked combination which is formed by Jupiter and the Moon, it (the happiness of getting a progeny or a son) is obtained by doing many kinds of Y antras and Mantras and by using some medicine.

XJSVTT Cf) ;:q Cf) I~ I ;1 ¥11 j"11 6 ~ ctff'fA'l{ I

~f?j"11 Cf)(t1('11~14 '"1~1'<P4i tt~·~~ I ~ II

19. If the planet causing loss of progeny or son is Rahu the native should do Kanya dan (giving a daughter by way of marriage); if it is the Sun who has caused the loss of progeny or son he should do the Kirtan of Hari (recitation of the name of god Vishnu); if it is due to the defect of Ketu, Kapila cow should be given as alms or charity; if it is due to the defect of Saturn or Mars the native should do the Anusthaana (repeated reading) of ' Rudradhayaya' and Rudrabhiseka (bathing of the lord Shiva).

~cf G"l ~fcl;nlTT~ ~~T~fttl\JfYJl{ I

'fi~~'"istti ~ Cf)IJt~qstd -;w. ll~o II

20. For the pacification of or the alleviation of all the defects the native should perform the Anusthaana, and worship of Santana Gopal Yantra, and he should Keep Vrata or fast for Mars and Cu­pid (the God of love).

I ll9 I I



«cJ "lfGT ~ Pi\J1'1'6tltt~: ~ ttlcf~ Jt: ~ ~ ~ I ~: ~g•hq:q~t~mm 141('fill<'t~~'!ld~~ ll<l II

t. Rajyoga leading the native to be an emperor : The native (belonging to a royal family) in whose horoscope 5 planets are there in their exaltation Signs certainly becoroos a Chakravarti Raja (an Em­peror or KiOE of Kings), he in whose horoscope 3 planets are there in their exaltation signs, becomes a King. If the native is the son of any other man than a King he becomes a minister.

Notes : In the present shloka pt. Jeeva Nath wants to say that while making prediction, the Astrologer should keep in mind the na­tive' s family, society, status, time and place and traditions and pos­sibilities of the age. There may be three or four or five planets in their exaltation signs in a horoscope. But if .ve consider them and make predictions without keeping the native 's family, society, tradi­tions and time and place, our predictions will certainly be wrong and extremely ridiculous. We would like to illustrate this fact through a horoscope.


Example No. 15

Date of birth :


Bhav Kutuhalam

Time of birth : Lat.: Long. :

2.10 A.M. 29°-28'(N) 77°-44'(£)


Moon Ketu

ASC Jupiter

Mar Yen Sun Rahu Sat Mer

This native of Cancer A~ndant was born in a very ordinary family. His father was a fourth class servant in Uttar Pradesh state Raod Transport Corporation. The native passed the High school (lOth standard) examination after several failures and got a job of a con­stable in U.P. Police. The native' s father was an addict of Narcotics and had illegal relations with a colleague of his who had died. The evil shadow of both these wicked deeds (Sins) was there on the na­tive. The native served the Department honestly for two years. In the Jrd year he incurred the evil influence of his colleagues and he be­came an addict of drinking wine and one day while he was dead drunk he raped a minor girl successfully. Due to this, at present he is suffering punishment in jail. Here in the horoscope Jupiter, Mer­cury, Saturn and the Moon are in there exaltation signs. Therefore, according to Jeeva Nath's Shloka he should have been a minister. But the family traditions and the culture of the native exerted great influence on him and he became what we see him today.

The relations that are formed among planets have great influ­ence on the native's life. But the condition stated above, that is the consideration of the native' s family society, time and place etc is necessary in making prediction. If we consider at present the horo­scopes of persons holding highest political positions, we shall hardly

Rajyogas 63

find the Raj Yoga as described in the Ancient Books on Astrology. Therefore, we shall certainly have to take the native' s family etc into consideration.

The differences that exist between countries have also their in­fluence on the native's life. Thus an American labourer will certain­ly have more income than a Chinese labourer. The value of labour in a primitive society is negligible while it is very great in western countries and other developed countries. We give here an example of a native born in a high family. The example is of the son of an honest person holding a high position in Indian Civil Service.

Example No. 16

Date of birth:


Time of birth: Lat:

I.S.T. 11.37 (Night) 28°-43 ' (N)



Rahu Yen




ASC Jupiter

Sun Mer Moon Sat

In this horoscope of Cancer Ascendant Jupiter Saturn and Mars are in their highest exaltation signs. Great care and attension was giv­en to the native's education from the very beginning. The native got every convenience in all fields. He did C.A. (Chartered Accountant) and at present he is the Head of the Accounts Department of a big firm in Dubai. The incidents of the life of the two natives related to the two horoscopes given above make it quite clear that family tra­ditions and conditions of Time and Place have important role to play in giving direction to a native's life.

64 Bhav Kutuhalam

1]. ~T~ T.~ "f6 ~ "J.TCfftr "GlT-q "GT";fCfl]. ~1

\ifl: ~ ~T ~tot 'fl Rt 'fl !J~ I q ftl ~ I :I.~~ 'tiT4 ~ftr ~ 'fl'q~ ~ytJiDn ~ ~~ ~ tttotqRI ~ CfT "'1'<4RI: II~ II

2. If in a horoscope Jupiter being in his exaltation sign is pos­ited in an Angle (ll4n or 110) and the guru of the Demons (Venus) is there in the lOth House, then certainly the native's coins prevail (have validity) to the ocean. If the Moon in conjunction with Jupiter is situated in the sign of Cancer or Sagittarius, the Sun and Mercury are gone in their exaltation signs and all the other planets are en­dowed with strength, even then the native becomes a king.

Notes: Here the following two Raj Yogas have been referred to (i)" Jupiter being in his exaltation sign is posited in an Angle (l/4/ 7 or / 10) and Venus is situated in the lOth House.

According to the formula it is quite clear that this Raj Yoga can occur and be fructified in the Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capri­corn Ascendants and not in other Ascendants because it is only in these Ascendants that Jupiter being in his exaltations sign may be in an Angle. He cannot be in this situation in other Ascendants.

In the horoscopes of the natives of Aries Ascendant Jupiter will be in the 4th House in his sign of exaltation and he will be the 9th and the 12th lord and Venus will be in the lOth House in the sign of Capricorn after having the 2nd and the 7th lord. Both these plan­ets being in the 4th and the lOth House will make mutual relation ships, that is, this relationship will be of the 2nd, the 7th, the 9th and the 12th Houses. If considering the matters related to these Hous· es and adopting the method of mutual relationship, likeness, cause and effect, we may make a generalisation of the rules in order to know the incidents related to the native then we may reach near the perception of the future. For this, first of all we consider the matters which are studied from these four Houses :

The Second House : This House is known as Dhana Bhava or House of wealth It is related to Dhana or wealth, treasure, diamonds, copper, gems, pearls, purchase and sale (trade) activities related to finance, power, gold, silver and grains etc.

Rajyogas 65

The Seventh House : It is related to trade, valour, defeated en­emy, victory, wealth kept at another place, other lands (various plac­


The Ninth House: This House signifies grandeur, fortune, fame, spreading of fame (good qualities lead to fame ~d fame spreads every where) influence, valour, greatness, coronauon, ~g­nificence of every kind, place of coronation, giving alms or charity of money, enjoyment of kingdom, Raj Yoga etc.

The Twelth House : This house signifies going to a foreign country, travel of different places and expenditure.

Now, suppose it is the Aries Ascendant and Jupiter is in his exaltation sign in the 4th House and Venus is in the lOth House. It is quite clear that all the above stated four Houses will make rela­tions with each other. The matters which are common to these four Houses should be given attention to in different order. This gives us indication that wealth, treasure (2nd House), wealth which is kept in another place (7th House), grandeur, every kind of grandeur (9th House), expenditure (12th House), all these matters are common and they all are related to wealth. Therefore all the four Houses are re­lated to activites belonging to wealth. This may be called the first


In the second order, activities relating to frnance, purchase and sale (2nd House) trade (7th House) spreading of fame (9th House) and expenditure (12th House) are common to all the four Houses and

are related to each other.

This division of order may be put in the technique or method of adjustability and likeness or sameness.

In the technique or method of cause and effect it is the think­ing of the astrologer which comes to his help. Thus here we shall have to think what relation may be developed between wealth, trade, activities related to wealth, expenditure, spreading (of trade), purchase and sale etc. Activities related to wealth are contained in trade. Ex­penditure must be made in order to purchasl! somethi~g. A~umula­tion of wealth gained through income (2nd House) wdl pers1st only when you develop your purchase and sale system and traJe . ~nd de­velopment is possible only when you reach various places (c1Ues and countries) and conduct or make others conduct activities relating to


66 Bhav Kutuhalam

Now we see the adjustability in the 3rd order - foresight, pow­er or capacity (2nd House) victory (7th House), influence, magnifi­cence, grandeur of every kind, Raj Yoga (9th House), release from the cycle of birth and death (12th House) all these have likeness or sameness. Thinking of the cause and effect technique or method we may imagine of a person who has greatness and is influential and who has the capacity of conducting his network of trade which is spread in the whole country merely by his influence, who himself remains away from every thing but who makes conduct every thing successfully.

Therefore, we may imagine in this horoscope of a native who is conducting the activities of his trade with foresight in the whole country and in foreign countries, who is victorious with full power in trade activities, whose credit (belief) is there in other trading finns, who is endowed with much capital due to which he can procure loan also. On the basis of his good qulaities it may be said about him that his coins prevail in the lands for and near.

We shall have to consider of those Houses as well in which planet's position is responsible for making Yogas. In the horoscope of the native of Aries Ascendant this Yoga is formed in the 4th and the lOth House. Therefore, to Some extent, there Houses will also have their influence on this Yoga. The meaning of the influence of these Houses is that the public (4th House) has great respect (9th House) for the native. Therefore, the public adopts the commodities manufactured in his factories. And the native always keeps his influ­ence in the government circles (lOth House) also. Here is a horo­scope in which such a Yoga is formed.

Example No. 17

Date of birtb :



Time of birtb :

I.S.T 2.10 P.M.


SAt Mar


Sun Ket







Moon Jupiter

In this horoscope of Aries Ascendant in the 4th House Jupiter is in his sign of exaltation and the Moon is in her own sign. In the lOth House there is Venus. This native remained very prosperous and wealthy in his times. It is said that when once there came money crisis the paper money bearing his signature and seal prevailed in fur and wide lands. The guarantee of encashing his money was alsp given by him. He was a great merchant in food grains. He had his own bank whose branches were there in India's principal cities. It was nationalised later on. He maintained his influence in his life time in the government circles also and the british rules conferred great honour on him.

It is proper to point out here that the Raj Yogas which have been mentioned here in this chapter do not necessarily mean that the native in whose horoscope these Raj Yogas are present will certain­ly be a King. The word 'Raj Yoga' (combination making the native a King) should be taken here not in its limited meanings. This is, however, certain that the native will be a significant" person in the context of wealth, status, grandeur, honour, power and mastery

In the horoscope of a native of Cancer Ascendant Jupiter in the Ascendant will be in lus exaltation sign and Venus will be in the

68 Bhav Kutuhalam

sign of Aries in the lOth House. Here Venus will have strong An· gular influence, that is, 3/4 aspect on Jupiter and there will be very important role in this Raj Yoga of the 6th, 9th, 4th and 11th House. In the 6th House there will be the Mool Trikona sign of Jupiter. Therefore, the native will have in his life hard struggle, obstacles and paucity. He may be in his life the patient of a serious disease for Jupiter in the Ascendant will be as the 6th lord also. But it is quite certain that such a native will be a significant person in his family and his financial conditions etc will be very strong. We give here an illustration of the Cancer Ascendant.

Example No. 18

Date of birth : Time of birth :

17-3-1932 I.S.T. 3.00 P.M.


Sun Mer Rahu

Yen Moon

Mar ASC Jupiter

Sat -


In this horoscope of cancer Ascendant Venus being the 4th lord and the 11th lord is posited in the lOth House. The lOth lord Mars is gone in the 8th House. Jupiter in the Ascendant is the 6th and the 9th lord This native is the owner of seven petrol pumps. He has also agricultural land in large measure in the Trai Area of Uttar Pradesh state. He has also Transport Agencies in three different cities. He has earned great fame and popularity due to his being the supporter of various social institutions.

lf the Ascendant is Capricorn Jupiter may be in his exaltation sign only in the 4th House and he will be the lord of the 3rd House (one of the Tnshadaya Houses) and the 12th House (one of the Trik

Rajyogas 69

Houses). Venus will certainly be in her Mool Trikona sign in ~ 10~ House. The Angular strength which Venus will get from Juptter wtll be the strength of a benefic planet which is significant in itself. It has been our experience that such natives adopt journalism, wri~g,

export business and are manufacturers of export goods. Such nati~es have influence on the government or they themselves hold some tm· portant post in the government. In Capricorn Ascendant Venus is the 5th and the lOth lord. These Houses are related specially to profes­sion, government and intellect and Jupiter. being the ~rd lord has spe­cial relation with writing and manufacturmg and bemg the 12th lord has relations with foreign countries. Therefore, it is quite natural that the native may be a writer, influential in government circles and also an exporter of goods manufactured in his factory. Here is a horo­scope of such a native.

Example No. 19

Date of birth:


Time of birth:

I.S.T. 3.55 P.M.



Mar Rahu



Sat Yen

Moon Ket


Mer Sun

In the lOth House Venus in her own sign is in conjunction with Saturn in his exaltation sign. Jupiter in the 7th House is in his exal­tation sign. This native is a great exporter of articles relat~ to a kitchen machine tools and books etc. and he has adopted thts ex· port tr;de after resigning from Indian Civil Service . Ge~ting. such a service was quite easy due to this Yoga or combmation ·~ h•.s horo­scope. At present a group of political leader respectfully tnvttes the

70 Bhav Kutuhalam

native in their advisory committee in order to get his opinion on sen­sitive matters.

The Ascendant being Libra, Venus and Jupiter will be situated in the lOth House. This conjunction is of the 3rd and the 6th lord and of the Ascendant lord and the 8th lord. This combination is found in the horoscopes of judges, high level advocates, interpreters of law and constitution as Jupiter is the significator of speech and in this Ascendant he is the lord of the House of law due to his being the 6th lord. Again, Venus in a natural horoscopes is the significator of speech. According to the Pauranic legends Jupiter and Venus are the gurus or preceptors of respectively the gods and the demons. Due to their being gurus or preceptors they will be called the guides or con­ductors of the ethical codes. Therefore it should not be surprising if the native becomes a judge or an interpreter of law and the Articles of the constitution.

In this very shloka another formula of giving the effect of Raj Yoga is as follows:

(ii) If there is conjuction of the Moon and Jupiter in the sign of either sagittarius or cancer, one of either the sun or Mercury is in his sign of exaltation and all the other planets areendowed with strength, this conbination secures Raj Yoga for the native.

lf the Ascendant is Aries, Mercury's being in his sign of exal­tation doesnot carry much meaning or significance, because he will endow strength to the6th House and this House does not have spe­cial relation in Raj, ogas. In this Ascendant it is the Sun's being in hissign of exaltation that \\'ill be more desirable. The moon and Ju­piter being in the sign of Cancer or Sagittarius will be compelled to giveve the native a high levelled position. Other planets Mars, Ve­nus and Saturn in their exaltation signs wilJ certainly pave the way of giving the native the highest position.

In the case of natives having Taurus Ascendant obtaining a spe­cially high levelled position desnot seem to be possible, because the Moon and Jupiter incancer or in sagiltarious will be either in the 3rd House or in the 8th House, and both will be the lords of te 3rd (the Moon) and the 8th and the lith Houses (Jupiter). These three Hous­es are not desirable in the formation of Raj Yoga: The Sun being in his exaltation sign will be situated in the 12th House. It is also not

Rajyogas 71

specially beneficial. Mercurybeing in hissign of exaltation will cer­tainly make the future of the native secure. among other planets aturn will be of special significance. If the (Saturn) is in his exaltation Sign he will be placed in the 6th House which has been considered as in­auspicious for other businessmen than doctors and lawyers. It is true that if he (Saturn) makes relation wit Mercury in the 5th House, he will certainly create a Raj Yoga and this Rah Yoga may confer on the native the post of Education Minister. It is due to this combina­tion that thenatives have been found obtaining post of vice chancel­lor etc in the world of education.

For the natives having Gemini Ascendant the situation of the Moon and Jupiter in cancer or sagittarius willbe extremely praisewor­thy. In the exalted position of the sun or Mercury, it is the exalted position of Mercury which gives greater hopes. Besides these, the strength of Venus and Saturn will be quite auspicious and suitable. The Gemini Ascendant is an ideal one for this Yoga or combination.

The Cancer Ascendant will prove to be an ideal one only when the Ascendant lord, the Moon and the 6th 9th lord Jupiter will be in the sign of Cancer. Being in the sign of sagittarius they will increase the characteristics of the 6th House which will not be auspicious be­cause the 6th House is the House of inauspicious ness.

Similarly in the Leo ascendant the Moon and Jupiter will give specially aspicious effects only when they are posited in the 5th House and not when they are situated in the sign of cancer in the 12th House. Besides these, in the situation of Mercury and the Sun, the sun's position in his exaltation sign will be more prositable.

ln Vigo Ascendant the Raj Yoga will be medium. Although in this Ascendant this Yoga or combination will not at all hesitate in giving the native increase relating to property. If Mercury is situated in his sign of exaltation, it will be relatively more profitable.

In the Libra Ascendant, it is after mud struggle that the native gets Raj Yogain adult age. In this Ascendant Raj Yoga is fructified very late in life.

If in the scorp10 Ascendant, Jupiter and the Moon conjoin in the sign of cancer, it will be considered more profitable. Mercury's being in his exaltation sign willbe more suitable than of the Sun's being in his sign of exaltation.

72 Bhav Kutuhalam

For the natives having Sagittarius Ascendantthe conjuction of Jupiter and the Moon ·will give the native Alpayu (short age) or Madhyayu (medium age) Yoga because this conjuction will beof the Ascendant lord and the 8th lord. If the Sun is exalted it is more aus­picious because Mercury's exalted sityuation willbecome quite use­less in the absence of his conjuction with the benefic House.

In the Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendant Raj Yoga will be me­dium.

ln the Pisces Ascendant if the conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon be in the sign of Cancer or Sagittarius, it will have the same significance because this conjunction is of an Angle and a Trine and the significant thing is that in both the conditions this conjunction will be formed either in an Angle or in a Trine. Mercury in his sign of exaltation will be more excellent than the sun in the same situa­tion. If Mercury's relation is formed with Mars in any way, it will be like borax in gold or extremely auspicious as this relation will be of an Angular lord and a Trinal lord and this relation will be be­sides the conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter. Therefore it will cer­tainly be of special significance.

'lJ, ~ycj ~ Cfirf! lJG-.=f~ ~11-Tlcl ~-.=flJUl : ~ ff l.1 sf> -qsf; Jf'i-Tqftr UJ-.l "lf ~~ WI~: I

115T"""Tl et yff ~ lllf-.=rWI~ "ff~ Cfiftvri oq(.it"~oe:I~IGI"~GlRt oqqclttl ~~: II~ II

3. The native, in whose horoscope Jupiter is in the Ascendant in the sign of Cancer (his exaltation sign), the Sun's son Saturn is posited in the 4th or the 7th House and Venus is retrograde, becomes such a king that when he marches (to the battle field) the loud roar of the large bells tied in the necks of his elephants makes the water of the ocean terrified and it begins to jump in all the four directions

Notes : It is necessary that the Astrologer should know the art of using these formulas in the modem context It is only then that we shall be able to say something about the king in the context of the modem systems of government and the changing art of war due to the ultra modern weapons of war Inthe present age the king has not to go out for war The necessity of the war m which people kill

Rajyogas 73

each other face to face also does not belong to this age. Today in­fluencing the policies of a country by exerting pressure on the eco­nomic level is indicative of victory.

~ \Jft~~~~ G~l'i¥1~~ ~d~~ffiq~ l!, wt , e.yf1fe.11i crt ~~~ UJ-.=r-;t 1 4 1\J11~1'11<."ft~fct\Jf~ 4 1'1~ d~'tf6'tfl 'tt'ilif>l"'dl

l{ e.cfi o UJftr TfPcf>oT lfl6ti"Gcft "1;. I I ~ I I

4. If in the horoscope of a king there are Jupiter and the sun in Aries, Mars is in the lOth House, venus is situated in the 9th House and there is the conjunction of the Moon and Mercury, then at the time of the march of such a king to the battlefield to get vic­tory the earth is filled with the rows of elephants and consequently the earthly creatures are astonished and are charmed.

~~i~ ~!~ ~~ ~~:t~l 1-llJ, ~~r er~ ~ ~1Jff ll~l'tf~ 4 1tll],sfi 'lJCftm ~: 1 d'flll{•t fll'<'tfl ~6~ CRJETT~: ~ ~ll'tf~ '11~~1@if>=ql'<f<l~ct>~if>l'11<511~~ Jmm: II~ II

5. lf in the horoscope Mercury is in the Ascendant in the sign of Virgo, Jupiter is situated in the 7th house in the sign of Pisces, the Sun and Mars are endowed with strength in any House Saturn is in Cancer and Venus is in the sign of Sagittarius, then the command of an emperor born in this combination is obeyed very happily in the same way as people cheerfully wear in their neck the garland of bloomed lotus flowers.

~ ~~ffi 1!~ El'<fblufl \Jft~~t!Sf>T: ~ff ftf~ 1Jif(Ofl ~q I if>'< if>'<C1:Jl~ll~Cffil ~T I o?l C"\ 1-1. oUJ-.=r~~ ~1-.:r~ 11 l ~ ll~Tftro UJ -=CIQ ...... ffi~~ ......... ffi......-n-q ..,..G,..,.\14 =:qrr-1 '<-r-'<.-Gl ...... 'tf........,l i8,.........."""1....;· ~11) '1 o\S <51 't I I~ I I

6. If in the 9th House there is the Sun's son Saturn, Mars is

74 Bhav Kutuhalam

placed in the sign of Capricorn and Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are endowed with Strength in the 5th House and none of the Planets is combust, then the dust which is raised by the foot steps of the peo­ple who have come to see the king born in this combination when he marches to the battle field to get victory covers even the sky it­self.

~ g<,;t I S1 Cf)'< I \JI ifi C'fl '(1) '< ~ !J(§ I: 'a Cf) <,;t I ~ <,;t 'a Pd 'i\q I {5oqgtiCb'i~G~'ti$Cf):~:~~~ lll911

7. If in a horoscope there are in the signs of Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer all the planets the Sun etc. the Yoga or combina­tion so formed is named as Chatushka Mahodadhi. This Yoga or com­bination provides men with the happiness equal to that which is en­joyed by Indra, the god of gods.

'<I~ 'M I 1ft ~~ 'JfCJffr ~t4 ;:tl q ~ q I ttl <_;! Cf) I '"ttl

~Ol41"11j~'<l~n t«nJ l5 'l:lGT cftafq.Jl 'J1qRt , '<I\JII"1) ~ ~ lJil<,;til<,;t~ciG~EiCT~um iCf)I'<S* ltt-sftttl ~G'<•Ittl: - Cf)RfJ:tlci 11\JIPd lie; II

8. If in a horoscope the lOth lord is in his exaltation sign and the Ascendant, the 2nd, the 5th, the 7th, the 4th and the 9th lords are in their exaltation signs or are endowed with strength, then hear­ing the loud roar of the ~ge bells tied in the necks of the elephants and the tingling sound made by the stretching of the bows of the king born in this yoga or combination the crowd of kings are terri­fied and trembled and take shelter in the caves.

Notes: The exaltation of the lOth lord means that the native's kingly power and lordship is at its highest point. The strength of the Ascendant lord makes the native himself very strong and endowed with all kinds of good qualities. The strength of the 2nd lord signi­fies prosperity and wealth, that of the 5th lord gives proper direction to the power of counselling, The exaltation of the 7th lord, due to being lOth from the lOth of the 7th House makes power and sovere1gnity the most excellent. Being endowed with strength of the 4th and the 9th lords indicates that the native is dear to and popular among the public and is famous and other people who are of his own

Rajyogas 15

level or are below him give him much respect. By using figurative langauge in this Shloka Pandit Jeeva Nath wants to make it clear that the king in whose horoscope there is the aforesaid situation of the Planets is invincible and unconquerable. The enemies are so much terrified by him that they cannot face him in war.

~till'fCf)l ~~ 11~ lfciR If •1M! ~~ a~\Jtf: Cf)¥4•11~ 'IPI'<~ ~ \Jidt'il~o1 ~ 1 l{eifr 'a ( I "1 dll41 of q \JI PI ttl4 'I toq ~ Cf) I ~ "'!{'"11"1T Si:ffidttt 1Joqu6Qil<."tR9»rii-<)Jtu6~ qijiqld: II~ II

9. If in a horoscope the Sun is in his exaltation Sign, Mars is in the sign of Capricorn in the 6th House, Venus is situated in the lOth House and Saturn is in the 3rd House, then the earth is filled with water poured on the earth in Sankalpa, (determination to do some religious rite etc.) which is as much as it is in the ocean, of giving some alms or charity his fame is as clear and white as Arjun by the burning brightness of the Moon and he seems to be like the falling of thunder on the heads of the enemy kings who are intoxi­cated with the pride of kingship, are very strong, extremely bright, mightly and valorous. In other wordes he rules in such a way that he keeps control over the inproper activities of the enemy kings.

Notes: This Raj Yoga is possible only in a horoscope of Leo Ascendant because Mars's exaltation in the 6th House is possible only in this Ascendant. It is seen in the horoscopes of ordinary persons that when Mars is in his exaltation sign in the 6th House, the native is not at all fearful of scoundrels and those persons who violate law. He rather keeps control over their activities and if the lOth lord is also in the lOth House, he gets special honour from the royalty (or government circles). If he is in government service he conducts the affairs in a proper way and takes strict legal action against corrupt employees.

In this context the present horoscope clears our point to a great extent.

76 Bhav Kutuhalam

Example No. 20

Date of Birth Time of Birth Latitude Longitude

74°-56' (E) 16-4-1924 I.S.T . 3-00 p.m. 30°-12' (N)


Sun Venus



ASC Mar Moon


Jup Sat

Here the Sun is the Ascendant lord. He is exalted and is an auspicious House, like the 9th House. In the 6th House Mars is situ­ated in his exaltation sign. In the lOth House Venus is in her own sign and the 6th lord Saturn is in the 3rd House. Saturn is also gone in her sign of exaltation. This native remained a high official in the Police Department. He also remained Principal in a Police Training Collegefor a long time due to which a large number of employees of the Police Department are well acquainted with his inner person­ality. During his regime he punished the criminals and those who dis­turbed law and order situation and the corrupt employees.

~JOiil~ ~~~-.:r~lifi~:~ q.>'qlf+ifq~"i 'if f4<ffi~d~ ~~ ~~~ z;fi {Of "lJ T tl 1, 'f-{ "d" i q l "lJ T ft fcf l cP:·'f. TxT

<~t\Jce)e<t>'ffiCit'<otEietSt>t""tlt ~"'""tlt(\~ llcto 11

10. If in a horoscope there is some kind of relation of the 1Oth and the 9th lord or they have any relation with the 5th lord and these relation making planets are endowed with strength, then all the four quarters ac completely fi lled with the echoes of the sound of the

Raj yo gas 77

groups of elephants and horses in the army of such a king, and the land of the enemies is conquered by him even without making war.

Notes: In the Raj Yogas and elsewhere when we talk of the relations between the Planets, we should always keep in mind the four kinds of relations stated in 'Laghu Parashari '.

No. 1. The relationship formed by mutual exchange of signs. In this relationship two planets are situated in each other' s sign. For example, if the Ascendant is Sagittarius and Mars is situated in Pi­sces (Jupiter 's sign) and Jupiter in Aries (Mars's sign). This is called mutual exchange of signs by the Planets or "Relatinship of sphere" Place relationship is also this one.

No. 2. Relationship formed by mutual aspect. If two planets as­pect each other it forms mutual aspect relationship. Every Planet fully aspects the 7th House from the House in which he is situated. If the Sun is in Aries and Jupiter in Libra both these Planets will have full aspect on each other.

No. 3. Aspect Relationship formed by the aspect of the one on the other: If one Planet is situated in another's sign and the other sign has full aspect on the former sign. For example, the moon is placed in Pisces (a sign of Jupiter) and Jupiter being placed in Vir­go has full aspect on the Moon.

No. 4. The relationship of being placed in the same sign: This relationship is formed when two Planets are situated in one sign. For example, there will be this kind of relationship if Jupiter and Mars are situated in the sign of Sagittarius.

The Raj Yoga referred to in this Shloka has been very beauti­fully stated in the 'Raj Yogadhayaya' of ' laghu Parashari' .

c6~~Cf))Dfqd~: ~Yf q'{~'<'t I ~x~~Cffit~il~~~t44>t'1GI~<t>t: II

that is, if Angular lords and Trinal lords whose another signs are not placed in other Houses than Angles or Trines make relation with each other, they (the Angular and the Trinal lords) are givers of special effects.

If there is relationship between an Angular lord and a Trinal lord and in this condition if there is no relationship of them with other

78 Bhav Kutuhalam

lords than the Angular and Trinal lords, then there results a great Characteristic in this Raj Yoga and such a Raj Yoga may be called a Raj Yoga without any obstacles in its way. If there is relationship with the lord of other House than the Angular and the Trinal lord, even then the Raj Yoga and the relationship are auspicious but this auspiciousness is of an ordinary level.

This Raj Yoga is there in a horoscope which has been taken from B.V. Raman's book 'Three Hundred Important Yogas' or Com­binations.

Example No. 21

Date of Birth


Time of Birth Latitude

7.23 p.m.





77°-34' (E)

Sat Moon


Yen Mars Mer


In this horoscope there is the conjunction of the lOth lord Mars with the 9th lord Venus or we should say they have relation with each other. The 5th lord Mercury has also shared this relationship. But Mars is defective in the senses that he is not an Angular lord and a Trinal lord at the same time. He is- the lOth lord, hence an Angular lord. But at the same time he is the 3rd lord also. Due to this the native' s Raj Yoga could not reach the desired heights. But even then he {the native) got almost all the effects of Raj Yoga.


-<1\Tl)m ~ ~qdl(.it~q~ 41-<lqt~i-fl tfq: ~m

~r~11l flf 11l 'S, x<_;f«t <_;fT~TTftTlll \iJ~lJ";fTlJ, I

i'.l->il"t:jlltl~~Sijt'(t:lclt:IDcl~~~fcf~­l'JlJYfl~ ~•IC!I<.itl ~~ -&tutPd lf!DIIt{ ll't't II


11. Marajadhiraj Yoga (fhe Emperor Making Combination). If the lOth lord, being of the Paravatarnsha, is situated in the 9th House, the 9th lord is posited in the 2nd House and the ' Labhesh' (the lord of the house of gains or the lith lord) is in the Gopuramsha, the neighing of the unstable and excellent horses, the loud s< .. und of bells tied in the necks of the elephants and the tingling sound of the arrows of the brave warriors in the army of such a king when he marches on a pilgrimage make the women of the four directions (Four Directions-East, West, North and South- are imagined as women) terrified in a moment and are confounded.

~lfMc["TT~~ ~~ UT'TT: fti5Tfl";f: ctftftfo: ~cH "ifilf1_~l'~~T6fi~l ~lt ft ftf5ffi";f: I

~: ftf6T'fl"'1~l"llUJl ft lf:J,ufl ~tllTftf~\ifl ~ •luf~jijj'(qlftt'<lftt!!cgcl'<'i~~ tNIJiu~Jill't~ II

12. Simhasana Yoga [Combination Leading the Native (a royal born) to Kingship]. If all the planets are there in the signs of Virgo, Pisces, Taurus and Scorpio, the Yoga thus formed is called Simhasana Yoga. The King born in this yoga becomes an emperor or a king of kings and oo rides the rows of elephants and horses who make roar on the earth, that is, he rides excellent elephants and horses.

3M fti'8 ct>~lct><.it~1~~'11~1ffitgx~ 'fl'ilut:

~t cT";fTf)f6 ~TCTftJ m-.:.lJ-.:.~fq ";fx: I

"il"(j, lTJst ~t ~ ~Cf><_;f~ 6T~Tt ~ ";f flrft;rat

'1tfl41'11'11cl)!!cgc'1fbl41t'ft ~Gt~d llct~ II 13. Chatush Chakra Yoga: If all the Planets are there m the

80 Bhav Kutuhalam

signs of Aries, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, gemini, Pisces, Scorpio and Li­bra, the Yoga so formed is named as Chatushchakra Yoga The roy­al born native having this Yoga in his horoscope enjoys all the com­forts and pleasures, conquers the row of kings who are like diamonds among other kings.

~"t ~ ~ 6Tll ~ \if";-lf"fllf~ ~ Cf>TCJ~ ctnftf tiT

lj, cttJT{OfiCJ "fllf"ttt'~l tflj, ~ cltwl Cf>Tx"i{.. ~ TlffbT: I

tf\Nilt~l ftlJ, lJ, ~~T:>up:JCf>xllJ~cf fctc~i lJ~T­C{~l'1~q'<) :!~\Jit4'<) ~Ellct>'<) ~: ll<t~ II

14. Ekawali Yoga: If as in a rosary of Pearls one Planet in similar order is placed in one House, the yoga so formed is named as Ekawali Yoga. The royal native having this Yoga in his horoscope is worthy of the worship of all kings as churamani is the most ex­cellent of all jewels. Such a king is the destroyer of the groups of his enemies, enjoys sensual pleasures with the Gandharva girls and heavenly woemn, endowed with many good qualities and learned in branches of knowledge.

C{!t4H Cf>~I~IPiflf~~jtgnMq'"t Ufl: ~ ~~~ ~ ~TCJftf ~~Tt lJt xfcfl!, uT: I

ll 'ifU~lJ t ~ lJll tr~ftlJ, 5~T ft.TftrtJftr :

>tt¥1""diGI~cM ~ ~'1GI'"l'1 '16t11'{ ll<t~ II 15. Shatrujeet Yoga: If in the horoscope of the royal born all

the planets are there in the signs of Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittari­us and Gemini, the native born in this Raj Yoga is the Conqueror of a large army which is very strong, ferocious, and fights very terri­bly. He also gives money etc. in charity and gets the greatest fame of all.

~: ftrn ~!l'<~cg&n~ '<~~t1) ~ ~ uftCJt ~lfCf>x~ t~t ~~~ flf~1-;t 1

g~ l_!st>~:il C:\JI'Jiq'14~ ~flft1'1li11:~ ~l tJT<"fl ~ tflj, ~ c'~-lliTTllfbTCJx: I I <t ~ I I

Rajyogas 81

16. If in a horoscope the Sun be in the sign of Leo, the Moon be in that of Cancer, Saturn be in that of Capricorn, Jupiter be in that of Pisces, Mercury be in that of Gemini, Venus be in that of Libra, and Mars be in that of Aries, the native will be the best among Kings like the brightest gem of the crown of Kings.

~ q I '11 ~: ftj-g "llfcf ft '1 Cf> '<) -qllf~ '1 g) \JI :

cp-;.~T~Tlfl[ tJCf>x~ ~ : ~ x~ "'<i : I

'Ji~'eql~ ~ R'1fil l~t1~R?i~ ct>~ufj:~ ~~~ ll~TCJftr ~xl S"fll ft.TftrtJftr : l l<tl9 I I

17. If in the horoscope of royal born the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, venus and Saturn are there respectively in Leo, Tau­rus, Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius, he certainly be­comes a King.

trc_;ftlJ, U~">t-CJTlfi Glllf~TCJ~T~ftlT~Tq~ tJtJ:

~CJT"~=-~TlJT~ ~TCJftr 'Gll-q lTl Sfli '~-Tfcf~Tl{ I t1 Gl41 \N{~ C:;::ct I q (\1 PI Cf>'< El 0 e I t::l '1'<~ ffll'Rf fcf?T"ttrl fcf\if~lJlf~ ~Tt-~ftlJUT : I I <t t; I I

18. If in the horoscope of a royal born there is strong 9th lord in the lOth House or in the other sign of the lOth lord and the strong lOth lord is also in the 9th Houe or in the other sign of the 9th lord, when the king born in this Yoga marches to the battle field to con­quer his enemies, hearing the roar or the loud sound of the large bells tied in the necks of the lephants the enemy kings are greatly terri­fied and run in different directions.

Note!l : The way in which Pandit Jeeva Nath has stated the ef­fects of the Raj Yoga produced due to the mutual relationship of the signs of the 9th and the lOth lords makes it quite clear that if such a Raj Yoga is there in a horoscope the special influence of the na­tive continues to exist and his enemies and opponents do not have the ability to face him. In a horoscope, the 9th and the lOth House are specially related to the native's, pride of place, influence, the best and the highest position in his field of action. The nauve in whose horoscope there is the relation of these two Houses, has a relatively

82 Bhav Kutuhalam

higher position than the other persons of his sphere. This formula can­not be there in the Taurus Ascendant as in it the 9th and the lOth lord is one, Saturn. If in this Ascendant Saturn has mutual relation­ship of signs with Mercury, then this relationship will be like this Yoga as Mercury will give the effect of specially the 5th House. The 5th House, being the 9th from the 9th is capable fo giving the like special effects as are given by the 9th House.

In the Gemini ascendant if the 9th lord is in the lOth House and teh lOth lord in the 9th House, the natie will obtain auspicious effects. If the lOth lord is in the other sign of the 9th lord then, as has been said, that if the lOth lord is in the 9th House or in the other sign of the 9th lord, special effefts will not be obtained as the other sign of the 9th lord Saturn which is Capricorn will be there in the 8th House. If the I Oth lord happens to be placed in the 8th House, he will be in his debilitation sign and will also be responsible for giving the evil effects of a Tri.k House (6/8 and 12). If it happens, the native may have a fall from his position.

In the Scorpio Ascendant also we should not consider as im­portant the 'placement of the 9th lord in the lOth House and of the lOth lord in the 9th House as in this Ascendant the 9th and the lOth lords are respectively the Moon and the Sun and the Moon's com­ing so close to the Sun clearly indicates that the Moon is Weak and therefore as the 9th lord She does not remain strong.

"lJGT lJ, u ~ t<U 1ft G" 'fJOI q 4 lJ,~"fCR ~ "if>"J.lff ~fttrt ""rent ""Tfcf~T~ Cf \if~~ 1

lflJ, ~y-;.(f Clftft{ ft{ \jflJ1fl{~ ct ft-qc;<_;ft

tlj~ftct>1~'4ut~ :qfchdl ~~qG<fl't II~~ II

19. Shatru Nasba.k Yoga (lbe Combination that destroys the native's enemies) : If the 9th lord is placed in the lOth House and the strong lOth lord in the 9th House, tis Yoga or combination spreads the fame of the native to the ocean. At the time of his march to the battlefield to conquer his enemies, hearing the tingling sound coming from the bows the groups of kings are astonished and these kings leave their thrones and run away to other places.

Notes : This Shloka has been greatly narrowed down in com-

Rajyogas 83

parison to the 17th one. Here the strong 9th lord has to remain only in the lOth House and he does not have the freedom of going into other sign of the lOth lord. And similarly the lOth lord shall also remains in the 9th House and is not allowed to fJ) into the •r sign of the 9th Lord and due to this reason Shloka I 8 has ~me a di.s­tinguished one because it is only in this condition tbat the effects will be more secure and certain.

""~ ~ 1fTtfilTI ~~~ lJ,VlJ'J.lCf~ "6~T ~~Tift ~ftl ~ tlflWf1'~ ~l{(ff'\ I

"6"GT 1J\Nf ~ "G-;::aTcttwl"CW~""TCfTft;lo \iflf"t : 'A'1lst>lwttl ~~1f'A' JilgqGcfl'{ ll~o II

20. If in the horoscope of a royal born the Ascendant lord is posited in the 9th House and the 1~ l~rd ~ ~ Ascendant House, when the native having such a combmauon m his horoscope march­es to the battlefield to conquer his enemies, the earth which is pressed with the burden of the loudly roaring elephants, horses and cames in his army begins to be terried.

Notes: Here Pandit Jeeva Nath has remained silent about the 9th lord. The completeness of the effects of this Yoga or combina­tion will be there only when the 9th lord being endowed with stren~ is plaed in an auspicious House or he (the 9th lord) makes some kind of relationship with the lOth lord, because for the obtainment of ex­cellent effects in a Raj Yoga, the strength of the 9th and the lOth lord and some kind of relationship between them has in it a com­pulsion. The fructification of Raj Yogas means the obtaining b~ the native the effects of good deed sdone by him in the former buths and the strength of the 9th lord means the certainty of the obtain-

ment of those effects.

lJGT '<1~-tGI.n Yiq'1'tldct~~ iiC'tist>l~~ lJ~lJ Jf'J.TCfftf lf cft~t ~~-q~: I

~"GTCliTclJTt'fTlfi ";fqlffbTClit'fTflf "if~ "if<_;ft tj.~~~~"Cf){WJ111f~T Et~l1fa: II~~ II

84 Bhav Kutuhalam

. 21. If in a horoscope the lOth lord being placed in a Trine or ·~ ~ ~gle or in the 2nd House is endowed with strength, the na­tive msp1te of being a king is skilful in the genre of poetry, he is always the wearer of rosary of new diamonds, is very strong, is the owner of the rows of many horses and elephants and is very wealthy.

"llGT Cf)Jftql~ ~d'tq'1411sfl lj+i!Jd: ~: "C6t G17~ ;.y-qftJ ;.rPcr~t ~~~ uFr-;t 1 11 lOf I tft d) 'Jfi1ft ~ ~ '( uft eft ~:!vft 'fd•utwft•l"'dl R!JPIC6'(6"'dl '1'(4ftl: II=?=? II

. ~2. If_ in a horoscope the lOth Lord is situated in the 5th House ·~ CODJunctt~n with a benefic planet and the 5th Lord is there in the Sign Of S_agittarius, the native will be fearless, will enjoy comforts, be long hved and endowed with many good qualities and that king who has a herd of elephants (or who has an army adorned with ele­phants) is the killer of the groops of enemies.

~'11 4 11'(tqlsfl ~ ~ 41'(1qdq~ ~'"C'i ;. ~ tJ Tt"f "C6 <,;r ~ ftJ ~ "ifl <,;r. tr t "i( <,;r lf, I 3T~Ttft;.yg HH~.~ll~lllfl~~~~ Pidl-=ci.rsft'f-=cifclfcl~~'1GI;i)Qdif('f'{ II=?~ II

23. If in a horoscope the 2nd lord (the Lord of the House of Wealth) is in the Paravatarnsha, this yoga or combination makes even ~ person born in an ordinary family such a strong king who remains like a rod ~r whi~ over_ his enemies who are like a group of ele­~hants .. He_ Is ha~pmess m~te, generous in always giving money m charity m vanous ways and IS always endowed with Wealth.

~CfffiC6('fq•ft Pn11 C6'( 1~0l0f'(l~14 Rt ~~Cf>IPd+iiC6 1 4 ~ 41\Jts:l \ifg~ 41if o~(;frif fCJ~d) 'ffCJI•I ~~(Of I q Rt: II=?~ ; I . 24. If in a horoscope the 9th Lord from the Moon is situated m th~ Navamsha of Jupiter and the Moon is full (is of the 15th tithi, that IS Pooranmashi), then the native becomes the possessor of the herds of elephants, horses and cows, wears a corwn studded with


many diamonds and is called Lord of the Earth.

~GT liT~ ~T~ 'J.Jqftr lfG~ CJT'flCf:J, xl ~~ CJT ti*~6f.!IC6'(iil~ lq flt 1flll{ I 'J.T~3THH GHH ~ll"'f'fcfftorifT~'iltJ, xl ~ul~l~4!fi ~'14RI=flifl;ft ~\iflOfd II=?~ II


25. KUBER TULY A RAJ YOGA: When Jupiter being in his exaltation sign is posited in the lOth, 4th or the 7th House or the Moon being in her exaltation sign is placed in one of the above men­tioned Houses, the native becomes the protector from fear, charita­ble, skilful in keeping his conduct suitable to that written in the shastras, is endowed with many qualities, is wealthy like kuber, the god of wealth and a victorious king.

~ff ~ ~l ~ ~ ~xl ~ tJT<,;rl ;.y"ij ({(if ~if~ <,;rV \ii'Ht:

141('fiill~sftt'ilCJ~ifl~: ~~)•1\ifi~RRI ~~II=?& II 26. If a person of an ordinary family is born in the Raj Yogas

stated above, even he becomes a king, and the native born in a roy­al family becomes Rajadhiraj or King of kings. And the royal born native born in the ordinary Raj Yogas which will be stated in the following Shlokas certainly becomes a king.

1!~ fcn;r7~ ~ ~~~ ~CJ~ ~~"ff v~a, 1 ~ ~ ~Steif~ 'St~"141{'1~114ci~l\ifld: ll=?t9 II

27. If the birth is in the Capricorn Ascendant, Satwin is in the sig1t of Cancer, the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction in the 5th House, Mrars is in the House of gains (th 11th House) and Venus is in the 8th House, then a royal born native certainly becomes a king.

Notes : As a matter of fact, the situation described in the Shlok.a is in the context of getting paternal property, place or posi­tion by the suceessor or heir. In the combinations of Planets of this type the Son easily gets the father ' s position etc. in succession. In any Ascendant the strength of the 2nd House (or the 2nd Lord's be­ing in the 7th House), the situation of the 4th Lord in the House of

86 Bhav Kutuhalam

gains (the 11th House) and the mutual relationship of signs between the 8th lord and the 5th lord, all these indicate that the paternal prop­erty will be gained by the successor. Indeed, here Jeeva Nath has given the introduction of his excellent knowledge of predictive As­trology. If the Ascendant is Capricorn, the relationship of the As­cendant and the 2nd House is automatically formed. The relation­ship of both the Houses is necessary in the obtainment of such an effect because the 2nd is the House of Paternal property and the As­cendant represents the native's own self. Therefore, if there is the relation between the two Houses, the native will gain paternal prop­erty. If the Ascendant is Capricorn, the lord of both the Houses be­comes Saturn and it makes a relationship between the two. If there is mutual relationship of signs between the 8th and the 5th lord, even then the native gets the property that is given in the Testament or will by the father. But if the 8th lord is the Sun, and the 5th lord is Venus, the Yoga or combination of the exchange of signs will be difficult. Therefore here the relationship between the two should be taken only by indirection.

llGT C6cft~ 1iqd toq«~ ~q I t't iilltwn flt T.J "lfllq I twt: I Cft<.4't~•h ~: tf=q~~ iqlt'tiilltwt ~C6'<~~ ~ ll~c; II

28. If Venus and Jupiter are in the 4th House, the king's son becomes a king with certainty; And if Jupiter in conjunction with the Moon is situated in the sign of Cancer, the native becomes superior among kings.

~'iP1~ fcfq,ui Sfqtit~~OI$~~ 1_1:Jftf ~ftr I ~~C61Jl~q5iNit~~sf4~~iqlt'tSf II~~ II

29. If in a horoscope, Mercury is aspected by Jupiter, the na­tive becomes a learned king endowed with many qualities. And if at the time of birth even one Planet (benefic and strong) is posited in the 5th House even then the native becomes a king.

ftdtwt~ ~ ~~~m ~~tt ~~ T.J~m~ 1 ~~d:~:~ori~WJl'fffi~\Jtdi~ ll~o II

30. If the Sun is aspected by the Moon and he (the Sun) is m

Rajyogas 87

the Navarnsha of a friendly Planet, the native of royal birth becomes superior among kings. And if Mercury in his exaltation sign is con­joined with the Moon, the native is a born king.

\J1j~twt .. 1•1ffi ~ twt .. 1cil iilt't!Jd: Fc\>twtCf)ucCb•~~ en 1 3tfcffi:i ~Cf){l~ O'Glorl iq\Jtttq ~~~~~~elf ll~<t II

31. If the strong Ascendant Lord is posited in the Ascendant House itself or is situated in any other Angle then the native of roy­al birth becomes a king without delay (or at proper time), there is no doubt about it.

'!fa~"' tiPI'11 t~fc?t'11 ~ ~ ~qrn ~ llltj'{ I 'fa~cti~twt~t!tf!J''Ilci CflRfq~ T.J q~~EI;'hq~'t II~~ II

32. Dravida Kerala Regional Rajyoga: If strong Saturn in con­junction with the Sun is posited in the sign of Aries, the native of royal birth having this Yoga or combination in his horoscope becomes the king of the region of Dravida and Kerala. And making his bright fame more prosperous he becomes the lord of the Kingdoms of oth­er kings also.

Notes : Saturn being in the sign of Aries will be in his sign of debilitation. But in conjunction with the Sun, Saturn will get the con­dition of Neecha Bhanga and if he is in his divisional chart he will be considered as strong.

~'QC6~ ~ ~•ldlfa¥il ~flr Cf)OcC6Cf>1~~ iq~Jl ~'Qffl iq'1~~ 'fa'$q -qftffi ~~II~~ II

33. If Jupiter and Venus being in their exaltation signs are placed in Angles or Trines then the native of royal birth becomes a king and if he is born in any other family than a royal one becomes the owner of much wealth.

~~C61Jl ~~«~«r:!cznrrSZTTS~ lJ:~rtcf I !,!~ld"il~u~d ~~m JSfl'i\J~~'>I•i ~qGRi ~:I I~~ II

34. The native in whose horoscope all the Planets are placed

88 Bhav Kutuhalam

in the Ascendant, the 12th House, the 7th and the 2nd House, due to the charitable deeds of previous birth, he is born in the Shri Chhatra Yoga or Combination, so say the Saintly persons.

"lfGT ufrciT w;) 'i Cf)'( 'i q 51~ Q q 'tt Rt ~ '~l '4' T <'f. ~ '4' ftr Cf1 <'f if T c.-l UJ Yf "lJftr I 'Jiq~ ci :q~'l \Jtj~ \Jtj~ 41'qCf>6j tt I q Rst>l"ti:

q} -r~ -;:r~-qftr~ a 'J."b '4'ftrtr~~ I I~ lJ. I I 35. The native of royal birth in whose horoscope Jupiter is pos­

ited in any other sign than that of Capricorn certainly becomes a King. In the same way the Moon being situated in the Ascendant or in an Angle in any other sign than that of Capricorn, the native of royal birth becomes a King.

~GTFTT~l-Cfllft 'J.lqftr Yfq~ crTe.T "Gll~ ~"«err~ err ~d~Cf4Jd) err l,111(54~: I 1! "tn ~ "cl "GruTCf<'ftJ, ~ll"lJT-;t -.:r ~o~i \J1"11"111il411~ Cf>"1Cf>lifi'l'tt"~ : 4Rfid&{ll~& II

36. If in a horoscope, the 4th Lord being in Conjunction with, or aspected by benefic Planets or being situated in the divisional chart of his friendly Planet, is posited in the 9th, the lOth, the 4th or the Ascendant House, then at the door of the native having such combi­nation there are always herds of elephants and horses, and his house remains full of gold, gems and diamonds.

4->:q~ ~ Cf)lf~ Cf>1Pd111ft1 41dcttft1ui ~~I

~~ ~f4dl trnT'S1~Gif441"t1'ig~l tt~~~dlll~l911 37. lf the lOth Lord is posited in the 5th House, the native hav­

ing this Yoga gets the happiness of possessing elephants and horses and his bright fame spreads to the ends of the Four bOundaries of the world.

~ T.RtlRIT ~ ~~ ~~"1Cf ~itfltrl'f: I at R)~~'54'iftJI~\J1 'ifiJ~d) Cf'{!licfl Cf'§'~ 0t'tfgct : ll~t; II

Rajyogas 89

38. CHANDRA YOGA: If at the time of birth the lOth Lord is placed in an Angle, the 9th, the 2nd or the 5th House from the Moon, then the native becomes a King having special kinds of gems, diamonds and jewels.

:q~JCf>l"t1'S14: '{!<SII~tJ4Jtfl G;<(11Cf~l"1i ~ !l"ffil'("qUfJifi'I~\JtiJi~~~~ : ~ ~R.f-:4i~tJJ{I 1l fill q fll Cf> ~ 31 q c (;f)~ Q 1 ~ "11 ci ot.TT llllli ~~a ljci "1'(4d~ef "1'(tu1Jfll5 II~~ II

39. If the Lord of the sign in which the Moon is placed is sit­uated in the 4th House from the Ascendant, the native gets the hap­piness of possessing elephants, pearls, gold, heaps of gems, house painted with many colours bright fame, and he has servants, sons, wife and a group of friends, he enjoys the fruits of learning, per­forms auspicious deeds and gets happiness in them and receives wealth from the king. This Yaga has been said for all natives.

Q4tt4tavrtPT '(~qftf~~~~= ~= 't4"1lf>l rctm: 1 \i'Sittd)sflt •t~'Qf4ctt1"0'fi ~tm J:f~'(I~I"111)•1GIII~o II

40. The Yogas (Combinations) Anafa etc. If in a horoscope in the 12th House from the Moon there is situated any other Planet than the Sun, the Yoga or Combination so formed will be Anafa, if there is any other Planet than the Sun in the 2nd House from the Moon it will form Sunaga Yoga or combination, and if there is any other Plan­et than the Sun in the 2nd and the 12th House from the Moon, the Yoga or combination so formed is named as Durdhara. The natives having these yogas or combinations in their horoscopes get many kinds of Sweet foods.

Notes : Here Pandit Jeeva Nath has stated the Well known three Yogas or Combinations, Anafa, Sunafa and Durdhara. In these yogas or combinations the Sun' s entry has not been allowed. As a matter of fact these Yogas or combinations give the pride of place or the main position to the Moon and as we know the nearness of the Sun brings an end to the importance of the Moon.

~Pf"i't~n ~~"ffo~i 7J,VJcrtfn.!crtft~ftrcr~~ 1

90 Bhav Kuruhalam

41. The Effects of the Anafa Yoga: If in a horoscope there is Anafa Yoga or Combination, the native gets the bliss of having a young beautiful wife with all good qualities, and who increases the love (sexual) desire of the husband during sexual intercourse, he is clever or skilful in the king' s council, has clear fame and gets the extreme happiness of possessing milch cows and buffaloes.

Notes: The writer of 'Phal Deepika' has stated the effects of the 'Anafa Yoga' in the following way: "The native having the Anafa Yoga in his horoscope is good mannered and is greatly honoured in society". According to the effect stated by Pandit Jeeva Nath, "beau­tiful wife with all good qualities and increasing the sexual desire of the husband during sexual intercouse", this effect has been spoken of first of all and has been given the main importance. This effect will be specially obtained if Venus remains in the 12th House from the Moon. If the Moon be in the sign of Scorpio and if there is Ve­nus in the 12th House from the Moon, then this efect will be ob­tained word to word.The House in which the Moon is placed acts Like the Ascendant and Venus being in the 12th House from the As­cendant, the Yoga soforrned raises great interest in and desire for hav­ing sexual intercourse. If the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, Venus in the 12th House from this sign will be in her own sign. Therefore the 12th House will be said to be strong. The 12th House is very closely related with the bliss of having sexual intercourse. lf the Moon Ascendant is Scorpio, Venus becomes the 7th Lord also. Therefore, the 7th House, that is, the House of getting wife will be regarded as strong as the benefit of Venus' s remaining in her Moot Trikona sign will be obtained by the 7th House also. Therefore the native is blessed with getting a fair coloured and beautiful woman as his wife. In this condition the native often enjoys only his wife. But if the Moon is in the sign of Libra and Venus is placed in that of Virgo, the native becomes licentious also because in the 12th House the debilitated Venus brings deterioration inthe native's Character, he has certainly the danger that his relations with his wife may get deteriorated.

If the Moon is in Aries and Venus is in the 12th House from her the native certainly gets the effects of obtaining a beautiful wife etc.

Rajyogas 91

1';! ~ -.=J' ~lJ I q '< ¥1 I <_;~ ll. ~j ~I ~ lJ f =tit '1 Q> J 'lJGT I

3til<_;ll:JISJ1<_;1l:JJ '1ql:JJ'1~'!Jt1lll't!!t1lll ~~II~~ II . 42. The Effects of the Sunafa Yoga: If in a horoscope there IS the Sunafa Yoga, the native earns much wealth with his own strength and hard work and thus his house becomes the abode of L~shmi, the goddess of wealth he gets great honour and fame and enJoys the bliss of having a young beautiful wife, new conv~ces and lands etc.

Notes : If the Moon is in the sign of Gemini and Jupiter is in the 2~d House, then the best effects of this Yoga are obtained be­cause m the Moon Ascendant Jupiter will take in his right such mat­te~s as trade, profession or field of action, greatness, young beautiful wife etc.

If the Moon is in the sign of Aries and Venus is in the 2nd House, even then the enjoyment of comforts stated above will1 be obtained in greater amount and with certainty because in the Moon A~endant Venus becomes the Lord of the House which signifies wife, trade and the ·wealth which remains for a very long time.

If the Moon is in the sign of Libra and Mars is in the 2nd House, even then_ th_e nati~e will get those very effects which he gets when the Moon IS m Are1s and Venus is in the sign of Taurus be­cause Mars then ·will be the 7th and the 2nd Lord.

~~flxr ff§,m CRj~Sf~qi'<OJqJftt'{1)6T ~UfTl{ 1 ~djd 14d'<gcl ~ ~01Cf><_;!l44~~~61<at1Jt II~~ II

43. The Effects of the Durdhara Yoga: If there is the ~urdhara Yoga in a horoscope the native gets the happiness of hav­t~g lands, wealth, clothes and excellent horses conveyances etc. He giVe~ _wealth in _ch~ity and increases his fame and due to his unique quahttes and sk11l m arts gets fame of very high level.

-.:reA -.:r~ ~c~~~~~'JiqPd ~q 1 'ffGT <6ii&Ji ~: qfi'~dl ~~'<lctl:J: II~~ II

44. If there is no planet in the 2nd and the 12th House from

92 Bhav Kutuhalam

the Moon, Scholars of Astrology like Mihira etc. call it the Kemdruma


~lf51~ ~x-qtlxftf -;:r~) s1:t ~ln~ -q \;fftf ~ ?TCf>~?Ttft-;:r: I

~T"J.lf ~1!, ol fcfCf>ftofol TT"G"fl "£-T'~-ftol ~~)~: 11~'1_11

45. The Effects of the Kemdruma Yoga: lf in a horoscope there is the Kern Druma Yoga, then the native, inspite of being the favourite son of Indra, the god of gods, becomes bereft of wife and sons and wanders in the foreign lands, falls from his rehgion, remains rest less, is subjected to diseases, gets many kinds of pains and troubles, has little satisfaction and wanders in foreign and native lands.

ljf6~~ QI\H~d~~ 'q Cf)D(!Cf)~ qJ

ll uf f){"J.ff ~6 ~~~ '~-r~ ~~ Tfl\S, Cf>: I

c6 ~~ TfbT~l Tfx1!, ol~ o"GT -;:rxTUTT ~Jfl~cN>~ ~q;<_;t~l%'i~lq II~& II

46. The Antidote to KemDruma Yoga: If in a horoscope the Moon is in conjunction with any of the Planets of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury and if she is in an Angle or if she is full Moon or if the Angles from her are with Planets, then the effects produced by the KemDruma Yoga are destroyed

UFJ~ ;fj :q 41 ttl : 't1 ct> t"t I lJID ~ 11 ~ Pt1 OGT 5~~: I 'G'Siq'j ~ct>C'fl fctsiq)Pfffi R!!6a) ~ ~lddlytd: ll~l9 II

47. Hrada Yoga : lf in a horoscope all the Planets are in their signs of debilitation, it forms the Hrada Yoga. The natJve having this Yoga in his hcroscope rema1ns restless, b~reft of wealth always gets trouble from his enemies and is mischievous.

otes : That all th..! Planets should be in then dcb1btauon signs is not poss1ble. Therefore tlus Yoga remams in a horoscope only par­tial!}'

Rajyogas 93

EfC!41~ tJtA fib~ it ll'il~ft;Pid :q fcfeft ~I '!!!!"§~ ~ q;fill:fl~ct>) ~ct>R;tci ~ '1-<~•l~'t ll~c; II

48. Phani Yoga : lf the Sun is placed in the sign of Aquarius, Saturn in Aries, the Moon in Scorpio and Venus in Virgo the Yoga so formed is called Phani Yoga. The native born in this Yoga re­mains restless and is without arts.

Notes : That this yoga should come into existence does not seem to be possible because the sun should be in Aquarius and Ve­nus should be in her debilitation sign can not happen as there can never be so much distance of venus from the Sun.

31 \iPI ~ 1J.-s.Im '< ~ \J) ~ cf. 'f1l1l ~ S~ fll ~ fcfeft I 3fq~\Jl ~ ct>c6c~64) ~ ct>ICfiJiq'j ~'SJq)~d: II~~ II

49. Kak Yoga : If in Aries there are Venus and Saturn, the Sun should be in Tauras, the Moon in Pisces and Mars in Cancer, the yoga so formed is Kak Yoga. This Yoga makes the native de­void of grandeur, that is, the native remains devoid of grandeur inspite of being born of a father who is endowed with wealth and grandeur.

fcf~~m ~ ~ -s.I~Jttft\Jtct><ft'i>tJOl= ~-;:r= 1 ~~:q ;ft:q•ldi\Jtjif\J1R1 '<1\Jt'!!fflsfit GRS:dl't II 'i_o II

50. Daridra Yoga : lf the Sun and the Moon are in Aquarius, and Jupiter, Mars, venus and Saturn are placed in their signs of debilitation.then even a king's son born in this Daridra Yoga (the Yoga which brings poverty) always remains penurious.

Notes : lf the Sun is in Aquarius Venus can never be in his debilitation sign. Therefore either Venus should not be counted in this yoga or this Yoga can really never occur in a horoscope, we should suppose so.

ti~Jftfi\JtPI~IICf>'<'q~\Jtl ~ \Wj: ~ ~: I Jfct>'<~ ~~§di~H: 4'<Jfdi4Cf>{l Yf ct>x)R) lT't ll'i_'t I i

51. Hutasana Yoga: lf in a horoscope, Saturn, Mars, the Moon, mercury are placed in their debilitation stgns and venus is sit-

94 Bhav Kutuhalam

uated in the sign of Capricorn, the Yoga so formed is named as Hutasana Yoga. The native born in this Yoga becomes a sharer of the troubles and pains which cannot be alleviated or pacified.

~'JiqPd '1ql~<all~41 ~~ ;ftiPidl ~C6~11!'fl( I 14RI~~Iut&i~l,di ~ 4R01'1~~ ~&f)~dl~6 ll'i,=? II

52. Tbe Consideration of Raj Yoga Bbanga: If the 9th, the II th and the 1Oth Lords are in their signs of debiletation and are op­pressed by Malafies, then even a native of royal birth becomes pe­nurious or poor.

~~ 'Jf~'G~'it t Cf ct ~'J.TTCf'7f'Ct ~flf I '<lut~)~u ~'1~~Pd RqiC6'<C6'<)q~: ll'i.~ 11

53. If the Raj Yoga Karaka Planets (the Planets that cause Raj Yoga) are in their enemies' signs or are in the 6th House and are combust, then the Raj Yoga is destroyed.

~ cfte1 o I q R;ftfli~ \J1 '1 '1 <.'t 4 '1 fll61¥1il '<~II fll '11 '{ I ut'1'111 'if i41~11q) ~ Wlfa~IRid'<1'1RI~C6dl'{ ll'i,~ II

54. If the Ascendant and the Moon Ascendant are not aspected by any Planet, even the native of royal birth who has Raj Yoga in his horoscope remains penurious or poor.

'J.l~Tlfl C.lfftr'4'Ht CfT tf~TT c6tl'G~ ~: I ~~ ~'1~~Ptt '<lutm~llb<.'tl~~ ll'i.'i.ll 55. The native who is born at the rising of Bhadra, Vyatipata

and Puchchaltara, gets the effects of RaJ Yoga destroyed.

q '< '1 ;ft il ~ ~ lffG ~'Jfl ~ ut rif PI ~ f<M11ffi: I

i4RI~)~Ilb('i ~mJ: C6~~tfiRI ~ !j;fl~q'<l: ll'i,& II

56. If the Moon is situated in her degrees of e>.ireme debilita­tion, the Raj Yoga that exists gets destroyed. This is so said by the ancient Astrologers

I lc; I I



uFJ-.t 11 'ift"r~ lf~ XTUJlf~ '7f~ 'J.T<l ~~ I

ctR CfT TffDTscm:i '<1\Jt~~ Q\Jtl~d I let II

~· The Mar~s of the Body : The native in whose horoscope there ts strong RaJ Yoga has certainly the mark of Raj Yoga either on his hand or on his foot.

31'11'11'1~ ~m ~<~ 1Jo~~~~l'1dl 1

'1&Q'11~!}R=i'11'<a<ll '1fi'lil~l""d'11~1dl II=? II

mattoo fcn)~ur -<1~~'1i4>t1 ~tt 1

"&fi'~dl $telb~~l ~ ~Uflbt"'Q~J II~ II 2-3. The native on whose hand there is a stra1ght and thick line

in the base of the Ring Finger, it (this line) has been said to be aus­picious, if this line begins from the Middle finger and goes up to the wrist, then it is called upward rising line and 1t particularly se­cures a kingdom for the native. If this line is broken tt gives inaus­picious effects, and if it is thin it gives negligtble effects

96 Bhav Kutuhalam

~1!ti01JE:l) ~~~ ~ Pcl'<l\11d 'ql'()~q) ~~ I

mlfJitsll~ftdl ~tmntifl\11~~~~~: II~ II 4. The Effects of the Mark of Java or Barley: The native

in the Middle of whose thumb there is the beautiful shape of Java or Barley gets great fame; is a jewel to his family and is endowed with a beautiful wife, jewels and wealth

~ttl R 0~ errssct qq I'< 01) en 'i)t; I'< 0~ Gfa:1 01 q I ~I "'E:l) I

:a;{)q~ 'qi~Cfi~l ~~cfturrTfXTUIT~~"fl: II~ II 5. The native in the middle of whose right hand there is the

mark of a fish, an umbrella, an elephant, a tank or a rod or if there is the mark of a flute, he will be a king on this earth.

!tflC1~C1Cfiqlo16C11~Cbd Cb'<ctt'i fcm;r~ :afcl"tlq: I

Cfi'§"'"'I~Cblll lf)C1af!Ci~i iq~~q iq1C1it~ ~ II~ II 6. The native whose palm is marked with a mortar, mountain,

sword, plough share is certainly the owner of great wealth. If there is the mark of a garland of flowers even then he is wealthy. If these marks are there in the hand of a royal born he is certain to get king­ship.

Cb'<ctJl~:qql~ctJl--roiT- I

~\11~1'a'1cti~Cb~l'a4~~'<"11q'<"'IC1~ I K911

7. The natives on the palm of whose hands or feet there are marks of a horse, a lotus flower, a bow, a wheel, a flag a throne and a palanquin, Lakshmi the goddess of wealth lives in his house forever.

~"RT:«i1TI err gitl) lfCiTT: q1onciu' err ~ll) ~ 1"fl: I

i.Pil¥~00ll6~1q~o: ~I :fllsti qta5o: tJfil;sc61 ql I It; II

8. The native on the palm of whose hand or foot there is the

The Marks of the Body 97

mark of a pitcher, a pillar, a drum or a tree or a staff, continuously remains endowed with Lakshmi or wealth, or he may be a pandit or a seller of wine.

f<l ~II C1 "'I ctl ~ \11 q 31 ~ ~: ~«!~~: ft:t Rt"' 0'5 Jlll: I

atl\111jiU§: ~ Cf1rrS: efJ ofl~cti !16Qt1~ "161e=tt: II~ II 9. The native whose forehead is vast or broad, eyes are like

the leaves of a lotus, head is charming and circular, will become an emperor of the world, and the native whose hands when he is stand­ing go down to his knees, will be a principal king among the kings.

'11f~pfa:ft'<l ~ Tf 9lml cter:~ '<61~1C11t1C11"1'{ 1

3il'<"ffiqu'fi ~ ~ tncfr ~ ~ ~ ~<lffi'f. ~ I !<to II

10. The native whose navel is deep, nose is straight and sim­ple, chest is clean like the slab of a stone, feet be of red colour and delicate, will become an excellent king.

xrurd Cf;'Xllt ~~ fir~~ sq ~~FI1l G: I

Clt.IT ql~cttil 1"fll ql6'11'-f~&Q~: 1199 II

ll. The mark of a mole in the native 's right hand endows him with prodigious wealth, and the native who has this mark on his foot gets the happiness of having conveyance and wealth.

xT\ifcJ ll11 \ifTCTT";JT "fllfffi'q){'flft~ lT"'{

3i~ql"'{lqcti ~ ~ Clfffi 'tlC119°1'{ 119=? II

12. When the above stated marks appear on the body of na­tives born in royal, they give them full effects of Raj Yoga, the others get smaller effects of wealth, honour etc.

I I~ I I



tJSt I ~'J{ '{cfut;) Fcf4 I q;1q-~'1 pij;ft'11'1~t1Nit4 ~ fclql6q;I<."'IN'<d: gcflitJ'<~IiqlttNm!\ gq;(.it4'{ 11'111

1. The auspicious and inauspicious effects which are to be ob­tained by women due to the good deeds done by them in their pre­vious births, those possible and impossible yogas or combinations are to be imagined by an expert Astrologer and those should be stated by him before the time of marriage.

3Rftcf ~ q)(.i1J14i9'fl'11!lcft~d lft'1q;'11'<t;l~: ~ ~ <i1•'1Pt:t~lq;'(P4i 1FR .. ~fa41Q~ "CRf I R II

2. The effects relating to women which have been stated very briefly by Saunak and Narada etc. on the basis of the Ascendant and the Moon, I, Jeeva Nath, also propound those very effects.

~'lflni ~ mw (.'14 01=r.i~rm: 1

~ ~~'1'tt'll;) ~ ~ fcl~"d~q II~ II 3. The Names of the Houses which Signify Fortune etc. to

Women: The consideration of women's good fortune is to be made from the 7th House, the body from the Ascendant House and the House in which the Moon is placed, widowhood from the 8th House

The Women Native 99

and the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of the son from the 5th House.

~~l¥4i 1nRT lj¥1~lfgd \jfJ'lfl ~'itffl: ~~~'14~~lfl '1<;'1~ ~ ~ \Jt"i~ I

41~~91 ~'1Fcf<"fl<i1'1lf'11 414&~'11~'11 4141'1i

~d~91 W 4'<Cfit4 "6ffi 'lffl 41f.9~ II~ II 4. Subhaga Durbhaga Yoga: If in a woman's horoscope the

7th House has three benefic Planets in it or if it is aspected by 3 benefic Planets, then the woman is the chief or Principal member in the house; if it has 2 benefic Planets in it or is aspected by 2 benefic Planets, She is a woman of grandeur, and if it has one benefic Planet in it or is aspected by one benefic Planet then she is dear to her husband.

If the 7th House has one malefic Planet in it or is aspected by one malefic .Planet, then the woman has her eyes on sbme other man than her husband (is unfaithful to her husband); if it has two malefic planets in it or is aspected by two malefic planets then she is very mean or base; and if it has 3 malefic planets in it or is aspected by three malefic planets then she kills her own husband and goes to an­other family as a wife.

Notes : If the Ascendant is Scorrio and Saturn and Mars be­ing in the 7th House influences Jupiter, then that woman kills her own husband; if the Ascendant is Aquarius and Mars and Saturn have their malefic influences on Jupiter, even then she kills her own hus­band.

In both these Ascendants Mars and Saturn become Ascendant Lords and 3rd Lords. The Ascendant Lord represents self and the 3rd Lord represents the deeds done by the self. In both these As­cendants the native knowingly kills ~~e person representing or relat­ing to that House which makes relation of any kind with the 8th Lord Thus if in the Scorpio Ascendant the Ascendant Lord Mars and the 3rd Lord Saturn make relation with or influence the 8th House or the 8th Lord Jupiter from the 7th House or the House of a Wom­an' s husband, then it should be understood that the native will kill in a planned way the 7th House' s or the husband's 8th House (or

100 Bhav Kutuhalam

Age). Just see the horoscopes of two women in this regard.

Example No. 22

Date of Birth


Example No. 23

Date of Birth


Time of Birth Latitude Longitude

4.30 a.m. 28°-43' (N) 77°-55' (E)



Moon Rah

ASC Sun Ven


Time of Birth

8.00 a.m.






Sat Mar up Ven


Sat Mar


77°-55' (E)



In both these horoscopes, the aspect and the conjunction rela-

The Women Native 101

tionship and combination of the Ascendant Lord and the 3rd Lord is made with the 8th Lord from the 7th House. Therefore the malefic influence of two malefic Planets on the age of the husband is quite clear. As the Ascendant Lord represents the self and the 3rd Lord the deeds done by the self, therefore it becomes clear that the native her self should do wicked deed against the age of her husband. Both these natives killed their own husbands themselves and at present both are passing their time of punishment in jail.

In Aries Ascendant the influence of Malefic Planets on the 7th House is very quick and gives its effect immediately because in this Ascendant the Lord of the House of the husband (the 7th Lord), Ve­nus is the significator of married life. Here She (Venus) is the 7th Lord and at the Same time she is the 8th Lord also from the House of the Husband (the 7th House), that is, Venus represents simulta­neously the body and the age of the husband.

Here is another horoscope. The native whose horoscope is given below became a widow only after one year 7 months. She herself was responsible for her widowhood. She has been released from the case of killing her own husband and is now compelled to live a pain­ful and troublesome life.

Example No. 24

Date of Birth


Time of Birth

4.50 p.m.







78°-ll' (E)



Sun Ven Sat Mer

102 Bhav Kutuhalam

Here the 7th Lord Venus being debilitated is placed in the 6th House in confjunction with the Malefic planets like Saturn and Mars. Saturn being the Lord of the House in which Rahu is situated has in himself double maleficency. In the 7th House there is the Sun in his debilitation sign and is making the aspect relation of the 7th Lord and the 9th Lord. The relation of both these Houses makes the com­bination for second marriage or sex relation with other man than the husband because the 9th is the House of the husband' s younger broth­er. Therefore this native, after killing her husband, is living with ther former lover after making a second marriage with him. She is al­ways dreaming of becoming a mother for she has not been able to become a mother even after a long time since her marriage. The present second husband suspects that in order to beget issues she has sex relations with other men and this suspicioun has again mixed poi­son in the cup of her married life. As a consequence both of them are making determination for taking divorce from each other.

ur:I= ~ ~ '1~"1'1q~ ql't1'<'10n tfftr ~Cft-CJT ~ -;j ~ flrn'JG"~T "'lJlrCI~ I

anmi ~~ ~ Cf)'1(011eft -<~~a URt ~<{~ f:IGtqRi~'<h.i st\Jfftr err ll'i.ll

5. Vaidhavya etc. Yogas (Combinations Causing Widowhood). If in the horoscope of a woman the Sun is situated in the 7th House, that woman leaves her husband and is of an irritable and angry na­ture. If in the 7th Hosue there is Mars then she certainly becomes a widow. If Saturn is there in the 7th House, the native (woman) bas eyes like lotuses, but due to the delay in her marriage she looks like an adult woman even when she is a virgin. If the 7th House has aspect influence of Malefic Planets on it then the woman always op- . poses her husband.

Notes: Here several Yogas or combinations have been includ-ed.

(i) The position of the Sun in the 7th House makes the hus­band to give divorce to his wife. The native (woman) is of irritable and angry nature.

The Sun' s position in the 7th House has not been considered

The Women Native 103

as .prai~ewo~y even in the horoscope of a man. Acharya Varahmihir wntes m this connection:

that is, "if the Sun is posited in the 7th House the native gets dishonour from women."

The writer of Phal Deepika expresses a similar opinion:

" ~ . ~ • • • iq 14 ~Cii ~ q "mseln~., I '11'T.~7WJ-:r~ $J q lid'{ I 1 .. • "

that is, (if the Sun is posited in the 7th House) the King becomes an opponent, the native gets punishment from the king, he is insult­ed everywhere. Such a native becomes devoid of his wife. The ex­periences of Kalyan Verma have also been bitter in this connection:

~:~: q~¥I\ft: Cf?,!tJofl{t CSlU~d: !PW( ~ I

1: q il ~ "1 't1 "i1 '<fl S'Jllfxffi ~cria ~lift I I

that is, due to the situation of the Sun in the 7th House the native remains bereft of Lakshmi (wealth, as Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth). He cannot become a respected, distinguished and famous pe~n; suffers from diseases; gets trouble and pain from the King; remams mentally tensed and troubled even in jail. The native leaves the right . path and walks on the wrong one; and he remains in jeal­ousy agamst women.

. . ~ the time of birth is of evening and in the horoscope the Sun ts m his last Navarnsha, the native (woman) carmot share the happi­ness of her husband, this has been our experience. We would like to present this fact in a native of Pisces Ascendant.


Example No. 25

Date of Birth


Bhav Kutuhalam

Time of Birth Latitude

5.40 p.m


ASC Jup (R)





Sat Ven Sun Mer Moon

Here the native' s (woman) time of birth is in the evening and the Sun is also on his last degrees because at 8.20 in the night he will enter the sign of Libra. It was this situation due to which the woman was compelled to have divorce from her husband, though the situation of the 5th Lord, the 6th Lord and the 12th Lord in the 7th House and the placement of the 7th Lord in the 8th House also caus­es obstacles in the manied life.

(ii) If in the 7th House Mars is debilitated the young native becomes a widow. That this should happen in every Ascendant and in all situations is not necessary. Mars is a malefic Planet. His situa­tion in any House works in opposition to the life of the relative rep­resented by that House. If the 7th House has the malefic influe~ce on it of other Malefic Planet also, it is only then that there will be such effect, otherwise not, or in the 7th House there is some Planet in his debilitation sign and Mars IS also there, then they will be ob­structive in the long life of the husband It is only the Capricorn As­cendant in which if only Mars is there in the 7th House the possi­bility of the death of the husband will be greatly increased Several such examples have been experienced, one of them is being given here

Example No. 26

Date of Birth


The Women Native

Time of Birth Latitude

12 50 Night


Ven Sun

Moon Ket

ASC Jup Sat



75°-44' (E)




Some experiences have been there with the horoscopes of Cap­ricorn Ascendant. Some of the things in this regard have been such that they can be generalised. The generalisations are as follows :

(i) Along with the Debilitated Mars in the 7th House Saturn was extremely Weak.

(ii) The Moon had the aspect of some Malefic Planet.

(iii) Jupiter, the significator of husband was not endowed with strength

(iv) The 2nd House was weak.

Here also all these things are mostly present. The Moon being the 7th Lord represents the body of the husband. Therefore the weak­ness of the Moon or the aspect on her of a Malefic Planet, any kind of combination with her of such planet is inauspicious for the body of the husband. The 2nd House being the 8th House from the House of the husband is the House of the husband' s longevity. Therefore the weakness of the 2nd House or of the 2nd Lord gives short life to the native.

(iii) If Satwn IS m the 7th House, the girl will have beautiful

106 Bhav Kutuhalam

eyes Like lotuses but she is married very late in very advanced age.

If Saturn is in the 7th House then the husband' s age is much more than wife's it has been seen. Marriage should be delayed, this is also under standable, But she will have beutiful lotus like eyes cannot be understood.

(iv) There is the 4th and the last formula in this very Shloka, that if there is the aspect of malefic planets on the 7th House, the native (woman) always opposes her husband.

~= ~~~li~ \J1~<>thM en '<I ~tel~ m~: ~~ 1 lj~ '{i)qqtfl!!ul~llJFcr-fitm oql'()~'\tilolla~l II& II

6. If in a horoscope the Moon is placed in the Ascendant House or in the 3rd House, the native is of constant nature. If she (the Moon) is aspected by benefic Planets, then she is beautiful, endowed with good qualities, clever in serving her husband and is adorned with beautiful jewels.

~~~ 11i\ffi tfGT "1 '<I Cf) I '<'tf '11 ~ "{i)"Ql I q1~~tb q1q~ ~flqiC{41~1g'<l '{i)q!}lflfclt'l"11 I ~ II

7. If the Ascendant and the Moon are in odd signs or in odd Navamshas, then the native (Woman) has the shape of a man and is ugly. If the Ascendant and the Moon have in them Malefic Plan­ets and are also aspected by Malefic Planets, then she suffers from a special disease and is devoid of beauty and good qualities.

\;f1,: Cf>T~ ~~T lfGYJ~G~ GTYICflJ. ~l l_l~'RII'tlml;it 41dqRt tfGT m ~~~ I

~~fOli ~"d> I q; <>t ~ '1 <>t '11 <>t I <fO'~Tfr ~~ lffl!ffl~ -q-qqftr ~ITflqfffiRfo~ I I ~ II

8. Rajyogas of Women. If in a woman's horoscope Venus be­ing in conjunction with two benefic Planets is situated in the 7th House, that woman of moonlike face (extremely beautiful) has al­ways on her breasts the rosary of gajmotis (pearls of special kind,) she always gets love from her husband and is endowed with gran­deur like the wife of lndra, the God of gods.

The Women Native 107

Notes: if the Ascendant is Virgo this yoga or combination shows its effects successfully, because the sign of Virgo is an even sign and at the same time it is the favourite sign of Mercury who is extremely beautiful, delicate, has an attractive face and is called the prince among the Planets. The second main reason is this that in the 2nd House there is the sign of Venus who is the Queen of beauty. In such a situation if Venus being endowed with strength, in con­junction with Planets who are naturally benefic and auspicious, is placed in the 7th House, the symbol of the period of youth, why effects according to the formula will not be obtained. Here is a horo­scope of the Virgo Ascendant

Example No. 27

Date of Birth Time of Birth Latitude

5-5-1963 I.S.T. 4.40 p.m. 30°-55' (N)


Jup Sun Yen

Sat Ket


74°-40' (E)


Rah Mar


Here in the 7th House Venus, being the 2nd Lord the, Lord of the Face is conjoined with Jupiter. Although there is no other auspi­cious and benefic Planet in conjunction with Venus, yet she has the aspect of the benefic full Moon. Moon's aspect on Venus fulfils in large amount the lack of her not being in conjunction with Venus. This native is blessed with extraordinary beauty and charms and is the wife of a royal personage. In the horosocope the relation of the 2nd and the 9th Lord Venus and of the 4th and the 7th Lord Jupiter is of great importance because this is the relation of an Angle and a

108 Bhav Kutuhalam

Trine and the sign in which this relation has been made is suitable for both the Planets.

It would appear, superfluous to say that this young woman is extremely rich, wealthy, dear to her husband, endowed with good qualities and eternally young.

't1 '11 Cfj R) ~ f) C: ~I ~'() o II <nt1'1f1j1lJT !~ Cf)"r"lJT~TlTl lfGYf'~-TCf;l '~-1JlrCJYT~ I

1{ ~ Cf;qY TRt ~ftr '~-TCfftr ~TCfV"lfftr~Cf;T d~~&l~ql ~Jiqfi'i ~~qJ~f{)qt): II~ II

9. If there is Jupiter or Venus in the Ascendant, Mercury be­ing in the 7th House is in Virgo, Mars is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Cancer, then the native (woman) is blessed with such unique and extreme beauty as if she had done hard penance and become the empress of an Emperor.

~~~,;~ Cbc6~~~ gq("qj ~~d CFft~ lft;l l'JPcf '~-11! ~ ff UJ~~lf~ I

~Rift i1 I ;::q I \iPI Rt ~ q Cb ~ T 1JUTCftft I ~"l'41~l'41 't41'iqR)qR)Cf)l !1u~<:1R1Cbl ll'lo II

10. If the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus arc respectively in the signs of Cancer, Virgo, and Taurus (that is, in their own signs), then that Rajkanya (a king 's daughter) is acknowledged (beautiful) among thousands of her friends; and distinguished as she is in good qualities, in this world she becomes the life mate of an emperor and she is a creeper of charitable deeds.

~YflrnTF<f~ Cf;~Cf;f l'JCfqftr 11CfXJQtq'(I'~-T<lt{ I

~ q('k1¥f¥flq~qf?i\d1 ~\1Hdl'<~dl ~ ~ ll'l'l II

11. The Effects of Every Planet in the 7th House (for Wom­en): If the Sun is in the 7th House, even the most excellent woman becomes mean and worthless; she doesnot have the emotion of love

The Women Native 109

for her husband; she is bereft of gentility and is ferocious, that is, she is of angry nature.

Notes: If the Ascendant is Aries & the Sun is situated in the 7th House, the native (woman) has always quarrel with her husband, she becomes ferocious in her nature. She makes her own future dark with her own deeds, thoughts and plans. After getting divorce once, and being married the 2nd time, it is not necessary that her married life will certainly remain happy. The 5th is the House of Future time. Therefore, the debilitation in the 7th House of the Sth Lord, the Sun is an indication of the native's destruction of her own future by her own thinking or planning.

If the Ascendant is Cancer, then the Sun, being the 2nd Lord will be in his enemy's sign in the 7th House. If the Sun has con­junction with or has aspect relation with Saturn, then the native (woman) makes a love marriage and the husband is much older than she is.

If the Ascendant is Virgo and the sun is situated in the 7th House, the health of the native's husband does not remain sound be­cause being the 6th Lord from the House of the husband, he will give ill health to the husband.

If the Ascendant is Pisces, the Sun will come in the 7th House as the 6th Lord from the Ascendant and therefore he will create op­position from the husband as the 6th is the House of disputes, quar­rels and fightings.

In other Ascendants the Sun being posited in the 7th House will give general effects.

cfo '<ICbHI~ ~lfcR \J1"'1't1'1~ '11~~'41 ~ P<flf~Cf~Yfl T.fT~CfGYfl I

P<fYTlJ T lJ, mT(OftCfft"JCJCf1 T.f'~-TT~ u1 ~Cf~T 4'<1~<:11<:1t4ft-<R14RN~Cf fttR1o~ ll'l~ II

12. If in a horoscope the Moon bemg in the sign of Taurus is placed in the 7th House, then the native (woman) will wear clean clothes, have extremely beautiful face, be humble, be adorned with the weight of jewels, that is, she will have great interest in wearing

110 Bhav Kutuhalam

jewels, have bent in her body due to the weight of her breasts, do different playful activities with her husband, and be adorned on this earth like Rati (the wife of cupid, the god of love) and Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth ..

Notes : Pandit Jeeva Nath has made this Shloka particularly for the natives of Scorpio Ascendant. In the 7th House the Moon of Tau­rus will come as the 9th Lord. If there is the Sun in the Ascendant, then there will be mutual aspect relationship of the Sun and the Moon. This is an excellent Rajyoga for this Ascendant (the Scorpio Ascendant) because these relations will be those of the main Angle and the main Trine.

ai•u><~ '1~"1'1PG><~~¥11ci ii~l~tl l;ft'~-T~ Uf""1'-.t S ll""1'T~T : I

~~OQ~q ~ Cf)q(!Sf~~l& l '<i •l "1 1 ~

~Cf Cfxlll""1'Tflf I l<t~ I I

13. If in a horoscope Mars being in the Sign of Cancer is placed in the 7th House or Mars and Saturn being in the sign of Leo are situated in the 7th House, then the native (woman) will cer­tainly be widowed. She will secretly do the profession of a prosti­tute. Although she may belong to a noble family yet she will be a prostitute.

Notes: If the Ascendant is Capricorn, then Mars in the 7th House may be in the sign of Cancer. Our experience has found this combination to be near truth because we have experienced either the death of the husband or divorce from him in such a yoga or combi­nation. It is not possible for us to say anything with regard to the woman' s adopting the profession of a prostitute.

In case the Ascendant is Aquarius, Saturn and Mars in the 7th House may be posited in the sign of Leo. Both these planets are greatly opposed to vitality or life. Therefore, the husband' s death is a possibility. When the 7th and the 12th Lord is there in one of these Houses, the native (woman or man) becomes extremely lustful and due to excessive lustfulness he or she makes sex relations with dif­ferent men or women. These relations cannot be countt:d on fingers.

The Women Native Ill

If in the 7th and the 12th House there are such Planets as Mars and

Saturn who encourage licentiousness, even then there is this effect

aACf>~¥1t1f ~ '161ct>'t1f T.f ~ !q ti~ ~~T Uf:J,~ GT~(f~T: qftrftl; I

~ Cf1ltT Cf> I '11 tgR:f t1 ~~til '1~ ~ Cf> <"I ti l qfufT

l,lCf(fT<'fi~(f<f) "1 ct> l<.'ft~T~ : I I q~ I I

14. The husband of a woman in whose horoscope Mercury be­ing in the 7th House is placed in the sign of Virgo becomes the hus­band of many wives and he is the doer or performer of Yajnas. She herself is subjected to extreme sexual desire, gets pleasure alongwith the husband in sexual intercourse and is endowed with a rosary of pearls, gold, silver and gems.

Notes : This is quite certain in the case of Pisces Ascendant, but Mercury should not have the influence of any undesirable House Lord and malefic Planet.

qRst>l;tt ~ i1~"1¥1q;) ~q~'(iuu 1o1!ll 1 ~

~urqftr"Y'"GTiuf '~-T"Ufftr ~T I

JiUfHi '11<"11f'1: ct>"1ct>t:1Rt1 1 f'1~ ~l'<tf l tf'11st>l"t''l

~T~T xftr-qftrq(fl~ Cf lTflT'~-l I I q ~ I I

15. The woman in whose horscope Jupiter is posited in the 7th House is endowed with good qualities, has deep knowledge of reli­gion, is engaged in the service of her husband with devotion and wears a rosary of gems studded in gold. If Jupiter being in the 7th House is of the sign of Cancer, then the native (woman) is like the flag of Cupid, the god of love (that is, she is extremely lustful).

Notes : Auspicious effects will be obtained if the Ascendant is Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. For the women having Cancer Ascendant, Jupiter's placement in the 7th House will prove to be a curse The following example is a proof of this curse.

112 Bhav Kutuhalam

Example No. 28

Date of Birth Tune of birth Latitude

27-12-1961 I.S.T. 8.50 p.m. 29°-01 (N)


Jup Sat Ket

Mer Sun Mil



77°-45' (E)



Here Jupiter is placed in the 7th House. But there are inauspiciousnesses in two ways: First, he (Jupiter) is the 6th Lord and the placement of the 6th Lord in the 7th House certainly causes quarrels and opposition with the husband. Secondly, Jupiter's posi­tion is in his sign of debilitation. All those Planets that are in their signs of debilitation in the 7th House cause obstacles in the happi­ness of married life.

In Taurus Ascendant, Jupiter' s position in the 7th House will be of a Trikesha (of the 8th Lord) and of a Trishadayesha (of the 11th Lord). Therefore, he will certainly exert his inauspicious effect on the 7th House which he has adopted as being the Lord of these Houses (the 8th and the II th House).

In the Libra Ascendant, Jupiter will be the 6th Lord and the 3rd Lord (Trishadayesha) and therefore he will work in the direction of causing the wife's opposition with her husband.

The Ascendant being capricorn Jupiter will be exalted. Pandit Jeeva Nath has declared such position of Jupiter' s as the most ex­cellent position. And all the Acharyas (Teachers) of Astrology agree with this declaration. But, in addition to the above stated effect, the native (woman) will get in her life another effect as well. This is

The Women Native 113

that her husband makes much progress in his life. But be is also com­pelled to suffer from a dreadful disease. This happens because Jupi­ter becomes the lord of disease (the 6th Lord) and that of fortune (the 9th Lord) from the 7th House, the House of the Husband. He (Jupiter) has to give the effects relating to both. Therefore, the hus­band will no doubt make progress in acquiring wealth and grandeur but will also suffer from a dreadful disease.

~ ~ \Jtat~~ '1~'1~ 4flo:t~q;) tfGT

Cf;'Rf) "G'Rf) xftlllftrCf;('I'TCf;1 t_! ~: I

~ :fi{"df 1Rif "tq ~ '1 fll T.f 'ti •~ tl'<Ri q) I ~ <ffi <:'II

~lflefi q'fl '1 <:'1 Ri tlt '1-llfOTC{'ffi I I 'I& I I

16. If in a horoscope Venus being in the sign of Pisces is pos­ited in the 7th House, the native' s husband will be generous and lib­eral, skilful in the art of cupid and bearer of bow and arrows. She herself will be a lover of music, will please her husband by playful­ness, will have lotus like beautiful eyes and will be adorned with excellent jewels and clothes.

Notes : This effect has been seen in a native (woman) of Vir­go Ascendant The exalted Venus in the 7th House forms 'Malavaya Yoga', the effects of which are told by Mantreshwar in the Follow­ing way:

~lCil'J) t{ t1 '11 ~ -1" ~Cfir~ '1 3 ~ I~ ffi ~;fl: I

'11t't~ ~~-'{lql6'1 ~ ~&l~'fln)~ll: II

that is, the native born in the Malavya Yoga is endowed with forti­tude (patience) and strong limbs, eats excellent food, is learned, has cheerful face, is peaceful, gets the happiness of having sons and wom­en, always makes progress and advancement, is famous and enjoys good conveyances

'1~'1Jilq•ltl t14'11ft1Gt 4Ri'<tftq •1~1~~ 11<)-q I

'1ffito:t~q~-i'Jfchl~ '1615Gij~ ~ ll<ffi ~ ll'l9 II

17. If in a woman's horoscope there is Saturn in the 7th House,

114 Bhav Kutuhalam

it exerts opposite (bad) influence on the health of her husband, he (the husband) wears shabby, dirty clothes and is very weak. If Sat­wn is exalted he is excellent and wealthy.

Notes : If the Ascendant is Pisces and Saturn is in the 7th Hosue, this Yoga exerts an opposite (bad) influence on the husband's health and the marital relations. The Saturn placed in the 7th House, due to his being debilitated, is also a curse for the natives having Libra Ascendant. The Satwn posited in the 7th House gives the above stated effect to the native's being born in Aquarius and Pisces As­cendant because in these Ascendants he becomes the 6th Lord from

the 7th House.

~'ta~ fti ftctiTlJ, ~ , ct1 (.i[Gllll'P<f<f~ ';ft I

~'§(94~~ctdi,~~<Ufli'§(!JI~dl Irk; II

18. If there is Rahu in the 7th House, the native (woman) brings bad name to her family and is devoid of comforts and joys. If Rahu is exalted, she endows the husband with all kinds of com­

forts and j9ys.

Notes : V aidyanath writes about the places or positions which

give strength to Rahu:

~ttl~<fi¥1ooo~ C!ttq;c6~~~Tf iitt141:f<411~4: ~ 1 q;;;ql4'ttl'1~tRPl~llll~lt1~\J1 .. J~=q~~~ II that is, Rahu is endowed with strength in the signs of Aries, Scor­pio, Aquarius, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer. Again, ketu is strong, in the last degrees of the sign of Virgo, if he (Ketu) is placed in Tau­rus and Sagittarius, at the time of night and also when utpsta and

Dhumketu are seen.

Therefore, in the above stated signs etc. Rahu gives auspicious


fJI~ ~1s6l ~ (1q41tfl4)e~olflltf1 ~Cfl (.i[l'~ 'Elc(.i[Cfl'l-ff l,l Sf>'J.TCf~ I

3f;Jll=<lt'flt11q;~o'1'<'(t)41~d~!ii ~: Cf>l~l~: ~ '1G'1!lliffi stutfff m ll'l~ II

The Women Native 115

19. Other Yogas: If in a woman' s horscope the Libra Ascen­dant is in the Navamsha of Aquarius or Venus and Satwn should be in each other's sign or if they are in each other's Navamsha and aspect each other fully, the woman is skilful in the different arts of cupid, the god o~ love, daily disguises as man gratifies her sexual desire by many women disguised as men.

et41'11~ ~ 1f6 •1o4m ifi<.4'l=<i41'1tm '1GI•u~

~T~ ~ ~lJ: "'<>\ 'ETT~Tlf~ ~a"'{ I

'161~)sf4 'RRIT= Cf)mif)m '1.fiuti~Cf>olll ~ '4'l'll'~l G"ETftr q~;y~(.i[6~1{ I I~ o I I

20. If in a woman's horoscope the Moon being in the sign of Cancer is placed in the Ascendant or Mars is situated in the 7th House and Mercury and Jupiter are conjoined, seeing such a woman before them many great and saintly men are subjected to sexual de­sire, are confused and are enamoured of her beauty and they get heavenly bliss.

l{l'lTl'lT~ l'la<fftr Pcf~T~ ~ ~:!. ~l cti<fl en

'lTaT(.i[ a'l";Ja;y·~ ;yr~ flrftiltl 1

~: ~ ~: if>R!J~c!!Cft114>t1'1f()laurRi liTtiT~r<f ftwralj, a Cfe-Tl \if~ l'l(.i[l{ I I~ 'l I I

21. If in a woman's horoscope Mars is placed in his exaltation sign, Jupiter is posited in Pisces or Venus and Saturn are conjoined in the 4th House, her (that woman's) breasts are adorned with the rosary of gaj motis (a gem born of elephant's head).

~!illq;'<l ffil(1'1¥i 14-H~ '1iftut'1~1 !!~41if>'<l!t~q I

o;fJ R~ \Jtat~ ~~ CfT ~!iiPd ~EIC4'1<"i ~ CfT II~~ II 22. Vaidhavya Yoga: If in the 7th House from the Moon there

is the placement of Mars, Seturn, Rahu, and the Sun the woman hav­ing such combination in her horoscope certainly becomes a widow or if these very planets are situated in the Ascendan~ the 6th House,

116 Bhav Kutuhalam

the 8th House, or the 4th House, even then she is subjected to wid­owhood.

Notes : Mars, Saturn, Rahu and the Sun, due to their malefic nature, are regarded as very ferocious of these Mars, Saturn and Rahu are basically opposed and harmful to life and vitality. The Sun, though in himself, is the source of life, yet he is counted among malefic and inauspicious Planets. The maleficency of Mars, Saturn and Rahu and that of the Sun when conjoined, do harm to the aus­piciousness or welfare of a woman. The 7th and the 8th Houses are related to the marital happiness or her welfare or her fortune as a woman. In the event of being situated in the Ascendant these plan­ets cause harm to the 7th House by their aspect. This Shloka of Jeeva Nath has great importance from the point of view of predictive As­trology and it can be depended or relied on. Through an example we can express ourselves in somewhat impressive words.

Example No. 29

Date of Birth 15-3-1968

Tune of birth Latitude l.S.T. 8.00 p.m. 29°56' (N)


Rah Sat Sun Mar

Mer Ven

Longitude 78°-08' (E)


ASC Moon Ket

Here the Ascendant and the Moon Ascendant both are Virgo. Therefore, the above stated Planets are situated in the 7th House from both these Ascendants. Therefore it is quite natural that these plan­ets should have in tensity ineffect and special strength This native's (woman) marital happiness could remain merely for 8 months because her husband died in the I I th month

The Women Native

See another exmple.

Example No. 30

Date of Birth Tune of birth Latitude

19-1-1963 l.S.T. 7.00 p.m. 28°-40' (N)



Ket Sat Sun





77°-28' (E)

ASC Mar Rah


In this horoscope, the above stated Planets are not situated in the 7th House. But in the Ascendant there are Mars and Rahu and in the 7th ~ouse there are Saturn and the Sun. In this way Mars and Rahu will also have their evil influence on the 7th House by their aspect. This Lady was also compelled by Fate to lead the life of a widow in the 4th year after her marriage.

('fh'fJ~q) CJT~ 'fGicl~~~ qif 1}tf: 414'1¥i~'q'(JDII"( I ~CFfr(fJ 6tifdcq4~«1GI ~ !}*'~ 'q'*l('f~ II=?~ II

23. If the Ascendant Lord or the 7th Lord is in the divisional chart of the Malefic Planets or there is the divisional chart of the Malefic Planets in the Ascendant and the 7th House, the woman hav­ing this Yoga in her horoscope, who is of unfixed eyes leaves her


4141"tNk~ ~ t>P'i<q~ ~ !rilcl~<t>'1q~tf1 eft I ot*l<-1~cll ~cltt41~'1 ~cla~ ~ 00 ~ II~ II

118 Bhav Kutuha1arn

24. If the Ascendant and the Moon are hemmed between Malefic Planets, are devoid of the aspects of benefic Planets and are in conjunction with Malefic Planets then that woman having eyes beautiful like those of a deer who has this yoga or combination in her horoscope remains in the grip of Cupid, the god of love and de­stroys (by defaming) the families of both her father and her husband.

~~ ~~~ '(Plllq4n ~ 'Jiqdh; ~I

~~m<ft<t?J1~mtFJT~~("1~ct= 11=?~11 03 03

25. If in a horoscope in the 8th House or in the 12th House, Rahu in a sign of Mars is there in conjunction with Malefic Planets then the native (woman) becomes a widow. If in the 7th House the Sun and Mars are in the sign of cancer, then the woman becomes deprived of her husband and enjoys sexual pleasure with other men.

Notes: If in the 7th House there is the conjunction of the 7th Lord and the 8th Lord, then the native, whether he is a man or a woman enjoys sexual pleasure with many women or men. Due to the position of these Planets in the 7th House there comes obstacles in marital happiness. And as a consquence there is divorce between wife and husband or there may be the death of the life mate. Here Pandit Jeeva Nath has pointed out to this very fact In the 7th House the situation of Mars in Cancer and his conjunction with the Sun is not so important in itself as his (Mars' s) being the 8th Lord. In whichever house the 8th Lord may be posited he (the 8th Lord) cer­tainly engages the native in the immoral deeds signified by that House.

~ ~~ ~ czn) en 'i~ J (>f~ 414get: Cfi\J1 tt~q 1

at;14J<'f!(>fj ~Cf)~~~~RN'Mi~ ~cll(>f~~~ I R& II

26. If in a horoscope there is Mars in Conjunction with Malefic Planets in the 4th, the 7th or the 12th House from the Ascendant, the native having this yoga or combination disrespects her husband and due to her unfixed mind enjoys sexual pleasure \\1th other men.

qx =t"4 '( i lTl ~l 'f-T~ oi lftft'Gfll wl \if~ s l'RT~T: 1

~ 'i411efr lil~'tiiR~q ~ Cf)I'11Cfi~dl~•)~ ll=?l9 II

The Women Native 119

27. The woman in whose horoscope there is Venus in the Navamsha of Mars and there is Mars in that of Venus then that woman having beautiful eyes like those of a deer lea~es out all shamefulness, being in the grip of extreme desire of sexual inter­co~, that. is, like a whore, herself visits the house of another man, that ts, gral.!fies her sexual desire.

tJTtroW (f~ ~l-.t Sl_!'f-l;r C{~ ~l~lft-.:rr I ~~3f1'1Cf)cft 'tit4~ qcql~~l "fll04~T41Ro\1~ 1 Rt:; II

28. If Malefic Planets being bereft of strength are situated in the 7th House and ~s House does not have the aspect of any benefic ~Janet, then the n~I.Jve (woman) does not get the happiness of hav­mg ~er husband altve for a long time. If Mars, Venus and the Moon ~e m the 7th House, the woman becomes a whore with the permis­ston of her husband.

4141JI~ 'ti'<'l'i(>fh'f~~ 1fflf ~ 4Ji8~ 'ti'<1'11< 1

Pittll(f)~ T41te'1~R'Sfl~ d~lte'il< ~~ II=?~ II . 29. If in the horoscope of a woman there are Malefic Planets ~ the Natal Ascendant and the 7th House, then the native 's husband dies in the 7th year after her marriage. And if the Moon is in the 6th or the 8th House, then the husband dies in the 8th year after marriage.

'tit{1~m~ ~= .'ti\{1~ ~= 1

tJN~m "iffi'fT ~er&i ~ q<fl{ 11~o 11

30. The woman in whose horoscope, the 7th Lord is in the 8th House and the 8th Lord is in the 7th House and these are in con­junction with malefic Planets or are aspected by them, certainly be­comes a widow in her early age.

. Notes : Here also Pandit Jeeva Nath has attacked the Houses which are representatives of auspiciousness or welfare. This formula has also been a matter of belief and veneration for the Astrologers ~a~se exp~ence also tells us that the presence of thts yoga or com­bmatt~n certainly .causes the early death of the husband. The Acharya has 18ld the condJltons here which are hke those in the 22nd Shloka.

120 Bhav Kutuhalam

The exchange of the 7th and the 8th Lord, this combination has emerged here as a special point. But its effect is not only this much that she becomes a widow. Another effect which has been pointed out here is that she gets her sexual desire gratified by different men. This becomes like an addiction in her. The reason should have been understood by the reader. In the notes of Shloka 25 we have made it clear that the relation of the 7th and the 8th House produces im­morality in the sphere of sexual desires, be cause the 8th is the House of addictions and the 7th that of sexual desire. In the condition of the formation of relations between the two Houses through the agency of Malefic Planets, any licentiousness takes possession of the native with full force and velocity.

In this yoga or combination the woman at once becomes a wid­ow soon after her marriage. This is not necessary that it is her early or child marriage.

In the Cancer Ascendant this formula may be put into practice because only one Planet which is Saturn becomes here both the 7th and the 8th Lord.

'fl~'flt5Gqtfl ~ ~ <rr q1qq)f~Cf1 I

tfGT ~~CIQ'flcrftfi't ~ ~ ~: 11~'111

31. If the 7th and the 8th Lords being harassed by Malefic Planets are situated in the 6th or the 12th House, then there is no doubt in it that the native (woman) becomes a widow.

'f~I·Nifh ~ ~~~li~ t!Jcltilitl (WI4'141tl ~ I

l{f.fT • oqfilillfM ~~di~ ~ Rllfcl&41R I ~ II

32. If being aspected by Malefic Planets Venus and the Moon are posited in the Ascendant in the sign of Capricorn, Aquarius, Ar­ies or Scorpio, then the woman having beautiful eyes like those of a deer becomes alongwith her mother a whore. If in the 7th House there is the sign and Navamsha of Malefic Planets then the woman remains engaged in prostitution alongwith her mother and she has gonorrhoea 8!ld ~-yphlis in her vagina.

The Women Native 121

~41i1~' ~ur'4 ~~~~~~~1«:6 ~~Cf~ 1

'f"G~G'Rt~~g~'fl<ll~~~~:~ I~~ II 33. The Effects of Every Trimsbamsba According to Plan­

ets and Signs: If in a woman' s horoscope the Ascendant and the Moon being in a sign of Mars are posited in the Trirnsharnsha of Mars the girl having this yoga or combination is of very wicl<ed na­ture; if they are posited in the Trimshamsha of Saturn then that girl becomes a maid servant, if in that of Jupiter, she is very gentle and saintly; if in that of Mercury she is deceptive; and if in that of venus she is evil natured.

Notes : Pandit Jeeva Nath means to say that if in the Ascen­dant there is the sign of Mars, either Aries or Scorpio and the Moon is also posited in these signs and again the Ascendant of the Trimsharnsha division is also in the sign of Mars, and the Moon is also in the Trimshamsha of Mars, then the native (woman) is of wick­ed nature; and if the natal Ascendant and the Moon Ascendant are of Aries or of Scorpio sign but both happen to be in the Trirnshamsha of Saturn, then she (the woman) becomes a maid servant; that is, if the Ascendant Lord and the Moon Ascendant Lord is Mars and the Trimshamsha is respectively of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, then there will be the above stated effects.

All the Acharyas (teachers) of Astrology have used Trimshamsha in order to understand the character and nature of wom­en.

lJ~ ~\Jf <Sf 14;:q"~ ~15CT ~t: ~~qy I

~1Uflflft fcmT ~: Cf)i'flg'(J ~ II~~ II 34. If the Ascendant and the Moon are in a sign of Venus and

the Trimshamsha is of Mars, then the woman having this yoga in her horoscope is wicked or villainous; if they are in the Trimshamsha of Saturn, then the native (woman) will marry twice, if in that of Jupiter she will be endowed with good qualities; if in that of Mer­cury she will be a scholar or a learned woman; and if in that of Venus she is in the grip of extreme sexual desire.

122 Bhav Kutuhalam

~ \:.1'4 ""lJlrlJ. ?T~ Cf>T'Q'<ft Cf>~ifCfT-'9-;t: I

~: mfr fclG't fcmT ~: ct>l'ilg'<l ~ II~~ II 35. If the Ascendant and the Moon are posited in a sign of

Mercury and the Trimshamsha is of Mars, then the woman having this yoga in her horoscope is fraudulous; if the Trimshamsba is of Saturn she is like an impotent person; if that of Jupiter, she is a faith­ful wife; if that of Mercury she has knowledge of many subjects and; if that of Venus she is in the grip of extreme sexual desire.

~~ "l~tm~ -atm m= 'lfffil,u,~Ef,oct>:Jl 1

~I-<J1olsUdq81 ~ ftl@lfst>~l~l ~~:~ I ~& II 36. If the Ascendant and the Moon are posited in the sign of

Cancer and the Trimshamsha is of Mars the native will be a prosti­tute· in that of Saturn she will be the killer of her husband; in that of jupiter she will be endowed with good qualities; in that of Mer­cury she will have skill and knowledge of art and sculpture; and in that of Venus she will be the destroyer of the family's reputation.

ftffi "1'<1Cf>l'<~'<l CfiG1~ qJ'(i~l"11 iilj'{id~ ~

~R<.>tl\fl~l~~ WeT ct>~~~~G1~11~4'1 ~ II~ II 37. If the Ascendant and the Moon are in the sign of Leo, then

the Trimshamsha being of Mars, the woman having this yoga in her horoscope will disguise or dress like a man, that is, she will be val­orous like a man; it (the Trimshamsha) being of Saturn she will be a prostitute; it being of Jupiter she will be the wife of a king; it being of Mercury she will be of wicked nature; and it being of Ve­nus she will enjoy sexual intercourse with her own son.

j~FclRI~I ~ CfiG1~ '19G~ ~ !j0fdtq~~~ I

~~ fcmr :tl~"1;c:;w:q ~ ~ ¥1~'<~1 I ~ II 38. If the Ascendant and the Moon are in a sign of Jupiter,

and the Trimshamsha is of Mars the native (woman) will be endowed with many qualities; in that of Saturn she will be stupid, in that of Jupiter she will have deep knowledge of the substance of qualities; in that of Mercury she will be a Scholar or a learned woman and in

The Women Native 123

the case of the Trimshamsha being of Venus she will look ugly inspite of being beautiful.

J1;c:l<.>t~ ~~d'fll GRfr ~~~~~ ifq81Rl ~ I

!fli~l"1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~11 39. If the natal Ascendant and the Ascendant sign is of Sat­

Ul'll, then the Trimshamsha being of Mars, the native (woman) be­comes a maid servant; it being of Saturn she will be villainous, that is she will be unfaithful to her husband; it being of Jupiter, she will be gentle and santly, it being of Mercury, she will be of wicked na­ture and; it being of Venus she will be sterile or barren.

~ '1e:lli4cl ct><fl~ ~1fl1J<ff~~~ : ~n~: -v•«tlaf~11~a: ~'66fq"'tJ~ ~u\ tr..l= 1

uftCJi 'tTTxxcft~ \it i{ <11! tll'Tl ci 'tlxTlTl ~ll ~fldldttq~:ql'<~l'<i4g'<t ~~~~qJR;:q~ ll~o II

40. Other Yogas: If in a woman's horoscope the natal Ascen­dant is of an odd sign, Saturn is moderately strong, Venus, the Moon and Mercury are bereft of strength and the other Planets are endowed with strength, she remains in the shape (dress) of a man. If the As­cendant is of an even sign and Jupiter, Mars, the Sun and Mercury are endowed with strength, she has the knowledge of the substance of the mysteries of the Gita and also of the Vedanta Learning.

~zy,cll ~Cf1_1"X1 ""!'Ill CfT Pcf~'J.ff l!tf~?JCf)T CfT I

Cfi~Ste~ W Cfi<.'tcll[lln:fi =q~SfC~ ~~~'!jd"1 tAl I nM II

41. Considerations with Regard to the 8th House: If in a Wom­an's horoscope Jupiter or Venus is placed in the 8th House she is subjected to miscarriages or her sons die away If there is Mars in the 8th House, then that beautiful woman having the eyes like those of a deer is a whore or is sluttish. And if there is the Moon in the 8th House, then that woman remains bereft of the happiness of hav­ing husband.

124 Bhav Kutuhalam

Notes : Jupiter is the representative or significator Planet of the condition of Pregnancy and Venus of the private organs of a worn­an and increase in or the destruction of the family. The private or­gans of a woman are represented by Venus, all will agree to it. But she (Venus) represents the increase in or the destruction of the fam­ily, this may appear to be a new idea. As a matter of fact the sign of Tawus represents the 2nd House in a natural horoscope and the 2nd House has been regarded as the House of the native's family. It is on this basis that relating Venus to the increase in or the destruc­tion of the family is quite logical and proper. Therefore the pres­ence of these Planets in the 8th House is responsible for the son's life and for miscarriage. If these planets are in the 8th House and if · there is the aspect of the Malefic Planets on them or if Malefic Plan­ets combine with them then there will be great certainty in the pre­diction of effects. If the Ascendant is Aries, Gemini or Capricorn and Venus is placed in the 8th House, it will be for Venus the most in­auspicious or evil causing condition because in the Aries Ascendant Venus becomes the Lord of the House of family (the 2nd House) and in the other two Ascendants she becomes the Lord of the House of the Son (the 5th House). In the same way if there is the Aries, Cancer, Leo or Scorpio ascendant and Jupiter is placed in the 8th House then this condition is painful and harmful for him because in these Ascendants Jupiter becomes the 9th and the 5th Lord, and both these Houses are related to progeny.

The Moon • s being in the 8th House makes the native most dis­orderly and chaotic on the emotional level. There is the fear of occuring injury on the person's emotions. If there is the Moon in the 8th House and Saturn aspects her, then the native (woman) re­mains restlessly desirous of love of her devoted lover throughout her life but she is unable to get him. The Moon is the significator of the mind and the Soul and the trade of the mind. Therefore there is no possibility for her to get the love emerging from the depths of the mind and the soul. This statement of ours is based on our expe­rience. It may be useful to consider it through an example.

Example No. 31

Date of Birth


The Women Native 125

Time of Birth

I.S.T. 2.35 p.m.

Latitude Longitude

28°-43' (N) 7r-55' (E)


ASC Jupiter



Moon Sun Ven Sat

Mer Mars

For the natives of Aries Ascendant the placement of the Moon in the 8th House is the most troublesome and painful on the mental level because the Moon being the significator of the mind and the Soul at the same time becomes the Lord of the House of the Mind and the soul. Besides this, in the 8th House the Moon is debilitated also. Here, in the 8th House, Mercury and Venus are also conjoined with the Moon in addition. This married woman whose horoscope appears above had a love affair for one week with other person than her husband 5 years after her marriage. In this love affair she was unable to keep her chastity intact. The woman' s husband carne to know of this incident in the very next week and since the time he carne to know of this incident he could never love her from the depths of his mind and soul. Both &re tied in the bonds of marriage, but the woman lives in his house like a maid-servant. Being dead drunk the husband has sexual intercourse also with her like a beast. This has been going on for the last 18 years.

Jt~tiC~ x~41'<d't4 ~ f'a"11~~ m 4Rdl4d'<ll I

31;141~411 4'<Cf)l""ffofl41J ¥Jdlq4~ m cgclt14'Jt41J I nt=? II

126 Bhav Kutuhalam

42. If in a woman 's horoscope Saturn is Situated in the 8th House, the native 's husband remains sickly. The Sun being posited in the 8th House she suffers from all kinds of troubles and pains. If Rahu is there in the 8th House, she is in the grip of Cupid, the god of Jove and enjoys sexual intercourse with other men than her hus­band and destroys the religon and culture of her family.

113-T.I'~ l1 "J.T~ Ci, 'f)t 113-T.I'lfTft.T11oT<fflr I

~~Cf))u) OGT ~ "ifS~~ ~({ I ~~~ I I 43. The House of the Son or the 5th House: If the 5th House

receives the aspect of benefic Planets and the5th Lord is in an An­gle or in a Trine, then the native (woman) is blessed with many sons.

11:5-T.I'"J. '3T<Jcft 'Gftct ~er('} T.l' ftfd fcf~Tl

~~<Sfqtftl:JfQ ~ 'fl'"tlHqftfm II~~ II

44. The woman in whose horoscope there is strong Jupiter in the 5th House becomes the mother of 5 sons; if strong Venus and Moon are there in the 5th House, she gets daughters. If Malefic Plan­ets are situated in the 5th House she does not beget issues.

Jt~l'fll4f"1("tq'()UJ~ Jtlj'i"'GI'<ql~ ~~

ll 'J.Tqftf t'fGT ~T fcf'f)TTG~T Clllfl~ I

-qN <"t•Zl:g+t&•lgd: 4 14delqR~~~ \if"'1'"'1'~lf~ ~T Clllfl~ fcf'f)TTG~T I I~~ I I

45. Vishakhya Yoga: If at the time of a woman's birth it hap­pens to be the 2nd Tithi (Hindi date), the Ashlesha Nakshtra, and the day of Sunday or the 7th Tithi, the Kritika Nakshtra, and the day of Saturday or the 12th Tithi, the Shatbhisha Nakshtra, and the day of Tuesday, She (the woman) is a girl havmg Vishakhya yoga in her horoscope. Or if in the Ascendant there is the sign of a malefic planet in conjunction with Malefic Planets and two Malefic Planets are there in the 6th House also, that girl also has in her horoscope

the yoga named Vishakhya

The Women Native 127

a~l~f4"tL-.flrctcm ~tft~ 11~l'f4 ~~~UJeY 1

~ffi'd4'! Cfl':f~ f'Cl~ll&l ~~~w.frcnfil'T.I''W f'Clqi(§QI I~~ II

46. If at the time of a woman' s birth there happens to be the 2nd Tithi on Saturday and the Ashlesha Nakshtra or the 7th Tithi on Tuesday and the shatbhisha Nakshtra or the 12th Tithi on Sll'_l­day and the Vishakha Nakshtra, she has also the Vishakhya yoga m

her horoscope.

ET'Jf 1l6"1Ta <J.Tl ~ <•F"'1'1l xfcf"'1'~~

~ ~q'fl1Et1il m Fcll'416tll ~'11RCf)l ll~l911 47. If there is Mars in the 9th House, Satwn in the Ascendant

and the Sun in te 5th House the native (woman) has the Vishakhya

yoga in her horoscope.

fclqi(§QI ~hCf)'flkl'dl ~ 'Id~~Cf)l

q~Jt'<DI~I"11 T.1' ~Jif\'()Rdt ¥J: I nl~ II 48. The Effects of the Vishakhya Yoga: The native (woman)

having the Vishakhya yoga in her horoscope is troubled with grief, bereft of good fortune, the mother of a dead Son and devoid of clothes and jewels, this has been said by the ancient scholars of As-


~ 'fl'd'11~~1: ~ <fT <"t 4 "1~~4~:

~q4~•111<"i ~ miT sRR¥1 ~ II~~ II

49. Vishakhya Bhanga Yoga. The Lord of the 7th House from the Natal Ascendant and the Moon Ascendant is in the 7th House and there are benefic Planets in the 7th House from the natal As­cendant and the Moon Ascendant, then the Vishakhya Yoga is de­stroyed in the same way as a lion destroys the herd of elephants.

~ fclqJt;Cf) JJl~ ~ldoQ <"t 4 "1~~41 :

d~Yl W. ~ ~p11:g+tq;t"i ~ ll~o II

128 Bhav Kutuhalam

50. At the time of marriage also there should be such consid­eration from the natal and the Moon ascendant (that is, the analysis of the Ascendant of the Muhurta or the electional time of marriage is to be made on the basis of the Yogas stated above) because the auspiciousness or the inauspiciousness of the whole life of women is dependent upon Muhurta or the electional time of marriage.

~EfCIQ4~ •Jgcmllll:


Cf>~llll: ~IIPd'{cfct>'{

Cf)l'(~f};q'(~~'11 11~'1 u 51. The Meausres to he taken to Neutralise the Vaidhavya

Yoga (The combination leading to widowhood). The maiden having the Vaidhavya Yoga in her horoscope should be married to a suit­able match after alleviating and pacifying the Yogas or combinations of the Planets according to the method stated in the vedas.



lJif ('lift UJttt Rl"il 'lfC\~ ~s~

dt1t>'<U 6DII~Cf ~ 4!ft0 Ji '«<Sf'{ 11'111

1. If the girl is endowed with auspicious bodily characteris­tics, then in this world by manying her according to religious mar­riage rites the happiness of the householders is greatly increased.

~itl~ai ~ ~ ~C:CIQI~'1 ~ S4ct>ltll~ d~ql~ '11flunt1•1<"119DI'{ II~ II

2. The very wise sage Veda Vyasa in the ancient times spoke of the auspicious and inauspicious bodily characteristics of women. Those very bodily characteristics of women are being enlightened here also.

g~dql<:dtii ~ Cf>)'1tii 't1'1'1tflq \Jfqi~'«'1S4'¥1'{ I

~'1i'tt<"I!JS'Ifit<"llq~'<~~d~ttt'1~d't I~ II 3. The woman, the soles of whose feet are very delicate, even.

red coloured like the Japa flower but fat and warm and without much sweat, is religious-minded, becomes a queen and gives much happi­ness to the emperor.

130 Bhav Kutuhalam

~ oqCiiqq 'f':.{('fifl'1~'11'1~dH4q I

~~~~~~di ~~di~~dli!dl IN II

4. If the sole of the feet of a woman has on it the mark of lotus-flower, conch, chariot flag, wheel, fish, Viman (aeroplane) or wnbrella she will be endowed with grandeur and will be the wife of a king.

l&ufl"CiiR ~ q of .,.:q fcnj15iW tre1!i (ft.Tl I

~ qJ~at'i WCiZfT ~f•l:lqR~~*'t II'£. II

!5. If the sole of the feet of a woman is of the shape of a shoop (a thrashing device), discoloured and dry, rough uneven and hard, these bodily characteristics of a light bodied woman indicate ill fortune.

~: 'fl!J"idl~!ltid) ~"('f5g('fotn6Q~: I

~Cf)l'<l YRIT~ m ~~"s:wuPI~ II~ II 6. If the great toe of the feet of a woman is elevated and

roundish, it gives extreme happiness and the woman whose nails (of the feet) are of the shape of a shoop (a thrashing device) is unfortu­nate and Suffers in life.

;fl:q('f~j El'<~l'<ll~Crr '<I\Jf'11ffSil('fll:li il('fl$i&~d I

qi'§<'tlm«fi('fHi~~'1~tl~(qJ<J~¥i~~~ 11'911

7. Cbaracteristks appearing at the Time of Walkin1 : If at the time while walking on the path, a woman's feet raise a cur­rent of dust, that woman is unfaithful to her husband, is licentious, destroys the three families (those of maternal uncle, her own father and of her father-in-law) and enjoys sexual pleasure with wicked per­sons of low birth.

8. Characteristics appearing In the form of one toe stick­Ing over another : The woman one toe of whose feet is sticking

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 131

over another toe kills many husbands and becomes a prostitute.

ct>F'tt!OI ";J ~flct~ :q(lt~J ~~d«lGI I

"W ~ 't<tqft1 6(ql ~ ~ ¥= II~ II 9. If while walking the smallest toe of a woman' s feet does

not touch the ground, the woman kills her husband soon and then enjoys sex with a libertine.

31'1 I~ Cf)J T.f "1'bllT T.f ~ ~ -;r tf~fl q I

amrr qme4 ~ T.JTtRr g qm~l:l't 11<1o 11

10. If the 4th toe and the middle toe of the feet of a woman do not touch the ground, then the woman whose former toe does not touch the ground kills two husbands and marries a third one, and the woman whose latter toe does not touch the ground kills three husbands and marries a fourth one.

3Alflrq;T T.f lfEm T.f ~~ lft-;yy l1 \ifT~'ff I

'dGT-w qm~"~' t~nRf416 ¥1•JqJ~l:l't 11'1'111

11. If the 4th toe and the middle toe of the feet of a woman are shorter than usual then the woman will soon be bereft of her husband, this is said by Shree Bhagwan Veda Vyasa himself.

~ qJG'1&1: R=<PEII qg('fl~ 'fl!J"idl: I

dJJ4qUJf 't•JiefiDJj '161i1~•1:W~Il01Cf)J: ll'l~ II

12. Characteristics of nails : If the nails of the feet of a wom­an having beautiful eyes like those of a deer, are smooth, roundish elevated and of the colour of copper (red) she is the giver of all kinds of sensual pleasures and wealth.

~ ¥1 ~ ~ '1 cl fclR;r Cb ~ '1 cl Cf)'i (Of 'l t!Oq q ~ 'ti~ «ftll 't I

3RiUT icn'1fil~'1'fl~ ~ q~'lt!Offlm frl ll'l~ 11

13. Characteristics on the feet of a Woman : If the sole of the feet of a woman having beautiful eyes like those of a deer is clean, delicate like the surface of a lotus leaf, red coloured like

132 Bhav Kutuhalam

Kumkum flower or like corals, she is certainly endowed with many qualities.

aiftr~ ~T t'QJ"i~f~~~"tAT I

~~~~~"1Jtq•JJ ;ufr~ <-t)I1J~~"1 m I lent II

14. The woman, the toes of whose feet are deep, is penuri­ous, if there are veins on her toes she walks on the ground or i?egs for her food, if. there are hairs on her fingers she serves as a ruaid.

~~~ "flGT ~ CJ,1=f111 ~ \Jtltl~ I

~~~~ldii1~Nl~Tf<$fl' I ~II 15. The woman whose goolf (the part above the feet and be­

low the thigh) is without muscles or is thin remains penurious. If the goolf is fat, with muscles, without obtruding veins and roundish, the woman has the happiness of having progeny (sons) and is fortu­nate and auspicious.

~ ~~fi:f~ ~~1«1~1 c!titt•~-q-qq;~ I !}(Oq)(Ot19DJI116Qitt QJ~J(OtetDJ!fiSQet I let~ II

16. If the woman's goolf is not deep and is loose, it is in­dicative of evil fortune. Having described the characteristics of the goolf of a woman, now are described those of a woman's back part of the feet.

tti11"141~J: ~ 1!~41~Plil ~*m I ~ g•JqJ~I~ ~tfqJ~J•~c;JCfi<"tl 11'19 II

17. Characteristics of the back part of a woman' s feet : The woman whose back part of the feet is ev~n. beautiful (roundish) is fortunate, if it is very fat then she is unfortunate, if it is elevated she is licentious, and if it is long she remains sickly.

"Gf ~t ~ "J.Tlli~ ~~T xl11lft-.t T.f CJtl (;l I

11ittcl T.f~~mftm~qCJll liCit; II

18. Characteristics of a woman' s thighs : A woman whose

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 133

thigh is beautiful like the plantain tree, without hairs, roundish even and smooth is certain to become a queen.

~q;'<)I1J finn mft ~~1111 ~&MJfll;fl I

~'<)111 ~ ~ =?II1Cfl~! CfiJ~4) I let~ II 19. If a woman has one hair in the root of the hair she be­

comes a queen (wife of a King), if she has two hairs she becomes extremely happy and fortunate, (but), if she has 3, hairs she becomes a widow or loses her husband early.

~ \Jtlj!l•i ~ 11ittt'i dc;~ii=t111tflq tg1111c;l'( I

¥"1'1fsi~dl faqfloi1JRfitRC: faq~d!I~R'tt't ll=?o II

20. If both the thighs of a woman are strong and roundish, it is extremely auspicious and the woman is very fortunate as she be­comes a queen. If the case is the reverse of it, that is, the thighs are thin and dry, that woman is unfortunate.

tt!I"'tdf.!tdt:iiiEU ~: Rfe&l'it!J<"tl ~ I m ~I\Jt4~'1~tfl "11"1J~fit: 'fll11i!dl ll=?ct II

21. The woman whose buttocks are elevated and whose back is thin, is only of 24 Anguls in thickness, is good natured, and good mannered, is surrounded by many friends and becomes a queen. Her life will be happy.

~fm ~"1dl cfrm ~~cJ ~Jct)(!JCfircJ: 1

~-<l111Cfi<"tl~~~~ II=?=? II

22. If a woman's back is without muscles, flat, of the shape of a cart, small and is with hair, it shows that she will become a widow.

-8111 Pd ;ft "1 i ~ ill'<>~ '"if~ 11 ~ PYi d t1i(J tfS1TI"IfG: ~ I .,.,tt"""!I"1=:r=Ztt1) lfRR;r~~ll!l="~fGT Cfill1'§i8ll~ dlttl't II=?~ II

23. If a woman's buttock is beautiful, red like Bimba fruit, it is indicative of giving all kinds of pleasures, if it is elevated, fat and

134 Bhav Kutuhalam

large, it gratifies the sexual desire of her husband.

~T •I \J1 ~~'tPil"1'<'i4) 'Jfll~St!.T<fl ~lfl{~~: I

~till4et: Cf)l'1f<l'1~GGI41 en 't1~"1ct: m~ 'ttdi\J1~dl II=?~ II

24. If the Vagina of an extremely beautiful woman is like the shoulder of an elephant or like the back of a tortoise, she gives sex­ual pleasure to a King (becomes a queen), if the Vagina is elevated she is endowed with sons and wealth etc.

3Tl'Cf~T'G<"f~liT Cfl 'J.T-.TI ~~lifbT: l,l'J.l:

=gfWtct>~G~'<'i4~ ~: Cfi~·~~~'tt~¥1: II=?~ II

~~m CitiC"11'tt1 ~ctlttillJIDEflf= 1

Cf)l ~"1i ~ fcl~Gis'f 'lf1ir'Jfiffcr~ II=?~ II

25-26. If the Vagina of a woman is of the shape of the leaf of Peepal (a tree) or deep and bending inward it is auspicious; if it (the Vagina) is like the belly of chulhi or like the nails of a deer or has much hair on it, is rising upward and dreadful then it is very inauspicious and never gives satisfaction to the man desirous of sex­ual pleasure during copulation.

27. If the Vagina of a woman is of the shape of a Kanchuki (BRA) that is if it is rising on both sides and deep in the middle, it increases ill fortune, it is incapable of bearing pregnancy; if it is curved, it also does not bear pregnancy.

~ cr~ni lTG(tl11 fa'J.TT"fl": q;tf ~ '<'i q q ~ 'if 'J.l-.TI q-y 1

til ti!I•IJI fitq;ip I\J1~~'11 ~ tg1t ~ftl~sftl f.!rvm: I Rc; I I

28. If the Vagina of a woman looks like the leaf of a bam­boo tree, or if it is roundish, that is, rising on all sides and deep in the m1ddle, or if it is long and fat hke neck, or if it has dry hairs on it like those of an elephant or is flat , it increases ill fortune. The meaning is that a woman who has such Vagina is unfortunate.

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 135

~ffi lf~~lfCR~(>j ~ OGT "\if"EFi 'Si •1 ¥1 I \J1 "1 '{ I \1cl 't1~"1d'ilqd'11G~Iq qftlCf)tiiiCf)f<:id ~~: II=?~ II

29. If the Vagina of a woman is soft and has soft hairs on it, then it begets good sons and increases comforts and wealth; if it is elevated, broad and seems thick and soft when it is seen or touched by the husband, then also it begets good sons and increases com­forts and wealth, it is so said by the wise and the learned.

Cf~ 'if G"ft.TVTTqcf lfT "tt"t"i l,l 'JoT~ T.fq>'l\ I

ql'ilqtf T.l "11<fl 0 1i ~fit~ci ~fit~dl~ ll~o II

30. If the Vagina of a woman is bending towards the right side and is muscular it indicates auspiciousness, if it is bending to­wards the left side and is high and low at places, then it is inauspi­cious and gives pain to the woman.

~"fl ~~tiiiCf)l~ ~ef ~EIOQ'tl~ I

31~'<fltwi i161~Q -m:h ~stf•qqcifCf)'t ll~ct II

31. If the Vagina of a woman is without muscles, curved and dry it is indicative of widow hood; if it is very fat and very large it makes the woman unfortunate and increases her ill fortune.

~ ~~till ~: :th,."11 T.l 'tt!l"1dl I

~ ~~qiCfll~l ft~ltill Mli1ofl«fitill I~=? I I

32. The characteristics of a woman's pedu (the part between navel and vagina : If a woman's Pedu is delicate, large, beautiful and raised, it is auspicious, but if it, it is lined, bas visible veins and hairs on it, it is inauspicious.

•1a:fl~1 Gftfonqctf ~ ~•lfc)q~~ 1

CQCftBi~ : 'tt!fdl"11 qli11<td\ ~ ~ II~~ II

33. Characteristics of a woman's navel: If a woman's navel is deep, bent towards the right side she is the giver of aU comforts; if it is raised and has knots in it and is bent towards the left side it is not auspicious and destroys all comforts.

136 Bhav Kutuhalam

ll'i~ "ltGT -;rrfr ~a 1.1 311 ..... ii ~ ~Cb)C:~ "1~~11"1i ~ =qt~o)c:~ II~~ II

34. Characteristics of a woman' s Belly : If a woman's belly ' is large she begets many sons; if she has a belly like that of a frog she begets Kings (Very rich persons) and if she has a rectangular belly she begets strong and brave sons.

\i "1 t) o:fl"Crtvl<f ~ -;nfr 11 Gtl ~ t'1 Gto~ot q;Jl~ot m 'lt~~ii~Cbi•t"il 11~'1.11

35. The woman whose belly is convex (raised) is barren or sterile, and whose belly is hard she is of the low caste of Kol or


aTml";f ~a~Cf t:IRICbl 11Cfftf q~ I cffl'1~4\'fl:flg<R\ ~ Ql~~cf;: ~ II~& II

36. If in a woman's belly there are whirls she certainly be­comes a maid. If both her sides are delicate muscular and equal in

size she is auspicious.

~ fli~VT "'!~~ ~~ ~ 011 Pt1 Cf{fl";f Cb 1fli;ft m I

il§t41gcts?l•ttwtl~dl 'flljR-1 tllt:Cb'flN>cll~l~~ I~ II 37. If a woman's belly is without veins, her skin is delicate

she begets sons, if her belly is thin she is very fortunate, enjoys m~y kinds of comforts, eats modaks (a kind of sweets) and sweet fruits

every day.

"ETCTQ>R ~. 'J.fCfftf ~ 11~ 1) ";{ ~'i li ~qrq;r~ ~Cf~~ti lj.?Rfttfl{ I

~ o:fl ~· dC: I ~ ~ «5~&11°~'fltill ~~Cb~"ij'<i:tl l cl"i ~~ I ~t; II

38. The woman whose belly is of the shape of a pitcher or of a drum, or by the will of Destiny it is of the shape of a grain of

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 137

barley, she is bereft of Son; if it (the belly) is of the shape of a kushmanda, then also it is inauspicious; if it is hard, very hard, then also it is not auspicious, it is so said by the deep thinkers or philos­ophers.

Cfi mm ~ q c:wfi 'fl-< twtl q twft twt at o "14fcr.fl c: ~ q ~;ft 1

~m Cb~cll <gRtwtlcgc:otl ~iiib~ fcffi;rr '16C:1CflRt: II~~ II

39. If the Trivali (a straight line of small hairs from the heart to the Vagina) of a woman is very thin and straight she is extreme­ly beautiful, delicate and increases the pleasure of the husband dur­ing sexual intercourse; if it (the line of thin hairs) is brown coloured, and curved she increases the anger of her husband; if it is sparse and broad in size it is auspicious in effects.

('fllflft";f~~ ~"GT <J.T-ij ~"f-";f(~Tfcfxftci ~lfT~Cfl{ I

~~·~~~ ~ q-<i 41"11 m~: ~~fcllil•l'11cl~q ll~o II 40. Characteristics of the heart (breasts) of a woman : If

the chest (Breasts) of a woman is without thin hairs, is even and broad, that extremely delicate and beautiful woman enjoys all kinds of comforts and becomes bereft of her husband also.

\i~"1;{t'1fiC:~I ~ ~6Rl fcl«ll'('()qfiC:~I c.~~T~Tftvft~TCJ I

' 31teiC::tiljcl~d ~'§~I~ ~C({I'1:ti ~f<ltpf ";f ~ ~TT~ Pcf;= ~Cf.. I I~ 'l I I

41. If the thin hairs on the chest of a woman are plucked and then are grown, that woman kills her husband. It a woman's chest is specially broad she is licentious. If her chest is 18 anguls in breadth, she is the giver of comforts and wealth. If her chest has special hairs on it and if it (the chest) is uneven, that unfortunate woman does not get even the least happiness and joys of life.

\i "1 d tftqi lffii ~ CffliT ~ d I Jt I

attflq-<~~ ~ ~~'1\•~~il(f)'t I I~=? I I

138 Bhav Kutuhalam

42. If the chest of a man or a woman is uneven and thick, it is auspicious for them both. If it (the chest) is low and without mus­cles on it (flat) it is inauspicious for both and is indicative of ill for­tune.

'JfCKf 'QC1 ~ '{!C{41~~ ~ tFfr '§C{~I~q~Eltf I ~\Jfqtl'(~~j qRq'4(il) cg'§liiCIDI~41~~qci.{$) II~~ II

43. If both the breasts of a woman are thick, have muscles in them, are hard elevated and beautiful and roundish these breasts increase the sexual desire of the husband during sexual intercourse.

~1JciT ~'(~ ~00 ~C'I IiJiqftdl~~ q4)~~ t1GI ~: s:rst~~fittu~"1d: IIW II

~"tli'-T Cb~ I ~1 "liGT cwrt""lffi ~q I 'tti~"<IJ1 -:q ~«11~ Q)q'(l~ ';f ~rrst4t I ~II

44-45. If the two breasts of a woman with beautiful eye brows are of different sizes (fat and thin) or without muscles, that is flat, or they have their foreparts thickly made, they are pain giving. If the right breast is bigger than the left one it (the right breast) gives happiness to the woman's sons. If the left breast is bigger than the right one, it (the left breast) is the giver of a distinguished daughter. And if there is great difference between the two breasts, that is, if both are not joined or are not near, are long (or thin) and their foreparts are specially thick, the woman having such breasts is not auspicious.

~ ~ st>liefl ~~~q~ tft~ ~Effr I

~ 'l4Cblcl g qtifl~~~~:wtr I nl~ II 46. lf the breasts of a woman are fat in the base and then

become successively thinner and thinner and then in the forepart be­come sharp edged, such breasts give happiness in the first stage of life but are pain giving in the last stage (old age).

!J~uft ~"1dM>~I ~ M>~l '§~M~I I

1ne Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 139

47. If a woman' s shoulders are delicate (soft) she is blessed with sons and if she has short shoulders she gets happiness in life; and if her shoulders are strong she always remains in the grip of cupid, the god of love and is always desirous of having sexual in­tercourse.

11~1~1 cgRC'IM>f\!:11 ~ti~M>~I -:q dl«i:BI I

~ {"t~lilcgC'I~~ I ~ ~lilq~q I nlt; II 48. The woman whose shoulders are curved remains blinded

with pride, she whose shoulders are fat also remains in the same con­dition. If there are many soft hairs on the shoulders she soon be­comes a widow.

~«li'fll ofl6di'fl l "il ~ ~ Cbl~4) I

g~li'ttl ~ ~ ~lii'fli'fll ofrcf "il II~~ I I

49. If a woman 's shoulders are broad at the end near the arms or if they are hard, that woman will be fortunate; and a woman whose shoulders in the above stated part are raised or are without muscles on them should be known to be subjected to widowhood.

at!lbdi!IR:f«fi ~ ~~G\'1CbR:fCbl'fll1't I iC§'Jt~~~~~ "11fluli f.!rtiRi ~~"11 ~ ll~o II

50. The woman whose thumb and two fingers are as delicate as the bud of a Kamal (Lotus) flower giver great satisfaction during sexual intercourse. If seems as if she was made by Lord Brahma to give such satisfaction and joy.

Cf>'<d<"i ~\11~4~ Cf)~li<"i ~11 C'IqG\11Pt¥i "il 'fl!J"1d't I

~\J1 4tl: <R'tlli l~qci.{q) ~~1Rd ~ ~~;f!Ro't ll~ct II 51. If the palms from the base of the arms of a woman are

delicate like a clean lotus and raised, she increases the sexual desire of her husband, these words of Brahma (the Creator Lord) have been spoken by the Munis or the thinkers

140 Bhav Kutuhalam

t<tT.U~~(ij ~ -;fl ~ tfl'1~<54lll I

~ ~ tFf ~ :q1~~~lll II~=? II

52. If the woman's palm is full of cleanliness it is an auspi­cious sign in her, tf it (the palm) is without lines, it is inauspicious, and if there are very many lines she will become a widow.

~1'<1("1. ~m ~=~ '11-flct>><ttt"l. ~ 1

'ti!j"id ~ fimR Cf>'<~«e '§:th~'1't II~~ II 53. If the woman's palm has many emerging veins on it she

will be poor, if the back of the palm is raised and has no veins on it, it is auspicious.

~~(ij ~ ~ ~~ qfi)uflq~q I

~: Cf>'<~tld~ ~ ~ ~: II~~ II 54. If the back part of the hand of a woman is covered with

soft hairs, deep and with out muscles, such a woman will destroy the life breath of her husband. These are the characteristics of the back part of the hands of women as described by the learned astrol­ogers.

~ "'<ml1=fl 11<fftf l!~<>rl err ~~ 1 CfR Cfl1) m \J1 'ill R1 "PPT~ ~ lj1ll( I I

~Gl <{'ffi"Cf>T~ trftf~GT ~ tR I

fcmR tft~~~~ ilt"IJf~ ~ =tqRtfct>Jf~ II~~ II 55. If in the left hand of a woman there are deep , red

coloured, soft, clearly visible lines, it is very auspicious, if these lines are circular, she gets extreme bless out of the sexual desire of her husband, increases Ius good fortune and is strong If there is the mark of Swastika on the hand she begets sons.

Cf>'<tt<'l ~ q~~(WIIqd: ~lltf Jfl 'tRJfT •IRJfli{tfl I

~qJfq~Jf<"i \J1'1t.~~ ilt"lqtf iJf~ Jfl'1~'14ct>'t I I~~ II

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Charactenstics of a Girl 141

56. If in a woman's hand there is the mark of a lotus she will be the empress of an emperor and will be endowed with great­ness and gravity, and she will certainly beget an emperor among her sons, that is, her son will also be a king who will bring down the pride of the strongest with his strength.

~ 'UGfa'i 0 11Cf>l'{) '1~1qct : 'U\J11lld I

'qSf>qftl~q~ m ~: qlfltltt~SJf~ I f.t.l9 II

57. If in the clean hand of a woman there is the 'nandyavrata' mark turning round towards the right she will become the empress of an emperor (an emperor has his kingdom or empire in all the di­rections).

311ttq~ ~ ~= ltm~ ~ err ~ 1

~qJfltfl !J0h~ttl ~C5q1Cf>l'<l qf?tdttl ll~t; II 58. If in a woman' s hand there is the mark of an umbrella

lotus, tortoise or conch like mark then that woman having good qual~ ities and being the mother of a King wiJI be a taJI and beautiful wom­an and will be faithful to her husband.

~ qJJfct>~ «sn tft"IIJfl~ qJil 1=JCfq I

~:tllqiJfl '<'11'{0 1\ '11'11t"ict>I'<Jf~tfl II~~ II 59. The woman who has on her left hand the mark of a bal­

ance or line like a rosary, will have a trader or businessman as her husband or she herself will be a trader or a businesswoman, she will be endowed with much wealth and will remain adorned with many jewels and ornaments.

Cf> '< t1 J1 ~I \J1 q I ftt C{tmfi~: Cfi Rf ~~I Jf il t"ll ~ cmf<M I

~ ~'tiJfl ~~ :tl~lf.l'stl~~l ~~fact> I ll~o I I

60. If on a woman's palm there is the mark of an elephant a horse or an ox, she will be wise and clever, will know the value of a work done by someone and will be learned. Again if on the hand of a beautiful woman, having extremely beautiful eyebrows, there is a mark like that of a pucca house of lime and brick or there is a

142 Bhav Kutuhalam

line like the moon, it gives very auspicious effects and makes that woman endowed with good qualities and fortune

~ m ('()Ji(>fj'ifi:tllill'i'<IJi(I'Ptl'<l'tt'"lq£1~ ~f"&Cf)l I ;.:) .

!JDI~tf\qf()qC't11fl Cf)'<d~ tliCf)c~ ~SiRifT ll~q II

61. The woman on whose hand there is the mark of a clean rod (to drive an elephant) Chamar (a fan of soft hairs) and of a clean arrow will be adorned with auspicious qualities and will be a queen, that is, her husband will be a King or like a King. If there is a line like the shape of a cart, her husband will be a vaishya (a man of merchant class) or a businessman.

at!Jtsdl{t'lffl ~ Cf)~tsd i ~ •IT.ORt I

~ ~ qf()5~ "ffi ~ qR<t~~q I ~~ II 62. The woman on whose hand there is a line starting from

the base of the thumb aHd reaching the base of the smallest finger she certainly becomes the killer of her husband and she should be avoided from a distance.

1:1~ Cfi~ Cfi~l(ifTfGTlf(OfVGl~~ ci ~~~ I

~ 'J\C'tf.llt I «<j ~R!JCf)l ~"flGr ~~tlGT II ~~ II 63. The woman on whose hand there is the mark of a sword,

pestle, clean and sharp edged, lance, drum, deer and a line like a thorn, will always be a giver of wealth on this earth.

if t!1 ~ Cf) if ftil Cf) !iGt •1 \J1 "!Cf) I: <SI '< c6 Cf) q 31 tt I (>f ¥1 I fil ~I (>f Cf) I: I

~qiJiqlfald~~~Cf)(>f&i 'ttlcgJiRt:ti•ICf)J'<Cf)l: II&~ II

64. The woman on the palm of whose left hand there is the mark of an ox, frog, scorpion, snake, jackal, donkey, snail, locust or cat is quarrelsome and remains excessively sickly or terribly suffers from disease

Cf)) 11 (>f: ~ S!{tsd)«nJ(>i) ~ m ~ dl '1 I

iPJil~ci Cfltlll~~!j("4) ~lifCf)l'<ttT.~qrt(>fl: II~~ II

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 143

'!tsd'<'l ¥1 1: ttlffilJ)(>flftil~cl \1Rt11 !~: I

"CfllJf. <!iRioqqfuh ~ x)•M~Iq61: I I~~ II

31~Cf)qcf;fl gCffi l \1"1t1i!J(>t4)SWJY: l l~l9 II

65-67. If a woman's thumb is soft and straight and roundish and the fmgers are successively thinner (as one thinner than the oth­er, the second than the first etc.) and long shaped and roundish and on their backs there are soft hairs and their back parts are flat and broad and have very little muscles on them, these give auspicious effects and these are auspicious characteristics. If the fmgers are thin and the mounds between the lines are curved and the fmgers are short sized, these give the fear of disease. If on the fmgers there are many lines on the mounds and the fingers are elevated, these are givers of inauspicious effects.

tt i&~Rt>~¥11 ~ ('()qulf ~ ';fflll: l_J'Jfr: I

Cf)~ (>fl qfibdJ ~: ~: '{i<SII'"IItliCf): ll~t:; II

68. If a woman's nails are like conch or short conch and these are low and colourless in the middle, these do not give auspicious effects. And if these are pal.e coloured, curved and dry, even these destroy happiness.

~ q q Pd -.f«! ~wf Rm '<nil ('()'{ (>f 1 ~ fil~ q: 1 31f()o'< i Cfi'{i'ii!J~ «ft~~l q'{\J1~'1 ~~m: II~~ II

69. If in the nails of women whose eyes are like those of a she deer there are white coloured dots, such women are excessively in the grip of cupid, the god of love, talk with other men and have love for them also.

~~~"fl~ lfi~~ qftifbm 1

x)J1'1Jl'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ lll9o II

70. The woman whose back bone 1s covered Wlth muscles and is strong is dear to her husband; if there are many soft hairs on the back she certainly becomes a widow

144 Bhav Kutuhalam

'tf fl I~ o II Rf ~~Yf fct;rft';f T.f ~ :ftsrnl mro '1i'tf<'1~ ~ 'lt6chtl: 'tf!}"id: lll9<t II

'tf I q fg X:l~TrnlJT !!Cfttl cl Cf) I'< '1 fl»~ C1 I I

atftl~~l '{!fTl{ltl T.f q'(J~fit: 'tf'11~dl I ~~ II

71,72. The woman whose backbone has many veins on it, is uneven and deep, remains unhappy. She whose backbone is straight, muscular and elevated is faithful to and doer of auspiciousness to her husband, remains adorned with jewels studd~d with pearls and gems, is very dear to her husband, is good natured and good man­nered and enjoys the company of many women friends.

Cf>Uo~ <ftl <."f~q : Cf>lpfi~: tft~rcn~ cto: 1

~g-(!}{11~ ~: ~ ~\Jfats}: ~ ~ llt9~ II 73. If a woman's throat is round shaped, comely and beauti­

ful and strong and is four anguls in length she is very dear to her husband.

!J'<ltRt:4tif'tf{ltl 1ftcrr ~~&1~: 'tf¥fli!dl I

'§'t16dl OGT lffi'fT ~q~dl 'Yf lTPRr 1113~ II

74. If a woman's throat is muscular and its bone is not visi­ble and if it has three lines on it and is strong, then such throat in­dicates auspiciousness; if it is the reverse of the above stated one, such throat indicates inauspiciousness.

~t'tiflqt ~qtlfcml '<cttBflqt T.f GIRICf)t I

atqftl~fllcJflqJ {lt~iflqttfqRifd l 1113~ II

75. If a woman's throat is fat she is left by her husband; if it is red coloured, she becomes a maid servant; if it is flat and broad she becomes a widow; and if it is short she remains penurious or very poor.

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 145

76. If a woman's chin is thick, soft and without soft hairs, it is auspicious, if it has many soft hairs on it, is curved, short and very fat, it is not auspicious and it gives poverty and unhappiness.

'1i'tf~ Cf))'1{1tt~tfr qsq)~ ~{lttifidl I

'tf!}"1Cft 'J•tlefluti S:Ptl~ ¥tqd'«<GI lll9l9 I I

77. If the cheeks of the beautiful women having eyes like those of she deers are very muscular, soft, roundish and elevated, these (cheeks) are auspicious.

~~ ~vt!I I Cf)t;fl '< 1 '1 ~n 'R~{Itt ifidl 1

'tfi'1Pd;ft'1 t '1:g~ ~atf•~qRqcifct>~ l ll9c; II

78. If the cheeks of young women are without muscles or like those of a man, have soft hairs on them and are curved, these are inauspicious and increase ill fortune.

-qcjm t&~ t ct;rm ~~msER: 1

R;i.m '<t\Jf~~~~ qRt{))ft1t1: lll9f.ll

79. If the lips of a beautiful woman having beautiful eyebrows are roundish, have lines on them, are red coloured like the Bandhook flower and smooth, such a woman is dear to a King, this has been spoken of by the former Acharyas or teachers of Astrology.

v~ ~vtsttCf)t'<: ~~lff'tfqrtfo: 1 ~~4~\Jf'icffl ~ ~ ~cqoq-qqs: l lc;o II

80. If the lip of a woman is long, like that of a man, cracked and without muscles, then it should be known to be a giver of evil fortune; if it is of black colour it predicts widowhood

~~: ~ "G~T ffil Cf)'<')qJ: vfl~: I

atP.htGI'ftl•ll ~: ~ "tfGT '!!¥1 4111 ~ llc;<t II

81. If the teeth of a woman are alike both in the upper and

146 Bhav Kutuha!Wl!

the lower jaw, are small, are bright like milk and are thirty two then she is always fortunate (will live with her husband).

~ ~ "'d I~ Cfk" ;r 1JRftftYJT T.f ~:ftsrnl I

~ Fcl<ticl<til~: ~Ruft fil'<t'l~~: lit;=? II

82. If the teeth of a woman in the lower jaw are more in counting than they are m the upper one, she will be bereft of her mother and will suffer also. If her teeth are ugly, badly shaped she will become a widow and if her teeth are short and have space be­tween them she will be a whore or prostitute.

cm1RirT 'tt '< t'll xm1 ~err T.f 'ffiYfT lJ1ll I

~ m ift:4-fl~ul\ ~ 'fi<l'11ft14'1 lit;~ II 83. If the tongue of a woman is soft, straight, red coloured

or white coloured or of white and red mixed colour, it (the tongue) is auspicious. If it is fat at the base and at the end and thin in the middle and is ugly shaped it destroys all happiness.

~~1'1~1 ~ ~ Gfm ~ ~ I 3Ma<M~uft ~ RJI~I t'lfil'11'1~1 lit;~ II

84. The woman whose tongue is black colotired is always quarrel some, she, whose tongue is fat and thick, will be poor and penurious and she, whose tongue is long, eats those things that should not be eaten.

~ <t>) Cfi '1 ~ I i1 I ofl cm'IR"i 'Si ~ Cfi I'< Cfi 't I

~ ~S*RJidl ~ ~ ~OQ'il'j~lq llt;'t II

85. If the palate of a woman is red in colour like the lotus flower and is soft, it indicates auspiciousness; if it is pale coloured then that woman will be a beggar; and if it is white coloured she will be a widow.

~~1'1~ ~~~'11 T.f ~ dl(j~ ~:ftim I

<Uti Cfif{;t~~l ~ ~ T.f ~ It;~ II

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 147

86. The woman whose palate is black coloured remains be­reft of sons she, whose palate is dry will remain unhappy, if it is curved sh: will have love for making quarrels and if it is multicoloured and multi-shaped, then she will be penurious and will defame her family.

~~Mii6un CIW ~m ~ ll1ll 1fffi 1

~Q{'IfiiiT.f~~~~ llt;l9ll

87. If the first part of the Larynx or Adam's Apple is fat, and then becomes successively thinner, red coloured round shaped and thick, it is auspicious. If the Larynx is very fat, very long, red coloured, it is not auspicious.

~ ~~~lf!ffitdt'fl:q;j llii'i~li ~'<lb.R'ICfiq)t'ICf)'t I

at{'l'it'l~d~"ti!rf!Rd qRf~d ~ ~d!l't1'1't llt;t; I I

88. If in the smiling of a woman her eyes are not closed and the cheeks become some what bloomed and the teeth are not visible then that smile is always auspicious for the husband.

~ t1 ~~T ~lfC{'ffl,lCT lJ'IfT I

't'{~BU '1bli'1WI T.f ;r lffifT ~ ~ lit;~ II 89. If the nose of a woman having beautifu~ eyebrows has

small holes, even and circular, it (the nose) is auspicious. If the forepart of the nose is fat and thick and is deep in the middle then it is not auspicious.

90. If the forepart of a woman's nose is red coloured and curved it will make a woman widow very soon, if it is flat it will make her a maid servant; and if it is very long that woman will be quarrelsome and will have love for fighting and quarrels.

'<Cfdl;:ij mTA ~ ~: CfiWidl'<~ I

Cf)~4~~'(~qJl Cf)~'1Jl CfiWiqe+Juft ll~<t II

148 Bhav Kutuhalam

91. If the ends of the eyes of a woman are red and the mid­dle parts of those eyes or the pupils are black coloured or the eyes are as white as cow milk and soft and the eyelashes are black, these are the ausp1cious characteristics.

31~1g'6"1ctleft T.f 9:t11efi ~<."tel ~ 1

~ ~Cb'<le?l T.f Cbl'tN~ T.f ~ I ~~ II 92. If the eyes of a woman are elevated she has short life, if

her eyes are roundish she will be a whore or a prostitute; and if her eyes are like those of a she goat or of a Kekar' or of a hebuffalo, she will have ill fortune.

~ 4 llefi T.f q; q) dlefi ~:lfi'<.'lfT q; I i1 q R;fct I I

c6lc-<P!fl '161Stel '<em~ 11~~ 11

93. A woman having pale eyes, eyes like those of a pigeon will be wicked and without sexual desire; she whose eyes are deep like the hole made by birds to live in it, will be extremely wicked, and she whose eyes are red-coloured will be the killer of her hus­band.

~ ~ I <.'If I eft "IJ\ifleft T.f q; I ftl ;ft ~<.'If '11 fl1 ;ft I

q.-err T.f ~et<blullefl ~~('fl qli1Cblfitl<bl II~~ II

94. If a beautiful woman has eyes like those of a cat or of an elephant, that woman destroys her family (brings her family to defamation); if her right eye is lost in any way she will be sterile and if her left eye is lost she will be a whore or a prostitute.

~GT EJ"'1Cftft "'11~ lfq fli ~~ T.f"'11 I !J~~~'t\&~~ctl 41Rm q~'tfi1ctl 11~~11

95. The woman whose eyes are pale like honey will always remain wealthy, will have the happiness of having sons and grand­sons and she will always be in consonance with her husband, this is stated by the Acharyas.

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 149

<.'lftj'(')\M~~q \:RU ~ q~~~l II~& II

96. The woman whose eyelids are soft black and thick also and have short shape, is very fortunate. She is respeeted by the peo­ple and is dear to her husband.

~ ~";\ lT.f Pcf~ (if ~cl: <I)~~ I

lR'i~: 't¥{(0f~fl~ Cbl~;fl q'(411~4) ll~t9 II

97. The woman whose eyelids are without soft hairs or there are soft hairs on them only at places, are long downwards and are of pale colour, or they are of thick hairs, will go to other men than her husband (to gratify her sexual desire).

cnjm <b~i1<.'11 lm'IT ~~ ~j'<lcti~= 1 at;i•I~41\J1'14'1 fcl~~l 'IS)(I(!Wtll: ll~c; II

98. If a woman's eyebrows are roundish, soft, black coloured and curved like a bow, she gives bliss to her husband during sexual intercourse. If there are soft hairs on the eyebrows, this very effect

is be predicted.

~41<.'1fl~~~~~dl~ I

tfltfJiiil fclJiiil T.f ~ lHI'«ll '1diq: II~~ II

99. The woman on whose eyebrows there are brownish hairs or thin and a few hairs and the eyebrows are thick, straight, both the eyebrows are joined together or are long haired or are without hairs, this is not an auspicious characteristic and that woman is ugly The woman whose eyebrows are bent has also the same character

lJ (if~i(1 q~ (ill~ -q;uif 'J.l~ Q)(iflJ G:1 I

~l'<l<.>n Cf ~ ~ ~~~(lflqRq~tfl ll'loo II

100. If the ears of a woman are long, roundish or circular they are givers of auspicious effects. If there are many veins on them, and if they are thin, they are not praiseworthy. The woman whose ears have the shape of a bread should be left.

\.1"1ct't?ti1Jm 'Jffii{: ~l"f<.'lf ~il ~ ~~

150 Bhav Kutuhalam

101. If the forehead of a woman having bent eyelids is ele­vated by three anguls, is soft and is of the shape of half Moon. that (forehead) increases good fortune. good heath and happiness.

oqCffi=tqfld Cf)~(!J lU Cfit't '1 t'i ~ ('t ('t le~ 41atl•lfl'f('t¥f)•lf<t[t1~R=Ic6 ('tf1111lftfi;J ~ I

3fc&T ~q '<'11 tJ ~ ~ "fl~~ "fll'JCi ~61~"1'1;i3rsj.l "GAc6"~~~ llqo=? II

102. The woman on whose forehead there is the mark of swastika line or there are many marks of Swastika likes is endowed with fortune and makes her husband enjoy all kinds of comforts. If that very lint! is hanging down wards, it very soon destroys the wom­an's younger brother in law. If the forehead is covered with soft hairs she will remain sickly and if it is ~thout lines, the wise Astrolo­gers should predict that she will destroy the sexual desired (of her husband or of her own).

~~14"1'8'11"1 \rcJ VcM"ftf ~ Cf>~'"il~li : I

~ ihR=I'<\Jt'a~ ('t l ~~ it~l~gtll ~ ll<to~ II 103. If the forehead of a woman having beautiful eyes is el­

evated like the forehead of an elephant or gradually raised like Kadamba (a tree) she will get clean lands which is full of grains.

tft"1~R;i-<RI'11"161Rct>l ~1Rct>1 ~~•lct>IRct>l 1

('tf'iilfflfi=l'<~ '84"11~1ct>l it~Cf>l ~\Jt'fi('tlk'fct>I~Cf>l I !<tO~ II

104. The woman whose forehead is elevated and sharp and muscular, will lose her honour, will have the company of the wick­ed. The woman whose forehead is long will also bring destruction. will be sterile and will destroy her family (will bring dishonour to her family).

~m ~ 1';1'1'<4e('t)qe=tqolf: ~qarf

qstiJct>l'<l: Cfiq('tlfcfll: f¥~~~Cfi~tmn: 11

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 151

'IJTlli -mn ~ f(l'(('t 1: fit 4j('t 1: ~

Mlct>l'<l: 4'<'f('tt:I4J il~~oqS:d't I fto'i.l l

105. The lotus eyed woman whose hair neglects even the flights of the Bhramars (Bhrmar, or black bee), that is, is very black and bright and curved, and the ends of the hair a little curved, such hair give fortune; if these are small, pale brown coloured. thick and dry or very short, these give the pain of widow hood and bondage.

'fttcfflsfil ('t('tle4<tcffil ~ uti•IM ~ 'fbQ•h ~ I ~~d~'<l~•i~4fg'<4~dltit I ftc>~ II

106. The woman on whose forehead there is a wart or if this wart is in the middle of the forehead above the nose bridge, gets much happiness, becomes very wealthy, gets many kinds of food and comforts and always gets the happiness of husband, sons and ser­vants.

'ftiCf))~ ct>4)('t'fbQ•JJifl p t"l)ftd C(q~tiG~: ~ I

~ ~('t~"1 'h~d ('t'tf;)"11~ T.r '<I~CISI'<01'f llqo(g II

107. If in the middle of a woman's cheek there is a wart of red colour, it secures for her 'Ishta siddhi' (fulfilment of the cher­ished desire); if on the heart there is the mark of molasses or Lahsun (the root of an onion like plant) it gives Kingdom.

~fml";f Rl ('t ~ ";f Jffb~ ri ~~en 1t ~T4Jf D~<'i ~ 1

\Jtl lfd ~ ~t11T4gt5G'li ill('tCIS~lf!lc!1Rd "t1GT ll'lot; II

108. If there is a mark of red coloured molasses on the breasts of a woman having beautiful eye brows, she will beget four daugh­ters and three sons, this has been said in the Shastras or ancient books

on Astrology.

~ ql'fiR~S'60I('ti9;i lJ¥1CittR<t('tc6 Cf>Jf('tiSI¥1¥{ I

~t1t1«1"1ll 4R~~ ~ Cfl~q~ ~ t1~"1kl'<'t I leta~ II 109. If there is a mark on the left breast of a woman having

152 Bbav Kutuhalam

beautiful eyebrows, she will first beget a son and after the birth of the son she will become a widow.

twt 't1 Rf ill twt ¥1~Jil t1'ti P-i ¥i lj'JfCi ~I fffi twt c6 ~ I ~'<Qtt '<q twt l Cf)Jitwtltwt~l 1Q¥1Q~¥1~ Gt~~c;twt't llctcto II

110. If there is a mark of molasses as black as the flight of black bees on the right side of the anus of a woman, she becomes the wife of a King. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth will always Jive in her house and her son will certainly be a King.

¥1~ict>)~ T.r ~iRICf)l14•11ifl \iii~ ~~ 1

3t~Q19~qJ14'<'ilMI~ qRis;;:fl ~ ~N(ift ~flttltt II~ II Ill. If in the forepart of the nose of a woman having beau­

tiful eyes there is a red coloured wart it gives wealth. If that wart asswnes the shape of the wing of a black bee or that of new clouds, she will kill her husband and will particularly be a whore.

~ ~1-ft '<eft ¥11 ~ Rf twt c6 twt i 9 o:i ~ e'{ I

4Mr•~>qi1<6 ~~en ~djql'f llctct=? 11

112. If below the navel of a woman, having eyes bent down­wards, there is a mark of molasses or a mark of shame, it indicates good fortune or if there is a wart it is also indicative of the same effect.

~ CfR T.r <t>tfl~s~ ~ Cf)oa•rd Rttwtcti trGT 1

'!{Rit1~sitlT.r"fll qRiq(liiMI q'<iitil ¥1~1 Cf)l¥1twttwti9~: I m~ II

113. If there is a mark of molasses on the palm of hand, on the cheek, or on the throat or below the ear, of a woman she will be dear to her husband. The same effects are to be known by the mark of clean wart etc.

'~-T~~l ~ ftijll "('} ~ ll '~-1 ~ ~ ~ ~ cl I

~ -arss(ift-as:arolllflfirt11¥11'j~lc;'<'t 11m 11

114. If on the forehead of a fortunate woman Lord Shiva, hav-

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 153

ing been kind on her, makes a mark of the shape of Trishul (three pronged weapon) she will get the respect of thousands of her friends.

nl>enl>e Rltwt<ti ~ ~= ~¥iii~'= ~ -g '<c;rq~ 1 . ~ \ ~ Jr \~ ¥16c;Jf•itwt¥116~1l'4t1 : ~t1 t1jtwtt1°1Cf)l c;r: I let~ II

115. If the teeth of both the lower and the upper jaw of a beautiful-eyed woman make the sound of kit or her teeth have fric­tion with one another, it causes great inauspiciousness to her hus­band. It has been said by the Astrologers knowing the characteris­tics of the body of woman.

~ICf)eq~R ~ twttwtle•~ •pre;:~~ 1S)JI¥1,.1°~ ~ I q'<~twttitlti S*Gt¥1fit~t11 ~fdaJ:t1 i Cff.ffir qf.!l t11C!t11 llctct& I I

116. If on the forehead of a woman having eyes like those of a she deer there is the shape of a cart made of soft hairs or of vagina, that woman will be a queen dressed in excellent clothes, adorned with many gems and will have numberless friends and maids.

Pcf ~"'ti"ftr '~-Tll'~-TT<'l Gfl-ron<Hf "'<'ill:

~ Cf~~~~~~T: q;l ~l ~l ~ t:.T: I

~'<qRf'htwt'Sftl: "''~;fl ¥1rf.!l4'1~1~6ifqRI CfGT~T ~ Cf \:.T~T Pcfll ~q I 199l9 I I

117. If the shape of Vagina made of soft haus on the fore­head of a woman stated above is turned towards the right side that woman having eyes like those of a she deer will be dear to an em­peror (her husband) and, will be most excellent among women proud of their youth. It is she who is particularly fortunate.

Cf)Udjqt1f 1lCfffr 'ht"tei1Rl~ 'h'<'>Qi '!tldlqt1f

q;fts~~G~T ~rfln~~ ~ ~t:.-;ft I 3TTCf~Tf efT '~-TCftf \R~ &TPcft q;l S~ ~~T: mflt ~~~~ CflRIFSI'<i~ttwtl twtl9or~~~ 119<\t; II

118. If there is on the throat a whirlpool of thin and soft hairs,

!54 Bhav Kutuhalarn

the woman having it will be promiscuous, will kill her husband and will be ugly~ if it is on her belly she will be hard hearted and harsh, will kill her husband and destroy the honour of her family~ if there are two whirl pools or only one whirlpool that woman should be avoided from a distance by the learned in the knowledge of the char­acteristics of women.

~ 11 ;ij T.f C'l C'll e qr Cf)U(\ ~ "1 e1 i<'= 1

~~h11i11cfflcffl ~ ~ ~CIQ'tj\T.4Cf): II~ II

119. If above the forehead in the field of the hairs or on the forehead or on the throat of a woman, having bent eyebrows, there is a whirl pool of soft hairs curving towards right or left it indicates widowhood.

~~~~if Cfffi lftl<R: 'lftm: ~ 11~ Sftll~~: I

tJTCRfrT.r 4R~t11 ~ ~tfffilil•1 rafil"11 '§q1RJ4'1 llct~o II

~fllt11i1C'If'tt~t51ull~~: I!'IIR=id CJ11~CfiETT 11~ I ~~l\i14~'ttl ~ "t1T CIP9cfiR6 ~ '§C'Ietou: llct~ct II

120, 121. It is the women who in their former birth wor­shipped Lord Shiva by keeping fasts etc., also worshipped Parwati, Lord shiva's consort cheerfully and with devotion, worshipped Suvasini or fortunate women in a proper Yaugika way, gave them clothes, jewels etc. ornaments or bathed their bodies many times with the water of the places of pilgrimage like Prayaga, the chief among all such places, it is such women who are endowed with such aus­picious marks on their bodies, who have auspicious characteristics. The meaning is that it is those women, who did noble deeds in their former birth they are blessed with such good or auspicious charac­teristics.

~ ~ "fftfl ~ "1•1\Jf~l 'tti11~1~t1~ 6R4~ -xPcnJ ti ~ ~ ti T.f cft"-Tf c";J~ 1 ~ ~ tt'!li1~ 4~i1i1flf"ri "ffilfti l!tl: ~C'I~6i•l"11 ~ ~ cfl"1i•l"11 I let~~ II

The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl 155

122. The woman who did not offer penance to Parwati, the daughter of Himalaya, who did not properly worship or make prayer to Lord Vishnu, did not keep fast to the sun, didnot travel to places of pilgrimage, didnot give wealth to Brahmans, didnot satisfy the fam­ily of the guru ( the preceptor), will remain penurious and will have wicked characteristics in this world.

~= '§C'IttDfl ~ ~ ifi "11!Jtt ~ I ~tl~!jtt '§:qRa: JfCf)l~fd ~l=tqC:ft llct~~ II

123. If the husband of a woman having auspicious lines on her body has short longevity that woman with the effect of her aus­picious characteristics and with her good character and deeds makes him get good longevity and makes him very happy.

cflt~fgti -qffi ~ ~4t~~:t·q ~<:'let~ : I

3Rt. '§C'P9DII C1RH 4Rdl~l fch~etcfl: I let~ I I

124. Those women who have inauspicious combinations and inauspicious characteristics on their bodies, destroy even husbands having good longevity and become widows. Therefore, the wise should marry a girl having good characteristics.

'R"C'I"~ ~ ~ID~\Jfl~tt JSj. fa~ falJt.rFnrr q ~ i1 -a) lfifffif ~ I

~~ I~ t1 C: "1 "'tl ~ ~ Cf) I~~~ I illjd S)l)ur sRo11 ~~i1t~e"1 41filBI6DI I let~~ II

125. If a daughter having inauspicious characteristics is born then she should be asked to perform the excellent fast of Monday as per the religious holy books. Then she should be married in a lonely place either with a Peepal tree or with the image of Lord Vishnu, or with a pitcher.

l]-4~ Cfli11RCf)ICf)~Pttfl;s;j Cf)l~~ii~ o1

~xuftPcf";JT lJ, ";Jft'~ ";J G'l'fiTT~"ff I ~~ (}. if~~ lfft 1J, ~if~UT l'ft"ft lj,";f:

156 Bhav Kutuhalam

126. Having done such Ashwatha maniage, maniage with the image of Lord Vishnu or marriage with a pitcher, that daughter should be manied on an auspicious day and Muhurta with a match who has planets in his horoscope causing good longevity. Such a maniage does not have the defect of remaniage (and the bad effects of inauspicious characteristics and combinations are alleviated). This way of maniage is approved by many Acharyas (teachers), has been said by an excellent Mini (thinker) and is honoured by excellent learned men and gives joy and happiness.

~~: ~-trfq ~dl q~tll "liGT I

~: ~f<M~~~ ~ <tW<~c;:~: ll'l~ II 127. If there is a daughter having inauspicious characteristics

and combinations she should be married as per methods and ways stated above.

\iftq--;ne.rfcf~ ~T?T CfHflr-;fic.;re-rui ! e.~ 1.1 ~ ll<IT 1 'M>~Cfit41¥tq41fclqlcNi Cltll'ttlflt1'1Rsi<"i J1Cf)l~lt1't ll'l~c; II

128. I, Jeeva Nath, have stated or described here the char-acteristics of women for the joy of the wise and the learned accord­ing to the questions and answers between Skanda and Augusti which were later on described by Vyas Deo.



11 wi -mA ~"li fttftWl~ll";fl{ ~~: 11"<tillll:q" ~ 1 '1 ~ 1~1'14 ffif: ll'l II

"'tt'~TCf~ am ~"lJ 3TTTflfl ,:.nur-;j Cft.TT I

ifll~"'ttl Cf)~gc6 :q ~S:Iq~-;pr: "'tt'GTl{ II~ II 1,2. Shayan, Upveshana, Netra Pani, Prakash, Yaman, Agaman,

Sabha, Agama, Bhojana, Nrityalipsa, Kautuka and Nidra, these are the names of the twelve A vasthas of the Planets.

~61S'tftSiQI (Sf~I'1H~f&1 ~ei~l'titSiQijfitldl ~61-DII'f I ~Gttse\J1~eft1jQ'1 1 ~1CJTC6 Cfl5CT ~ ~~~ IEiq~ II~ II

3. The serial number of the N akshatra in which the Planet is situated is to be multiplied by the serial number of the Planet, then the product is to be multiplied by the Navamsha serial number in which the Planet is posited. To this resultant figure is added the se­rial. number of the present Moon Nakshatra, the Ishta ghati and the senal number of the Ascendant sign. After this the summation is to be divided by 12, and then the remainder will tell the shayanadi AvaSthas:

Notes : Suppose the native was born in the Hasta Nakshtra 5

158 Bhav Kutuhalam

ghatis 0 palas after the swuise in the Cancer Ascendant. At this lshta time the Surya spashta (the Sun' s longitude) was 2/5/10/ 15 and the Chandra spashta (the moon' s longitude) was 5/9114/27.

Due to the Sun' s longitude to be 2/5110/15 he will be in the Mrigshira Nakshtra. Therefore the serial no. of Mrigshira is to be multiplied by that of the sun. The product of these will be 5 x I =5. This product is to be multiplied by the serial no. of Navamsha in which the Sun is situated. The product will be 5x8=40. To this fig­ure (40) is to be added the serial no. of the Janam Nakshtra which is 13 and the Janam Lagna (the serial no. of the natal Ascendant which is 4). The summation will be 40+13+4=57. It is divided by 12, then the remainder comes to beg. The 9th is the Bhojanavastha. There fore it is the Bhojanavastha of the Sun.

lt ~i lt ~nrti ~~i Cf)~ftti crt.i l ~<J.Tf "i ~r ~e)tj :1'0'11)~ ~ ~(\<iiSC!~IEiq~ fttm I

~~~ er~ "{I'JQ~ ~~=~ ~qq;jq;1:~: 1

Sfl~~4q"11R~: ti!!Rttl-ffiS'fi f:)iiCiil¥1~1 II~ II 4. The remainder which came by the above method should be

multiplied by this very figure (the remainder)/ To the product is to be added the number of the first letter of the name and the Summa­tion should be multiplied by 12. In the remainder are to be added the Kshepakanka of the Planets the sun etc. 5/2/2/3/5/3/3 and this is to be multiplied by 3. If the remainder is I then it is Drishti, if 2 it is Cheshta, if 0 it is Vicheshta These Kshepakankas of the Planets have been stated by the ancient Acharyas Yawan etc. I have written them here. Their proofs are not known

The Shayanadi Twelve A"asthas 159

Notes : The speculum of swarankas is as follows:


l 2 3 4 5

3T l ~ ll" 31)

(1) ~ 1'J "Q "if

'9" \jf ~ c 0

6 <: {f e.r G

~ ~ lJ 'q) if

1T 1J "lJ ~ (if

Cf ~ "" lr ~

In the notes of the 3rd shloka we arrived at the Bhojanavastha of the Sun. There the remainder was 9. Therefore multiplying the remainder 9 by 9 we get 81. To 81 is added the Swaranka of the first letter of the native 's name (popular) Hari Om 'Ha' and thus we get 81 +5=86. it is divided by 12. The remainder comes to be 2. To it is added the Kshepakanka of the Sun 5 and the figure comes to be 2+5 =7. Dividing it by 3 we get the remainder 1. Therefore, it is the Drishti avastha.

In the given example. We should say that there was the Sun's Drishti avastha in his Bhojanavastha.

~Cf)l ul <n Cf)-,:f u~flt "1 ~ "1 q I ur1 ~ "111 ol: ~(if lT~ ~ <i lJG~~G~ ~~~q~ I

160 Bhav Kutuhalam

11 Cf)ll~ lfrcf vt 1{ fatJGlfq~ Uf~lffiT 1

o~\ifl"m' mfa C4t1'1~"1'114 'q~ II~ II 5. The effects of the avasthas. If the sun is in a Trine or in

the I Oth House and he is in his Netrapani avastha, the effects are auspicious. If he is in the 7th or the 5th House in his Prakashavastha, the native gets the loss of his son or his wife. These are the effects of this very avastha if he (the Sun) is situated in the 12th, the 7th and the 1Oth House.

!!Dtliii~ICf)'< : ~ 1=1)~ ~~ ~~ ~~60::01 ~: I

~~~qr~ ~31"11~?t61 ~ 31~ 41SI~: II~ II 6. If the Sun being in the Bhojanavastha is in the 9th House,

he causes obc;tacles in the charitable deeds . If being in the kautukavastha he is in the 6th House he is the killer of the native's enemy or enemies. If in this very avastha he is in the 7th and 5th House he causes the wife' s and son 's death and disease in the sexu­al organs.

~~ ~ lj#I~Jt lj'Jf'=( I

3llj1t Cfl&»Jqlft Y ~ 31°1Cb)tl~ : lll9 II

7. The avasthas of the Moon: The effects of the 12 Avasthas of the Moon is auspicious in the Shukla Paksha (the bright half of the month), and inauspicious in the Krishna Paksha (the dark half of the month), the Astrologers should know it in this way.

'1~"1"1~•1) ~;y: llt~"1•J~'q Cf)(lf~Cf~ I

JJ~: ~~ ~ftrffi ~~'!~ ~31'1;i•td: l it; II

8. The Avasthas of Man: If Mars being in Shayanavastha is in the 7th House there will be loss of wife, and if he is in the 5th House, loss of son. If being in this very avastha he occupies the 6th House and is aspected by his enemies, the native being in the grip of cupid, the god of love, gets his hand fractured due to making quar­rel and fighting.

The Shayanadi Twelve Avasthas 161

~ ~: ~1Pi"11~ 'q '<f§Dif ~I'<RI ~ •let>'<) ~'<ofl~d: I

dj•td: lFF) ~ 1lCi ~djtl ~ e1dtifl1"11't II~ II 9. If Mars, being in the Shayanavastha, is also in conjunction

with Saturn and Rahu he gives the native disease in his head. Being in the Ascendant he gives disease in the eyes and always spreads diseases in the body.

ai•ll'<ct>l4) ~ ~~. ~~·~~~~til;r 'J:f~ I 1j'ui'4'1"G""t115 d q I q ct> I '1~ "'1'1) 61 Pi flu;i •1"11 t~ l : I l'lo I I

10. If Mars being in the Netrapani avastha, is posited in the Ascendant, then the native gets his limbs broken because of his be­ing in the grip of cupid the god of love and making quarrels and fightings, he is subjected to fear from snakes, disease in the teeth, fear from fire and water and there may be loss of wife.

JJ ct> I ~ 14 q _,.:q '1 't1 '<I '1 't"l: ~ti Pi 6 ~ I tj Pi 6 Pd CfT1iJ{ I

414tPcld: 414&•11""t1'<1Ji CfitCf>flf 0 ti ~gci'< ct>~ ~ ll'l'lll

11. If Mars being in the Prakashavastha is situated in the 5th or the 7th House, then the native gets the loss of respectively his Son and his wife. If he is in conjunction with Malefic Planets, or is hemmed between Malefic Planets, he (Mars) makes the native fore­most among sinners.

~ 31 q I a J1 ~'ft ~~ 1l'311H~: ~"ffi'lllf: I

'ti~ l t~f~q Cf>~ l"11 '1 1~cm l{'G;)~ ll'l=? II

12. The Avasthas of Mercury: If Mercury being in the Netrapani avastha, is in the 5th House, he gives the loss of son and the birth of daughter. If being in the Sabha avastha he is in the 7th or the 5th House more daughters than sons are born to the native.

~ ~~ ~ 1=1)~ dj•ltl ~ ft ~jed~: I

"1q J1 q.,.:q&M ~"1q~t'1) ~ 4t4gtl ~~tfl ~: ll'l~ II

13. The Avasthas of Jupiter: If being in the Bhojanavastha, Jupiter is situated in the Ascendant, the native becomes an archer (that

162 Bhav Kutuhalam

is, he bears arms). If in this Avastha he (Jupiter) is in a Trine he makes the native bereft of wealth .. If Jupiter is conjoined with malefics also the native remains without sons.

dj~~ lfG;\ ~ ftJffi "1~"141~1•1ffi ~ \Jt~~ I

ljifiitflq ~ ~ ffi"i c::tl"1¥1•111;i•l~qcif"1'{ ll<t\111

14. The Avasthas of Venus: If being in the Netrapani avastha Venus is situated in the Ascendant, the 7th or the lOth House she is extremely auspicious effects giving, makes the body strong but gives the disease of decay of Teeth and increases sexual desire.

~31' ~31' ~l ~l ur~r~ f<tll'fft: 1

~li ~d ;flftr lJ~Tl,l1fll I l<t~ I I 15. The Avasthas of Saturn: In a horoscope Saturn may be

in any House he gives the effects as per the name of that A vastha in which he happens ~o be (that is he gives effects in consonance with the name of the Avastha).

~ lfG~ qlflr ~s~sfffi~ I 1161~ ~fafflscmi ~u~f!t~~qiRidl'{ ll<t~ II 16. If in a horoscope Rabu being in the Nidravastha is in the

9th or the 7th House, the native certainly gets abode in a place of pilgrimage.

~ tfl it GfGl) cnftr ~'4 qy fti ft Cb I '{iff I

~m ~llff ~ ~: ~ 1l<\q ll<tl9 II

17. If being in the Shayanavastha, Rabu is in 2112/11 Houses, the native wanders on the earth as he remains in a state of penury or poverty.

~ure-l ?l ti -.l CJ;fct~ UT"l{ t flr3T-;.yq-;t ~ql'f ~elf allfii lT~-;t ur-rll~~

-q;~ lluf 1J T~: <f>"~Ta;.Tq~Tc:r;:.~;.yq-;t

tJGT g;te~i:qwR6 ~~~;fl '<l§qR~'{ 1 l<tc; 1 1

The Shayanadi Twelve A vasthas 163

18. If Rahu is in his own sign, in his exaltation sign, in the signs of Venus or Mars, in his own or in benefic Planets' divisional chart, he gives auspicious effects. If he is in other Houses he makes the native the object of the worship of the wicked persons. The ef­fects of Ketu's situations and Avasthas are like those of Rahu.

~~ f.f~ TTra: lfllf: ~~ lfllflfi~a: 1

«Gr \Jtl~lfcl"11tl:'tm~e1°11"1ft ll<t~ II 19. Special Effects: If a Malefic Planet being badly affected by

Malefic Planets and being in the Nidravastha is placed in the 7th House, the Yoga or combmation so formed causes the death of the native's wife. If there is the aspect of benefic Planets on the 7th House it does not cause the death of the native's wife.

~ ftll)~ ftll~~tmfi ~ I 'JfTlrt f<l"1t~Rt fmi f<l~"11 ~dlftl ~ ll=?o II

20. If being in the Nidravastha a malefic Planet is conjoined with or aspected by an enemy planet and is placed in the 7th House in the sign of an enemy, there will be immediate .death of the na­tive's wife. His wife will have immediate death even though she is protected by Lord Brahms (the creator Lord) himself.

ll -;.y~t 1) e-yun~ CJ;T Pcf~l~ftf lJ~T ~ft I

lJ~'st«itll 'lfTlri Cbt!C~crol ~ 'Jfi\o ll=?<t II

21. If such combination of Planets (as stated in Shloka no 20.) Is in conjunction with or aspected by Benefic Planets then the na­tive will get a second wife in the event of the death of the first wife, and thus he will get the happiness of having wife. If it is aspected by both Benefic and Malefic Planets, the wife remains in pain.

~~ ~~ n~t Ptut l('tit lJllPlff~dt~q_ 1 ~ai•lffisq~~"11t1Cbl~ ~il~d~Cb'{Jd'fQ ~ II=?=? II

22. The consideration with Regard to sons: if a Planet being in his exaltation, own sign in the 5th house is gone in the Nidravastha and is conjoined with or aspected by a Malefic Planet, it forms the

164 Bbav Kutuhalam

Yoga or combination of the loss of Progeny. If he is aspected by Benefic Planets then one son remains alive and the rest are subject­ed to death.

'<I§DJI ~ft~ ~ Pl~'100 ~UJTCffuft I

31q'lc-g¥f~t1'fll tl~t:Udl"1 ~ II~~ II

13. Apmrityu Yoga (Sudden Death): The native in whose horo­scope there is Rahu in conjunction with. Saturn and Mars in the 8th House and one of these Planets is in the Nidravastha, he (the na­tive) is killed by the attack of a weapon, there is no doubt about it.

~£.1'1)~ l.l~ ~ q1q1R1J6Cfift:rn: I

~ 'lf5~\Jtl;fl41~16~ t1~~'6'11q II~ II 24. If in the Horoscope, being in the Nidravastha a Benefic

Planet is placed in the 8th House, but he is in conjunction with or aspected by a Malefic or an enemy Planet, then the native is killed in a war with a weapon

~en ~sn71 mt ~~T~'~-T<f;f -qy-qflJft;rcr: ll~ <n "'I~ -aurftf fq"Cfi~~~ lfiUJ: I

'l ""' c( t.e~ ~ ctcrl ~-qftf~ crl CfT~~ll~ ~ •i•lll~t<~1JUJffl6~~1g\f<4q~<fl't II~'!. II 25. Shatrukrita Tirthakritha Mrityu Yoga (the Yoga in which

death is brought about by an enemy or in a place of pilgrimage). If being in the Nidravastha or in the shayanavastha, a planet together with Malefic Planets is placed in the 8th House, then the native is subjected to death by his enemy's wrath and if that very planet is in conjunction with or aspected by Benefic planets or if the 8th House is occupied by the 8th Lord, then at the time of death the native reaches the shore of the Holy Ganga and it is there that he gets Hari Sayujya or death.

1iGT "qt~ ci l'J 0:t '~-TCf~Tt.T~ s~1J'qftf­l{fti Eflrl~ \J1'j~ Tf(fq': ~ I

The Sbayanadi Twelve Avasthas

ll '~-TT~TllTSfil fl ~Cfll'~-TCf;f lJT"tRftfl 4'<~~mtl:l~~ t?ietq~~'t II~~ II


26. Punya Kshetra Labha Yoga (The Yoga in which the native gets Salvation by dying in a place of pilgrimage). If in a horoscope the Ascandant Lord, the 8th Lord and the 9th Lord respectively as­pect the Ascendant, the 8th House and the 9th House or .e~en one House Lord of these aspects his own House and the remammg two being conjoined with Benefic Planets and unaffected by Malefic ones are situated in the 9th House, then at the end of life the native reach­es a place of Pilgrimage and there be gets salvation.



Ji~lft::t-<1•~ ~FfWJIT ~cl(qtl ~'<ftt ftt=t1ct>'1 q: I

SfDi~~lcl!f<: ~t~~)mrsu;fl~~ 11'1 II

J. THE EFFECTS OF THE AVASTHAS OF THE SUN: When the Sun is gone in the Shayanavasthas, the native (born in this Avastha of the Sun) always suffers from lack of hunger, his legs will be fat, he will suffer from bilious diseases, get ulcer in the anus and extreme pain in the heart etc.

GR~o1Si l '<fa61'<~11JI facnGfa~l~'<~ -;w. ~ 1

Cf>dl'<Rfo: ~ "1tefcffi: ¥'li'GT ~S4~~~"1~ I R II

2. If the Sun is gone in the Upaniveshavastha, the native will remain poor and penurious, will always remain the carrier of the loads, of others; will have the knowledge which causes quarrels or deals with quarrels, will be cruel and hard hearted and his money will be wasted.

Yf"X: 'flGH~ fcrijqft tM 4 Cf> loil ilcl~t1~Cffi:

'161'{!dl '<I\J1Cfl41~Jil;fl Rql~"1~~~ ~::441 0n 1 1~ 11

3. lf the Sun is gone in the Netrapantavastha, the native will

The Effects of the Avasthas of the Planets 167

always remain cheerful, will have true knowledge and wisdom, will do good to others, be strong and wealthy and will enjoy comforts, be proud due to the favour of the king.

\3GI'<R4"t1: 4R'{"ffchl: ~ q<fffi it~DliCf>of I

'161itJI '{!~'<'64~11JI ~Cf>l~l~ \J1;JJ~ qJ¥4)~ I ~ II 4. If the Sun is gone in the Prakashanavastha the native will

be liberal or generous hearted, will be endowed with wealth, talk cleverly and wisely in the assembly will do many charitable deeds, be very strong and be very beautiful.

Sfql'fl~llt'fl ~ ~:<!Atil<'ft 'flGicl~ eflf-1"1qftfo~:q I

11lilg'<: ct>)qq~~ fa:ilqi~Gqlfil"11t)111V)~: ll'i_ll

5. If the Sun is gone in the Gamanavastha, the native will al­ways live in foreign countries, will always suffer from many kinds of pains, be lazy (without doing any profession, be bereft of intelli­gence and wealth, will remain troubled with fear, will have speciali­ty and will be endowed with anger.

lRGT~ ~ qerrss~ •1'1"11tlr~:

~ dcldi~Rwil Jifi:t;fj Rql'fll~qtfl ~ ~ IIG II

6: If the Sun is gone in the Agamanavastha the native will have interest in other peoples' wives, will be bereft of the company of many men, will have much interest in making travels, be miserly, be clever in wickedness and be uncleanly.

~'S-TPT'ft ft'ft YR: ~ lJCf>T~tf~"(': ~s~hM\[Rffi Rqi Cf>~ !loiiCf>'<: 1

~~ ~T"<'l~T~U(if~:rT~tf~ lf6T"il't'ft.

faR4::4~::4qfflcl: Cfl41Cf>cll~'<: tR: lll9 I I

7. The native in whose horoscope the Sun is situated in the 4th House and is gone in the Sabhavastha will always remain ready in doing good to others, have wealth and diamonds, be store house of good qualities, be lord of lands, be endowed with new clothes and

168 Bhav Kutuhalarn

houses, be very strong, will keep many kinds of friends and be dear to them and the art of supreme kindness will burn in his heart.

m~R9;~1U'I = "ffGT .... ,~'q.>'q('t &t't'1RI= ~~ 1 ~qCf)Jfxftd~ ~CiHt~oql 41~ ~'1q~ ~ CJGT lie; II

8. If the Sun is in the Agamavastha the native will tremble with fear from his enemies, be inconstant, his body will remain weak and thin, he will be bereft of religious deeds and be full of pride.

'fl~i•l'fl~~~'11 qxi•l'11~'1etlil ilt'tet~= ~ lit "liGT tfGT ft ~Tl UJwl I

at 'fl ~ttl ft I {I CIQ'-TT CfGT "i{~ I "1 i1'l \J1 ;j

xqJcN1~1xm: Cfi¥114\411~4'1 ma: II~ II

9. If the Sun is in the Bhojanavastha, the native will always have pain in his joints, will waste his money and strength all the time due to his company with another man' s wife, be untruthful and may not digest his food, will have interest in doing evil talks, and will have mind to walk on wrong path.

fcr~<.irl~ : ~GT lJfb~o : ti~tf: Cf>Tc"lifcf~T"'1'Cft:HI<.irl tiT ~qtf:

XI\J1'{\RI) ~'<IJl~cl ~ i~~"'t11 4 1~ li~ flf~"'1'T"liq} I I 'l o I I

10. If the Sun is in the Nritya Lipsavastha the native will al­ways remain adorned with men having learning and education, be a learned man, will have ability of speaking in poetics, be worshipped (honoured) by the king, be worshipped also on the earth (by the p~­ple).

'fl<f~ l'1~~ttf \iR) $11'1ql1 ~~Cf)ttf ~'<l~ ~l'fl(\'1~: I q"'1il~ lq '< I81Siq'*-11'1'1: Cf)ICIQfcltUSft'tlcfl !JGT~ l l'l II

11. If the Sun IS in the Kautakavastha, the native will always

The Effects of the A vasthas of the Planets 169

bear happiness, be a man of learning, will do yajnas, live in the royal court, be as valorous as a lion on the enemies who may be like ele­phants, will have much ability of speaking in poetics or the art of poetry.

~~m~~~ ~T~tfl ~T-.ffi m:q'1qG\~T-ij I

ffi ~ q'f1Riuf'1't4 Cf)t't~61Pt: ~: ll'l~ II

12. If the Sun is in the Nidravastha, the native's eyes will be full of sleep and red coloured, as red as blood, he will get abode in foreign lands, wi ll lose his wife early, suffer the destruction of his wealth many times.

ur:i :~ t1 q 1'11~ mA ~Cilff"lffi I

~ lfrnuEJFft "if "q)l1ft ~t1~'11~1Cf): ll'l~ II

13. THE EFFECTS OF THE AV ASTHAS OF THE MOON: If at the time of birth the Moon is gone in the Shayanavastha, the native will be honourable (having sense of honour) will have the preponderance of cold humour in his body, be very lustful, destroy his wealth with his own hands in some addiction.

x'l•u~ffi '1~11mfa~tt1m=a'1 tFtr ~= ~ 1

3NI~Cf)l~ q'<~61~ l:fqJCf)~ ~~q~~l'1~ I ~ II

14. If the Moon is in the Upaveshanavastha, the native will have trouble from some disease, be dull witted, be specially bereft of wealth, be of harsh nature, will destroy some other men and he will also destroy other men's wealth.

wl~lJrt eflil"'1'T~ ~~Tft yffi ~T~t{ I

3t'1(i'q\J1(i'q4)~ ~~: ~Cf)4Pt'<ttffi~l ll'l':l_ll

15. If the Moon is in the Netrapanivastha, the native will have some great (chronic) disease, be very talkative, deceitful and will al­ways remain engaged in wicked deeds

~ '<ICf) l··u~ •Jttqm filCf) l'ti -:q \iFA filCf)l 'fl:

~~R 11tlR"flllJ~~~ I

170 Bhav Kutuhalam

";fCfT ~ll('tl¥11('111 <t>Rg:<•l('tl!¥41 4RC!t11 ~qltt)ttl~: ~ Gllf~~-;f cft~f 7f'f";fl\ I l<tft I I

16. If the Moon is in the Vikashavastha, the native will re­main in this world bloomed with a number of clean qualities, will get from the king elephants and horses, and a number of houses full of much wealth in them, will always get happiness from having jew­els and women, and will do pilgrimages.

tm)ffi 4 I 4~ffi PI~ II Cf>~ f<tfltrn: ~«ffi ~ ~q I

~fr: 4~\f\~'1141 et('f~~ ~ 'Jitug~: ll<tl9 II

17. If the Moon of the Kri shna Paksha is in the Gamanavastha, the native will be particularly of very cruel nature, always suffer from some eye disease. If the Moon is of the Shukla Paksha, he will always remain in the grip of fear.

~Eoqi41J1;) 'll'A) 41~'<,•ft ~ ~q I

~"<1414~ffi cfi;fl '1~fflq~qRiftt: ll<tt; II

18. If the Moon is gone in the Agamanavastha the native will have sense of honour and pride, will have some disease in his feet, will always remain ready to do hidden or secret evil deeds, be mis­erable, be bereft of intelligence and satisfaction.

~Cf>('{Uf~cf'GT~l xTUfxTul -rc; lflrlfl

~~4~'t1'1Cf>IPd: ~1Pd<fitcf)lfli4'1~1't I

~ '(1 ~ Ri 'll'ffi ill"{)~~ mric6 ~ 4~'1-t1~Q)~~$fi ~: ll<t~ II

19. If the Full Moon is in the Sabhavastha, the native will be most intelligent and clever among all men, be respected by the king and the emperors, will have brightness like that of Cupid, the god of love, will satisfy young women during sexual intercourse, will know the art of love making and will recognise good qualities.

The Effects of the A vasthas of the Planets

~£11qi•IJ1;) ~ qlillcil ~~fur: I

Cfi'l!IJ'fq~ ~~14: ~~~'lft ~ISGd'<' 6(fi ll=?o II


20. If the Moon is in the Agamanavastha, the native will be very talkative, full of religious ideas. If the Moon of the Krishna Paksha is gone in the above stated Avastha, he will have two wives, will remain diseased, will be of very evil nature and obstinate.

~~ ~ lJ.Uf~lfT '1H~I~\Jt~dl'tl~ 1u11't I atld;/1~ qPittF{idl'tj<Si 't1cf~q ~ fli~d~ lJiil( ll=?<t II

21. If at the time of birth the Full Moon is gone in the Bhojanavastha, the native will be respectable, will get the happiness of having conveyances and servants, will also get the happiness of wife and daughter. These effects are not obtained by him in the Krishna P aksha.

~ ~ft>J~Tlffl 'il'~ ~tr~ C{('{Cfl""R: I

•fttt$il ft ~'t1$1!lill Cfiw) 414<6'<, ~q II=?=? II

22. If the Strong Moon is in the Nritya Lipsavastha, the na­tive will be endowed with strength, will know songs or music, and Shringar Rasa and other Rasas. If the Moon is of the Krishna Paksha, he will be doer of evil deeds.

~~Cf)'J:(q;j •ldq~ ~ 1fCffa ~ £1~4ttl't <61'1<6('tl'tl ~ ~~lcl~ ql~q~'<~~'1°14~ttl't II=?~ II

23. If the Moon is in the Kautakavastha, the native will be king; or will be possessor of wealth, and will always have clever­ness in the art of indulging in sexual intercourse, will get cleverness in the act of sexual intercourse with young women.

PI sc ,., a \J1 ~ nt 111 ~ q Hi Cf>m~ uft~a "m'~ 1

~~i·l~l '(1~dfch1~1!ll: ~lql('t~ trftr ~~~~: II=?\~ II 24. If the Moon in conjunction with Jupiter is gone in the

Nidravastha, the native will achieve greatness; if the Moon is of the Krishna Paksha, he will have both good and evil qualities in him,

172 Bhav Kutuhalam

there will be the destruction of the accumulated wealth, he will cry in loud sound in many ways with pain in a temple or jackals will cry in loud sound in many ways in his house or his house will re­main troubled with poverty and pain.

WlFl ~~ \J1 ~ Cf> I cl "GFfl 1=J'i\q I ~-;:rr Cf>Di"il ~m) ~l1JT T.l' fctl)lffl: II=?~ II 25. THE EFFECTS OF THE A V ASTIIAS OF MARS: If

at the time of birth Mars is gone in the Shayanavastha, the native will have itching in many parts of his body, he will particularly have ringworm also.

~ ~ 414'<tfl ""1"'<": 't'QI~'fl~qlcft ~ s:1 •1(.'41: I

~ ~ PI\J1~4~;fi E~mjt\ ~~~ II=?G II

26. If Mars is in the Upaveshanavastha, the native will be en­dowed with strength, will always remain engaged in evil and sinful deeds, be a liar, be always clever in debates or discussions, be full of wealth and bereft of his own religion.

~ 11.~6 ~ ;)~qlflll!!41•1d ~err~ ~'{il'i~~ "1•1~~1ctl ll=?l9 II

27. If Mars being in the Ascendant is in the Netra Panivastha, the native will always suffer from penury, if he is gone in some other H0use he will be the lord of the city.

ll Cf>Tll~ 1! UT~ Jfql~: JJCf>Tl~ elxleftlP·Ttl : ~"GT lfl""i'<[ r.g-:

~a 'f-1~-6 "'!~~m-m ~a ~urr "GT~uTl Cfl ~qro: I I=? c; I I

28. If Mars is in the Prakashavastha, there will be the enlighenment of the native 's good quali ties, the native will always live in foreign lands; such Mars increases the native' s honour and respect from the king If Mars of the above stated A vastha is in the Fifth 1 louse the native -wi ll have separation from his wife and son.

The Effects of the A vasthas of the Planets 173

If Rahu is also in conjunction with Mars, the native will fall down from a tree.

~ lJ1f;f 'R~s:l~ SfD I \J11t'1~4 qPfctl Cf>t'l6't I

4it§~~Cf>Cf> 0'§'Jfli ~m ~~lct"141 ~61PiCf>'<: I I=?~ II 29. If Mars is in the Gamanavastha, the native will make trav­

els daily, have fear of many kinds of wounds, make quarrel with his wife, have much fear of suffering from Ringworm and itching etc. and get" losses of money from the enemy.

311•1'1"' !!o1~11cl1 lifllllilt'ft Cf>'<lt'ICf>'<qlcl)

•I\J141'''ctl R9;6~ 1 4R\J1"1'{i""dl461'<<t>) ~1) ll~o I I

30. If Mars is in the Agamanavastha, the native will be en­dowed with many qualities, will wear rosary of gems, will bear sharp swords, ride on an elephant, kill his enemy, remove the pain and trou­ble of his own kinsfolk.

ti-.l ~ ~Cf>~TCf>~TqCf1lT~~ ellf e<fUJl ftr'fTlJ:

q;~~ ~I..flr~a ~~n"'!tflffi fcRnfcnft""1': "'!"IfF{ 1

31-;.fl st~t-<JCf>~?Jflr?JxftCJ : "Rl ct~ CJx~n""i'-.l s­emi'< I \J1 t1 ~I !eiT ~~ lfT;ft T.l' ~ UJ""i': I I~ 'l I I

31. If the exalted Mars is in the Sabhavastha, the native will know all the techniques and strategies of warfare, and will be the flag of religion or be very religious, and very wealthy. If Mars is in the 9 or 5 House, the native will be bereft of learning and educa­tion; if he is in the 12 House he will be bereft of wife, sons and friends; if he is in other places than the above ones, he will certam­ly be the Pandit or learned man of the court of king and will also be very wealthy, respectable and giver of charity or alms.

~ ~ 11.~ ur;ft ~ 4Cf>4'<1tffi lfGlltx: q;uf'i('l!!'{)~l~TfCfA<f Cf> lct'<JiRI: 'R~l'Jlfi II~=? II

32. If Mars is in the Agamavastha, the native will be devoid of religious deeds, will feel pain due to prolonged disease, there will

174 Bhav Kutuhalarn

be a big wound below his ear, he will be cowardly and will have company of the wicked.

~uA fltt!d'i)ufi Tf wA ~ ~ I

wf!T.fct>4ct>'<~ ~ ~ '11"1qrtfo: II~~ II

33. If strong Mars is in the Bhojanavastha at the time of birth, the native will eat sweets and sweet foods, will always do mean or base deeds, be devoid of honour and respect.

1~ft;tGH1 4 1Ct W \J1~"11fll~'<l'<lfli'<I~IRI 1{1flqt): I

~~'<ffiql~: 't1~1Jiftt4;dl ql'fl~ll<'fl fcl~ll<'fl ~~ I ~~ II

34. If Mars is in the Nritya Lipsavastha, the native will get much wealth from the king and his residence and living rooms will always remain adorned with gold, gems, corals etc. and he will be great.

~~ ~ ~gc6 ~~ flt~~~q~q:Rffi UA: I \1"Sqlt 14Riltt;q[t}~t1~ Ji[t}~ffi !~011Cf>~: II~~ II

35. If Mars is in the Kautakavastha, the native will indulge in games and sports and shows and will have love for them, will have many friends and sons. If Mars is exalted also, he will be the Pandit of the king' s court and will remain adorned with many ex­cellent Pandits of excellent qualities.

~ 1frl)- q;)Eft eftEI "1q Rio: I

'E{cif E!ufq~~~ Jij~ 41~cfl~o: II~~ II

36. If Mars is gone in the Nidravastha, the native will be wrathful, be devoid of intelligence and wealth, be deceitful, be fall­en from religion and will suffer from disease for a long time.

~~~ 1fc\~l) &sW !IS(jJ I PI i1 efUT: I

Gt~i1 <'fJqe.) 'E{W lfj'GT: ~ !~ ll~l9 II

37. THE EFFECTS OF THE AVASTHAS OF MERCURY: If Mercury being situated in the Ascendant is gone in

The Effects of the A vasthas of the Planets 175

the Shayanavastha, the native will always remain troubled with hun­ger, be lamefooted, his eyes will be red like gunjas; and if Mercury of the above stated A vastha is in other Houses than the Ascendant, the native will be greedy and also fraudulent

mri~~ W!~l"Jl)~ ~~~~ l!vmftnLvf: 1

41~~~~~~ffii!i:M fcltl'g~~ ll~c; II 38. If Mercury is in the Upveshanavastha, the native will be

endowed with all the good qualities; if he (Mercury) is aspected by or is in conjunction with a malefic planet, the native will be penuri­ous; if he is in a friendly sign or in his exaltation sign, he will have the happiness of possessing wealth.

~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ct>dtffi fto ffi til tfl 41 lfr.ft ~ <J.T'Cfftf :q-.:-~~ "ff sfl.rqyuyt

~~ I <'f il ~d Cf> <'f ~ '{1~ 9=1' ifA: Cf> ~I Sl urr ~ tJftJ1} -g"\ ~Tt 'Cf"'<"T~: I I~~ I I

39. If Mercury is in the Netra Pani A vastha, the native will remain bereft of education, learning and true knowledge and wisdom, will n5>t d~ good to any, will not have satisfaction also and will be propd. If the Mercury of the above stated Avastha is in the 5th AO~:"'"the native will be bereft of the happiness of the son and the wife, will have daughters only (and no sons), will be Pandit of the king' s court and be excellent.

GmT ~~lti= «<1 ~O~Cf>t1f ~Cf)l't1~ T.f~'tjff ~: I 3f~Cf>~~lofqql'<41~1 ~~: &<'f41cf6~1 ll~o II

40. If Mercury is gone in the Vikashavastha the native will be giver of alms, be kind hearted, be certainly doer of noble deeds and will cross the oceans of many branches of learning, be full of true knowledge and wisdom, will break the pnde of the wicked men.

7flFfll'J~ 'J.T'Cfol l'Jlf~ "il"s ~TT 'if~ ETT'Cf~ ~~ftr~ : I

~Tffcl~~Ji<'i~~~"Gfl:~~d~l't ll~<t II

176 Bhav Kutuhalam

41. If at the time of birth Mercury is in the Gamanavastha, the native will always have going to and coming from other places, will mostly get lands from the king, will get a house adorned and decorated with many kinds of adornments and will be full of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth (or be wealthy).

~ ~ \iF11 "11 !i=t;q~ \J1 dfCf) I Jl 'fl ~Ri e. T"""t'~lf. Pc6: ~GT 1J,V~CJ. Pc6: I

E-T"""t''tfftf~lfoT efT "J."llfO'T lf~.-?ToT efT

6R6~Q~¥tfcffi: 'tt1Rtlc61 !ififfi~Ciil II~~ II

42. If Mercury is in the Sabhavastha, the native will always have the prosperity of wealth, there will be continuous increase of noble, religious deeds, he will be like Kuber in wealth or will get government service or some ministry, will have devotion in the feet of Vishnu and Shiva and will get complete salvation or release from the cycle of birth and death.

3TT~ ur:!flr \J1 P¥t "1 i ~ ~ ~ 'Jf<fftf tfl "1 ~ cnrr 1

~Ri~~~ ~~gnRII iCI~Cf)l ~ '1H~In:,Cf)l 11\t~ II 43. When at the time of birth of men Mercury is in the

Agamavastha, the work in hand will be performed by serving some man of mean or base origin, the native will get two sons and one daughter having all good qualities in her and giving respect and honour to her father.

"J.Tl vr-.t :q-;.c; \Jl \Jf~""i'Tlft.f lH~:

\Jf~Cf>T~ ~"GT ~"GT CJT"Go: I

xT\Jf'J.ft("~T ~ lT("ci :q{"l("cf lTd t{ 1fti -m ""1' \Jfl~T ""1' lfl~T: ~ "Gll{ I I~~ I I

44. If Mercury is in the Bhojanavastha, the natives will get losses of money due to quarrels and disputes, they will be weakened due to the fear of the king, their minds will remain inconstant and unfixed and also they will not have the happiness of wives and wealth.

The Effects of the A vasthas of the Planets 177

1~R>tGt11~1a i4~Jt '11"1cn '11"1<QI"11'fqlt'tsr~= ~~o= 1

~~~~SRI I~: 'fl¥114~t1: ~ ql~qll11~tfl (.Of'qC: ll~';t II

45. If Mercury is in the Nrityalipsavastha the native will be endowed with respect, conveyance, a number of gems corals etc; and will have friends and sons, be powerful and will be clever and learned in an assembly. If mercury is situated in a Malefic sign, he will have sexual intercourse with a woman of loose character and will have this addiction.

Cf>l tl c6 T.i c; \Jl \Jf~Cf>T~ ~ VTTlf 1f'J.l

"lftoPcft.TT""i'Cft.TT "J.Tcl t{ I

~t.(Jll -;1 E-T-.t CJTX<r~T xftf: 1J,V~"J.l

1J,v~~11H \if~: ~(\"tfftf: II~~ II

46. If Mercury is in the Kautakavastha and is situated in the Ascendant, the natives will be skilful in singing and music. If Mer­cury in the above stated Avastha and situation is pl11ced in the 7th or 8th House, the native will have love for a woman of loose mor

als, if he is in the 9th House he will pass his whole life in doing charitable deeds and will get salvation at the end.

~~ ~~a ""1' ~~« ~ C'41~'fl'11~411J= 1

'tt6) t"f ~ Cf) <'"4 '1 "1 (."q t114) Pt Jt "1 crTG)' El "1111 "1 "11 ~I: I l~l9 I I

47. If Mercury is in the Nidravastha, the native will not get the happiness of having sound sleep, and will always suffer from bodily and mental pain, will be troubled by his brothers, will have much trouble, have, always quarrels with men and destruction or wastage of wealth and respect

Cfi4'ttllfftr-4 (j, ur:!: ~~ ll~ ~crT~ lft~: I

at~~n~(l:x: ~ c!1tf6:I= '{lt1~1'1fd4'1~ga~ lfj'Jf= 11~1:; 11

48. THE EFFECfS OF THE A V ASTHAS OF JUPITER: If at the time of birth Jupiter is 10 the Shayanavastha, the native

178 Bhav Kutuhalam

inspite of being strong will have thin voice, will have very brown­ish complexion, long chin and will always have the fear of his ene­my.

~11 ~ 4JdqRf uftc\ qJoqJtfl ~l'Jcf'Q'frcr: I

lffioflqRI~~uFt4Ro~: 4~utlllt'l1Cf)~a~cm: II~~ II 49. If Jupiter is in the Upaveshanavastha the native will be

very talkative, be full of pride, be always troubled by the king and the enemy and will have wounds in the legs, thighs, mouth and hands.

~.,.410n ~ ~q~ lutlflftt ~14tgctffi ~cnn ~ 1

4)d1~~q: Cf)ljCf): wtGr 4~~qoft fclqoft'i<~Rlg<fi ll~o II 50. If Jupiter is in the Netrapaniavastha, the native will al­

ways remain sickly and diseased, be bereft of excellent wealth and adornments, will have love for songs and music and dance, will al­ways remain very lustful, have body of brown complexion and will have love for men of other castes.

!J01f"'11'11"'1~ ~i1C1'tj<S1Cf)~ ~djtt ~

a"UJ= ~'UJ= stut4RIPt«fl~ JiRI4Ji1'{ 1

QCf)J~i ~~:~d!l44Jffl ql~q!!'(j1~ mCffl'"'ii £1"14RI~i1t'ti o:t~dl't ~~~,~~

51. If Jupiter is in the Praskashavastha, the native will have the happiness of having good qualities in him, will be subjected to clean joy, will always remain like an object having extreme bright­ness, always wanders like Lord Krishna in gardens and orchards or gets the abode of God due to his devotion, becomes the most excel­lent person among all the men, is like Kuber in prosperity. These are the effects which human beings get when Jupiter is in the Prakashavastha and is exalted.

~16~ '~-TCfftr lf"RCf: ~GT flr?r~31'~6lllfullllGT I

qfcl;sffi fcl~t4~tli1fcl~ffi ~~~EI~ ~ l'f1i TR\ II~=? II

The Effects of the A vasthas of the Planets 179

52. If Jupiter is in the Gamanavastha, the native will always be courageous and will have the happiness of having friends and sons, will be a Pandit or learned man, will remain adorned with many kinds of wealth and know the Vedas.

31141'1~ ut"""dl q~utlql ~ ~: ~ sRiilq l I

!ls.:qRI "11C1flt61C1qi1t&l ~~ '4im: 4~iltiil II~~ I I

53. If Jupiter is in the Agamavastha, the native will have many men, get excellent wife, the goddess Lakshmi will never leave his house, she will remain as if she were tied from all sides in his house.

'tj'<!}'(j'fl i1Cfif) I ~ !jCfd I l6C11 (ftl: ~· ~

't vyy fct:nlfTfbTct~~T-.1 : I

~~qyffi tcraT~Jll~ 'UJ-:1~ ~EI~fli4J~ID lJACI: ~ II~~ II

54. If Jupiter is in the Sabhavastha the native will be Pandit speaking of Shastras or ancient classics like Jupiter himself, will re­main adorned with white, gems, conveyances etc. will have elephants, horses and chariots, and he will have the pride of knowing many branches of learning.

~T";fl<fl6~1fl~~r~qct'ft~l u-ri 1J. ~TifT~~ ~It'll 14 ~ Cf) t"t 31 flt 31 ut '{tGl ~ Ell "1 q Ell 'Jf<\({ I

~l vfttn'C't'~~CfAq"ffi TJHftq ~T lfftr: Cf)IOQI"1~~~~~d41ftl:~'1141"tftl: I ~~ II

55. If Jupiter is in the Agamavastha, the native will have the happiness of possessing many kinds of conveyances (Elephants, horses and chariots), honour and conveyance (Palanquin etc.) ; will get the happiness of having servants, sons, wife and friends, learning with­out defects or beneficial knowledge, will enjoy comforts and luxu­ries like a king, will have very beautiful clear intellect, enjoy poet­ry, will always have beneficial conduct, and will always get progress in respect.

180 Bhav Kutuhalam

'Jfl"GA 'J.TCJftr ~~~ ~ 0'~ mRi ~'J.Tl~ I

~ !i51ifft) '<'ilcloQ O'GT qlfttq1'< 01'<~ 'ira~d't II~~ II 56. If Jupiter is in the Bhojanavastha, the native will always

get excellent foods and the goddess Lakshmi will never leave his house which will be full of horses, elephants and chariots etc.

i~~Gt11 41tl '<1\Jt'it;fl Er;fi ~qdl~~~q~ ~ ~4~q I d~fcl~ ~4~tr. q~o: ~<fclElt"1qdJ ~~~ I ~ II

57. If Jupiter is in the Nrityalipsavastha, the native will get honour from the king, be wealthy, will always know religion, Tantra Shastras (occult learning and knowledge) and devices or techniques, be surrounded by Pandits or learned men and will himself be a Pandit, be learned in grammar etc. and be quick witted.

~q6<'ft ~g~ '161~4'1 "GR: ~ Pt\J11;:q<41iG1¥11'M>'<: cq41<t>cll~'<: ~ I

Pt~4'<1Gt'{Riit'i ~ \'1~"1 cn-gffi '161iltwft

ET~f~r49(~Elqfb~d: ll~t; II

58. If Jupiter is in the Kautakavastha, the native will make games, sports and shows. If Jupiter is in a Malefic Sign, he (the na­tive) will always remain endowed with much wealth, will be like the Sun in the progress of his family which is likened to lotus, will bear, kindness, will always remain happy, have obedient and humble sons, lands and good policy, will have a strong body and will be a Pandit in the King' s Court.

~ Ptstl•tt'i ~ ~O'T "flCf<t>4f1't I

((Rstdi4RS6ici 1fCA ~uqqRifO'J( II'!_~ II

59. If Jupiter is gone in the Nidravastha, the native will be stupid in doing all things, be oppressed with penury and charity will also not live in his house.

The Effects of the Avasthas of the Planets 181

"\J1""1) il<'fl<41"1~ ~·=tN)•f11pft '161'<)t4~'1~d: ~I ~tR: ~ Jnm) ql'<i•HI:fl•1'1t>fqc~T.4 ll~o II

60. THE EFFECTS OF THE A V ASTHAS OF VENUS: If Venus is in the Shayanavastha, the native inspite of being strong, will have disease of teeth, will be wrathful and be bereft of wealth, and will have the addiction of living in the company of whores or pros­titutes.

~ ~~lRT ~lA" "1q'1rau:~Gt<t>lj'q"1¥f\~= '§&'1\J1'(51'1Rt1<4 311~'<1~qPJqi~~'1H~!i"1R): II~ C) II

61. If Venus is in the Upaveshanavastha, the native will al­ways have the happiness of possessing new gems and golden jew­els, his enemies will be destroyed and his honour from the king will always increase.

~3141f1'il'ffi (014"14)~ ~~'<1ft ~

~~ 0'~ q,<~~

~ ?rlJTO'l ~O'l ERT"1T'11'11l_ T.TT~'J.l CfT~lTT"cl"T PcflTT"cl"T "J.Tct 0', I I~~ I I

62. If Venus being in the Ascendant, the 7th or the lOth House is gone in the Netrapaniavastha, the native will lose his eyes, and his wealth will certainly be destroyed. If She (Venus) is in oth­er Houses his residence will always be very big and spacious.

~CfT"cl""d tl 1f'J.l flr?T"J.l 'J.TlTf ct tl 1111 T c( 1l ~ "cl" T "Cf> "cl" T tft \if ""1' : I

'J.l tJff ~ <P~ ~ci ll''~HlT 1lff

<t>IC4~Ell<t>cl1Cb1g<fft •ftd~t{ II~~ II 63. If Venus, of Prakashavastha is in her own Signs (2nd and

7th Signs) in her exaltation sign (12th Sign) or friendly Signs, ~e native will be a lover of the sport of infatuated elephants and wtll

182 Bhav Kutuhalam

be endowed with grandeur, be skilful in the arts of poetry lllld beau­tification etc. and will have knowledge of Songs and music.

~ UFR ~ ~ ~ ";{ Gf'lqftt I

~~ fcl4l•ittoq \J1'1Hii1~aflfttd : II~~ II

64. If Venus is in the Gamanavastha, the native's mother will die soon, and because of the fear of his enemy sometimes he will live among his own men and sometimes will be separated from them.

3TPT~ "-l1J, lJ,?l ~crctftf ~:ft t<f~l 1f:J. ur: 1

~g tntlt4i1ttlltifl ~~fttlt) qs'(j~;(t•fl T.J ll~';t II

65. If Venus is in the Agamanavastha, the native will have much wealth, make many pilgrimages, be always courageous and have disease in his hands and feet.

3T";JT~~ ";JT~ ~~ lfS~T ~Tftf m~T SPI (141 tci ~: 'fl C: Rt !JD I fcl $1: fctR;r ~ I

'fli1141'1141d fq~q66""dl ~'14d: ~ CfT G "d'T<ft"I'CJ, ~lflf~T ";J~Cf~ : I I~~ I I

66. If Venus is in the Sabhavastha, the native will all of a sudden very soon without any labour by his own brightness get the cleverness or skill of oration and will know all the good qualities, will kill the group of enemies, be like Kuber, the god of wealth in having wealth or will ride on elephants or horses and be most ex­cellent among men.

3TT1f~ ""TTlf cl Uf~";JT1f~ ~Ttl ~a ~tftq-

!J~41fft ~41fft \J1 '1Hii1~ fli~T""Tl ~T~'J.f cl ({_

~T~l e=rftf:

Ciq 1 ~¥f\Rt:

I l ~l9 I I

67. If Venus is in the Agamavastha, the natives will not have the procurement of wealth, or will remain penurious, will get much

The Effects of the A vasthas of the Planets 183

loss from their enemies; there will be the destruction of their sons and their own men, fear of some disease, and loss of the enjoyment (sexual) from their wives.

e.!t:rrg~ &U ~~1ft~ a: t41 C: ~ qs~ I'< I Rl 1141 ~CflTf I

q;cfr"4Gr"Jt)\J1'1~ '161~~ gqf<41 4fi»'5di1fi»'5dttoq ll~t; II

68. If Venus is gone in the Bhojanavastha, the native will al­ways remain restless due to hunger, that is, he will not be able to

bear hunger, be distressed due to disease, be unhappy in many ways because of the fear of the enemy, be very wealthy with his wife or because of the valour of his wife, be adorned with many Pandits or learned men.

ct>ICQ~tU'iqtfl TfJm lfftr: ~ 1f<4R=i""t1i 1fd' ~ I

tti&~o111ci•11R•n;Qt~ sUd~!Ju4~d~ ~'t1)"1Rl: II~~ II 69. If Venus is in the Nrityalipasvastha, the native will have

praise worthy knowledge and skill of poetry, his intellect will always remain charming, he will have great skill in playing on musical in­struments like conch, flute drum etc. and in vocal music, his wealth will always go on increasing.

~gct>iiq;J •idqfttlj~ lj~~ >ac:Rt i16'f4'{ I

Jmfcml~T.J~~ ~q>aftl 4C{tflC:'<d: I b<> II 70. If Venus is in Kautakavastha the native will have gran­

deur like that of Indra, the god of gods, will get the greatest excel­lence on this earth, honour in an assembly or meeting, and he will have charming skill in learning and education, and Lakshmi, the god­dess of wealth will honourably and respectfully leave her abode of lotus and will live in his house.

~Cfffifl ~ ~J1!lf1Td Cf)Cf1 I

4'<~~ 1 4-<) cfM qloqlt'ft wM 1flft'{ lll9'\ II

71. If Venus is in the Nidravastha, the native will always re­main a servant to others, be always ready in speaking ill of others, be valorous, be very talkative and will wander over the whole earth.

184 Bhav Kutuhalam

~Rtl4t'fliQ~stH;ffl ft~: lTlR ~ I

~ V~ ~1ft miT ¥1J4C4qdj CR: lll9~ II

72. THE EFFECfS OF THE AVASTHAS OF SATURN: If Saturn is gone in the Shayanavastha, the native will always re­main oppressed with hunger and thirst and will always do labour, he will remain diseased in the first age of life and later on he will be most excellent among fortunate persons.

'IJA): ~t) ~lie\~ 4>'<ltit4>t'<tRiut'1tjd'<l: I

31QJC4~11~ ~ ~511ttifl-;ffisff111t;fl1q~<&!Jib: lll9~ II 73. If Saturn, the Son of the Sun, is in the Upaveshanavastha,

the native will always remain troubled due to very fierce enemies, will always destroy his wealth and it is quite certain that he will be very proud and get punishment again and again from the king.

'1l4'14t~t•ttt ~'1~~ 4'<11l4t ~ ~PJ.o: 1

14~dl ~ 11~dll1<tlC{ "§Cf>titl4>~dl fcl11Jtf«1Cfl(t I ~ II 74. If Saturn is in the Netrapaniavastha, the native will be en­

dowed with the excellent Laskhmi or wealth of some other man. get happiness with great love from the king will have many skills and speak clearly and cleanly.

'11'11~vnlll1~'11~~11<'ft "flGT -;ffi "!~~'1) ~111t'ft I

Si 4> t ~t ;) ¥1 tj>(JCt ~~= Cfi4tj'<cffll 6'<4t~¥1crn: lll9«;t.ll

75. If Saturn is in the Prakashavastha, the native will know many kinds of qualities, some villages or some wealth will remain in his lordship, will always cut jokes by his witty remarks, have brightness which is very charming, be kind hearted and generous and remain a devotee of the feet of Lord Vishnu.

116t~;ft '1~'1'1PGd : 't4 1 ~QIQ4>1fl ~fll6tfl

1J1) ~ qftl'6d'<I\JI¥1tci ~'<14tt'<lf4d;) Si l4 tRt l ll9~ II

76. If Saturn is in the Gamanavastha, the native will be ex­tremely wealthy, remain happy and cheerful due to the cheerfulness

The Effects of the Avasthas of the Planets 185

of his sons, do charity, destroy his enemies, and usurp their lands, be king among Pandits and go to the King's Court.

3lJlTlR q~·t~atc,gcm: !J~4>tit~'§d'1 ~ 1

¥fl:t§~ lflffi~~ tfl'111'11 fclut'1PSI411Jq't I 0011

77. If Saturn is in the Agamnavastha, the native will always have the fear of having disease in his feet, be bereft of the happi­ness of son and wife, live in a lonely place with heavy heart and wander over the earth.

'<HI q(ifl 4> 15if'1ift hb4>t'1 i mtR ~ Sf\Jifft Slt?l ~'t I

'flatt•t~ ¥fl:t§~ ~dt"ti ~ ~ lA'\JI) 11tftutt: lll9c; II

78. If Saturn is in the Sabhavastha, the native will always re­main happy because of having rows or rosary of gems, ·gold and pearls, be always full of good policy for men and be very bright and brilliant.

3TJ1T1) •t~'fll1t•ttf1 1olll1iG1il~~ ~ tm I

11~4)q 1'J1Fi ~'< f4J'q'11~'<ftdl l~Fcf: ~ lll9~ II 79. If Saturn is in the Agamavastha, the native will again and

again incur disease, have slow speed and in the world his mind will always remain devoid of begging (that is, he will never beg).

~l'fff ~ ¥111'1~;) m~ ~ mut;f 'ffi: 1 ~-gci '1C4'111~dl~ 1{)6dJQQ~dtftldllffft: l lc;O II

80. If Saturn is in the Bhojanavastha, the natives will get ex­cellent foods having six kinds of juices, their eyesight will be weak, their mind and intellect will remain troubled due to lack of knowl­edge and illusion.

1~~Gt1t•ttt ~ ~~ ~t1'{\Rd: I '<1\Jit'[wfl wM ffm 116 1 <fl'<~ '(UJi•tu) lc;<t II

81. If Saturn is in the Nritya Lipsavastha, the native will be a religious minded saint by person and will have much wealth, get

186 Bhav Kutuhalam

honour from the king be very patient and a man of fortitude and will display great valour and bravery on the battle field.

~ cit-g<t>¥11q!!ql•la ~a ~EJml~= atf~'§<fl ~ ~'{Rd: <t>~d~US¥1<.'tCII <t><.'tCII ~ lie;:? II

82. If Saturn is in the Kautakavastha, the native will remain prosperous having lands and wealth, be very happy, be full of the happiness of having a beautiful wife and be full of the art of ~1~ poetry that is, he should know poetry and feel the pleasure ansmg

from great poetry.

~llffi ql'fl'F11~ Erwfi ~ oql'<i!l~'{)~d: q'<ub&ft :qo~~qe16""dl ~ql'<<t>l""di'<Pctfl~il : lie;~ II

83. If Saturn is gone in the Nidravastha, the native will al­ways be wealthy, be endowed with excellent qualities, be valorous, will kill even the fiercest enemies and will know the method of hav­ing sexual intercourse with whores or prostitutes.

·~~~·~til G1~Pt~oo-cffl~ll<Av~ 1

~~ g•~sfll T.J <t>~<t>ICII ¥iJI't1¥11\J1~ ~~1~'<1~: lie;~ II 84. THE EFFECTS OF THE AVASTHAS OF RAHU : If

Rahu is in the Shayanavastha, the native will get disease and many kinds cf troubles. If Rahu in the above stated Avastha is there in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, or Aries, the native will continually get much grains and wealth.

~~l o:tf?i6 •JaqPct oo ~~ "GA: qRtNl:

'<IG1't1¥11G1gtl~ it§iil.fl fchl'§do:t "'t1GT ~: ~ llc;':f..ll

85. If Rahu is in the Upaveshanavastha, the native will suf­fer from the disease of Ringworm, he will have seat in the King 's Court and get much honour, but he will always remain bereft of the happiness of having wealth.

~3Jq1anq•n ~~ 11Cf0'~ ~·~tft~-ff ~tseotll<.>tiR:rnwrt 'lfli ~ er:te:ni: lie;~ II

The Effects of the Avasthas of the Planets

S44>1~1~ :Y¥1 J't1~ ~: ctfc': ~ 1UJi ~;fi"1Pct1o~"1Pct: ~ ~~1¥1411~6 I

tr-nftrqy~Cf)Tftcn ~lTl "<.'t'cn ¥1~"1~"'<~ ICflPctfcl~~Jffi ¥161"1m: llc;l9 II


87. If Rahu is in the Prakashanavastha, the native will be sit­uated in an excellent place, get excellent fame, there will be the progress of wealth, in the same way the development of good quali­ties, will get right to kingship due to his intelligence and cleverness, his creeper of fame will spread much, will have shape like that of new clouds, and will get much progress from foreign lands.

~ T.J ~ 00 ~'t1""dJ"1q J "1'<: qfb~ffi ~"14l~ldl '<IG1 '[~ -;ffi~: l lc;c; II

88. If Rahu is in the Gamanavastha, the native will have many issues (or children), be a Pandit or a learned men, wealthy, gener­ous, be worshipped by the King and be the most excellent among men.

'<1614J•Jtt4 smffr "flCrr eftEfo:tqftf(f: 1

CR~: CfilJUT: cm1fi -;ffi ~ ~e.rr lie;~ II 89. If Rahu is in the Agamanavastha, the native will be wrath­

ful, will always remain bereft of intellect and wealth, be crooked, miserly and in every way very lustful.

~'J.TT1T-ff ~GT ~T~l lffb~O': Cit lJlfTI '"11~vyllftwT~~ fct:n~lGll~~:


ll~o II

90. If Rahu is gone in the Sabhavastha, the native will be a Pandit or a learned man but he will be miserly, will be endowed with many good qualities and will get the happiness of having wealth.

~~·JJqJ•J¥1 ~ m-6 O'GT ~~ ~GT S~Tftp:.ft~"CI'T 11~0', I

188 Bhav Kutuhalam


I I~ ct I I

91. If Rahu is in the Agamavastha, the native will always re­main restless because of the fear of the enemies, there will remain quarrel among the men of his caste, the native may not live in the family, there may be loss of wealth, stupidity and the body may re­main weak.

mur;) m\Jt ~ Yil d ~ Cf>ctt ~ 1Ti\tt 1

'i~~f%: Fs\)~14)'(): 'efl~~'{j(Siqftfcr: II~~ II

92. If Rahu is gone in the Bhojanavastha, the native will re­main restless because of food, that is, he will get food with great difficulty, his intellect will be dull, he will have fear in doing some­thing and be bereft of the happiness of wife sons.

1~PiGt11•1a mrr '161C41~~q'ifY1Jt 1

~~<l•i R4~-sffRtcifY1U'1eitfl ~ II~~ II 93. If Rahu is in the Nrityalipsavastha, there will be the in­

crease of great disease among men, disease in the eyes, the native will have fear of his enemy, and there will be the destruction of wealth and religion.

~~~ T.r ~ mrt ~ IY1tl41 ~ 1Ti\q I 4'<GI'<'<ffl f.wi 4'<~t11461'<Cf>: II~~ II

94. If Rahu is in the Kautakavastha, the native will remain devoid of place (land for a house) will always have interest in and love for another mans' Wife and will steal other man's wealth.

~ 00 1Jl1111llnjtn ~= Cf>l"ftl't1"f11'1ql41'<~ •l~ctl il§~tlq 11 II~~ II

95. If Rahu is in the Nidravastha the native will be endowed with many qualities, will have wife (will be marrted) and sons, be man of forti tude, be full of pride and be very wealthy

The Effects of the A vasthas of the Planets

"4 ~ <{ ~ S~T CfT ~ 7 "4 Cfi~T'llj lPJ-;j 7ffi I

~ ~Yi'ti'jOf% : ~IG;:qi) <l•lqcifYi'{ II~~ II


96. THE EFFECTS OF THE AVASTHAS OF KETU: If Ketu being in the Signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini or Virgo (in any one of these) is in the Shayanavastha, there will be the prosperity of wealth, if be is in other Signs there will the increase of the disease.

~lt l'Jt) c6cft ~~·l~qcif"1'{ atRstlt1<1140Qit'l~'<~iCf>l't1'1"ftd: ll~l9 II

97. If Ketu is gone in the Upaveshanavastha, there will be the increase of the disease of Ringworm, fear from the group of ene­mies, the King, snake and thieves.

~ ?f-qTfbi ll"ff c$ cr1 ~ ?r~ll'J: ll\ifT"ll"ff I

'1 ~qf ~~ftftr~T.r ft"g, ~~ (WflGflr I I

fctri ~ "11 ~I 111 ~I Rt 11 Rt ~:q "'iftRifT 1{C)q I I~ c; I I

98. If Ketu is in the Netrapaniavastha, there will remain dis­ease in the eyes, fear of wicked creatures like snakes etc and fear from enemy, the King ' s family, and there will be the destruction of wealth and the natives mind will remain inconstant.

llCfillT~ l'Jff c$ {-11 EFJETT"rlf"'t1'1J, n:rftf: I

'<I\J141;1 ~~~t'll¥1 ~ ~6Q'11':J~IC{ II~~ II

99. If Ketu is in the Prakashavastha, there will be the increase of grains, and wealth, the native will get honour from the king, his fame will increase and he will get happiness in foreign lands.

l')'lf;\ ~ ~ c6cft ~ ~ '{1 Jq Rl '11 "1 '(:

q~~ffi '<1\Jtlil~ T.r ~ 4R~t1: llctoo II

100. If Ketu is in the Gamanavastha, the native will have the wealth of sons, be a Pandit or a learned man, get honour from the king and remain full of wealth.

190 Bhav Kutuhalam

~C11ql•l'1il ~tsG'1RI: JJft'<ftC1: ~lJF{ 1

'Cf>'Tlft Eft~ 4 ifl "1 tti4 \il I <It) stneR: ~: I I 'lo 'l I I

101. If Ketu is in the Agamavastha, the native will have wick­ed mind, remain bereft of Lakshmi (wealth), be lustful, be devoid of intelligence and religious deeds and be wrathful and deceitful.

~ ~~ qli41<.'i1 ~11ftt~: I

Cfi-qvft (Ot+qett~q ~~Ell~tlll'(~: ll'lo~ II

102. If Ketu is in the Sabhavastha the native will be very talk­ative, proud, miserly and greedy and be skilful in the art of decep­tion.

<l~l•lff ~~g: ~g: >tqlt<uqq;&fun'{ 1

~ql~'<ffJ ~l!G) R!Jil •1Pt<ft~t~: ll'lo~ II 103. If Ketu is in the Agamanavastha, the native will be the

flag of sinful deeds, will always make quarrels and disputes with his brothers, do wickedness and be troubled and oppressed with the en­emy and disease.

'J.ITUf~ (j, ~ ~~ ej,Ellfr qRcft~ty: I

~ il•loflC1'(1: c6tft WIFct ifR4)'{ ll'lo~ II

104. If Ketu is gone in the Bhojanavastha, the native will al­ways remain troubled with h~mger, be penurious, troubled with dis­ease and will wander over the earth.

1~f1;tGttl•lt) ~~ OQI~"11 ~q;@ ~q I

~Grefl~'(l~f4l~~~ ll'lo«;t.ll

105. If Ketu is in the Nrityalipsavastha, the native will always remain restless due to disease, will not have fixed eyesight (his eye will tremble in seeing) will not be defeated by any one, will be de­ceitful and will do deeds of wickedness and destruction

The Effects of the Avasthas of the Planets

Cb~g~ Cb~g~ c6tft "1eq i '11'<RIRI<~ : 1

~~"1ll~ ~'<li41-<) ~ 1ilffi ~ ll'lo& II


106. If Ketu is in the Kautakavastha, the native will do sports and shows, will consider as dear the sexual intercourse with a sport­ful and playful woman, will leave his own home and thus become homeless, will do wicked conduct, and being penurious wander over the earth.

Pttlq't"fl•lt) c6tft ~~~~=t~& ~ I

"11"11!Julfcl4i~"1 ~ •liS~ \ilf:\1"11'! ll'l<>l9 II

107. If Ketu is gone in the Nidravastha, the natives will have much happiness of having grains and wealth, their days will be passed happily with the talks of good qualities of many kinds.



~ ~l1~ "SJ~tiG'Rid: ~lfffi ft ~iflt.TC{~: 1[0: st>Jt15tit>Jtd: ~ ill(l11£lq'(f.IT: ~ ~61011"{ ll'lll

lJR'i g f¥R.fft d"1~R) ill(l'llttUCi{ ~ M4~'1 ~ I . \ . . . ~ ~ 6i4'<1S2l ~: ~ g ~ lffUT ... '1 ....... d ..... I6Q ..... : II~ II

1, 2. In the odd Signs there are in 6 degrees in each respec­tively the Bala, Kwnar, Yuva, Vraddha, and Mrita Avastha, in the even signs there are in 6 degrees in each in reverse order respec­tively the same Avasthas (that is, Mrita, Vradha, Yuva, Kumar and Bala). The Planet in his Balavastha will give negligible effect, that in his kumara vastha half of his effect that in the yuvasthta his full effect, that in the Vradhavastha very negligible or very little, and the effect of the Planet in his Mritavastha will be death itself (that is, his effect will be zero or nil.

~ c!Nr: m ~ ~ 6'flfm 11<)-q 1 lTRJ: l~Jt'1q4f~sR)!tiWl cft~cft~R): II~ II

~lffisffi ~ ~= <fl~o: 414~1~'4

The Effects of the Planets' Avasthru. Like Balavastha etc. 193

3,4. DEEYfAVASTIIA ETC.: In his exaltation sign a Pl~­et is in his Deeptavastha, in his own sign in his Swasthavastha, m his friend's sign in his Harshitavastha, in a sign of a benefic Planet or in his own divisional chart in his Shantavastha, when a Planet is rising he is in his Atishastavastha, when he is combust he is in his Luptavastha, when in his debilitation sign he is in his Deenavasth~, when in a Malefic or enemy sign he is in his Peeditavastha. In this way there are the 8 A vasthas of the Planets having the names or kinds of Deepta etc.

Notes: According to Pandit Jeeva Nath there are the Deepta, Swastha, Harshita Shanta, Atishasta, Lupta, Deena and Peedita Avasthas of the Planets in the above stated way. The names of the Dashas and their determination is slightly different according to Parashara. According to him if a Planet is in his exaltation sign he is in his Deeptavastha, in his own sign he is in his Swasthavastha, in his extreme friend's sign in his Muditavastha, in his friendly sign in his Muditavastha, in his friendly sign in his Shantavastha, in a neutral Planet's sign in his Deenavastha, in his enemy Planet's sign in his Dukhitavastha; if he is in conjunction with a Malefic Planet he is in his Vikalavastha; if he is in a Malefic Sign he is in his Khalavastha; if he is in conjunction with the Sun he is in his Kruddhavastha.

cftl() ~~~~~~1Rfl 'fl~l~6"'"dl Cffift~ I

Cf>Rir '1'1~ FRm 4~1~ Mcft~~q~ ~~ 11'1.11

5. THE EFFECT~ OF THE PLANET IN HIS DEEPTA V ASTIIA: In the Deeptavastha the Planet endows the na­tive with the conveyance of an intoxicated elephant and the nahve will always be the killer or the destroyer of his enemy, will always make pilgrimages of excellent places of pilgrimage, be extremely beautiful, intelligent, will be a king who will continually get fame and brightness or brilliance. .

Note: The native gets the above stated effects m the Dasahas and the Antardashas of the Planets. According to Maharishi Parashara in the Deeptavastha of a planet the native is endowed with kmgdom, courage, valour, wealth, Conveyance benefit of wife and son and gets honour and respect from his relatJves and the king.

194 Bhav Kutuhalam

~ !1°11•11\CG1ll1(11lii"11!J41Gf(f)~ ~~~"11~1ctS't1f 1

"1'<)"!J~I~ i4~d: +Qim~ll(llf~ft1: Cf)Jt4)ll'jft1: II~ II 6. THE EFFECTS OF THE SW ASTRA V ASTRA OF A

PLANET: Due to the Planet's being in his Swasthavastba the na­tive builds a school or a College, a barrack for keeping an army or a building. He destroys his enemies, is generous and liberal, endowed with honour from the king and great fame and is handsome and charming.

Notes: According to Maharishi Parashara when a Planet is in his Swasthavastha, the native gets wealth from the king, learning, fame, love, wife, wealth, lands and gets religious.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~3i~3i4~~ffi ~ I

~4Cfl"'1fit1•1Jr"1 ttf%o: 4\C¥t~qf<t41Cf)f<toot'1: I ~ II

7. THE EFFECTS OF THE HARSHITAVASTHA OF A PLANET: If a Planet is in his Harshita Vastha he gives the native constant happiness, the native has friends and sons, performs religious deeds, is adorned with gems and knows the effects of one's deeds that is, he is an astrologer. '

Note: According to Maharishi ParaShara

"!J~I~d~l~ ~~11~41~ q'f311~Cf) •l"\;4ijdlt.f ~1f"l I ~UUT EJlf J)fqDII~(iiii"Ji ~41~lll"11fil\( "l.llfDII~'{ II

that is, the Planet's being in his Mudivastha, the native gets the ben­efit of clothes perfumed or scented things, son, wealth, patience, hear­ing Purans and religious talks etc. and he gets the conveyances of elephants etc. and clothes, jewels etc.

~Rt~11;ffi ~q\CIG1\Ciufl wrr ~w G1"1dl~~a: 1

3f;)Cf)~~ltt<"t 41~4~1;;ql~lj\Cm: ~~em: II~ II 8. THE EFFECTS OF THE SHANTAVASTHA OF A

PLANET: If a Planet is in his Shantavastha, the native's nature is extremely peaceful, he is the Icing of princes, is brilliant, has love for the company of men, remains engaged or busy in practising many kinds of clean learning along with prose and poetry and certainly re-

The Effects of the Planets' Avasthas Like Balavastha etc. 195

mains endowed with wealth. Notes: According to Maharishi Parashara, the Planet being in

his Shantavastba, the native gets happiness, religion, lands, son, wife, honour and respect, learning, enjoyment or entertainment, gets bliss from thinking of Dharma Shastra or religious books, is blessed with much wealth and honour from the king.

lffi\ ~till~$ 'fi Vlffif: V" 'Rt ~lilt ~ 'lffi~: I

~~ll(i1'tl(i11(11Rit1\IS't~Cff41 ;ffi' "1\CI 011'1ftl4: ~: II~ II

9. THE EFFECTS OF THE SHASTAVASTHA OF A PLANET: If a Planet is in his Shastavastha, the native gets honour from the king, remains adorned with attractive clothes and dresses and diseaseless, wears a big rosary and has charming speech and be­comes a king of men.

wa T.T ~ 1°1ti4¥11~= Q"'~t1~\('Rt"Jt"1 ~= 'Sf~m\Cctdt 41~G1 1 (11gCftl'l Qi11~"1t'fl ~ 41Qi11t'fl ll«to II

10. THE EFFECTS OF THE LUPTAVASTHA OF A PLANET: In the Dasha of a Planet in his Luptavastha, there is the disappearance of the native 's good qualities and religious rites or deeds, he is oppressed and troubled by his enemies, gets loveless­ness for the Grahasthasharma (the stage of life from 25 to 50), is attacked by many diseases, becomes lazy and doer of sins.

eft;) Rt eft ofl i1 Rt ffi lSI~ ofl wiT G1;) "I~ Pt 4) ~ (Rif I

~ tt;r: Q\C~ I\C t'fl"1 : tm~ T.T <R"l.fll:qlfl llctct II

11. THE EFFECTS OF THE DEENAVASTHA OF A PLANET: The Planet being in his Deenavastha, in his Dasha the native remains very poor, bereft of intelligence and Satisfaction, is oppressed by the king and others, bereft of qualities, has Jove for another man's wife, steals other men's wealth, and wanders over evil lands

~a .,~Pttft~a= ~= ~"'tl lll T.T lR'liT ~'1~o= 1

OQ('bffi 'iJS'JiG)~: ~'1 1"11 ~'<~ • 1~ftffi ~trn: I l et~ II

196 Bhav Kutuhalam

12. THE EFFECTS OF THE PEEDITAVASTHA OF A PLANET: In the Dasha of a Planet in his Peeditavastha, the native will always remain troubled with diseases, troubled due to the trou­bles of others, restless, full of pride and remains unhappy particular­ly due to mental trouble.

I 1'1~ I I



lJT~1J W~""~~TC{ lJllJCf)'fl'f ll~~GT I

~~'t4i"fli ~61~qf~m ~ iCfll II~ II l. THE DETERMINATION OF SATURN'S MARKA1WA:

If Malefic Satwn makes relation with the Maraka (Killer) Planets then he defeats the Maraka Shakti (killing power) of other Maraka Plan­ets and certainly he himself becomes a strong Maraka.

Notes: Saturn has been regarded as the significator of pain, dis­ease, laziness and troubles. Among other synonyms of Saturn 'Yama' (God of death) also is one of his names. But we should not think by this name that Saturn is a synonym of Death. If Saturn is strong, if he does not have relation with Maraka Planets and if he is situat­ed in an auspicious House, then he does not have the quality of Marakatwa. But if Satwn who is the significator of disease, pain and death makes relations with Maraka Planets and is situated in a Maraka House, then the facts like disease weakness, destruction or decay or death got double strength and they cast their black shadow on the life of the native. Here is an example to prove the fact


Example No. 32

Date of birth: 11/12-4-1970

Bhav Kutuhalam

Time of birth 3.45 1ST

At the time of birth the balance years etc of Rahu were 14-10-22


Sat ASC Moon Sun Ven Mar





In this horoscope of Taurus Ascendant Saturn being in his de­bilitation sign is situated in the 12th House and is in conjunction with Mercury, the Lord of Maraka House, the 2nd House. This situation is inauspicious. Although Saturn is in conjunction with Venus the Ascendant Lord and it creates the illusion that Saturn being in con­junction with the Lord of an auspicious House should get the bene­fit of it. But Venus is the 6th Lord also and there is her Moo! Trikona Sign in the 6th House. Due to this she will give the effects mostly of the 6th House. By the medium of aspect, the effect of Ju­piter, the 8th Lord and a Trishadayesha. on Saturn is adding fuel to the fire. In this Ascendant Jupiter plays the role of a malefic Planet in the utmost degree. In the Mahadasha of Jupiter and the Antar Dasha of Saturn (from 22-9-87 to 4-4-90) on 10-2-1989 occurred the death of the native. This was quite natural. The formation of the re­lation of the Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord in inauspicious Houses indicates short longevity.

~UT~: l,11=1 4H"t I '«1 ~ -q6T­

~ ft1:fct~'tl q q I: 61 (11 4i <'11 f.'i ~"tb I ~ l:1: I

The Killers

"-TCf~ 1:1~ ~ ~q-r: l! "-T'UT"tfl ";J lT"ffiT

iullf1tflq~"tC:I~Cf)l: &<'1&if1Ruh \J1d1Pt II=? I I


2. TilE AUSPICIOUS AND INAUSPICIOUS NAMES OF TilE HOUSE LORDS: Any Planet, if he is a Trinal Lord, is a giver of auspicious effect the 3rd, the 6th and the II th Lord are givers of malefic effects, this has been spoken of by the learned Astrologers. Benefic Planets (Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus), when they are Angular Lords do not give auspicious effects to the natives and if Malefic Planets are Angular Lords, they are givers of extremely auspicious effects.

Notes: On the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of the Hous­es Pandit Jeeva Nath has said of a new thing by remarking that a Malefic Planet is a giver of auspicious effect if he is an Angular Lord. But according to the principle of Laghu Parashari the effects of the Planets as per their Situation are as follows:

ri ~ 01~ tll'<~ ll61: lj~ VGT: I

q(l~fl?itihsl~l~ i ~ qjq4)(11 VGT: I I that is, if any Planet is a Trinal (1,5 and 9) Lord, he is a giver of auspicious effects, if be is a Trisbadaya (3,6 and 11) Lord then he is a giver of inauspicious effects. There is another principle which says:

"";{ RtiiPd ~ 1vri ~: ~~~~q ~ I ~~Glj1l tna Vil<'11tt~OO=tll{ II" ...

According to this Shloka if benefic Planets (Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and the full moon) are Angular Lords, they do not give the native auspicious effects and if Malefic Planets (Mercury in conjunc­tion with a Malefic Planet, emaciated Moon, the Sun, Satum and Mars) are Angular Lords, they do not give inauspicious effects. Here we fmd that the two books have different things to say with regard to the effects of the Malefic Planets when they are Angular Lords. In this connection we would like to say that Planets, whether they are Benefics or they are Malefics, get their powers reduced to zero when they become Angular Lords, that is they become neutral and indifferent. This neutrality or indifference is there only on the con-

200 Bhav Kutuhalam

clition of their remaining Angular Lords. The meaning is that if the Angular Lord is the Lord of another House also, then the direction of his effects will depend on the nature of the House other than an Angular House and if he is not the Lord of a house other than an Angle, then the direction of the effects will be determined by his relation with some other Planet

~El"¥<14•1ffi ~: ~lTf ~ 1o11't I ~Eli<I~~Ftt!('ffitttt<fit"i S~Rflc;t"l't II~ II

3. Rahu and Ketu are capable of giving the effects of the Houses in which they are Situated or of the Houses whose Lords are conjoined with them.

Notes: Panclit Jeeva Nath does not establish the independent existence of Rahu and Ketu because they do not have mass in them. As a matter of fact they are imaginary Planets and not real ones. If Rahu and Ketu are there in any House independently without con­joining some other Planet or Planets, they give the effects of that House very strongly and fiercely. They give the effects of the House in which they are posited. But, Late Shri Navadha opine that their presence in 3/6/12 House is the giver of auspicious effects. This has been our experience also. The following horoscope is an example.

Example No. 33

Date of birth: Time of birth:

12-7-1952 I.S.T. 9.15 a.m.


Moon Jup Sun

Mer Yen Ketu

Rahu ASC

Mars Sat

The Killers 201

The Maha Dasha of Ketu and the Antardasha of Rahu remained from 23-6-1994 to 11-7-95. During this period the native gained that achievement which was the greatest in his ambitions. If was in this period that he got wealth and fame also. His fame crossed the bound­aries of the city and the country. If remained a very happy experi­ence for the native. In this horoscope the Mahadashesha is situated in the 12th House and Rahu is situated in the 6th House. Rahu is not conjoined with any other Planet. During this period the hostile or the adverse circumstances remained hidden and the success or gain of aims and objectives faced no obstacles in their completion. There came some difficulties in the native's health, but these created some inconveniences only and not obstacles. Although the situation of Rahu in the 6 or 8 House creates the condition of disease and Maraka or killer, yet for this condition the study of the situation of the 6th Lord and the 8th Lord is very necessary.

When Rahu and Ketu being in Angles are in conjunction with a Trinal Lord they become Yoga Karakas with very great intensity, but when they are situated in a Maraka House or when they are in conjunction with the Markesh they both play the role of a Maraka or killer Planet.

When· Rahu and Ketu are in conjunction with the Sun or the Moon, it is not possible they should give effects like the Sun or the Moon because Rahu and Ketu never give effects like the Sun and the Moon. Another thing has also been experienced that these Planets, often prove harmful to the relative who is represented by that House in which they are situated. For example, if one of them is situated in the 5th House, then in his Antardasha he will cause bodily pain to the native's progeny. If Rahu or Ketu is in the 5th House in the horoscope of a Pregnant woman, he will cause the con­dition of abortion or of irregularity in the delivery. If one of them is situated in the 7th House he will give pain to the native's life mate.

lf~t~ ~y-q~ ~ ctcrl 1fT~Cfi1J w~l11cr:

ftl~~ 1JWr~<lf~CJT tll"Q'Cfil:TGT II~ II 4. If the Malefic Saturn is in conjunction with other Malefic

Planets and makes relation with Maraka Planets then he himself be­comes a Markesh instead of the other Maraka Planets.

202 Bhav Kutuhalam

Notes: This Sbloka is merely a repetition of the First Shlokf! of this very chapter.

~~Ulf~: JllllDifli 6 m~

f<l~l~ ~ ~ aiD 11 1'<4)~~· . II~ II

5. The Astrologer should first find out the Longevity of the native, that is he should authentically know whether the native will have Alpayu or Madhyamayu or Poornayu (Short or Medium or Full span of longevity). It is after this that he should Consider about the Maraka Planets.

Notes: If due to the medium of combinations the native' s lon­gevity is Poomayu (of full span,) then in the Madhyamayu (the Me­dium span of Longevity) death will not occur even when the Antardasha of the Maraka Planet comes, there will 9nly be bodily pain. In the same way, if it is Madhyamayu, then in the Alpayu (short span of longevity) the native' s death will not occur in the Antardasha of the Markesha, there will only be bodily pain. There is the Alpayu Yoga from birth to the age of 32 years, Madhyamayu Yoga from 32 to 64 years and Parmayu or Poomayu Yoga from 64 to 100 years or above.

~~~~'<R'<~ tfi;tti-af'§~EI~~: ttli¥11~~: I ~IC'fJ46J~dtt¥11Rq~ftliu\'16Q~t)'1rtl6\i11C1Cbd=tttfcl~r: II& II

6. LONGEVITY DUE TO YOGAS OR COMBINATIONS: If the Ascendant Lord is the enemy of the Sun, the native will at­tain Heenayu or Alpayu if he is ·the friend of the Sun, he will get Deerghayu and if he is neutral he will get Madhyarnayu. In the same way if the Ascendant Lord is in his friend's, neutral' s or enemy's sign, he will get respectively Deerghayu, Madhyamayu and Alpayu such is the saying of the Astrologers knowing the Elements of Na­tivity.

Notes: In reference to the span of Longevity of human beings

there is this saying of the Rishis or the sages: "'tt'141'1i 'if CfiftviT ffltt~Cf)ttti 1ffi1{ I" And on the basis of this shloka we determine the longevity of human beings as one hundred and twenty years. And therefore Heenayu or Alpayu should be at the most of 32 years, Madhyarnayu from 32 to 64 years and Deerghayu from 64 to 100

The Killers 203

years and Pararnayu from l 00 to 120 years. These span of longevity may be estimated or guessed from the different Planetary situations in the horoscope. For example, the following situations may be con­sidered for Deerghayu.

l . There should be benefic Planets in the Angles and the As­cendant Lord should also have the Conjunction of benefic Planets or should be aspected by Jupiter.

2. The Ascendant Lord in conjunction with Jupiter and Venus should be in an Angle or the Ascendant Lord situated in an Angle should be aspected by Jupiter and Venus.

3. Three Planets in conjunction with the Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord are in their exaltation signs and there should be no Malefic Planet in the 8th House.

4 . If three Planets being in their exaltation Signs, own signs or friends ' signs are there in the 8th House and the Ascendant Lord is strong.

5. Saturn (the Significator of Longevity) or the 8th Lord is in conjunction with any Planet in his own sign or in his exaltation sign.

6 . The Malefic Planets are situated in the 3/6/ll Houses and the Benefic Planets are there in the Angles or in the Trines and the Ascendant Lord is also strong.

7. There are Benefic Planets in the 6n /8 Houses and Malefic Planets in the 3/ll Houses.

8 . Malefic Planets are there in the 6/ 12 Houses, the Ascendant Lord should be in an Angle and the 8th Lord is the friend of the Sun.

9. The Malefic Planets should be in the 8th House and the lOth Lord in his exaltation Sign.

10. The Ascendant has a dual natured sign in it, and the As­cendant Lord is there in an Angle, his own sign, his exaltation sign or in a Trine.

11. The Ascendant has a dual natured sign in it and there are two Malefic Planets in an Angle from the Ascendant.

12. The strongest Planet between the Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord should be there in an Angle.

204 Bhav Kutuhalam

The combination known as Madhyamayu Yoga is there m the following Planetary Situations.

I . The strongest between the Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord should be in the Panphara Houses (2/5/8/ 11 Houses).

2. The Ascendant Lord should be neutral to the Sun.

3. The 8th Lord should be neutral to the Sun.

4. The Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord are in a neutral sign.

5. The Ascendant Lord is weak, Jupiter is in an Angle or in a Trine. There are Malefic Planets in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th House from the Ascendant.

6. If both the Ascendant Decanate and the Moon Decanate Sign are dual natured signs or one is in a Movable and the other is in a fixed sign.

7 . If both the Ascendant Navamsha Sign and the Moon Navamsha Sign are dual natured or one is in a movable and the other is in a fixed sign.

8. If both the Ascendant Dwadashamsha Sign, and the 8th Dwadashamsha sign are dual natured signs or one is in a movable and the other in a fixed sign.

The Alpayu Yoga is formed in the following Planetary Situa­tions.

I . Both the 3rd Lord and Mars or Saturn and the 8th Lord are in conjunction with or aspected by Malefic Planets or they are com­bust.

2. The Ascendant Lord in Conjunction with a Malefic Planet is in the 6/8/ and 12 Houses and he has no benefic Planet with him and also is not aspected by them.

3. If the Ascendant Lord is weak and the Malefic Planets are not aspected by Benefic Planets.

4. The 2nd and the 12th House have in them Benefic Planets and these Houses do not have the conjunction of or the aspect of a Benefic Planet

5 The Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord both are combust or

The Killers 205

are in a debilitated Sign and there is the absence of the aspect of Benefic Planets on them.

6 . The Ascendant Decanate Sign and the Moon Decanate sign both are fixed Signs or one is in a movable sign and the other is in a dual natured sign.

7 . The Ascendant Navamsha sign and the Moon Navamsha sign both are fixed Signs or one is in a movable sign and the other is in dual-natured sign.

8 . The Ascendant Dwadashamsha Sign and the 8th Dwadashamsha Sign both are fixed signs and one is in a movable sign and the other is in a dual natured sign.

9. If the Ascendant Lord and all the Benefic Planets are there in the Apoklima Houses (3/6/9/12).

gles. 10. If the 8th Lord and all the Malefic Planets are there in An-

3Tl)clf~ T.f q_ eft~ iJ, ~l xT~ ~GT~"\ I

~d14~~'11'<<6~1"1!1T4d l ll911

7. The 3rd and the 8th House from the Ascendant have been spoken of as the Houses of Longevity and the 2nd and the 7th House as the Houses of killers or the Maraka Places.

Notes: The 8th House has been spoken of as the House of Longevity. Due to its being the 8th from the 8th House, the 3rd House also has been spoken of as the House of Longevity. The 12th House from any House is the ' Vyaya Bhava' (House of Destruction)


of that House. The 12th House from the 8th Ho use and the 3rd House ace respectively the 7th House and the 2nd House. Therefore these Houses are the Houses of Destruction of the Houses of Lon­gevity. As they destroy Longevity, therefore they are called Marakas or killers.

lfT~c6lTGlTTliT-c6 lfT~Cf)~T~ liTflr-=r: I

~ q1 qguri ~ ~'Jli) ~ fctl)q lit; II

8. The Mrityu Kala Yoga: In the Dasha period of the Markesha Planet and in the Antardasha of the Malefic Planet situat-

206 Bhav Kutuhalam

ed in the Maraka House and also in the Antardasha period of the Planet in conjunction with a Malefic Planet there is the possibility of Death.

Notes: If there is the Dasha (period) of the Lord of the Maraka House and if there is some Malefic Planet in a Maraka House or there is the Lord of the 3rd, the 7th or the II th House in a Maraka House, then the death of the native occurs when the span of lon­gevity falls in his Antardasha.

Pandit Jeeva Nath does not consider it as necessary that death should occur only in the Antardasha of the Malefic Planet. There is the possibility of death in the Antardasha of any Planet who is in conjunction with a Malefic Planet.

There is the possibility of Death if there is the Dasha of the Lord of a Maraka House and if there is the Antardasha of the Lord ?f the Mar~a ~ouse. Although it has been said to be necessary that 1f Markesh m his Dasha and Antar Dasha is situated in a Maraka House, it is only then that death of the native is caused. But when the span of longevity comes the Situation of the Lords of the Maraka Houses_ in th~ Maraka J:Iouses is not necessary. The following horo­scope m wh1ch the native is blessed with Deerghayu span of lon­gevity proves this fact.

Example No. 34

Date of birth


Time of birth

I.S.T. 11.10 P.M.

Sat Ven


ASC Mars



Sun Mer


77°•01 I

Moon Jup


The Killers 207

The death of the native occurred in the Dasha of the 2nd lord Saturn (Markesha) and in the Antardasha of the 7th Lord Mercury (Another Markesha) that is, in the period between 26-9-1988 and 13-2-1989. Saturn is in conjunction with a strong Trishadayesha Ve­nus and therefore he is endowed with the quality of Markesh in great­er measure. Although Mercury is not in conjunction with inauspicious House Lord; but because of being near the Sun he is combust.

The second Horoscope is of a na!lve having Alpayu Span of Longevity. Here the Ascendant Lord Saturn is in the Sign of Scor­pio and the 8th Lord Sun being in his debilitation Sign is situated in the 1Oth House.

Example No. 35

Date of birth Time of birth Lat.

13-1 1- 1955 IS.T. 12.45 Noon 28°.43'

The balance years etc. of Rahu: 8-10-3


Yen Sat






Moon Mer Mars Sun

The 8th Lord Sun is in conjunction with Mercury, the 6th Lord. The conjunction of the 8th and the 6th Lord never gives Deerghayu or long life. Here in this combination the 7th Lord Moon (Markesha) is also contributing her share. The death of the native occurred be­tween the Mahadasha of Saturn and the Antardasha of Mercury ( 19-9-1983 to 28-5-1986). The effects-giving power of Mercury is con­ducted by that of the Planet with whom he IS m conjunction. There­fore he had to give the effects of the Markesha Moon and the 8th Lord Sun and he positively performed this role.

208 Bhav Kutuhalam

Here is another example illustrating bow death occurred dur­ing the Dasba and Antardasha of the Lords of the Maraka Houses. The horoscope is of a native having a short span of Longevity (Alpayu).

Example No. 36

Date of birth Time of birth Lat.

16117-11/1964 I.S.T. 4.00 a.m. 28"43'

The balance years etc. of Mercury 6-11-04.

Moon Jup


Sun Ketu







The conjunction of the Ascendant Lord Mercury and the 12th Lord Sun and the situation of the 8th Lord and the 3rd Lord, that is, of the Lord of both the Houses of Longevity, Mars in the 12th House, proves that the Longevity of the native will be of Alpayu span (short span of Longevity). The death of the native occurred in 1989 when there was the Maha Dasha of Venus and the Antardasha of Jupiter. The Mahadashesha Venus being the Lord of a Maraka House (the 2nd House) is situated in the Ascendant and the Lord of another Maraka House Jupiter is in the 8th House, and he (Jupiter) has the aspect of a Malefic Planet Saturn. Therefore it was quite con­ceivable that Death should occur in these Dashas and Antar Dashas.

am~ ~~"C:~IIqj lRUT 1:lJ1Tlt I

~ C4q'&il~~ltl+=ttf.\:nar~~ II~ II 9. If the occurrence of Death is impossible in the Dashas of

the above stated Markeshas (Killers), then it (Death) occurs in the

The Killers 209

Dasha or Antardasha of the 12th Lord from the Ascendant In the absence of it Death occurs in the Antar Darsha of the Planet having relationship with the 12th Lord.

tfG~TT<l Sl~C~ ll~ Glll~T ~q;:f lJ,-.=f: I

~tedl'<l4d: lfrC6 ~vj ~ !~: llcto II

10. And in the Absence of it (the combination stated in the above Shloka) Death occurs in the Dasha of the 8th Lord, or it oc­curs in the Dasha of the Lord of Dushta Tara, this has been said by the learned Astrologers.

Notes: The Tara Dasha runs in this way: It begins with the strong Planet situated in an Angle and then runs in the same order in which the Vimshotari Dasha runs, that is in the order of the Dasha of the Sun, then of the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury Ketu, and Venus. The years in the Antardashas of the various Plan­ets are also like those in the Vimshottori Dasha. There are 9 Taras having the names respectively of Jansma, Sampat, Vipat, Kshema, Pratyari, Sadhaka, Vadha, Maitra and Ati Maitra. Suppose in the horoscope the Sun begin situated in an Angle is endowed with strength. Therefore the Dashas will begin with the Dasha of the Sun:

Planets Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jup Sat Mer Ketu Ven

Years 6 10 7 18 16 19 17 7 20

Tara Jan a- Sampat Vi pat Ksherna Pratyari Sadhak Vadha Maitra Ati rna Maitra .

Date of ' birth

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1

1910 1916 1926 1933 1951 1967 1986 2003 2010 2030

The Taras named Vipat, Pratyari and Vadha are inauspicious and the native suffers from bodily pain during their Dashas.

-=tq'fJilqqfttffi-=tql~il ~dqftt;fqq ~ G1~'1: I

atmfa~~Jffiti~G1Jffll\sffl q'§Jftfl ~ ~ ~ ~ I ffi II 11. RAJ YOGA: The native in whose horoscope the 9th Lord

210 Bhav Kutuhalam

is posited in the 5th House and the 5th Lord in the 9th House, be­comes the king of the Earth and is endowed with very rare gems and diamonds.

Notes: In this Yoga the mutual exchange of the two Trinal Lords is of special significance because of the following reasons:

I. Such a Raj purusha (a royal person) makes his Destiny him­self with his own strength and powers of intellect, because this ex­change is of the Houses of Destiny and of Intellect.

2. The native gets special Rajpada (position of king ship) due to the favour of his Destiny because the exchange of the 9th Lord with auspicious House Lords makes this declaration. But the mainte­nance of that position in future and the entrusting of it to his proge­ny may also be the effect of this Yoga because the 5th Lord is the representative Planet of the native' s future and progeny.

<w>lff e.ftlT: ~ o~TT-.t ~ tt lT: <w>lf 'Ill 'll"GT I

~o14R1"11 ~~ ~ ~ Ptfl:qo'{ I let=? II

12. If the I Oth Lord is posited in the 5th House, and the 5th Lord in the I Oth House and is aspected by the Trinal Lord (the 9th Lord), the native certainly becomes a king.

Notes: The I Oth Lord should be in the 5th House and the 5th Lord in the I Oth House then such a situation in which both of them should be aspected by the 9th Lord is very rare. Only one Yoga Karaka Planet may be aspected by the 9th Lord. This Yoga is dif­ferent from the other Yogas in its nature and effects for the effects which will be ~rceived in the native's life the intellectual ability and efforts of the native will prove to be more influential factors and his Destiny will be less helpful The reason is quite obvious. the I Oth is the House of the native's position, profession and kingship (or sta­tus like that of a king) and the 5th House is related to the power of counselling, and intellectual ability etc. Therefore the mutual exchange of the Lords of these two Houses will compel the native to acquire special kingly position (or status like that of a king) w1th his own intellectual ability and efforts The aspect of the 9th Lord w11l be capable of destroying the obstacles coming in the way of the native, because when Destiny favours a person obstacles do not show their heads before him.

The Killers

'<l~~li414ql6;)~1'!ld41 ~'1h:'l~ ~1~"11 oft!Jibl ~ cftft.ToTl'il tJft>r;yl "<'TUfT 'J.T-ij ~T;yq : I

~~lrr 'll~ ETlf~;y mmn (.Wf~~.nTfl"fl­~qr~~sfClGlM"<'lUJPt~~~d't I let~ II


13. If the lOth Lord, the Ascendant Lord, the 4th Lord and the 5th Lord are in conjunction with or aspected by the 9th Lord and are strong the native gets kingship; and the 5th Lord being in conjunction with the 9th Lord and the Ascendant Lord, is situated in the Ascendant House; or the 9th Lord being in conjunction with or aspected by the Ascendant Lord is situated in the 4th or the I Oth House, the native certainly becomes a king.

Notes: The mutual relationship of the Lords of an Angle and a Trine creates the situation of Raj Yoga. Here Pandit Jeeva oath has spoken of 3 formulas of Raj Yoga.

No. 1: The lOth, the Ascendant, the 4th and the 5th Lords are endowed with strength and are conjoined or aspected by the 9th Lord.

This Yoga has been created by the relationship of all the An­gular Lords (except the 7th Lord) and the Trinal Lords. Therefore, it will be more particularly effective. All the possibilities of getting power and authority are assembled here. Such a king will be most popular, lord of a vast land, famous, strong and healthy and intelli­gent.

No. 2: The 5th Lord being in conjunction with the 9th and the Ascendant Lord is situated in the Ascendant House.

This Yoga emphasizes on the mutual relations of the Trinal Lords. It stands 2nd on the level of power.

No. 3: The 9th Lord being in conjunction with or aspected by the Ascendant Lord is situated in the 4th or the I Oth House. From the point of view of level this yoga stands 3rd because this yoga is based on the relations, of the 9th and the Ascendant Lords The other auspicious House Lords (the 5th Lord and the Angular Lord) have not been included in it

212 Bhav Kutuhalam

14. If an Angular Lord being conjoined with a Trinal Lord and being endowed with strength is situated in any House, the na­tive becomes a king If he (the Angular Lord) is weak, then he be­comes merely wealthy.

l],~~TR 1!~~~ Gll-q "i1!ull ~~ lj=qJi~lfli'11 ~-re ~~ '1'<1~4: ll'l~ II

15. If the Ascendant Lord along with Venus is posited in the 9th or lOth House or in a sign of Jupiter, the native (if a prince) becomes a king

-ci :qq ~"-l "'1 "iff (O[T"-l xFcf~ ~ ~GT I

~ ¥1fill~qulf'11'1~4~ ~ ~ ll'lft II 16. DHANIKA YOGA: If in the 5th House Venus is in her

own sign and there is Saturn in the II th House, then the native be­comes the possessor of gems and gold.

Notes: This yoga will be possible only in the Gemini Ascen­dant and not in the other Ascendants. If the Ascendant is Gemini then Venus being in the sign of Libra will be situated in the 5th House and will be the giver of auspicious effects. But Saturn being in the II th House will be debilitated and his debilitated situation as the 9th Lord cannot be called auspicious and praise worthy. If the Ascendant is Capricorn, and Venus in the 5th House should be in her own sign and if Saturn is in the II th House, the aspect relation of both will not be an ordinary relation because this relation will be of the Ascendant Lord, the 5th Lord and the I Oth Lord and there­fore Raj Yoga will be created, this is Certain Saturn being the Lord of the House of wealth (the 2nd House) . will naturally contribute in making the native wealthy.

q;"ctt tJ, Cf)(O[FJT~l -q:qq (OI'l"-T~ "'1911

'11'11E4'1'til!~: 'flHCii4Cif.t~:q~qftr: ll'll9 II

17. If the Moon being gone in the sign of Cancer is situated in the 5th !louse and Saturn should remain in the House of gains

The Killers 213

(the 11th House) there occurs the prosperity of wealth in many ways, and the increase of religious feelings and the native becomes the lord of the earth or a king.

Notes: The existence of this Yoga will be in the Pisces As­cendant. It is necessary for the Moon that she should be strong in Paksha Bala. Saturn has been regarded praiseworthy in the 11th House because the prosperity of wealth and the getting of successes is considered on the basis of Saturn situated in the House of gains. If Saturn is conjoined by Mars, the Yoga becomes very effective.

-q:qq tJ, 1!~ ~"-~ ~¥1~ ~ \if~ I

!~ t'll¥11t'tll ~ ~ ~fclot)"'ff(): ll'lt:; II

18. The native in whose horoscope Saturn being situated in the 5th House is in the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius and Mercury is in the 11th House, Makes economic progress in every way.

Notes: This Yoga can be formed in the horoscopes of natives having Virgo and Libra Ascendants because it is only in these two Ascendants that there can be respectively the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius in the 5th House. In the horoscope having Virgo Ascen­dant the aspect relation of Saturn and mercury often makes the na­tive a doctor or a chemist and it is the natives adopting these pro­fessions who become generally extraordinarily wealthy and the pro­cess of becoming wealthy goes on even in future. Here is the horo­scope of a Doctor.

Example No. 37

Date of birth


Time of birth

I.S.T. 12.45 Noon



Place of birth


Mars Moon

Sun Ven

Jup Mer



214 Bhav Kutuhalarn

There is Saturn in the 5th House and mercury in the 11th House. This native is a famous Doctor and hts economic prosperity is increasing continually. He earns wealth from foreign Countries also as the Lord of the House of wealth (the 2nd House) Venus being in conjunction with the Sun the 12th Lord (the 12th is the House of foretgness) is situated in the lOth House, the House related to the native's profession. Mercury being in the 11th House is making a very auspicious yoga because of his being in conjunction with Jupiter Sat­urn is the 6th Lord, but being the 5th Lord also he is also the Lord of the House of Education in addition to his being the Lord of the House of Disease and due to his being in his own sign he is en­dowed with strength. The aspect relation of Saturn with Mercury the Lord of the House of Profession (the lOth House) declares that the native will get education relating to disease and will make its rela­tion wtth his profession, that is, he wtll adopt the profession of a man of medicines.

Here is the Horoscope of a native having Libra Ascendant

Example No. 38

Date of birth


Time of birth

LS.T. 10.55 a.m.




29"-0 I'

Moon Ketu

Mer Ven Sun

ASC Mars Jup

This native is the exporter of ready made stitched or tailored clothes due to which he is very wealthy and the process of becom­ing prosperous is going on continually The native has himself made arrangement for the tailoring or stttching of clothes .on a large scale. In the horoscope Saturn being an Angular and a Trinal Lord has be­come a Yoga Karaka Planet and being m hts own sign he is en-

The Killers 215

dowed with strength. Mercury, is the 9th and the 12th Lord. Accord­ing to Laghu Parashari ' s principle, he (Mercury) will be the giver of the auspicious effects of the 9th House because the 12th Lords give the effects of their 2nd sign.

Q.>iP) ~ ~1 ftit ~T'~-~ ~Cf:!~ ~GT ql6'1't4°f'<HI'11'1~tll \Jtl ~tl lffUTTC{ ll<t~ II

19. If the sun in the 5th House is in the sign of Leo and Ju­piter is in the House of gains (the lith House), thts Yoga always makes the native the possessor of conveyance, gold and gems.

113-~~ ~ :!~et~ ~:!x1 ~rc:- ur~~ ('fl¥1 411~"'11~~ lf~q~'f!Jfl ~: ll=?o II 20. If Jupiter in the 5th House is in his own sign and there

are the Moon and Mars in the 11th House, then the native becomes like a king.

Notes: This yoga will be formed in the horoscopes of the na­tives having Leo and Scorpio Ascendants. If the Ascendant is Leo, then Jupiter in the 5th House will be in the sign of Sagittarius and in the 11th House Mars and the Moon will be respectively the Lords of the 4th and the 9th, and the 12th House. The aspect relation of Jupiter and Mars certainly comes in the category of Raj Yoga; but why the 12th Lord the Moon has been included is not understand­able. The Moon in his Antardasha will give the effects of Mars, be­cause being the 12th Lord she has to give the effects either of the Planets in conjunction with her or of her 2nd Sign The Moon does not have her 2nd Sign, therefore she has to give the effects of Mars. Perhaps it is because of this that the 12th Lord the Moon has been included in this Yoga. Even then in these relations there is the de­fect of Jupiter's being the 8th Lord and Moon's being the 12th Lord and this defect is always of bad omen. There will be another effect also of these relations which can be called ausptcious The fame of the native will spread far and wide because the 9th Lord Mars and the 12th Lord the Moon (the Lord of the House representing distant places) in the House of gains (the II th House) give this effect. Ju­piter, due to his being the 8th Lord keeps the fame of the native intact till his death.

216 Bhav Kutuhalam

-x~e-l?T1Jff ('1'7~ -x~un ~ 11 "ff ~ftJ 1

~~c) cnftt ~F11~cM ~ ~ ll~<t II 21. If the Sun in the sign of Leo is posited in the Ascendant

or he is in conjunction with Jupiter and Mars, then there is the pros­perity and increase of wealth day and night

Cfi"Cff '~-) W~7~ ~ ~~~ ~~ UJ~~ I

~ Gflq~JtiRli ~ -mfl fc)'t1tfl1l<fq II~~ II 22. If the Moon in her own sign is situated in the Ascendant

and she is in conjunction with Mars and Jupiter, the native soon be­comes very wealthy.

~ure\~ ~ ~-q ~ \J1~PI 1

$1~ct>Jt~:flgcffi ~ ~;)~1~11) ~ I I~~ I I

23. Mars being in his own sign is posited in th~ Ascendant in conjunction with Mercury Venus and Saturn, the native becomes as wealthy as Kuber, the god of wealth himself.

lJ, ~'J.l lJ, ~~ 1! ct"ff UJ r lJ('I'7 ';f 1Jff ~ ftJ =q~j411'<gffi ~ ~ ~e4'1"<=q5i'.4{l11 II~~ II

24. STIDR LAKSHMI YOGA (The Combination giving wealth which remains forever). If in a horoscope Jupiter being in his own sign is situated in the Ascendant together with the Moon and Mars, then Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth remains in the native' s house forever.

Notes: This Yoga will prove to be a boon for the natives hav­ing Pisces Ascendant because Jupiter, the Ascendant Lord being in his own sign will be endowed with strength He will be the lOth Lord and also will have conjunction with the 9th and the 2nd Lord Mars and the 5th Lord the Moon. This Yoga is in itself a Raj Yoga. The native having this yoga in his horoscope is very famous, en­dowed with kingly power, makes remarkable progress in his society, is very wealthy and entrusts his vast wealth to his successors.

For the natives having Sagittarius Ascendant this Yoga will be

The Killers 217

considered to be of average level because the Moon in this Ascen­dant becomes the 8th Lord. In this Yoga are included the Ascendant Lord, the 4th Lord and the 5th Lord, and this conjunction is less excellent from the point of view of that level which these Planets being situated in the Ascendant make in the Pisces Ascendant Here is ~ example of Sagittarius Ascendant which will fully illustrate this pomt.

Example No. 39

Date of birth: Time of birth: Lat.:

11 -10-1937: I.S.T. 12.50 Noon 27•-28'


~c Jup Moon Rahu Mar





Mer Sun

. ~ this horoscope of Sagittarius 'Ascendant Jupiter in conjunc-tion wtth the Moon and Mars is posited in the Ascendant. Besides this auspicious Yoga, another yoga is also being formed in the 1Oth House by the Sun and Mercury. These Planets (the Sun and Mercu­ry) are forming an excellent Raj Yoga because of being respectively the Lords of the 9th House (A Trine) and the lOth House (An An­gle). But the Moon because of being the 8th Lord is lowering down words this excellent Yoga which is being fc.rmed in the Ascendant. In reference merely to the formation of a Yoga the role of the 12th Lord is like that of the 8th Lord. Therefore the native had to waste a greater part of his wealth and money in his disputes with his rela­tives, although he is very wealthy, has much property and land and is very popular.

218 Bhav Kutuhalam

25. If in a horoscope Mercury is in the sign of Virgo or of Gemini and Venus is in conjunction Saturn, the native is wealthy.

Notes: This yoga has been formed by Pandit Jeeva Nath for the natives having Gemini and Virgo Ascendants. For both the As­cendants the conjunction with of Mercury, Saturn and Venus in the Ascendant will certainty give wealth to the native. In the Gemini As­cendant Mercury will be the Lord of the Ascendant and the 4th House; Venus of the 5th and the 12th House; and Saturn of the 9th and the 8th House. Here Saturn has got the defect of being the 8th Lord, therefore, there will certainly be anxiety now and then with regard to property and progeny. In the Virgo Ascendant Mercury will be the Lord of the Ascendant and of the 1Oth House; Saturn of the 5th and the 6th House; and Venus of the 2nd and the 9th House. Here Saturn being the 6th Lord has got maleficency there is the Moo! Trikona sign of Saturn in the 6th House. Therefore he will give the effects of the 6th House in greater measure than those of the 5th House the 6th House is related to smallness and disputes. As a re­sult the native will have to be involved in litigation also in refer­ence to paternal property, because of which he will have to be en­grossed with tension trouble and quarrels in reference to property for a long time (Saturn makes the native to be engaged in litigation for a long time)

ll'SI)~Tftrrr'ft <'fT-4 ~ftid ~~ "Gfr'Jf~ 1 TRI\J11~~\J11¥<lli g ¥ -q:..e £1'11~4: II~~ II

26. If in a horoscope Venus being of her own sign is in con­junction with or aspected by Mercury and Saturn, the native becomes wealthy.

~o14Rt'ttt=it~ m m ~tlSfcn ll6: I

~ ti1'56CC4~1~~1;ffi £1'1~'11~1Cb: ll~l9 II 27. DARIDRA YOGA (The combination giving poverty and

Penury): If all the wealth giving Planets having made relation with the Trinal Lords also make relation with the Lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th House, they become the destroyer of wealth.

The Killers

(>P'1fl ~£1'11~ ~ <"1~'1~ ~ I

'11 '<CfHHNi 1ffi '\i1"T'ffi ~ ~: I l~t:; I I

21 9

28. If the 8th Lord being in conjunction with a Maraka Plan­et is situated in the Ascendant House and the Ascendant Lord in the 8th House, the native becomes penurious or poor.

ftlJ, '~-TTCJtnrl <'fT-4 <'fl""4ll ftlJ, '~-TTCJ~ 1

'11'<Cbt41~'11 ere ~ CJT Pt'i[~~ ~ II~~ II 29. If the 6th Lord is situated in the Ascendant House and

the Ascendant Lord in the 6th House and there is the aspect of a Markesha on them or a Markesha is in conj unction with them the native becomes penurious or penniless.

~~l ~T w-4 qf-q-q ~Ei'11 <"I it I

~vr 1.lff -q:tcl "1"<) ~ fuf-.:r: ll~o II 30. If the Moon and Sun are situated in the Ascendant and

the Ascendant Lord is gone in the 8th House and are in conjunction with or aspected by a Markesha, the native becomes penurious.

~l'RT~faCb~lq'11~1'ft~: ~ffis~ ~ I ~-l~q~o11~ ~ ~(Of•;) ~~'<1ee T.f 1i~1ufl ~: ll~'t II

31. Rini Yoga (The combination giving indebtedness:) If the Ascendants Lord is in Conjunction with or aspected by the Lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th House or if he is in Conjunction with a Malefic Planet and is not aspected by a Benefic Planet, then inspite of the Ascendant Lord in Conjunction with the 5th Lord being in the Ascendant House, the native becomes subjected to indebtedness.

Notes: If in the Ascendant House there is the Ascendant Lord in Conjunction with the 5th Lord then the native becomes wealthy, this has been the meaning of Pandit Jeeva Nath in the wealth giving yogas. But if the Ascendant Lord is in conjunction with or aspected by a Trikesha or is in conjunction with a Malefic Planet and is not aspected by a Benefic Planet, then this above stated Dhanika Yoga does not give effects; instead of this the native becomes subjected to indebtedness.

220 Bhav Kutuhalam

~'J.~ <rr w;\l<ft 'll'<ct>""fl~<ffi 1

~~~~~~~""fi~CWlt:Y~'<Ciee 'li~Ciaft!t~ Jij~!tq'<)sfit I I~=? II 32. [f the Ascendant Lord is Combust or he is in an enemy

sign, is gone in his sign of debilitation, is in one of the Trika Hous­es, is in Conjunction with a Maraka Planet and he is not aspected by the Bhagyesha (the 9th Lord) or by a Benefic Planet, then the native inspite of being a king is subjected to indebtedness in supreme measure

Notes: The meaning is that if the Ascendant Lord is weak, is situated in a Malefic House and makes relations with the Malefic Planets and does not have relation with a Benefic Planet or with the Lords of Benefic Houses, the native is burdened with heavy debt, although there are in is horoscope the yogas named Raj Yoga and Dhanika Yoga



attseiRC4~•~ ~ <it~ ""f =t<t l tfl ~~o: 1

~~ Pf6Pd d'fQI~ ~1W)15Cfli ~: l l<l II

1. Tanu Bhava (The First House): The native in whose horo­scope the Ascendant Lord is Situated in the 8th, the 6th or the 12th House and is in conjunction with a Malefic Planet gets all his bodi­ly happiness lost or destroyed very soon. All the Houses should be considered in the same way.

Notes: It may be the Lord of the Ascendant House or of any House, if he will be in the 6/8112 House in conjunction with a Malefic Planet the native will not get the happiness of these things which are related to that House.

<it ~""f q!til~ '<l !tfl !t~ 4'li1"tg ~'<1~1 •1: I

fct;rr ~ef ~ Cf>~ !t~ & <itt) o:fl viD ~q I I=? I I

2. If the Ascendant Lord or the Lord of the House in which the Moon is situated is in his sign of debilitation or in enemy sign or in a Trika House in any other sign than his own sign, he ts called weak

222 Bhav Kutuhalam

~lSC~~ "lf~ ~~t"<rt "lf~

emit 41~'14 ~ fatF1~~ R'{~~'t II~ II 3. The native in whose horoscope the Ascendant Lord or the

Lord of the House in which the Moon is situated is in a Malefic House is often subjected to bodily weakness, disease, fear or increase of the enemies.

f.rufl~ Pt \J1 il qif "t<t ctn l) ("I 4 "1 ~ ~ I

cftErl~: ~~t!~ tf<'fi11)1ft ~\J11~tl II~ II 4. If the Ascendant Lord (or the Lord of the House in which

the Moon is situated) is in his sign of exaltation or in his own sign or House or in his own divisional chart the native gets Deerghayu (long span of longevity) remains happy and strong and enjoys all the physical comforts and foods.

effir: tJsfffi~ffis~ ljSf) 1 R-:4 ~ ~q 1 'tt toil ~ ("I 4 "1 "11 ~'"1' ;) ';4l0(! : tft;s;i ~q I I~ I I

5. DHANA BHA VA: (The House representing wealth) if the 2nd Lord is in conjunction with Venus or is situated in one of the Trika Houses (6/8/12) from Venus and makes relation with the As­cendant Lord, the native gets trouble in his eyes . .

Notes: In a natural horoscope, Venus is the Lord of the 2nd House. Therefore, Venus has relation with eyes The 2nd Lord and he 2nd House are thus the representative Planet and the Representa­tive House respectively of eyes. Therefore, the conjun~on of Venus and the 2nd Lord is very important for the eyes If in this Yoga the relation of any other House than with the Ascendant Lord is not formed, then the native does not suffer from eye disease or trouble. But if this yoga of Venus and the 2nd Lord is conjoined or aspected by some Lord of a Malefic House, then it will certainly create eye pain or eye trouble If there is the Taurus Ascendant and the 2nd Lord Mercury and Venus are situated together, then the Malefic in­fluence will fall on them with great intensity and with great quick­ness, The same possibility will be there if the Ascendant is Leo. In the Sagittarius and P1sces Ascendants Venus becomes the Lord re-

The Twelve Houses 223

spectively of the Trika or Trisha Houses (6, and II, 3 and 8 Hous­es). Therefore in these Ascendants the conjunction of Venus and the 2nd Lord will be unfavourable to the happiness of the eyesight. An example of the Pisces Ascendant in this regard is presented here be­


Example No. 40

Date of birth


Time of birth Lat.

I.S.T. 4-10 a.m. 26°-51



Mer Sun



jven Mar Moon Ket



Here the 2nd Lord Mars is in conjunction with Venus in the 3rd House and the Moon and Ketu also share this conjunction. All these four Planets have on them the full aspect of Saturn and the Angular influence of Jupiter. The Sun in his exaltati_on sign is in the 2nd House. Although he is the significator of eye s1ght.

But here his situation in the 2nd House is no beneficial for the health of the eyes; it will rather be harmful for them because h_e has in him the defect of the Lord of the: House of Disease. Venus IS not proper for the 2nd Lord Mars because she is the Lord of the _Jrd (Trisha) and the 8th (Trika) Houses. Due to all these reasons the nght eye of the native lost its light during the disease of small pox.

~~~c:=<n ~ ~ Pt~ll~ ~ ~ I atc6("1•"14ct>)tl~ll: '{\&1~4f?1"11 ~: I I& I I

224 Bhav Kutuhalam

lJT?ITctl-.:rf 11 "1 cf ~ ll"~af ~ ?T~l ~~ I

\ii*.l 4~ Pf\J1~6't@.1) viD ~qt~G'll!4Cflq lll9 II

6, 7. If in the 2nd House there are the Sun and the Moon the native suffers from night blindness. If the sun is in conjunctio~ with the Ascendant Lord and the 2nd Lord and the 4th Lord, the combination diminishes the eye sight of the native's mother etc. If the Planets (included in the above stated yogas) are in their exaltation signs or in their own signs, the natives do not have eye diseases.

~~q1 41iq"'11~ ~Cf>~l"'1•1t'rt ~ I

'{Cbdi <t~ffiSQ)ct ~qi11tp[~lCR: lit; II

tiTRrt gd ra Cf)~ al!ft '1Cbti1'11 ~il tt 1

il (Oil il (01 ~ ~ ct";J \Jtl d Cf> ~ fcf"filiftf: I I~ I I

8, 9. If Jupiter and the 2nd Lord are in a Trika House (618/ 12) the native gets dumbness. In the same way if Jupiter and the 2nd Lord from the House of the mother (the 4th House) and the House of the father (the lOth House) are in a Trika Bhava (6/8/12) it should be predicted that they will also get dumbness. Those who know the Jataka Shastra (the learning relating to nativity) should pre­dict the effects after knowing specially the strength and the weak­ness of the Planets.

Notes: The above stated shlokas of Pt. Jeeva Nath are of very great importance. The importance of the shlokas is due to the fact that through the horoscope of the native we can make predictions with regard to his relatives. The House of the Mother is the 4th one. If we take the sign falling in the 4th House of the native's horo­scope as the Ascendant, the horoscope which we will get may be understood as the horoscope of the native's mother. The situations of the Planets will be in those signs in which these are in the na­tive's horoscope. The horoscope prepared in this way may give us kpowledge about the native's mother in the same way as is given by any horoscope. This process may be adopted to have knowledge

about the other relatives.

The Twelve Houses 225

~"'11~4) i11"'1"'1qi~S11~ ~ "llGT Rtt10Rt \J1""'1Cf>l~ I

~ fa61'<1(WI~qiRI~ qr ~~~141(01~•ll \J1"11"11f1 ll'lo II

10. If in a horoscope the 2nd Lord, being endowed with strength, is posited in the 1Oth, the 9th or the II th House or is he is in his exaltation sign, friend's sign, own sign, then Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, always lives in the native 's house.

Notes: This formula stated in this Shloka cannot be adopted as such in all the 12 Ascendants. If the Ascendant is Aries, the 2nd Lord (The Lord of the House of wealth) will give auspicious effects if he is posited in the 1Oth, the 9th or the 11th House. The wealth­giving power of the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) will be more pro­nounced in the 1Oth and the 11th House and relatively less in the 9th House as the 9th House will be the 8th one from the sign of Taurus and the 3rd one from that of Libra (both signs of Venus). This will be a very harm-giving situation for Venus. She will prove to be wealth-giving if she is in the friend's sign and in conjunction with a Benefic Planet-and the best conjunction will be that of Sat­urn. Inspite of being in a friend's sign and being alone her wealth­giving power will be ordinary for the reason that as an Angular Lord Venus has to remain neutral and as the 2nd Lord she has not to give the effects of the 2nd House as per the formula of "~l""'l"'d'tlj~ol)""'" (that is, she will give the effects of her 2nd sign and not of the sign in which she is posited). In this way Venus will not be able to do any thing in reference to her both Houses. In such a situation Venus will get the benefit of her wealth giving power only if she makes relation with the Lord of a Benefic House and not oth­erwise. If the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) has relation with the Labhesha (the 11th Lord) then there will be similarity in both the Planets with regard to the obtainment of great wealth. If Venus will be in he ex­altation sign, this situation may give much wealth but it will not be


If there is Taurus Ascendant, the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) will prove to be very great Wealth-giving if he is situated in the 9th or the 1Oth House. In the 11th House he will be in his debilitation sign. Therefore the situation of Mercury the 2nd Lord) in this House (the 11th House) cannot give much hope of getting wealth. This situa­tion of Mercury will rather be helpful for the native in getting in­come from such professions as gambling, speculation and Lottery,

226 Bhav Kutuhalam

because any debilitated Planet in the I I th House causes the native to get income from low or base means.

It is the nature of Mercury that he gives special effect of the Planet with whom he is in conjunction. Therefore the conjunction with him of Benefic HouSe Lords is necessary.

If there is the Gemini Ascendant, then the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) the Moon will give best effects in the 1Oth and the 11th House. In the 9th House she will be the 8th from her own House. And if she is in the 12th House she will be exalted and will make the con­dition ordinary by equalising income and expenditure.

In the Cancer Ascendant the situation of the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) the SWl in the 1Oth House will be very auspicious because here he will be exalted.

In the Leo Ascendant the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord). Mercury will give auspicious effects in the lOth and the 11th House .

This formula of Pandit Jeeva Nath Should be the most effects giving in the Virgo Ascendant because in this Ascendant the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) Venus in the 7th House will be in her ex­altation sign, in the 9th House in her own sign and in the lOth House also be in her friend's sign.

If there is the Libra Ascendant the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) Mars will give relatively more auspicious effects only in the 11th House. Being situated in the 1Oth House he becomes debilitaed due to which the native again and again invests his accumulated wealth (capital) in his profession and gets losses and as a consequence the native's financial condition becomes deplorable. In this Ascendant the exalted Mars also does not remain to be very useful or profitable, that is, the expectations that are made from him due to his being in his exaltation sign are not fulfilled by him in giving effects because being situated in this 4th House be (Mars) becomes zero in his 'Digbala' (Directional Strength). In the Pisces also the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) is Mars. In this Ascendant his (Mar's) situation in the 9th the I Oth and the 11th House makes successive increase in his wealth gtvmg power.

In the Scorpio Ascendant if Jupiter is not Retrograde, then be­mg in the 9th House he gives wealth in a remarkable measure. In the lOth House Jupiter's position is much better and praise worthy

The Twelve Houses 227

than it is in the II th House. In the Sagittarius and the Capricorn As­cendants, Saturn, being in his exaltation sign respectively in the 1Oth and the II th House gives best effects.

The Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) of the Aquarius Ascendant is of great importance, because Jupiter in addition to being the significator of wealth he becomes the 2nd and the II th Lord, the Lord of the 2 Houses which are related to wealth.

m~ ~6UJT~ll 'f,J\STPcr31~~ s~ <n 1

~~~:ll~olmg:~';f~ ll'l'lll 11. THE THIRD HOUSE: If the 3rd Lord is placed in the

3rd, the 6th, the 7th or the 8th House, he does not give much hap­piness of a brother.

mn~~~ ~41~ 4141t'tl) <rr 1lCfffi GF1~ I ;.:)

\i(qlti~FnRJ:~\J11dCf)d~~~: ll'l~ II

12. If the 3rd Lord and Mars are conjoined by Malefic Plan­ets or if they are in the sign of a Malefic Planet, then the native gets brothers, but they are subjected to death This has been said by the scholars of Jataka Shastra.

~~c: ~6\J11Eft~l: lJsm <rr~ Pf~IICf)'<: I

~ 1inl4l ~ -qlffi ~'()61~6: ll'l~ II

13. If the 3rd Lord is a female Planet or Venus and the Moon (female Planets) are in the 3rd House, the native gets sisters; and if the 3rd Lord is a male Planet or there are male Planets in the 3rd House then he gets brothers.

'{!~qfc): ~~1'«1:f11~!J~(\J1~~fc) ~q'<lt't~Jl~~l't I

~Cf)~ldl ~qfloflt61Rfil: ~\J1j!~~F II~ II 14. THE FOURTH HOUSE: If the 4th Lord being in con­

Junction wtth the Ascendant Lord is situated in the 4th House, the nattve gets a very big house; if he is in the Trika House (618/12) he

228 Bhav Kutuhalam

gets reversed effects such effect has been Sllld by the learned astrol­ogers to be given by the Lords of the 4th and the Ascendant Hous-es.

Notes: As the Ascendant is counted among the Trines (and also among he Angles) the conjunction of the Ascendant Lord (a Trine) and of the 4th Lord (an Angle) is an auspicious combination with regard to giving the happiness of a big house. The native certainly gets those things which are given by that House with the Lord of which the Ascendant Lord is in conjunction and is in a favourable house. Therefore if the 4th Lord being in conjunction with the As­cendant Lord is in his own sign, then the native will certainly get a beautiful and big house. If the Ascendant Lord and the 4th Lord should remain in the 6th House, then the native certainly goes to the Court to fight a case in connection with his house. The quarrel in the dispute will go to such extent that he gets physical injury also. If this conjunction is there in the 8th House, then the native may get killed in such disputes.

If the 4th Lord and the Ascendant Lord are in the 12th. House and they do not have the aspect of a Malefic Planet, then the native leaves his native land and builds his house far away from his home or in another city or purchases a house there and settles there also.

~"GTT~) uftcl ~"G~l;~T ~ll!~ff rct~l "f)n~l "f)Ti TPJ Cf~tJ. ~llrun11flr ~ e.l 1

\W~Jt~ ;fi~~C{ifq~Jt~~qR"1~ ~g~~ 111g:

ft.Tftf~q;~~~T ft.rftf~ ff I I ct '!. I I 15. If the 4th Lord is Jupiter, the native is particularly con­

cerned with his own comforts and happiness. If Venus is the 4th Lord he has great anxiety for having jewels, wife, adorning his own body, having excellent horse (excellent conveyance). The same thing hap­pens if Mercury is the 4th Lord. If the 4th Lord is Saturn and Rahu he has anxiety for getting happiness through base born persons If the sun is the 4th Lord the native is anxious for the happiness of his father, if it is the Moon who is the 4th Lord the native has anx­iety for the happiness of his moth~r. If the 4th Lord is Mars, then he has anxiety for having the profit of land.

The Twelve Houses 229

Notes: The meaning of this Shloka is this that when the above stated Planets are 4th Lords, then the native gets the happiness of having those things of which the concerned Planets are Lords. But the native has greater and greater desire for these comforts and this happiness and he always has the idea about them hovering in his mind

~q;) u) CfTl;";fTefil) <6 ~ :q ~~ 1! ff ~uflii".u{aq~ 1:i~~1fCht ll't& II

16. If the strong 4th Lord in a Trine or in an Angle is in his exaltation sign, there is certainly the obtainment of a new convey­ance.

('I'T";fle.ftll Cl1 \if Iff ?l "! 3J~TTCflHfTCf~l I

~~mfisfll;r'{\o~c;:• IJt: 119t9 11

17. THE FIFI11 HOUSE: If the Ascendant Lord is in a sign of Mars and the 5th Lord is in the 6th House, then the first born issue is subjected to death and the native does not get another issue or progeny.

"f)T~T~3J~T) ~~ 1J, ?ll) lJTlJ~ 1! ff I

Cb1Cf)q~lqf?1'Rl~ ~gil~'{\dt ~ ll'tt; II

18. If the 5th Lord being in conjunction with Malefic Planets is situated in the 6th the 7th or the 8th House in a debilitation sign and there should be Mercury and Ketu in the 5th House, the native becomes the husband of a woman who is Kakbandhya (a woman giv­

ing birth only to one issue).

trcft-ul ;;ft T.l"llt ~?T l!?T~rni ;r ~·ma 1

tftq ~~It~ CfT CbiCf)q~lqfdsf~q I l't~ II 19. If the 5th Lord is situated in his debilitation sign or does

not aspect the 5th House and there are Mercury and Saturn in the 5th House, then the native gets a wife who is Kakbandhaya.'

230 Bhav Kutuhalarn

e;ylff EfilT~ S ~ -;ft~ ~a ~T~ 1l~ \if~ I

~~~~Cf)tsel~~rn"tt 11~o11 20. If in a horoscope the 9th Lord is posited in the Ascen­

dant House, the 5th Lord is in his debilitation sign and Mercury and Ketu are in the 5th House, the native gets a son with great trouble.

~= 16~ ~u) <rr lJ~~Ja: 1

tfGT ~';4'{1~ ~ fclcll ~"1 fcl(Wif"i!td: ll~q II

21. If the 5th Lord is in an Angle or in a Trine in conjunc­tion with a Benefic Planet, the native soon gets the happiness of hav­ing a son. In the reverse case the obtainment of a son is delayed.

't1 '"ttl "1 'SOf Cl "11 Efim \J1 ri1 (WI " "11 ~ q ffi ~ I

"1'<'<1~~ 'dGT~: 'ffl'<l~~ Cf)~Cf)l ~ II~~ II 22. If the Lord of the 5th and the Ascendant House is in a

male sign, the native gets son, if he is in a female sign he gets daughter

~1)m <'ta'1at) ~~~ \JfriiPt

a a~ ~llt~'f'ti<i~ "ffillfl ~AUT~ II~~ I I 23. THE SIXTH HOUSE: If the 6th Lord is in the Ascen­

dant or m the 8th House, the native suffers from wounds, ulcers etc If he is in conjunction with a Malefic Planet he does not suffer from a wound or ulcer.

Notes: If the 6th Lord is the Ascendant, the native will often complain of injury, disease in the head and general ill health. If the 6th Lord is in the 8th House he gets diseases of the Anus. But if the 6th Lord is in conjunction with a Malefic Planet then increase in the depth of the disease or the wound has often been experienced. A Malefic Planet only increases the disease-giving power of the 6th Lord and does not decrease it. Here we would like to present an, example which is contrary to the writer's opm1on.

Example No. 41

Date of birth


The Twelve Houses

Time of birth Lat.

l.S.T. 2.35 P.M. 30"' 55'(N)

Mer Sun Sat

Jup Ketu

Ven Moon







In this horoscope of Leo Ascendant the 6th Lord Saturn is sit­uated in the 8th House in conjunction with the 8th Lord Jup. the debilitated Mer is also here. The 8th House has the aspect of the natural Malefic Planet Mer. The 8th House has the deep influence of Saturn and Mars. Mercury will also play the role of a Malefic Planet because he being a Markesha is in his debilitation sign. Due to all these influence the native had to suffer from the age of 35 years to that of 45 years from the disease of 'Fischer'

Just see another example:

232 Bhav Kutuhalam

Example No. 42

Date of birth Time of birth Lat.

15/16-11-1951 I.S.T. 3-10 Night 30"-33'

Jup Moon




ASC Mer Sun Mars

Ven Sat

In the present horoscope of Virgo Ascendant the 6th L9rd Sat­urn is in the Ascendant in conjunction with a Malefic Planet Mars. Saturn has his aspect on the Ascendant Lord Mercwy. The conjunc­tion of Mars and Saturn is the conjunction of the 6th Lord and the 8th Lord. As a matter of fact this conjunction has not been experi­enced as a good and favourable one for health and longevity. In the Virgo and Gemini Ascendants their conjunction becomes the enemy of longevity with great fierceness. In their conjunction death has been seen only by a wound, because in both these Ascendants the 6th and 8th Lord are Mars and Saturn who are notorious for their maleficency. The native got such a deep and serious injuries in a road accident that he fought against death for two years and was ul­timately defeated and died.

t::ci tfH'fT~'J.TT«t 'tTT~'fTC"cfH~'ifi~ 1i tiT:

aouftlqgdlflillfll f4\SIR~<Ptlq•ll: II=?\~ II

fltsllf1~ SJvi ~ UlldCf)~: 'tl~~: I

Cf)J'(Cf)'fq ~fill (f) I~ s:IOJf11•J;g<b ~ II~ II

24, 25. And if the Lords of the Houses of father etc. being in conjunction with their own significators are in conjunction with the Vranadhipa' (The Lord of wounds etc.) or the 6th Lord and are

The Twelve Houses 233

situated in the 6th the 7th and the 8th House (in the 6th House from the House of father etc.), then those learned in the ' Jataka Shastra' predict the occurrence of wounds. There will be wound in the Dasha of the Planet causing wound, this should be predicted.

flJ'{)~it ~€A4Rti~ flftd!J'<t"i ~'<l'tlj: Cfiu'ff Uf"YJ"lfftf ~ e.y} YJT~T~Cfi-e I

~~~~ q~~lFf<J~~cr 'J.{~Uf: ~ ~: ~gsf~~'<1il~ utf:l'1dl'{ II=?& II

26. If the 6th Lord is the Sun he will be responsible for giv­ing wound in the head, if the Moon on the face, if Mars in the throat, if Mercury near the navel, if Jupiter m the middle of the nose, if Venus in the feet and in the eyes, and if Saturn, Rahu and Ketu m the abdominal part.

Notes: If the Planets mentioned in the Shloka being the 6th Lord become ' Vranadhipa' (Lord of wounds etc), 1t is only then that they give the above stated effect.

t"P~flh ~~ ¥4!Jt1) ~~ utf:\i~ j ~­l'Jftr'«f) "llGT ~ Uf~ it ~ uy crT ~§, un I

11~~1ftt -gtft s:t<JiOd ~~s•J•h-<1~4'1 ~ CUtPmrtmfT.f~~~fl'lJI'1t"t'f ll=?t911

27. If the Ascendant Lord and Mercwy are in a sign of Mars the native gets disease in the mouth. If Vranesh (the 6th Lord, the Lord of wounds etc.) and the Ascendant Lord are Mars and Mercu­ry and they are in conjunction with the Moon or Rahu or Saturn the native is subjected to the disease of Leprosy If the Moon in the As­cendant is in conjunction with Rahu 1t causes white Leprosy and if she is in conjunction with Saturn, black leproS}

f<r.n ~Iff q; t"t ~ fll ~ q;~ H •1 til ~ I '{) f1't oft ffilDft cffi tim g •1 q ~ fcFrr I I=? t; I I

28. THE SEVENTH HOUSE: If the 7th Lord being m the

234 Bhav Kutuhalam

other signs than his own sign, his exaltation sign and hts Navamsha, etc. IS situated in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th House, the native re­mains sickly or diseased.

UfT~T~TT~ ll~ Cf>Tlft -.rcrftr llTYfcr: I

tntA 414tigcffi <Ptft "11:flt\OO ~o: II=?~ II

29. The native becomes lustful if Venus is situated in the 7th House If Venus in this House (the 7th House) is in a Malefic sign and is in conjunction with a Malefic Planet, the native does not get the happiness of his wife remaining alive for a long time.

T«jif '1ft('IT~ ~ ~ ~ I

~CfT~<UOQf'l:ql~-;ffi~ ll~o II

30. If the 7th Lord is in the 4th House, the Ascendant Lord is in the Ascendant or the 7th or the 2nd House, the native becomes promiscous or libertine.

~T<F~~ ~ET~ ~~ cT ~·~<nflm"Jftftlcn: 1

dlq.ffisflt~qi61:~: SIIfi'l"1i~¥t: ll~'lll

31. As many planets situated in the 8th House are aspected by the 8th Lord so many marriages will be made by the native, this has been said by the learned Astrologers.

\Jtlt~ldl~ ~a\i ~~ Cf))~cc6 I

lJ~ ~ ~ ga ~ fctcrrn: ~ ~ II~=? II 32. If the 7th Lord being in his own sign, exaltation sign, in

an Angle or in a Trine is in conjunction with or aspected by a Benefic Planet, the native gets married soon.

atte'11fti4RI: ~m ('lh)~qfl~~q 1

Cf)'()~('<llgfi umf~l!t01fclqRiftt: II~~ II

33. THE EIGTH HOUSE: If the 8th Lord and the Ascen-

The Twelve Houses 235

dant Lord are devoid of the aspect of the Benefic Planets and are in conjunction with the Malefic Planets, they give Alpayu (short span of longevity) to the native.

Notes: The writer of ' Jataka Parijaat' has also held the weak­ness of the 8th Lord and the Ascendant Lord responsible for Alpayu (or short span of Longevity. In Shloka 50 of Chapter 14 it is said:

"11~1~ ~~ f.'i~"1~ ~ gcffi~il I

~Sfi~t141tl~~ \it'fffl41dl!{4~o II

The meaning is that if the Ascendant Lord is in the 8th House, being in conjunction with or aspected by a Malefic Planet, is com­bust, or is in an enemy's sign then the native is devoid of longevi­ty. In the same way the 8th Lord being in conjunction with or aspected by a Malefic Planet, is combust or is in an enemy's sign, the native gets Alpayu (or short span of Longevity).

Besides this, if the 8th Lord in conjunction with a Malefic Plan­et is situated in the 6th or the 12th House, even then the native does not get a long life. If the 8th Lord is not in conjunction with the Malefic Planets and also being the 6th or the 12th Lord bereft of strength is situated in the 6th House even then the native gets Alpayu (or short span of Lonevity).n'

These principles may be tested clearly in the following horo­scope. Example No. 45 Date of birth 11-9-1920

Time of birth I.S.T. 3.30 P.M.

Lat. 2<)0-58'(N)



Long. 77•-32'(E)


Jup Sun Moon

Sat Mer

Rahu Yen

236 Bhav Kutuhalam

In this horoscope of Cancer Ascendant the Moon being Ksheena is weak. The 8th Lord Saturn has become combust because of his nearness to the Sun. The conjunction of the Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord is harmful in reference to Deerghayu or long span of lon­gevity, particularly when this conjunction takes place between ene­my Planets and in a Maraka House. This native left for his heaven­ly abode in the 17th year due to his being attacked by small pox.

If the Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord are in their debilita­tion signs, even then the native gets Alpayu or short span of lon­gevity If will be seen in the following horoscope.

Example No. 46

Date of birth Time of birth

25-10-1914 I.ST 3-10 A.M.


Jup Moon




Mer Ven


ASC Ketu

Sun Mars

In this horoscope of Leo Ascendant the Ascendant Lord Sun IS debilitated and the 8th Lord Jupiter bemg in the House is in his debilitation sign. There is the aspect of the natural Malefic Saturn on the Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord. Therefore the Lords of the Ascendant and the 8th House both have become weak due to which the native died in Alpayu or short Span of longevity.

Cflf: ~1Pf¥4i ~~: tflt1m ifl-=ti4cl'IS'«14~ <n I

3J(I'qlgti \illdct>~ct ~: Cf>'<\lm ~q~=oqPl\J1ef4J~q II~~ II

34. If the 8th Lord ts not m hts exaltatiOn or own sign and Rahu bemg in conJunction with Saturn or with a Malefic Planet is

The Twelve Houses 237

weak and combust, then the native gets Alpayu or short span of lon­gevity.

Notes: If the 8th Lord in his own sign is there in the 8th House and if he is in conjunction with Malefic Planets lll!d is combust and Saturn (the significator of Longevity) is also weak, then it is certain that the native gets Alpayu or a short span of longevity. If Saturn and the Lord of the House of longevity are situated in the 8th House, even a little Malefic influence on them dunimshes the longevity of the native. In the 8th House the 8th Lord is in his own sign and has Malefic influence on it.

In this way the 8th Lord and the 8th House both have got Malefic influence on them together due to which two factors of gtv­ing longevity are at once harmed. And if the significator of longevi­ty is also there in the 8th House and has Malefic influence on it, then all the 3 factors relating to longevity are greatly harmed And further, if the Ascendant Lord is also m conjunction there, the na­tive will certainly get 'Alpayu' (short span of longevity), thts should be understood, because in this way the Lord of health and body, the Ascendant Lord will also have Malefic influence on it. The last ShJoka tells us that the strength of the Ascendant Lord is very nec­essary for Deerghayu (Long span of longevity).

We would like to give here an example to prove our statement.

Example No. 47

Date of birth Time of birth Lat. Long.

9-4- 1939 I.S.T. 3.55 P .M 25°-40'(N) 77°-44'(E)

Sun, Sa Mer Ketu Jup

Ven Rasi-Chart


Mars Moon Rahu

238 Bhav Kutuhalam

In this horoscope of Leo Ascendant the Ascendant Lord Sun, the 8th Lord Jupiter and the significator of Longevity Saturn are in the 8th House and on whom there is the Malefic aspect of Mars. It was only this Malefic aspect that gave Alpayu (short span of lon­gevity) to the native.

~ ffi em~ ti \Jt ('I lf' lftf= 1

Cf>'(q I ('I I ttg Gl ~ 1R11f Gq'(ffi !~ ll~lj_l I

71x1 f~r~~l~J(f: ll~ ~tT~T CJ.lll~T lT'Yfl

~=m'fl~~ II~& II 35, 36. If in the 8th House there is the Sun (or he is the 8th

Lord) death is caused by fire, if the Moon by water, if Mars by a sword, if Mercury due to fever, if Jupiter due to Tridosha (in Hwnour theory the 3 Doshas or defects are those of Vata, Pitta and Cough), if Venus from hunger and if Saturn due to thirst. And if the death causing Planet is in a movable sign death occurs in other city than one's own city, if he is in a fixed sign it occurs in one's own home and if he is in a dual sign it occurs on the way the native in whose horoscope the 8th Lord being in an Angle or a Trine is in his sign of exaltation, the former teachers of Astrology have predicted Deerghayu (long span of Longevity) for him. In the reverse case, that is, if the 8th Lord is in other House than in an Angle or in a Trine in his debilitation sign etc. the native gets Alpayu (short span of Lon­gevity).

~~ cmv)stSC'11Eft~) ~4JI~q~~ (fGT I

cfl~f!('()Rd l{~otl~~ ~"1'1f1i"11'{ ll~l9 II

37. The native in whose horoscope the 8th Lord bemg in an Angle or a Trine, is in his sign of exaltation, the former teachers of Astrology have predicted Deerghayu (long span of Longevity ) for him In the reverse case, that is, if the 8th Lord is in other House than in an Angle or in a Trine, in his debilitation sign etc. the na­tive gets Alpayu (short span of Longevity)

The Twelve Houses

('I'""~'~~~ ;fqJiJiqoi '114lf'11~= JOtRcse ~~ Cf~T('Jf~Tlf~ (f: ~ f<t~-rNi JJ~('~T~ I

~ ~ Gt"1"1't1 11~ '(q 1fi!l"11 ftl~6 W;dMf4~ ll"fl'~ftf f<t~Tl ~if lTl Cf('ft q;~ if I I~ t; I I


31. THE NINTH HOUSE: In a horoscope the 9th House from the Ascendant or from the House in which the Moon is posit­ed (the Moon Ascendant) has been spoken of as the House of Des­tiny. Therefore, first of all, in connection with the rise of fortune, consideration should be made very carefully from the House of Des­tiny (the 9th House). If at the time of birth the 9th House in it has the 9th Lord and the Benefic Planets or if it is aspected by them the Destiny or fortune of the native increases like the Moon of the Shukla Paksha (The bright half of the month).

~~~l'fffi ~~~~ lJ~tlft CfT ~: I

~'(DlfJil(\fl ~ '11'lf~llcl1 JOI~Cf>l~ ~~~ II~~ II 39. The native in whose horoscope here are strong Planets in

the 3rd, the 5th and the Ascendant House, or these Planets have their aspect on the 9th House, the native wears a rosary of gold and is certainly very fortunate.

~Wf4 ~'D<Jllt ~l'Jt ~GT R1 tidRi \Jt ""41 Cf> I~ I

"t1' ~Ulf~llt'ft "1q'(61'11~ Ef'<l~4) '<1\Jt~('IJOI~d: ll~o II

40. If in a horoscope any Planet being in his exaltation Sign is situated in the 9th House, the native becomes a doer of noble deeds and a bearer of the rosary of nine gems. If this yoga is there in the horoscope of a native born in a royal family, he becomes a king.

~qSt§st>l "'1CA il~tdl: 'fid~ICitel ~ \Jt-=+tct>l~ ~ !jDlfCf>i'tf -=JQd'<'11flll -=JQI('f\Jtldl "1'<QI('fq~: I ~q II

41. If at the llme of birth Jupiter, Mercury and Venus being endowed with strength are posited in the 9th I louse and they have

240 Bhav Kutuhalam

the aspect also of the 5th Lord on them, the native becomes a doer of noble deeds and the Prime Minister of the king. If this yoga is there in the horoscope of a native born in a royal family, he be­comes a king.

"-Tnra:n<nft:rtit yftTt ~'ti 'C(fCf>~ ~ftJ 1

atR~6~1t1~ cnsfit ¥1P<l~o:fl ;ffi~ II~=? II 42. If the 9th Lord is placed in his debilitation sign, is com­

bust or also in the 6th House, the native becomes bereft of fortune.

<filf~ ~ tst~l~?l<l ~~~ T)q I

Cb'<~R) Cb4~ Cf)@Oj ~lixNqefqci ~ II~~ I I

43. THE TENTH HOUSE: If the lOth Lord being in his oth­er debilitation stgn than in his exaltation and own sign is also situ­ated in the 6th, 8th or the 12th House, the native faces obstacles in the way of his actions or gets losses in them.

Notes: This formula of Pandit Jeeva Nath is of great impor­tance. It has often been our experience that the I Oth Lord being de­bilitated gives change in the profession, losses in trade and business etc. to the native, lowers down the level of the profession and sub­jects the native to royal or governmental punishment. Such a native does not get respect in his home even by his dependants because the I Oth is the House of order or obedience. Such a native finds it dif­ficult to earn his livmg. This happens in the Dasha and Antardasha of a Malefic Planet There comes an obstacle whenever the native performs some functton. The significators of the I Oth House are the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury whose study is to be done in ref­erence to respecttvely Politics, Religion, Service and trade. If the 1Oth Lord is in his debthtatJOn sign and even one of these Planets is op­pressed by a Malefic influence the native has to face losses and ob­stacles in the field related to that Planet The 1Oth Lord being weak the native becomes a man of wicked conduct. If Jupiter being the I Oth Lord is debthtated then it is certam that the native becomes non religious behmd the Shelter of religiOusness and deceives the peo­ple. If the I Oth Lord IS Jup1ter and IS tn h1s exaltation sign and Mer­cury IS also strong, the native rcmams truthful , rehgious and doer of

The Twelve Houses 241

yajnas and he adopts the conduct of one who has the true knowl­edge of things.

Cf>li f tt~~ ~~"1qlft1utel !~~ttcse ~ "1-<1°11'\ 1 g~~l¥1 1 d~l"1qlf'ii4'< 1 flll "fqPd "11"11~F1ofl'gt11Pt II~~ II

44. If the I Oth Lord being in an Angle or in a Trine and aspected by Mercury and Jupiter is endowed with strength, the na­tive is blessed with the happiness of having horses, elephants, new clothes etc. and many kinds of wealth.

~ ~~<fflo1~ G4ift)~¥11R<l~Cflt1

~4 1<lt1"1Cb't1f 'if ~t111R) ~'i\J1Cf): 11~'!.11

45. If the 1Oth Lord is situated in an Angle or in a Trine, the native becomes the doer of a Yajna named ' Jyotishtoma', and digs well and builds home of charity etc. and he is the doer of the worship or adoration of gods and the entertainment of the guests.

<.''P"iiiR~~IJMqq utd1Cbl~ "'NIUJI¥11R~I~: wlffi ~01 \;fifcf<f)l "G~~~ : I

ttlm"ilg~utR!rfi"' 1f.\1~4191oo61~ ~ ~?ll~f<t !~q~Gtft1Cb~f<l{l~lq ll~f. II

46. The native 's profession (or the means of earning his liv­ing) is determined on the basis of the Planet gone in the I Oth House from the Ascendant or from the Moon Ascendant (or in case there is no Planet in the I Oth House it is determined by considering as to whose lOth Lord of the two Ascendants is stronger. The native gets his means of living through his father if there is the Sun ~ the 1 0~ House, through his mother if the Moon, through the ~am1ly of ht_s enemy if Mars, due to his friend if Mercury, thro~gh hi~ brothers ~ Jupiter, through his wife if Venus and through his son if Saturn, tt has been said by those who have the knowledge of Jataka Shastra.

'< ~~ftt1Cb'< i ~ICb44 1 "'1 i "'1'<C{Rf: ~ C't~~IC{~ I

Cf)"'1 Cf)~ ofQo~~~~~~ Cfl~~I'<I~'11JSt <l l'iif ~ l l~l91 1

242 Bhav Kutuhalam

3T~ 'tfl6'tf<I~YIETTI!~: ~ Cf>I~Cf>(Ofl4t1) ~I

(Ofq 0 1~G1Cf>IS-'q;)Jt~~ Jffa1~ Q:f'q~: st>t11'6q ~: ll~k II

~ ~FFfl:qt'f : ~ Cf>lftr~TlAT'1<{fu: I

~o~RPtutef g•1'ti~ ~t1~Rt<t<I~II'G'11f?a'6~: II~~ II 47-49. The native has his means of living in accordance with

the planet in whose Navamsha is posited the Lord of the lOth House from the Sun, the Moon and the natal Ascendant (whoever of them is the strongest one). Thus, if the Sun is the giver of the means of living, the native gets his means of living managed through gold, wool, straws, medicines, grains etc; if the Moon through agricultural work, water and his wife; if Mars through courageous deeds; fire work, activities relating to metal, weapons etc; if Mercury, through poetry and arts; if Jupiter through trade of salt Brahmin, gold, ele­phant and deeds or rites related to a god, if Venus through gems, Cows, Silver, and if Saturn through doing very great labour, carry­ing loads and doing base deeds.

The means of living is obtained accordmg to the nature of the Planet in whose Navamsha is the 1Oth Lord situated. If the I Oth Lord is there in the Navamsha of a friendly Planet the native gets his means of living through his friends; if in that of an enemy Planet, through his enemy; if in that of his own Navamsha, through his own valour; and if in that of his own exalted Navamsha, through getting wealth suddenly from wealthy persons

(Of~~h ~ c6~oo (011¥11~~ SfGtl~d tNitR~~~ ~ (OfPfill~l ~ ~ I JC;t_o II

50. THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: If the Labhesha (the Lord of the House of gains or the 11th House) is situated in an angle the native gets much gains. If he is in the 6th, the 8th and 12th House or situated in his debilitation sign there always come obstacles in the obtainment of gains.

The Twelve Houses

~ Pt~¥1~~'11 •lutut(Ofs.)ct\d<~l'flut~:

~~UJ ~ ~ 31 ~I '1 'f rtl1 ~~ufg q I (Of I~ fll­ukti~~~ ~(.'tqf<.:t6'1CQI41'<4ftR(Of~ I ~<t II


51. If in the 11th House there is the Sun or he aspects the II th House, the native gains from the royal family or through thieves. In the same way if in the 11th House there is the Moon or she as­pects the 11th House, he gains through elephant activities relating to water and through women; if Mars is in this situation he gains through many kinds of conveyances, gems, land, gold and ~~als etc; if Mercury is in this situation he gains through crafts, wntmg and trade etc.

Gfl~'11ftl '1~~~~$•tGtij\$1'1fm~l~: fl:titt'11tti

CfT~£h1'flfT"lflJ1luT~TYfl! mT l6 ~ : I

'f~'11ffl•tutautCQ'tf'111 ol~Jt~('l)sa~~o~

tJS"!l~'<fll~ffi "'1'Fil'-f~ !~: ll';t~ II

52. In the same way, if Jupiter is in the 11th House or if he aspects this house the native ' s gains or income is obtained. ~~m the king, by performing yajna, through elephants, land, and actlVltJes re­lating to knowledge and learning; if Venus is in ~is situation ~e. does so through prostitutes, bards (court poet who prruses the qualtttes of the king), trade of Pearls etc.; if Saturn is ~~h. a Planet ~e does. ~ through performing shows of elephants ' actJvtttes, gamblmg, acttvt­ties relating to land, blue diamonds and iron etc. If in the 1 ~ th House there are situated many Planets or many Planets aspect this House, the native has many means through which he gains, this is said by the learned Astrologers.

~JtJI61: Sf~i9Rf CSQ~~I ~ ~ faq~d m;rr ut.ffiJ;JtCf>IJi fa tiqt'f: ll';t~ II

53. THE 1WELFfH HOUSE: If in the 12th House Benefic Planets are situated they give wealth to the native in very great quan-

244 Bhav Kutuhalam

tity. And if at the time of birth, in the 12th House there are Malefic Planets, they give reverse effects in very great quantity.

eft~~'<~·~ ~ WtuiT 'tt~ffi ~ I

~ ~ 6~S:IG11 Cfi~'11~ g~~~: I f.l~ II

54. The native in whose horoscope the ksheena (emaciated) Moon being in conjtmction with the Stm is there in the 12th House his wealth is snatched by the king if Mars is in the 12th House or he aspects it, there is the same effect.

I l't& I I CHAPTER 16


ffiT 3lml= mrr Cft.l~~ "l!!Rifltd 1

~(ifl: "Jt (iJl '1•1 q R flt dl ret ~I Rt flt dl:

"(qlfcl-<lql~ 'd'lfftJ 'q ~ ¥11jd'1~ !~ ~ lj~ FRY \i~dl: qiCf)tl'<t;: llct II

1. THE VIMSHOTIARIDASHA OF THE PLANETS THE SUN ETC: The Mahadasha of the Stm is of 6 years; of the Moon, I 0 years; of Mars, 7 years; of Rahu, 18 years; of Jupiter, 16 years; of Saturn, 19 years; of Mercury, 17 years; of Ketu, 7 years; and of Venus 20 years. This is the order of the Planets in the Dashas.

Notes: In order to fix the order of the Planets in the Dashas in memory the order of the Planets is spoken of in the following manner.

I . Aditya (the Stm) 4. Rahu 7 Budha (Mercury)

2. Chandra (the Moon) 3. Kuja (Mars) 5. Jeeva (Jupiter) 6 Shani (Saturn) 8. Ketu and 9. Shukra (Venus)

These names of the Planets are spoken of in the following way in their brief form.

Stm Moon Mars Rahu Gup. Sat. Mer Ketu Venus

an. 'if. ~· "U. "Gft. ll. ~. lj.

246 Bhav Kutuhalam

CfiRI<f)IRt~hi<Jtlli GtrT ra,~tt:fl 1liD

\il~"d:fl 9f ofl~I$JI 'fi'<Cblef fa«t~: II~ II 2. According to the Vimshottari Dasha system Dashapati (the

Dasha Lord) is arrived at by beginning the counting with the Kritika Nakshtra in three cycles. Those who want to know about the Maraka Dasha that is, the pain giving or death giving Dasha (and the Karaka Dasha, that is, the auspicious effects-giving Dasha) have given rec­ognition to this system of Dashas (the Vimshottari Dasha System) and not to the Ashtottari Dasha System.

Notes: In the Vimshottari Dasha system first there is the Dasha of the Sun. Therefore at the time of the birth of the native born in the Sun's Nakshtra Kritika there will be the Mahadasha of the Sun. There will be the Mahadasha of the Moon if the native's birth is in the Rohini Nakshtra, the Nakshtra coming after Kritika. If the birth is in the Nakshtra next to Rohini, that is, in Mrigshira, the Mahadasha will be of Mars. In the same way if the birth is in the Nakshtra com­ing after Mrigshira such as Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha and Poorva Phalguni, the Mahadashas will be respectively of Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. In this way One cycle of the Nakshtras is completed the second cycle will commence with the Nakshtra Uttara Phalguni which comes after Poorva Phalguni with the Mahadasha of the Sun because this Nakshtra also belongs to the Sun. In this way the 2nd cycle will be completed from the Uttara Phalguni to the Poorva Shadha Nakshtra and the 3rd Cycle from the Uttara Shadha to the Bharani Nakshtra.

The Dashas of the Planets 247

The above-stated things may be clearly expressed through a speculum in the following way:

The speculum showing the Dasha Lords and the years of their Mahadashas:

Dash• Sun Moon Man Rabu Jup Sat Mer Ketu Ven Lords

Years 6 10 7 18 16 19 17 7 20 of 1bc Maha Dasha

Naksh- Kriti- Robini Mrig- Ardra Punar Pushya Ashlo- Magha Poor-tras lea, Hasta shira Swati Vasu, Anu- sha Moola va

Uttara Shrav- Chitra Sbat- Vish- Radba Jyestba Ashwi- Pbal-Pbal- ana Dhani- bhisha kha Uttara- Revati ni gun~ guni sib a Poorva- Bhadra Poor-and Bhadra Pada va Uttara Pada Shad-Shad- ha ha Bha-


•I00"1illf:)sol cau~4¥1~•1"11"q' ~ ~ mt

qqfR<b !fd>llt6 ~ ~•(jGtll<i"flRd {:)'(7tf)'t II~ II

3. mE MEmOD OF KNOWING mE BHUKTA AND mE BHOGYA KALA OF A DASHA (The expired and the to be traversed period of a Dasha) The Bhayaat is to be multiplied by the Dasha years of the Planet (the Planet whose Dasha i~ preval.ent)~ then the product is to be divided by Bhabhoga. The quotient which ts got in years, months etc. is the Bhukta Dasha period of the Planet. If the Bhukta (expired) period of the Dasha is deducted from the total years of the Dasha of the Planet we get. t?e Bhogya or the to be traversed period of the Dasha or the remammg part of the Dasha.

Notes: Bhayaat means that measure which tells us of the Jan~ Nakshtra. It tells us as to how much period of that Nakshtra whtch is there at the time of the birth has expired.

Bhabhoga refers to the total value of the Janam Nakshtra

248 Bhav Kutuhalam


Suppose the Bhayaat of the Janam Nakshtra Hasta is 61 Ghatis and 13 Palas and the Bhabhoga is 64 Ghatis and 44 Palas. Accord­ing to the speculwn given in the Notes of Shloka No. 2 we can fmd out that the Lord of the Hasta Nakshtra is the Moon Therefore, the birth of the native will be regarded as following the Mahadasha of the Moon.

According to the formula given above :

Bhayaat x the yean of the Dasha of the Planet


(61 Ghatis, 13 Palas) 10

64 Ghatis and 44 Palas

3884) 36730 (9 years 34956 1774

1774 X 2 = 21288

3884) 21288 ( 5 months - 19420


1868 x 30 = 56040 days

3884) 56040 ( 14 days - 3884

17200 15536


3673 X 10


Therefore, of the total Dasha years of the Moon 9 years, 5 months and 14 days hav~ expired. This will be called the Bhukta Dasha period of the Moon. If this is dedttcted from the total Dasha years of the Moon we shall get the Bhogya (Balance) Dasha years or to be traversed period of the Dasha of the Moon.

I 0 years - 9 years 5 months and 14 days = 0 years, 6 months and 16 days (Balance Dasha period).

The Dashas of the Planets 249

There is another easy way also of knowing the Bhogya period of the Dasha of the Planet besides through the mediwn of Bhayaat and Bhabhoga. At present are available various Ephemeris showing the minute Planetary positions. Of these Lahiri's Ephemeris is the most popular one. According to this Emphemeris the Planetary posi­tions are found out in the following way: Suppose we want to find out the balance Dasha period of the native born on 10-11-1946 at 11 .30 in the night.

The following will be the calculating method:

Step 1: We shall have to find out the situation of the Moon on I 0-11-1946 at 11.30 in the night In Lahiri' s Ephemeris is given the situation of the Moon of every day at 5.30 a.m. Thus we know the situation of the Moon of 5.30 am. on 10-11-1946 and on 11-11-1946. If we find out the difference of the two, we shall be able to know the total distance covered by the Moon during the 24 hours between 10-11-46 and 11-11-46.

Moon's Situation Sign. Deg. Kala

on 11-11-1 946 18 42

on 10-11-1946 1 3 41

Moon's motion in 24 Hours 0 15 01

The child's birth is at 23-30 hours. Therefore the difference between the time of birth and 5.30 a.m.

23-30 - 5-30


Now it may be found out from Log Table No I as to how much distance the Moon will cover in 18 hours.

Log of 15°-l' Log of 18 hours =

. 20364 + . 12494

. 32858

The approximate Log. of · 32858 = II 0 -1 6'

250 Bhav Kutuha1am

Moon' s situation on 10-11-1946 at 11.30 (Night)=

Moon's situation at 5.30 on 10-11-1946 The distance covered by 11.30 (Night)

1-3-41 + 0- 11 - 16

1- 14°-57'

Step No.2

The balance period of the Moon will be directly known from Table No. 2 through the situation of the Moon at the time of birth. The first colunm of the Table shows the degrees and Kalas of the Moon from 000 to 300 with the difference of 20 Kalas. The remain­ing three columns are related to the group of 3 signs each. The sit­uation of the Moon in our example is in the sign of Taurus at 14° and 57 Kalas. Therefore, we shall have to take the figures of the Third Colunm against 14°-40'. The 3rd Column is related to the group of the Signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. These figures which we have taken (6-6-0) are the balance years and Months of the Mahadasha of the Moon. Table No. 3 will show us that at 17 Kala the Bhukta period of the Dasha of the Moon will be 2 Months 17 days. This period is to be deducted from the balance period of the Moon

Y. M. D.

6 ... 6 ... 0 - ... 2 ... 17

The balance years etc. of the Mahadasha 6 ... 3 ... 13 of the Moon

4. Tbe Method of Knowing tbe Antardasba (sub period): The Mahadasha years of both the Planets the one whose Antardasha (sub period) is to be known and the other one in whose Mahadasha it prevails are multiplied with each other and the product is divided by the years of the Paramayu (120 years). It gives us the Antardasha of each Planet, in the right order. The Pratyantar (sub-sub-period) Dasha is also known by finding out the ratios in the same way.

Notes: Suppose we have to find out the Antardasha of Saturn in the Mahadasha of Venus. Then according to the above stated for­mula the Maha Dasha years of Venus (20 years) and those of Sat­urn ( 19 years) are multiplied with each other. And then the product is to be divided by the Paramayu years ( 120)

The Dashas of the Planets

20 X 19 380 120 T2U"

3 years 2 Months

19 -r


In order to know the Pratyantar (sub-sub-period) Dasha the same ratio is to be taken as the base. The period of the Antardasha of the Planet in which the Pratyantar Dasha of another Planet is to be known is multiplied by the Mahadasha years of the other Planet (the Planet whose Pratyantar Dasha is to be known). The product is then divided by the years of the Paramyau (120 years). The quotient comes in Months, days etc.

Suppose in the Mahadasha of the Sun there is the Antardasha of Saturn which is 0 years, 11 months and 12 days. And Suppose we want to know the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in this Antar Dasha of Saturn. Therefore the Mahadasha years of Mercury ( 17 years) are to be multiplied by the Antardasha years of Saturn (11 months and 12 days) and the product is to be divided by the years of Paramayu (120 years).

(11 months 12 days) 17





20 Days

The period of the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Maha Dasha of the Sun = 48 days, 10 hours and 48 Minutes or 1 month, 18 days, I 0 hours and 48 Minutes

~~ ~ tJ"Cfi qflffi ~ i{~l~l~ql~ mf fch1fclli11'fll)l'JT: I

~ ~ ~tl~ lJTCI)~

~) •11•111) 'lf4ffr lilj~tiiSI~~ II~ II 5. TilE EFFECTS OF TilE DASHA OF TilE SUN: Since

the time of the beginning of the Dasha of the Sun to its end, there is the restlessness spreading like a Creeper. There is the occurrence of the yogas of the disputes with regard to property and of loss of Wealth. There occurs anxiety in the mind, disease and even fear from the kin g.

Notn: The effects of the Dashas of the Planets as stated by

252 Bhav Kutuhalam


Table of Proportional Diurnal Logarithms Hours Or Degrees

012 3 4 56 0 - 1 38022 1 07918 90309 .77816 68126 .60206 1 3.1 5838 1 37303 1 07558 90068 77635 67SI80 .60066 2 2.85732 1.37303 1 07558 90068 .77635 671180 .60066 3 .68124 1.35903 1.06848 89592 77276 .67692 .59846 4 .55630 1.35218 1 064114 89354 77097 67549 .59726 5 .45939 1.34546 1.06146 .89119 .76920 67406 .59607 6 .38021 1.33883 1 osm 88886 .76743 67264 .59486 7 :> .31326 1.33229 1 05456 88652 76567 67122 .59370 8 .255271.32565 1 05115 88420 .76392 66982 .59251 9 2.204121.319511 04777 88190 76216 66840 .59134

10 '15636131326 1.04443 87962 .76042 66700 .59016 11 .11698130710104109 87733 75869 66560 .58699 12 2.079181.30103 1 03779 87506 .75696 66421 .56782 13 .04442 1.29504 1.03451 87281 75524 66282 .56665 14 .012231.26913 1 03126 87056 .75353 66143 .56549 15 1 982271283301 .02803 86833 .75162 .66005 56433 16 1.95424 127755 1.02482 86612 .75012 65868 .56317 17 1927911.271871.02184 .86390 .74843 .85730 .56202 18 1 90309 1.26627 1 01848 88170 74674 65594 .56087 19 1.879621 26074101585 85952 .74506 65457 .571172 20 1 857331 .25527 1 01223 85733 74339 65321 .57856 21 1.836141 249881 00914 85517 74172 65186 .57744 22 1.815114 1 24455 1 00607 85302 74006 65052 .57630 23 1.79663 1.23926 1.00303 .85087 73841 .84916 .57516 24 1.77816 1.23408 1 00000 84873 .73676 84782 .57403 25 1.760421.22694!>99699 .84662 .73512 .84848 .57290 26 1.74339 1.22386P.~01 84450 73348 84514 57116 27 1 72700121884p99105 84238 73185 84382 57065 28 1.711201.21388098810 84030 .73023 84249 56953 29 1.69593 1 . 20897 0 9851 8 83822 . 72862 84 1 17 56842 30 1 681241 .20412 098227 .83614 .72700 63985 56730 31 1 66700119932 0 97939 83408 .72539 63853 .566111 32 1.65322 119457 0 97652 83203 .72379 63722 56508 33 1.63965 1.16988 97367 82998 .72220 63592 .56397 34 162688118523p97084 82796 .72061 63482 56287 35 , 61'29 18084P96803 .82593 .7t903 .63332 56177 36 1.60208117609096524 82391 .71745 63202 56067 37 159016117159P.96264 82190 .71588 63073 .55957 38 1 578561 16714 0.95971 81991 71432 !12945 55848 39 156730116273095697 81792 .71276 62816 55739 40 1 55630115636 .95424 81594 .71120 62688 55630 41 1 545561 15404 095154 81397 .70966 62562 .55522 42 1.53512114976094886 81201 70811 62434 .55414 43 1 524891 14553 94617 81006 70656 62307 55306 44 1 514921 t4t33P94352 80811 .1o504 62180 sst98 45 1 50516 1.3717094088 80618 70352 62054 .55091 48 1 49560 1 13306 0 93826 80425 70200 61929 54984 47 1486261 12898093566 80234 70048 61803 54877 48 1 477121 12698~93568 80234 70048 61803 54877 49 1 468171 12094~93018 79853 69746 61554 54E;l;~ 50 4593Q 1 1697 I Q?7Q? 7<>AA..1 RQ~'lll .61 429 5-!~58

51 1 450791 11304p92537 .79475 69447 61306 .54453 52 1 442361.10914p92283 .79287 69296 61182 54347 53 1 43409 1 10528 0 92032 ,79101 69149 61059 54240 54 1425981 10148091781 781115 69002 60936 54136 55 1.418001.09766 91532 .78729 .68854 60813 54030 56 1 410161 09390 091285 78545 68707 .60690 .53927 57 1 402491 09018~ 91039 78361 68561 .50569 53823 56 1.394931 08648~90~ 78179 68415 60448 53719 59 1.38751 1 08282p90SS1 .77996 68269 60327 53615

lao 1 38021 ; o7QtA >QMM 77iti~ AAt24 60206 53510

7 8 II 10 11 53512 .47712 42597 .88022 33882 .53408 .47623 42517 .37949 .33816 53408 .47823 42517 .371149 .33816 .53202 .47443 42356 .37805 .33685 53100 .47353 42276 37733 33619 52997 .47263 42197 37662 .33554 52895 47173 42117 .37569 .33489 52793 .47083 42038 .37517 33424 .52692 .46994 41956 .37448 .33359 .52592 .48905 41879 .37375 .33294 .52489 .48817 41800 .37303 .33229 52369 .48728 .41722 .37232 33184 52288 48640 .41842 .37161 .33099 52187 48552 41584 .37090 .33035 52087 48484 41485 .37019 32970 51987 .48376 41407 .36949 32906 51888 .48288 41329 .36878 .32842 51788 .48202 41251 .36808 .32777 51689 48113 41173 .36737 .32713 51590 48026 41095 36667 .32649 .51492 45939 41017 .36597 32585 51392 .45852 40940 .36527 32522 51294 45766 40863 .36457 .32458 51196 .45679 40785 .36387 .32394 51098 45593 40708 .36318 .32331 51000 .45507 .40631 .:;&248 .32267 50905 .45421 40553 .36179 32204 50805 45335 40478 .36109 32141 50708 45250 40401 .36040 .32077 50813 .45184 40325 .35971 32014 50515 .45079 40249 .35902 31951 50419 .44~ 40173 .35833 .31888 50322 ,44909 400!17 .35765 31826 50226 44825 40021 .35696 31763 50131 44740 39945 35627 .31700 .50036 44656 39869 35559 .31638 49940 «571 39794 .35491 .31575 49846 44487 .39719 .35442 31513 49750 44403 39843 35354 31451 49656 44320 39566 35286 31389 .49560 44236 .39493 .35218 31326 49466 44152 39419 35150 31264 49372 44069 .39344 .35083 .31 203 49278 .43986 39269 35015 31141 49184 43903 39195 34948 31079 49092 43820 39121 34880 31047 48998 43738 39046 .34813 30956 48905 43655 38972 .34746 30894 48905 .43655 38972 34746 30894 48719 .43491 38825 34612 30772 486:>6 <340Q 387!;1 "·54~ .30710 48534 43327 38678 34478 30849 48442 43245 38604 .3441 1 .30588 48350 43184 38531 34345 30527 48256 43082 38456 .34278 30486 48167 .43001 38385 .34212 .30406 48076 42920 38312 34146 30345 47984 42839 38239 34080 30284 47893 42758 38166 34014 30224 47803 42677 38094 33948 30163 47712 4?597 38n?t ~AA? ~~m

0 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

12 13 14

30103 26628 23408 30043 26572 23357 29983 26516 23305 29922 26•60 23253 29862 26405 23202 29802 26349 23151 29743 26294 23099 29683 26239 23048 29623 26184 22997 29563 26129 221145 .29504 26074 22894 29445 26019 .22848 29385 25984 22792 29326 25909 22741 29267 25854 22690 29208 25800 22840 29148 25745 22569 29090 25690 .22538 29031 25636 22488 28972 25582 22437 28913 25527 22386 28854 25473 22336 28796 25419 22286 28737 25365 22235 28679 25311 22185 28621 25257 22135 28562 25203 22084 28504 25149 22034 28446 25095 21984 28388 25041 21934 .28330 24988 21884 28272 24934 21834 28214 24881 21785 28157 24827 21735 28099 24774 21685 .28042 .24720 21635 27984 24667 21586 .27927 24614 21536 27869 24561 21487 27812 24508 21437 27755 24455 21388 27698 24402 21339 27841 24349 21289 27584 24296 21240 27527 24244 21191 27470 24191 21142 27413 24138 21093 27357 24086 21044 27300 24033 20995 27244 23981 ~:6 .27187 23928 97 27131 23876 20848 27075 23824 20800 27018 23772 20751 26962 23720 20702 26906 23668 20654 26850 23618 20605 26794 23584 20557 26738 23512 20509 26683 23460 20460 .26627 23408 :>04 12

The Dashas of the Planets


15 20412 20384 20316 20267 20219 20171 20123 20076 20028 19980

.19932 19884 19837 19789 19742 19694 19847 19599 19552 19505 .19457 19410 19363 19316 19269 19222 19175 19128 19081 19035 18988 18942 18895 18848 18802 18755 18709 18662 18616 18570 18523

.18477 ,18432 .18385 .18339 18293


.18202 18155

.18110 18084 18018


.17927 ,17881 17836

.17790 ,17745 .17700 .17654 .17609

Log. Table (Contd.) Hours Or Degrees

16 17 18 19 17609 14976 124114 10148 17584 14934 .12454 10108 17519 14691 12414 10070 17474 14849 12373 10032 17429 14805 12393 ~ 17384 14784 .12293 09956

.17339 14722 .12253 09918 17294 14679 12213 09880

,17249 14637 12173 09842 17204 14595 12133 09804 17159 .1 4553 12094 .09768 17114 14510 12054 09729 17070 14468 12014 09691 17025 .14426 11974 .09653 16980 14384 11935 09616 16936 .14342 11895 .09578 16891 .1 4300 11855 09540 16847 14258 11816 09503 16802 14217 11776 09465

.16758 14175 11736 094~

16714 14133 .11697 .09390 16669 14091 11658 09353 16825 .14049 11618 09316 16581 14008 11579 09278 16537 13966 11539 09241 16493 .1 3925 .11500 09204 16449 13683 11481 09166 16405 ,13842 11421 09129 16361 13800 11382 09092 16317 13759 11343 09055 .16273 .13717 .11304 09018 16229 13676 11265 08981 16185 13635 11226 08943 16141 13593 11187 08906 16098 13552 11148 08869 .16054 .13511 11109 08832 16010 13470 11070 08796 15967 13429 11031 08759 15923 13388 10992 08722 15880 13347 10953 08685

.15836 .13306 10914 08848

.15783 13265 10876 08611 15749 13224 10837 08575

,15706 13183 10798 08538 .15668 13142 10760 08501 15620 .13101 10721 .08484 15578 .13061 10662 08428

.15533 13020 10644 08391 15490 12979 10605 08355 15447 12938 10567 08318 154(14 .12898 .10528 08282

.15361 .12857 10490 .08245 15318 .12817 .10452 08209

.15275 .12776 10413 08172

.15232 .12736 .10375 08136

.15190 .12695 10337 08099

.15147 .12655 10298 08063 , 15104 .12615 10260 08027 .15061 12574 .10222 07991 .15019 12534 10184 07954 14!176 1?494 ,10146 .07918


20 21 22 23

.7918 5799 03779 01848 07882 05765 03748 01817 .07846 05730 03713 01785 07810 05696 .03680 01754 07774 05662 03847 01723 .07738 .05627 .03615 01691 07702 05593 03582 01660 07666 0555 9 .03549 01629 07630 05524 03516 01597 .07594 05490 03484 01566 .07558 .05456 .03451 01535 07522 05422 03418 01504 .07486 .05388 03388 01472 07450 05353 03353 01«1 07414 05319 03321 01410 07379 .05285 .03288 01379 .07343 .05251 03256 01348 .07307 05217 .03223 01317 .07272 05183 03191 01286 07236 .05149 03156 01254 07200 .05115 .03126 .01223 .07165 05081 03093 01196 07129 05047 03081 01162 07094 05014 03029 01130 07058 04980 .02996 .01100 .07023 .04946 029&4 01069 06987 04912 02932 01038 06952 04878 02899 01007 06916 04845 02867 00976 06881 04811 02835 00945 .06848 .04777 .02803 00914 .06810 04744 .02771 .00884 06775 04710 .02739 00856 .06740 04676 02706 00822 .06705 04643 02674 00792 06670 04609 02842 .00761 06634 04576 02610 .00730 .06599 04542 02578 00699 .06584 04509 02546 00669 06529 04475 02514 00638 06494 04442 .02482 00607 06459 04409 02450 00577 06424 04375 02419 00546 06389 04342 02387 00516 .06354 04308 02355 00485 06319 04275 02323 .00455 06284 04242 02291 00424 06250 04209 02259 00394 06215 04175 02228 00363 .06 180 04142 02196 00333 .06145 .04109 .02164 .00303 06111 04076 02133 00272 06076 .04043 02101 00242

6041 04010 2069 00212 06006 03977 02038 00181 05972 03944 .02006 00151 05937 03911 01974 00121 05903 03878 0>943 00091 05868 03845 01911 00060 05834 03812 01880 00030 .0579'1 .03779 01848 00000


Moon's Long . 0 0 0 20 0 40 1 0 1 20

1 40 2 0 2 20 2 40 3 0

3 20 3 40 4 0 4 20 4 40

5 0 5 20 5 40 6 0 6 20

6 40 7 0 7 20 7 40 8 0

8 20 8 40 9 0 9 20 9 40

10 0 10 20 10 40 11 0 11 20

11 40 12 0 12 20 12 40 13 0

13 20 13 40 14 0 14 20 14 49 15 0

Bhav Kutuhalam


BALANCE OF VIMSHOTTARI DASA by Sidereal Longitude of Moon

Moon lnAr. Moon In Taurus Moon In Gemini Leo Sagittarius Virgo or Capri. Libra Aquarius

y m d y m d y m d

KeiU 7 0 0 Sun 4 6 0 Mars 3 6 0 6 927 4 4 6 3 3 27 6 7 24 4 2 12 3 1 24 6 5 21 4 0 18 2 11 21 6 3 18 3 10 24 2 9 18

6 1 15 3 9 0 2 7 15 5 11 12 3 7 6 2 5 12 5 9 9 3 5 12 2 3 9 5 7 6 3 3 18 2 1 6 5 5 3 3 1 24 1 11 3

5 3 0 3 0 0 1 9 0 5 0 27 2 10 6 1 6 27 4 10 24 2 8 12 1 4 24 4 8 21 2 6 18 1 2 21 4 6 18 2 4 24 1 0 18

4 4 15 2 3 0 0 10 15 4 2 12 2 1 6 0 8 12 4 0 9 1 11 12 0 6 9 3 10 6 1 9 18 0 4 8 3 8 3 1 7 24 0 2 3

3 6 0 1 6 0 Rahu 18 0 0 3 3 27 1 4 6 17 6 18 3 1 24 1 2 12 17 1 8 2 11 21 1 0 18 16 7 24 2 9 18 0 10 24 16 2 12

2 7 15 0 9 0 15 9 10 2 5 12 0 7 6 15 3 18 2 3 9 0 5 12 14 10 6 2 1 6 0 3 18 14 4 24 1 11 3 0 1 24 13 11 12

1 9 0 Moon 10 0 0 13 6 0 1 6 27 9 9 0 13 0 18 1 4 24 9 6 0 12 7 6 1 2 21 9 3 0 12 1 24 1 0 18 9 0 0 11 8 12

0 10 15 8 9 0 11 3 0 0 8 12 8 6 0 10 9 18 0 6 9 8 3 0 10 4 6 0 4 6 8 0 0 9 10 24 0 2 3 7 9 0 9 5 12

Venus 20 0 0 7 6 0 9 0 0 19 6 0 7 3 0 8 6 18 19 0 0 7 0 0 8 1 6 18 6 0 Moon 6 9 0 Rahu 7 7 24 16 0 0 6 6 0 7 2 12 17 6 0 6 3 0 6 9 0

Moon In cancer Soar. Pisces

Moon's Long .

y m d

Jupiter 4 0 0 3 7 6 3 2 12 2 9 18 2 4 24

15 15 15 16 16

2 0 0 1 7 6 1 2 12 0 9 18 0 4 24

16 17 17 17 18

SaiUm 19 0 0 18 6 9 18 0 18 17 6 27 17 1 6

18 18 19 19 19

16 7 15 18 1 24 15 8 3 15 2 12 14 8 21

20 20 20 21 21

14 3 0 13 9 9 13 3 18 12 9 27 12 4 6

21 22 22 22 23

11 10 15 11 4 24 10 11 3 10 5 12 9 11 21

23 23 24 24 24

9 6 0 9 0 9 8 6 18 8 0 27 7 7 6

25 25 25 26 26

7 1 15 6 7 24 6 2 3 5 8 12 5 2 21

26 27 27 27 28

4 9 0 4 3 9 3 9 18

Saturn 3 3 27 2 10 6 2 4 15

28 28 29 29 29 30

The Dashas of the Planets

TABLE- 2 (contd.)



Moon lnAr. Moon In Taurus Moon In Gemini Moon In cancer Leo Sagittarius Virgo or Capri. Libra Aquarius Scor. Pisces

y m d y m d y m d y m d

0 Venus 17 6 0 Moon 6 3 0 O.Head 6 9 0 SaiUm 2 4 15 20 17 0 0 6 0 0 ·6 3 18 1 10 24 40 16 6 0 5 9 0 5 10 6 1 5 3 00 16 0 0 5 6 0 5 4 24 0 11 12 20 15 6 0 5 3 0 4 11 12 0 5 21

40 15 0 0 5 0 0 4 6 0 Merwy17 0 0 0 14 6 0 4 9 0 4 0 18 16 6 27

20 14 0 0 4 6 0 3 7 6 16 1 24 40 13 6 0 4 3 0 3 1 24 15 8 21

0 13 0 0 4 0 0 2 8 12 15 3 18

20 12 6 0 3 9 0 2 3 0 14 10 15 40 12 0 0 3 6 0 1 9 18 14 5 12 0 11 6 0 3 3 0 1 4 6 14 0 9

20 11 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 24 13 7 6 40 10 6 0 2 9 0 0 5 12 13 2 3

0 10 0 0 2 6 0 Jupiter16 0 0 12 9 0 20 9 6 0 2 3 0 15 7 6 12 3 27 40 9 0 0 2 0 0 15 2 12 11 10 24

0 8 6 0 1 9 0 14 9 18 11 5 21 20 8 0 0 1 6 0 14 4 24 11 0 18

40 7 6 0 1 3 0 14 0 0 10 7 15 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 13 7 6 10 2 12

20 6 6 0 0 9 0 13 2 12 9 9 9 40 6 0 0 0 6 0 12 9 18 9 4 6

0 5 6 0 0 3 0 12 4 24 8 11 3

20 5 0 0 Mars 7 0 0 12 0 0 8 6 0 40 4 6 0 6 9 27 11 7 6 8 0 27 0 4 0 0 6 7 24 11 2 12 7 7 24

20 3 6 0 6 3 18 10 9 18 7 2 21 40 3 0 0 6 3 18 10 4 24 6 9 18

0 2 6 0 6 1 15 10 0 0 6 4 15

20 2 0 0 5 11 12 9 ~ · 1~ 5 11 12

40 1 6 0 5 9 9 9 5 6 9

0 1 0 0 5 7 6 8 9 18 5 1 6

20 0 6 0 5 5 3 8 4 24 4 8 3

40 Sun 6 0 0 5 3 0 8 0 0 4 3 0

0 5 10 6 5 0 27 7 7 6 3 9 27

20 5 8 12 4 10 24 7 2 12 3 4 24

40 5 6 18 4 8 21 6 9 18 2 11 21

0 5 4 24 4 6 18 6 4 24 2 6 18

20 5 3 0 4 4 15 6 0 0 2 1 15

40 5 1 6 4 2 12 5 7 6 1 8 12

0 Sun 4 11 12 Mars 4 0 9 Jupiter 5 2 12 Merwy 1 3 9

20 4 9 18 3 10 6 4 9 18 0 10 6

40 4 7 24 3 8 3 4 4 24 0 5 3

0 4 6 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 0

256 Bhav Kutuhalam

TABLE ·2 (contd.)


Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Satum t.Aerc. 7yrs. 20yrs. 6yrs. 10yrs. 7yrs. 18yrs. 16yrs. 19yrs. 17yrs.

Min m d m d m d m d m d m d m d m d m d Mlr

1 0 3 0 9 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 8 0 7 0 9 0 8 1 2 0 6 0 18 0 5 0 9 0 6 0 16 0 14 0 17 0 15 2 3 0 9 0 27 0 8 0 14 0 9 0 24 0 22 0 26 0 23 3 4 0 13 1 6 0 11 0 18 0 13 1 2 0 29 1 4 1 1 4 5 0 16 1 15 0 14 0 23 0 16 1 11 1 8 1 13 1 8 5

6 0 19 1 24 0 16 0 27 0 19 1 19 1 13 1 21 1 16 6 7 0 22 2 3 0 19 1 2 0 22 1 27 1 20 2 0 1 24 7 8 0 25 2 12 0 22 1 6 0 25 2 5 1 28 2 8 2 1 8 9 0 28 2 21 0 24 1 11 0 26 2 13 2 5 2 17 2 9 9

10 1 1 3 0 0 27 1 15 1 1 2 21 2 12 2 26 2 17 10

11 1 4 3 9 1 0 1 20 1 4 2 29 2 19 3 4 2 24 11 12 1 7 3 18 1 02 1 24 1 7 3 7 2 26 3 13 3 2 12 13 1 11 3 27 1 OS 1 29 1 11 3 16 3 4 3 21 3 9 13 14 1 14 4 6 1 08 2 3 1 14 3 24 3 11 4 0 3 17 14 15 1 17 4 15 1 11 2 8 1 17 4 02 3 18 4 8 3 25 15

16 1 20 4 24 1 13 2 12 1 20 4 10 3 25 4 17 4 2 16 17 1 23 5 3 1 16 2 17 1 23 4 18 4 2 4 25 4 10 17 18 1 27 5 12 1 19 2 21 1 v 4 26 4 10 5 4 4 18 18 19 2 0 5 21 1 21 2 26 2 0 5 4 4 17 5 12 4 25 19 20 2 3 6 0 1 21 3 0 2 3 5 12 4 24 5 21 5 3 20

The Dashas of the Planets 257

Pandit Jeeva Nath depend upon the particular situation of the Planet in the horoscope or at the time of birth. If the Soo is the Lord of the Trisha Houses (3/6/11) or the Trika Houses (618/12), the native generally gets inauspicious effects. And if he being the Lord of the Benefic Planets is in a weak condition, even then inauspicious ef­fects are obtained by the native. For example, the statement given above will be clearly understood by examining the horoscope of a native born on 15-11-1946 at 11.30 (Night) lst Lat. 28°-43' and Long.


The balance at the time of birth of the Oasha of Mercury 3 years 6 Months 17 days

Eumple No. 48



ASC Moon

Rasi-Cbart Sat

Yen Jup Mars Sun

~er Ket

In this horoscope of Cancer Ascendant, the Sun being the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) is situated in the 4th House in conjunction with Jupiter, the 6th and the 9th Lord. The Soo is in his debilitation sign. The conjunction of the 2nd and the 6th Lord always indicates that the native's wealth will be usurped by others. The usurpers of his wealth have in their horoscopes exalted situations than the situa­tion in his horoscope because Jupiter being the 9th Lord becomes the Lord of the House related to persons of specific importance, and because of his being the 6th Lord he shows that there is lack of pro­priety in processes with regard to wealth. Tlie Sun being the 2nd Lord is the Lord of the House of Paternal property. In the present refer­ence the Sun's conjunction with Jupiter (the Lord of the House of

258 Bhav Kutuhalam

Quarrels) will certainly bring disputes with regard to property. There was the Mahadasha of the Sun during the period he suffered loss of wealth, fear from the king (or the government), ill-fame, had dispute

with regard to property, restlessness of mind, anxiety and had to be­

come the object of the wrath of various persons. But if in this very

Ascendant the Sun being in his exaltation or own sign and being in conjunction with Mars had been situated in an Angle or in a Trine, then there would have been great joy and enthusiasm in the family, accumulation of wealth, increase in wealth and property and eleva­tion in the status.

The prediction of the effects of the Dashas of the Planets is to be made according to their strength and weakness, their situation and their Lordship.

If at the time of birth the Sun being in his Mool Trikona sign, own sign, exaltation degrees, in an Angle, in a Trine or in the 11th House etc and being in conjunction with the 9th and the lOth Lords is endowed with strength and is also strong in his own divisional chart, then in the period of his Dasha the native gets gains of wealth, supreme happiness and the obtainment of kingly or governmental honour. If he (the Sun) is conjoined with the 5th Lord he becomes the giver of son, because in a natural horoscope being the Lord of the 5th sign he himself is the giver of son. If he is related to the Dhanesha (the 2nd Lord) the native gets extraordinary wealth and property. If he is related to the 4th Lord, the native gets popularity, honour from the people, gains of land and conveyance etc.

~ ~ mfmj~cttftr'14RtCftffi "fltfl ~ 1fl ~ 1fl Hf q Cfi ftnftftm.J. ID I

an.;i "Cf)lWJT"fl ~ ~ (;r~ ib I~ G1 ~ uT ib(Otl4flll~flll Tflf~~~tfl~lfl~flul't II~ II

6. THE EFFECfS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON: In the Dasha period of the Moon the native always gets power and au­thority from the king (or the government), and the nearness of no­ble minded persons, takes interest in plays (dramas) and functions, gets the happiness of living in a house decorated with various oma-

The Dashas of the Planets 259

ments and of being adorned with clothes and jewels, becomes hap­PY because of the destruction of his enemies, enjoys sexual intercourse with a beautiful girl of 16 years of age and has the happiness of possessing elephants, chariots and a flower garden

Notes: If the full Moon being a Benefic House Lord, being in conjunction with a Benefic Planet and being in he exaltation sign, own sign, and being situated in an Angle, in a Trine or in the House of gains (the 11th House) is in conjunction with the lOth, the 9th or the 4th Lord, then there is the possibility of the obtainment of the above stated effects. If the Moon is debilitated or Ksheena (emaciat­ed), the native gets losses. If she being in conjunction with a Malefic Planet is in a weak condition, the native suffers from physical or bodily pain, mental grief, trouble from his own people, defamation by the people, loss of wealth, there is trouble to his mother and the occurrence of the undesirable to his maternal side (among the rela­tives of his mother).

flfftRJ, tyqftq"r~ "Cf)l~lJ. ~-q;"fli ~ 4+t-t+ti~C<Qf~~t.fi9R1tt4 llt9 II

7. THE EFFECfS OF THE DASHA OF MARS: In the Mahadasha of Mars the native has the fear of being poisoned or be­ing burnt by fire, may be attacked and wounded with a weapon, suf­fers from the suspicion of having fear from the enemies, thieves, the king and snakes and has restlessness. The native's wife and son have pain. He suffers from vomiting, mental and bodily pain and loss of wealth.

Notes: Pandit Jeeva Nath has said of the inauspicious effects of the Malefic Planets and auspicious effects of the Benefic ones. The obtainment of the inauspicious effects of the malefic Planets stat­ed above are there only if Mars being gone in his debilitation, is situated in a Malefic House and is in conjunction with or aspected by Malefic Planets

260 Bhav Kutuhalam

~~II'<IRiql~ ~~~q~lffi ~c;;q~1~1) ~~1~1) '11~'fllltftq~ ~11~1'1~'1~ 1l1Ti dldct>tiC ~lffi{

CfiT~TQ't""~T'if1 C'Jt-<1 ftt~ \jf';f~TC'JtfT S"<lftr"<l~Tftr

'fltloq1Jfl61~11'<'19tt ~ ~ dd~~ldldict>dl en lit; II

8. THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF RAHU: In the Dasha of Rahu the natives have destruction of wealth due to the sub­jection of royal family, they have also to face a number of diseases. The father particularly gets pain. There is restlessness from the wife and sons. Due to the wickedness of the friends, the enemies come to the home itself Lack of knowledge and wisdom is there from all sides. The native is subjected to demotion and fear

\Vff ~cff 'tt'11~1fllqPJqRI~~I"11~ct>tii Gt~HI ct>l;:etl~;:etlii~IUI~I'1 lW Cf>'1~1~CfiiD 41'(1~11~1

~ 'fl~if6~1'()ut~~l~'11 Cf>I~'11'<1Rict>l~ JEll ~Eli~4Ell ~ Ti q<q'flllfl~lg: qiCf>Cf)l~ II~ II

9. TilE EFFECTS OF TilE DASHA OF JUPITER: In the Dasha of Jupiter the natives get excellent land and heroship from the royal family. There is the obtairunent of happiness to wife, of ele­phant for riding or conveyance, and for residing in a house in which there is the residence of Shri Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth her­self. They get the friendship of gentle, noble-minded and high-lev­elled persons and get reputation, prestige from distinguished persons. The faces of the enemies are blackened, that is, they are over come and defeated and there comes the enlightenment of new learnings.

Notes: If Jupiter being the Lord of Benefic Houses is situated in a Trine, or in an Angle aspected by or in conjunction with the Lords of these Houses, then there is certainly the obtainment of aus­picious effects. In the horoscope given below the situation of Jupiter is near the boundaries of auspiciousness.

Example No. 49

Date of birth


The Dashas of the Planets

Time of birth Lat. Long.

I.S.T. 6.30 A.M. _28"-39'(N) 77"- l3'(E)


The balance years etc. of the Sun at the time of birth: 4-3-2.

Jup Moon




Sun Ven Mars Mer

In this horoscope of Scorpio Ascendant Jupiter being the 2nd and the 5th Lord is posited in an Angle, the 7th House in conjunc­tion with the Moon, the lord of the House of Destiny or of the 9th House. This conjunction of two Benefic Planets has the aspect ~f Venus and Mercury. Mars being in the 12th House also aspects ~ conjunction. It is the opinion of the learned Astrolog~ that Juptter in the Antardasha of his own Mahadasha does not gtve any effects auspicious or inauspicious. In other words due to his not giving his auspicious or inauspicious effects he is called neutral. But the neu­trality of Jupiter is limited to that extent when he does ~ot. have the influence of any House Lord. In the condition when he 1s inf_luenced by some other House Lord, the effects-giving power of Juptter be­gins to be conducted in accordance with the Planets who ~ ex~rt­ing their influence on him. Therefore in the. horoscope of this nattve the Mahadasha of Jupiter has been of great unportance from the very beginning because there is the influence on Jupiter of the Moon, Venus, M~cury and Mars. The Mahadasha of Jupiter Started on 21-3-1993. In this Mahadasha, the period from 21-3-1993 to 9-5-1995 was of the Antardasha of Jupiter himself During this period there was much increase of wealth, accumulation of this increased wealth and much earning of the property of permanent importan~: But he had quarrels also with his partner. In this way the ausptctous and

262 Bhav Kutuhalam

inauspicious effects which were given by Jupiter were the results re­spectively of the aspect of the Ascendant Lord and the 6th Lord Mars and of Venus, the 12th and the 2nd Lord.

~ (I'J"q)sR'1iCGt'1Cfl ttld if> ttl ~ en ~ 1!lffi Sltt'<fl '1RiiC~ ~~~t.f~ Gt'11'11'{ I

if>lwtllq~l~~4h G1'1if>if>'1if>4hq1RitC:wt~lq(lll'1i ~iUctl

fli 31 it ~ R '1 q '« t1 C: t II ~ I '1 '1 t.if fin)'l!ffi{ I I <to I I

10. THE EFFECI'S OF THE DASHA OF SA TURN: In the Dasha of Saturn the natives have trouble due to false defamation of them, they have terror because of the rebellion done by the enemies or they are subjected to poverty. The native becomes intellectually imbalanced because of the wicked deeds which he is caused to do. There is the destruction or wastage of Money due to his coming in contact of the wicked persons. The native's wife and his issues are subjected to disease. He is separated from his father, gold, cow, horse and elephants. There is difference of opinion with his friends and a number of wicked and tmdesirable deeds are done.

Rc;q l&ld"&liC~ t'1ut'1ttl q("(41t.fi1t'11,...\(­

~ufty 1'1'1ql(lll)~qC:Yft(lllai ~iiiiR6 1

~: ofl4Jf1-141fi41'1g~ si1tj41'1ld41ut ~

>tiwtl~ GtiT '§tt~th<l~ Tf Ri~~c:: 11'1'1 11

11. THE EFFECI'S OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY: In the Dasha of Mercury, the natives get specific happiness of having excellent food, excursion, conveyance, progeny, wealth, prestige, clothes, a village (small estate) land, new house and extremely beau­tiful wife. He gets the Company of religious persons, there is increase in him of the feelings of lust and the happiness of riding on very tall elephants. There is increase of his progeny and his fame and suc­cess in every work.

'1'1ffiiQ 't1l1i PtututYf~qlci &(IICfid ~ oq~I\Ciil '()C:i('&fq-i1•i ""tt:ta 1

The Dashas of the Planets

C:tlli'fl1'11\CIC:j41~'1ql~ Ptut¥1~: Cfltl~ ""'ftl'11'1qPtqPctct>~ ~'1 ~: 11'1=? II


12. THE EFFECI'S OF THE DASHA OF KETU: In the Dasha of Ketu there is mental trouble, fever, useless discussion with the native' s own men and quarrel with the wicked persons. The na­tive is subjected to abdominal disease, coming and going, the destruc­tion of wealth due to his own mind, weakness in the body and the decay of wealth due to the wrath of the king.

tj~ £4\(UftfOI~';f lJWm Jli3JI\N14l G1~'11'{ lfMR'II>ti~if>l'ti ~ if>'1(111(111q 0~i:ai~ I

Rc;q I'< I '1't!EI I '1-til'iil§tffi c;q 1641 '1411 '1f4 PI: Sl$1'if1®'181q qlif>>t1'1l) lfR'IT ~til <.WI I~ 11'1~ I I

13. THE EFFECI'S OF THE DASHA OF VENUS: In the Dasha of Venus the natives get impartiality from the king. They get success due to their friends. There is increase in the joy obtained from having sexual desire, and the residing in the house of Shri Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and of beautiful wife. They get a number of very beautiful gardens, excellent houses etc. Th~ get mu~h happi­ness of interpreting the shastras or ancient classtcs, of havmg sw~t song like voice and the sharpness of the intellect and very vast rest­dents houses are built.

~Ull T.Tf1Jlflt~ 11G:T oG:T 11lTl (l[ol

"tq f1411J\( ~~~lif01 : "t!Gl CRT 41 '1 141 '1: I

~~g~t11'1ttl1fUl~ qlfttiCifttctn '<thClqtN ~ ~ttrcmr~~ 1 J<llll

14. THE EFFECTS OF THE EXALTED PLANET: If at the time of birth a Planet is situated in his exaltation sign, then in the Dasha period of him there is the expansion of fam~, and the hap­piness of having new clothes and jewels ~d the com~g of a beau­tifully limbed wife. The native is blessed WI~ the equahty of Upendra or Shri Krishna (the incarnation of Lord Vtshnu) or of a Chakravarti

264 Bhav Kutuhalam

king (The king who has kingdom all around his own kingdom) He gets excellent elephants, horses, chariots, bullocks etc. His enemies are weakened and come under his control.

Notes: It should necessarily be understood as to being exalted in which House a Planet is situated and with which Planet he makes relation. Suppose the Ascendant is Leo and there is the Mahadasha of Jupiter in his exaltation sign, then it is doubtful whether the na­tive will get the above stated effects because Jupiter will be in the 12th House from the Ascendant. This Dasha has been found to be specifically auspiciousness and success giving in relation to those stu­dents who are getting education living in a hostel or in a foreign country.

In the same way if the Ascendant is Taurus and Saturn is in his exaltation sign, then it is auspicious effects giving only to Advo­cates and Doctors because in this Ascendant Saturn being the 1Oth Lord is in his exaltation sign in the 6th House. The 6th is the House of the Court and the Hospital. The other natives have the certain fear of being involved in a government law case. This law case is in re­lation to his service or to his business.

Gm ~\iiJ•w<•ld+Q ~ YfqJfii'<J•JJ'<~6J'<'fft6Q't 1

Yf~Yf41'11 il~l ~ ~"'11GRq•,6J~: I ~II 15. THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANET IN HIS OWN

SIGN: In the Dasha of the Planet gone in his own sign the native gets the happiness of new clothes, new house, and of going on ex­cursions; he gets a new wife (perhaps gets remarried) and gets much land and jewels and adornments, earns fame and there is the loss of the enemy side.

"'(IJ?ll}, 3l ~ flr?rlJ. 3l «fi'if ~l ~ fttt~flT~ I

G:tli~41.~ CftFi 141t'll~~t4tfl '11Yf~qcif;j ~ ll'l& II

16. THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANET IN IUS FRIEND'S SIGN: In the Dasha of the Planet in his friend's sign the native gets much happiness from his wife, son, friends and their sons. He will

get clothes from the king and there is specific increase in his honour.

The Dashas of the Planets 265

lA)~l'J) ~Cflf1frftr: Cfi :t I~ 11'-fl!i ~'<I~ iiJ JEll

G:tfT ~GF<i~~~cwt 00 ~ ~tiit'll ~ 11'1.9 II

17. THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANET IN IUS ENEMIY'S SIGN: In the Dasha of the Planet in his enemy' s sign there is in the native the excessive desire of sexual lust, fear from the enemies, weakness and leanness in the body, loss of wealth and obstacles in income or gains. The native gets inconstancy in his nature.

~·J~:tiG:tliSilt'll \iiYfCf)~ ~•11•1t1 \ilf.\1YJF­

'1J~QQJff.l'1ft:t\iiS*oJ•ioJJdCf) ~ ~

'1 H~ 't1 '1 f()19 ;Q Cf) t1 ~ f() il HI ¥:f Yf I :ti tftn

RfdC1QI$'1dl T.l' 41tmidl .. ~ I 1'\:; II

18. THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE 6TH LORD: If the 6th Lord is weak, the native will face opposition from his own kins, there will be the onset of a disease, bodily and mental disease, the increase of the enemies, pains because of getting wounds, stain on his honour, insult and humiliation, destruction of intellect, wealth and knowledge, restlessness in the mind, and the native be­ing in the grip of sin gets his semen becoming thin and weak.

Notes: In this Dasha it often happens that in the minds of the native's own kins misunderstandings are born. The native finds him­self in an inconvenient situation. There is delay in the return of the money gone to others.

~~'Yf'"J.TT'iflJtl ~Cf9fi'tf"fi ~ftf-;.yl{ 1l'G'\ii'T(IJ"J.Tlf 'GlTT I

Cf)t'l~f() ~\iiYf+Q ~Yfl:tJ;i ~Yfdi'1ttl 'ifT'Jt~Yfl~6 ll'l~ II

19. THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA A OF THE 8TH LORD: In the Dasha of the 8th Lord the native is subjected to much fear from the king (or the government), fear from many diseases and there is also the fear of the destruction of the native 's own kins or of his own death.

Notes: In the Dasha of the 8th Lord the native has particular­ly secret or hidden anxieties There are false fears, fear of the oc·

266 Bbav Kutuhalam

cWTence of an imaginary happening and many doubts and suspicions. In case of the situation of a disease the diagnosis of it is found to be dd:Iicult. There is an increase in the native's attraction for addic­tions.

fct=nefffficf;fmrofq-~"l)~, q ~ q 1 ~ 1

~ f1t!J't1i11-11l<ffft~ ~~41~4~41: ll~o II 20. THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF HE 12TH

LORD: In the Dasha of the 12th Lord (the Lord of the House of ell:penditure) there is the loss of wealth due to the king, mental anx­iety, bodily disease, pains like those of death, obtainment of a lower type of conveyance and the company of wicked persons.

Notes: In the Dasha of the 12th Lord there occurs much ex­penditure on various items. There is much importance of this House m reference to foreign travel.

"GJT~TlJftJqftlJT~ xl1J\T<fl(WI'l ~~ ~HIT ~T<fftf I

ftlj \Jf "1 \Jf f.) dl iiTm fa=n fa '1 Pt ~ -;R ~ rs~H~ ~:q I I~ <l I I

21. THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE 7TH LORD: In the Dasha of the 7th Lord, because of being attacked by disease, there is always in the mind the thought of that disease. There is the obstacle caused by the enemy, wastage or destruction of wealth and fear from the king.

Notes: The above stated effects of the 7th Lord' s Dasha will be seen in his being in the 6/8/12 Houses or being in the weak situ­ation in a Maraka House, otherwise not; because happiness from & wife or mamage, success in business, and success in many things through royal or governmental contacts is also obtained in the Dasha of the 7th Lord

~~~~~ qjffi41dqftl~il(l1qt11~~411411~

i'G~CfJ,"S~ <n~T UJo~

3t~'<I~CIQI~CIQ't1'1!1Jt1 i1H15Rix~ faxltfr

The Dashas of the Planets 267

~i11"11i1qnJqRfCf)).q";f 'Ji~"11'{ II~~ II

22. THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF A COMBUST pLANET: In the DASHA of a Combust Planet the native gets op­position from a person stronger than the native himself. Because of having many dtseases there is always in the naltve 's mmd the thought of these diseases. He gets mental pain from hts enemy, disease, ad­diction and insult or humiliation.

~~1111~" ~: ~~~licffl ~~114>(ij ~l'«''i1dlq\Jf.ffi: I

3Tffi~ ~~4~t1i11~~cf!Rd :q~il(l11:p1Hiq II~~ II

23. THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON ACCORDING TO HER STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS: If the Moon is strong then in her dasha auspic1ous effects are obtained from the very beginning, and the Moon being weak the reverse effects or inauspicious effects are obtained The good teachers of Astrology should predtct the effects according to the strength and weakness of the Moon.

il("'q~ Gm~ ~~1Pd =tict><'i ~ I

f:)fl(l11~~4RllftiZi¥fE"4il(l11~ II~~ II

24. THE EFFECTS ACCORDING TO THE STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS: Those Planets who are endowed with strength give their full effects (above stated) those who are weakened do not give the full effects ; and those who are endowed with medium strength give mediwn effects.

('1·~~~~ ~~14>tii~~ftg: 40*fdi~~ ll'lfi ~ '< I (l1 ~ q it : lJTli tpt;j V'~: I

guf>t41~"1 ~ ~ ~t11Efl~l'fll ~Ell~(!j '<'l•ll•llx4tlxxlkl\JMti \Jfl~lqtl: ~~ct>dl't II~~ II

25. Much wealth IS obtained in the Dasha of the Ascendant Lord; pain is there m that of the 2nd Lord, there IS often the ob­tainment of inauspicious effects in that of the 3rd Lord; the happi-

268 Bhav Kutuhalam

ness of having a house in that of the 4th Lord; the gain of learning in that of the 5th Lord; fear of the enemy in that of the 6th Lord; and grief in that of the 7th Lord.

~ 'lt!J4tl: 4>-<~m ~ a~ftlg: '!lfil;~j fcm '<I\J'Q4Ct-{1JT~t.fl ~ ft ~~: I

~~ ~CIQ~"il~l;j T.[ ~Ell~~~ t 'l~4•~dljcf1Ro~ci d;:qiR'ifi~~I\Jf't I R& II

26. There is the detennination of death in the Dasha of the 8th Lord; completion of the noble and religious deeds are obtained in the Dasha of the 9th Lord; in the Dasha of the 1Oth Lord there i.s the obtairunent of wealth and royal or governmental favour, in that of the 11th Lord, the certainty of having gains and; in that of the 12th Lord disease, loss of wealth and often pain are the effects. It is in this way that the ancient teachers of Astrology have stated the gen­eral effects of the House Lords, the Ascendant Lord etc.

"J.TT<nfl:J-ql ~Zif1! til ~ur1l iPTTlfi

{.( 'll~Cf>l VTll 'J.TCf'l( 'lltll flr 1{.. vf l{ I

ur;ffi: ~ ~ ~ftf ~~I ~;fha~A­fte.rffi ~~ ~ il clt fctfl'flq I l~l9 I I

27. The House Lord who being endowed with strength is pos­ited in his own sign, exaltation sign or Mool Trikona sign and is in the divisional chart of Benefic Planets, gives full effects; and if the House Lord being in his enemy's sign, debilitation sign etc. is spe­cifically weak he gives inauspicious effects.




~vl t!l'fllt 1'l'"ffi ~·~~o= ~cffi~lllf<fm ~if"'l~~m~ ~~ ~vy ~~ftrn= 1

~~~~'1'<~Gtlcf= ~~m ('tfWto= 4141RJ~6cfl~ffi ~~~eflfilo: ~R1o: llq II

l. The Planet who is situated in a Trine or in his exaltation sign is called Garvita. The Planet who is in his friend's sign, is in conjunction with Jupiter, and is together with or is aspected by a friendly Planet is called Mudita. The Planet being situated in the 5th House is in conjunction with Rahu or with either of the Sun, Saturn and Mars is called Lajjita, that aspected by a Malefic or enemy Planet or aspected by the Sun is Kshobhita.

m~sR'1•io: -de: '!l~lcfl~ffi ~= q 1 q 1 ~!!a~ ';f T.r lJ~<ftsc~lffitl ~'4 1

4jqf<:q~ ~S2T ('ttwid ~ Sle1~fild: ~R1ffi

~ 'ti~SRld~l1 1d~ l1'i'if lql: J461°1'14't II=? II

270 Bhav Kutuhalam

2. The Planet who being conjoined or aspected by Saturn or an enemy Planet is situated in an enemy's sign is Ksh~apeedita~ that who being conjoined or aspected by a Malefic or ~IS enemy Planet is situated, without the aspect of a benefic Planet, m the 4th House is Trashita. These are the six Avasthas or states of Houses.

Note: As per this Shloka (no_ 2) there are the Garvita, Mudita, Lajjita, Kshobhita, Kshudhapeedita and Trashita Avasthas or states ~f the Planets. The following idea of Parashara about these Avasthas IS

slightly different.

"ut(.lt'<i~~ ~ "«c: ~ T.li4<"t~fcbo: I

~iiJUSI ~ q~rd~ ~ ~ \i~lfid: If'

The meaning is that if the Planet is situated in a watery sign, is aspected by an enemy Planet and is without the aspect of benefic

Planets he is called Trashita.

~ e1~~t1~ emit ~ ~te~ ti ~I

~'11tl~~ !filii~ # ~ Jm: I ~ II 3. THE EFFECTS OF THE AV ASTHAS CALLED

GARVITA ETC. The Kshudhita and the Kshobhita Planets forcibly destroy the House in which they are situated. The Mudi~ and the Garvita Planets strengthen that House (in which they are sttuated).

ct> 4 ~u q •t ffi ~ (.It fWt o '«!~ ffi s~ ~ ~ cnfit ~ ~ -;ffi ~ II'JII

4. The native in whose horoscope there are in the 1Oth House Lajjita, Trashita or Kshobhita and Kshudhita Planets, becomes penu­

rious or extremely poor.

(.It fWt d: ~?I ¥11 q 'tf.t: ~ ~ '11 ~I 4> '<' lRJ:

eflfftd"tti~dt ~ ~ ~ ~ G\)q~ II~ II 5. A La.iJita Planet in the Sth House destroys the native's so~.

The native m whose horoscope a Kshobhtta or a Trashita Planet ts

The Planets in the Houses in Their A vasthas 271

there in the 7th House does not have the happiness of his remaining alive for a long time.

:r:tqt(.lt~l'<l¥1~ ~ Cf>(.ltlq~ ~~~~ ~I

'1~~Pi «m~ GWr ~1~6 •tflR;Q I~ II 6. THE EFFECTS OF THE GARVIT A AV ASTHA. The

Dasha of a Garvita Planet endows the natives with a new house, a flower garden royalty or kingship, skill in arts, pride, increase in wealth and trade.

'J.Tqfil lJ, ~(ltllct} CfT~lTTID flllTTt"TT

~Cf~'J.l'f~TT'l~lt-TT~~1~ I

·~·<f'GJ~ur~flf'(.lt'T'~l 'J.'[Jlf'4'FTT~CfT~l R!~Pt46fc):r:tt~h !f%fc)Eitfc)Cf)t~: lll9 II

7. THE EFFECTS OF THE MUDITA AVASTHA. In the Dasha of a Mudita Planet the native gets the happiness of getting a large palatial building, clean clothes, jewels, lands and women, en­tertainment or enjoyment with his own kinsfolk, living in a royal or kingly house, seeing the destruction of his enemies and the develop­ment of his intellect.

R~t~ Cllftutodc~~~~q~llq '<~fc)'<t'1'1tflq'1~et~'t

'§C14 1~t•t'1;1 ~ ~ ct>~~tfft'<i~ ~ ~ ~ I it; II

8. THE EFFECTS OF THE LAJJITA AVASTHA. In the Dasha of a Lajjita Planet the native develops atheiSfic feelings to­wards Rama (God) suffers the destruction of his intellect sees the dis­ease of his son, makes useless travel, has interest in a talk relating to a dispute and lack of interest in beneficial or auspicious deeds.

~e?lfllo~t~ ~ ~ C{~Rs:uttd ~ ~ ~ 1

Cf)'<~~ ~et~&i~itttti El'11~itlt41'1q.fl~tct>)qtq II~ II

9. THE EFFECTS OF THE KSHOBIDTA AVASTHA. In the Dasha of a Kshobhita Planet the native suffers from extreme pen-