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Bianca Holderness / / /


Bianca Holderness / / /



Bianca Holderness / / /


Bianca Holderness / / /


biancaholdernessphotography // 0458 331 403 //

Bianca Holderness / / /



0458 331 403


Bianca Holderness / / /





Bianca Holderness / / /


Straight From Camera RGB Edited Image CMYK Converted ImageWhilst I was initially shooting this image I had a clear idea of what I wanted the image to look like after editing. I chose to not use a Grey Card to customize my White Balance as I wanted there to be a warm feel to the image and I chose an exposure so that everything was quite bright and exposed to make the editing process easier. Because the overall scenery was quite bright I didn’t have to worry about blacks and white not being captured in the image as there was quite a lot of detail in the image itself.

Once I had downloaded the image I then took it into Camera Raw where I made a lot of colour adjustments. I briefly al-tered the overall colour to the image so it wasn’t as warm but then I went to the colour tabs and set about altering distinct colours (reds, pinks, yellows and greens) just so my image could get a bit more variety to it instead of it being flat.

I then took the image into Photoshop where I used the curves settings to alter the white and black end points which is why the image looks a bit grey. This is part of my style as I think it looks delicate.

The main thing that I notice when I preview my images in CMYK is that my bright and lumious colours are dulled down drastically just because of the smaller spectrum of colour CMYK has. Because the images I edit on screen are displayed using the Additive Colour Process my images always look beau-tiful and bright on screen but when it comes to printing with the Subtractive Colour Method my images tend to lose part of their vibrancy which is why I often leave these images for web use only as they are more successful in RGB.

Bianca Holderness / / /


Straight From Camera RGB Edited Image CMYK Converted ImageThis image was shot duirng the day against a hedge. The weather was overcast and my camera had been custom grey balanced and when this photo was taken I knew that it was close to perfect in camera.

Due to the Shadows I knew that I would lose a bit of detail in the blacks as they would be cut off but I didn’t feel that it took away from the photo as the face was very well exposed and had a feel to it. I also didn’t plan on doing much editing to the image as I liked the original image the way it was shot.

Having downloaded the images and trans-ferred them into Camera Raw I did some local adjustments where I removed a few spots from her face but my main goal was to get the colours to pop.

I upped the exposure and contrast slightly to make the image more interesting and then I went to the colour tabs and started adjusting the lumosity and saturation of the colours to make them a bit more obvious and bright. I only used this process on the green and orange tones as they are the most dominant and I pulled back the blacks slightly so they wouldn’t be cut.

Because of how dark this image is I noticed that when it was converted from RGB to CMYK my blacks turned to more of a grey instead of a rich black. This is due to the CMYK process need-ing blacks to be identified as true blacks for them to print accurately.

I also noticed that the editing I had done to the orange and green tones was taken away in this process due to the smaller spectrum of colour. This meant that those bright tones were no longer included in the iamge which made it quite flat and boring.

Bianca Holderness / / /


Straight From CameraWhen I shot this image I was having trouble trying to control the blacks and shadows in the front of the image but also keep the background exposed with detail and not too bright. I ended up photographing a man walking into my scene and decided that I wanted to convert the image into Black and White because I didn’t like the colouring of the image in Camera.

RGB Edited ImageWhilst in Camera Raw I converted my image into a Greyscale image and ad-justed the colour values so that I could change the amuont of grey which re-placed each colour.

I then took the edited image into pho-toshop and adjusted the Curves and clipped the blacks and white which is why the image is quite grey.

CMYK Converted ImageBecause I had already clipped the Blacks and Whites within the image due to my own personal preference of how I want-ed the image to look, the conversion to CMYK wasn’t that obvious apart from a small amount of blacks lost within the trees.

This small amount of difference was due to it being Greyscale and already clipped.

Bianca Holderness / / /


Straight From CameraThis image was taken for my Architec-ture Assessment and it came together by shooting multiple images and com-bining them into photoshop.

In this image I had an overall layer for the sky and the house which I custom white balanced and then altered slightly just so the overall image would be a bit warm as that was the look I was going for.

RGB Edited ImageIn photoshop I set about combining two images so that the shadows near the fence would dissappear but the sky would remain perfectly exposed.

I adjusted the exposure and contrast to add depth to the image and then changed the Saturation of the Blues and Yellows just so the house and sky would pop even further in the image.

CMYK Converted ImageOnce again, when the image was con-verted from RGB edited file to CMYK file I found that those changes to the colours to make them pop had dissapeared and the image appeared to have flattened back to its original state.

I also found that because I didn’t adjust the curves my blacks had turned to a slight grey due to them not being identi-fied as rich black.

Bianca Holderness / / /


Straight From CameraThis image was shot for my Food As-sessment and I wanted the image to be on the warm side so I set it to Daylight Colour Temperature instead of custom-izing a white balance so it’d be set. I knew that when I took my image into photoshop I would play with the col-our saturations and the lumosity so I took the photo with all of the elements I wanted in the image to edit.

RGB Edited ImageHaving copied the images to my comp-puter I then set about making the fruit look as appealing as possible which meant making all of the colours ex-tremely vibrant and fresh looking.

I did this by alternating the saturation and the lumosity of the colours which meant that the kiwi fruit looked extreme-ly fresh and juicy because of the ripe colouring.

CMYK Converted ImageI ended up getting this image printed for my as-sessment so I saw the physical CMYK version of it and noticed that my bright fruits were once again quite dull and my darker colours weren’t as rich.

With this printing job I didn’t adjust my ICC profile to suit the specific printer that was being used and I chose to print on High Gloss which I also didn’t change. This meant that the image was the exact image from my computer with no customization for the printing.

Bianca Holderness / / /


Original VersionAs a personal project I create images that are entirely symmetrical and I tend to focus a lot on colour and form with them. This image is a favourite because of the very vibrant pink which I further edited in Photoshop after taking the image.

I chose not to use a custom white balance when shooting the flower as I wanted the scene to have an overall blue tinge to it.

RGB Edited ImageDue to the already quite saturated look to the image all I wanted to do in re-gards to colour correction in photoshop was to make sure that the Hue was the most eye catching / natural pink and that there were different tones to that pink to add detail.

I did this by altering the colour tabs for Saturation and Lumosity which allowed me to create an image that had different hues / tones and layers to it.

CMYK Converted ImageI once again printed this image briefly off of the school printers and found that the CMYK Colour Space had chopped off a great deal of tones in my original RGB image so a lot of detail was lost.

I also noticed that because the image is quite dark compared to what I usually shoot the entire image seemed to have a grey wash to it. This is because the quantity of black in this image was quite high and becuase it wasn’t identified as rich black it turned to grey.

Bianca Holderness / / /

What have I taken away from Colour Management?

RGB vs CMYK - Before this term started I didn’t know what CMYK did in com-parison to RGB. Having investigated the different methods and uses for both op-tions i’ve formed a great understanding of why my beautifully saturated images I create tend to come back from the printers looking flat and quite plain.

This has taught me that it’s fine for me to create these images for Web as there is a larger Colour Space in RGB which allows me to present these brightly coloured images but if I want to print them I need to take into account that the colour space is much smaller so they won’t be as vibrant.

I’ve also learnt that when printing CMYK if I don’t identify black as rich black my blacks will turn to greys. This however isn’t a huge problem to me for my own personal work because I tend to limit my blacks and make them more grey as I personally like the look it has on an image. If however I were to start photograph-ing and selling at events or portraits I would definitely have to look into it.Bianca Holderness / / /

What have I taken away from Colour Management?ICC Profiling - ICC Profiling is something that i’ve once again known of but never investigated (and still properly haven’t). At the moment my way of produc-ing and printing images relies solely on knowing the numbers in the image and thinking about it from a technical perspective instead of customizing my images so that they will print well to a certain printer.

At the moment my Workflow involves editing my images and making sure all of the blacks are blacks, the whites are white and that the colours in between are all at an adequate level. I’ve then gotten into the habit of sending off my images to RGB Digital knowing that the image on my computer has the right numbers so my job as a photographer is done and the rest is the role of the printer.

I understand that ICC Profiling is important and that it plays a large part in the pro-cess of printing but I feel that my job as a photographer is to ensure that my im-age has the right numbers and is ready for print and then the professional printer I use then takes on the role of sorting out the profile.Bianca Holderness / / /

What have I taken away from Colour Management?

Grey Balance - In term one we learnt about how our camera works and it fi-nally sunk in that our camera sees Grey. So to make sure that the colouring of our images is correct in camera means that we have to custom set our white balance using a Grey Card or by altering the temperature of the white balance.

This small step in camera means that our images won’t be warm or cold and will instead be of perfect colouring depending on our scene. This is vital when it comes to the presenting of our work as it can have a drastic affect on the feel of our image and how it appears.

By making sure the White Balance is correct before the printing of the image means that we have once again worked towards managing our colour and that if the print comes back warm or cold it means that the printers ICC profile is lack-ing in consistency which will need to be solved.

Bianca Holderness / / /

What have I taken away from Colour Management?

Ink coverages on Substrates - This is something that I need to investigate a lot more but it’s only because of Colour Management that i’ve become aware of the affect it has on a print. I’ve only ever printed images on paper, gloss and matte but never to the extent where I have investigated what affect the type of paper has on the same image.

I understand technically that different substrates require different amounts of ink for them to be consistent but I haven’t seen it for myself. From what i’ve learnt, any paper that is glossy and shiny is quite easy to print on but when it comes to printing on thick papers that absorb a lot of ink we have to make sure that our settings have been altered for this form of printing so the image doesn’t fade within the paper.

This is something that i’m going to spend a bit of time on in the next few weeks so that I can see how my images look on different papers and why they do.Bianca Holderness / / /

What have I taken away from Colour Management?

Dealing with Colour Casts - Based on what we’ve learnt in class about Col-our Casts adding a certain tonal wash across the whole image I tend to make sure that my white balance is corrected so that the image is neutral.

If however I want the image to have a certain warm / cool tone to it then I will just make sure that the tone is the correct hue and I will compensate for the colour cast by upping the contrast so that although for example the image may have a blue feel to it the blacks will still be quite black and obvious.

Bianca Holderness / / /
