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Subject and author index!

A-MORPH, 72, 75, 78-79, 103, 120-121,364, 366-367, 418

A-TRANSFER, 59, 64, 72, 74-76, 81, 121, 150, 324,365,418-419

Abeille, 408 Abstraction, 40, 96, 173,290,430 Abstract

analysis, 271, 273 basic expression, 122, 126, 134, 244-245, 271,276 object, 35, 51 reference adverbial, 305 representation, 40, 50-51, 103, 173,201 S-tree, 355

Acceptability, 211, 302 Active

sentence, 47, 205-206, 343 voice, 128, 176,261,320,438

Ades, 135

ADJ, 17-21,23,25,28,30,38,61-63,65-70 Adjectival phrase, 38-39, 251 Adjective, 15-18,23,38-39,62, 108, 128-130,

146, 249 phrase, 167, 250

ADJP, 38-39, 156,241,248,252,282,314 ADJPFORMULA, 266 ADJPPROP, 155-156, 183, 233, 252, 255,

262, 266 Adjunct, 124-125, 127, 142-143, 192,265

ADV, 38, 44, 47-49, 79, 153-154, 233, 248, 355-356

Adverb, 37-38, 188, 199-200, 256-257, 259-260, 275, 299

IThis index was generated with TExtract


Adverbial, 32, 106, 282, 287-288, 300, 302, 304,330

Adverbial phrase, 38, 55 ADVP, 38, 252-253, 265, 282, 302

ADVPFORMULA, 265-266 ADVPPROP, 256-258, 266, 269 Affix, 50, 105, 107, 109, 114, 234, 244-245,

271 rule, 112-115

status, 233, 244 Agreement, 42, 73-74, 146, 223, 236, 257,

271,273 Aho, 382 Akkerman, 132

Aktionsart, 265, 287-289, 299-302, 305 calculation, 300-301

Algebraic, 379, 389-390, 392, 394-396, 398, 400, 408-410, 416 framework, 404, 409

grammar, 403, 410, 414 model, 390, 394,400,407-408 perspective, 399,407,428 terminology, 396, 415

Algebra, 379, 390-398, 400, 402 Algorithms, 73, II7-lI8, 357, 375, 386-387,

412,414,417-418 Alistar, 118 Allegranza, 95, 98

Alonso, 100

Alphabet, 168-169,412 Amalgamation, 217-218

Ambiguity, 3, 5-6, 8,51-52,54-56, lI5, 396-397,399


Ambiguous, 6, 52-54, 78, 113, 146,219,331-332,402

basic expression, 399,416

sentence, 62, 433

Analysis, 6, 8, 72-74, 90-92, 120-121, 138-139, 189-191, 204-205

function, 71, 74 module, 73-74, 91-92, 94-95, 98, 117,432, 434

process, 67, 69, 71, 319-320

stage, 58

Analytical, 63, 78, 113, 117, 136, 147, 319, 350

counterpart, 105

direction, 67, 70

interpretation, 65-66 M-rule, 71, 73, 75, 80

module, 71, 419

morphological module, 114-115,364

rule, 66-69, 412 transfer, 58, 418

Anomalous sentence, 431-432 Appelo, 86, 149, 155,238,248,254,270,280

Applicability, 23, 163, 173, 335

Applicability conditions, 159, 169. 175,268, 381,415

Application sequence, 167,267 Argument

merge, 322-323, 327

phrase, 211

position. 126,314

structure, 52, 126 substitution, 178, 253

variable, 160, 176,244

Arnold, 87, 89, 92, 95-96, 408

Aspectual, 200, 287, 290

pruperty, 200, 288

relation, 284-285, 288-289, 300

Attribute, 39, 41, 44-46, 109, 120-121, 124, 136, 403-404

evaluation, 380, 382, 385, 387

value, 73, 304, 361, 382

Attribute grammar, 140, 172, 379-382, 384-388,421,429


perspective, 379, 387

syntax, 385-386

Attribute-value part, 134, 139

Attribute-value pair, 39-44, 46, 50, 109, 121, 136, 138-141

Attuned grammars, 93, 368

Attuning, 96, 151, 235, 238, 262

Attuning subgrammars, 255, 267, 275

Auxiliary, 3, 20, 116, 144, 186-188, 190-191, 206-207,260

Auxiliary verb, 130, 144, 187-191, 206-208, 214, 230, 236-237, 260

Aux, 55, 142-143, 182

B-Ievel, 108

B-Ievel categories, 108 B-LEX, 122,355


BADJ, 38, 44, 48-49, 156,241,249,255,261-262

BADJtoO/C-ADJPPROP, 264, 266-267

BADJtoSENTENCE, 264, 267

BADV, 38, 79-80, 108, 156, 249, 255-259, 261, 266

BADVSF, 44, 47-49

BADVtoO/C-ADVPPROP, 264, 266

BADVtoSENTENCE, 264, 267 Bar-Hillel, 3, 5 Bare plural, 199, 301

Base, 131-132

Base form, 187-188

Basic, 12,28,30,32,38,51,58,61

category, 262-263, 383 expression, 17-32,45-47,49,51,61-62,66-68,93,248,267,271,300,368

lexicon, 321, 362

meaning, 28-31, 62, 70, 81-82, 315, 361, 365

order, 235, 342

position, 339-340

S-tree, 45-46, 70-71, 77-78, 111,355,361-362

universal algebra, 390

word order, 230, 339

Batch mode, 418, 422


Bech, 87,215

Belief-sentences, 31 Bell, 106,215

Bennett, 89

Bennis, 215-216, 220

Besten, den, 206-207, 210-211


dictionary, 131,438

system, 427, 434

Blocking, 341

BNtoNP, 158, 166, 178, 181

Boguraev, 132

Boitet, 9, 89, 100, 150-151

Bonus, 346-349

assignment, 348-349

system, 343, 346, 348, 350

value, 346

Boolean, 143,381

Bottom-up, 63, 173, 335

Bound adjunct, 127

BPREFIX, 108-109

Breadth-first process, 419

Bresnan, 127, 135, 207

Breton, 86, 408

Briscoe, 132

Brown, 6, II, 89

Burzio, 207

BV, 239, 259

BVrecord, 123-124

BVtoCLAUSE, 174, 181 BVtoCLAUSE subgrammar, 257, 260

BVtoSENTENCE, 264, 267 BX-category, 154,241

Candidate basic expression, 320-321

Canonical structure, 314, 316 Carnap,86

CAT framework, 87-88, 408

Categorematic introduction, 159,244 Categorial, 90, 249

divergence problems, 164,248,254,275

divergences, 13, 32, 63, 240, 244-245, 247-248, 250-252, 254-255, 275-276

grammar, 135


unification grammar, 135 Category, 17-18, 41, 44-46, 108-109, 128-

130, 138, 153-159 mismatch, 278, 302

type, 154-157, 170,252,315

Cattell, 323-325

Chevalier, 7

Chomsky, 4, 36, 51, 127, 153, 173-174, 191, 204-205

Class, 10, 38, 41, 163-165, 170, 252, 302, 412-413

Clause-initial position, 55, 196, 222

CLAUSE, 160, 174, 176-177

Clause, 26, 37, 55-56,155-158,161,176-180, 192-193,206-208

Clefting, 196, 310-311

Clitic, 105, 117,205,224-228,237,272

combination, 224, 227 doubling, 224-227

doubling transformation, 225-226

node, 224-226, 228, 237

pronoun, 224, 231, 237, 272

transformation, 224, 226

Cliticisation, 115, 227

Cliticre1, 225-228

Closed syntactic categories, 38


Collocations, 307-309, 326

Combinatorial explosion, 224, 437

Common, 7, 16, 22, 30, 93, 98, 100, 123 meaning, 16,22, 100, 107

property, 36, 189-192,208-209

semantic derivation, 57-58

Comparative, 128, 196, 221, 234, 245, 260-261

Compiler, 410, 421

Complement, 24, 29, 39, 219, 221, 256-257, 301-304, 322-327

Complement sentence, 26, 177

Complete isomorphy, 267-268

Complex, 2, 36, 122, 135, 141, 150,223-224, 403-404

basic expression, 240, 315, 319

expression, 86, 232, 308, 310, 318, 406


lexical transfer, 96, 247

predicate, 121-122,254,307-310,312,314, 322-325

rule, 152

transfer, 95-96

Complexity, 10, 60, 96, 124, 149-150, 167, 404-405, 412-413

Complrel, 137, 180

Complsent, 176-177, 179, 182

Composed relation, 287, 296

Compositional, 28, 92, 101, 114, 309, 322, 408,425

approach, 31-33, 187, 195, 279-280, 289, 299, 408-410

definition, 15-16, 18,84

formalism, 26, 201

framework, 167,248,305

grammar, 13,27,85,89, ISO-lSI, i72-I73, 185,411-412,414

interpretation, 288, 308

method, IS, 32-33, 390, 410, 416


rule, 45, 56, 106,251

semantics, 117, 318

translation, I, 10, 12, IS, 85-87, 318-319, 389-390, 409-411

Compositional translation

method, 46, 387

system, 389, 394-395, 397, 400, 409, 416

Compositionality, IS, 17,27,85-90, 101-102, 395-396, 404-408, 427-428

Compositionality principle, 20, 27, 32

Composition, 50, 103, 185, 263, 275, 290, 292,298

Compound expression, 87, 275, 408, 410

Compounding, 50, 106, 108, 117

Compounding rules, 106-108

Comrie, 280

Concatenation, 65, 116,263-264,391

Concatenation operator, 391

Condition-action pair, 136, 139, 381

Configuration management, 422

Conflational, 238, 245

Conflational divergence, 231, 238, 244


Conjclass, 111-112, 124-126, 131

Conjugation, 52, 131

Conjunction, 55, 129, 177, 211, 387

CONI, 355-356 Conj, 142-143

Consistency check, 242-243

Consonant, 113, 117

Constant, 420, 422

Constituency, 37, 43


structure, 36-37, 42, 53-54, 79, 321, 409, 427

test, 53

Construction type, 163-164

Content word, 122, 432

Context-free, 136, 212

grammar, 146, 212, 364, 367

rule, 65, 73, 134, 380-381

Context, 3-4, 38-39, 271-273, 289-290, 304-305, 331-333, 437-438

conditions, 120

dependency, 106, 117

Contraction, 116-1 17

Contrastive research, 93, 238

Control, 127, ISO, 152, 167-168, 172, 311-312,379-380,402-405

attribute, 403

expression, 152, 158, 168-169, 171-173,369-372, 379-380, 385-387, 402-405

structure, 312


S-tree,370 language, 7

Controlled M-grammar, 149, 167, 171, 174, 185, 204, 368-370, 375-376, 379, 402-403, 413,428-429

formalism, 173,201

framework, 173, 201, 247

Coordination, 431-432

Corpus, 89, 422, 431-432

Correctness, 89, 153,407,410

Correct, 2, 5, 27, 66, 100-101, 115. 146-147, 268

distribution, 47, 208, 224


meaning, 227, 307

parse, 141-142, 147 S-tree, 73, 364 scope order, 348

scope relation, 344-345 sentence, II, 24, 26-27. 74. 88, 141. 366. 426 translation, 5-6, 8, 10, 27, 107, 338-339, 341 word form, 103, 110

Correspondence, 93, 152, 154, 174, 277, 286, 291-292, 393

Coverage, 92, 431 CP-DICT, 122, 323

Cross-serial dependencies, 204-205, 211-212

Curry, 86

D-tree, 45-47, 54-56, 80-83, 356, 362, 375

D-tree representation, 357, 359

Dative position, 325

Debugging facilities, 417-418 Declarative, 44, 48, 145, 176-177, 179-180,

182, 193,210

mood, 83, 176-177

sentence, 48, 80, 187, 195, 210, 236. 438

Decl, 143, 187


Default rule, 108

value, 123-124

Deficient behaviour. 327. 430 syntactic behaviour, 309, 314-315

Definite article, 159, 330 Definiteness, 41, 164

Degree modifier, 252, 260 Deictic, 265, 267, 285-287, 290-293, 300-302

adverbial, 298, 304-305 aspectual relation, 285, 298, 300

reference adverbial, 303-304

relations, 163, 285, 297-298, 300

Deixis, 163, 176, 178,265,291-293,299-300, 302,304

Deixis rules, 178, 300-30 I, 304

Deletion, 189,244

Dependencies, 220, 305

Dependent clause, 289-290, 304 sentence, 286, 298


Derivation, 24, 29, 45-47, 106, 108-109, 163-165,224,271-272,349-351 process, 19, 46, 58, 236-237, 335, 355

tree, 20, 23, 45-46, 55-56, 154-156, 256, 331,354-357,368-369,379-380

Derivational, 106-108, 265, 336

affix, 78, 108-109

ambiguity, 51, 54-56, 396

history, 86-87, 114, 385, 392

morphology, 163, 178

tree, 87

Derivative status, 140-141, 147


algebra, 394, 404-405, 410

expression, 20, 22

nominal, 253-254

operator, 405

rule, 405

Descriptive adequacy, 135,205,211

Design, 8, 10,12,69,84,92-93,410-411,434

Design decisions, 417-418 DET, 42, 44, 48, 83, 317, 380-382

Determiner, 38-39, 42, III, 128, 146, 156, 187

Deterministic, 114, 205

Deviance, 343. 380 Dictionary. 12, 16, 24, 38, 70, 107-109, 119-

123. 120-126, 128-132,316-318,321-322, 417

Dictionary entry, 323-324


Dijenborgh, 8


Diminutive, 108-109

Diminutive form, 234, 245

Directional argument, 269, 30 I

Direct, 30, 185, 196,201,223,226,228,276

correspondence, 20 I, 307

descendent, 203-205, 228


object, 42, 126, 145-146, 193, 195, 205-208, 225-226, 242-243 object clitic, 225-226

translation, 276

Disambiguate, 79, 418

Discontinuous dependency, 117

Divergence, 96, 229-236, 238, 240, 242, 244-247, 249, 275

Divergence problem, 155, 245, 267, 431

Do-insertion, 165, 236

Domain, 4, 6, 12, 28, 354, 361, 396, 420

DOIT, 229, 232, 249, 262


Dowty, 86, 330, 408

Dreyfus, 5

Duration adverbial, 289, 302

Durative, 287-288, 301

Durative temporal adverbial, 288

Dutch, I, 6, 50-52, 97-98, 106-108, 130-132, 191-193,204-206

adverb, 23, 32

complement sentence, 26, 239

grammar, 20, 26, 64, 97, 215, 272, 431, 434

sentence, 26, 53, 78, 221-222, 332, 342, 345-347

verb, 232, 281 Earley, 387

Economic development, 427, 434 Effective function, 63-65, 71, 73, 363, 367

Effectiveness, 63-64

Efficiency, 113, 173

Efficient parsing algorithm, 140, 168

Ellipsis, 431-432

Embedded clause, 127, 155, 206, 220-222

English, 1,5-7, 15-17,38-39,51-53,91-92, 106-108, 205-206

dictionary, 16, 131-132

grammar, 19,82, 131,434

modal verbs, 261

sentence, 6, 87, 222, 319, 332, 342, 346

subgrammar, 158, 172, 174

suffix rule, 114

syntax, 3, 152


system, 64, 291, 434

tense, 278, 283, 291, 296

translation, 23,107,131-132,342,345-346 verb, 32, 281

vocabUlary, 131

ENGSPAN, 89, 92

Entry, 51, 110, 121, 123, 125, 128-131,269, 317

Entry word, 129-132

Enumerable language, 411, 413-415

Enumerated type, 123

Enumeration, 123, 129

Env, 124-125

Equivalence, 363, 415

Ergative, 206, 241

Ergative verb, 178, 207-208

ErQ,217 Error, 122, 129,420

Eurotra, 89, 95, 98, 408

project, 87, 95, 100

system, 95, 408, 432

Evaluation, 102, 382, 431 Event, 4, 269, 280, 283, 285-289, 294, 297-

298, 300

Evers, 204, 211-212, 214-215

Expletive, 47, 126, 192, 215-216, 218, 220, 311-312,314-315

Explicit, 3, 52, 135, 173, 355, 358, 392

grammars, 85, 88-89, 118, 438 meaning representation, 427, 434

ordering, IS I, 168

representation, 70-71

Exponential function, 387-388, 419 EXPORTCATS, 170, 263-265, 372, 374

Export, 153, 156-158, 161-162, 166, 169, 174, 179-180, 383-384, 429

category, 156-158, 169,251-253,262-263, 384

condition, 377, 414

S-tree, 262, 376

specification, 369, 383

Extensibility problem, 98

Extra-linguistic knowledge, 2, 10

Extraposition, 161, 311


Eynde, van, 285, 304

Failure, 37,91,3\0

False path, 325

Feature, 11, 39, 10 I, 135, 188, 240, 244, 333-335

Feature value, 335

Feature-passing technique, 135, 223, 228

Finite, 24, 40, 48-49, 66, 69, 143-144, 405-406,411-413

clause, 151, 236

form, 44, 144,2\0,228

procedure, 63, 368

relation, 26, 407

sentence, 250

set, 26, 42, 73, 133, 140, 362, 383

string, 390-391, 411

tense, 298, 305

tense form, 304

time, 63, 69

verb, 26, 37, 73, 192-193, 206, 208-209, 211,218

verb form, 223, 298

Fixed idiom, 321-322

Flexible idiom, 322

Flickinger, 431

Focus, II, 125, 188,234,310,313-314

Formal, 13, 16, 20, 64, 187-188, 191-193, 195, 197-198

definition, 24, 74, 152, 168-169, 353-354, 356, 370, 394-395

notation, 17

operation, 186, 189

power, 379, 390

requirements, 376-377

specification, 416, 418

Formalisation, 4-5, 9, 31, 93, 397, 400, 402

Fraser, 309


adjunct, 127

argument, 122,314,321,326

grammar, 379, 403-404, 412

M-grammar, 149-151, 171-172, 248, 353, 360,376,400

M-grammar formalism, 151, 172,427-428

production system, 150-151,353

variable, 160, 335

French, 7,196,272,339

Full projection subgrammar, 170, 263

Functional grammar, 409


Function, 12, 27-28, 63-64, 120, 133, 138-141,215-216,362-364

analysis, 366, 368, 375

M-PARSER, 363, 387

application, 28, 113, 163


perfect, 281-282

progressive, 281-282

tense, 282, 289, 291-293, 299

G-MORPH, 72, 74-76, 77, 84,103,121,366-367

G-TRANSFER, 59, 60, 63-64, 76-77, 82, 121, 365, 367, 433

Gamut, 27

Gap-threading technique, 135, 211, 223

Gazdar, 135, 3 \0

Gender, 16, 130-131,223

Generalisation, 127, 165, 193,210,217,409

Generalized phrase structure, 91, 135

Generating set, 391, 393, 406

Generation, 47, 58, 91-92,120-121,133,139, 366-368,413-414

function, 71, 74-75

module, 58, 74, 89, 91-92, 94-95, 98-99, 432, 434

process, 39[' 419

stage, 58

Generative, 33, 66, 68, 88, 92, 136, 271, 325

direction, 64, 66, 70

function, 77, 358-359, 362

grammar, 204, 426

interpretation, 65

M-rule, 71, 363

module, 71, 366, 419

morphological module, 104-105, 109, 114

power, 411, 413-414

rule, 66, 412-413

GENERATOR, 58, 64, 72


Generator, 390-393, 395-396, 402, 406-407, 413

Generic, 199-200 interpretation, 198, 200

property, 197-198

sentence, 197,200 Genericity, 186, 198, 200-201

Germanic languages, 97-98

German, 37, 211,214, 233, 272, 339 Gerundio, 249, 269, 272, 293-294, 297

Gerundio form, 269-270

Gerund, 238, 249, 253-254, 270 Gerund form, 278, 293, 297


GLUE, 116,228 Glue rules, 116-117

Godden, 91

Goodman, 100-101 GPSG,135

Graetzer, 390, 398

Grammar component, 63, 71

model, 4,9 rule, 16, 18, 86, 89, 96, 149, 189, 385

writing, 430-431

Grammatical, 128, 131,212,310, 315

framework, 56, 173, 205 function, 43, 122, 126, 232, 240 information, 126, 129-130

Groenendijk, 187, 197, 399 Habitual reading, 259 Head, 38-39, 44-45, 47-49, 73, 79-80, 83-84,


argument, 157-158, 169-170, 176,357-358 category, 154, 157-158, 169, 174,251-252, 255-256,261-263,267

category divergences, 247-249, 260, 275

switching, 249

HEADCATS, 169-171,263,372,374

Hendriks, 399

Hoekstra, 207, 269

Homomorphisms, 88, 385, 390, 393, 396-397, 400, 406-408

Homonymy, 51-52, 56


Homophony, 51-52, 56

Hopcroft, 168 Hout,217

HPSG, 135, 207 Huet,379

Human direct objects, 230, 236 Hutchins, 1, 8, 85, 89

Huybregts, 134 Id-dict, 121-122,406

Identity, 239, 312 function, 370-371

operation, 28, 173-174, 185, 190, 201 rules, 404

Idiom, 31, 47, 87, 122, 130, 135, 221-223, 307-315 chunks, 192, 221, 223, 312

class, 121-122 derivation trees, 316-317, 326

pattern, 326

Idiomatic, 121-122, 311, 327

expressions, 13, 31-32, 88, 121-122, 146, 221-222, 232, 240 interpretation, 309, 315, 321

reading, 307, 310, 319 IL-DICT, 121-122, 132

IL-LEX, 121-122

IL-rule, 164-165 Imperative, 193,319

forms, 223, 228

mood, 178, 267 Imperfective, 278, 284, 288-289, 291-294, 296,

298-299, 302-303

aspectual relation, 288, 297 prospective, 294-295 retrospective, 294-295

Imperfect, 6, 344


passives, 198, 206

voice, 230, 237

Implementation, 13,74-75,78, 102, 153,387, 418-421, 433

Implementation problems, 387, 433




categories. 154

head. 172. 369 Import. 153. 156-158. 162. 166. 169. 171.

174, 180,265,429 S-tree, 157, 171 set, 157

specifications, 369 Incorrect, 26-27, 146, 414

interpretation, 27, 219 parses, 141, 147

sentences, 26-27, 127, 144-145 Indefinite, 41

article, 83. 120. 159 distance, 145. 197

pronoun, 237, 272

Indefiniteness, 44. 79, 83-84, 164 Index, 46-48, 134, 137-138. 283, 317, 365,


attribute, 46, 139

equal, 46, 138. 356 parameter, 46, 363

value, 138. 381 Indexed variable, 49. 394

Indirect object, 42. 126, 145-146, 193, 206, 226-227, 242-243, 324-325 clitics, 226-227

relation, 200, 285 Indobj, 42, 142-143, 213

Indobjrel, 226-227 Infinite, 66, 72. 355, 370, 405-406 Infinite set, 26, 66, 72-73, 405, 410, 413 Infinitival, 298, 304-305

constructions, 47,208 sentences, 212, 250

Infinitive. 40. ll5. 143-144, 206, 214, 223. 228, 278-280

Infinitive complement sentence, 243

Inflected verb.21O-211

words, 38. 78, 132


affixes, 78, 108

phenomena, 106

Inflection, 75, 109. 1I5, 1I7, 429-430

Ingform, 40, 123-126

Insertion. 152, 176, 226, 237. 289. 300 Intensional logic, 90-91, 94, 99, 410

Interactive disambiguation, 60. 437

system, 8-9. II. 436 translation, 8, II, 437


Interlingua, 75. 86, 98-101, 123, 324, 402, 420, 426-427

Interlingual, 94, 100

approach,60, 82, 87.427 architecture, 58, 100, 427, 434

expressions, 99 system, 58-60. 123.425-427,434,436

translation system, 60. 84 Intermediate, 157-158, 169, 355,413.437

clause. 222-223 language, 58, 99, 121, 123, 427, 434

representations, 101, 110 S-trees, 154, 262, 355, 361

Intemal,50, 126,241 argument, 241-243

nodes, 357, 408 structure, 20, 38-39. 49, 53, 70. 103, 106, 150

syntactic structure, 122, 430

Interrelated dictionaries, 119. 123 Interrogative, 178, 319 Interrogative pronouns, 142, 209

Intervals, 283-290, 296-298. 300 Intonation, 331, 348 Intransitive, 52, 130 Intransitive verb, 18-20

Inversion, 135, 186, 190, 222-223 Isomorphic, 22-24, 171-174. 235, 251-253,

267, 368, 409-410

approach. 126,273 derivation trees, 22, 46, 95, 134

grammar method, 24, 26, 250, 425-427, 430

grammars, 19.22,29-30,57-60,84,93,98-101, 173-174

M-grammars. 69, 74, 367, 376

string grammars, 56. 60, 69

Isomorphic subgrammar


approach, 252, 260, 275

solution, 273, 275


subgrammars, 244, 251, 255, 267-269, 275-276,290,302 syntactic derivation, 22-23, 30, 57

Isomorphisms, 88, 385, 390, 393, 397-398, 400, 402, 414-416

Isomorphy, 23-24, 29-30, 35,46,86,171-172, 247,268,368,376,415-416,427

characteristic, 168, 173-174

relation, 163, 185

requirement, 149, 162,300,426

Iteration, 280, 370, 376, 431

Iterative rules, 151, 161,289,403-404,414

Jackendoff, 127, 204, 330-331, 334, 349

Jaeggli, 224-225

Jansen, 139

Janssen, 27, 174,408

Japanese government project, 89, 92

Johnson, 285 Joshi, 135

Kaplan, 135,207,249-250,259

Karttunen, 117 -1l8

Katz, 309

Kay, 8,135

Korst, van der, 409 Koskenniemi, 117

Koster, 208-209

Krauwer,95 Kroch,135

Labelled ordered trees, 43, 355, 357 Landsbergen, 86,90,98, 221, 248, 272, 412,

416 Langeveld, 6


phenomena, 9, 235

transformations, 203, 224, 231, 234-236, 238,245,261,275,430

Language, 1-4,6-7,9, II, 15-17,22-24,26-28

constructs, 31, 431

fragment, 17-18, 2[, 24, 26, 30, 426, 437-438

group, 95-96


prur, 92, 98, 427, 434 Lasnik,51

Latin, 86, 408

Leermakers, 140, 387 Lewis, 31 LEXCATS, 364 Lexical, 3, 6, 70, 100,207,234,244,248-249

ambiguity, 3, 8, 54, 62, 81

categories, 44, 69-70, 72, 77, 153-154, 233, 245,321

category divergences, 251, 262 entries, 98, 110, 129, 208, 326, 434 entry structure, 123

head, 153, 249

information, 2, 123 items,96, 119, 123,276, 316

level, 98, 100, 103-104

representation, 309, 316 rule, 207, 326 S-tree, 44, 49-53, 70-78, 83, 103-105, 108-Ill, 114-115, 139 source, 229, 231, 234, 238, 245, 430 specification, 125 substitution, 95

Lexicon, 17,96, 106, 118-122, 124-126,238-239,241-243,406

LFG, 135, 207 Light verb, 122, 322-324

Lindop, 249 Linear

function, 387-388 order, 43, 46, 139, 186, 195 time, 387-388

Linguistic classification, 163

engineering, 436

generalisations, II, 189, 428

Lingware, 420-422, 425, 430, 434-435


interpretation, 307, 321

translation, 255, 309

Locative, 79, 163, 216, 218-219

Locative adverbial, 215, 219, 313

Logic, 5, 409-410



expression, 91, 329, 438

language, 99,409,438

structure, 4, 94

variables, 365

Long distance movement, 311, 313

Low-level languages, 420-421

M-GENERATOR, 71-76, 77, 121-122, 362-364, 366-368, 371-376, 386-388

M-gramrnar, 20, 35, 42, 44-47, 50-52, 56-57,69-71, Ill, 166-168,353-354,360-364, 387,428

formalism, 51, 57, 106, 195,201,354,427-428,430

framework, 35, 56, 156

M-PARSER, 71-76, 140-141, 362-364, 367, 374-376,387-388,418-420,433

M-rule, 35, 45-47, 49, 70-71, 133-136, 139-140, 147, 156-157, 162-165,368

application, 150, 168, 173, 380

class, 166-168, 170

name, 75, 77, 168, 173,358,385

notation, 136, 164-165,379,431

MacDonald, 89

Machine-readable dictionaries, 129, 132

Macklovitch, 150

Maintainability, 189, 377

Maintenance, 379, 422

Manageability, 428

Marker, 234, 350

Maximal projection, 153-156 McCawley, 409

Meaning-preserving translation, 100, 425

Meaningless rules, 173

Meaning, 2-3, 16-18,22,26-32,51-52,60-61, 84-86 key, 81, 121-122,323-324

operations, 45, 52, 136, 164-165, 185-186, 193, 200, 408

preservation, 2, 10, 32, 343

representation, 309, 357

rules, 28-31, 62, 70, 81-82, 365, 369, 376

Measure condition, 69, 71,173,363,367-368, 403-405, 411-414, 428-429

Metal, 8, 89, 92, 96

Metal approach, 96


Modal, 127,234,260

logic, 410

verbs, 214, 261, 275

Modelling time, 283


Modification rule, 55, 156, 158, 160

Modifier, 42, 55, 107, 156, 161,260,325,409

Modularisation, 185, 430

Modularity, 149, 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162,164

approach, 150, 152-153, 155, 158, 172

structure, 149, 166-167


G-MORPH, 83, 366

M-GENERATOR, 71-72, 82, 150

G-TRANSFER'72' 150

Momentary verb, 259, 301

Monolingual, 50, 97, 129, 134, 232, 242, 255, 273-274

dictionaries, 3, 130

grammars, 98, 426

user, 8-9

Monotonic operation, 135

Montague, 4, 30, 35, 90, 185, 195,330,399

Montague grammar, 27, 35, 56, 90-91, 94, 203-204,407-408,410

Mood, 44, 48, 163, 176-180, 182, 186, 192-193, 196,265,319

rules, 192-193, 196,261,319

Morpheme, 104-105, 110

Morpheme sequences, 103-104, 110

Morphological, 102, 123, 128, 131-132, 150, 280,364

attributes, 130-131

component, 40, 45-46, 49-52, 72, 103, 244, 360-361,387

contraction, 332

formalism, 106

forms, 280

information, 131-132

module, 103, 117, 120-121,366,418

phenomena, 105, 429

properties, 121, 125


rules, 49, 70, 72, 75, 77, 83, 367, 420

structure, 108-109 Morphology, 35, 50-51, 103, 111-112, 117-

118, 120, 131-132, 387

Morphosyntactic, 75, 81, 120

ambiguity, 51 properties, 52, 110, 119-120

MORPH-DICTl20 Movement, 37, 135, 165, 197, 207, 220-221,

301, 409 operation, 197

rules, 135, 211, 220, 223, 409 transfonnation, 221, 223

verbs, 269, 274, 301 Multilingual systems, 89, 95, 101

Multiple divergence, 247, 268

Multiwords, 96, 232

Munster, 339 Mutual dependency, 96-97, 101

Nagao, 86-87, 89,91,275,408

Natural language processing, 91-92, 118,326 languages, I, 86, 90, 134, 147, ISO, 191, 409-410 numbers, 363, 391, 394

Negation, 13, ISO, 265, 329-330, 332, 336-340, 344-346, 348-350 rule class, 165, 167

rules, 167, 176,336 Negative, 332-333, 415

context, 338-339, 343 counterpart, 330, 332-333, 340-341

Negpol, 124-125 NEG, 330~333, 335-343, 345-347, 350

Newman, 92


Nirenburg, 100-101

Nishida, 91

Nominal predicates, 253-254

Nominalisations, 56, 253-254

Nominative, 143-144

Non-empty set, 75, 364

Non-generic, 200

interpretation, 199-200


NPs, 200 Non-head arguments, 157, 169, 358, 369


head, 252, 254

predicates, 253, 268, 275

Non-propositional subgrammars, 252

Non-Q-phrase, 338, 349

Non-scope-sensitive quantifiers, 330, 332 Non-temporal adverbial sentences, 303-304

Non-terminals, 380, 382-384, 385

Noord, 92, 211

Noun, 3, 16-18,38-39,62, liS, 120,321-325, 380-383 patterns, 323

phrases, 15-18,38,77, 126, lSI, 153,325

NP-movement, 206-207

NPPROP, 155-156

NP, 38-39, 41, 146, 161, 199-201, 330, 333-335

NPVAUR, 226,240, 314

Null action, 136, 144 Nygaard,87


Object clitics, 223-224 Obj, 42,73,142-143,212-213,316-317,325-


Objrel, 225-227 Obicontrol, 124-125

Oblcontroltype, 124 Obligatory rules, lSI, 289

Odijk, 86, 126-127, 186, 203-204, 211, 223, 248

Open syntactic categories, 38 OPENADJPPROP, 158, 255, 264



Operators, 234, 390-398, 400, 402-403, 405, 407, 409, 412

Oppen, 379

Optionality, 139, 141

Order, 2-4, 8, 16-18,35-39,43-44, lSI, 208

Order variants, 193

Ordering, 20, 113, ISO-lSI, 158, 167,355



phase, 11 0-112, 114-117

rules, 104, 110, 114, 116

Output, 2, 5, 57-58, 63, 65-67, 75, 78-84, 345-349

expressions, 65-66, 69, 412

sentences, 61, 88, 346-349

set, 63, 343, 433

Over-acceptance, 74, 141, 145-147

Oversteegen, 283

Paraphrases, 49, 92, 107,251,255,271,274-276,278

Parentheticals, 431-432

PARSER, 58-60, 64, 69, 71-72, 74,141,383, 387

Parser, 374-375

Parsing, 67, 91, 140,404-405

algorithms, 367, 380, 413

problem, 386-387


Partial,256,258, 331, 392

derivation tree, 303

isomorphy, 247, 267

operator, 390-391, 396, 409

pararnetrisation, 358, 371

Participial form, 278, 298, 304

Participle, 40, 112, 206, 214, 279

Participle form, 210, 236-237

Particle, 50, 78-79, 106, 125, 131,214, 239-240,274


Passive, 124-125, 198,204-208,237,310

construction, 205, 207, 231, 237, 348, 272, 350

rule, 164,348

sentences, 37, 205-206, 343, 438

structures, 206-207

transformation, 205-206

voice, 178,205-206,237,267,438

Passivisation, 37, 42, 207, 215, 310, 342, 348-349

Pereim, 135, 145

Perfect, 5, 100, 277-279, 281-282, 289

tense, 130, 200, 259, 261, 267, 283, 291-293, 303-304


translations, 6, 229

Perfective, 278, 284, 288-289, 291-295, 299

aspectual relation, 298

prospective, 294-296

relation, 286-287

retrospective, 294-295

Performance,S, 85

Periphmstic forms, 280

Person, 3, 107, 112, 167, 177, 182,223,236

Personal pronouns, 142, 146, 338

Phonological content, 228

Phmsal category, 153, 233, 431

Phrasal category divergence, 234, 238, 244, 248,252

Plum, 40-41, 44, 130, 159, 164

form, 109, 321

noun phrase, 16,65

Pollard, 135, 207, 211

Polynomial, 394, 405-406, 410

operator, 394, 405

symbol, 394, 405-406, 410

Post-edit systems, 8, 11, 89

Postpositions, 38, 239-240

PP, 39, 142, 211


Precondition, 32, 63

Predicative nouns, 253-254

Prediction, 311, 313

Pred, 374-375

Predrel, 137

Preference, 272, 276, 331, 343

Preference system, 349-350

Prefix, 35, 38, 108, Ill, 113, 154

Prefix rules, 112-113

PREP, 79, 139,240,325-326

Preposition, 38, 51, 105-107, 129, 153, 193, 219-220, 236-237

Prepositional object, 42, 206, 240, 242,318, 326

PreseNation, 2,90, 230,426

Preverbal position, 223, 228

Progmmming language, 363, 377, 409-410, 417-418,421

Progressive, 277, 279, 281-282, 291


Progressive tense, 97, 298, 303

Projection, 152-158, 166-167, 169, 172, 174, 178, 263-264

path, 154, 156, 168, 171-172,251,257 subgrammars, 158, 171-172,247,262-264

Prolog, 421

Pronominal, 225-227

Pronominal clitics, 217 Pronoun, 37, 116, 129, 146, 198,216,223-

224, 230

Pronunciation, 106, 120

Proof,69, 134,363,394,410-416 Proposition, 155,261,286,289

Proposition substitution, 265

Proposition substitution rules, 262


category, 300, 376

structure, 205-206. 253

subgrammars. 252-253. 261-262. 266, 268. 275


Pruning operation, 212. 214

PTQ. 90-91. 185. 330, 349 Pullum. 134, 212

Q-e1ements. 346

Q-NP. 330, 332-335. 344. 346

Q-phrases. 329-332, 335-336. 338-340. 342-343. 349

Quantification, 279

Quantifiers, 38, 156, 252. 330, 332-334. 338-343, 345-346

Quantity. 301

Quirk. 240 R-position,217-220

R-pronouns. 204-205. 215. 217-220. 230-231, 236.430.432

Raising, 310-312, 315

Raising verb, 241, 256

Ranking, 349

Rating, 276

RBNtoSUBN, 159, 161-162, 179, 181,360


RBVtoSUBV, 177, 179-181,264,360

Rei. 55-56


Rc1auseargsubst, 176. 178-181.264.360

Relausedeixis. 178, 180-181,264,360 Rc1ausemood, 176-181.255-256.264,360

Relausenegation. 176, 178-179, 181,264 Rclausesuperdeixis, 176. 178-179, 181, 255-

256, 264, 360

Rcnformation, 159, 161-162. 166, 179, 181, 360

Rcnmodadjp, 160-161, 164

Rcnmodre1SENT, 161, 164

Rcnsuperdeixis, 160-162, 164, 179, 181, 360

Redundancy, 186, 201,427 Reference, 47, 50, 207, 283, 303-304, 323

Reference intervals, 286, 297-298, 304-305

Referring, Reflexive, 130, 232

predicates, 232, 430

pronouns, 47, 163, 232 Reflexives, 215, 239

Reflexivity, 124-125, 131, 239 Regular expression, 129, 139, 141-145, 147,


Reichenbach. 283, 285 Re1ation-S-tree pairs, 136, 13 8 Relational approach, 92


argrel, 175. 177 complrel, 138. 177 subjrel, 177

Relative. 220. 255. 267, 303-304

clauses, 39. 52. 62, 165.211,233.251,432 order, 49, 193. 208. 340, 342-343 position, 43, 191

sentence, 160, 177,250.350 Relativisation, 196-197,221.310-311

Relaxation, 345, 389, 404-405

Reliability, 10-12

Remph, 188-191

Representation theory, 95-96

Representations, 4-5. 46, 58, 96, 110, 119, 349


formalism, 90, 377, 428

regular expression, 172, 369


Restrictions, 7, 72, 134, 302, 310, 370, 402, 412-414

Retrospective, 285, 289-293, 295-297, 303 adverbial, 297-298

imperfective, 297-298 interval, 297

Reusability, 9, 132

Reverse, 63-64, 71-74, 114, 131, 314, 365-366, 373-376

direction, 68, 117

function, 72-73 order, 114, 387

Reversibility, 63-65, 71-72, 91-92, 363, 366-368, 404-405, 411-412

Reversibility condition, 413-414

Reversible, 63-66, 70-71, 90, 139, 273-274, 366, 428-429

grammar, 86, 91-92, 102, 104

relation, 63, 66

rule, 64, 67-68

string grammar, 67

Revised attribute grammar, 385-386 Riemsdijk, 215, 217, 219

Right-left substitution, 334-335, 338, 341, 344

Right-left substitution strategy, 338

Rmod,55-56 Rmood,258

RNargmod, 160, 162, 164

Rneg, 188-190,335,337,341-342,345,347-348

RNP, 258, 317

RNPargmodsubst, 161-162, 164 RNPformation, 159, 161-162, 164, 166, 179,


Robustness, 89, 271, 273

measures, 11,436

transformation, 271, 273

Romance object ditics, 223


Rosetta, 1-2, 9-10, 12, 42-43, 123, 129-130, 203-205

algebra, 40 I, 406

approach, 85-88, 90, 95-96, 10 1-102, 117, 153-154, 330-331


characteristics, 85-86, 90, 92, 96, 98, 100, 102 dictionaries, 129-132 formalism, 109, 118, 380 framework, 102,231,234,238,244, 389 grammars, 12,42,93,98-99, 127, 132, 155, 319 languages, 234, 290 method, 88, 91, 389

modules, 78, 387, 417-418, 421

morphological modules, 105, 117 morphology, 105, 110 project, 1, 9-10, 92, 100, 132, 428, 436, 438

system, 8, 12,57-58,73-77, 119-120, 389-390,416-418,420-422 time model, 283, 286

Rous, 139, 172,379 Rpassive, 205, 237

Rstart, 47, 49, 55-56, 258, 331, 335-337, 341, 347-348

Rsub,55-56 RSUBNtoN, 159, 161-162, 164, 166, 179,

181,360 Rsubst, 49, 55-56, 258, 304, 331, 335-337,

341, 347-348 Rsubst-empty, 237-238

RSUBVtoV, 178-181,264,360 Rtimepast, 258 Rtop, 188, 190-191

Rulel69, 171 ambiguity, 51-52, 56 application, 18-19, 66, 69, 152, 165, 353-355,376 class, 149, 164-167, 169, 175-176,261,300, 353,369

name, 19,357-358,369,385 notation, 117, 159, 379, 427-428, 433 output bonus, 347-348 Rmod, 47, 56


RNP, 317

Rpassive, 205-207

RScompl, 136, 138

RUTTERANCE, 180, 183


scheme, 314-315, 327, 413

sequence, 370-371, 383 Taux, 190


transform, 151, 236

Rupp, 91, 408

Russel, 118

RUTTERANCE,180-181 RVPPROPformation, 175, 178-181,256,264,


RVPPROPvoice, 178-181,264,360

Rwhq, 188-191

Rynq, 187, 189-191

S-LEX, 121-123, 132,406

S-node, 188,213-214

S-PARSER, 73-76, 78-80, 140-141, 145-147, 364,366-367,418-420

S-trees, 43-50, 54-56, 69-72, 75, 77, 79-80, 82-83

Sadler, 92, 232, 249

Sag, 5, 135, 207

Sanfilippo, 268, 270

Schenk, 221, 314-316

Scope, 6, 9-11, 13, 26, 100, 193-195, 204, 329-336

bearing, 329-332, 348

domain, 330-331, 335 order, 332, 336, 339, 343, 346, 348

phenomena, 280, 330, 349 readings, 331, 349

relations, 173, 302, 340, 342, 350

rules, 350

Scope-sensitive, 265 Se-construction, 231, 237, 272

Segment sequence, 112, 114-116

Segmentation, 114-1l5

Segments, 110, 386

Selection, 5, 8, II, 132, 419-420, 433, 437

Semantic, 23, 32, 187, 191-198, 200, 240, 252,282

ambiguity, 51, 75, 81

analysis, 100, 197,271,279

argument, 126, 259, 261


component, 28, 30-31, 45-47, 51-52, 57-58, 61-62,64,70-72 content, 311, 314

D-tree, 51, 56, 62, 72, 81-82, 359, 375 derivation tree, 29-30, 57-58, 64, 70-71, 99-101, 357, 361, 367-368

effect, 194, 404

feature, 4, 9, 11, 437 information, 131,437

key, 120-122, 402

operation, 28

property, 121, 253, 259, 267, 274, 288 relation, 163, 175, 251, 265 representation, 32, 58, 100-10 I role, 232,240-241,243

rule, 63, 173,357,361

rule name, 75, 359

subgrammar name, 359, 376 type, 121

value, 28 o-tree 359, 361, 367-368, 375

Semantics, 30-31, 36, 88, 101, 103, 186-188, 200

Semi-idiomatic expressions, 121-122 Sense,6, II, 20, 24, 130-132, 138,207, 393


length, 388, 419 negation, 337, 339

Sentential adverb, 193, 260

complements, 198, 206 Sequences, 36-37, 42-43, 70-77, 105, 110-

112, 138-140, 168-169

SGblex, 357, 359-360, 372, 374, 383-384

SGbntonp, 360 Shieber, 134-135, 145

Shift-position, 340, 342, 344, 346

Shift-transformation, 344, 349

Shiftfound, 143

Shift, 142-143,224, 343-347, 349

Simplified derivation

process, 236-237

tree, 256, 331

Singular count noun, 146, 159


Slocum, 8, 89

Smit, 132 Software, 102, 420-421

engineering, 417-418, 420, 422, 424 engineering problems, 422

tools, 430, 433 Somers, 8-9, 85, 89, 174, 404

Source, 85, 88, 95, 101,233,248,273,280

algebra, 404, 410

language, 2, 8, 57-58, 87-89, 100-101,343-344, 407, 414

Source language

a1gebr~ 398,402,404,410,414

text, 2

SOY, 212, 235, 339-340

hypothesis, 209

language, 208-209, 212, 335, 339-340, 344, 348-349

order, 208-209

Spanish, I, II, 16, 105-108, 205-206, 222-224,230-231,235-238,249-250

conjunction meaning, 120

grammar, 272

noun phrases, 15-16


SpecL compiler, 420-421

SpecQ,301 Speech, 37-38, 283, 286-289, 297-298, 303

Spelling, 106, 163

rules, 110, 112-113, 118

variants, 49, 120 Spurious parses, 146-147

Start rule, 47, 55, 314, 320, 325

symbol, 384, 386-387

Statistical information, II, 89

Statistics, 11, 437

Stative, 287-289, 301

Steedman, 135

Steen, van der, 8

Steiner, 272

Stem, 16, 39-40, 45, 50, 75, 110, 113-116, 120-121

Stokhof, 187, 197,399

StoVAR, 137-139

Stowell, 155, 204

Stressed vowel, 117


Strict isomorphy, 24, 268, 368, 376,415-416

String, 18,36,49,65, 120,366-367,391,411-413 grammar, 20, 35, 45-46, 57-58, 60, 64-65, 70-72,84

representation, 40, 50, 113, 119

Structural, 100, 134, 136, 139,231,245,393, 396

ambiguity, 3, 53

conditions, 134, 136

source, 229-231, 235, 238

transfer, 96, 98, 247

Structural transfer rule, 273, 426

Style levels, 315-316

Sub-level categories, 108

Subalgeb~ 391

Subc, 124-125, 143

Subclasses, 167-168,354

Subclassification, 40

Subdivision, ISO, 153,247,262-263,275,330, 333-334, 425

Subgrammar, 12, 149, 152-158, 161, 163-164, 166-171,263,369,372,383

BNtoNP, 162, 164, 172

information, 357, 359

names, 357, 370, 376, 385

node, 358

structure, 357, 375-376,403 switching, 259, 261-262,269

Subj, 42, 44, 47-48, 73, 83,142-143,212-213, 317

Subject, 37, 42-43, 73-74, 127, 177, 187-188, 190-193,205-208

argument, 259, 269

domain, 7, 437

position, 237, 311, 325-326, 340, 344

variable, 158

Subject-predicate relation, ISS

Subject-verb agreement, 146, 151, 163, 166, 177, 191,272

Subjrel, 179-180, 182


Sublanguage, 4, 7 SUBN, 108-109, 154,161-162, 167, 179, 182,



clause, 36, 55-56, 198, 210-212, 222, 311, 313-314, 318-319

conjunction, 192-193,210-211,214

Subset problem, 93-94, 99, 101,426

Substituent, 46, 136, 138, 160, 162, 176, 179-180

Substituent S-tree, 160, 176

Substitution, 37, 135, 163-164, 167,257,265, 272, 350-351

Substitution rules, 46, 55, 137-138, 194-196, 200,335-336, 350-351, 356

Subtree, 70, 72, 77, 355,408

Successor function, 372, 374

Suffix, 3, 15,45,47, 108, 111-113, 121,322

rules, 112-113

Sumita, 89

Superdeixis, 160-162, 176, 179-180, 182

rules, 304

value, 176, 304

Superlative, 234, 245

Superlative forms, 260-261

Support verb, 253, 273

Surface, 52, 127, 134, 186,201,231,312,324

Surface grammar, 145-146,360,380,383,400, 419,429

condition, 366, 368, 376, 428

formalism, 380


level, 32, 75, 337, 339

order, 20, 173, 331-336, 339, 344, 346, 348-349, 355

parser, 73, 79, 141, 145

rule, 73-75, 133, 139-141, 143-144, 146-148,364,366-367

rule notation, 141

structural ambiguity, 51, 53, 56

structure, 54, 70, 223, 309, 311, 355, 361

tree, 43-47, 49, 51, 70-72, 74-78, 83

SVARrec, 137

SVAR, 137-139


SVO, 208, 235, 339-340

hypothesis, 208-209

language, 208, 340, 344, 348-349

order, 208-209

type, 230, 339

Switching, 257, 269

Symmetric, 113, 344

Symmetric slot grammar, 92

Synadjps, 242-243

Syncategorematic introduction, 134, 159,244-245,336

Synchronised TAG grammars, 408-409

Synonymous translations, 398

Synonyms, 62, 121, 129, 396-398

Synonymy, 86, 398

Syntactic, 29-30, 51-52, 61, 163, 165-166, 230,259-261

algebra, 402, 409-410

analysis, 57, 60, 62, 78, 124, 319

behaviour, 3, 124,259-261,311,316

category, 19,23,37-39,42-44,78-79,240-242, 247-250, 354-355

category projection, 166

component, 45-46, 58, 61-62, 64, 69, 360-362, 366

construction, 163, 165, 186, 410

context, 41

D-tree, 51, 55, 62-63, 67, 71-72, 80-82, 121,359

derivation tree, 20-23, 58-60, 64, 68-71, 75-77, 355, 361

divergence types, 229

form, 229, 339, 342-343

function, 217, 232

generalisations, 102, 166, 185, 188, 192, 194, 198,200-201

head, 257, 259, 261-262

identity rule, 404

information, 89, 124, 132, 242

key, 120-122, 323-324, 326

lexicon, 317, 327

light verb, 324

module, 121-122

noun key, 324


object, 122, 135 operation, 166, 174,237-238,240,243,245, 253,311-312 phenomena, 123, 185 primitive, 315

property, 37, 47, 78, 120-121, 124, 164, 231,238

realisation, 127, 195,240

relation, 354, 361

representation, 316-317

role, 240-241

rule, 12,27-28,52,61-64,69-70, 133, 147-148, 151,316-317,353-354

structure, 31, 36, 46, 53, 56, 87, 155,271

surface tree, 76

theory, 238, 390, 409

transformation, 90, 97, 163, 173-174, 185-186, 201. 228-229, 428 tree, 194

variable, 46, 137-138, 194-195, 242, 320, 355-356, 363, 365

verb key, 324

Syntax-oriented division, 152

Syntax, 35, 43, 50-51, 118-119, 129, 185-186, 203-205, 395 rule, 30-31. 73, 118, 152

tree, 383-385

Synthesised attributes, 381-382

Synvps, 125-126,242-243 Synxps, 242-243

Systran, 8-9, 89

TAG grammar, 135,408 Target

a1gebm, 399, 405, 410

language, 2-3, 57-58, 77, 87-89, 402, 410, 414-415

Target language algebra, 404, 414

gmmmar, 91, 273



TCLAUSEsv-agreement, 177-180

Technical texts, 8, 100, 437

Temporal, 79,83-84,163,200,265,296,299, 302


adverbial, 32, 252, 277, 279-280, 288-290, 293, 299-300, 305

attribute, 299, 301 class, 267, 299

expression, 13,32,234,277-280,282,284, 286, 288-290

properties, 200,287,299-300,302

value, 160, 176

Tensed verb, 32, 277

Tense, 32, 39-40, 48-49, 79-80, 83-84, 110, 236, 277-279

attribute, 83, 191

feature, 187-189, 191

form, 280,287,290

verb, 110


a1gebm, 392, 397, 400, 415

rewriting systems, 379


nodes, 19, 22, 49, 70, 109, 355, 357

S-lrees, 111-113

Termination, 367, 387

conditions, 366-367

problems, 367, 376

Terminati ve aktionsart, 287

Thatcher, 410

Thatdel, 124-125

ThatSENT, 125-126

Theorem, 4, 393, 398, 411-415

Theoretical fmmework, 12,203

Thetaadjp, 241 Thetavp, 124-126,241-243

Thetaxp, 241-243

Third person clitic, 227

Thomason, 27, 90, 185,330

Thompson, 249

Thurmrur, 89, 96,98,232,247

Time, 24, 32, 41-42, 279-280, 282-283, 286-287,303-305,418-420

axis, 283, 285

model, 283, 285-286, 305

reference, 255, 283, 285-286, 298, 300, 304


proposition, 296-297


sentence, 289, 298 TMWH,I97

Tolerance, 343-344

Tolerant grammar, 26-27 Tombe, des, 2, 6, 87, 95, 408 Tools, 36, 389, 430

Top categories, 44, 154-157, 169, 174, 255, 261-263, 265, 275

Top category

divergences, 247-250, 275 type, 154-155

Top node, 44-45, 138-141, 144, 159-160, 169, 175, 355-356

CLAUSE, 160, 177 VPPROP, 175, 177

TOPCATS, 170, 263-265 Topic, 12,43,88,90, 193, 195, 208,229 Topic position, 192-193

Topic-comment relations, 192-193, 195 Topicalisation, 196-197, 221, 310-311, 313-

315, 338. 342. 346 Torrego. 222-223

Trace. 186. 207. 223 Transfer. 58. 74, 87. 91. 95-96, 98, 402. 436

approach, 95, 98. 101-102

component. 58. 60. 349 design. 95. 102 module. 89. 93. 95-96. 98. 375. 434 rule. 89. 91. 273. 420. 426 steps. 95

system. 58. 60. 87. 94-95, 98. 100. 123. 434

Transformation class. 152. 165-166. 168-169. 177.300,405

Transformational grammar. 90. 102.203-205. 220. 228. 412

Transformation. 123. 162-163. 165-174. 185-186. 190-197.204-206.211-213.225-226

Transitivity, 100.251

Translation. 1-12, 15-18.20.22-24.26.31-32

equivalence. 22. 29-31. 57. 63.84.99,248. 253

equivalents. 164. 232. 242. 244. 255. 260. 273. 288. 309. 332. 339-340

equivalent rules. 245. 368


function. 396, 398.400

idioms. 96, 232. 234. 240. 254. 307-309. 318-319.321

isomorphism. 398-399. 401 method. 10.62, 174, 185.420.425.427 power, 414

problems. 5. II, 13,92.229,247-248.272-273.307 process. 8. 15. 33. 57-58, 60, 62. 64. 88 process source. 59. 76 relation. 4. 9. 15-18. 21-27. 29-33. 57-58. 84-85. 162-163

Translation-equivalence relation. 29-30. 71

Translation-equivalent. 16,22. 30-32. 57. 71. 93, 134,238

basic expressions, 21, 93. 248, 267, 271. 300.368 expressions. 235. 240 rules, 16-17, 21, 23, 32, 93. 190.244-245. 253.268 sentences. 30. 46. 99. 296

Translation-relevant. 93. 98. 163. 165-166.239. 334

information. 22. 32. 163.256 rule class, 163-166. 168. 171. 251. 253, 264-265. 275

rule. 97. 162-163. 166. 168. 170. 172-173. 251.267-268

Tree adjoining grammar. 135 Truth values. 28-29 Tshift. 345. 347 Tsujii, 249. 275 Tuning. 93-98. 101 Tuning subgrammars. 252. 256. 275 Turing

machine instruction. 412-413

machines. 411. 414-415




TVPPROPvp. 177-180

Two-place verb. 177.269

Ullman. 168, 382

Unary function. 164. 358

Unbounded dependencies. 205. 220-221, 223


Ungrammaticality, 127,225, 227,314

Unification, 135

Unification grammars, 92


meaning, 22, 196

name, 40, 45, 49, 70, 110-112, 120, 239, 362

Universal algebra, 389-390, 416

Unrestricted compositional grammar, 410, 414

User, 8-11, 101, 107, 121,418-420,422,437

User interface, 417, 419

Uszkoreit, 135

Utterance, 51, 54, 56, 77, 201, 265, 355, 361-362

Utterance rule, 356

Valency, 163-164, 175, 178,251,253,265

Van Dale

dictionary, 119, 129-130, 132

file, 130, 132

tape, 129

Variable, 18, 46-48, 55, 113, 153-154, 160, 175-177, 194-196

Vasconcelles, 89

Vauquois, 89, 100, 150-151

Vendler, 287

Verb, 23-24, 36, 38-39, 42, 110-111, 125-131, 144-146, 187-189, 206-208, 210-211, 260-261, 299-301

form, 206, 237, 280, 292, 301, 303

pattern, 126, 150, 177-178,339

pattern rule, 314, 317, 320

phrase, 19,24, 38, 317, 325-326, 410

raising, 212-214

second, 205, 208-212, 217, 312, 315


forms, 282, 298

groups, 280, 283

Verkuyl, 283, 287, 301

Voice, 43, 47-48, 163, 175, 177-180, 182, 205-206, 237-238

attribute, 205

rule, 205-206, 238

Vorfeld test, 37, 54

Vowel, 112, 117


Vowel sound, 120

VPPROP, 179-180, 240, 252, 258, 260, 264, 266

W-grammar, 104, 114-115

W-grammar phase, 104, 111-112, 114-115

W-rules, 111-112, 114-115

Weak generative power, 134, 139

verbs, 273-274, 276

Wedekind, 249, 259


derivation tree, 224, 368,379

lexical S-tree, 103, III

S-tree, 361, 363, 419

sentence, 147, 227,432, 436

syntactic derivation, 23, 356-357, 361

Well-formedness, 72, 357

WH-complement, 196

WH-movement, 135, 186, 195, 197,222-223, 310

WH-phrase, 196,222-223

WH-questioning, 220-221, 310-311

WH-question, 145, 187, 190, 195-197

Whshiftfound, 143

Williams, 207


Witkam, II


forms, 40, 71, 78-79, 83, 103-106, 110, 114-115, 118

internal syntax, 11 8

meanings, 426, 437

order, 3, 15,26,88, 195,331-332,344-345, 348

stems, 16, 78, 114

Word-external structure, 50

Word-internal structure, 50, 103, 108

World knowledge, 2-5, 107, 437


XPPROPtoCLAUSE, 263, 265, 267


XPPROP, 155-157, 170, 251, 253, 262-263, 266, 376

Yes-no question, 144, 187, 193, 210, 236, 319


Zajac, 92

Zeevat, 135 Zwarts, 198,251

&-tree, 357-360, 370-372, 375 A-tree, 358

