BIC : Brothers in Christ Focus Spiritual & Physical Wellness


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BIC : Brothers in Christ

FocusSpiritual & Physical Wellness

19 NovBt Timah Hike

See the MEN of SBBC

We are MEN of ACTIONS …. not just talk

Ooi….. Who’s the planner???

Only ONE bottle???

Eh!!! Photo photo!!

Must look Cool

Show them the Sholin’s Moves

Keep up the Thinker’s look

Who was saying chicken feet … “Just follow me” ??

Paying homage to the Hiking Winner

Spiritual lesson amidst God’s creation

Someone took

“Digging for God’s truth”


Hiking king, our new Leader, teaching everyone how to glide down the hill

Just spread your hand like


But 1st … look for the birds

And feathers to stick onto your arms

Actually it was just a warm up for the main event

Food .. Glorious food

The proof of Manhood

was not in the Hike

It was the Chilli-Padi

Great conversation during makan

I tell you …. Thai durian is

so fleshy

The MEN being made to feel like a king for a day

A day

Make sure you do the laundry, toilet. floor &

trash later

More kopi as the 2

pastors engage in

serious talk

I tell you ah…Thai Durian is

so big

Did we have a good fellowship?


It was a GREAT fellowship

BIC : Brothers in Christ

FocusSpiritual & Physical Wellness

Look out for the next activity -Come join us to share

God’s blessings together
