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  • 7/28/2019 Bio_Pepsi


    Brand Biography of Pepsi

    Submitted by :

    Mrugen Munshi

    Roll No 11127

    Div : A

  • 7/28/2019 Bio_Pepsi


    Creation of brand Pepsi

    Pepsi was first introduced as "Brad's Drink" in New Bern, North Carolina, United States, in 1893by Caleb Bradham, who made it at his drugstore where the drink was sold. It was later labeled

    Pepsi Cola, named after the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts used in the recipe.Bradham

    sought to create a fountain drink that was delicious and would aid in digestion and boost energy.

    In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his drugstore to a rented warehouse.That year, Bradham sold 7,968 gallons of syrup. The next year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce

    bottles, and sales increased to 19,848 gallons. In 1909, automobile race pioneer Barney Oldfield

    was the first celebrity to endorse Pepsi-Cola, describing it as "A bully drink...refreshing,

    invigorating, a fine bracer before a race." The advertising theme "Delicious and Healthful" wasthen used over the next two decades.In 1926, Pepsi received its first logo redesign since the

    original design of 1905. In 1929, the logo was changed again.

    Pepsico trademark : The original trademark application for Pepsi-Cola was filed onSeptember 23, 1902 with registration approved on June 16, 1903. In the application's statement,

    Caleb Bradham describes the trademark as an "arbitrary hyphenated word "PEPSI-COLA", and

    indicated that the mark was in continuous use for his business since August 1, 1901. The Pepsi-

    Cola's description is a flavoring-syrup for soda water. The trademark expired on April 15, 1994.

    A second Pepsi-Cola trademark is on record with the USPTO. The application date submitted by

    Caleb Bradham for the second trademark is Saturday, April 15, 1905 with the successfulregistration date of April 15, 1906, over three years after the original date. Curiously, in this

    application, Caleb Bradham states that the trademark had been continuously used in his business"and those from whom title is derived since in the 1905 application the description submitted tothe USPTO was for a tonic beverage. The federal status for the 1905 trademark is registered and

    renewed and is owned by Pepsico, Inc. of Purchase, New York.

    Logo Transition

  • 7/28/2019 Bio_Pepsi



    Pepsiman is an official Pepsi mascot from Pepsi's Japanese corporate branch. The design of thePepsiman character is attributed to Canadian comic book artist Travis Charest, created sometime

    around the mid 1990s. Pepsiman took on three different outfits, each one representing the current

    style of the Pepsi can in distribution. Twelve commercials were created featuring the character.His role in the advertisements is to appear with Pepsi to thirsty people or people craving soda.

    Pepsiman happens to appear at just the right time with the product. After delivering the beverage,

    sometimes Pepsiman would encounter a difficult and action oriented situation which wouldresult in injury.

    In 1996, Sega-AM2 released the Sega Saturn version of its arcade fighting gameFighting Vipers.

    In this game Pepsiman was included as a special character, with his specialty listed as being theability to "quench one's thirst". He does not appear in any other version or sequel. In 1999, KID

    developed a video game for the PlayStation entitledPepsiman. As the titular character, the player

    runs, skateboards, rolls, and stumbles through various areas, avoiding dangers and collectingcans of Pepsi all while trying to reach a thirsty person as in the commercials.

    Pepsi cbbe model

    Caffeine-Free Pepsi-Cola was introduced, under the brand name Pepsi Free, in 1982 by PepsiCo

    as the first major-brand caffeine-free cola in years. (The Canada Dry Company had marketed

    "Sport Cola," which was also caffeine-free, in the 1960s, but that brand of cola was not a

    success.) A sugar-free variant, pepsi cbbe model then known as Diet Pepsi Free, was also

    introduced. The Pepsi Free name itself was phased out in 1987, two years after the brand name

    became the punchline of one of the jokes in Back to the Future, and today these colas are knownsimply as pepsi cbbe model Caffeine-Free Pepsi and Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi. The term "Free"

    had been reintroduced by Pepsico on their Sierra Mist line in response to Coca-Cola's successful

    introduction of their Zero line (although the "Free" refers to a lack of sugar rather than caffeine,

    since pepsi cbbe model Sierra Mist is already caffeine-free), though in 2008 that drink had

    reverted to its previous name of Diet Sierra Mist.

    Pepsi Free was the subject of a scene in the classic 1985 film Back to the Future. Upon entering a

    caf in 1955, Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) asks for a TaB (Coca-Cola's first version of a sugar-

    free soft drink, which was not available until 1963) and is told that he cannot have a "tab",

    meaning an pepsi cbbe model account where goods are sold on the basis of credit and not paidfor immediately, unless he orders something. He then asks for a Pepsi Free(also not available in

    the 1950's) and is told, "If you want a Pepsi, pal, you're gonna pay for it!" ("Free" is here being

    mistaken for gratis.) pepsi cbbe model Finally, he asks for "something without any sugar in it,"

    and is served black coffee.

    This scene was one of the factors that led to Pepsico re-branding the colaA can of Diet Pepsi

  • 7/28/2019 Bio_Pepsi


    Free can be seen beside Marty's alarm clock towards the beginning of the movie when Doc

    (Christopher Lloyd) calls him to remind him to meet him pepsi cbbe model at the mall. The can

    is also seen toward the end of the movie when Marty wakes up the morning after Doc drops him

    off at his house in 1985.

  • 7/28/2019 Bio_Pepsi


    If we look at virtual base the brand has created for itself is nearly 2 million people who liekes the

    pepsico page on facebook and other networking websites.Despite its non-evocative brandsname, Pepsi has developed strong brand salience (like its competitor Coca Cola (Market

    Leader)). Pepsicos logo is visible in lot of places because the brand is sponsoring a lot ofextreme sports and punk rock bands. But theres always an association with the product and its

    effects. It does strengthen its brand salience.Like it came with unique ad campaign for cricketworld cup which says Pepsi Change the Game

    Regarding PepsiCobrand meaning, we can say that its products meet consumers needs in thevery competitive market of soft drinks. Indeed, Pepsi is a brand offering a wide range of

    products, which is not the norm in this market. Plus, its products are known for having a higher

    ratio in flavours and sugar, which leads consumers to think that Pepsi products are moreeffective. Finally, Pepsi brand performance is based on price, because it offers generally biggercan than its competitor coke, and at a lower price.

    Pepsi has built its image around Movies,sports, motorsports, gaming and also the PepsiGirls.

    The brand personality is therefore very developed throughout this universe mixing sports, games,

    girls and parties. So their users are seen as people loving those kinds of activities, loving living

    life on the edge, and of course loving partying.




    Soft Drink

    -Party lovers


    - Rejuvinate

    - Wide Options- Different varient- Lower prices


    - Freedom


    - Relevant

  • 7/28/2019 Bio_Pepsi


    PepsiCo have a strong brand identity, but has also developed its credibility among its consumers.

    Its credibility relies in the fact that Pepsico knows well its consumers and reaches them with

    relevancy. For instance, pepsi is targeting very well the athletes they sponsor. Pepsi doesntchoose soccer players or basket-ball player. The brand sponsors athletes in niche sports, such as

    mountain cricket,bike racing, and even there they choose the one which have the strongest

    personality or the better style.Even they go for celebrity like Ranbir kapoor , Beyonce and othersas a result the values of the individual celebrity are transferred to th brand itself.It helps Pepsi tohave very positive brand judgments from its consumers.If we consider its India branding strategy

    they even sponser IPL matches .

    Drinking a can of Pepsi is associated in its consumers mind with freedom, and also virility,

    rejuvinate. Also pepsi comes with different varient like can offering,sugerfree,blue pepsi etc

    .This latter is a consequence of Pepsi brand image which is based on people doinglaidback,sports, taking risks, hanging with the girls and partying. The sentiment of excitement

    linked to pepsi is therefore very masculine. Consumers have the sensation they are experiencing

    something special with the brand.