Birds like to eat bugs. Karen Casadaban, SLP, November 2010


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Birds like to eat bugs.

Karen Casadaban, SLP, November 2010

Fruit bats like to eat fruit

Birds live in nests

Bat Colonies….like a bat subdivision.

Bats like to hang upside down

Birds sit on top of branches.

Bats go out at night

Birds fly in the daytime

Owls are enemies of bats.

What makes an animal a mammal?

• Warm blooded

• Their babies are born live (not eggs)

• They have hair

• They feed their babies with milk.

• A bat is an example of a mammal.

• Are we mammals?

How does a bat use sonar?

• They “scream” out high pitched sound waves…and they bounce off objects…like an echo.

How do humans interfere with bat colonies?

• Chemicals on our crops

• We close up caves where they may want to live.

• We hinder and disrupt bat habitats, to make more human habitats.
