Blue Barn Holdings, Inc · 2020. 4. 16. · Uncontrolled or improperly controlled water run off can...


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Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 1All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

RISK Assessment® ReportJanuary 9, 2020

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc2055 Saviers Road #10

Oxnard, CA 93033Inspector - Stuart HuffConfidential and Proprietary

2550 Honolulu Ave. #101, Montrose, CA 91020818.957.4654

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 2All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc2055 Saviers Road #10

Oxnard, CA 93033

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA 91020 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

This is an assessment of the five major systems - Plumbing, Electrical, Heating andAir Conditioning, Structure and Roofing along with an assessment of any other current deferredmaintenance issues for the site. This assessment will cover three aspects of these systems per industry standards, namely:

1. Expected useful life left in each system.2. Maintenance/Repairs that are needed immediately for each system.3. Total costs that are expected over the next five years for each system.

Note: The cost estimates are industry standards per the R.S. Means - 2007 Building Construction CostData 20th Annual Western Edition along with review and consultation with local contractors.

Although care and thought have gone into this assessment there are many variables that can cause the actualprices to differ greatly, such as: local building ordinances, requirements, specifications and details, localdemand for labor, materials, etc.

No implied warrantee is given.

No cosmetic concerns have been addressed in these estimates.

No Routine Maintenance concerns have been addressed in these estimates below $1000.

ADDRESS: 2055 Saviers Road #10 Oxnard, CA 93033

CLIENT: Blue Barn Holdings, Inc January 9, 2020

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA 91020 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


1. The expected useful life left in the Plumbing System:

The expected useful life left appears to be approx. 20 - 30 years- If properlymaintained.

2. What Maintenance/Repairs are needed immediately for the Plumbing System:

It is noted that a sewer line camera inspection was performed. Please fullyreview the report before the contingency period is over.

It is advised to have an approved Earth Quake Shut off valve installed on eachgas meter for safety.

Installing or locating an approved pressure regulator for the supply line system isadvised for health and safety.

Hot water is a typical requirement for all restroom sinks for hygienic reasons. Itis advised to provide hot water to all required locations such as the restrooms.

3. What costs are expected over the next five years for the Plumbing System:

The cost for the above listed repairs/upgrades is approx. $5,000 - $7,000+depending on scope of work needed and done.


$5,000 - $7,000+Specialty Evaluation is

needed to determinethe scope of work.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA 91020 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


1. What is the expected useful life left in the Electrical System:

The expected useful life left of the electrical system is approximately - 20 - 30years.

For all portions of the electrical system that are original the expected useful lifehas been exceeded.

2. What Maintenance/Repairs are needed immediately for the Electrical System:

Zinsco panels have been observed on the site. These panels have been reported tonot perform as designed in a higher number of cases than is considered typical. Further review by a qualified electrician is advised at this time for safety.

Some Repairs of the electrical system are advised at this time for health andsafety, ensuring all panels are properly labeled as is required by code; installingcovers over all junction boxes with exposed wiring & lighting repairs.

3. What costs are expected over the next five years for the Electrical System:

The cost for the above listed repairs/upgrades is approx. $2,000 - $4,000+


$2,000 - $4,000+Specialty Evaluation is

needed to determinecosts.


1. What is the expected useful life left in the Heating and Air ConditioningSystem:

The units are at or near the end of their expected useful service life.

2. What Maintenance/Repairs are needed immediately for the Heating and AirConditioning system:

While a full inspection by a qualified Heating and Air Conditioning specialist isrecommended, replacement of the units appear to be the most likely option.

3. What costs are expected over the next five years for the Heating and AirConditioning System:

Anticipated replacement cost in the next five years for the units on this site isapprox. $6,000 - $8,000+ each at current costs. (4 needed)


$24,000 - $32,000+Specialty Evaluation is

needed to determinethe scope of work

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA 91020 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


1. What is the expected useful life left in the Roofing System:

It appears that this roofing system has approx. 5 - 10 years of expected useful lifeleft in it if diligently and properly maintained.

2. What Maintenance/Repairs are needed immediately for the Roofing System:

It appears that the roofing system is in serviceable condition and that nosignificant repairs or maintenance other than routine maintenance is needed atthis time.

3. What costs are expected over the next five years for the Roofing System:

The above repairs appear to be approx. $1,000 or less. This is considered routinemaintenance.


Routine Maintenance


1. What is the expected useful life left in the Structural System:

It appears that the expected useful life is 30 - 40 years with any needed upgradesdone.

2. What Maintenance/Repairs are needed immediately for the Structural System:

Due to age a seismic review of the building's structure is recommended todetermine feasible, cost-effective upgrades to improve the building's resistance toearthquake movement according to improvements and upgrades to earthquakesafety standards since the building's construction. This is advised as aprecautionary measure and not due to any significant deficiencies observed.

3. What costs are expected over the next five years for the Structural System:

Accurate estimates can only be determined after a full evaluation is done by theproper specialist and a detailed recommendation has been completed andreviewed by a qualified contractor.


Specialty Evaluation isneeded to determinethe scope of work

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA 91020 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


1. What is the expected useful life left in the Site:

The expected useful life left in the site is approx. 30 - 40 years with neededmaintenance and repairs.

2. What Maintenance/Repairs are needed immediately currently for the Site:

It is advised to have the exterior of the building fully patched and painted to helpensure longer lasting life and help minimize moisture intrusion.

It is advised to repair or replace deteriorated areas of the exterior wood and thenhave them repainted to help ensure a longer lasting condition. The parking area is worn and aged and there are sections that are deteriorated tothe point that resurfacing of the asphalt is advised at this time.

It is advised to repair or modify walkways to eliminate trip hazards.

A structural pest control inspection, typically referred to as a termite inspection,is recommended at this time.

There are areas on the site that do not appear to control the water during rainsproperly. Uncontrolled or improperly controlled water run off can result indamage and/or settlement. A full review by a qualified drainage specialist isadvised at this time.

A Fire & Life Safety review by a qualified professional is needed at this time toensure items such as emergency signs, lighting access and egress, trip hazards,etc. are addressed immediately for health and safety. A qualified Fire and LifeSafety review is typically $600 - $800. The costs to implement the findings can'tbe determined until the review is done and the recommendations are reviewed bya qualified contractor. 3. What costs are expected over the next five years for the Site:

Due to the extent of repairs advised further review is needed at this time todetermine the scope of work and the costs involved. Estimated Cost: $30,000 -$40,000+


$30,000 - $40,000+Specialty Evaluationsneeded to determine

scope of work.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA 91020 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


It is noted that in this Report a number of Specialty Inspections have beendeemed necessary and are recommended.

Costs associated with the findings of Specialist Inspections can addsignificantly to these Total Combined Estimated Expenses.

Upgrades and renovations to interiors are not included in these costings.

Further review by qualified specialists is advised at this time to determinethe full scope of work.

These estimates should be used as guidelines only.


$60,000 - $85,000+

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 3All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


January 9, 2020 TIME OF INSPECTION:


Blue Barn Holdings, Inc.ADDRESS:

2055 Saviers Road #10 Oxnard, CA 93033






This is a medical facility / Office BuildingSTORIES:



The utilities were on


Yes the building is occupiedAPPROX. DATE OFCONSTRUCTION

1961 Per Disclosure at the time of the inspection.CLIENT PRESENT:

No, but the client had a representative at the inspection

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 4All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

GENERAL OVERVIEW:Overall the site is aged and worn. For the most part the systems exhibittypical wear and tear considering age, type of materials, and quality ofinstallation at the time of construction.

NOTE - The original date of construction is before 1978. Due to this thereare two aspects that should be taken into consideration during futureupgrades or renovations: 1. The use of lead based paint was common andtypical. 2. The use of asbestos materials in items such as insulation andflooring materials was common. Both items are considered hazardousmaterials and require specialty methods and personnel for mitigation. Theability to determine if these are present require detailed reviews by qualifiedprofessionals which is beyond the scope of a general visual inspection suchas this.

NOTE: In the Report, building orientation is established by "front, back, leftand right" indications, with "Front" of the building determined by the wallcontaining the building's main entry door.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 5All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


It is the inspectors opinion that this item is doing the job for which it wasintended and exhibits normal wear and tear for it's age.

NEEDS ATTENTION:It is the inspectors opinion that this item is in need of further investigationand/or repairs or appears to be at the end of its expected useful life. Theinspector has made the client aware of this situation by calling it "needsattention" in the report. It is then the clients responsibility to takeappropriate action concerning the situation with the appropriate professionalin a timely manner.

NOT ACCEPTABLE:It is the inspectors opinion that this item is either in need of immediaterepairs or is a safety hazard due to adverse conditions. Also the item may bein such a state of disrepair that significant repairs or replacement is stronglyadvised.

The inspector has made the client aware of this situation by calling it "notacceptable" and it is then the clients responsibility to take appropriate actionconcerning the situation with the appropriate professional in a timelymanner.

STANDARDS:A. The report conforms to the Commercial Standards of Practice of theCalifornia Real Estate Inspection Association and the Business andProfessions Code which defines a commercial real estate inspection as: Theinspection to be performed consists of non-intrusive visual observations tosurvey the readily accessible, easily visible material components, systemsand equipment of the building. The inspection is designed to identifymaterial physical deficiencies in the buildings components, systems andequipment, as they exist at the time of the inspection. Unless otherwiseagreed between the inspector and client, the specific systems, structures andcomponents of a building to be examined are listed in these CommercialStandards of Practice.B. A commercial real estate inspection report provides writtendocumentation of material physical deficiencies discovered in the inspectedbuilding's systems and components which, in the opinion of the Inspector,are safety hazards, are not functioning properly or appear to be at the end oftheir expected useful life. The report may include the Inspector'srecommendations for correction or further evaluation.

The term material physical deficiencies means the presence of conspicuouspatent defects or material deferred maintenance of the buildings materialsystems, components or building equipment as observed during the

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 6All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

inspection. This definition specifically excludes deficiencies that may beremedied by routine maintenance.C. Inspections performed in accordance with these Standards of Practice arenot technically exhaustive and shall apply to the primary building and itsassociated primary parking structure.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 7All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

PLUMBING SYSTEMWhile some plumbing observation may be code related, this inspection does not determine if the system complies with code. Supply and waste lines are inspected only where they are accessible and while operating accessible fixtures and drains. Performance of the water flow can vary during different times of the day and performance of the drain during actual usage isundetermined. Drain blockage is common in vacant property. It is advised to have any underground drain lines examined by aspecialist with a camera to determine their actual condition. The following are not included: inaccessible supply or waste lines;leaks in inaccessible areas such as walls, underground or the crawl space; the interior of pipes for mineral or corrosive clogging,water hammering, solar equipment or water temperature, and the condition of shower pans or if a shower will leak when used. No water testing of any type is performed. The type of copper is not part of this inspection and will not be determined. The gassystem is not tested for leaks and any underground or hidden gas lines are specifically excluded from this report. Determining theoperation of sewer ejection systems is excluded from this inspection and it should be examined by a specialist. The shutoffvalves under sinks and other plumbing valves, such as the main shut off valve, are not turned or tested.


The system is in need of some repairs. These repairs do not appear to beoverall significant but are recommended for health and safety.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 8All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


On the left side of the building.


The visible portion of the water main is composed of copper. This is thewater supply piping that runs between the city water meter and the building.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 9All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Needs Attention:

The main water line is actively leaking. Immediate repairs is advised.


Needs Attention:

No pressure regulator was observed at the main line where it enters thestructure. They are sometimes installed in other locations that are notreadily discoverable.


Note: There is a water softener system that is rusted and damaged that needsrepairs or removal at this time.


Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 10All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The interior piping that supplies the water throughout the building is made ofcopper where viewed.

CONDITION:Serviceable overall.


The piping that takes the waste water to the sewer system is a combination ofdifferent materials where viewed.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 11All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


A main waste line cleanout was located on the right side of the building.


It is noted that this camera inspection was being done at the time of thegeneral visual inspection. See this detailed report for the overallcondition of the underground sewer lines.


Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 12All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The meters are located on the back of the building.

GAS SYSTEM CONDITION:Serviceable overall.


Needs Attention:

There is no automatic seismic gas shut-off valve on the main gas line. Itis advised to have this installed for health and safety purposes.


No Water heaters were observed for the building.


The location of the water heater is Unknown, however it noted that the waterdid get hot at the fixtures at the time of the inspection.


Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 13All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


There is no fire suppression system installed for this site.


Exterior sprinklers and plumbing lines are beyond the scope of a generalvisual inspection.


The interior of the waste lines are not visible. A detailed investigationcan only be performed by the use of an internal camera by a specialtycontractor. Such an inspection is recommended at this time.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 14All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

GENERAL COMMENTS:The majority of the water supply pipes, waste lines and gas lines areunderground, in walls or installed in concealed parts of the structure and thusare not visible. Their condition cannot be determined and no representationis made as to their status. During the inspection a Representative Samplingof the plumbing is viewed. This is to include any limited view areas such asin a crawl space, attic, etc. This is not a detailed specialty inspection.

The adequacy or efficiency of any hot water heater cannot be determined in alimited time visual inspection. It is not known how hot water will get orhow long it will last and this is many times a matter of personal preference.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 15All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

ELECTRICAL SYSTEMElectrical features are operated with normal controls. The general wiring, switches, outlets and fixtures are randomly checked inaccessible areas. While some observations may be code related, this inspection does not determine if the system complies withcode. The inspection does not determine electrical capacity, determining over current capacity for any item including appliances,comparing circuit breaker capacity to installed appliance listings; interior or exterior low voltage wiring or fixtures; telephone,security, intercom, stereo, cable or satellite TV, remote controls or timers. The exterior lighting, landscape lighting or anylighting outside the footprint of the building is not inspected. Light bulbs are not removed or changed during an inspection. Thisinspection does not certify or warrant the system to be free of risk of fire, electrocution or personal injury or death.


Due to the type of components in the electrical system a detailed review isadvised by a qualified electrical professional to determine the best course ofaction for health and safety.


The electricity is supplied by an overhead line to the building.


Serviceable overall.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 16All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The main electrical panel is located on the right exterior side of the building.


This is a single phase, 3 wire system.

120/240 volts.

Service Amperage rating - 100.

for each unit 70

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 17All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The main panel disconnect is a circuit breaker.


The panel is missing some required labels. This is a safety issue. Eachpanel and breaker is required clearly visible label as to its size and whatarea it serves.

GROUNDING SYSTEM:The connection of the grounding wires to the grounding system is not fullyvisible. It should be connected to a grounding rod and/or the cold waterpiping system but in many cases a full view of these connections are notobservable and are covered over within the building.

It is noted that the outlets of the building did test as grounded.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 18All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

MAIN PANEL CONDITION:The panel is missing some required labels. This is a safety issue. Eachpanel and breaker is required clearly visible label as to its size and whatarea it serves.


There is an electrical subpanel in various areas of the property.


The subpanels in the units, or some of them, are observed to have beenmanufactured by Zinsco. These panels are reported to not perform upto current safety standards. For further details please consult with aqualified licensed electrician who is familiar with this type of panel. The only way to fully determine the condition of these panels is to dointrusive testing and examination which is beyond the scope of thisinspection but is recommended at this time for health and safetyreasons.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 19All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The wiring was observed to be the plastic coated type where seen. Theremay be other types of wiring in the system that were not visible.


Needs Attention:

There is exposed wiring in areas. It may or may not be part of thesystem anymore and its function is unknown at this time. It should beremoved or re-installed properly and not left in this condition.


A representative sampling of outlets were tested and those that were checkedwere found to be overall serviceable.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 20All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlets appear to be located in the properplaces, such as kitchens, restrooms and the exterior.


Needs Attention:

There are light fixtures that did not work when tested. This can beburnt out bulbs or deteriorated ballasts in fluorescent lights but it is notknown exactly why they are not working.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 21All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


This type of building site is required to have certain fire safety items,such as exit signs and/or fire extinguishers. It is advised to check withthe local Fire Marshal to determine if this building meets current firesafety regulations.


Although there are signs present, they are not of the type that arerequired by current standards.


Inspection of the exterior lighting outside the building and on the grounds istypically not part of the inspection.

Exterior lighting is not part of this inspection but there are some

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 22All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

exterior fixtures that did not work.


It is advisable to have an electrician examine the system and make allneeded repairs to ensure a properly installed and correctly operatingelectrical system.

The electrical specialist should examine the Zinsco panels to determineif further testing, repairs or replacements are needed. It is expected thatwhen the electrical specialist checks out the system they will find moreproblems as this is a general inspection and not designed to list everyfault but to isolate areas in need of further detailed inspections.

Low voltage lighting and wiring is excluded from a standard propertyinspection including outdoor lights, phone lines, security systems andspeaker systems. Regular voltage exterior lighting is also excluded.

The wiring is enclosed within the walls and ceilings and other parts of thestructure. It is not visible and its condition cannot be fully determined. Norepresentation is made as to its status.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 23All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMWhile some observations may be code related, this inspection does not determine if the system complies with building codes. Weather permitting a representative sampling of the systems are operated with normal controls. In order not to damage thesystem, the air conditioners are not activated if the outdoor temperature is below 65 degrees. Gas furnaces are not checked forcarbon monoxide leakage or fire risks. There are carbon monoxide and fire detection devices which can be purchased andinstalled, which we recommend. Air ducts and registers are randomly checked for air flow. Heat exchangers are specificallyexcluded from the inspection, due to being visually obstructed by the design of the system and a complete inspection requiresspecial tools and disassembly, which is beyond the scope of the inspection. The following are additional items that are beyond thescope of the inspection: balance of the air flow, capacity or velocity of the air flow, humidifiers, air duct cleanliness, the ability ofthe system to heat or cool evenly, the presence of toxic or hazardous material or asbestos, system refrigerant levels, cooling orheating capacity to determine if its sufficient for the building, electronic air filters, solar equipment and programmablethermostats. Determining the remaining life of the system is based on industry standards. Window A/C's are not built in unitsand therefore not usually inspected.


There are multiple HVAC systems for this property. The systems are invarying conditions. Some are in overall serviceable condition and someare in need of maintenance and/or repairs.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 24All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


1 - Split Gas HVAC system (for Unit 9)

2 - Heat Pump HVAC units at the right side of the building (for Unit 10) &on the Roof (for Unit 12)

1 - Roof Package unit (Unit 11)


The heating and cooling units are located on the roof and on the right side ofthe building.

The condenser for the air conditioning is located in the left sideyard.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 25All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Serviceable overall.


This type of system is referred to as a "split system." This is an HVACsystem with a gas forced air furnace that is usually enclosed within thebuilding and a separate but connected AC condenser at the exterior.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 26All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The system is approx. 20 years old. (2000)

THERMOSTAT:The thermostat did cause the unit to respond when tested.


Needs Attention:

The filter does not fit properly. This can allow it to not filter the airfully as designed when the fan is in operation.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 27All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435




The heating and cooling unit is located on the roof & the right side of thebuilding.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 28All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Needs Attention:

The unit is sitting on wooden blocks. This is not a reliable methodregarding moisture intrusion. It is advised to have a platform with ametal cap installed to help ensure a leak free condition.

SYSTEM TYPE:The systems are a heat pump type system. This is an all electric system thathas a condenser that pumps the refrigerant in one direction to cool thebuilding and then reverses it to heat.


The system is approx. 16 years old. (2004)

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 29All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

The system is approx. 17 years old. (2003)

The heating and cooling units are aged and worn. Though they maystill be functional and working, it is noted that this type of unit has a lifeexpectancy of approx. 15 - 20 years. Depending on the quality ofmaintenance, these units are at or near this age.


Needs Attention:

The condensate line is disconnected / damaged. The line should beproperly installed to remove moisture to an approved drain.

THERMOSTAT:The thermostats did cause the units to respond when tested.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 30All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Serviceable Where Viewed


The heating and cooling unit is located on the roof.

LOCATION CONDITION:Serviceable overall.

SYSTEM TYPE:The heating and cooling system is known as a "Roof Package". This is thetype of system where the gas heating furnace and the electric air conditioning(cooling) components are packaged inside one container and perform bothfunctions from this common location on the roof.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 31All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The system is approx. 13 years old. (2007)

THERMOSTAT:The thermostat did cause the unit to respond when tested.


Serviceable Where Viewed

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The system, or a portion of it, appear to be suffering from deferredmaintenance in general. It is advised that they be cleaned and servicedat this time.


It is advised to keep all units properly serviced and maintained. Properservice and timely repairs can significantly increase the normal expected,industry standard service life.

Per the California Energy Commission, "Beginning October 1, 2005, Title24 of the Building Energy Efficiency Standards requires that ducts be testedfor leaks when a central air conditioner or furnace is installed or replaced. Ducts that leak 15% or more must be repaired"

A property inspection will not be able to determine if this air loss exceedsthe maximum allowed of 15%. This test can only be done by a qualifiedtechnician and is beyond he scope of this inspection. It is advised to consultwith a qualified specialist on this matter as the examination may determinethat repairs or replacement of the ducting system is required.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 33All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

ROOF SYSTEMThe report is not intended to be conclusive regarding the life span of the roofing system, if it is leak free or how long it willremain leak free in the future. The inspection and report are based on visible and apparent condition at the time of the inspection. The inspection does not address manufacturing defects, fastener appropriateness, if the roof was installed per code, if flashing ispresent in all locations or the numbers of layers present. Unless a rain has fallen just prior to the inspection, it is not possible todetermine if active leakage is occurring. Not all attic areas are readily accessible for inspection. Tile roofs and steeply pitchedroofs are not safe to walk on and access is limited on them. Conclusions made by the inspector do not constitute a warranty,guaranty, or policy of insurance. All roofs require periodic maintenance to achieve typical life spans and should be inspectedannually. Expect to make minor repairs to any roof.

While it is possible some prior repairs and leaks may be reported, it is not the intention of the inspection to identify and report allprior repairs and conditions. It is recommended to refer to the seller and sellers disclosure about the presence of any roof leaks orprior repairs. Also it should be noted that all gutters have rust and have a limited life span before they need to be replaced.


Overall the roof is generally serviceable, however there are some areas inneed of repairs or maintenance at this time.


The access to the roof is only by a personal ladder. There is no built in roofaccess.

HOW ROOF ACCESSED:The roofing was walked on to inspect it.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 34All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The roofing system has a Low Slope to it. This means that the slope of theroof appears to be no more than 2" of rise for every 12" of horizontalmeasurement.


The roof has a spray on insulation material that has been covered with areflective surface. This surface serves as insulation and water proofing.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 35All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Needs Attention: There are signs of standing water from the past from discolorationnoted in more than one location. Standing water can accelerate thedeterioration of roofing areas affected. It is advised to eliminate theseareas of ponding by improving the slope of the roof wherever needed, orto reinforce affected areas where slope improvement is impractical.

There are areas of wear and deterioration to the roofing material.


The metal flashing is rusting and corroded in areas.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 36All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The openings for the drains are smaller than recommended. It appearsthat during rains these openings could clog with debris.


Serviceable overall.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 37All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Needs Attention:

There are damaged downspouts.


The roof is supported by conventional framing for low-sloped commercialroofs.


There are areas of stains on the framing lumber as from former roofleaks.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 38All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


There is no attic space between the ceiling and the roof.


It is advised to obtain the roofing Maintenance History for the site. This is tohelp determine the quality of maintenance along with this can be a verystrong indicator as to how well the site performs during rains. The quality ofmaintenance can allow a roofing system to perform well past industrystandards regarding typical useful life. Industry wisdom is to have all roofingsystems inspected every year and for any maintenance or repairs to be doneby a qualified professional to help maintain a leak free condition.

California usually has seasonal rains which typically occur near the endand the beginning of each calendar year. Occasionally, the rainfall isexceptionally high. In recent years Southern California has been goingthrough a drought. During drought periods many conditions visiblefollowing rains do not appear. The duty of a building inspector is todisclose visible conditions present at the time of the inspection. If acondition is not visible, it cannot be reported. All roofing systemsrequire regular routine maintenance. It is advised to ensure that theroofing system receives regular routine maintenance.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 39All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

STRUCTURAL SUPPORT SYSTEMStructural comments are of the conditions observed at the time of the inspection and are the opinion of the inspector and not fact.If further information or facts are needed, they can be obtained through a structural engineer or foundation expert. The inspectiondoes not determine the potential of the structure to experience future problems, geological conditions or the potential of theunderlying soils to experience movement or water flow or whether the soil is stable. If any form of prior structural movement isreported you should expect future movements and possible repairs.

The inspection does not calculate crawl space ventilation capacities, deck and balcony capacity, retaining wall conditions,construction material type, quality or capacity. It does not address the existence of prior repairs, the potential of future repairs,failure analysis, documentation of all possible movement or cracks in floor slabs covered by floor furnishings. It is typical forconcrete floor slabs to have some hairline cracks as a result of the normal drying process of the concrete plus the stress occurringby settlement and seismic activity. Crawl spaces are observed in a cursory fashion and wood probing is not done and wooddamage, dryrot and termites are not part of this inspection but part of the structural pest control operators report.


Overall the structure appears generally serviceable, however there are someareas in need of further review at this time for health and safety by aqualified structural specialist.


Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 40All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The building is supported by a raised foundation with a crawl spaceunderneath.


Needs Attention:

There are areas of damp soil under the building.

FOUNDATION BOLTING:The structure has some original anchor bolts. There are not as many ofthese bolts per current standards that have been established for bolting.This would be evaluated by a foundation expert if additional work wasto be undertaken to bring it up to these standards.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 41All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Needs Attention:

There are areas of moisture stains and deterioration.


Needs Attention:

There is earth-to-wood contact observed on some of the posts, see thestructural pest control operator's report for more information.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 42All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435




This appears to be a Wood Frame structure with stucco & wood siding.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 43All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


There is some cracking noted in the exterior walls. While the cracks vieweddo not appear to be of significant structural concern, after repairs they shouldbe monitored closely for renewed cracking. Should cracking continue, it isrecommended to consult with a structural engineer to determine if repairs areneeded to improve the stability of the exterior walls.


Serviceable overall.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 44All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


This inspection is not a structural pest control inspection, otherwise knownas a termite inspection. The "termite" inspection also covers such things asdryrot and wood damage and deterioration as well as wood destroyingorganisms.

Due to age a seismic review of the building's structure is recommended todetermine feasible, cost-effective upgrades to improve the building'sresistance to earthquake movement according to improvements and upgradesto earthquake safety standards since the building's construction. This isadvised as a precautionary measure and not due to any significantdeficiencies observed.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 45All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

EXTERIORThe exterior is viewed in a cursory fashion. Areas of the exterior that are hidden from view by vegetation or stored items cannotbe judged and are not a part of this inspection. Minor cracks are typical in many exterior wall coverings and most do notrepresent a structural problem. Peeling and cracking exterior paint on windows, doors and trim allow water to enter and causedamage and deterioration. It is important to keep these exterior surfaces properly painted and/or sealed. Many times chimneyshave hidden undisclosed cracks that cannot be seen. A chimney specialist inspector should be employed to determine the truecondition of the structure of any chimney as it is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine damage to chimneys. Allexterior grades should allow for surface and roof water to flow away from the foundation and exterior walls.


Overall the exteriors are generally serviceable, however there are some areasin need of repairs or maintenance at this time.


The exterior building covering is stucco & wood siding.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 46All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Needs Attention:

There are areas of damage to the exterior walls.

Needs Attention:

There are areas of peeling or bubbling paint to the exterior of thebuilding.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 47All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

There are areas of Vandalism to the exterior of the building.


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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 48All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The exterior window surfaces are metal and wood.


Serviceable overall.

There are some areas with typical wear.


Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 49All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The exterior door surfaces are wood.

CONDITION:There are some areas of wear to the door finishes of the building.


Needs Attention:

There are portions of the exterior stairs that have not been installedprofessionally. Professional repairs are needed at this time to correct theconstruction.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 50All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

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Needs Attention:

The railings are worn and the paint is peeling.

The connections of the railings to the walls are not done in a currentlyapproved method so that items such as womens hand bags would notcatch on them. This is recommended for safety.


The deck has a waterproof coating on the surface of it

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 52All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The decking has cracks in the surface and is in need of repairs to ensurea leak free condition.


Repairs are needed to the exteriors, such as wood & stair repairs. COMMENTS:

This inspection is not a structural pest control inspection, otherwise knownas a termite inspection. The "termite" inspection also covers such things asdry rot and wood damage and deterioration as well as wood destroyingorganisms. Any and all of these items need to be examined and any repairscompleted by the "termite" company in a timely manner and they usuallyhave a guarantee on their work. Please refer to the structural pest controlreport for any information concerning them

This is not a mold or fungus inspection, it is therefore advised to have amold specialist examine the property and structure and do a completeinspection to determine the presence or not of any mold that may affect thehealth or safety of the occupants.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 53All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

GROUNDSThis inspection is not intended to address or include any geological conditions or site stability information. For informationconcerning these conditions, a geo-technical engineer should be consulted. Proper grading is important to keep water away fromthe foundation. If it is not raining during the inspection the course of water flowing toward the structure or off the site cannot beobserved. The soil should slope away from the structure to prevent problems caused by excess water not flowing away properly. Gutter discharge should be directed away from the foundation for the same reason. Out buildings, such as storage sheds, on theproperty are excluded from the inspection. Fire pits, a B.B.Q. and other similar items are not inspected nor is the gas to themtested or lit.

This inspection is visual in nature and does not attempt to determine drainage performance of the site or the condition of anyunderground piping, including municipal water and sewer service piping or septic systems. Landscape lighting, sprinklers andtheir timers are not part of a general property inspection. The inspection report does not include the identification of the propertyboundaries.


Overall the grounds exhibit excessive wear, damage or deterioration tothe point major repairs are advised.


Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 54All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435



Some areas of typical wear were noted.


Needs Attention:

There are raised and shifted areas of the walkways that appear to be atrip hazard.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 55All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Needs Attention:

The driveway area surfaces are deteriorated and in need of beingresurfaced at this time.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 56All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Needs Attention:

The parking area asphalt has areas of wear, weathering anddeterioration to the point that resurfacing should be stronglyconsidered.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 57All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Needs Attention:

The fencing/walls are generally worn & damaged.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 58All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The grounds on the property need minor maintenance in some areas.


Relatively flat site.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 59All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


There appear to beinadequate drainageor defects in thegrading within six feetof the building at theback.

The landscaping does not slope away from the structural foundation inall areas. This can cause over-saturation of the soil at the structuralfootings which is the chief cause of foundation settlement. Slope shouldfall away from the foundation at a minimum of 1/4 inch per foot andextend at least 10 feet away from the foundation at the rear of thebuilding.

COMMENTS:Determining the adequacy of the grounds to shed water and prevent moistureintrusion into the structure is beyond the scope of the inspection. It isadvised to obtain the history of any drainage problems and monitor the siteregarding water run-off and drainage in general.

This inspection does not address drainage issues further than 6 feet from thebuilding. Additionally drainage systems that are not visible such asunderground systems are not evaluated or inspected. If more information isrequired it is advised to consult with a qualified general contractor whospecializes in drainage systems.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 60All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


It is advised to have a qualified technician examine the system and performany maintenance or repairs that are needed at this time.

GENERAL COMMENTS:Low-voltage systems such as phone, cable, internet or grounds lightingon the site are not part of the real estate inspection.

This report does not include identification of property boundaries. Ifthis information is desired, it is advised to consult with a qualifiedprofessional.

California usually has seasonal rains which typically occur near the endand the beginning of each calendar year. Occasionally, the rainfall isexceptionally high. In recent years Southern California has been goingthrough a drought. During drought periods many conditions visiblefollowing rains do not appear. The duty of a building inspector is todisclose visible conditions present at the time of the inspection. If acondition is not visible, it cannot be reported.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 61All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

INTERIORSAs a general rule, cosmetic deficiencies are considered normal wear and tear and are not reported. The condition of walls behindwall coverings, paneling and furnishings cannot be judged. Minor cracks are found on interior surfaces in all buildings and aretypically cosmetic in nature. The condition of floors underneath carpet, furniture and other coverings cannot be determined andis specifically excluded from the inspection and report. Only the general condition of visible portions of floors is included in thisinspection.


The interior areas are generally aged and worn.


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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 62All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Serviceable overall.



The interior areas are generally aged, but remain serviceable overall.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 63All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

The ceiling has a texture material that may contain asbestos.



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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 64All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

Some wear was noted.


Serviceable overall with typical wear.

Needs Attention:

There are areas of moisture stains and/or damage on the ceiling.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 65All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Serviceable overall with typical wear.


The kitchenette area was found to be in generally serviceable condition, withtypical wear to surfaces, finishes and fixtures.


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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 66All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Though outside the scope of a general visual inspection the bathroomsdo not appear to be up to current ADA requirements. This is mentionedas a courtesy however further review by a qualified ADA specialist isadvised to determine the best course of action for this site.


Needs Attention:

The toilet is not securely mounted at the base in unit 10 & 11.

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Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 67All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435

Needs Attention:

The toilet runs continuously in unit 9.


There is no hot water provided to the some sinks, which is required forsanitary purposes. Note: This appears to be deliberate done for theclient testing.


Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 68All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


The carpeting is generally worn.


It is noted that the exit signs of the building do not appear to be up to currentstandards in quantity, type or location.

It appears that the site does not meet the usual requirements regardingfire safety. It is advised to have the entire site reviewed by a qualifiedfire safety inspector at this time for health and safety.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 69All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


This is a general visual inspection, there was no destructive or intrusiontesting performed. The intention of this report is to inform the client of theoverall condition of the property.

It is typical when a building is remodeled or repairs are undertaken thatadditional problems surface that were not noted on the inspection report. This is to be expected as walls, floors and ceilings are opened up during thework to reveal areas that were not accessible during the inspection. Anyremodeling work undertaken on a property should be expected to revealsome of these problems and it is recommended that additional sums be setaside for this purpose.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 70All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Our Goal is to enlighten you as to the condition of the property byidentifying material defects that would significantly affect the property andtherefore your decisions concerning it. We strive to add significantly to yourknowledge of the building. Thus the goal is not to identify every defectconcerning the property but focus upon the material defects andthereby put you in a much better position to make an informed decision.


A property inspector is a generalist and the inspection is conducted alonggeneralist guidelines as listed above. The generalist job is to note materialdefects in the property he is inspecting. When he observes and finds one ormore problems in a system of the property that affects its performance hemay then refer the entire system over to a specialist in that field for a furtherdetailed investigation. The specialist is expected to conduct a more detailedexamination on that system from his specialist sphere of knowledge andtraining to determine all the problems with the system and the related costsof repairs. The specialist is inspecting from a depth of knowledge andexperience that the generalist does not have.


The building has many identical components such as windows, electricaloutlets, etc. We inspect a representative sampling of these only. We do notmove any furniture or personal belongings. This means that somedeficiencies which were there may go unnoted or there may be items whichare impossible to anticipate. We suggest that you plan for unforeseenrepairs. This is part of property ownership as all buildings will have some ofthese repairs as well as normally occurring maintenance.

USE OF THE REPORT:The inspection report does not constitute a warranty, insurance policy orguarantee of any kind. It is confidential and is given solely for the use andbenefit of the client and is not intended to be used for the benefit of or berelied upon by any other buyer or other third party.


Terms and conditions crucial to interpretation of the report are contained in aseparate pre-inspection agreement. Do not use this report without consultingthe pre-inspection agreement as use of this report constitutes the acceptanceof all the terms, conditions and limitations in that agreement.

Blue Barn Holdings, Inc. 2055 Saviers Road 10 Oxnard, CA

Commercial Real Estate Inspections, LLC. 2550 Honolulu Ave.#101, Montrose, CA, 91020 Page 71All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 Phone 818.957.4654 Fax 818.949.4435


Mold, mildew and fungus are specifically excluded from the inspection andthe report. The inspector is not qualified to note the presence or absence ofmold. Mold can be a serious problem and should not be overlooked. Thestructure should be inspected for mold during the inspection contingencyperiod by a specialist in this field to ensure that this hazard does not exist.


Termites, dry rot, wood rot and wood destroying organisms are covered by astructural pest control operator's report. These are not part of the inspectionand the inspector will not be inspecting for them. The Business andProfessions Code prohibits anyone but licensed structural pest controloperators from commenting on this subject.

BUILDING CODES:This is not a building code or code compliance inspection. That is adifferent type of inspection performed by the local municipality, usuallyduring construction. It is advised to obtain all available documentation suchas building permits and certificates of occupancy during the inspectioncontingency period.

HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES:Identifying hazardous substances is not part of this inspection. Items such asformaldehyde, lead based paint, asbestos, toxic or flammable chemicals andenvironmental hazards are not tested for and are not within the scope of theinspection.

INSPECTION LIMITATIONS:This is a limited time visual inspection. It excludes any items we cannotdirectly observe such as chimney interiors, furnace heat exchangers,underground piping, etc. These are specialty inspections and thoseinspections can be arranged using specialized equipment.

Additionally we do not inspect to see if components are installed properly. We do not have the specialized training, instruction sheets or manuals todetermine if they meet manufacturer's or building code requirements forinstallation, which can be quite varied. This is part of the specialist'sinspection and any questions concerning installation would best be answeredby the specialist
