BO in Finacle.docx


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7/23/2019 BO in Finacle.docx 1/9

an 7, 2015



Posted by Admin Labels: BO Finacle, Fiancle

(I) Ne Acco!nt O"enin# At BOs

$%en ne acco!nt is o"ened at any BO and Acco!nt O"enin# Fo&m

is &ecei'ed at Acco!nt Oce, se& %as to *elect B&anc% Oce name

in t%e +eld B&anc% Oce I- Fo& t%is, se& s%o!ld .o to Acco!nt

o"enin# sc&een o/ conce&ned sc%eme and clic on B&anc% Oce

ode- List o/ BOs it% BO code ill a""ea&- *elect BO /&om %e&e

Acco!nt O"enin# Fo&m is &ecei'ed /o& o"enin# o/ acco!nt-

(Ii) A O"enin# ate (B&anc% Oce ate)

$%ile o"enin# o/ acco!nt, 3al!e date s%o!ld be t&ansaction date at

B&anc% Oce-Ot%e& "&oced!&e /o& o"enin# o/ acco!nt ill be same

as "&esc&ibed /o& acco!nt o"enin# at *O4O- Only die&ence is t%at

'al!e date /o& o"enin# o/ acco!nt s%o!ld be BO ate and %ile

/!ndin# t%e acco!nt, BO *ettlement Acco!nt (066) is to be debited-

*a'in#s Acco!nt is to be /!nded a/te& o"enin# o/ acco!nt and 8 o&

 9 Acco!nt is to be /!nded %ile o"enin# t%e acco!nt-

(Iii) B-O *B e"osit At Acco!nt Oce

On &ecei"t o/ PayIn*li" /&om BO, PA o/ Acco!nt oce s%o!ld /ollo

t%e /olloin# "&ocess:

a) In'oe ;F<8 men!-

b) *elect t%e F!nction = Add

c) *elect t%e 9&ansaction 9y"e *!bty"e = 9BIBan Ind!ced

d) <BI9 B8AN4 *<99L<><N9 AON9 (*OLI066) and 8<I9

!stome& *B Acco!nt

7/23/2019 BO in Finacle.docx 2/9

e) <nte& t%e BO Name in t%e 9&ans/e& Pa&tic!la&s col!mn by

&emo'in# t%e o&d ?B@ 98AN*F<8

/) <nte& t%e amo!nt o/ e"osit

#) <nte& t%e BO date in t%e 3al!e ate col!mn

%) lic on Post

*ystem ill #ene&ate 9&ansaction I on "ostin# t%e same- PA s%o!ld

note don 98AN I n!mbe& on PayIn*li" in &ed in (eam"le:

 98AN I *B6C5D7) and ill %and o'e& t%e same to *!"e&'iso& %o

s%o!ld 'e&i/y t%e t&ansaction by !sin# same men!- Only a/te&

'e&i+cation, t%e t&ansaction ill a""ea& in LO9 and onsolidation-

(I') BO *B $it%d&aal At Acco!nt Oce

Fo& it%d&aals abo'e 8s-5000, %en *B7 is &ecei'ed /&om BO in

Acco!nt Oce, PA and *!"e&'iso& ill #o to 4ALI men! and see

balance in t%e acco!nt- *i#nat!&e o/ de"osito& s%o!ld also be

com"a&ed it% t%e a'ailable si#nat!&es in Finacle and PA as ell as

*!"e&'iso& ill /ollo t%e same "&oced!&e as bein# /olloed no and

sanction ill be sent to BO

On &ecei"t o/ *B7 /&om BO a/te& "ayment (eit%e& !" to 8s-5000 o&

abo'e 8s-5000) PA o/ Acco!nt Oce s%o!ld /ollo t%e /olloin#


In'oe ;F<8 men!-

ii) *elect t%e F!nction = Add

iii) *elect t%e 9&ansaction 9y"e *!bty"e = 9BIBan Ind!ced

<BI9 !stome& *B Acco!nt and 8<I9 B8AN4 *<99L<><N9

AON9 (*OLI066)

<nte& t%e BO Name in t%e 9&ans/e& Pa&tic!la&s col!mn by &emo'in#

t%e o&d ?B@ 98AN*F<8

7/23/2019 BO in Finacle.docx 3/9

<nte& t%e amo!nt o/ e"osit

<nte& t%e BO date in t%e 3al!e ate col!mn

lic on Post

*ystem ill #ene&ate 9&ansaction I on "ostin# t%e same- PA s%o!ld

note don 98AN I n!mbe& on *B7 in &ed in (eam"le: 98AN I

*B6C5D7) and ill %and o'e& t%e same to *!"e&'iso& %o s%o!ld

'e&i/y t%e t&ansaction by !sin# same men!- Only a/te& 'e&i+cation,

t%e t&ansaction ill a""ea& in LO9 and onsolidation-

(3) P&oced!&e Fo& BO *B Acco!nt los!&e

E $%en *B7A alon#it% Passboo is &ecei'ed /&om BO, se& ill

In'oe t%e men! 4AA8

E <nte& t%e details in +eld ?8e"o&t 9o as P>

E *elect ?IN8 in @ +eld

E <nte& t%e BO *B acco!nt n!mbe& in t%e ?F&om Ac I

E <nte& t%e same BO *B acco!nt n!mbe& in t%e ?9o Ac I

E lic on ?*!bmit

E A messa#e ?Batc% "&o#&am s!ccess/!lly lod#ed ? is dis"layed

E A &e"o&t ?Acc&!al Inte&est &e"o&t is a'ailable in t%e !e!e - .o to

4P8 and select t%e &e"o&t to "&int-

E lic on t%e P&int sc&een /o& 'iein# t%e ?Inte&est acc&!al &e"o&t

E 9%e total amo!nt acc&!ed as inte&est till date is dis"layed at t%e

end o/ t%e &e"o&t-

E Inte&est amo!nt s%on in t%e &e"o&t s%o!ld be added to t%e

balance in t%e acco!nt noted On $A88AN9 OF PA@><N9 o/ *B7A-

 9%is s%o!ld be sent to B&anc% Oce /o& clos!&e o/ *B acco!nt it%

di&ection t%at t%is is 'alid !" to last o&in# day o/ t%e mont%- Ot%e&

"&oced!&e /o& sendin# sanction to BO s%o!ld be /olloed-

E On &ecei"t o/ *B7A /&om BO a/te& clos!&e, in'oe t%e men! 4AA

/o& acco!nt clos!&e-

7/23/2019 BO in Finacle.docx 4/9

E *elect t%e /!nction ?LO*<

E <nte& t%e BO *B acco!nt n!mbe& to close

E lic on t%e c%ec bo ?9&ans/e& in Balance +eld

E <nte& t%e BO *ettlement acco!nt in t%e ?9&ans/e& Ac I +eld

E lic on .o

E 9%e balance amo!nt in t%e acco!nt ill be dis"layed in t%e Ac

In/o&mation tab

E lic on t%e ?los!&e tab to select t%e &eason code and clic on


E On clicin# ?*!bmit, total amo!nt alon# it% inte&est ill be

dis"layed- BO *B acco!nt ill be closed and amo!nt adG!sted in

B8AN4 *<99L<><N9 AON9- 9&ansaction I #ene&ated s%o!ld be

noted on *B7A and s!bmitted to *!"e&'iso& /o& 'e&i+cation- A/te&

'e&i+cation, t&ansaction ill a""ea& in LO9 and consolidation-(3i) B-O 8 <PO*I9 At Acco!nt Oce

E On &ecei"t o/ PayIn*li" /&om BO, PA o/ Acco!nt oce s%o!ld /ollo

t%e /olloin# "&ocess:

E In'oe 8P men!-

E ii) *elect t%e F!nction = Add

E iii) *elect t%e 9&ansaction 9y"e = 9BI9&ans/e& Ban Ind!ced

• <nte& t%e 8 acco!nt N!mbe&

• <nte& t%e amo!nt o/ e"osit

• <nte& t%e BO date in t%e 3al!e ate col!mn

• >ode o/ Payment lic on t%e ?9&ans/e& 8adio b!tton

• <nte& t%e B8AN4 *<99L<><N9 AON9 (*OLI066)• lic on ?*!bmit

7/23/2019 BO in Finacle.docx 5/9

*ystem ill #ene&ate 9&ansaction I on "ostin# t%e same- PA s%o!ld

note don 98AN I n!mbe& on PayIn*li" in &ed in (eam"le:

 98AN I 86C5D7) and ill %and o'e& t%e same to *!"e&'iso& %o

s%o!ld 'e&i/y t%e t&ansaction by !sin# same men!- Only a/te&

'e&i+cation, t%e t&ansaction ill a""ea& in LO9 and onsolidation-

(3ii) BO 8 LO*8< At Acco!nt Oce

On &ecei"t o/ *B7A and Passboo /&om BO, PA s%o!ld +&st in'oe

 9&ial los!&e /o& iss!e o/ closin# sanction- *ame "&oced!&e s%o!ld be

/olloed as bein# /olloed /o& 9&ial los!&e o/ 8 Acco!nts standin#

at *O4O in Finacle- <nte& closin# amo!nt in *B7A and a/te&

/olloin# laid don "&ocess o/ sanction o/ BO $, Passboo and

*B7A s%o!ld be sent to BO it% t%e di&ection t%at sanction is 'alid

only !" to last o&in# day o/ t%e mont%- I/ c!stome& does not

attend BO !" to t%at date, a /&es% sanction is to be obtained by BO

/o& %ic% /&es% 9&ail clos!&e s%o!ld be in'oed- Once "aid *B7A

si#ned by c!stome& d!ly ente&ed in BO daily Acco!nt is &ecei'ed at

Acco!nt oce, /olloin# "&ocess to be /olloed by co!nte& PA:

In'oe 8AA men!-

ii) <nte& t%e 8 acco!nt n!mbe&

iii) <nte& t%e BO date in t%e 3al!e ate col!mn

• los!&e details ill be dis"layed-

• *elect t%e &e"ayment mode as ?9&ans/e&

• <nte& t%e B8AN4 *<99L<><N9 AON9 (*OLI066) as

8e"ayment I

• lic on ?*!bmit

7/23/2019 BO in Finacle.docx 6/9

 9&ansaction I ill be #ene&ated and PA s%o!ld note t%at 9&an I on

*B7A and %and o'e& to *!"e&'iso& /o& 'e&i+cation- *!"e&'iso& s%o!ld

'e&i/y t&ansaction !sin# same men! and o"tion ?3e&i/y- Once,

t&ansaction is 'e&i+ed by *!"e&'iso&, t&ansaction ill a""ea& in LO9

and consolidation-

(3iii) B-O Inte&est Payment O/ 2,6 H 5 @ea&s 9 Acco!nts At Acco!ntOce

$%en *B7 is &ecei'ed /&om BO /o& sanction o/ inte&est, PA at Acco!nt

Oce (*O4O)- Fi&st In'oe t%e men! 4998AN o& 4IO9 to c%ec t%e

inte&est acc&!ed /o& t%e said 9 acco!nt- Folloin# "&oced!&e s%o!ld

be /olloed:

• <nte& t%e *OL I

• *elect t%e sc%eme ty"e as None

• <nte& t%e 9 *!nd&y acco!nt N!mbe&

• <nte& t%e "e&iod %e&ein t%e 9 inte&est %as acc&!ed (*ta&t

date and end date)

• <nte& t%e 9 acco!nt n!mbe& in t%e 8e/ No- +eld

• lic on *!bmit

• Acc&!ed 9 inte&est is dis"layed-

 9%e inte&est acc&!ed can be 'ieed in t%e 4P8 &e"o&t- 9%e inte&est

acc&!ed s%o!ld be &itten in t%e Payment $a&&ant (*B7) and a/te&

si#nat!&e o/ *!"e&'iso&, send bac *B7 to BO conce&ned a/te&

/olloin# t%e laid don "&oced!&e /o& sendin# sanction to BO- On

&ecei"t o/ 9 *B7 a/te& "ayment /&om BO, t%e /olloin# "&oced!&e

%as to be /olloed by PA /o& ente&in# t%e Inte&est "aid on 9 acco!nt

in case o/ 265 9 t%&o!#% 49>

• o!nte& PA to in'oe 49> men!

• *elect t%e F!nction = Add

• *elect t%e 9&ansaction ty"e = as%as% 9&ans/e&

7/23/2019 BO in Finacle.docx 7/9

• *elect t%e 9&ansaction 9y"e as ebit and ente& t%e *N8@

<PO*I9 9 acco!nt n!mbe& (0665)

• <nte& t%e amo!nt o/ 9 inte&est "aid

• <nte& t%e BO 9 acco!nt n!mbe& in t%e &e/e&ence col!mn

• lic on .O• <nte& t%e BO 9 acco!nt n!mbe& in t%e 8e/- No- +eld

• lic on .O

• lic on t%e &e!i&ed &o %ic% contains t%e !n"aid 9 inte&est

/o& t%e said BO 9 acco!nt-

• lic on Acce"t

• lic on t%e &edit 8adio B!tton ?&edit and ente& t%e

B8AN4 *<99L<><N9 AON9 (*OLI 066) and in 8e/ No- +eld,

ente& 9 Acco!nt n!mbe&-

• lic on *!bmit- Inte&est "aid it% &es"ect to BO 9 acco!nt incase o/ 9 265 is com"leted-

(I) LO*8< OF BO 9 AON9 At Acco!nt Oce

$%en *B7A is &ecei'ed /&om BO /o& sanction o/ 9 clos!&e, In'oe

 9 9&ial clos!&e /o& t%e &e!i&ed BO 9 acco!nt and send *B7A to BO

conce&ned by +llin# clos!&e amo!nt on $a&&ant by /olloin# t%e laid

don "&oced!&e /o& sendin# sanction to BO- Be/o&e doin# 9&iallos!&e, !n"aid 9 inte&est i/ any s%o!ld be c%eced by !sin#

4998AN o& 4IO9 men!- 9otal amo!nt to be "aid alon#it% !n"aid

inte&est s%o!ld be mentioned on t%e *B7A on t%e $a&&ant o/ 

Payment *ide it% si#nat!&es o/ *!"e&'iso&- It s%o!ld also be

mentioned t%at sanction is 'alid !" to last o&in# day o/ t%e mont%

and i/ c!stome& does not come /o& clos!&e !" to t%at day, /&es%

sanction s%o!ld be obtained- All ot%e& "&o'isions mentioned in t%e

&!les s%o!ld be /olloed- On &ecei"t o/ closed 'o!c%e& /&om BO, t%e/olloin# "&oced!&e to be /olloed

In'oe t%e men! 4AA9-

7/23/2019 BO in Finacle.docx 8/9

• *elect t%e F!nction ( = lose) select clos!&e

• <nte& t%e BO 9 acco!nt %ic% as closed at B&anc% Oce

based on t%e sanction o/ *O4O-

• <nte& t%e BO ate in t%e los!&e 3al!e ate +eld• lic on *3* (*i#nat!&e 3e&i+cation *ystem) icon to 'e&i/y t%e

si#nat!&e in t%e BO it%d&aal 'o!c%e&-

• lic on .O

• BO 9 acco!nt details ill be dis"layed- %ec t%e amo!nt o/ 


• lic on ?los!&e etails 9ab

• *elect t%e 88e"ayment Ac only o"tion /o& BO Acco!nts

• <nte& t%e B8AN4 *<99L<><N9 AON9 (*OL I 066) in

t%e 8e"ayment Ac I +eld• lic on ?los!&e <ce"tions 9ab

• <nte& t%e B&anc% Oce *ettlement Acco!nt (*OLI 066)

• *elect t%e los!&e 8eason ode as NO8>AL /&om t%e *ea&c%e&

• los!&e details detailin# t%e "&inci"al, inte&est adG!stment and

act!al Booed Inte&est (8s-10,000 J 8s-C05-C) "aid as mat!&ity

"&oceeds to t%e BO 9 acco!nt to be 'e&i+ed it% t%e 'o!c%e&-

• lic on *!bmit- BO 9 acco!nt closed at B&anc% Oce is

closed at Acco!nt Oce- 9&ansaction I .ene&ated by t%e system

%as to be noted on t%e *B7A and %anded o'e& to *!"e&'iso& /o&'e&i+cation- A/te& 'e&i+cation, t&ansaction o!ld a""ea& in LO9and onsolidation-





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<nte& yo!& *i#n"
