Boise State University Honors College Newsletter - Winter 2016



Winter 2016

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The Honors Review

A Newsletter from the Honors College at

Boise State University

Dr. Andrew Finstuen, Dean Boise State Honors College

In This Issue

The Honors Review

Winter 2016

A Note from the Dean

The growth means more demand for classes and programming. We’ve added course options in accountancy, biology, physics, and psychology. We added a retreat course for juniors designed to hone oral and written communication skills toward job and graduate school applications. We expanded our list of study-away experiences while strengthening our Oxford program with a summer 2015 trip there and another planned for summer 2017. For last summer’s visit to Oxford, my wife, Ingrid, and my sons Carl (7) and Harald (5) joined the students and me. Harald practiced speaking in what he called his “British accident” (instead of “accent”), and Carl couldn’t get enough of the museums and free-range parks of that ancient city.

Back stateside, I convened the first external advisory board for the

Volume 3, Issue 1

The winter newsletter is late, and that is my fault. It’s tardy because of a bit of disorganization on my part but also because the Honors College continues to flourish in so many ways. We welcomed our largest cohort of students by far in fall 2015, which grew the college by 40%. We now stand at 560 students. We expect another record year in enrollment for fall 2016. This is not an accident. Our growth ties to our goal to meet a national benchmark for size—around 750 students—and our anticipation of the fall 2017 opening of a new Honors College building featuring offices, classrooms, and 300 beds for residents.

Honors College. It gathers eight men and women from a variety of backgrounds and professional experience—some graduates and some not who have committed to help me push the College to its next level of distinction. Two student representatives also serve on the board. One of them, Shayna George, has an article in these pages. Her testimony as well as the four other pieces by current and former students illustrate why this new board, along with myself, Annal, Chris, Emily, Peggy, and our new Development Director, Argia Beristain, work so eagerly on behalf of Honors students.

From a Far-Away Land 2

A Satisfied Peer Mentor 3

Oxford Bound 4

Hello From the HSA 5

Letter from an Alumna 6

A New Alumni Chapter 7

Whether you are a student, prospective student, alumnus,

or community member, we encourage you to visit the

Honors College. We are happy to give you a tour of

Driscoll Hall, arrange for you to sit in on an Honors class, and

answer any questions you might have about the Honors

College experience. Please feel free to contact us

at (208) 426-1122 or

Featured Honors Events

Distinguished Lecture Series: April 14, 2016, 7:00 pm Jordan (SUB) The Honors College will welcome Dr. Carl Wieman as our spring 2016

Distinguished Lecturer. Dr. Wieman holds a joint appointment as professor of

Physics and of the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University.

Dr. Wieman has received numerous awards recognizing his work in atomic

physics, including the Nobel Prize in physics in 2001.

Last Lectures: April 2016 At the end of April and in anticipation of graduation, seniors will present lectures

to fellow students, faculty, friends, and family members, highlighting what they

most valued about their time at Boise State. Lectures will be presented in the

Driscoll Lounge.

Honors Week: April 2016 Come celebrate all things Honors! The Honors College and HSA will be hosting

a week of social, educational, and service opportunities ranging from guest lectures

and campus beautification to many food-centric gatherings.

For more information on Honors events, visit

Learn More About Honors

Honors College Boise State University 1910 University Drive Boise, Idaho 83725 (208) 426-1122 Honors College Staff

Dean Andrew Finstuen, Ph.D.

Assistant Director Christopher Hyer

Development Director Argia Beristain

Associate Director Annal Frenz

National Scholarships Coordinator Emily Jones

Management Assistant Peggy Lindley




The Honors Review Winter 2016

2 7

Announcing a New Alumni Chapter

I’m from Antigua and Barbuda, a beach vacation destination voted the “Caribbean’s Most Romantic Destination” in 2015. Living not more than ten minutes’

walk from the beach, afternoons would find me standing at the water’s edge listening to the powerful crash of the waves. Coupled with the sweet hum of their constant ebb and flow, I often wondered at how in one minute something

could be so loud and boisterous, and in the next so gentle and serene. Almost mischievously, the water would wash away the sand from beneath my feet and threaten to topple me over. Swimming and picnics are as natural

to Antiguan and Barbudan culture as is breathing. I would hike with groups of friends and family under the moonlight to the beach and pitch tents. Under the thick, dark blanket of night we’d search out constellations as the stars proudly twinkled above. After some time, sleep would

overtake us and the sun would be well into the sky before we knew ourselves again. And the sound of the waves would call to us until we couldn’t resist going for a swim. As I describe these scenes I can’t help but smile. Many people ask why I left all that

behind and came to Boise, Idaho. In my opinion, I exchanged the beach for the audacious mountains. And with the mountains, a new family. When I arrived in Boise, I knew no one. What I did know: I wanted to do well

academically. Boise State and its International GEM Scholarship had provided the academic adventure. Unfortunately, this opportunity nearly

vanished my first semester when my sponsor could no longer host me. This meant I had to support myself. Now, work and school competed for my time. I

juggled up to three jobs and a full course load but still wanted to be involved on campus. Despite these obstacles, I excelled and received an Honors College scholarship, plus a wealth of extra-curricular activities in a welcoming

community. My journey to that scholarship and into the Honors community began with Dr. Stewart Gardner. I had the pleasure of taking University Foundations 100, The Human

Situation, with Dr. Gardner as one of my lecturers. In the course, we discussed philosophers from Aristotle to John Locke. One day Dr. Gardner asked to speak with me. Then it happened: one of the most defining moments in my Boise State career. He asked, “Have you considered

joining the Honors College Ms. George?” Until then, I hadn’t considered it an option, but the next semester I was in. Working long hours and living off campus, it was difficult to get involved and find a community of peers. Things quickly

changed once I was in the Honors College. I arrived one Tuesday afternoon at a weekly discussion group called “Free Time With Finstuen.” Somehow I mixed up the titles and it incorrectly lodged in my mind as “Fun Time With Finstuen.” These

meetings were the first time outside of class where I could sit in a relaxed environment and just talk. I asked about the significance of life, about adjusting as a foreigner in a

far-away land, about dealing with the overwhelming demands of supporting myself through school while excelling academically, about meaning in general. I

found wisdom in Dr. Finstuen’s words and life experience. I also found common ground with fellow Honors students who were experiencing similar things. In reality, all the staff and students came together to form my academic family. When I first

came I knew no one, but now I am distinctly aware that my human situation

has changed. I am honored to be an Honors student. When

Dr. Finstuen asked me to write this piece, I was instantly preoccupied. I wondered how I could put into so few words all that the Honors College means to me. What I want you to get from what I’ve said so far is this: when I came to Boise State I had the potential to

do well, and I’m pretty sure that I would have gotten good grades. What I’m not sure about is if I would have been able to contemplate the significance of life and the role that a university education plays in such a life. I’m also not sure if I would

have realized that every day, in every class, and in every interaction with others, I’m working toward becoming that type of person who not only values the life I have, but brings value to those around me. What I’m sure about is that the relationships I’ve

built and the lessons I’ve learned at the Honors College will be with me for the rest of my life.

From a Far-Away Land

Shayna George Senior, Spanish

Community is an integral part of the Honors College experi-ence at Boise State, and now the opportunities to foster that same community are expanding. Several alumni are organiz-ing a group dedicated to connecting Honors students after

they graduate. The group has a few key ideas in mind, one of which is supporting the Honors College by mentoring current students and by providing financial contributions. The group would also allow for networking among alumni, both locally and virtually. Since Honors alumni are spread around the

nation and even around the world, this group will provide a great way for alumni, whether near or far, to connect to one another. The organizing alumni are looking for more alumni to get involved and to give input about the mission and the

goals of the group. If you are interested in joining, you can find the group on LinkedIn under “Boise State Honors Alumni.” For more information, contact Jamie Lundergreen (2014) at

“In reality, all the staff and students came together to form my academic family.”

-Shayna George

Snapshots of the Honors Oxford Program

Summer 2015

It was a mass email—which is to say, the kind of email I usually skim through and then ignore. But this time, as I skimmed through, something caught my attention —

a peer mentor application for the Honors College. Maybe I was feeling pressured to have more leadership skills jammed onto my resume, maybe I was feeling lonely, or maybe it was just a whim, but I decided to look further into this peer mentor business.

I pulled open the application to find a long list of responsibilities and a short list of “what you get in return.” The peer mentor experience promised “a glowing sense of satisfaction” for potentially impacting the lives of first year students. As a peer

mentor, I would lead a discussion group of Honors freshmen students for nine weeks and help them connect to the Honors College and other campus resources. Shrugging to myself, I filled out the application, had a Skype interview with Honors staff, and was offered a position.

By the time August rolled around and it was time for my peer mentor training to begin, I berated myself for signing up. My prior lack of involvement in the Honors College was at the forefront of my mind. I imagined arriving at training to see a group

of funny, smart, close-knit students chatting happily…and then me, watching awkwardly from afar. All this, in addition to my quiet, introverted personality, made me unsure if I would be a good fit. In my mind, mentors were vibrant, outgoing,

popular people—in other words, not me. But contrary to my fears, I found myself chatting easily with the other peer

mentors. The training was useful, fun, and worth the time. After our week of training, we departed with the first year students for the two-day retreat in McCall. Shortly after

stepping off the bus, it was time for everyone’s favorite activity: icebreakers. I was a little anxious as I remembered freshman Bethany’s distaste for such activities, but I was also energized from my week of preparation. With a reassuring

glance from Luke, my fellow peer mentor and discussion partner, I plastered a big smile on my face and announced that we were starting. We began with basic introductions and then transitioned into playing a game—and to my surprise, people

participated. This spirit of participation persisted throughout the retreat. We partook in team-building exercises, listened to lectures from Honors staff, and finished off with an incredible

talent show. Not only did I enjoy spending time with the new students, I got to better know the Honors staff and explore my potential for leadership.

Although the retreat was a wonderful experience, the discussion sessions themselves were the best part of being a peer mentor. Every week we attended a short lecture covering the topic of the week. A few days later, peer mentors met

with their class to discuss the material and its applications. Luke and I got along very well and our experiences complemented

each other. Whether we talked about what it means to be an Honors student, David Foster Wallace, or even death, our small group of just fifteen students continually

inspired us by arriving prepared and interested. The last day of class was bittersweet. I stayed up late the night before baking cupcakes and making personalized cards for each of my students. As I put the

finishing touches on the last couple of cupcakes, my fingers covered in frosting, I realized that what I was feeling could only be described as “a glowing sense of satisfaction”. As I stood there in the kitchen, I reflected on my experience as a

freshman in Honors 198—as a know-it-all freshman, I hadn’t gotten a lot out of it, except that someone knew my name. I then thought of my students, and how

eager they were to pay

attention and contribute. I like to think that they even learned something. But if nothing else, they know that someone knows their name, and

cares about them at least enough to stay up making personalized cupcakes. And that can mean a lot, even to a know-it-all freshmen.

When I started at Boise State University in the Honors College in 2005, I had no idea where I was headed and what I was doing. I think every freshly graduated high school student pretends to have it all figured out, but, for most, that’s not true. I look back on my

time as an undergraduate and feel so fortunate that I found such a great learning environment. I moved into Driscoll Hall and quickly found a home. Through the Honors curriculum, I had classes with excellent professors that were dedicated to the education and success of their students. But to me, one of the hidden strengths of the Honors College was the strong community of high-achieving

yet distinct, diverse individuals. Students in the Honors College weren’t afraid to challenge themselves. The status quo wasn’t just getting by and passing classes; it was asking tough questions, pushing limits, and striving for significant achievements. I remember many big decisions I faced while at BSU: What was undergraduate research all about? Could I study abroad and be

across the world from my family and friends? Could I survive graduate school? Through the opportunities provided at BSU and by following the examples of the success of my classmates and friends, I felt empowered to face these uncertainties. In hindsight, these valuable experiences—the careful instruction in organic chemistry research in Dr. Don Warner’s research lab; the National Science

Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduate program; summer abroad studying in Spain; and spring break trips and retreats with the Honors College—played a key role in shaping my future. After graduating from BSU in 2009, I began graduate studies in organic chemistry at the University of Texas at Austin. With the

preparation I had as an undergraduate, I quickly was able to embrace the new challenges of graduate work at a top-tier research university. Just as the Honors College served as a peer group to support and challenge each other, I established a similar community with my lab mates that was essential to our collective success in the laboratory, as well as for encouragement during

those tough days (or months) when research projects fail and self-doubt and exhaustion began to creep in. I completed my degree with a list of publications and awards, but perhaps of equal importance, with strongly forged relationships with my peers and

mentors and the confidence that I was ready to take on what challenges would come next. I joined Chemical Research and Development at Pfizer as a process chemist in June of 2014, just after finishing my Ph.D. Since

then, I’ve been struck by a realization that learning doesn’t end when you leave the academic setting. Every day I’m surrounded by a group of incredible scientists who are experts in the field, and we work together to solve real-world problems for which there is no easy answer. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work on a team that is motivated to do excellent, state-of-the-art scientific research

toward the development of new medicines to improve people’s lives. In process chemistry, we develop the methods to synthesize the active pharmaceutical ingredients that will be used to test the safety and efficacy of potential new drugs, and eventually, to produce the drugs on commercial scale. Neither my undergraduate

education nor my doctoral work in transition metal catalysis fully prepared me for this task. I have already learned so much, from the

technical details of the highly regulated drug development process to everyday lab tasks, like how to scale a reaction from a tiny test tube to a 200-liter reactor. The strong foundation for learning and collaboration

that Boise State provided has helped me to welcome each new experience as an opportunity for growth and has given me confidence to do the same in the future. When I was an undergraduate student in the BSU chemistry department, I didn’t know that my current job even existed. But BSU and the Honors College started me on my

path toward a challenging, fulfilling career that impacts the lives of many. I’m proud to tell people where I am from and where I went to school. While many are familiar with Boise State because of the famous Fiesta Bowl victory and the Smurf Turf (go Broncos!), I hope that the reputation for highly motivated, excellent students with unlimited potential will

continue to grow, and I know that the Honors College will play an important role in this.

Winter 2016 The Honors Review

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From Reluctant Peer Mentor to Glowingly Satisfied One

Bethany Poythress

Senior, French, International Business

Letter From an Alumna

Emma McInturff Chemistry, Class of 2009

“I imagined arriving at training to see a group of funny, smart, close-knit students chatting happily…and then me, watching awkwardly from afar. ”

-Bethany Poythress

“I’ve been struck by a reali-zation that learning doesn’t end when you leave the academic setting.”

-Emma McInturff

Hello from the Honors Student Association

The Honors Review

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Oxford Bound

Kelly Schutt Senior, Materials Science

My time at Boise State University has been nothing short of transformative. A combi-nation of challenging classes, research ex-perience, and support from outstanding faculty including Dr. Graugnard (Engineering), have brought me to the brink of living my dreams. Thanks to the dedicated mentoring of Dr. Finstuen and Emily Jones of the Honors College, I was fortunate to be awarded a Marshall Schol-arship. This scholarship is the United King-dom’s gift to the United States. It com-memorates George Marshall’s role in re-building Europe after World War II and provides an opportunity to strengthen the special relationship between the UK and the US. After graduating from Boise State in the spring, I plan to undertake a Doctor of Philosophy in New and Sustainable Photo-voltaics at the University of Oxford. This program provides an opportunity to con-tribute to research on perovskite solar cells. These solar cells may reduce solar panel costs by nearly 90%, a breakthrough en-abled by their use of abundant materials in a film that is hundreds of times thinner than a human hair. The great research chal-lenge is to stabilize these materials. If we can extend their useful lifetime to years or decades it will ensure commercial viability, promote climate stability, and provide an option for affordable electricity in the de-veloping world. I am honored to have this opportunity, but none of this was destined. I was not innately good at science, and this journey would have been unimaginable just a few short years ago. My path to Boise State was unconven-tional. In high school, I had no plans to attend a university. While my parents pro-

vided me with a loving home, neither of them held a degree. Higher education seemed financially impossible. Realizing I needed marketable skills, I taught myself computer programming in high school and started a small analytics consulting busi-ness. While I had technical skills, the learn-ing curve of starting a business was way over my head, and our early results were awful. We barely managed to scrape by. We stuck with it, and after a lot of hard work and struggle, we became a Google Partner Company. At Google conferences, I was inspired by people doing technical work that had far-reaching implications. One former Googler had been instrumental in running President Obama’s online campaign, while a Google VP had invented an interplane-tary internet for NASA. I was simply work-ing to make money, but I began to wonder if I could find a career with a greater and more positive impact. The transition to renewable energy stood out as an issue that offers compelling environmental and hu-manitarian benefits, but I needed an engi-neering background to contribute. After preparing for a challenge, I en-rolled at Boise State and began studying materials science. I had many moments of self-doubt over the past few years. My weakest subject was mathematics, and de-spite many hours of study I failed my first exam in differential equations. I almost withdrew from the course. In research, things didn’t always go well either. I jumped at an opportunity to contribute to the Scalable Nanomanufacturing Grant, which partners Harvard University and Micron Technologies with BSU. I then spent most of an entire summer in a dark

lab, trying to image individual fluorescent molecules. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and each sam-ple I made failed to produce results. But if we never fail, we may never discover what our limits are. By refusing to give up, we push against our limits and grow to take on new challenges. My time at Boise State University has been nothing short of transformative. Dis-tinguished faculty provided the knowledge and support to make it through a demand-ing materials science program. Our under-graduate research opportunities and our McNair Scholars Program (a national pro-gram that funds underrepresented and low-income students) are fantastic and have helped prepare me for a career in re-search. The Honors College has challenged me to think outside of STEM and realize that technology alone has not and will not solve all of the problems we face. The Mar-shall Scholarship has given me an opportu-nity to contribute to research that could do a lot of good in our lifetime. It all feels like a long journey, but they say that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day. Maybe some lucky people feel that way, but I think it’s ridiculous. The key is to take the time to cultivate the right inten-tions, to find a problem you’re truly pas-sionate about, and to make solving that problem your dream. If the problem you care about affects other people, and you work diligently towards a solution, you’re sure to find support for your dream sooner or later. Looking back, the long days of studying and lab work were sometimes fascinating, sometimes stressful, often ex-hausting, but always worth it.

The Honors Student Association (HSA) is a group of eleven dynamic officers whose mission is the coordination, promo-tion, and advancement of the Honors community. In a practi-cal sense, we do this through the planning and organization of

social, service, and outreach events. To continue to grow as leaders, the officers are going through leadership training, taught by the Honors College Assistant Director and HSA Advisor, Chris Hyer. This semester our team is reading “Leadership and Self-Deception” by the Arbinger Institute. Through this training, we explore topics such as understanding

how we see ourselves as leaders, using healthy communication and confrontation, and exploring and expressing empathy as a leader. As a team, we hope that as we grow as leaders, we will develop the soft skills to facilitate the growth of the Honors community and one day help us take over the world. This year our officers have or will host a variety of events

for students to stay involved with the Honors College commu-nity. Some highlights from the fall semester include hiking the Table Rock trail while collecting trash and debris, participating in Rake Up Boise (which had as many leaf fights as bags of leaves raked), and donating to Adopt a Family, which provides Christmas presents to a family in need. We also added a few new projects such as Habitat for Humanity and the Idaho

Food Bank. We hope these new opportunities will further en-gage our current Honors students in conversations about ser-vice, privilege, and the impact a few can make within our com-munity. One of the students’ favorite programs was our newly for-matted Nerds@Night, which moved from the library to the

Student Union. Over 65 students created a herd of nerds united by a healthy fear of midterms during the month of Oc-tober. The Honors Student Association provided a venue for students to cower collectively at the thought of bad grades while vehemently studying and supporting each other through an organized study schedule and copious amounts of gummy

worms to serve as brain food.

This year, HSA officers put in a lot of effort into the an-nual BroncOlympics, which occurred during Homecoming week. The Honors Student Association team (E=MCHammer) won Trivia Night (of course), had an epic lip sync routine

(surprised us, too), and won first place in float decoration for this year’s homecoming parade (yippee!). We built a Harry Potter-themed float, complete with the Whomping Willow, Hedwig owl, and the Sorting Hat, which proved to tip the scales as the float judges were “sorted” into Bronco Nation. As Halloween approached, our Honors students put their

fears aside as the Haunted Trolley Tour was as spooky as ever. The Trolley filled with students who learned about the haunted history of Boise as they visited downtown and heard stories about ghosts in the Idanha building, the Old Penitentiary, and a local cemetery. Keeping with the Halloween theme, our

creatively dressed students volunteered at the YMCA Halloween Carnival dressed as Minions, Disney char-acters, Super Mario, and of course, the poor college student. We ran carnival games and handed out candy to children ages 2 to 12. The Honors Student Association is very proud to be engaging with the Boise community as well as ad-

vancing its own membership on campus. We look for-ward to next semester being just as exciting as we offer our annual karaoke contest, Honors week, River Sweep, and many other events into our spring calendar. If you would like to follow future events and progress of the Hon-ors Student Association, like our page on Facebook at

Boise State Honors Student Association.

Winter 2016

Sammy Walker HSA President

Janice Witherspoon HSA Historian

Hello from the Honors Student Association

The Honors Review

4 5

Oxford Bound

Kelly Schutt Senior, Materials Science

My time at Boise State University has been nothing short of transformative. A combi-nation of challenging classes, research ex-perience, and support from outstanding faculty including Dr. Graugnard (Engineering), have brought me to the brink of living my dreams. Thanks to the dedicated mentoring of Dr. Finstuen and Emily Jones of the Honors College, I was fortunate to be awarded a Marshall Schol-arship. This scholarship is the United King-dom’s gift to the United States. It com-memorates George Marshall’s role in re-building Europe after World War II and provides an opportunity to strengthen the special relationship between the UK and the US. After graduating from Boise State in the spring, I plan to undertake a Doctor of Philosophy in New and Sustainable Photo-voltaics at the University of Oxford. This program provides an opportunity to con-tribute to research on perovskite solar cells. These solar cells may reduce solar panel costs by nearly 90%, a breakthrough en-abled by their use of abundant materials in a film that is hundreds of times thinner than a human hair. The great research chal-lenge is to stabilize these materials. If we can extend their useful lifetime to years or decades it will ensure commercial viability, promote climate stability, and provide an option for affordable electricity in the de-veloping world. I am honored to have this opportunity, but none of this was destined. I was not innately good at science, and this journey would have been unimaginable just a few short years ago. My path to Boise State was unconven-tional. In high school, I had no plans to attend a university. While my parents pro-

vided me with a loving home, neither of them held a degree. Higher education seemed financially impossible. Realizing I needed marketable skills, I taught myself computer programming in high school and started a small analytics consulting busi-ness. While I had technical skills, the learn-ing curve of starting a business was way over my head, and our early results were awful. We barely managed to scrape by. We stuck with it, and after a lot of hard work and struggle, we became a Google Partner Company. At Google conferences, I was inspired by people doing technical work that had far-reaching implications. One former Googler had been instrumental in running President Obama’s online campaign, while a Google VP had invented an interplane-tary internet for NASA. I was simply work-ing to make money, but I began to wonder if I could find a career with a greater and more positive impact. The transition to renewable energy stood out as an issue that offers compelling environmental and hu-manitarian benefits, but I needed an engi-neering background to contribute. After preparing for a challenge, I en-rolled at Boise State and began studying materials science. I had many moments of self-doubt over the past few years. My weakest subject was mathematics, and de-spite many hours of study I failed my first exam in differential equations. I almost withdrew from the course. In research, things didn’t always go well either. I jumped at an opportunity to contribute to the Scalable Nanomanufacturing Grant, which partners Harvard University and Micron Technologies with BSU. I then spent most of an entire summer in a dark

lab, trying to image individual fluorescent molecules. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and each sam-ple I made failed to produce results. But if we never fail, we may never discover what our limits are. By refusing to give up, we push against our limits and grow to take on new challenges. My time at Boise State University has been nothing short of transformative. Dis-tinguished faculty provided the knowledge and support to make it through a demand-ing materials science program. Our under-graduate research opportunities and our McNair Scholars Program (a national pro-gram that funds underrepresented and low-income students) are fantastic and have helped prepare me for a career in re-search. The Honors College has challenged me to think outside of STEM and realize that technology alone has not and will not solve all of the problems we face. The Mar-shall Scholarship has given me an opportu-nity to contribute to research that could do a lot of good in our lifetime. It all feels like a long journey, but they say that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day. Maybe some lucky people feel that way, but I think it’s ridiculous. The key is to take the time to cultivate the right inten-tions, to find a problem you’re truly pas-sionate about, and to make solving that problem your dream. If the problem you care about affects other people, and you work diligently towards a solution, you’re sure to find support for your dream sooner or later. Looking back, the long days of studying and lab work were sometimes fascinating, sometimes stressful, often ex-hausting, but always worth it.

The Honors Student Association (HSA) is a group of eleven dynamic officers whose mission is the coordination, promo-tion, and advancement of the Honors community. In a practi-cal sense, we do this through the planning and organization of

social, service, and outreach events. To continue to grow as leaders, the officers are going through leadership training, taught by the Honors College Assistant Director and HSA Advisor, Chris Hyer. This semester our team is reading “Leadership and Self-Deception” by the Arbinger Institute. Through this training, we explore topics such as understanding

how we see ourselves as leaders, using healthy communication and confrontation, and exploring and expressing empathy as a leader. As a team, we hope that as we grow as leaders, we will develop the soft skills to facilitate the growth of the Honors community and one day help us take over the world. This year our officers have or will host a variety of events

for students to stay involved with the Honors College commu-nity. Some highlights from the fall semester include hiking the Table Rock trail while collecting trash and debris, participating in Rake Up Boise (which had as many leaf fights as bags of leaves raked), and donating to Adopt a Family, which provides Christmas presents to a family in need. We also added a few new projects such as Habitat for Humanity and the Idaho

Food Bank. We hope these new opportunities will further en-gage our current Honors students in conversations about ser-vice, privilege, and the impact a few can make within our com-munity. One of the students’ favorite programs was our newly for-matted Nerds@Night, which moved from the library to the

Student Union. Over 65 students created a herd of nerds united by a healthy fear of midterms during the month of Oc-tober. The Honors Student Association provided a venue for students to cower collectively at the thought of bad grades while vehemently studying and supporting each other through an organized study schedule and copious amounts of gummy

worms to serve as brain food.

This year, HSA officers put in a lot of effort into the an-nual BroncOlympics, which occurred during Homecoming week. The Honors Student Association team (E=MCHammer) won Trivia Night (of course), had an epic lip sync routine

(surprised us, too), and won first place in float decoration for this year’s homecoming parade (yippee!). We built a Harry Potter-themed float, complete with the Whomping Willow, Hedwig owl, and the Sorting Hat, which proved to tip the scales as the float judges were “sorted” into Bronco Nation. As Halloween approached, our Honors students put their

fears aside as the Haunted Trolley Tour was as spooky as ever. The Trolley filled with students who learned about the haunted history of Boise as they visited downtown and heard stories about ghosts in the Idanha building, the Old Penitentiary, and a local cemetery. Keeping with the Halloween theme, our

creatively dressed students volunteered at the YMCA Halloween Carnival dressed as Minions, Disney char-acters, Super Mario, and of course, the poor college student. We ran carnival games and handed out candy to children ages 2 to 12. The Honors Student Association is very proud to be engaging with the Boise community as well as ad-

vancing its own membership on campus. We look for-ward to next semester being just as exciting as we offer our annual karaoke contest, Honors week, River Sweep, and many other events into our spring calendar. If you would like to follow future events and progress of the Hon-ors Student Association, like our page on Facebook at

Boise State Honors Student Association.

Winter 2016

Sammy Walker HSA President

Janice Witherspoon HSA Historian

It was a mass email—which is to say, the kind of email I usually skim through and then ignore. But this time, as I skimmed through, something caught my attention —

a peer mentor application for the Honors College. Maybe I was feeling pressured to have more leadership skills jammed onto my resume, maybe I was feeling lonely, or maybe it was just a whim, but I decided to look further into this peer mentor business.

I pulled open the application to find a long list of responsibilities and a short list of “what you get in return.” The peer mentor experience promised “a glowing sense of satisfaction” for potentially impacting the lives of first year students. As a peer

mentor, I would lead a discussion group of Honors freshmen students for nine weeks and help them connect to the Honors College and other campus resources. Shrugging to myself, I filled out the application, had a Skype interview with Honors staff, and was offered a position.

By the time August rolled around and it was time for my peer mentor training to begin, I berated myself for signing up. My prior lack of involvement in the Honors College was at the forefront of my mind. I imagined arriving at training to see a group

of funny, smart, close-knit students chatting happily…and then me, watching awkwardly from afar. All this, in addition to my quiet, introverted personality, made me unsure if I would be a good fit. In my mind, mentors were vibrant, outgoing,

popular people—in other words, not me. But contrary to my fears, I found myself chatting easily with the other peer

mentors. The training was useful, fun, and worth the time. After our week of training, we departed with the first year students for the two-day retreat in McCall. Shortly after

stepping off the bus, it was time for everyone’s favorite activity: icebreakers. I was a little anxious as I remembered freshman Bethany’s distaste for such activities, but I was also energized from my week of preparation. With a reassuring

glance from Luke, my fellow peer mentor and discussion partner, I plastered a big smile on my face and announced that we were starting. We began with basic introductions and then transitioned into playing a game—and to my surprise, people

participated. This spirit of participation persisted throughout the retreat. We partook in team-building exercises, listened to lectures from Honors staff, and finished off with an incredible

talent show. Not only did I enjoy spending time with the new students, I got to better know the Honors staff and explore my potential for leadership.

Although the retreat was a wonderful experience, the discussion sessions themselves were the best part of being a peer mentor. Every week we attended a short lecture covering the topic of the week. A few days later, peer mentors met

with their class to discuss the material and its applications. Luke and I got along very well and our experiences complemented

each other. Whether we talked about what it means to be an Honors student, David Foster Wallace, or even death, our small group of just fifteen students continually

inspired us by arriving prepared and interested. The last day of class was bittersweet. I stayed up late the night before baking cupcakes and making personalized cards for each of my students. As I put the

finishing touches on the last couple of cupcakes, my fingers covered in frosting, I realized that what I was feeling could only be described as “a glowing sense of satisfaction”. As I stood there in the kitchen, I reflected on my experience as a

freshman in Honors 198—as a know-it-all freshman, I hadn’t gotten a lot out of it, except that someone knew my name. I then thought of my students, and how

eager they were to pay

attention and contribute. I like to think that they even learned something. But if nothing else, they know that someone knows their name, and

cares about them at least enough to stay up making personalized cupcakes. And that can mean a lot, even to a know-it-all freshmen.

When I started at Boise State University in the Honors College in 2005, I had no idea where I was headed and what I was doing. I think every freshly graduated high school student pretends to have it all figured out, but, for most, that’s not true. I look back on my

time as an undergraduate and feel so fortunate that I found such a great learning environment. I moved into Driscoll Hall and quickly found a home. Through the Honors curriculum, I had classes with excellent professors that were dedicated to the education and success of their students. But to me, one of the hidden strengths of the Honors College was the strong community of high-achieving

yet distinct, diverse individuals. Students in the Honors College weren’t afraid to challenge themselves. The status quo wasn’t just getting by and passing classes; it was asking tough questions, pushing limits, and striving for significant achievements. I remember many big decisions I faced while at BSU: What was undergraduate research all about? Could I study abroad and be

across the world from my family and friends? Could I survive graduate school? Through the opportunities provided at BSU and by following the examples of the success of my classmates and friends, I felt empowered to face these uncertainties. In hindsight, these valuable experiences—the careful instruction in organic chemistry research in Dr. Don Warner’s research lab; the National Science

Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduate program; summer abroad studying in Spain; and spring break trips and retreats with the Honors College—played a key role in shaping my future. After graduating from BSU in 2009, I began graduate studies in organic chemistry at the University of Texas at Austin. With the

preparation I had as an undergraduate, I quickly was able to embrace the new challenges of graduate work at a top-tier research university. Just as the Honors College served as a peer group to support and challenge each other, I established a similar community with my lab mates that was essential to our collective success in the laboratory, as well as for encouragement during

those tough days (or months) when research projects fail and self-doubt and exhaustion began to creep in. I completed my degree with a list of publications and awards, but perhaps of equal importance, with strongly forged relationships with my peers and

mentors and the confidence that I was ready to take on what challenges would come next. I joined Chemical Research and Development at Pfizer as a process chemist in June of 2014, just after finishing my Ph.D. Since

then, I’ve been struck by a realization that learning doesn’t end when you leave the academic setting. Every day I’m surrounded by a group of incredible scientists who are experts in the field, and we work together to solve real-world problems for which there is no easy answer. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work on a team that is motivated to do excellent, state-of-the-art scientific research

toward the development of new medicines to improve people’s lives. In process chemistry, we develop the methods to synthesize the active pharmaceutical ingredients that will be used to test the safety and efficacy of potential new drugs, and eventually, to produce the drugs on commercial scale. Neither my undergraduate

education nor my doctoral work in transition metal catalysis fully prepared me for this task. I have already learned so much, from the

technical details of the highly regulated drug development process to everyday lab tasks, like how to scale a reaction from a tiny test tube to a 200-liter reactor. The strong foundation for learning and collaboration

that Boise State provided has helped me to welcome each new experience as an opportunity for growth and has given me confidence to do the same in the future. When I was an undergraduate student in the BSU chemistry department, I didn’t know that my current job even existed. But BSU and the Honors College started me on my

path toward a challenging, fulfilling career that impacts the lives of many. I’m proud to tell people where I am from and where I went to school. While many are familiar with Boise State because of the famous Fiesta Bowl victory and the Smurf Turf (go Broncos!), I hope that the reputation for highly motivated, excellent students with unlimited potential will

continue to grow, and I know that the Honors College will play an important role in this.

Winter 2016 The Honors Review

6 3

From Reluctant Peer Mentor to Glowingly Satisfied One

Bethany Poythress

Senior, French, International Business

Letter From an Alumna

Emma McInturff Chemistry, Class of 2009

“I imagined arriving at training to see a group of funny, smart, close-knit students chatting happily…and then me, watching awkwardly from afar. ”

-Bethany Poythress

“I’ve been struck by a reali-zation that learning doesn’t end when you leave the academic setting.”

-Emma McInturff

The Honors Review Winter 2016

2 7

Announcing a New Alumni Chapter

I’m from Antigua and Barbuda, a beach vacation destination voted the “Caribbean’s Most Romantic Destination” in 2015. Living not more than ten minutes’

walk from the beach, afternoons would find me standing at the water’s edge listening to the powerful crash of the waves. Coupled with the sweet hum of their constant ebb and flow, I often wondered at how in one minute something

could be so loud and boisterous, and in the next so gentle and serene. Almost mischievously, the water would wash away the sand from beneath my feet and threaten to topple me over. Swimming and picnics are as natural

to Antiguan and Barbudan culture as is breathing. I would hike with groups of friends and family under the moonlight to the beach and pitch tents. Under the thick, dark blanket of night we’d search out constellations as the stars proudly twinkled above. After some time, sleep would

overtake us and the sun would be well into the sky before we knew ourselves again. And the sound of the waves would call to us until we couldn’t resist going for a swim. As I describe these scenes I can’t help but smile. Many people ask why I left all that

behind and came to Boise, Idaho. In my opinion, I exchanged the beach for the audacious mountains. And with the mountains, a new family. When I arrived in Boise, I knew no one. What I did know: I wanted to do well

academically. Boise State and its International GEM Scholarship had provided the academic adventure. Unfortunately, this opportunity nearly

vanished my first semester when my sponsor could no longer host me. This meant I had to support myself. Now, work and school competed for my time. I

juggled up to three jobs and a full course load but still wanted to be involved on campus. Despite these obstacles, I excelled and received an Honors College scholarship, plus a wealth of extra-curricular activities in a welcoming

community. My journey to that scholarship and into the Honors community began with Dr. Stewart Gardner. I had the pleasure of taking University Foundations 100, The Human

Situation, with Dr. Gardner as one of my lecturers. In the course, we discussed philosophers from Aristotle to John Locke. One day Dr. Gardner asked to speak with me. Then it happened: one of the most defining moments in my Boise State career. He asked, “Have you considered

joining the Honors College Ms. George?” Until then, I hadn’t considered it an option, but the next semester I was in. Working long hours and living off campus, it was difficult to get involved and find a community of peers. Things quickly

changed once I was in the Honors College. I arrived one Tuesday afternoon at a weekly discussion group called “Free Time With Finstuen.” Somehow I mixed up the titles and it incorrectly lodged in my mind as “Fun Time With Finstuen.” These

meetings were the first time outside of class where I could sit in a relaxed environment and just talk. I asked about the significance of life, about adjusting as a foreigner in a

far-away land, about dealing with the overwhelming demands of supporting myself through school while excelling academically, about meaning in general. I

found wisdom in Dr. Finstuen’s words and life experience. I also found common ground with fellow Honors students who were experiencing similar things. In reality, all the staff and students came together to form my academic family. When I first

came I knew no one, but now I am distinctly aware that my human situation

has changed. I am honored to be an Honors student. When

Dr. Finstuen asked me to write this piece, I was instantly preoccupied. I wondered how I could put into so few words all that the Honors College means to me. What I want you to get from what I’ve said so far is this: when I came to Boise State I had the potential to

do well, and I’m pretty sure that I would have gotten good grades. What I’m not sure about is if I would have been able to contemplate the significance of life and the role that a university education plays in such a life. I’m also not sure if I would

have realized that every day, in every class, and in every interaction with others, I’m working toward becoming that type of person who not only values the life I have, but brings value to those around me. What I’m sure about is that the relationships I’ve

built and the lessons I’ve learned at the Honors College will be with me for the rest of my life.

From a Far-Away Land

Shayna George Senior, Spanish

Community is an integral part of the Honors College experi-ence at Boise State, and now the opportunities to foster that same community are expanding. Several alumni are organiz-ing a group dedicated to connecting Honors students after

they graduate. The group has a few key ideas in mind, one of which is supporting the Honors College by mentoring current students and by providing financial contributions. The group would also allow for networking among alumni, both locally and virtually. Since Honors alumni are spread around the

nation and even around the world, this group will provide a great way for alumni, whether near or far, to connect to one another. The organizing alumni are looking for more alumni to get involved and to give input about the mission and the

goals of the group. If you are interested in joining, you can find the group on LinkedIn under “Boise State Honors Alumni.” For more information, contact Jamie Lundergreen (2014) at

“In reality, all the staff and students came together to form my academic family.”

-Shayna George

Snapshots of the Honors Oxford Program

Summer 2015

The Honors Review

A Newsletter from the Honors College at

Boise State University

Dr. Andrew Finstuen, Dean Boise State Honors College

In This Issue

Winter 2016

A Note from the Dean

The growth means more demand for classes and programming. We’ve added course options in accountancy, biology, physics, and psychology. We added a retreat course for juniors designed to hone oral and written communication skills toward job and graduate school applications. We expanded our list of study-away experiences while strengthening our Oxford program with a summer 2015 trip there and another planned for summer 2017. For last summer’s visit to Oxford, my wife, Ingrid, and my sons Carl (7) and Harald (5) joined the students and me. Harald practiced speaking in what he called his “British accident” (instead of “accent”), and Carl couldn’t get enough of the museums and free-range parks of that ancient city.

Back stateside, I convened the first external advisory board for the

Volume 3, Issue 1

The winter newsletter is late, and that is my fault. It’s tardy because of a bit of disorganization on my part but also because the Honors College continues to flourish in so many ways. We welcomed our largest cohort of students by far in fall 2015, which grew the college by 40%. We now stand at 560 students. We expect another record year in enrollment for fall 2016. This is not an accident. Our growth ties to our goal to meet a national benchmark for size—around 750 students—and our anticipation of the fall 2017 opening of a new Honors College building featuring offices, classrooms, and 300 beds for residents.

Honors College. It gathers eight men and women from a variety of backgrounds and professional experience—some graduates and some not who have committed to help me push the College to its next level of distinction. Two student representatives also serve on the board. One of them, Shayna George, has an article in these pages. Her testimony as well as the four other pieces by current and former students illustrate why this new board, along with myself, Annal, Chris, Emily, Peggy, and our new Development Director, Argia Beristain, work so eagerly on behalf of Honors students.

From a Far-Away Land 2

ed Peer Mentor 3

Oxford Bound 4

Hello From the HSA 5

Letter from an Alumna 6

A New Alumni Chapter 7

Whether you are a student, prospective student, alumnus,

or community member, we encourage you to visit the

Honors College. We are happy to give you a tour of

Driscoll Hall, arrange for you to sit in on an Honors class, and

answer any questions you might have about the Honors

College experience. Please feel free to contact us

at (208) 426-1122 or

Featured Honors Events

Distinguished Lecture Series: April 14, 2016, 7:00 pm Jordan (SUB) The Honors College will welcome Dr. Carl Wieman as our spring 2016

Distinguished Lecturer. Dr. Wieman holds a joint appointment as professor of

Physics and of the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University.

Dr. Wieman has received numerous awards recognizing his work in atomic

physics, including the Nobel Prize in physics in 2001.

Last Lectures: April 2016 At the end of April and in anticipation of graduation, seniors will present lectures

to fellow students, faculty, friends, and family members, highlighting what they

most valued about their time at Boise State. Lectures will be presented in the

Driscoll Lounge.

Honors Week: April 2016 Come celebrate all things Honors! The Honors College and HSA will be hosting

a week of social, educational, and service opportunities ranging from guest lectures

and campus beautification to many food-centric gatherings.

For more information on Honors events, visit

Learn More About Honors (208) 426-1122 Honors College Staff

Dean Andrew Finstuen, Ph.D.

Assistant Director Christopher Hyer

Development Director Argia Beristain

Associate Director Annal Frenz

National Scholarships Coordinator Emily Jones

Management Assistant Peggy Lindley





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