Booborowie Primary School T1 W8 2016.pdfEaster Egg decorating competition! Fri 25th March– Good...


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Term 1 2016

Week 8

Easter Egg decorating


Fri 25th March– Good Friday

Week 9

Mon 28th Mar– Easter Monday

Tuesday 29th Mrs Ramsdall


30th March– Mrs Potter at

Leader’s Partnership Meeting

Thursday-31 March– Brent

Lores from Natural Resources

Management visiting class

Week 10

Tuesday 5th April– Parent

Consultations after school

Friday 8th April-Assembly @


Week 11

Monday 11 April– Mrs Potter

at Leader’s Conference in


Abby Snook (Cert 3 student)

- placement in class all


Apr 15th– Last day of term 1

– 2.30pm finish.

Dear Parents and Friends

I hope everyone has a great Easter and manage to spend some quality time with their families and friends.

The Governing Council met on Monday evening. They discussed many items and brainstormed some interesting fundraising ideas, for later in the year. The meeting was very positive and I am sure that many of the things planned will be great for the school. Fiona Sullivan was co-opted onto the committee as the Playgroup representative A working bee is planned in the near future, please come along and help our grounds committee make the school a more attractive environment.

Brent Lores from the Natural Resource management Group is visiting the school next week . He is planning to work with all students about caring for the environment as well as discussing with the Upper Primary their ideas for the YEL project.

The students enjoyed an entertaining afternoon at Burra Community School watching the Marionette puppets. The students were a credit to the school with excellent listening skills and behaviour throughout the performance.

On Monday, Spalding Primary School hosted the Booborowie Primary School for Harmony Day 2016. The students engaged in different activities including badge making, making Vietnamese rolls, social skills games, investigating ori-gins of products and using various sports equipment from the Opal team. The weather was perfect and all students enjoyed making new friends and inter-acting with each other.

Following a discussion with Ms Daniel about reading at home, it was noted that some students are not reading regularly or if they are, it is not being not-ed in their reading logs. It is important that all students regardless of year lev-el read regularly and parents sign books so that teachers know that home-work is being completed. Early next term, some students will be sitting their Naplan assessments in Literacy and Numeracy and will benefit from reading practice now!

Congratulations to Makala Bilsborough (upper primary winner) and Blayden Bilsborough (Junior Primary winner) for the decorated Easter Egg competi-tion. All students made a great effort in decorating their eggs.

Jayne Potter

Booborowie Primary School

Achieving and Learning for Life

Term 1 2016 Week 8 Newsletter

South Terrace, Booborowie, 5417 08 8893 2241

Date: 24/03/2016 Principal: Mrs Mainprize-Potter



Easter Egg


Winner- Junior Primary -Blayden