BOOK 1 the Brain Evolution Manual Series



BOOK 1 the Brain Evolution Manual Series

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i. I would like to give special acknowledgement to inventor and mentor Karl Hans Welz for his Guidance Wisdom Knowledge and Contributing Instruction. Valuable Author Mr. Eldon Taylor. Enlightening Authors Haha Lung & Christopher B Prowant for their most vital and useful information. Thanks to all.





By John C MacDonald, Damyan J MacDonald,Contributing Author/Inventor Karl Hans Welz

Copyrights 1993 2012 2014 John C MacDonald Damyan J MacDonald All rights reserved.



























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Photo link: Pretty Butterfly by Sharon Apted she has compiled a structural link photo library that can be used for links to nature and she accepts donations for her free photos.

NOTE* Welz chi generators are not necessary to achieve results using these methods. The Welz devices add more physical energy to the newly stimulated sensory perception centers of your brain for overall higher physical energy. An affordable access to biological chi energy: To purchase your own Welz device go to; . I am an instructor at Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International (HSCTI). All readers who order through me get 10% off all Welz technology. I will give you unlimited personal instruction for using any Welz device. Contact me at: for purchase.


The scope of this book is personal mind control and development of extra sensory perceptions. For an in-depth understanding of why the global population unwittingly accepts todays social system of severe limits on mans natural intuitive faculties by the indoctrinated programing forced upon it, read the following two books. BLACK SCIENCE by Haha Lung, and Christopher B. Prowant. Link* MIND PROGRAMMING: FROM PERSUASION and BRAINWASHING, to SELF HELP and PRACTICAL METAPHYSICS MIND CONTROL by Eldon Taylor. Link*

This book is a collection of useful information from over 20 years of research and development with HSCTI and Karl Hans Welz as well as Welz chi generator owners all over the world. Every section contains exercises for personal mind control. A Welz chi generator is not required to significantly benefit from these exercises. When practiced as directed you will experience a major increase in your awareness of intelligence.Book I of series will focus only on the development and completion of the 6th sense psychic ability traditionally called ESP which is Extra Sensory Perception.Research and development using Welz technology has resulted in the pursuit of the senses beyond the 6th sense. In addition to the omnipotent understanding of mans psychic ability are more sensory perception skills that we are researching for development. This research has resulted in exercises to rapidly accelerate the capacity to operate ones pure psychic ability which is required for development of senses beyond the 6th. I guarantee the clarity and awareness of mind developed by using your sensory perception skills learned from these practices will exceed your expectations.This information is innovative and can be easy to practice if you progress through the steps. There is very little useful data for the development of ESP. There are not many accessible schools, institutions or quality information for educating people in the development of their sensory perception skills, until now.The degree of development of mans intelligence is and has been limited by design. Traditional small thinking and its destructive partner unnecessary memorization peak at an estimated 10% of brain capacity, this results in the non-synchronized under development of our five known sensory perception skills, making their unity impossible. Using all five senses as one is a higher function of the 6th sense and is inherent in all inhabitants of this planet. The first step to a greater awareness starts with your mind forcefully seizing control of your brains focus and functions. This focus is essential for the mind to develop use of its ESP potential.Most of these revolutionary exercises are new techniques that will develop the highest sense of awareness so far humanly possible. The minds powerful abilities have been demonstrated by adepts throughout history, but the practices that got them there have always remained hidden. This personal mind control manual will help you deprogram the functional disaster of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder training. OCD training limits humanities true intelligence by engineering a variety of altered states for purpose of control. OCD is UN natural as it puts the brain in control of the mind. In these altered states of consciousness the sublime control factors are usually unseen and unknown. Most often the control factors are mixed with high energy excitement that is enthralling to its subjects. The environment is set up for a switch of control from the mind to the brain by reactionary auto response behavior stimulus. This insane infinite loop limits the mind mostly to the simple task of thinking defined as memorization and recall. All these OCD traps of repetition do not allow for the intelligence of imagination to develop and thrive.Humanity plays fool to the conviction that thinking is intelligence. This archaic view point limits development of our observational intelligence. This dominating imbalance perpetuates a dysfunctional mental condition in our species commonly known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This limited approach is in itself part of the OCD myth as it only promotes thinking which is obviously not the only mode of intelligence. Simple observation reveals an obvious truth that thinking is simply easy and a primitive talent shared by all fellow animals and insects too. Their observational skills (instinct) are naturally equal to their thinking abilities. Historically humanity has been a constant demonstration of failure through the OCD disaster of continuous destruction. Observation will separate you from the painful frustrations experienced by the masses as many struggle through the nightmare of OCD training that is forced upon them. Memorization and recall can be useful when needed, however designing their limits into the educational system as the only method of active intelligence is an embarrassing testament of humanities wretched failure. We let the weakest of the weak greedy people lead us with the poorest possible leadership in the Universe. For most people the consequence of using only this simplistic basic skill of elementary thinking has been a life sentence of mundane mediocrity. We are purposely limited to this basic skill for the sole purpose of controlling wealth. Outside of entertainment memorization and recall have little value as these skills are limited by content. They are not involved in mans inventions innovations or creative problem solving. Creative problem solving is achieved by the highest levels of focused awareness that we call genius and is not related to memorization and recall. Although all geniuses have mastered this simple skill it is not the source of their genius. This learning disability causes genius to be an exception when it is potentially the norm. Inventors innovations are not the product of memorization and recall, as the genius of their awareness is beyond the excessive thinking of obsessive compulsive disorder. History shows our limited development is equal to our technology which isnt much beyond the wheel and computer. Our cave dwelling ancestors had five senses too. Understanding of how to use the brains sensory perceptions hasnt increased at all since we left the cave. Our minds intelligence potential is limited by the simple method of memorization and recall. The focus on memorization and recall of useless information (social studies, history, etc.) creates problems for our youth, resulting in disengagement from the most intelligent amongst us who are bored stupid. Mind slayers have been around since the dawn of man and they use various methods to control their environments and mass opinion. If you or someone you know cant concentrate I highly recommend the book listed by Eldon Taylor as it could be a breakthrough for many who cant concentrate and have no clue as to why. When you read this book you will never see the real world around in the same way. I believe you owe it to your children to get this book and unplug the television, turn off the radio and quiet your familys minds for peaceful efficiency. Mass media is not at all what you believe it to be. Mass media programming is a sophisticated hamster wheel of technology designed with the sole purpose of giving the brain control of the mind. Television and radio purposely create an altered state of consciousness that runs backwards in an infinite loop. OCD unwittingly puts the brain in charge of the mind so the brain is always searching for a remedy to the insanity of repetitive OCD impaired operation. It is against nature for the brain to control the mind. Many people can switch the function back temporarily with or without awareness, but permanent control is the intent of this book. OCD is the major result of this programming and IMO is a curable mental disorder of severe psychosis that encompasses the entire human race. OCD dominates mans mind destructively and although it is a common condition it is unnatural since the brain is merely an organ and does not possess the authority of consciousness on its own without you. Zoo animals in UN natural captivity demonstrate similar behavioral disorders that are common in people with the conditioned OCD psychosis. You were not born with any mental disorder, if you are OCD, you were trained that way. You are not your brain because you are your mind and nature designed your body and brain to be run by the mind. Understanding the ways and means of participation in programming folly of mass ignorance will help free for your mind. The two recommended books tell in great detail how all of it is being done. More importantly these books make very evident that you must put forth the effort to learn personal mind control or others will do it to you. I highly advise that you read these books in conjunction with these sensory perception development exercises if you want optimum results.The freedom attained from sensory perception training will result in development of a much higher awareness that increases overall intelligence significantly. I guarantee that you will be blessed beyond your highest expectations. Although I refer to the dregs of the lowest of humanity and their species limiting societal indoctrination, the scope of this book is not to expose the culprits of mind control technology and their methods or to explain the diversion systems of indoctrination used for control of peoples behavior. I mention them because they are in direct opposition to the purpose of this information, which is an active practice in personal mind control. Because you can NOT change the system, you must learn to joyfully benefit from the one that is already in place. It has little power over those who do not participate in the destructive parts as it is specifically designed to be reactionary, giving the illusion of free will and control. All of this and more is fully explained in exceptional detail in the two books I recommend. It is of immense benefit to read these books for maximum rapid mind expansion with a goal of total awareness. If you are serious about controlling your own mind understand this, most of what you think you know has been told to you or broadcast to you. What you understand you have learned from experience, what you think is opinion. A major misnomer of the masses is that scoring high on tests designed using only the basic skills of memorization and recall is proof of being intelligent, when the fact is that these skills are very simple, basic and limited. This programming allows for your brain to control your mind for most of your conscious hours. The artificial limits of this basic mentality allows for the eventual training of your mind to run in various stages of control with your participation. The illusion of free will is a functional design of reactionary mind control (a need to respond like Pavlovs dogs) via conscious sensory perception subliminal bypass and/or an over load assault on audiovisual sensory perceptions; both approaches have advanced with technology. We are unwittingly conditioned (emotional reactions cause chemical reactions in the brain) to interact with our environment by methods that require a response (reactionary). The methods used are both passive subliminal audiovisual media and environmental stimulus and aggressive attention getting hypnotic effects. Brain waves will sync to electromagnetic visual and audio patterns such as flashing pulses of light and or music. Furthermore when the EMF strobe pattern is combined with sophisticated multilayered audio visual broadcast technology, the level of mind control is so absolutely ingrained in societys indoctrination that it goes totally UN detected. Subliminal technology has effective audio programming and tone generated sound frequencies design to elicit responses unknowingly with an action or opinion through conditioned auto response triggers, which is how the mind is unwittingly directed. These triggers are emotionally based on values and viewpoints of society causing a reaction to appear voluntary. The societal values you chose to accept as a valid and righteous reality are those of your culture and were given to you not chosen. When education based only in these two simple methods, thinking (speculative opinion) and memorization of useless data (standard traditional curriculums), one is left with development of a tiny fraction of their creative potential and virtually no understanding of the minds true extraordinary potential. Over time everyone becomes relatively predictable and mostly dull. The limited possibilities of behavior through control of external events both real and perceived are merely repeated conditioned mental thought pattern(s) or emotional reactionary responses. People of highest intelligence among us that I have had the honor to meet, are significantly more in control of their minds perceptions than the masses. Highly developed perceptions of self-awareness are void of internal chatter music or repetitive unnecessary actions OCD. Most people I encounter daily are not aware that their thoughts, emotions, actions and reactions are not genuinely and entirely their own. This appears as a complete surprise to most smart people who think they are in complete control mostly and always have been. In fact most smart people think it is ridiculous that mass mind control could be responsible for any of their actions and reactions much less all of them. Pure imagination has always existed outside of the box we live in. Most people are inherently good and want to do good things. We grow up being taught that productivity is good and it is smart. This programming encompasses all human intellect and is very hard to disengage from. The mind control system woven into the daily routine of humanity is designed to draw a response. The good citizen characteristic that many people possess may be easy to cultivate as it could be related to basic instinctual survival skills. The herd mentality may cause need to act in contribution to the cause for inclusion. The good citizen trigger elicits a reactionary response from all people who consider themselves good citizens and draws people in where an expected action is now required. Being intelligent is not enough to deprogram yourself from this dominant system of violent control that is as old as humanity itself, it takes an active mind dedicated to the task of releasing itself from the vice grip of negative obsessive thought patterns. Examples of high intelligences locked in this infinite loop of obsession are evident all around us everywhere all the time as you will soon see. To begin the reprogramming of your mind to lead itself instead of following reactionary protocol, you must make a conscious effort to resist all invitations of participation in the activities folly when you recognize them. As you progress, the mass programming techniques will become evident and participation for any reason other than to gain control over the tactics is a foolish waste of time and could be destructive. For those who are serious about the mastery of self-mind control from this point on the only exception for participation in the mass mind programming production will be for research purposes only. Participate only to identify and study the auto re action response required of you, such as remaining seated during the national anthem at a public event. Only do this to observe the state of stress that automatically manifest in the people around you during this good citizen training exercise. Be careful when you try this as I have been threatened with violence at major sporting events. Watch the effect the non-conforming energy you display has on the people in your surrounding environment. When you refuse to participate in actions conditioned by events it will make those around you uncomfortable by their confusion. They may be confused because they are (subconscious fear) scared by the act of non-participation but dont know why, because what you are doing in not a threat to them physically. Mind control is a scary subject to most people and many give in by simply denying its existence. We have all been programmed to believe that goods or services are for privileged happy people and obtaining them will make you happy too. Furthermore production is a product of FREEDOM and it is your patriotic duty to have the free will to work and obey so that you may be righteously rewarded with the fruits of your production. I have family and friends who are truly happy with only the basic necessities; they have found joy in life itself.Another implanted programming auto response action of influence is the idea that thinking defeats ignorance because ignorance is denied by the very process of thinking. Thinking has resulted in every bad idea and major failure the human race has ever suffered through. What defeats stupid ideas? Some people are aware of mass programming but few know the depths of sophistication used in technology and behavioral modification psychology and fewer than that control their own minds. Too many people are distracted by OCD training and cannot stop their thought patterns, yet still think their thoughts are free and a choice. The inability to quiet the mind at will doesnt leave much resource for an aware conclusive observation, also at will. Many people in this state accept it as normal and believe that their terrible life is a result of unknown forces which they have no control over. Then they repeat (OCD) the destructive actions repetitive cycle over again. Observation yields evidence that the OCD training of consumerism causes mental psychosis on the populations subjected to it influence and manifest as violence and hate creating class war fare and a perpetual state of intolerance. Generally speaking humanity is in a constant state of psychosis on display in action of obsessive oppositional behavior. Everybody knows people are different and that their realities life conditions are different and that everybodys opinions are individual and different, but expect everyone to act in an excepted sameness type manner, this is a basic psychosis in itself. Obsessive domination through violence has been the primary objective of our societys mind control programming. War and disease are accepted as normal by this ignorant societal indoctrination. The expected results are that most people are not in control of their minds making them easy to control through fear and violence. The pathetic education system our children suffer through sabotages the development of human intelligence with useless trash information and diversions with no valuable substance. Sadly this pathetic destructive system tells one what to think and does not teach one how to think. There are no instructions available for how the mind is to utilize the five senses that determine its reality. The information in this brain RE training manual may be vital for some folks happiness. These exercises will teach you how to use your mind well beyond the current limits of everyday life. If you consider yourself intelligent and successful, then why are you not always happy? Outlook and expectations may be the clues you seek. The overall state of conflict on this planet lacks the joy of harmony and is enough to wear down even the most optimistic of minds among us. The constant assault of daily conflict purposely pushed on us can be unknowingly destructive. Consider this, to be well adjusted in a sick psycho sociopathic society is neither intelligent nor successful and is a psychosis. A large majority of people today do not support the accepted opinion that the rule of authority must always be through acts violence. Circumstance of this reality can subconsciously cause stress of an unknown origin which is a characteristic of PTSD. The joy of a higher awareness that increases ones intelligence lays dormant in the unity of ones sensory perceptions. Joyful possibilities of manifestation lay dormant and untapped within the minds skills of perception. New ways of brain operation results in rapid growth and a new higher awareness of intelligence. Combine these personal mind control methods with the use of Welz technology for amazing results and benefits. This first exercise will manifest a state of constant serenity through the calm of silent observation. You will gradually become aware and utilize the real power of the universe that is your divine providence and privilege to use as you desire.Consider the importance of the Moon in your life and its influence on your reality. The Moon is more than just a satellite whose only influence to be seen is on the oceanic tides on this planet. Research makes evident that the moon has very powerful unseen influence on all liquid substances vital to all life forms here. Why are most people reluctant to tap the power of the moons influence? This may be so because most people are unaware that the moon and its influences can be utilized by any one individual. A higher intuitive awareness can be gained from practice using the moons influences but that is not within the scope of this useful information, it is however in the magical version of this book called The Alpha Nu American Grimiore by John MacDonald. This collection of data has been refined from decades of R and D and contains useful information that will influence the rest of your life in ways you never considered. If you have children, it is your parental family duty to practice these methods with them to counter the destructive programming of OCD training. A majority of behavioral problems are a result of OCD training ingrained in education and forced on our youth with disastrous results, which ultimately are blamed on them when the act out inappropriate behavior. Random acts of civil disobedience are good for the soul.You will learn a level of awareness that makes your life more exciting than it is presently, restoring a childlike joy of anticipation to life. The practice of these exercises may reveal the profound hidden meaning of life on this planet resulting in a permagrin. My nickname for Earth is planet asshole due to rule of circumstance as defined by its inhabitants. These circumstances provide an opportunity for one to learn joy. You must learn to joyfully separate ones self from the general population of assholes, while mastering the shared environment. With the progression of research and development I expect to produce a body of information leading to the development of the 7th sense and beyond.

SECTION 1ACTIVE LISTENINGBy John C. MacDonaldCopyright 1995, 2003, 2007

Do you know thetruepower of your thoughts? The truth is stunning. A brilliant and famous German physicist who advanced the field of physics,Max Planck, said, All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration which holds the atom together. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. And THAT is old science.

Only identical energy can share the same physical location and similar energies gather together. This physics law of energy is also the law of attraction and manifestation.-johnnymac

In other words, the substance of the universe may be nothing more than consciousness or thought. Consciousness forms the building blocks of the universe and everywhere that consciousness explores, with the expectation that something will be there, it creates. If Quantum Theory is correct (since it is impossible to prove at this time with our limited science), it implies that to change your current reality, all you need to do ischange the frequency of your thoughts. TRUE, however you must also be aware there will be new actions needed that match your new thought frequencies for manifest of new results. Use the leading technology in Brain development to take an active technological approach to discover what actions are necessary for success! Welz Chi Technology is the best source for enhancing brain skills. Extra sensory perception training expands the brains ability to manipulate its environment, complete with actions required to produce abundance. Who are you? What is the who that is you? In essence, you are your mind. Your mind is not your brain. If life is eternal, then your mind is your eternal lifes soul. Understanding that your mind is separate from your brain gives you a clear objective; develop your brains functional skills. What are the brains skills? The brains skills are limited to its underdeveloped sensory perceptions which result in poor creative problem solving and logistical reasoning. The next skill of the brain that is available to all is the sixth sense of omnipotent psychic ability, knowing anything from the past present and future. How can one enhance the development of extra sensory perception skills? Self-education has been and still is the only way for most people to develop their inherent psychic ability. All traditional education doesnt recognize the existence of ESP. Separate your mind from body and you discover that your mind is energy. The foundation of understanding is that this is a unique energy and it is the biological organic life energy of the unified living field of orgone physics. Orgone physics includes the field of traditional physics with the addition of the principles of the biological physical energy known scientifically as orgone energy. Karl Hans Welz has been pioneering in orgone physics for over 20 years now. The Ivy League physicist have been holding conferences and giving each other awards for impressive but useless math equations, all the while, Karl Welz has been diligently researching and developing real technologies that solve environmental issues as well as creates results of manifestation.A very useful mathematical discovery is that of Benoit Mandel brot, he has received most of the credit mathematically for what I believe is a complete geometrical visual of a mathematical mapping of chi energy fractal dynamics. A good source on Dr. Mandelbrot is the wikipedia public domain address; .

Wiki pedia quote TheMandelbrot setis a particularmathematical setofpointswhose boundaryis a distinctive and easily recognizable two-dimensional fractalshape. The set is closely related toJulia sets(which include similarly complex shapes), and is named after the mathematician Benot Mandelbrot, who studied and popularized it.

TheMandelbrot setis a good visual mapping of the planets infinite life energy field with a definite core structure that is constantly changing through replication without repeat. We are part of that energy. Like a cup of water from the ocean, the mind, more specifically your mind experiences life through the sensory perception organs of the brain and these senses are pure biological living energy fields of consciousness. All of your thoughts emotions and actions are energy. This energy is so dynamic that its range is as extreme as life itself, from very subtle to super human feats of wonder. In its subtle form this biological life energy is so delicate it is usually UN noticed, such as an event everyone has experienced, a mosquito lands on your arm without the slightest awareness, sucks blood from you and flies away. This event is an example of the subtle state of chi energy; this is where the operator begins to manifest results, from the subtly. The operators 1st step is to give this energy a mental definition and emotional form, then link it to a target to reveal actions needed for manifestation. As the manifestation works its way to our physical plane it intensifies in form and action. Practice will reveal how this energy can be defined and encoded with specific intent (trends) then linked to targets (people or events) for manifestation purposes of positive permanent change. Active Listening in Section 1 is an exercise designed to gain powerful focus and will lead to the development of the sixth sense. Consistent practice will enable your mind to gain significantly more skill and eventually total control of your brains psychic. For an effective mapping system that has proven useful, consider the sixth sense to be your pure intuitive psychic ability. Understand the meaning of the term psychic ability to be exclusive in its purest sense, void of mainstream folly and commercial entertainment. Real psychic skill is obviously discernible from generalized clich newspaper zodiacal predictions and TV psychics that portray rehearsed psychic feats for entertainment purposes. I speak of the supernatural occurrences of Deja Vu that gives one goose bumps when experienced. Activating your highest awareness can create a superior sixth sense that manifest as knowing the truth of any subject. Clairvoyance: seeing visions of target, trend or event. Clairaudient: hearing the answers to questions concerning a target, trend or event. Clairsentient: all knowing about a target or knowing answers to any question. Psychic Ability: The ability of extrasensory perceptions, such as telepathy projection and reception of thoughts to a target at will. Psycho kinesis: The production or control of motion, especially in inanimate and remote objects at will. Psycho kinesis is the 7th sensory perception skill of our brains unlimited potential.

The following information is a result of research and development from the practice of Active Listening. This mind empowering meditation trains the mind to utilize the body in a combined effort to gain total control of your minds focus permanently. Your Mind existed before your body and will survive the passing of your body. This fact indicates that the mind is superior to the body, yet very few humans understand this simple fact of life. This breathing exercise is unlike any breathing exercise ever printed in any subject of study to my knowledge. I developed this technique to enhance meditation for personal mind control as one must control ones own mind first. This technique has the capacity for accelerated success in personal mind control. When the practitioner masters this exercise their level of clarity and control will exceed what they imagined to be possible. This lucid state of mind is the goal of this exercise. Practitioners of this subject, who own a Welz chi generator, will use this lucid state as the ideal place to start the mental bonding connection with their generator(s). This connection gives the practitioner the capacity of an additional brain. The Welz chi generator is an organic computer that can serve as a 2nd brain. It begins as basic in function but possesses dynamic capabilities with combined operations. Used intently, it will expand awareness with needed energy for focus on a variety of abstract targets. Probable abstractions manifest easily if they are congruent with the practitioners lifestyle and possibilities. This connection enables results that are more effective for the practitioner who uses a mental link to their chi generator Rather than the practitioner who sees his generator as something separate from himself and uses it like an appliance. Using a Welz chi generator in this manner produces advancements of the manifestation techniques themselves. This gives the practitioner possibilities of advancing this technology beyond its current use. By simply design, that is one major advantage of using the chi generators and advancement is what they are made for. This exercise has benefits in every aspect of your life, as it will put you in touch with the very core of your being where there is no fear. This exercise has more benefits to it than I originally anticipated. My first significant experience of successful mind control expansion was the permanent shift of my mind into a state of extreme clarity. A clear understanding of what these devices can be used for beyond what I have already achieved with my improved state of mind. I use my five sensory perception skills more effectively now than at any point in my life before now. New higher expectations are already a reality for me and it will only keep expanding exponentially. I could not go back to the old way of using my mind as I cant even remember how it used to work. As I continue to work on these techniques, I can only describe the results of this practice to be a calm, comfortable progression towards a state of permanent joy. My expectations are way beyond my understanding of my current reality. This is a perpetual physical mental and emotional expanding manifestation. The more you practice the more you experience an increase in extraordinary manifestations. A joyful balance of physical mental and emotional states is the goal of our practice as it leads positive manifestations almost at will. There are simple actions one can do to facilitate a good balance of these three states in one. Physical: It is of my Opinion that exercise is a (bio chemical) requirement for happiness (get or stay physically active daily even if only simple walking - gradually challenge yourself) you do not have to run a marathon, start with a walk around the block on the way to the mailbox then progress from there. Exercise reduces stress and this alone is enough reason to be active. Exercise also burns cortisol which is a destruction chemical of stress.Mental: Pay attention to every one of your thoughts. Consciously examine every conditioned auto response reaction that you now may notice. Examine your thoughts and emotional responses to environmental stimulus including sounds and symbols and identify all their associative required responses. Always ask who, where, why, and how did these things affect my state of mind and as defined are my thoughts consistent with my goals? Emotional: Mentally log and analyze the relationships of physical exercise, mental thoughts, conditioned responses, free thoughts and the emotions they evoked. Did your emotional response benefit you? An emotional response to physical exercise is one that makes you feel good physically inducing endorphins as well as feeling good about yourself and how you look. With practice the physical mental and emotional states synchronize as awareness expands. The normal current approach to material expansion is that the effort of conscious action should be equal to the actual results you get. Some days are better than others and more productive, with constant practice of these techniques those days will be more frequent until every day is a joyful production. The more I practice this exercise the more I draw from it; I consider lucidity to be a work of perfection in progress. The exponential expansion of mental capacity continuously develops on its own between practices. The purpose of this exercise is to perpetually pursue the perfect state of omnipotent balance, better known as psychic ability. Lucidity is a chosen state of mind expressed as the immediate solution to any question or problem one may have, whether there are many choices or no choice at all. Ask for the perfect solution to any question, and then actively listen to the silent emptiness from which the answer will come. A state of emptiness produces a vacuum that invites the purest truth. Perhaps a limit in the mass conscious could be that most change is not apparent for the immediate good and instinct via social institutional indoctrination avoids the change. If the change were for the better then the voluntary or purposely conditioned non-resistance to instinct failed the user. Change of actions will produce change in expected results. Master your intuition to solve limits of instinct. Intuition gives you one truth in real time (Here and Now) understanding through sensory reception redirection and synchronistic function converts all five sensory reception centers into one big picture that is the omnipotent sixth sense. The Sequential truth development with intentional synchronistic function will facilitate manifestations as you begin to live in the present and three steps ahead of the norm. Learn to see the whole picture via truth. The systematic actions needed for manifestation are sometimes difficult to see if one cannot see the whole picture. Some call it coincidence and fail to manifest their intent because they did not see that the coincidence were related parts of the whole picture. Through practice, observation will reveal that first impressions do not truthfully reveal the complete picture at first. As you develop control of your mind, you will learn to see more and more of the whole picture at once. Eventually first impressions will tell the whole story when your developed sensory perceptions view them together as one. In most instances, for the common mind, events turn out completely different than they first appeared. The level of brain operation the practitioner achieves from active listening perfects their observational skills beyond words. Your sixth sense becomes so precise that you will see the whole picture and know the conclusion upon all first impressions. This psychic skill will prove to become a joyful state of mind free of worry. We begin with this exercise as the first one to put you in contact with the core of your being, your mind. The inner space of your existence is empty and free of influence. This emptiness is the nothing of consciousness where only your mind exists. Everything in our universe coexists with space. This space allows for the existence of everything. Reaching this mental state of empty stillness is finding your inner space, this may or may not occur the 1st 2nd or even 3rd time you practice the exercise. For some practitioners it has taken more time as everybody circumstances are different. Practice is the key and the quietness of observant active listening is a must accomplishment in the beginning for the development of your personal power and self-awareness. If the lucid break through occurs the first time you practice this exercise, then you were on the brink of developing this state of mind and this exercise was the catalyst to the perfection of your new mindset. Practice this until you recognize the change. The change is very profound and definitely noticeable. The change is so noticeable that it appears strange in its physical sensation to both body and mind. The state of lucidity is a very calm satisfying feeling of knowing. What you are doing is training your brain to operate without thinking (no static) or constant projection. Train the reception center for a co-operate ration managed from the listening state. Remain in constant observation as you can think anytime you need or want to. Remaining in a state of emptiness is satisfying and rewarding. The truth will be revealed to you in a constant state of being in the presence of truth, where you always know what is true and what is not. There are at least two immediate conscious methods natural to all human beings when using their brains, thinking and observation. One mode of brain operation is thinking. Using your minds logic, knowledge and creative imagination mapping to solve or remove obstacles. For the sake of semantics, my mappings consider this mode to be thinking. Such practices like solving a cross word puzzle, writing computer code, creative problem solving, and all abstract thinking. Thoughts are projections. A second mode of brain operation is observing. Observation is reception. This mode of brain operation is intentional observation by actively listening to your outer and inner space simultaneously. The conscious act of listening that develops from practice is when your mind is active and listening but NOT thinking. This is what I call Active Listening and perhaps it is just another term for observation, however successful practice will lead to a state of Lucidity beyond simple observation. As an example for understanding this mode, picture yourself seated doing a crossword puzzle. Now picture yourself standing next to yourself as you do the crossword puzzle. Do not think. Observe yourself doing the puzzle. Observation without assumption, conclusion, imagination or prediction is the mode of psychic operation. The learned ability to naturally focus on the emptiness of nothing will result in psychic abilities through the practice Active Listening. A blend of these two modes of conscious operation creates harmony and a peaceful productive brain, functioning at a new level that continues towards its optimum capacity. Your brain can be logical or creative when needed as well as intuitively understanding the truth to any question by listening for it. The practitioner will awaken the sixth sense of psychic brain activity to become more aware. As you master the consciousness of active listening, you will become more psychic than you thought possible. Anyone can learn to be psychic through repetition of no repetition and practice. The goal of this exercise is to blend the observant minds still emptiness and the thinking minds moving creative cycle. This will develop into a profound sense of a clear understanding calmness. The blend will express itself physically too. Not only will you feel different but also some people may notice the change you have made and comment about you looking different. The blending of the two modes of operation is a strangely powerful feeling that you will physically feel. When you achieve the level of 8 to 10 minutes of wakeful empty mindfulness, a change will occur in your mind and body. The more you practice this technique the more permanent this state of positive change becomes. This state of mind change is accompanied by a physical sensation that can be described as a state of extreme clarity and UN nerving calm, a state of true joy. This is the state of Lucidity where joy is a natural manifestation. This joy is a result of your conscious effort to evolve and will become an invaluable facet in your character that seeks perfection. Do this exercise before every mental or sensory perception endeavor. It is invaluable in many operations and all forms of meditation. Master this one exercise for a permanent peaceful state of mind that you will be grateful to have achieved. Another type of projection that can develop from this practice is a physical phenomenon called Astral Projection. So far, I have practiced this operation consistently enough to experience conscious separation of my mind and body. I was so successful at one point that I simply expected it to become a permanent skill at will, however that is not yet the case, practice will bring those intended results. Optimized brain function will produce a more efficient way to get phenomenal results. Do this technique before practice of autogenic training; it will be easier to master. Autogenic training is the technique the East Germans used very effectively to win so many gold medals in Olympic competition. Autogenic training proved to be more effective than steroids and is covered in the next book of this Sensory Perception Training Brain Manual Series.


When you experiment with this technique, you will begin to notice changes in your perception during the exercise and after as well. As the practice progresses it results in a more calm, clear and active state of mind. Awareness of the separation between the body and mind begins to develop. This allows for projection at will. One type of projection is mental wandering/wondering. A popular term is remote viewing where the remote viewer is so focused on a subject that they can gather factual data and physical characteristics of any target. A physical marker that I immediately recognized before every one of my conscious projections would occur, that my body would fall asleep while my mind remained awake, I often heard my body snore and that was an indication that projection was possible and usually successful. Two commonly successful moves help achieve an astral projection. Floating out where you willfully push and feel the act of levitation, which occurs to many people randomly while they are awake, and commonly called OBEs - out of the body experiences? A very successful technique is rolling out of your body when it is asleep, standing up, and walking away from your sleeping body. Within minutes of lying down you can learn to separate mind youre your sleeping body safely. This technique is describe in the book 2 of this series in the section How to Astral Travel. Calm lucidity is one key to the door of the Astral Plane. This is an intense and somewhat extreme exercise at first when practiced correctly. Do not let the difficulty discourage you. The more you do it the easier it becomes. Mastery of this technique through practice can result in various states of conscious within seconds of willing the state into manifestation. This technique is designed to take advantage of the chemistry lab within the brain. These techniques are designed to produce a state of panic in the practitioner to activate the pituitary gland, hypothalamus Gland, thalamus and cerebral cortex parts of the brain. This exercise causes hormonal secretions of endorphins that will help relax and facilitate the state of lucidity. Active listening is a common theme throughout this book showing up in a short version many times over. If the reader of this book works this one exercise to perfection then the investment in this book will pay an invaluable return through a new state of mind lucid profound understanding. The method I am working on for mind control begins with active listening and continues with advanced active listening techniques. Control of ones mind is the optimum foundation for sensory perception training. Sensory perception training is advanced observation through all sensory processors manifesting a higher level of awareness like never before.

WHAT TO AVOID; Thinking, fantasizing, daydreaming, internal chatter and mentally falling asleep.BEFORE BEGINNING EACH PRACTICE ALWAYS READ THROUGH EVERY STEP AND DO A SHORT WALK THROUGH IN YOUR MIND.

The practical part of Active Listening

ATTENTION: IF you have any heart condition(s), any medical condition(s) or poor health - DO NOT attempt this exercise!

The Authors, Editors and Publishers of this material assume no responsibility whatsoever for any adverse effects an individual may experiences by ignoring this warning. This exercise is purely research and is the responsibility of the practitioner.

Repeat steps 1-6 daily until your thoughts are silent and clear for 8-10 minutes. The seconds of controlled breathing vary from person to person and the goal of the breathing is to trigger a switch in the brains hormone centers to release endorphins and enkephalins into the bodys blood stream. The reactionary activation signs of hormonal secretions are slight mild jerky convulsion movements of the body. A tightening sensation in the solar plexus that progresses down the abdominal region to cause a tingling sensation in the genitals which is the signal indicating that the trigger switch in the brain has been flipped. Step 1) Set up a fan next to your bedStep 2) Lie down and relaxStep 3) Take your first deep breath and hold it for 10 seconds then make your first exhale and hold your breath out without for 10 seconds before inhaling your second breath.Step 4) Take your 2nd deep breath and hold it for 15 seconds then make your second exhale and hold your breath out for 15 seconds before inhaling your third breath.Step 5) Take your 3rd deep *breath and hold it for 20 -25 seconds then make your 3rd exhale and hold your breath out for 20 25 seconds waiting for slight jerky convulsions signaling the activation of glandular activity in the genital area. When you can count two counts past the tingle - inhale.Step 6) Focus on the sound of the fan allowing you to keep the mind empty. If you hear words in the fan then focus on noises outside of the fan such as traffic birds and all surrounding noises but do not think or carry on with the sounds. Identify them and go back to silence in your mind.

The 3rd *breath is the most important and difficult breath. SO REMEMBER YOU ARE IN CONTROL AND THERE IS NO REAL DANGER!

IMPORTANT! - Remember you are in total control and trying to manifest a state of panic within yourself to trigger a chemical reactionary response. When you exhale and hold your breath out, it becomes very difficult around 15 to 20 seconds and you will feel a panic feeling building in you this is your goal.

This practice in mind control develops rapidly when you can get past the PANIC alarm in your mind and trigger the endorphin hormonal switch. This is an obvious example of tangible results of serious mind control when you can get past the panic feeling and trigger the glandular hormonal switch in your brain.To activate the Brains glandular switch you must hold the breath for at least one count past the panic feeling.

Again, the PANIC FEELING will be accompanied by slight bodily convulsions as your brain demands a breath, as it is just a device of your mind and does not know you are in control. You will feel a pressure in the solar plexus that will move down through the abdomen creating a tightening sensation in your and genital area this is activation of the root chakra.After you feel the tingle count to two and inhale again.This will release a large amount of endorphins from the pituitary, hypothalamus and thalamus into the blood stream and a feeling of extreme peace will wash over you. It will be the first change of state you will notice, as it is quite pleasant.Again a re-enforcement of the object of step 6 is the goal of observation alone without thoughts conclusions or assumptions.

In Step6 following the endorphin rush you will notice that your mind will be in complete control of your brain. The goal of this training is to condition the mind to make this become a permanent skill. Practice by concentrating all your focus on the sound of the fan. Dismissing and or ignoring all sounds, words, thoughts, music, and internal chatter focus on nothing but the sound of the fan.

This is a very important part of developing the sixth sense. You must reach a point where you can listen to the fan for 8 - 10 minutes of uninterrupted focus on just the fan sound only. NO other thought must enter your mind - if a thought does enter your mind immediately dismiss it, let it go by re-focusing on the fan noise again and listen. At 4 minutes of focused observation with your mind and on your body, you will feel a change occurring in your body that has pleasant effects on your mind body relationship. You will begin to experience a feeling of floating (beginning state of *Astral Projection) and extreme calming relaxation. When practicing if you hear your body snore you can easily use it as a signal and tool for projection. Whenever I hear myself snoring I can successfully initiate a projection. It is highly probable and very easy to achieve when your body is asleep and mind is awake as a physical separation has occurred. To achieve a projection at this point willfully move your being without physically moving your body try to literally float. Or simply try to mentally roll out of bed (without physically doing so) or stand up and walk away and you should achieve an OBE astral projection. Projection is not the purpose of this exercise, so continue to relax further and go deeper into the emptiness of the mind with the goal of achieve the transition point of 8 to 10 minutes of silent lucidity. Astral projection is not the intent of this practice but it is a benefit of the intent to control ones own thoughts. When 8 minutes is achieved, the calming lucidity will last a few days. When 10 minutes is achieved, the calm becomes more permanent. Whenever the practitioner feels the lucid state slipping away due to stress or any other reason, practice this exercise to regain lucid peaceful control.Many of the following exercises are a continuation of Active Listening that can be done all day any day even while at work. In fact, at work you will now notice many things you never have noticed before. As you work through this application of active listening, you will expand your awareness in preparation for sensory perception training. The perfection and blending of all five senses will give you such clarity of mind in such a short time you will smile with joy. So much so that the people around you may notice something different about you and may ask what you are smiling about. If it is somebody you trust and care about, share this information with them.Active listening appears in many of the exercises in a shortened version with the obvious intent to clear the mind for telepathic reception, transmission or gathering data from any target. Do this exercise before every hermetic endeavor. SECTION 2CONTACT YOUR PERSONAL BIOLOGICAL ORGONE CHI FIELD

This is a short but very important enlightening exercise. Many people have seen this energy before, but they are so unaware of its existence many simply dismiss it as nothing significant. Historically for millennia this energy has been called by many different names, scientifically Wilhelm Reich is credited with attaching the label orgone to this energy. It has also been referred to as Prana, Chi, Life Force, Animal Magnetism, Odic Force as well as other names. A profound understanding about this energy is that all of life and its reality exist in the unified field of energy that you are about to verify by witness. This should not be the first time to see this energy of the unified field, however now you understand that this energy may prove useful.


Go outside when moderate sunlight is available and look up at the blue sky away from the Sun to avoid any visual impairment from the glare of sunlight. When your vision is clear, adjust your focus to look at the airspace about three inches directly in front of your eyes. When your eyes adjust correctly to this spot you should see tiny points of light moving in a constant squiggly pattern of living energy. Most people have seen this energy before but thought it was dust on the lenses of their eyes and paid no attention to it. This energy is your individual physical power source in its active biological state and it is part of the unified field that connects all life. It is everywhere all at the same time and it is separated only by structural differences. Even though we all share common DNA components, each life form has its own uniquely formed physical shape of its DNA structure. This should be a sublime epiphany.


A basic practice with this energy is to observe its characteristics as you manipulate the flow between points. A strong vital charge of life force can be seen as it emanates from the surface of the skin out about an inch or more from the physical body. Put your right index finger 4 inches directly in front of your right eye and cover your left eye with your left hand. Relax your vision; now as you slowly pull your finger away to 8 inches, focus on the area around the first joint of your finger. You may see an opaque bluish fog like energy spouting from the tip of the finger down along the length of the finger. Many see it as an almost clear fountain like pattern similar to the squiggle pattern seen in the preceding visual ID method. Biological energy appears to have a light blue color as demonstrated in the famous photo of astronaut Neil Armstrong planting the flag surface on the moon. In the photo there is a glowing blue light hue surrounding the astronaut. Scientific research has verified that orgone energy appears blue in color when in a vacuum. If you do not see the energy right away, do not despair as it may take training for some to see it. About 5% of the total population doesnt see it immediately and some never see it. Furthermore almost all of the planets people are neither sensitive to nor aware of this energy even though it is vital to their existence and all reality they experience. Awareness of this energy makes one different from those mired in the mediocrity of the mass consciousness. With practice this separation will become vastly apparent.If you can see it clearly then you can direct its flow easily as it emanates from your finger. Squeeze your thumb and index finger together then watch for the energy to appear as a bluish white string out as you slowly separate your fingers. Make it move with your mind in different patterns, see if you can make it dance like a flame. Observe the flow of energy as you direct it from finger to finger. Watch the flow as it moves like a fog where ever the mind directs it. Notice the pattern of this energy as it circulates from fingertip to fingertip. Change the pattern of flow with mental commands such as reverse direction spin left spin right pulse expand contract.

If you do not have access to sunlight or cannot go outside, this exercise can be done indoors with moderate success. Use any ordinary source of light. Never look directly at the light source as it leaves a sun spot impression prohibiting sight of the energy. Focus your view next to the source of light and then complete the steps of the visual method describe previously in the exercise above.Now that you have physically seen evidence of your own biological energy field it is time to understand the subtlety of this energy. The energies subtlety is demonstrated in the fragile qualities of a mosquito. It can range from subtle free flowing thought forms of inconsequential daydreaming to an extreme situation of life or death where many people have been witness to super human feats of strength and/or endurance. When working with your machinery you are working with this energy in its subtle form, as you progress through your work you will build an energy field adding aspects. I have found that my intent combined with specific trends always will generate thoughts that reveal the actions needed for manifestation to occur. Most actions revealed will be yours to take but many times, you may need to influence others to take actions and to assist the manifestations of your intended results.The most important understanding you must practice is control of your emotions and attitudes of expectations. For a visual imagine the subtlety of the event wherein a mosquito lands on your arm sucks blood from you and flys away without your slightest awareness. That is how subtle this energy is in its raw form. It will automatically conform to your thoughts (expectations) and emotions (negative or positive) as you work with it. I have included the next two sections so you can start with positive manifestation practices right from the beginning in all your work. Read these two sections and seriously evaluate your mindset and emotional state to ensure you receive the maximum positive results from your manifestation efforts. If you have a great optimistic attitude as well as a positive and stable emotional state make sure, you always have those two factors at their highest potential and congruent with the results you expect.Successful structural links with positive trend rates will reveal the actions you should expect to take for the manifestation to occur. Success coding this energy requires you must have a good attitude and emotional well-being. If you have an imbalance, in either, your results may be distorted or you could miss the obvious actions revealed to take because of bad attitude and/or poor an emotional outlook. The next two sections deal with attitude and emotional intelligence. Both need to be positive to manifest positive results.


What did the optimist say when an accident took one leg? I was lucky, I still have another one. WOW can you imagine what it is like to have this attitude? Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. -Thomas Jefferson Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. -Albert Einstein The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up. -John C. Maxwell

Before we get started I would like to say a few words on depression and negative thought patterns. From experience I know I can help those who are lonely and depressed.

In 1991 Karl and I started this company. I also started practicing metaphysics and studying magic under tutor of one of this planets greatest Metaphysical practitioners and leading magician, Karl Hans Welz. When we became great friends, he took off the kid gloves and really taught me serious ways to influence my life and affect my future from any distance. I got really good really fast. When I realized my talent, I quit doing black magic almost immediately. I realized I could affect any target at any distance and I decided I would always try to bring positive influences to any situation I encountered. I thought that there is enough misery in the world, why add to it? I read in one of my numerous books something Buddha once said, If someone gives you a gift and you do not accept it, which one does the gift belong to? -The giver. When somebody would throw up a finger at me in traffic, I would smile, wave and let them pass. I kept my smile and they kept their finger. I progressed rapidly in my metaphysical practices and within 4 years I was on top of the world. On paper I was a millionaire, never had a million in cash but I had several million in assets and toys. When you are on top is when you can fall and boy did I fall. I said I stopped working negative influences on other people thats true but, I continued to use the negative influences on myself. To educate myself to the ways of evil so I could recognize it before it got me. It sounds stupid and maybe it was but, I would never trade 1 day of all the pain to be where I am today, full of Joy. Well full of something thats for sure I thought it was joy. To make a long story not much shorter, I shot myself in both feet and probably took out a knee cap too. 1995 was the beginning of the end for my success. By 1999 I had lost everything I worked so hard to obtain. My many luxury autos GONE, my family business GONE, My home GONE, and when you dont have a home for your family its a natural instinct of survival to leave and go find one, so my family was GONE too. Somewhere in 1997 I quit working with Karl and tried to focus on saving my family business and saving what I thought was important, my family. It wasnt in the stars for me and I lost it all anyway. By 2002 I was homeless, moving from place to place with family and friends who would have me. I was a nomad with a large duffle bag of clothes and a back pack full of magic books. All that mattered to me at this point was magic. I spent every waking moment practicing magic to get back where I once was SUCCESSFULLY with my family. In 2003 I got divorced, but never lost hope. In 2004 I was living in an abandoned home with no utilities at my lowest point in life trying not to commit Hari Cari every day. For 3 years nobody knew where I was and I didnt care. By 2007 things began to turn around through my continuous study and tenacious willpower not to quit. I changed my attitude through hard work with optimism being my tool. I learned to be happy with nothing. I had no home no family (I talked and visited my kids when I could) but I never wanted them to see me homeless and down so for the most part I still had nothing. I even lost my drivers license which didnt matter too much since the bank took my car in 2003. I woke up one morning and noticed I was smiling for the 1st time in 7 years for no apparent reason. I basically learned to be happy with nothing by changing my attitude and expectations. When I changed my attitude, I changed my life, nobody handed me anything and nobody did it for me. I made contact with Karl again and started working for HSCTI again. I began creating powerful filters and how to instructions that rapidly turned my reality into one of abundant manifestations. All the pain I experienced became a valuable wealth of information to draw from and rapidly assist others seeking to improve their realities with technology and knowledge. I began selling Welz technology again and teaching others with proven methods of how to use this equipment to change their lives. I know despair from living it, and I know you MUST change your attitude first and the rest will fall into place. How are you going to change your attitude? Simply by changing your expectations and expect success. This is not hard when you know what to do such as starting with a few simple new habits and expecting the successful results they bring.

Attitude problems are easy to solve with some understanding of what why and how to focus your attention. If you dont make any progress in 7 days you probably have a deeper emotion issue resulting in destructive repetitive cycles. Give yourself 3 more days and if no actions, ideas or people related to your operation are revealed, proceed to the next section. From experience I know attitude is the determining factor for happiness. In my thirties I lost everything I owned except the clothes on my back and my life, I was homeless for 3 years without family or friends to help, I slipped into a deep depression. Unemployed homeless and without a valid drivers license, I finally had all the time for what I wanted to do Magic! So I rededicated myself to my study and practice of the highest science.The depression lasted a few years and I distracted myself with study and practice. The terrible emotions of abandonment slowly morphed into feelings of freedom. When I was living in an abandoned home I was at the peak of my study, I did an operation to find the truth to my own happiness. One day soon after that operation I woke up happy for no apparent reason, even though my circumstances were the same my attitude had changed. I discovered that my mind had shifted overnight changing my attitude and therefore changing my possibilities. The night before I was telling someone the exciting story of my crash from the height of my success when surprisingly out of my mouth appeared the truth I was seeking. In that instant I felt like I was explaining the truth of what happened to me to myself sitting across from me, it was so extraordinary that I cant remember who the other person was that I was speaking too. I vividly remember that the conversation revealed the understanding that allowed for my new state of happiness. Only identical energy can share the same physical location and similar energies gather together. This is commonly referred to as the law of attraction. As defined by physics it is a law of energy and is also a law of manifestation. In chemistry it help Newton postulate chemical laws of affinity; In 1687,Isaac Newtonproposed that chemical affinities were due to certain forces that would likely follow similar laws analogous to the three laws of planetary motion. He expanded on these views in Query 31 of his 1704Opticks.In 1718, after translating Newtons Opticks, French physician and chemisttienne Geoffroyproposed a new law of affinity that whenever two substances are united that have a disposition to combine and a third is added that has a greater affinity with one of them, these two will unite, and drive out the other. Using this law, he published the first ever affinity tables. Basically if you expect poor results you will get them. If you expect positive results great things are possible. So can one be cynical and expect good things to happen? Not really, a cynic is a fault finder always looking for anything negative in all they see and the poor outlook has become a bad attitude. Definition of a cynic (snk)n.1.A person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness. 2.A person whose outlook is scornfully and often habitually negative. A cynic wont see an opportunity positively with their attitude of outlook towards life. Control all of negative emotions by identifying their source then release them and cultivate high expectations. High expectations are a solid foundation for high rates of success.

Positive expectations from your work guide you to look for revelation of actions that will manifest positive results. Attitude is a vital necessity for positive results to manifest. How can one expect good things to happen when one is in a bad mood all the time? You cant, so you must change your attitude because nobody can do it for you. People arent born a cynical with bad luck they were made to believe that lie by others and it is ones personal duty to change their own luck. Always looking for the action(s) to take that are contained in virtual data streams (trends). The trend data streams will reveal what necessary actions are needed for manifestation. Development of these higher skills depends on consistent practice. Research and development in the field of orgone physics over the last 20 years has yielded significant information sources. What was once an obscure field called radionics, purposely suppressed and demonized, has revealed unlimited amounts of universal data streams that are available by structural links (filters) to anyone who seeks them. Your mind is the decoder and encoder that will grow to heights of awareness that seem may seem alien to some.If you are not sure about what your attitude is concerning your operation simply ask yourself what are my expectations of the results for this operation?- What is it I expect to happen from this operation? If you have no expectation that is ok, it is better to have no expectations than to have any negative expectations, which will likely to get no results or negative results. If you have determined that the probability factor to be high, you are an optimist. To determine the probability factor ask yourself this question how likely are the results to occur if I do nothing at all with my chi generator? For an example suppose two people work together and their behavior towards each other indicates a mutual attraction chemistry it is called rightfully so as emotions cause chemical reactions in the hormonal centers of the brain. The chemical attraction is a very high probability factor where a relationship could occur instantly with an initial action without help from your generator or meditation. A little focused meditation or little push with a Welz chi machine would probably manifest an instant encounter or relationship. This outlook would be considered GREAT as an action from either party would cause a connection.If you have no expectations at all to very little or even poor expectations, then you must change your attitude to create a high rate of success. To change your attitude you must first change your expectations. This may be so because of the limits we place on ourselves with the words we live by. Your life is a culmination of the decisions (thoughts) you have made combined with the actions (thoughts + action) you have taken. Here is a guide to cultivate a positive attitude.1. Know what it is you want. Make a list of your top goals. 2. Determine a realistic probability factor for manifestation of target goals. How to determine the probability factor percentage is done with this question; how likely is this event to occur if I do nothing? An example would be a situation at work where there is chemistry between you and a single coworker. The factor could be 90% and require you to make the first move or it could be 98% where they will probably make the 1st move.3. Choose your target(s) and appropriate trend filters from the appendix that will reveal the actions you must take to manifest the goals you have defined. For each operator these goals will vary, however their underlying principles of practice are the same. Start with defining what it is you want. Begin with a pencil and paper and answer the following questions. You can elaborate and define them further after you have identified them. If you know what a mind map is, use one. There is a tremendous book for extensive creative brainstorming concerning any subject. It is written by Tony Buzan titled Mind Mapping and I strongly recommend getting this very useful piece of work.

In this exercise you will define your target, expectations and attitudes that you have toward the target. This may be a physical target (house car vacation etc.) or an abstract goal such as earning money. The object is to figure out exactly what it is you want so you can determine the needed actions. If you expect anything other than complete success from your actions then you will get anything BUT total success, as dictated by the laws of energy concerning attraction you werent ready for manifestation of your desires or you would have met them when looking. This indicates that you may need a slight attitude adjustment for the law of attraction to manifest success. Once you have defined what it is you seek and what actions you have planned to bring about their manifestation, you can determine if your attitude is positively ready for you to act on your goals. Remember energys law of attraction rule is a fact of physics and this law says that only identical energies can occupy the same physical space and like energies congregate. Opposite energies attract each other but cannot merge in the same spot, when contact is made they energetically repel with an explosive jolt to each other sending them in opposite directions, like the negative and positive poles of an electrical wire short out of if they touch each other. If you need a slight attitude adjustment before you begin practice with your machine, do a little meditation and recall an event where you were highly successful and felt a positive confident attitude before and after that successful event. Relive the experience through meditation and recreate the atmosphere of success that you experienced from that event. The enjoyed emotion of that success is very powerful and is all the attitude adjustment you will need to reveal the actions needed to manifest new successes using past successful manifestations. If the only action you receive through meditation is to not feel bad, then THAT is what you must decode. Stating expectations negatively is still negative encoding of your energy and a poor attitude. Now re encode your action as; To be optimistic and expect good things. Notice the significant difference in the energy dynamics involved from the re encoding of negative energy that has been your reality. Remember identical energies can only occupy one spot at any time and like energies gather. With electricity opposite charges do attract, but they are not to be joined, why? Because they cannot share the same physical space as they are different. Trying not to feel bad has expectations of trying not to feel which will most likely make one obsess on bad things they are trying to avoid. If you re encode the bad energy to actively look for and expect good things, what do you think may happen? At the very least, you will not feel bad. You will probably have some positive immediate success. Be aware and identify bad habits of repetitive mental thought patterns and automatic negative emotional responses. If you continue to operate in a negative mood - old bad opinions, you may find yourself rationalizing the good results away to chance. This is the epiphany many need to stop sabotaging their reality. Follow these exercises to reveal universal understandings on how you can mindfully practice optimism. Understand that your emotional need for an optimistic outlook is totally your responsibility. Dont let ANYONE take your happiness from you when you gain it back. I quote the Buddha If one gives a gift to another and they do not accept it, to whom does it belong? For example your boss (your like or dislike of them is irrelevant to your acceptance of positive emotional responsibility) routinely stresses you into action and ruins your mood. It is your fault because you can be productive without accepting their stress and you know it, so change the energy dynamic to suit your mood. Smile (refusal of stress) genuinely at them (dont be sarcastic) and joyfully complete the task without saying a word. This attitude is rare and is an example of personal power that is very hard for some and impossible for many. The rewards are immense and can only be gained by the practice of superior mental and emotional intelligence.If your attitude is exceptionally poor for any reason you will have to change it for positive results. If a situation or a specific person over powers your ability to maintain a positive attitude, then move away from that situation or person. Environment is essential for successful manifestations, surround yourself with optimistic and successful people. Setting successful rates for positive manifestation requires the energy to be positive from its inception or RE encoded from a negative situation, person, group or low expectations. The first step in every operation is very important as the foundation for success. If the first step in any operation has distractions or negative influences it will not produce the 100% positive desired results. The most unsuccessful and difficult cynical attitude to adjust is what I call the Eyor personality. For those of you not familiar with the Eyor character personality type, he is a fictional character from a childrens book titled Winnie the Pooh. Although Eyor is a fictional character his attitude dysfunction is a reality for many people. This personality has an attitude that whatever the idea - it will never work for me no matter what I or anyone else does. This attitude is complacent to accept failure before an attempt is even made. This outlook has emotional problems that need to be discovered so they can be transformed into a positive outlook.If you have purchased a Welz Chi Generator, chances are that you are not complacent with acceptance of preconditioned failure as a possible outcome for your reality. However, you may have purchased a chi generator to make significant changes in your life and you may be UN aware you have a slight attitude problem to begin with. You must be careful not to work with your generator when in any negative mood at all as it will poison your operation and intensify the negativity in your reality! I have worked with several practitioners who have had varying degrees of negative attitudes and were not aware of it at the time. We discovered this by trial and error and found remedy through research and development of these practices. As example a practitioner had called me to figure out why his operations were not working and I casually asked how is your work progressing? to which he answered not so good, in fact since I got the generator my life has gone from bad to worse, but my whole life has been like this. I asked like what? he said Nothing ever works out for me. That is when it occurred to me that his attitude expects failure. I asked him did he expect things to work out for him when he worked with his machine. He said, No not really, nothing in my life ever seems to work out for me and thats why I bought a machine hoping for a change. I then explained to him that the basis of all his failure was most likely preprogrammed from an expectation of failure. Furthermore when setting radionic trend or target rates for precise abstractions for manifestations, he was feeding additional energy into his life with conditioned expectations of failure. Expectations must be equal to intent, if failure is expected when working with this subtle energy then precision settings for failure are the foundation of expected results and facilitating increased failures with practice. He said boldly you mean Im doing this to myself? I said yes, if this is a natural occurrence of planetary influences from an outer planet(s) triggered frequently throughout your life by interior planets, it has a long standing influence, however it is not permanent unless you accept it as an internalized thought pattern expressed by your attitude. His reaction was an epiphany of surprise immediate understanding and then relief. This one understanding Im doing this to myself was all he needed to make an immediate attitude adjustment which led a tremendous run of positive manifestations in just a couple short weeks, all due to one change in his outlook - his attitude of expectation! Many people have a vague concept of the process of purposeful manifestation. The origins of function that caused the trends and actions are usually unknown to most people. These actions are completed according to the laws of probability. How probable is it that the goals you seek are possible for your circumstances? For example as a manifestation you want to become the President of a big corporation. The laws of probability concerning any specific goals always dictate the success you may immediately attain within your current circumstances. To begin with this a goal, you must attain or have either an MBA degree and/or a rich Daddy that owns a corporation. I do not mean to dash anyones hopes at this point; I am bringing the reality factor of the law of probability into focus.The following example is from an inquiry about this technology and its possibilities. An eighty year old gentleman asked me if the Welz chi generator could manifest marriage between him and a 19 year old beautiful young girl. Immediately I had to qualify the level of probable outcomes, so I asked him questions concerning the probable reality of 61-year-old age difference manifesting as marriage. I asked are you a billionaire? To which he answered no. I then asked, Are you a millionaire? Again, he said no. I said in all realistic probabilities, the best I can promise you is a good friendship. He said your equipment does not work. I said, THAT is not true, your expectations of reality are historically and conceptually wrong. He did not understand the laws of probability. Based on history and experience of observation, the occurrence of results in cases where a 19-year-old girl marries an 80-year-old man; is all about money and nothing else. If it is about love then it can become a true friendship. Furthermore, 19 year olds are not physically attracted to someone over 3 times their age and there is a good possibility that the 80 year old equipment may not work to 19-year-old expectations. Without wealth the probability for manifestation of marriage here is less than 1% of 1% and is not very probable as it is not based in a social financial reality. Circumstances also determine probability, for example, you have a goal of finding a lover of a different race, but you live in an area where the desired race does not live how do you reasonably expect to meet that person immediately? Not a very probable goal with your geographical circumstance.There are four possible attitudes of outcome and they are GREAT, GOOD, FAIR AND POOR. If your answer to the attitude of expectation assessment question is GREAT then simply look for an immediate action to take for manifestation as this attitude is the quickest route to results with the least amount of work needed. If you are optimistic and your expectations are reality based, then you belong in the 90% or better percentile that has a highest probable factor for manifestation. This means you can manifest your results quickly immediately with an action. It usually takes 24 hours or more often three to seven days and sometimes ten. In step one you will define your goals, expectations (attitude) of goals and determine your assessment of the probability percent based on your life circumstance. If there is not an immediate action to take or the answer was GOOD, FAIR, or POOR then do the following exercise.

Step 1) Write these 3 Questions and answer them.1. What are my immediate goals?2. What are my plans of action to manifest these goals?3. What do I expect to get from these actions?Step 2) Place the data stream filter MAABHAD on the generator, place your question on top and tune it in by simply turning the dial as you ask yourself the questions until you find a rate you feel comfortable with. Raise your awareness to spot the results of your work when it arrives. You will receive an answer shortly as to what action(s) to take concerning manifestation of your goals defined in step 1.Step 3) Take all actions revealed that are necessary for manifestation of your goals. If new people are revealed by your operation proceed to step 4.Step 4) If your work or meditation reveals a person who can help with the manifestation, get a link to him or her. If you know them well enough to visualize them you can set a rate for that person on your generator. If you cant set a rate for them then get a photo and/or DNA link (hair) or body oil on a business card that they have touched for a structural link. Place them on the witness, orgonite or place them in front of your machine and tune in MODAH OKORA with the affirmation of the action(s) you want to occur involving this person. The moment you start your operation there will be no coincidence as everything will now be relative to your work.

All operations and meditations are basically executed in the same manner. 1. Q and As for the subject to determine who the targets are and what influences to use on them. 2. Trend (Universal squares - see appendix) effects for influence your intended results. 3. Target(s) usually you or another person such as a personnel director for a job interview where you will instruct the Universal energy MODAH OKORA to create an overpowering family love vibration on the interviewer and you get the job.Regardless of your answers to the questions you will always do a Q and A for each operation. These generators generate energy, influence your mind or those of others on the mental plane, and can effect emotions (astral plane) of targets that can help you tremendously, but you will still need to take action. The advantages of these machines are that they will reveal the needed actions for successful manifestations and can affect people necessary to help you attain your goals. The probabilities of good, fair, and poor are all subjective opinions and vary in time and actions needed.
