BOOK Use of Tenses 3º ESO


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Student: ……………………………………… Group 3º ……

Modern Languages Department

(Ms. Mantolan)

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 2


Subject + Verb (remember to add –S to the 3er person) + objects Subject + don‟t / doesn‟t + Verb + objects. Do / Does + subject + verb + objects?

* Utilizamos el Simple Present para: 1. Hablar de cosas en general. No estamos únicamente pensando en el NOW sino que decimos que algo sucede todo el tiempo o repetidamente. Nurses look alter patients. I usually go away at weekends.

Where do you come from? What does this word mean? He’s so lazy. He doesn’t do anything to help me.

2. Hablar de “verdades universales / comprobadas”: The Earth goes round the sun. Rice doesn’t grow in cold climates.

An atheist doesn’t believe in God. The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.

3. Decir HOW OFTEN hacemos algo (ver punto 1): How often do you go to the dentist? I never get up before 8 o’clock.

Ann doesn’t drink tea very often. How often does Tom play tennis? He plays tennis once or twice a week.

4. Lógicamente necesitamos ADVERBIOS DE FRECUENCIA. El frequency adverb. Se coloca: 1. subject + Adverb. + affirmative verb + objects Tom always goes to work by car. 2. Subject + don‟t / doesn‟t + adverb + verb + objects. Tom doesn’t usually smoke at home. 3. Do / Does + subject + adverb + verb + objects? Do you usually smoke at home? 4. Con el verbo To Be se coloca: 1. They are always tired. 2. You are never on time. 3. The traffic isn’t usually as bad as today. 4. Are you always hungry?

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5. Para cuando utilizamos expresiones como: I promise / I apologise / I suggest / I advise / I insist / I agree / I refuse: It’s a nice day, I suggest we go out for a walk. I insist you must let me pay for the meal. What do you suggest I do? 6. Situaciones permanents ( = punto 1) My parents live in London. John works very hard most of the time. 7. Se utiliza el Present Simple con idea de futuro para cualquier cosa que siga un horario o un orden lógico: My flight leaves at 8.00 next Monday. Tomorrow is Thursday.

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Subject + am / is / are + Verb –ing + objects Subject + am not / isn‟t / aren‟t + Verb íng + objects. Am / Is / Are + subject + Verb –ing + objects?

Utilizamos El Present Continuous para: 1. Una acción que está sucediendo en el momento mismo de hablar (en el NOW): Where’s Margaret? – She’s having a bath. Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining any more. I’m tired. I’m going to bed. Goodnight. Please don’t make so much noise, I’m studying. 2. Indicar que estamos realizando algo aunque no sea exactamente en el mismo momento de hablar. Situación: Dos amigos sentados en un café. Uno de ellos dice: ‘I’m reading an interesting book at the moment’. (claro que no en el momento de hablar, pero sí indica que está en ello, no lo ha terminado). 3. Cuando hablamos de cosas que suceden en un período de tiempo cercano al NOW. Para ello utilizamos complementos de tiempo como son: today, this week, this month, etc., this afternoon, this evening, etc. ‘You’re working hard today’ – ‘Yes, I have a lot to do’. ‘Is Susan working this week?’ – ‘No, she’s on holiday’. 4. Cuando hablamos de situaciones “cambiantes”: The population of the world is rising very fast. Is your English getting better? 5. Situaciones temporales (= punto 1): I’m living with some friends until I find a flat. 6. Quejarte de algo que haces (u otra persona) con demasiada frecuencia, aquí se utiliza “always”: I’ve lost my keys again, I’m always losing things. You’re always watching television. John is always complaining. 7. Para hablar de planes, citas, cosas preparadas con anterioridad: I can’t talk to you now, I’m meeting the boss in 5 minutes.

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IMPORTANT Hay ciertos verbos que son stative, es decir, no son action, por lo que NO pueden utilizarse en –ing aunque el sentido de la oración lo pida. 1. Los siguientes verbos NO se pueden conjugar en –ing: like – love – hate – want – need – prefer – know – realise – suppose – mean – understand – believe – remember – belong – contain – consist – depend – seem. I’m hungry, I want something to eat. (NO: I’m wanting)

Do you understand what I mean? (NO: are you understanding what I’m meaning?) Ann doesn’t seem very happy at the moment. (NO: Ann isn’t seeming..)

2. Cuando think significa believe no se conjuga en –ing: What do you think / believe will happen? Pero: You look serious. What are you thinking about? 3. Cuando have significa possess (have got) NO se conjuga en –ing:

We’re enjoying our holiday. We have (have got) a nice room in the hotel. Pero: We’re enjoying our holiday. We’re having a great time. 4. Los verbos de los sentidos tampoco admiten el –ing: see – hear – smell – taste. Do you see the man over there? This room smells. Let’s open the window. Pero cuando see significa meet / have a meeting with (especialmente en el futuro) entonces se puede conjugar en –ing: I’m seeing / meeting the manager tomorrow morning. 5. Con look y feel se usa el Present Simple o el Continuous indistintamente cuando dices HOW SOMEBODY LOOKS or FEELS now: You look well today. – You’re looking well today. How do you feel now? – How are you feeling now? Pero en primera persona solo se utiliza el simple present:

I usually feel tired in the morning.

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1. Si el verbo acaba en “–y” sólo se le añade la –ing: hurry – hurrying study – studying try – trying 2. Verbos acabados en “-ie”> la –ie cambia a “y” antes de añadir la –ing: lie – lying die – dying tie – tying 3. Verbos acabados en “-e”> pierden la –e al añadir –ing: smoke – smoking dance – dancing

Excepciones: 1. be – being 2. verbos acabados en –ee : see – seeing agree – agreeing

4. Verbos de una sóla sílaba que acaban en consonante – vocal – consonante > duplicaremos la última consonante antes de añadir –ing: stop – stopping plan – planning rob – robbing 5. Verbos con más de una sílaba que acaban en consonante – vocal – consonante:

1. doblamos la última consonante únicamente si la sílaba final es la acentuada:

preFER – preferring reGRET – regretting perMIT – permitting beGIN – beginning

2. pero si la sílaba final no es acentuada, no doblamos la consonante: VIsit – visiting deVElop – developing reMEMber – remembering

Excepción: en el inglés británico los verbos acabados en consonante – vocal – L, duplican esa consonante antes de la –ing, independientemente de si es sílaba final acentuada o no:

travel – travelling cancel – cancelling

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Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complementos Sujeto + didn‟t + verbo infinitive sin “to” + complementos Did + sujeto + verbo infinitivo sin “to” + complementos?

Utilizamos el Simple Past para acciones, sucesos, etc. Totalmente pasados: We invited them to our party but they decided not to come.

I work in a travel agency now. Before that I worked in a shop. Did she go out last night? When did Mr Thomas die? I didn’t do anything at the weekend. Con el Simple Past se utiliza la partícula AGO que significa “hace” y se coloca al final de la oración: He left school three years ago. También hay una serie de complementos de tiempo muy útiles: last week, last year, last century,… yesterday, the day befote yesterday, etc. I went to the cinema three times last week. She came home late yesterday evening.


Sujeto + was/were + verbo –ing + complementos Sujeto + wasn‟t / weren‟t + verbo –ing + complementos

Was / Were + sujeto + verbo –ing + complementos?

Utilizamos el Past Continuous para decir que alguien estaba hacienda algo en un momento determinado en el pasado. La acción o suceso ya había comenzado antes de ese momento pero no había terminado. This time last year I was living in Scotland. What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night? I waved to her but she wasn’t looking. A menudo utilizamos el Simple Past y el Past Continuous en la misma oración para decir que algo sucedió / interrumpió mientras otra oración estaba sucediendo (fíjate en el uso de WHILE y WHEN): Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking dinner. While Tom was cooking dinner, he burnt his hand. Tom was cooking dinner when he burnt his hand. Pero solo usaremos el Simple Past si una cosa sucedió a continuación de la otra: When Karen arrived, we had dinner. We had dinner when Karen arrived. Recuerda los verbos que NO se pueden conjugar en –ing. (Ver apuntes Present Continuous)

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Use these verbs in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous: live, work, stay.

1. Mike ____________ in Glasgow and he ____________ as an engineer.

2. At the moment Mike ________________ in Aberdeen because he

________________ on a bridge design there.

3. Sally __________________ in London where she _____________ as a

conference organiser.

4. At the moment Philip ________________ in Birmingham because

__________________ at a trade fair there.

5. At the moment Sally __________________ in Dublin because she

_______________ at a congress there.

6. Philip ______________ in Leeds where he _______________ as a


Use the words in brackets to complete the dialogues. Use the Present

Continuous or the Present Simple.

1. Ann: Is the swimming pool open today?

Jane: (No, they /get/ things ready for the next competition)


Ann: (How often / they / have / these competitions?)


Jane: About three times a year.

2. Sam: (Why / that machine/ not / work / at the moment?)


Chris: (I don’t know, but a mechanic / mend / it)


Sam: (What / the machine/ do / in fact?) (it /make/boxes?)


Chris: (Yes, it / make / boxes of all sizes)


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Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present


1. I _________________ (not understand) that sign over there. What

_________________ (it/mean)?

2. Paula and Jack are in the sitting-room. They _________________ (listen)

to the news, and Paula ____________________ (look) at a magazine as well.

3. The students ____________________ (count) the books in the library

today, because we _________________ (not know) how many we have.

4. Tim _________________ (like) his new shoes; they _______________ (fit)

him perfectly.

5. June: Look! That woman __________________ (sit) in your chair.

Barry: It ____________________ (not matter). I can sit over there.

6. This computer is very expensive. It _________________ (cost) more than

$3000, but the price _______________ (include) tax.

7. I don’t like Adam because he ____________________ (always/tell) stupid


8. “Why are you annoyed with Mary?” – “Because she

__________________________ (always /ask) me for money.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. The police arrived while I ________________ (have) breakfast.

2. The storm started while they _________________ (drive) home.

3. I saw an accident while I _________________ (wait) for the bus.

4. While I was taking a summer course in Italy, I _________________ (meet)

many people.

5. Yesterday evening, my sister __________________ (receive) a letter while

we ______________________ (do) the washing up.

6. Last Monday he _________________ (mow) the lawn when the dog

________________ (start) to bark.

7. My father _________________ (cook) the dinner when he

________________ (burn) his finger.

8. She ______________ (read) the newspaper while her husband

______________________ (watch) TV.

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9. We __________________ (have) a loud party when the neighbours

______________________ (complain)

10. As we ________________ (drive) down the hill, a strange object

__________________ (appear) in the sky.

11. While Laure _______________ (sit) in the garden, it suddenly

______________________ (begin) to rain.

12. You _________________ (drive) past me when I ___________________

(wait) for the bus.

13. I ___________________ (lie) in the bath when the phone

________________ (ring). It __________________ (stop) after a few rings.

14. When I __________________ (see) the man, he ______________ (stand)

outside the bank. He _________________ (have) a black baseball cap on.

15. We __________________ (go) to London yesterday, but on the way we

_____________________ (hear) about a bomb scare in Oxford Street. So we

_________________ (drive) back home straightaway.

PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS? (Grammar Three. By Jennifer Seidl. Oxford University Press)

(1) Write the verbs in brackets into their correct tense:

Jenny: What’s wrong? (you/run) ………………………………………… away from


Jane: Yes, a horrible green lizard on a skateboard (chase)

…………………………………………. me.

Jenny: That isn’t a lizard. That’s Trig, an alien from Triglon. He’s very friendly.

Jane: I (not care) ………………………………… who he is. I (not like)

……………………. him. I (usually / not talk) …………………………………. to

aliens. Merton is a very strange town.

Jenny: Are you new here?

Jane. Yes. I (live) …………………………….. in Kingsley, but my brother Ben

and I (stay) …………………………………… with my Aunt Sarah and my cousin

Mike for a few months. I haven’t got any friends here.

Jenny: Well, I (go) ………………………………….to the cinema with my brother

tonight. Do you want to come?

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Jane: Yes, thanks. I (love) …………………………. films. But, (Trig/come)

………………………………? (2) Detectives at work. Tom and Nick are watching the house across the street. Something strange is happening. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous to make correct sentences.

Tom: What (you / stare at) ……………………………………………………?

Nick: There’s a man at the Johnsons’ house. He (not live)

……………………………..…. there. I wonder what he (do) ……………………….

Tom: Perhaps he (visit) …………………………………….the Johnsons.

Nick: No, they’re not at home. They both (work) ………………………. in town.

They (catch) ……………………………….the same train as Dad every morning.

It’s strange. He (look) …………………………….. at the house very carefully.

Tom: Now he (try) ……………………………………to open the gate, but it’s

locked. Look! He (climb) …………………………………. over the garden wall. I

can’t see him now.

Nick: Let’s follow him. I want to see what he (do) ………………………………

Tom: He (go) …………………………………….to the garage. He (carry)

………………………………… a ladder. Now he (put) …………………………the

ladder up to the bedroom window!

Nick: He must be a burglar…. Hey! You! What (you/do) …………………………?

Man: It’s all right, boys. I’m an insurance agent. I (examine)

………………………………………..the storm damage to the roof. The Johnsons

(know) ……………………………… that I’m here.

PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS? (Grammar Three. By Jennifer Seidl. Oxford University Press)

(1) Put the verbs in brackets into their correct tense:

Tom: You’ve got mud on your jeans.

Nick: So what? The prospectors’ jeans (be) ……………………….. much dirtier.

Tom: You mean during the Californian Gold Rush? (they / wear)

…………………………………….jeans then?

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Nick: They say that the prospectors (be) ……………………………….the first

people to wear jeans. They (not wear) …………………………………their best

clothes to look for gold, you know.

Tom: Who (invent) ………………………………….jeans?

Nick: Levi Strauss (make) ……………………………..the first pair of jeans in

America in 1850. He was a tailor. He (travel) ………………………………from

New York to San Francisco, when he (meet) ………………………….some men

who (dig) …………………………………for gold in a cold, muddy river and….

(2) Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

Levi Strauss (come) …………………………..from a small town in the

south of Germany. When he (be) ………….……………a young man, he (fall)

…………..……….in love with the mayor’s daughter. But the mayor and Levi’s

parents (not want) …………………………them to marry.

Levi’s parents (send) …………………………him away to New York

where his brothers (live) ………………………… . They (be)

………………………… tailors and they (teach) …………………………him to


In 1850, Levi (take) …………………………some sailcloth from New York

to San Francisco when he (meet) …………………………some men. They (dig)

…………………………..… for gold in the streams and rivers. The weather was

bad, it (rain) ………………….……… and the wind (blow) ………………………….

The men were cold because they (wear) ………………………… only thin


Suddenly Levi (have) …………………………an idea. He (use)

………………………… the sailcloth which he (transport) …………………………

to make trousers for the men. Then he (sew) ………………………… on metal

studs to make them stronger.

The men (love) ………………………… the trousers but they (not like)

………………………… the yellow-grey colour. So when Levi (open)

………………………… a tailor’s shop in San Francisco, he (import)

………………………… a special thick blue material from Nimes in France.

That’s how jeans (become) ………………………… blue.

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(3) Use the words in brackets to write questions about Levi Strauss.

Example: He came from Germany. (Where…from?) > Where did he come from?

1. His parents sent him to America. (Where)

2. His brothers taught him to sew. (What)

3. In 1850 he set out for San Francisco. (When)

4. He met some prospectors on the way. (Who)

5. They were digging in a river. (Where)

6. They were wearing thin trousers. (What)

7. He was taking sailcloth to California. (What)

8. He made trousers from the sailcloth. (What…from)

9. The men didn’t like the colour. (Why)

10. He imported blue material from France. (Where…from)

(4) Read about Jane’s frightening experience. Put the verbs in brackets

in the past simple or the past continuous.

I (catch) …………………………the nine o’clock bus home last night. It (get)

………………………..…..… dark and it (rain) ……….…………………… hard as

well. When I (get off) ………………………… the bus, there was no one in the

street, only an old man who (take) ……………….…………… his dog for a walk.

He (walk) ……………………………… in the opposite direction. Suddenly, I

(hear) ………………………… footsteps behind me. I (begin)

………………………… to run but they (come) ………………………… nearer

and nearer.I (run) ………………………… faster and faster, and I (shake)

………………………… with fright. I finally (reach) ………………………… home,

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but just as I (put) …………………………the key in the door, I (feel)

…………………………a hand on my shoulder. A man’s voice (say)

…………………………, ‘Excuse me Miss, here’s your umbrella. You (leave)

………………………… it on the bus’.

TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH: Simple Present, Present Continuous, Simple Past and Past Continuous.

1. Estás trabajando duro hoy’. – ‘Sí. Tengo mucho que hacer’.

2. ‘¿Trabaja Collin esta semana?’. – ‘No, está de vacaciones’.

3. Estoy cansado. Me voy a la cama ahora. Buenas noches.

4. Podemos salir ahora. Ya no llueve.

5. ¿Está mejorando tu inglés?

6. Ann habla alemán muy bien.

7. La piscina abre a las 9 y cierra a las 18.30 todos los días.

8. Un intérprete traduce de una lengua a otra.

9. Un mentiroso es alguien que no dice la verdad.

10. ¿Con qué frecuencia lees el periódico?

11. ¿Dónde vive tu madre?

12. ¿Quién es ese hombre? ¿Por qué nos mira?

13. La película no era muy buena. No disfruté mucho.

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14. Trabajo en una agencia de viajes ahora. Antes de eso trabajé en una


15. Vimos a Rose en la ciudad hace unos días.

16. Fui al cine tres veces la semana pasada.

17. ¿Dónde fuiste?

18. ¿Cuánto tiempo estuviste allí?

19. ¿Conociste a alguien interesante?

20. Tenía prisa, así que no tuve tiempo de telefonearte.

21. Por esta fecha el año pasado vivía en Brasil.

22. ¿Qué hacías a las 10 en punto ayer por la noche?

23. Caminaba a casa cuando me encontré a Dave.

24. Ann estaba viendo la televisión cuando sonó el teléfono.

25. Mary se quedó dormida mientras escuchaba al profesor.

26. La televisión estaba encendida, pero nadie le prestaba atención.

27. Jane me estaba esperando cuando llegué.

28. Cuando era joven, quería ser médico.

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TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH: Simple Past and Past Continuous

1. Conocí a mi mejor amigo hace dos años.

2. Estaba sentada en la playa con mi novio cuando aparecieron los tiburones.

3. ¿Qué estaba haciendo los niños cuando comenzó el fuego?

4. (El) estaba jugando en la arena cuando perdió sus gafas.

5. Robaron mi bici nueva mientras hablaba con un amigo.

6. Pensaron que Juliet estaba muerta.

7. Romeo estaba tan desconsolado que se suicidó.

8. Nuestra profesora de inglés nos llevó a ver la obra porque estábamos

estudiándola en clase.

9. El sábado pasado, Jenny pedaleaba por el parque cuando comenzó a


10. Cuando se despertó, ya no llovía.

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11. ¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando llamé?

12. Mientras se duchaba, se cayó y se hizo daño en la espalda.

13. Mientras veían la televisión, las luces se apagaron.

14. Mientras estudiaba, mi hermano escuchaba la radio.

15. ¿Por qué se fueron tan pronto ayer?

16. Conducíamos hacia casa cuando vimos a Tom.

17. Cuando se giraron, el oso estaba terminando su desayuno.

18. Mi abuelo murió a la edad de 95 años.

19. Estaba haciendo mi cama cuando vi una araña en las sábanas.

20. Nick conoció a Carol cuando estaban estudiado Medicina en la Universidad.

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Subject + have („ve) / has („s) + verb past participle + objects Subject + haven‟t / hasn‟t + verb pp + objects

Have / Has + subject + verb pp + objects?

1. Cuando utilizamos este tiempo verbal estamos conectando el pasado con el NOW presente. Es decir, la acción del pasado tiene un resultado ahora:

He told me his name but I’ve forgotten it. (= I can‟t remember his name NOW)

2. Como a menudo utilizamos este tiempo para dar información nueva o para anunciar un suceso reciente, si esto ocurre dentro de una conversación, sólo será present perfect el anuncio o información, el resto del diálogo estará en simple past: A: Ow! I’ve burnt my hand! B: How did you do that? A: I touched a hot dish. 3. Partículas del tiempo Present Perfect Simple: (ojo con la colocación) (“+” > oraciones verbo afirmativo; “-“ > oraciones verbo negativo; “?”> oraciones interrogativas): 1. JUST (+ / ¿) = “a short time ago” I’ve just had lunch. Hello. Have you just arrived?

2. ALREADY (+) = que algo ha sucedido antes de lo previsto / esperado: A: Don’t forget to post the setter. B: I’ve already posted it. 3. EVER (+ / ?) > (+) nunca, (?) alguna vez: Have you ever eaten real caviar? He’s the most handsome boy I’ve ever seen.

4. NEVER (es una particular negativa, por lo que el verbo debe ir en afirmativo) = nunca.

I’ve never driven a lorry.

5. YET (- / ?) = “until now” (muestra que el hablante está esperando que algo suceda). Has it stopped raining yet? I‟ve written the letter but I haven‟t posted it yet. 6. FOR > va seguida de período de tiempo. Ejemplo: for a year, for two years, etc. for a month, for seven months, for a long time, for centuries, etc. Normalmente esta particula se utiliza con el Present Perfect Continuous.

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7. SINCE > va seguida del comienzo de la acción. Ejemplo: since May, since June, since I was born, since 1978, since Monday, since the 10th century, since 8 o’clock, since this morning, since yesterday, since Christmas, since Easter, etc. Normalmente esta particula se utiliza con el Present Perfect Continuous.

4. Lo utilizaremos siempre que hablemos de un período de tiempo que empezó en el pasado y que ahora, en el presente, todavía no ha terminado. Ese período de tiempo se suele identificar con expresiones como: recently, in the last / few days, so far, since breakfast, since lunch, for a long time, for…., today, this morning, this evening, this term, etc. Have you heard from George recently? I‟ve met a lot of people in the last few days. Everything is going well. We haven‟t had any problems so far. I‟m hungry. I haven‟t eaten anything since breakfast.

It‟s nice to see you again. We haven‟t seen each other for a long time. I‟ve drunk four cups of coffee today. Have you seen Tom this morning? Ron hasn‟t worked hard this term.

5. Utilizamos este tiempo detrás de expresiones como: It‟s the first time / second time / third time, etc.

It’s the first time Tom has driven a car. (= He has never driven a car before). Linda has lost her passport again. It’s the second time this has happened. This is a lovely meal. It’s the first food meal I’ve had for ages. Bill is phoning his girlfriend again. That‟s the third time he’s phoned her this evening.

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Subject + have („ve) / has („s) + been + V-ing + objects. Subject + haven‟t / hasn‟t + been + Verb –ing + objects.

Have / Has + subject + been + V-ing + objects?

1. Utilizamos este tiempo verbal para una actividad que acaba de finalizar o ha

finalizado recientemente. El caso es que todavía podamos ver las secuelas de esa actividad. You‟re out of breath. Have you been running? (= you‟re out of breath NOW). Paul is tired. He’s been working very hard. (= He‟s tired NOW) Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing? I’ve been talking to Carol about the problem and she thinks that….

2. Con HOW LONG… / FOR y SINCE lo traducimos por “lleva” e indica que la

actividad todavía está sucediendo o bien acaba de finalizar. How long hast it been raining? (¿Cuánto tiempo lleva lloviendo?) It’s been raining for 3 hours. Tom has been watching television all day. (= he is still doing it) Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you since 9 o’clock. George hasn’t been feeling well recently.

3. Para acciones que se repiten en un período de tiempo:

She’s been playing tennis since she was eight so she‟s a good tennis placer. ** Ante la duda de si utilizar el Present Perfect Simple o el Continuous debes hacerte las siguientes preguntas:

1. How much…..? / How many…..? / How many times….? > si la respuesta contesta a alguna de esas preguntas entonces debes utilizar el present perfect simple:

I‟ve read 30 pages so far. (How many pages have you read?)

Mary has written ten letters today. (How many letters has Mary written?) They‟ve played tennis three times this week. (How many times have they played tennis?)

2. How long…? > Si la respueta contesta a esa pregunta, entonces debes

utilizar el present perfect continuous.

I‟ve been reading that book for a week. (How long have you been reading that book?) Mary has been writing letters all day. (How long has Mary been writing letters?) They‟ve been playing tennis since 2 o’clock. (How long have they been playing tennis?)

** IMPORTANT: recuerda los verbos que NO admiten la conjugación en –ing. (Ver apuntes Present Continuous): I’ve known about it for a long time. (NO > I‟ve been knowing…)

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 21

PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE OR PRESENT PERFECT CONTINOUS? (Grammar Three. By Jennifer Seidl. Oxford University Press)

(1) Put the verbs in brackets in its correct tense:

Jenny: Nick, you’re covered with oil. What (you/do) ……………………………....?

Nick: Well, Jane’s cousin Mike (buy) …………………………… old car, and

it (make) ……………………………....strange noises, so we (help)

……………………………....him to repair it. Jane and I (work)

…………………………….... on it for hours. We (just/finish)

…………………………….... . We (clean) …………………………….... all the

parts. The engine looks like new.

Jenny: But Nick, you (never/repair) …………………………….... a car before…

Nick: It’s easy. And look, I (find) …………………………….... all these extra


(2) Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous:

1. Jane (write) ……………………………....a letter to a magazine. She

hasn’t finished it yet.

2. Ben (look) ……………………………..for his pen-knife, but he hasn’t

found it yet.

3. Jenny (wait) ……………………………....for the bus for half an hour, but it

hasn’t arrived yet.

4. Nick (play) ……………………………....a computer game for two hours

and he’s still playing.

5. Mike (not finish) ……………………………....painting his car yet. He

(work) ……………………………....on it for two weeks.

6. Amanda (not come) ……………………………....home yet. She has been

shopping in town since 10 o’clock.

7. Mike’s car (make) ……………………………....strange noises. Nick and

Jane have cleaned all the parts.

8. Ben has been drawing cartoons for two hours. He (not finish)


9. Amanda has been waiting for Jenny in town. Jenny (not arrive)


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 22

10. Jane has been knitting a pullover. She (just/finish)


11. It (rain) ……………………………....all day and it hasn’t stopped yet.

12. Mr Blake has been making tests all evening but he (not find)

……………………………....a perfect one yet.

13. Charles (practise) ……………………………....the present perfect, but he

hasn’t got it right.

(3) Write new sentences using (1) for, (2) since: Example: Jane takes tennis lesson. She started in 1999. (1) Jane has been taking tennis lessons for ?? years. (2) Jane has been taking tennis lessons since 1999.

1. Jenny plays the piano. She started in 2008.



2. Tom collects football posters. He started in 2009.



3. Nick goes to a youth club. He started in 1999.



4. Paul draws cartoons. He started in 2009.



5. Jane collects old bottles. She started in 1988.



6. Tom plays football for the school team. He started in 2009.



7. Pam takes riding lessons. She started in 1991.



Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 23


(1) Put the verb in brackets in its correct tense:

Nick: (you/see) ……………………………....Ben?

Tom: Yes, I (see) ……………………………....him about ten minutes ago.

Nick: Where (you/see) ……………………………....him?

Tom: In the park. He was arguing with Jason.

Nick: Jason? But he’s twice as big as Ben. (you/ever/have)

…………………………….... an argument with him?

Tom: I once (have) ………………………....a fight with him and two other boys.

Nick: (you/win) …………………………..……....?

Tom: No, I (lose) …………………….... . But it (not be) ……………………….... a

fair fight.


Nick: Ben! Are you all right? What (happen) ……………………………....? You

(tear) …………………………….... your trousers and you (lose)

…………………………….... all your buttons.

Ben: Well, I (only/lose) ……………………………....a few buttons, but Jason

(lose) ……………………………....the fight.

(2) Complete the letter with the present perfect simple or the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Jenny,

I’m sorry I (not write) …………………………....for a long time. I (get)

………………………….... your last letter in July. A lot of things (happen)

…………………………….... since then.

In August we (go) …………………….... on holiday to Spain. It was great!

I (never/have) ……………………………....such a good time. I (even/learn)

…………………………….... a few words of Spanish.

Only two bad things (happen) ………………….... there. I (lose)

…………………….... my new camera, and my sister (fall) ……………………....

off our hotel balcony and (land) …………………….... on a palm tree. She almost

(destroy) …………………….... the poor tree. I (send) ………………………....

you a postcard from Granada. (you/get) ……………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 24

In September I (start) …………………… my new school. I

(already/make) ……………………………....a lot of new friends.

One more bit of news: I (paint) …………………………….... my room

bright orange! Mum and Dad aren’t too happy, but my friends think it’s great.

Please, write soon. Much Love.

(3) Daring Dick, the stunt man. Nick is talking to Daring Dick, the stunt man. Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Nick: Dirk, how long (you/be) ……………………………....a stunt man?

Dirk: For about ten years now.

Nick: And how (you/become) …………………………….... a stunt man in the first


Dirk: Well, that’s a long story. One night about ten years ago, I (stop)

……………………...a fight in a bar. Jake, who is now my boss, (see)

……………………….... me in action and (offer) …………………….... me a job

with his stunt team. I (take) …………………………….... it.

Nick: (you/ever/jump) …………………………………....from a plane?

Dirk: Yes, lots of time. Hanging upside down from a plane is nothing special.

Nick: (you/ever/have) ……………………………....a serious accident?

Dirk: Yes.

Nick: When (it/happen) ……………………….... and what (happen)


Dirk: Four years ago, I (jump) ………………….... off a building onto a

trampoline. I (miss) ………………….... the trampoline. I (break)

…………………….... my nose, both arms and both legs.

Nick: What’s the most dangerous stunt you (ever/do)


Dirk: I think it (be) ……………………….... last year. I (drive)

…………………….... a car over the edge of the Grand Canyon.

Nick: (you/ever/be) ……………………………....married?

Dirk: Only once. My wife (leave) …………………………….... me after only three

months. She couldn’t stand the excitement.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 25


1. Look! The train (come) ………………………………… .

2. ‘What (you/do) …………………………_?’ – ‘I (wait) ……………………………

for the train’.

3. I must get back to the office. We (work) …………………… on a new project.

4. The number of cars on the road (increase) ………………………………… .

5. The Earth (slowly/get) ………………………………… warmer.

6. I (play) ………………………………… badminton with Matthew tomorrow.

7. What (you/do) ………………………………… next Saturday evening?’

8. I (usually/ get) ………………………………… the lunch ready at one o’clock.

9. We (always / do) ………………………………… our shopping at Greenway.

10. Most children (like) ………………………………… ice-cream.

11. It (get) ………………………………… busy at weekends.

12. Sarah (never / catch) …………………………………the early train.

13. What (he/want) ………………………………… ? – Money.

14. Mike (often / work) ………………………………… late at the office.

15. I (hate) ………………………………… quiz programmes.

16. We (play) ………………………………… table tennis every Thursday.

17. It’s OK. I (understand) ………………………………… your problem.

18. He’s hungry. He (want) ………………………………… something to eat.

19. Claire is very sociable. She (know) …………………………… lots of people.

20. We’ve got plenty of chairs, thanks. We (not want)

………………………………… any more.

21. What’s the matter? You (not look) ………………………………… very happy.

22. It (rain) ………………………………… at the moment.

23. It (always/rain) ………………………………… at the weekend.

24. Look. That man (take) ………………………………… a photo of you.

25. He’s a photographer. He (take) ………………………………… lots of photos.

26. At the moment they (live) ………………………………… in a very small flat.

27. I (work) ………………………………… at a sports shop. It’s a permanent job.

28. I (always/make) ………………………………… silly mistakes!

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 26

29. I (surf) ………………………………… the Net most evenings.

30. Hi, Matthew. What (you/look at) ………………………………… ?

31. The children (do) ………………………………… their homework now.

32. Yesterday I saw an accident. It (happen) ………………………………… very

quickly. A van (crash) ………………………………… into a car.

33. I (post) ………………………………… the letter yesterday.

34. It was amazing! My train (leave) ………………………………… on time.

35. Two people (die) ………………………………… in a fire in Ellis Street

yesterday morning. The fire (start) …………………………………at 3.20 a.m.

36. I know you were in Paris. (You/have) ………………………………… a nice


37. I (not be) ………………………………… very well last week.

38. Where (your friend / be) ………………………………… last night?

39. I had a wonderful dream last night. I (sit) …………………………… in a park.

The sun (shine) ………………………… and the birds (sing)

…………………………… . Children (play) ………………………… and

(laugh) ……………………… . It (be) …………… very peaceful. I (not want )

………………………… to wake up.

40. I (not dream…………………………………. I really was in New York City.

41. (Matthew/wait) ………………………………… for you when you got there?

42. I (ring) ………………………………… at about three yesterday afternoon,

but you weren’t in.

43. While we (drive) ………………………………… home last night, we (see)

………………………………… a strange object in the sky.

44. Yesterday morning while Laura (sit) ………………………………… in the

garden, it suddenly (begin) ………………………………… to rain.

45. I saw you two days ago. You (drive) ………………………………… past me

while I (wait) ………………………………… for the bus.

46. David (make) ………………………………… lunch when the phone rang.

47. We were shocked! When we (see) ………………………………… the

spaceship, we (stop) ………………………………… the car.

48. When he was carrying a suitcase, he (drop) ……………………it in his foot.

49. He broke his leg while he (ski) ………………………………… .

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 27

50. As he (run) ………………………………… for a bus, he collided with a


51. His hair (catch) ……………………………… fire while he was cooking chips.

52. Vicky (have) ………………………………… a beautiful dream when the

alarm clock rang.

53. When Andrew saw the question, he (know ) …………………………………

the answer immediately.

54. We (not like) ………………………………… the food he gave us.

55. I (know) ………………………………… that ages ago.

56. When martin arrived, Anna (talk) ………………………………… to someone

on the phone. Martin (start) ………………………………… to get the tea.

57. I (lie) ………………………………… in the bath when the phone rang.

58. It wasn’t cold when we (leave) ………………………………… the house that

day, and a light snow (fall) ………………………………… .

59. When I saw the man, he (stand) …………………………… outside the bank.

60. When I opened the cupboard, a pile of books (fall)

………………………………… out.

61. I was walking along the street when I suddenly (feel)

………………………………… something hit me in the back. I (not know)

………………………………… what it was.

62. The aircraft (just / land) ………………………………… .They (open)

………………………………… the doors.

63. I (already / make) ………………………………… the shopping list.

64. The dishes are clean now. We (wash) ………………………………… them.

65. There aren’t any eggs left. We (eat) …………………………… all the eggs.

66. I’m tired. I (walk) ………………………………… ten miles.

67. Ann’s computer is working now. She (repair) …………………………… it.

68. It’s cooler in here now. I (open) ………………………………… the window.

69. The visitors are here at last. They (arrive) ………………………………… .

70. We haven’t got any new videos. We (watch) ……………………… all these.

71. It isn’t a good party. Most people (already/go) …………………………………


72. My brother (already/ crash) ………………………………… his new car.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 28

73. It’s eleven o’clock and you (not finish) …………………………………

breakfast yet.

74. (your course /start) ………………………………… yet?

75. Vicky (only / have) ……………………………… that camera for three days.

76. Those people (be) ………………………………… at the hotel since Friday.

77. I (feel) ………………………………… really tired for a whole week now.

78. How long (Vicky / have) ………………………………… that camera? – Since

Thursday, I think.

79. 79. How long (Trevor and Laura /be married) ………………………………… ?

– Oh, for about three years.

80. I (not see) ………………………………… Rachel for ages. She (not visit)

………………………………… us since July.

81. We must find out the address. – It’s all right, I (just / remember)

………………………………… it.

82. You should wash the car. You (not wash) ………………………………… it

for ages.

83. I’d better have a shower. I (not have) ………………………………… one

since Thursday.

84. We could have a barbecue. We (not have) …………………………………

one since last summer.

85. ‘Where (you/be) ………………………………… this time, Claire? - ? I

(just/come back) ………………………………… from the States.

86. I (never /be) ………………………………… to Florida, and you?

87. (you/ever/play) ………………………………… cricket?

88. I (never/ride) ………………………………… a motor bike in my life.

89. This is the most expensive hotel we (stay) ………………………………… in.

90. This is the first time we (be) ………………………………… to Scotland, so

it’s all new to us.

91. This is the second time Rachel (forget) ………………………………… to give

me a message.

92. I love this film. I think it is the fourth time I (see) …………………………… it.

93. We (do) ………………………………… quite a lot of work today.

94. I (not watch) ………………………………… any television so far this week.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 29

95. (you/have) ………………………………… a holiday this year?

96. (you/ ever / be) ………………………………… sailing?

97. Mark buys a newspaper most mornings, but he (not buy)

………………………………… one this morning.

98. I see Vicky most days, but I (not see) ……………………………… her today.

99. We usually have a party each term, but we (not have)

………………………………… one this term.

100. I (turn) ………………………………… the heating on earlier, but it’s off

again now.

101. It’s ages since we last (have) ………………………………… a party.

102. We (not have) ………………………………… a party for ages.

103. Christmas was the last time we (have) …………………………… a party.

104. We (not have) ………………………………… a party since Christmas.

105. I (do) ………………………………… all the housework. The flat is really

clean now.

106. Our visitors (arrive) ………………………………… . They’re sitting in the


107. A young couple (buy) ………………………………… the house next door.

But they didn’t live there long.

108. There’s still a problem with the television. Someone (repair)

………………………………… it, but then it broke down again.

109. I (lose) …………………………………my bank card. I can’t find it


110. The match (start) …………………………………. United are playing well.

111. Daniel earned some money last week. But I’m afraid he (already/spend)

………………………………… it all.

112. Prices (go up) ………………………………… . Everything is more

expensive this year.

113. This car is filthy. I (not be) ………………………………… to the car wash

for about a year.

114. What! You mean it’s twelve months since you last (go)

………………………………… to the war wash?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 30

115. I (not use) ………………………………… my camera recently. June (be)

………………………………… the last time I took a photo.

116. What about a game of cards? We (not play) ………………………………

since your birthday.

117. I feel terrible. It’s three days since I (eat) ………………………… anything.

118. This young director (make) …………………………… four films so far.

119. (You/ever/be) ………………………………… to America? – Yes, twice.

120. (you/hear about ) …………………………………the woman walking

across the US? – Yes, she’s reached the Rockies.

121. (You/ever/play) ………………………………… beach volleyball? – Yes,

we played it on holiday.

122. Last month prices (go up) …………………………………, but this month

they (fall) ………………………………… a little.

123. My hair is tidy now. I (brush) ………………………………… it.

124. The door is open. Someone (open) …………………………………it.

125. The calculator is broken. Someone (break) ……………………………… it.

126. I’d like to borrow this book. (Anna/read) …………………………… it yet?

127. Ben writes very quickly. He (already/finish) …………………………………

his essay.

128. My boyfriend (nor ring) ………………………………… for a week.

129. I haven’t seen that coat before. How long (you/have)

………………………………… it ?

130. This is the first time I (ever / live) ………………………………… away

from home.

131. Christopher (hurt) ………………………………… his hand, but it’s OK


132. The directors (arrive) ………………………………… half an hour ago.

133. None of you (call) ………………………………… me for weeks.

134. I (have) ………………………………… these shoes since my eighteenth


135. The last time I (go) …………………………… to Brighton was in August.

136. I’d like to meet a ghost, but I (never / see) …………………………… one.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 31

137. You’re late. We (wait) ………………………………… for you here for

twenty minutes.

138. That burglar alarm (ring) ………………………………… since eight o’clock

this morning.

139. Natasha (play) ………………………………… the piano since she was


140. I (swim) ………………………………… . That’s why my hair is wet.

141. A video is on. It (begin) ………………………………… two hours ago, and

it (not finish) ………………………………… yet. The video (play)

………………………………… for two hours.

142. A strong wind (blow) ………………………………… all day.

143. The wind (blow) ………………………………… a tree over.

144. Vicky is out of breath. She (run) ………………………………… .

145. Vicky is here at last. She (run) ………………………………… all the way.

146. I’m tired. I (write) ………………………………… an essay.

147. I (write) ………………………………… an essay. I can hand it in now.

148. Rachael (play) ………………………………… music all day.

149. Rachael (play) ………………………………… at least 20 CDs.

150. How long (you/learn) ………………………………… to drive?

151. How many driving lessons (you/have) ………………………………… ?

152. I (know) ………………………………… the secret for a long time.

153. My parents (have) …………………………… this car for about ten years.

154. We (never be) ………………………………… very happy here, I’m afraid.

155. I feel really tired. I (do) ………………………………… too much work.

156. How long (you/wear) ………………………………… glasses?

157. How many computer games (you/play) ………………………………… ?

158. They (lock) ………………………………… the door. No one can get in.

159. They (lock) ……………………………… the door at ten o’clock last night.

160. I (see) ………………………………… the carnival several times.

161. I (see) ………………………………… the carnival several times as a child.

162. We (look for) ………………………… the coffee bar when we met Emma.

163. I (read) ………………………………… 200 pages so far.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 32

164. We bought this picture a long time ago. We (have)

………………………………… it for ages.

165. Vicky doesn’t know where her watch is. She (lose)

………………………………… it.

166. You’re watching the snow fall. It started yesterday and is still falling. I

can’t believe it. I (snow) ………………………………… since yesterday.

167. ‘I rang at one, but you weren’t in your office’ – No, I (have)

………………………………… lunch.

168. ‘Are you ready?’ – ‘I won’t be a moment. I (do)

………………………………… my hair’.

169. This isn’t my first visit to London. I (be) ……………………………… here


170. I’ve got my key. I found it when I (look for) …………………………………

something else.

171. Sorry, I can’t stop now. I (go) ………………………………… to an

important meeting.

172. I can’t get Tessa on the phone. I (try) ………………………………… all


USE OF TENSES. PRESENT AND PAST TENSES (A Practical English Grammar. Exercises 1. By Thomson and Martinet)

A. Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Present or the Present Continuous tense.

1. Cuckoos …………………………. (not build) nests. They ………………………

(use) the nests of other birds.

2. You can’t see Tom now; he ………………………..………… (have) a bath.

3. He …………………………………. (usually drink) coffee but today he

….……….………………… (drink) tea.

4. What ……………………….………………..(she / do) in the evenings? – She

……………………………..…….. (usually play) cards or ………………………….

(listen) to the radio.

5. I won’t go out now as it ………………..…………………. (rain) and I

…………………………….……… (not have) an umbrella.

6. The last train ………………………… (leave) the station at 11.30 every day.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 33

7. He ………………………….. (usually speak) so quickly that I

………………………………….. (not understand) him.

8. Ann ………………………… (make) a dress for herself at the moment. She

………………………………. (make) all her own clothes.

9. In Spain women ……………..……………….. (usually not wear) hats.

10. I ……………………………………. (wear) a hat today because the sun is

very hot.

11. I can’t answer the phone now because I …………………………… (make) an


12. ………………………………………… (you enjoy) yourself or would you like to

leave now? – I …………………………….. (enjoy) myself very much. I

………………………………. (want) to stay to the end.

13. How ……………………………. (you get) to work as a rule? – I

…………………………………. (usually go) by bus but tomorrow I

………………………………… (go) in Tom’s car.

14. - Why …………………………… (you put) on your coat?

– I …………………………...……. (go) for a walk. ……………….…………….

(you come) with me?

– Yes, I’d love to come. ……………….…………………. (you mind) if I bring

my dog?

15. ……………………………………. (you belong) to your local library?

16. …………………..…………….. (you read) a lot? – Yes, quite a lot.

17. Mary ……………….………………….. (usually learn) languages very quickly

but she ……………..…………………… (not seem) to be able to learn modern


18. I ……………………………………… (always buy) lottery tickets but I

……………………….……. (never win) anything.

19. ………………….………… (you love) him? – No, I …………………………

(like) him very much but I …………………….. …………… (not love) him.

20. Who ………………………….……….. (make) that terrible noise? – It’s Mr Pitt.

He …………………..………………………. (blow) his nose.

21. We ………………………..……… (use) this room today because the window

in the other room is broken.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 34

22. ……………………………. (you know) why an apple ……….………….. (fall)

down and not up?

23. Tom and Mr Pitt ……………………………… (have) a long conversation. I

…………………………. (wonder) what they ………………………………. (talk)


24. This car …………………………. (make) a very strange noise.

……………………………. (you think) it is all right?

25. – What ……………………………. (Tom think) of the Budget?

- He ………………………….. (think) it most unfair.

- I …………………………….. (agree) with him.

26. …………………………… (you hear) the wind? – It ……. ……………………..

(blow) very strongly tonight.

27. He ………………………………. (never listen) to what you say. He

……………………………… (always think) about something else.

28. This book is about a man who ………………………… (desert) his family and

……………………….. (go) to live on a Pacific island.

29. …………………………………….. (you recognise) that man? – I

……………………………….. (think) I have seen him before but I

…………………………………. (not remember) his name.

30. – Stop! …………………………….. (you not see) the notice?

- I ……………………… (see) it but I can’t read it because I

…………………….…….. (not wear) my glasses. What

…………………………… (it say)?

- It …………………………….. (say), ‘Beware of the bull!’

B.- Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past or the Past Continuous Tense.

1.I lit the fire at 6.00 and it ……………………………… (burn) brightly when Tom

came in at 7.00.

2. When I arrived the lecture had already started and the professor

………………………………….. (write) on the blackboard.

3. I …………………………….. (make) coffee when the light went out. I had to

finish it in the dark.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 35

4. I didn’t want to meet Paul so when he entered the room I

………………………… (leave).

5. My dog ………………..………………. (walk) along quietly when Mr Pitt’s

Pekinese attacked him.

6. He suddenly …………………………….. (realise) that he

……………………………….. (travel) in the wrong direction.

7. He …………………………….. (play) the guitar outside her house when

someone opened the window and ………………………… (throw) out a bucket

of water.

8. I ……………………………….. (just open) the letter when the wind

…………………………….. (blow) it out of my hand.

9. When I ………………………………….. (look for) my passport I

……………………………. (find) this old photograph.

10. You looked very busy when I saw you last night. What ………..

…………………………… (you do)?

11. The boys ………………………………… (play) cards when they

………………………………… (hear) their father’s stop. They immediately

………………………… (hide) the cards and …………………………………..

(take) out their lesson books.

12. He ………………………….. (not allow) us to go out in the boat yesterday as

a strong wind …………………..……………. (blow).

13. As I …………………………………. (cross) the road I

…………………………… (step) on a banana skin and

………………………………… (fall) heavily.

14. While he ………………………………. (mend) the fuse he

……………………………… (get) a very bad sock.

15. When I came in they …………………………….. (sit) round the fire. Mr Pitt

……………………………… (do) a crossword puzzle, Mrs Pitt

……………………………….. (knit), the others …………………….

……………………….. (read). Mrs Pitt ……………………….. (smile) at me and

…………………………. (say), ‘Come and sit down’.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 36

16. While the guests ………………………………. (dance), thieves

……………………………………. (break into) the house and

………………………………… (steal) a lot of fur coats.

17. I looked over the wall and ………………………… (see) Mr Pitt. He

………………………………. (plant) cabbages and ……………………………..

(be) too busy to speak to me.

18. Mr Smith …………………………….. (never wake up) in time in the mornings

and ……………………………. (always get) into trouble for being late; so one

day he ……………………….. (go) to town and …………………………….. (buy)

an alarm clock. To get home he ……………………………… (have to) go

through a field where a bad tempered bull ……………………………… (usually

graze). The bull ……………………………….. (usually not chase) peple unless

something ……………………….. (make) him angry. Unfortunately, as Mr Smith

……………………………… (cross) the filed, his alarm clock

…………………………. (go off).

19. As we …………………………… (come) here a policeman

……………………………….. (stop) us. He ……………………… (say) that he

…………………………….. (look for) some stolen property and

…………………………………. (ask) if he could search the car.

20. While he ………..…………………….. (make) his speech the minister

suddenly …………………………. (feel) faint. But someone ……………………….

(bring) him a glass of water and after a few minutes he ……………………………

(be able) to continue.

21. – I …………………………….. (see) you yesterday from the bus. Why

………………………………. (you use) a stick?

- I ……………………………… (use) a stick because I had hurt my leg that

morning falling off a horse.

- Whose horse …………………………….. (you ride)?

22. The floor was covered with balls of wool. Obviously Mrs Pitt

……………………………….. (knit) something.

23. While he ………………………….. (water) the flowers it

……………………………….. (begin) to rain. He ……………………… (put) up his

umbrella and …………………………….. (go) on watering.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 37

24. I ……………………………….. (find) this ring as I ……………………..……….

(dig) in the garden. It looks very old. I wonder who it ………………………………

(belong) to.

25. While I ………………………………….. (swim) someone

………………………… (steal) my clothes and I ……………………….. (have to)

walk home in my bathing dress.

26. The men ……………………… (say) that they …………………… (work) on

the road outside my house and that they …………….. …………………… (want)

some hot water to make tea.

27. – Why ……………………………….…. (you lend) him that book? I

…………………………………….…….. (still read) it.

- I’m sorry. I …………………………………… (not know) you

………………………………… (still read) it.

28. I ………………………………. (come) in very late last night and unfortunately

the dog ……………………………….. (wake up) and ……………………………….

(start) to bark. This …………………….. (wake) my mother who

……………………………… (come) to the top of the stairs and

……………………………. (say), ‘Who’s there?’ I ……………………….. (say),

‘It’s me’, but she ……………………….. (not hear) me because the dog

………………………………….. (bark) so loudly, so she

…………………………… (go) back to her room and ……………………………….

(telephone) the police.

C. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect tense, and fill the spaces by repeating the auxiliary.

e.g. (you wash) …………………… the plates? – Yes, I …………

Have you washed the plates? – Yes, I have.

1. Where ………………………………. (you be)? – I ………………….. (be) to the


2. ………………………………… (you have) breakfast? Yes, I ………

3. ……………………………. (the post come)? – Yes, it ………….

4. ………………………….. (you see) my watch anywhere? – No, I’m afraid I


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 38

5. ………………………..………... (someone wind) the clock? – Yes, Tom


6. I ………………….………………….. (not finish) my letter yet.

7. He ………………….…………………. (just go) out.

8. ………………………………………. (you hear) from her lately? – No, I


9. ……………………………………. (you explain) the exercise? – Yes, I


10. There aren’t any buses because the drivers …………………… (go) on


11. …………………………………… (Charles pass) his exam? – Yes, he


12. How many bottles …………………………………… (the milkman leave)?

– He ………………………………. (leave) six.

13. How long ………………………………. (you know) Mr Pitt? – I

………………………………….. (know) him for ten years.

14. Would you like some coffee? I ……………………………… (just make)


15. ………………………………………. (Mary water) the tomatoes? – Yes, I

think she ……………….

16. ………………………….…………….. (you ever ride) a camel?

17. I ………………………………..………. (not pay) the telephone bill yet.

D. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Simple Past

tense and fill the spaces by repeating the auxiliary used in the question.

e.g. Have you seen that play? A) Yes, I ……………… B) Yes. I …………..(be) there last night. Answers: a) Yes, I HAVE. b) Yes, I WAS there last night.

1. Have you wound the clock?

a. Yes, I ……………

b. Yes, I ………………….. (wind) it on Monday.

2. Has she fed the dog?

a. Yes, I think she …………..

b. Yes, she ……………………. (fee) him before lunch.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 39

3. Have they repaired the road?

a. No, they ……………

b. They ……………………………. (only repair) part of it so far.

4. Have they done their homework?

a. Yes, they …………………. (do) it all.

b. Yes, they …………………. (do) it before they left school.

5. Have you found the matches?

a. No, I ………………..

b. No, I …………………………… (not find) them yet.

6. Have you been here before?

a. No, I …………….

b. Yes, I …………………….. (be) here several times.

7. Have you seen him lately?

a. No, I …………………..

b. No, I ………………………… (not see) him since Christmas.

8. Have you been to the cinema this week?

a. Yes, I ………………..

b. Yes, I …………………….. (go) to War and Peace on Friday.

9. Have you ever driven this car?

a. Yes, I ……………………… (drive) it once or twice.

b. Yes, I ………………….. (drive) it when you were away.

10. Has he missed his train?

a. No, he …………….

b. Yes, he …………. . It ………………… (go) five minutes ago.

E. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Simple Past tense.

1. Where is Tom? – I ……………………………. (not see) him today, but he

……………………. (tell) Mary that he’d be in for dinner.

2. I …………………………. (buy) this in Bond Street. – How much

……………………….. (you pay) for it.

3. - Where …………………………….. (you find) this knife?

– I ………………………………. (find) it in the garden.

– Why …………………………………..(you not leave it there?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 40

4. - I ………………………….. (lose) my gloves. ……………………

…………………….. (you see) them anywhere?

- No, I am afraid I ………………. . When ………………….……… (you last

wear) them?

- I ……………………………… (wear) them at the theatre last night.

- Perhaps you …………………………. (leave) them at the theatre.

5. – He ……………………………. (serve) in the First World War.

- When ………………………….…. (that war begin)?

- It …………………………… (begin) in 1914 and ……………….. (last) for

four years.

6. - Who ………………………………. (you vote) for at the last election?

- I ……………………………….. (vote) for Mr Pitt.

- He …………………………… (not elected), ………………………. (be) he?

- No, he ………………………. (lose) his deposit.

7. - ……………………………….. (you hear) his speech on the radio last night?

- Yes, I ……………. . What ………………………. (you think) of it?

8. - …………………………………. (you see) today’s newspaper?

- No, ……………..……………………………. (anything interesting happen)?

9. – How long ………………………………….. (you be) unemployed?

- I’m not out of work now. I ………………………………… (just start) a new job.

10. I …………………………… (phone) you twice yesterday and

……………………………. (get) no answer.

F. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous. (In some cases either could be used).

1. We …………………………………….. (walk) ten miles.

2. We ……………………………………. (walk) for three hours.

3. You …………………………………….. (walk) too fast. That’s why you are


4. I …………………………………….. (darn) socks all morning.

5. How many pairs . …………………………………….. (you darn)? – I

…………………………………….. (darn) six.

6. That boy ………………………………….. (eat) six ice-creams.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 41

7. He …………………………………….. (not stop) eating since he arrived.

8. What …………………………………….. (you do)? – We

…………………………………….. (pick) apples.

9. How many …………………………………….. (you pick)? – We

…………………………………….. (pick) ten baskets.

10. He …………………………………….. (sleep) since ten o’clock. It’s time he

woke up.

11. He …………………………………….. (ride) all the horses in this stable.

12. He …………………………………….. (ride), that’s why he is wearing


13. What a lovely smell! Mary …………………………………….. (make) jam.

14. The students …………………………………….. (work) very well this term.

15. I …………………………………….. (only hear) from him twice since he

went away.

16. I …………………………………….. (hear) from her regularly. She’s a very

good correspondent.

17. I …………………………………….. (work) for him for ten years and he

…………………………………….. (never once say) ‘Good morning’ to me.

18. He …………………………………….. (teach) in this school for five years.

19. I …………………………………….. (teach) hundreds of students but I

…………………………………….. (never meet) such a hopeless class as this.

20. I …………………………………….. (look for) mushrooms but I

…………………………………….. (not find) any.

21. I …………………………………….. (try) to finish this letter for the last half-

hour. I wish you’d go away or stop talking. – I ……………………………………..

(hardly say) anything.

22. It …………………………………….. (rain) for two hours and the ground is

too wet to play on, so the match …………………………….. (be) postponed.

23. He …………………………………….. (hope) for a rise in salary for six

months but he …………………………………….. (not dare) to ask for it yet.

24. Mr Smith, you …………………………………….. (whisper) to the student

on your right for the last five minutes. …………………. ………………………….

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 42

(you help) him with his exam paper or …………………………………….. (he

help) you?

25. - Why …………………………………….. (you make) such a horrible


- I …………………………………….. (lose) my key and I

…………………………………….. (try) to wake my wife by throwing

stones at the window.

- You …………………………………….. (throw) stones at the wrong

window. You live next door.

G. Fill the spaces in the following sentences by using FOR or SINCE.

1. We’ve been fishing ………………….. two hours.

2. I’ve been working in this office ………………. a month.

3. They’ve been living in France ……………… 1945.

4. He has been in prison ……………………a year.

5. I’ve known that …………………a long time.

6. That man has been standing there ……………….six o’clock.

7. She has worn the same hat ……………………1980.

8. Things have changed ………………..I was a girl.

9. The kettle has been boiling ………………a quarter of an hour.

10. The radio has been on …………………….. 7 a.m.

11. That trunk has been in the hall ………………….a year.

12. He has been very ill ………………last month.

13. I’ve been using this machine ………………..twelve years.

14. We’ve been waiting ………………….half an hour.

15. Mr Pitt has been in hospital ………………his accident.

16. He hasn’t spoken to me ……………………the last committee meeting.

17. I have been vary patient with you …………………several hours.

18. They have been on strike …………………. November.

19. The strike has lasted ……………….six months.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 43


1. ¿Qué haces? – Estoy escribiendo a máquina una carta.

2. Jerry es muy sociable. Conoce a un montón de gente.

3. A la mayoría de los niños les gusta el helado.

4. No jugamos a tenis en invierno.

5. ¿Qué quiere Peter? – Quiere ayuda.

6. ¿De qué están hablando? Me pregunto.

7. No parece muy interesado. Tiene una expresión muy aburrida.

8. No apagues la televisión. Estoy viéndola.

9. Siempre cometo errores tontos cuando estoy haciendo un examen.

10. ¿Estás esperando a alguien?

11. El avión acaba de aterrizar.

12. No hemos vendido nuestra casa todavía.

13. ¿Has visto este programa antes?

14. Hace años que tengo estos zapatos.

15. Mike ha ido a Menorca.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 44

16. No has cortado la hierba todavía.

17. Nico acaba de limpiar su coche.

18. Acabo de estar en el banco. Mira, tengo un montón de dinero.

19. Había demasiada comida. No nos la comimos toda.

20. Pasé una mala noche. No dormí bien.

21. ¿A qué museo fuiste?

22. ¿Dejó (ella) un mensaje? – No.

23. Te lo dije hace 5 horas.

24. El autobús acaba de irse.

25. He encontrado mi billetero. – Oh, bien, ¿dónde lo encontraste?

26. Ha llegado tu paquete. El cartero lo trajo esta mañana.

27. Emma amó Bali cuando vio la isla por primera vez.

28. Nos gusta escalar. Hemos escalado esta montaña muchas veces.

29. ¿Has estado alguna vez en los Estados Unidos? – Sí, he estado allí dos


30. ¿Viste la revista de la semana pasada?

31. No he visto a Judy hoy.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 45

32. El mes pasado los precios subieron, pero este mes han bajado un poco.

33. No me siento tan cansado ahora. Me levanté bastante tarde esta


34. Era un día maravilloso y el sol brillaba.

35. Estábamos sentados en el jardín cuando de repente empezó a llover.

36. Cuando Mary vio la pregunta, supo la respuesta.

37. Cuando probé el pastel, no me gustó.

38. Esa alarma lleva sonando desde las ocho de esta mañana.

39. Brian lleva pintando la casa toda la tarde, y ahora está descansando.

40. He estado nadando. Esa es la razón por la que mi pelo está húmedo.

41. No llevo esperando mucho.

42. ¿Qué has estado haciendo?

43. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas trabajando en el jardín? – Desde este mañana.

44. Mr Davis tiene dolor de espalda. Ha estado cavando en el jardín.

45. El vídeo comenzó hace dos horas y no ha terminado todavía.

46. (Ella) lleva recogiendo manzanas toda la tarde.

47. Un fuerte viento lleva soplando todo el día.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 46

48. Hemos finalizado nuestra excursión por Escocia.

49. No he comenzado a estudiar todavía.

50. Ya hemos reservado nuestras vacaciones para el próximo año.

51. Le vi (a él) hace apenas 5 minutos.

52. ¿Has visto a Ann últimamente?

53. Nunca he jugado al golf.

54. No he comido fruta hoy.

55. Jack tenía barba. Ahora no tiene barba. Se la ha afeitado.

56. El padre de Tom lleva haciendo el mismo trabajo 20 años.

57. Kevin lleva buscando trabajo desde que dejó el colegio.

58. La casa está muy sucia. No la hemos limpiado todavía.

59. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que corre?

60. ¿Cuándo comenzó a correr?

61. ¿Cuándo lo conociste por primera vez?

62. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que conoces a Martin?

63. Bob y Alice están casados. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevan casados? ¿Cuándo

se casaron?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 47

64. (Ella) lleva enferma en el hospital desde el lunes.

65. (El) ha leído 53 páginas por el momento.

66. ¿Has conducido un coche antes? – No, ésta es la primera vez que

conduzco un coche.

67. ¿Sabes dónde está Julia? – Sí, acabo de verla.

68. ¿Viene Ann al cine con nosotros? – No, ya ha visto la película.

69. ¿Qué piensa Tim de tu plan? – No se lo he contado todavía.

70. ¿Vas al banco? – No, ya he estado allí.

71. Acabo de comer. No tengo hambre.

72. He escrito la carta pero no la he echado al correo todavía.

73. Esta es la tercera vez que mi coche se ha roto este mes.

74. Siempre beben café para desayunar, pero todavía no han bebido café


75. (El) estaba escuchando la radio cuando la luz se fue.

76. Acabamos de comprarnos una casa nueva en Madrid.

77. El sol no brilló en todo el día de ayer.

78. ¿Te has aprendido todos los verbos irregulares de memoria? – Ya me

los he aprendido.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 48


1.- PRESENT CONTINUOUS: cuando hablas de lo que ya has planeado hacer, también citas personales y/o de negocios. What time are you meeting Ann? I can’t go to the countryside with you, I’m visiting my granny. 2.- SIMPLE PRESENT: cuando hablamos de cosas que siguen un horario y programas (transporte público, cines, etc.) What time does the film begin? My train leaves Madrid at 10.30 next Saturday. The football match starts at 8 o’clock. Tomorrow is Wednesday. 3.- GOING TO : 1. cuando hablamos del futuro de intención. I’m going to study harder next term.

2. lo utilizamos para predecir el futuro teniendo datos en el presente. Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

4.- TO BE ABOUT TO: es el futuro de inminente realización. The clock is about to strike the hour. 5.- FUTURE SIMPLE: el empleo de “will” para todas las personas está cada vez más generalizado. Pero es preferible contraerlo en “‟ll”, que constituye una forma más libre de connotaciones extratemporales. Este tiempo se le llama futuro espontáneo, puesto que el hablante decide hacer algo en el momento de hablar, es decir, no lo ha decidido con anterioridad.

Subject „ll + Verb without “to” > I‟ll visit him. Subject + won‟t + verb without “to” > I won‟t pay him.

Will + subject + verb without “to”? > Will you come early? There’s someone at the door. – I’ll go and see. 6.- FUTURE CONTINUOUS

Subject‟ll + be + V-ing > I‟ll be working Subject + won‟t + be + V-ing > He won‟t be studying

Will + subject + be + V-ing > Will they be watching TV?

1) Para decir lo que estaremos hacienda, o lo que estará sucediendo en un momento determinado en el futuro. At this time tomorrow he’ll be working. 2) Para preguntarle a alguien por sus planes, especialmente cuando queremos algo o que alguien haga algo. Will you be passing the Post Office when you go out?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 49


Subject „ll + have + V pp > The film will have finished. Subject + won‟t + have + Vpp > Mary won‟t have arrived.

Will + subject + have + Vpp? > Will the match have started?

Lo utilizamos para decir que algo ya habrá sucedido antes de un tiempo determinado en el futuro.

By the time we get to the cinema the film will already have started. By next century the lynx will have become extinct. 8.- FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS

Subject „ ll + have + been + V-ing > We‟ll have been waiting for hours. Subject + won‟t + have + been + V-ing > They won‟t have been travelling long. Will + subject + have + been + Vñing? > Will Mary have been studying for six hours?

Utilizamos este tiempo para acciones que comienzan y siguen en el futuro. Se suele traducir por “llevaremos haciendo, estudiando, etc.”

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 50

FUTURE TENSES. EXERCISES (Grammar Three. By Jennifer Seidl. Oxford University Press) (A Practical English Grammar. Exercises 2. By Thomson and Martinet)

Complete the dialogue. Put the verbs in its correct Future Tense.

Jenny and Jane have come to watch the Merton Marathon.

Jane: What time is it?

Jenny: It’s nine o’clock.

Jane: By ten thirty the runners ………………………….…………….. (finish).

Jenny: No. They ………………………………………… (not finish) by then. The

women ………………………………….…… (not /even/start) by then.

Jane: What time …………………………………… (they/start)?

Jenny: The men’s race ……………………………. (start) at nine thirty and the

women’s race ……………………………….. (start) at eleven thirty.

Jane: By the time they arrive, we ………………………………………. (wait) for


Jenny: Yes, and they ………………………………………. (run) for hours.

* Fill in the gaps:

1. They are going to dig for oil here. They ……………………..………. (start)

on Monday.

2. My uncle …………………………………. (make) a speech on Friday.

3. I …………………………….. (take) my sister to the ballet tomorrow.

4. - How ………………………………. (you get) to the party tomorrow?

– I …………….……………………… (go) by car.

– Who …………..………………….. (drive)?

5. She ……………………………..………. (come) out of hospital next week.

6. We ……………………………….. (have) dinner early as we ……………….

……………………….. (go) to the theatre.

7. I ………………………………… (have) lunch with my aunt on Thursday.

8. The committee …………………………… (meet) next Wednesday.

9. My grandparents ……………………………… (celebrate) their golden

wedding next month.

10. The Queen ………………………….. (give) a garden party next week.

……………………………………… (you go)?

11. It‟s very cold. I …………………………………… (light) a fire.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 51

12. I‟ve reminded you once; I ………………………………………… (not do) it


13. What ………………………………………….. (you tell) to the police?

14. The inspector ……………………………… (ask) you a few questions, so

try to relax.

15. - Have you got the ticket for the big match on Saturday?

- No, I don‟t even know who ……………………………………. (play).

- France ……………………………………. (play) England.

16. I ………………………………………. (know) the result in a week.

17. ………………………………………….(you have) time to help me


18. You …………………………………….. (be able to) drive after another five


19. I hope I ……………………………………… (find) it.

20. Papers …………………………………. (not be) delivered on the Bank


21. I am sure that I ………………………………… (recognise) him.

22. He ……………………………..………(not forget) to come.

23. This time next month I ……………………………………. (sit) on a beach.

24. When you arrive I ……………………….……………. (probably pick) fruit.

25. When we reach England it …………………………..……………..

(probably rain).

26. In a few days‟ time we ………………….……………………….. (fly) over

the Pyrenees.

27. In fifty years‟ time we ………………………..………………… (live) entirely

on pills.

28. I ………………………………………………….. (not play) cards with you

again. You always cheat.

29. I …………………………………………….. (not open) the window. I dislike

fresh air.

30. ……………………………………………… (you take) your exam now or in


31. I can‟t understand this letter. ………………………………………… (you

translate) it for me, please?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 52

32. Do you know the way? – No. – Then I …………………………………

(show) you the way.

33. When he ……………………………………… (return), I‟ll give him the key.

34. I‟ll stay in bed till the clock ………………………………… (strike) the hour.

35. The lift ……………………………………. (stop) until you press that button.

36. He‟ll wash up before he ………………………………. (go) to bed.

37. I‟ll pay you when I ……………………………….. (get) my cheque.

38. As soon as she …………………………… (learn) to type, I‟ll get her a job.

39. Don‟t count your chickens before they ………………………………. (be)


40. By this time tomorrow we ………..………………………….. (have) our


41. I‟ll still be here next summer but Tom …………………………………..


42. By the end of the term I ………………………………………….. (read) all

twelve volumes.

43. On the fourth of next month he ………………………………….. (be) in

prison for ten years.

44. When we reach Crewe we ………………….………………… (do) half of

the journey.

45. On 21 October they ……………….…………………….. (be) married for

twenty-five years.

REVISION FUTURE TENSES (Oxford Practice Grammar. New Edition. By John Eastwood. OUP)

1. I’m thirsty . I think I (make) ………………………………. some tea.

2. ‘You’ve left your computer on’.- ‘Oh, I (go) ………………………………. and

switch it off’.

3. ‘What would you like?’ – ‘I (have) ………………………………. an orange

juice, please’.

4. ‘I must fix this shelf some time’ – ‘We (be dead) ……………………………….

before then’.

5. I think the cat is stuck on the roof. I (climb) ………………………………. up

and have a look.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 53

6. I’m sorry, but I (not walk) ………………………………. half a mile in the rain.

7. My sister (have) ………………………………. a baby in June.

8. It’s nearly nine now. We (be) ………………………………. late.

9. (You’re playing Scrabble). The game is nearly over and you are 100 points

behind. You (lose) ………………………………. the game.

10. You can see a plane coming down. It’s out of control and falling to the

ground. It (crash) ………………………………..

11. This bag isn’t very strong. It (break) ………………………………. .

12. One day people (travel) ………………………………. to Mars.

13. ‘(you/do) ………………………………. anything this evening?’ – ‘Yes, I (go)

………………………………. to an ice hockey match’.

14. I (meet) ………………………………. Harriet at six this afternoon.

15. What time (your train / leave) ………………………………. tomorrow?

16. Next Friday (be) ………………………………. the 13th.

17. The plane is at the end of the runway. It (take off) …………………………… .

18. Don’t you say goodbye to our visitors? They (leave)


19. The Prime Minister is at the microphone now. He (start)

………………………………. speaking.

20. You’ll be exhausted before you (arrive) ………………………………. . Why

don’t you take a taxi?

21. I’ll need the car while I (be) ………………………………. there.

22. I can sleep when I (get) ………………………………. home.

23. After I finish college, I (start) ………………………………. a job in sales.

24. As soon as you hear any news, (you/let) ………………………………. me


25. I must get to the bank before it (close) ………………………………. .

26. They (stop) ………………………………. serving meals by the time we get to

the restaurant.

27. Andrew can’t go to the party. He (work) ………………………………. all day


28. I’ll be out at 3 o’clock. I (play) ………………………………. golf.

29. This time next week we (sit) ………………………………. on the beach.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 54

30. ‘How long (you/use) ………………………….………. this computer?’ – ‘You

can have it in a minute’.

31. I like looking at these pictures, but I (have) ……………………………….

enough by lunch-time.

32. Trevor and Laura (live) ………………………….………. here for four years

next April.

33. ‘What time will you be home?’ – ‘I (finish) ………………………….………. by

half past eight, so I should be home about nine.

34. This chess game is going to last ages. They (not finish)

………………………….………. it until midnight.

35. (you/read) ………………………….………. this book by the time it’s due back

to the library?

36. I hope I (win) ………………………….………. lots of prizes before I’m twenty.


1. ¿Quién será el próximo presidente?

2. ‘Está sonando el teléfono’ – ‘No te levantes. Yo contestaré?

3. Va a tener un bebé en junio.

4. ¿Qué vamos a tener para cenar?

5. En estas fechas el próximo año no viviremos en España.

6. No me llames mañana por la mañana, estaré pintando la cocina.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 55

7. No vengas hasta las 4. Estaré asistiendo a una conferencia en la


8. Estará estudiando durante todo el sábado, así que no le llames.

9. No me llames entre las 7 y las 8 esta noche. Estaré viendo mi programa


10. El espectáculo comenzará a las 8.30 de la noche del sábado.

11. Date prisa. Está a punto de comenzar el programa.

12. Pertenezco al equipo así que juego al baloncesto esta noche.

13. Habré terminado mis deberes a las 9.

14. Te lo diré cuando te vea.

15. Mira qué hora es. Vamos a llegar tarde.

16. Este libro no es muy largo. Lo habré leído a la hora de comer.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 56

17. A esta hora la próxima semana estaremos atravesando Francia.

18. Veré a Nigel mañana. Tengo una reunión con él.

19. La orquesta estará tocando cuando entre el presidente.

20. Iré al banco antes de que cierre.

21. ¿A qué hora sale tu tren mañana?

22. No hay una nube en el cielo. Va a ser un día precioso.

23. El mundo se habrá acabado en el año 2050.

24. Los Watson llevarán viviendo aquí 10 años el próximo abril.

25. Te llamaré tan pronto como llegue a casa.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 57


Subject + had („d) + past participle > He‟d travelled about a mile. Subject + hadn‟t + past participle > I hadn‟t slept well the night before.

Had + subject + past participle? >Where had Alex left his wallet? Utilizamos el Past Perfect para una acción anterior a un pasado. Ejemplos: The match was over. The Lions had won.

When we arrived, the others had all left. Partículas: las mismas del Present Perfect. (repásalas)


Subject + had („d) + been + V-ing > He‟s been working very hard. Subject + hadn‟t + been + V-ing > I hadn‟t been waiting long.

Had + subject + been + V-ing? > The grass was wet. Had it been raining? Utilizamos este tiempo para una acción que había estado sucediendo durante un tiempo anterior al pasado (indica una acción que no estaba completa, o que todavía se podían ver los resultados de ella): I’d been washing the car. Myhands were wet. Bil‟s eyes were red because he’d been crying. Con las partículas FOR y SINCE se traduce por “llevaba”:

I‟d been studying for 4 hours.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 58

PAST PERFECT. EXERCISES (Grammar Three. By Jennifer Seidl. OUP)

Put the verbs in brackets in its correct tense: Past Perfect Simple or Continuous.

Tom: Did you enjoy the film yesterday?

Nick: Well, it’s a long story. I got on the bus but I ……………………………….

(forget) my bus fare.

Tom: So what did you do?

Nick: I got off the bus and ran home, but everybody ……………………………….

(go) out. I couldn’t get in, because I ………………………………. (not take) my

key. So I went to Paul’s house to borrow some money…

Tom: Wait, let me guess: he ………………………………. (spend) all his money

that afternoon.

Nick: No. He ………………………………. (not come) home yet. When he finally

arrived, I …………………………………….. (wait) for twenty minutes. After he

………………………………. (lend) me some money, I caught the next bus. But

when I got to the cinema, the film ……………………………………


Read the notes about Harry’s career then answer the questions with AFTER and the past perfect simple. Example: When did he join the army? He joined the army after he had left school.

Harry Biggs: left school > joined the army > got a job in a London bank > lost his job > robbed a bank > went to prison > worked as a waiter > got a job as a singer in a night club > made a record > formed a pop group > became a millionaire > wrote a book > went to live in Los Angeles > pop group broke up > married Goldie Bruce, film star> bought a chain of restaurants > made a film.

1. When did he rob the bank?

2. When did he work as a waiter?

3. When did he get a job as a singer?

4. Did he form the pop group before or after he had made a record?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 59

5. When did he become a millionaire?

6. Did he write his book before or after he had become a millionaire?

7. When did he go to live in Los Angeles?

8. When did the pop group break up?

9. When did he marry Goldie?

10. Did he make the film before or after he had bought the restaurants?

Use the words from the box in the past perfect continuous to complete the sentences:

eat – fight – read – repair – run – sit – try – wait – watch – revise – swim

1. Jenny’s eyes were tired. She ……………………….………… all evening.

2. Amanda was hot and sore. She ……………………….………… in the sun.

3. Jane had oil on her hands. She ………………………….………… a

friend’s motorbike.

4. Tom was hot and out of breath. He ………………………….………… in

the park.

5. Ben’s clothes were dirty. He ………………………….………… with Jason.

6. Sue was angry. She ………………………..…….………… for Mike for

twenty minutes.

7. Jane was nervous. She ……………………….…….………… a TV

programme about crime.

8. Jenny had a stomach ache. She …………………..………….…………

sour grapes.

9. Sue was tired. She ……………………………………… for exams all night.

10. Mike was cold. He ………………………….….……… in an unheated pool.

11. Trig fell asleep. He ……………………………….………… to learn the past

perfect continuous.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 60

CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Condicional clause , Main clause Type 1 if + present tense , future, imperative must, can, may, etc. + inf.

Este tipo de condicional se utiliza para indicar condiciones abiertas cuando especulamos sobre el futuro; también cuando consideramos opciones ó discutimos consecuencias. La acción o suceso que está bajo discusión es bastante probable que suceda. If they build new offices, they’ll pull down part of the town. If you see James, ask him to phone me. Se puede cambiar el orden de las dos oraciones: I can give you a lift if it’s raining tomorrow. Conditional clause, Main clause Type 2 if + past tense , conditional simple (would + infinitive) could, should, etc. + infinitive Se usa para: 1. el futuro hipotético, cuando la acción o suceso no se espera que suceda. If I lost my job, I’d be frightened. 2. situaciones imaginaries: If I were you, I’d change my job. Conditional clause, Main clause Type 3 if + past perfect , conditional perfect (would + have+ Vpp) should, could, might, etc. + have + Vpp Este tipo de condicional se utiliza para describir situaciones hipotéticas que son contrarias a hechos pasados, a menudo se refieren a planes que no se pudieron cumplir, (no se puede regresar al pasado para arreglarlo).

If I had known you were coming, I could have met you at the station.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 61

CONDITIONALS: EXERCISES (Oxford Practice Grammar. By John Eastwood. OUP, 1999)

Each of the following conditional sentences may be changed to the other two main types:

1. If you wait here, he will meet you.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

2. If you ask her, she’ll tell you.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

3. If you stay here for another six months, you’ll learn a lot.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

4. If they stayed here, they would get cold.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Joan will advise you if you ask her to.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 62

6. If you’d worked hard, you’d have understood better.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

7. If you move to London, will you buy a house there?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Would you study French if you had time?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Would you have danced with him if he had asked you to?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

10. Will you borrow the money if you need it?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 63

11. You wouldn’t walk far if it rained, would you?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

12. Will they invite you if you write to them?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

13. Will you stay if I promise to be quiet?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

14. If it’s fine, you’ll go for a swim, won’t you?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

15. If she’d received the letter, she would have replied to it.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 64

16. She’ll pay you if you work well.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

17. What would happen if the bridge collapsed?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

18. If I want it, I’ll buy it.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

19. If he earns a lot, he’ll stay longer.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

20. Would you have sacked me if I hadn’t done the job?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

21. If he examines it, he’ll find it’s correct.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 65

22. Will he publish it if it’s good?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

23. You’ll let him see you if he insists, won’t you?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

24. If a crowd gathers, I won’t stay.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

25. If she calls me, I won’t answer.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

26. Won’t you buy her a present if she buys you one?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

27. I’ll phone a garage if the car breaks down.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

28. I’d have been angry if he’s gone away.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 66

29. If I beat you,, I’d be surprised.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

30. You won’t fall out with me if I win, will you?

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

31. If I knew her well, I’d speak to her.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

32. If I owned a car, I’d take a trip to California.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

33. If the weather is warm, we can go to the park.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

34. If the train is late, we won’t be able to see them.

I.- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

II.- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

III.- ………………………………………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 67


1. Si nos damos prisa, cogeremos el autobús.

2. Si perdemos el autobús, habrá otro.

3. Si no practico mi golf, no mejoraré.

4. Si has terminado con el ordenador, déjamelo utilizar.

5. Si Matthew va a una entrevista de trabajo, debería llevar corbata.

6. Si no te disculpas, no te hablaré nunca más.

7. Si llueve, todo el mundo puede comer dentro.

8. Si Rachel madrugara, no llegaría siempre tarde.

9. Si fuera tú, pediría consejo a un abogado.

10. Si tuviéramos una calculadora, podríamos calcular esto más rápido.

11. Te lo diría si lo supiera.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 68

12. Si tuviera un millón de libras, probablemente me compraría un barco.

13. Si necesitaras una entrada, podría conseguirte una.

14. Si Andrew no trabajara todo el tiempo, no sería una persona tan aburrida.

15. Podría encontrar mis cosas si mi habitación estuviera ordenada.

16. Si hubiéramos ido dos semanas antes, habríamos tenido mejor tiempo.

17. Si Matthew la hubiera llamado, Emma no se habría enfadado.

18. Habrías aprobado el examen si no hubieras cometido ese error.

19. Si David hubiera sido más cuidadoso, no se habría caído.

20 Si hubiera tenido mi móvil ayer, habría podido contactar contigo.

21. Daniel habría comprado el libro si hubiera tenido dinero.

22. Si voy de tiendas, necesitaré dinero.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 69

23. Deberías quedarte en cama si no te sientes bien.

24. Si no me gustara esta comida, no la comería.

25. Si llamas a este número, nadie contesta.

26. Si fuera tú, me negaría.

27. No puedo ver si no llevo puestas las gafas.

28. Si no lo creyera, no diría eso.


29. No llegarás allí a tiempo si no te das prisa.

31. ¿Cogerías un abrigo si estuviera nevando?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 70


Complete each sentence using the verb in brackets:

1. If Mary ………………….………(win) the prize next week, she

………………….……..(be) very happy.

2. They won’t let her in if she ………………..……………(not have) a ticket.

3. If we …………………..…..…..(have) enough money, we’ll go on holiday.

4. If Sally lived in Brighton, she ………….…….…………….(be) near her


5. Peter ………………….……..…….(read) more if he didn’t work so hard.

6. If governments stopped buying guns, the world

……………….……………..(be) safer.

7. If people ……………………….………..(do) more exercise, there

……………………………..(be) less heart disease.

8. If Helen ……………..………..………..(have) a lot of money in the bank,

she wouldn’t have been so worried.

9. If she had worked harder, she …………….….…………….(might/ get) a

better job.

10. If Jane ………………..….………..(come) on her usual train yesterday, I

…………………..………… (be able to / see) her.

Translate the sentences you have completed into English:





Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 71







Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 72


Complete each sentence using the verb in brackets:

1. If Ann ……………………….…. (write) to me, I ……………………..… (tell)

you what she says.

2. I’m sure my father …………………………….(forgive) the boy if he

………………….…. (pay) for the broken window.

3. We won’t go and see that film if you ………….………….. (not want) to.

4. If Liz …………………….…… (not have to work) in the evenings, she

would go to concerts.

5. If Ann were my girlfriend, I ……………………….…… (be) the happiest

man in the world.

6. If you had eaten lunch, you …………….………… (be) so hungry.

7. If I …………………….…….. (not lose) your number, I’d have phoned you.

8. If last Christmas …………………..……….. (not be) so busy, I

…………………………… (spend) more time at home.

9. I could have tell you a lie if I ………………..……… (know) you’d get

angry with me.

10. If they go on building more houses, they ………………..……… (may

destroy) part of the forest.

Imagine how life nowadays could be better. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets and any other words you need.

1. There are too many cars. The city is very polluted.

(fewer) If ……………………………………………………………………

2. People drive too fast, so there are a lot of accidents.

(more slowly) If people ……………………………………………………

3. People watch too much TV, so they don’t have much time for reading.

If people watched less TV, …………………………………………….

4. Children have bad teeth because they eat too many sweets.

If children …………………………………………………………………..

5. People haven’t got enough time to cook, so they eat a lot of fast food.

If people …………………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 73


Use the information in brackets to complete these sentences.

1. (Sally broke her leg, so she didn’t go on holiday)

If Sally ……………………………………………………………………

2. (We didn’t make a cake because we forgot to buy any eggs)

We ……………………………………………………………………….

3. (Sally read the newspaper and she saw the advertisement.)

If Sally hadn’t ……………………………………………………………

4. ( My friend phoned me so I heard about the teaching jobs).

If my friend …………………………………………………………….

Translate into English:

1. Yo en tu lugar compraría las entradas inmediatamente.

2. Si hubiera tenido suficiente dinero en el banco, me habría comprado ese

coche rojo.

3. Me habría ido de viaje si John hubiera venido conmigo.

4. Si las personas cogieran el autobús, no habría atascos.

5. Si Peter no viviera en un piso tendría un perro.

6. Si estudio con música, puedo relajarme.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 74


Translate into English:

1. Iríamos al cine si quisieras.

2. Si fuéramos en avión llegaríamos antes.

3. Tendrían que escucharte si insistieras.

4. Si fuera tú, me quejaría.

5. Los niños podrán quedarse en casa si llueve mañana.

6. ¿Me escribirías si tuvieras mi dirección?

7. No veríamos nada si no tuviéramos velas.

8. Si dejaras de fumar respirarías mejor.

9. No puedes ir a casa de tío Charles si no te invita.

10. Si no sabes nadar, no puedes ser marinero.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 75

11. Si Mark escucha las instrucciones, sabrá lo que tiene que hacer.

12. ¿Habrá un autobús si llegamos por la noche?

13. Si has terminado con la novela, déjamela leer.

14. La policía le habría arrestado si hubiera intentado huir.

15. Si hubieras estudiado un poco, no habrías contestado todas las

preguntas mal.

16. No te habría cogido el abrigo si hubiera sabido que era el único que


17. Si no viene conmigo, puede que me pierda.

18. Si escucho la alarma, ¿qué tengo que hacer?

19. Si hubiera sabido que estabas en el hospital te habría visitado.

20. Si te comes todo eso, enfermarás.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 76


Fill in the gaps using the verb in brackets:

1. If you come with us, you (have) …………..……… a good time.

2. If we (go) …………….……. to bed early, we’ll feel better tomorrow.

3. I (not watch) ………….…………..TV if there isn’t something interesting.

4. If you want to stay with us, just (let) ………….…………us know.

5. If they are coming for lunch, we (have to) ……………..………… buy

some more food.

6. If we (win) ……………………………the lottery, we would buy a bigger


7. If I had a dictionary, I (look up) …………….…………………these words.

8. If she (have) …………………………a million pounds, she’d travel around

the world.

9. If we (not spend) ………………..………….so much money, we’d have

saved up.

10. If we (stay) …………………..………….at home yesterday, we (see)


11. If they had been paying attention, they (not miss) ………….……..

……………………the opportunity.

12. If he (have) ………………………got a temperature, call the doctor.

Translate into English.

1. Si estuviera solo, estaría triste.

2. Yo en tu lugar, no conduciría tan rápido.

3. Coge el paraguas si llueve.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 77

4. Si come demasiado, probablemente tendrá dolor de estómago.

5. Iremos más rápido si cogemos el tren.

6. Él sería más feliz si tuviera una bici.

7. No compraremos pescado hoy si no está más barato que ayer.

8. No podré ayudarle si no quiere hablar conmigo.

9. Si no deja de llover, nos quedaremos en casa.

10. Si dejaras de fumar, te sentirías mejor.

11. Si fuera tú, no lo haría.

12. No perderemos el tren si nos damos prisa.

13. Le habría llamado si no hubiera perdido su número.

14. Si Maggie no hubiera estado en el jardín, no se habría quemado la


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 78

15. Dan habría hecho el pastel si no se hubiera quedado sin (use a phrasal)

sin azúcar.

16. Si me hubieras dicho la verdad, te habría creído.

17. La invitaríamos a la fiesta si estuviera en la ciudad.

18. ¿Qué harías si ganaras 10 millones de libras?

19. ¿Qué harías si fueras rico?

20. ¿Qué habrías hecho si te hubiera tocado la lotería?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 79

USE OF TENSES (Made Easy 1. Bachillerato. Richmond Publishing, 2001)


1.- Complete the paragraph with the correct verb form.

A lot of people ……………………(enjoy) going to the cinema and they often

……………………..(go) once a week, especially at weekends. In autumn and

winter the cinemas ………………….(be) always full with new, interesting films

and when you ……………………..(live) in a big- or medium-sized town you

……………………….(can) frequently choose from a long list of films, dubbed or

subtitled. But in summer…. summer ………………………(be) the worst time for

movie lovers.

2.- Choose the present simple or the present continuous.

Alex Nir is getting / gets ready as he wants / is wanting to go out in an hour. He

meets / is meeting his friend Matt at 8 because they have / are having to be at

the station at 9. He picks up / is picking up his aerosol cans, some disposable

mouth masks and puts on / is putting on his roller skates.

They meet / are meeting outside Alex’s house at 8 o’clock and make / are

making their way to the station. They are / are being very excited because they

have never done such a thing before.

3.- Write the FREQUENCY ADVERB in its correct place.

1.- If you go to see films, try to see subtitled ones. (often)

2.- He has his headphones on. (always)

3.- It is difficult to enjoy the film. (sometimes)

4.- He travels around America. (frequently)

5.- Do you keep a diary when travelling? (ever)

6.- He comes late. (very rarely)


1.- Underline the correct tense.

1.- They were sailing / sailed along the coast when a terrible storm appeared /

was appearing.

2.- As soon as the wind started they were putting up / put up the sails.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 80

3.- Some sailors were reaching / reached the coast after sailing for an hour.

4.- When the pilgrims landed / were landing they met / were meeting the


5.- The natives were teaching / taught some settlers when the others arrived.

6.- As they didn’t have / were not having enough food, some natives were going

/ went out to hunt.

2.- Complete the sentences with the past simple or continuous.

1.- While my father …………………………(prepare) the meal, we ……….

………..(decorate) the tree.

2.- As he …………………………….(visit) friends in Israel, he ……………

………………..(not / celebrate) Hanukkah with his family in New York.

3.- I ……………………….(talk) on the phone when my mom ……………..

…………(get) home from work.

4.- When Julian …………………………..(come) to the party, everybody

………………………………(sing) ‘Happy Birthday’.

5.- While Mike ………………………(read), I ………………………..(watch)

‘Seinfeld’ on TV.

6.- They ……………………..(arrive) in America four centuries ago.

7.- That was the last time they ……………………….(celebrate) Thanksgiving


8.- As soon as they arrived, the natives ………………………(wait) for them.

9.- In 1621 they …………………………….(harvest) their first crops.

10.- He …………………………..(call) me three minutes ago.


1.- Change these present sentences into present perfect sentences with similar


Example: She’s got a job in Africa. (she/go) ………..She’s gone to Africa to


1.- I don’t remember her nationality. (I / forget) …………………………….

2.- Is the fish ready? (you/ cook) …………………………………………….

3.- His leg’s broken. (he / break) …………………………………………….

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 81

4.- My friend is retired. (he / retired) ………………………………………….

2.- Choose the correct option.

1.- I have been in class since / for 8:15.

2.- Alison has known him since / for three years.

3.- Martin has been class president since / for last month.

4.- We have had this computer since / for a few weeks.

5.- My football team has won the cup every year since / for 1999.

6.- We haven’t seen each other since / for we were in primary school.

7.- You haven’t slept since / for yesterday.

8.- You haven’t slept since / for two days.

3.- Rewrite these sentences with for or since.

1.- He lives in China. He moved a year ago.

He …………………………………………………………………………..

2.- I’m learning German. I started learning it in 1998.

I …………………………………………………………………………….

3.- I’ve got a new foreign friend. I met him two weeks ago. (use KNOW)

I …………………………………………………………………………………

4.- Janet is living with a Chinese girl. This started in September.

Janet …………………………………………………………………………..

5.- His neighbour plays the piano. She started two years ago.

His neighbour …………………………………………………………………

4.- Choose the most appropriate tense.

1.- Have you heard / Did you hear from Sue lately?

2.- I studied / have studied German when I was at university.

3.- I had / have had a shower just after I got up.

4.- I have never seen / never saw such a beautiful dress in all my life.

5.- Put in the present perfect simple or continuous.

1.- I (already / learn) ………………………………the most difficult part.

2.- (you/find) ………………………………your passport yet?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 82

3.- I’m exhausted. I (study) ……………………………..for hours.

4.- He (only/use) ……………………………this camera for two days, but he’s

doing well.

5.- (you/make up) …………………………….your mind yet?


1.- Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb to express the


A: What …………………(be) you …………………..(have) for supper?

B: I’m not sure, but I think ………………………..(prepare) a big omelette.

A: That ………………………………(not be) good for you.

B: Why not? It ………………………………….(fill up).

A: I know, but if you go to sleep after a big supper, you …………

………………..………(have) bad dreams.

B: I ………………………………(not go) to bed right away.

A: Why not? You always do.

B: I ………………………..……….(meet) a friend at the station so I’m going out. I

……………………………….(walk) there and back; when I come back I

……………………….(not be) so full.

A: That’s a good idea. You’ll have sweet dreams.

2.- Underline the correct verb form.

1.- I visit / am visiting Rome next month.

2.- I’m sure the tickets will be / are being very cheap.

3.- I will see / see you in half an hour.

4.- From now on, I am going to share / share my nightmares with you.

5.- If I have good dreams, will they come true / are they coming true?

6.- If the world changes, there will be / there are real opportunities for everyone.

3.- Time Clauses. Underline the correct form.

1.- When I will finish / finish my essay, I’ll help you.

2.- I’ll lend you the book about yoga as soon as I will read / read it.

3.- Can I talk to you before you go/will go?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 83

4.- She always feels relaxed after she practises / will practise yoga.


1.- Fill in the gaps with IF or WHEN. Sometimes both are possible.

1.- I always apologise ………………………I arrive late.

2.- We’ll go on a picnic ……………………..the weather is good tomorrow.

3.- I’ll give you a ring ………………………..I get home.

4.- I’ll give him the message …………………I meet him on the way.

5.- We’ll finish the book ……………………..we have enough time.

2.- Complete these sentences.

1.- If I do well at school, ……………………………………………………..

2.- I wouldn’t feel stressed if ………………………………………………..

3.- If you didn’t phone, ………………………………………………………..

4.- If I were you, ………………………………………………………………

5.- You could get his advice ………………………………………………..

3.- Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form.

1.- If I had known about his marks earlier, I …………….…………..(talk) to him.

2.- I could have helped you if your computer ……….………………(crash)

3.- If I had lost my job, I ……………………..…………..(feel) depressed.

4.- He would have been sad if he …………………………(hear) the news.

5.- If you hadn’t phoned me I …………………………………(not tell) you about

my problem.

6.- Be careful! You ………………………………(suffer) from anorexia if you

……………………………….(stop) eating.

7.- If she ………………………..(keep) working so hard, she will lose control of

her life.

8.- If I were you, I ……………………………(not work) so hard.

9.- If I …………..………………..(remember) your advice, I ……………

…………………(not be) so stressed yesterday.

10.- What ……………………………(you / do) if he …………………….. (not call)

you last week?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 84

11.- If you looked at the sky, you ………………………..(see) a space jam.

12.- A one-millimetre aluminium sphere could damage a spacecraft if it

…………………………………(hit) it.

13.- I would take my holidays in space if it ……………………..(be) possible.

4.- Rewrite these sentences using IF.

1.- I’m not rich. I can’t afford that trip.

If I ……………………………………………………………………………….

2.- Phone him or you’ll have problems.

If you ……………………………………………………………………………..

3.- Help me or I won’t finish on time.

If you …………………………………………………………………………….

4.- I can’t give her your message. She’s not here.

If she ……………………………………………………………………………..

5.- Unless you work hard, you’ll lose your job.

If you ……………………………………………………………………………..

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 85

LAST REVISION: USE OF TENSES (Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students. E. Walker and S. Elsworth. Longman 1986) (Collins Cobuild. Student's Grammar. By Dave Willis. Collins 1991) (Grammar Three. By Jennifer Seidl. Oxford University Press) (Made Easy 1 and 2. Bachillerato. Richmond Publishing)

1. She (read) ……………………………………… at the moment.

2. (you/go) ……………………………………… to work by car every day?

3. I (not watch) ……………………………………… television every night.

4. (you/listen) ……………………………………… at the radio now.

5. I (not / get up) ……………………………………… at seven every morning.

6. I (leave) ……………………………………… the office every day at five.

7. I’m sorry, I can’t talk to you now. I (go) ……………………………… now.

8. (your parents / sit) ……………………………………… in the garden now.

9. You’re very quiet. What (you /think about) ………………………………. ?

10. What (you/think) ……………………………………… about the new sports


11. I (live) ……………………………………… in Washington, but I (stay)

……………………………………… in London at the moment.

12. I’m sorry, I (not agree) ……………………………………… with you.

13. I (not understand) ……………………………………… the lesson.

14. He (know) ……………………………………… you are wrong.

15. The car isn’t here today because Sheila (use)

……………………………………… it. She generally (use)

……………………………………… the bus, but the drivers are on strike.

16. We usually (stay) ……………………………………… at home on Fridays,

but we (come out) ……………………………………… tonight because we

(celebrate) our anniversary.

17. I (come) ……………………………………… from Scotland, though I (live)

……………………………………… in London just now.

18. I (stay) ………………………………………with my parents at the moment,

though I (have) ……………………………………… my own flat.

19. They usually (work) ………………………………………at the weekends,

though they (not work) ……………………………………… today.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 86

20. He (teach) ……………………………………… in a language school,

though he (work) ………………………………………in a factory at the moment

because the school is on holiday.

21. I (write) ………………………………………a few letters yesterday.

22. I (buy) ………………………………………some new clothes last week.

23. What time (they/come) ………………………………………last night?

24. I (not understand) ………………………………… the question he asked.

25. (you/eat) ………………………………………a lot at the party last night?

26. Peter (do) ………………………………………the washing-up last night.

27. They (not drink) ………………………………………anything at the disco

last Saturday.

28. I (have) ………………………………………a bath when he arrived.

29. They were playing cards when I (visit) ……………………………… them.

30. Last night I (walk) ……………………………………… into the house when

I (hear) ………………………………………a noise.

31. Last Friday we (leave) ……………………………………… the party when

the police (arrive) ………………………………………

32. Yesterday, I (make) ……………………………………… the beds when Ian

and Jane (get) ………………………………………here.

33. It was a typical summer afternoon, the sun (beat) …………………………

down and the cars (creep) ………………………………… slowly round the

corner of the park.

34. (you/ever/be) ……………………………………… to Rome?

35. I (see) ……………………………………… this film before.

36. She (never work) in an office.

37. She (be) …………………………………to all the capital cities of Europe.

38. (they/never see) ………………………………………… a British policeman


39. (you/ever live) ……………………………………… in a foreign country?

40. She (go) ………………………………………home three days ago.

41. My daughter (start) ………………………………………school in 1999.

42. (you/see) ………………………………………the film on TV last night?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 87

43. (you/hear) their new record? ……………………………………… It’s the

best they’ve ever made.

44. I (study) ………………………………………Medicine for three years, but

then I stopped.

45. She (work) ………………………………………for me since she left


46. I (work) ………………………………………in a restaurant for six months,

but then it closed.

47. I (live) ………………………………………here since I was a little girl.

48. He (be) ………………………………………in prison for three years now.

49. I (not see) ………………………………………her for several years, and

then I met her again.

50. We (be) ……………………………………… in Viena since 1950.

51. I (work) ………………………………………here for seven years, but it’s

time to leave now.

52. I’m sorry Mary is not in, she (go) ………………………………………

53. You look tired, what (you/do) ………………………………………?

54. How long (you/learn) ………………………………………to drive?

55. Oh, David. I (look for) ……………………………………… you.

56. How long (you/study) ………………………………………English?

57. She’s bad tempered because she (work) …………………………………

too hard.

58. They (watch) ……………………………………… football since three


59. The children look exhausted. What (they/do) ………………………………?

60. I’m hungry. I (travel) ………………………………………for hours.

61. I (be) …………………………………very busy this morning. I (not stop)

……………………………working. I (write) letters, so far I (write)

………………………………10 letters.

62. When the police arrived, the car (go) ………………………………………

63. When I got to the shop, it (close) ……………………………………….

64. They (eat) ……………………………………… everything by the time I

arrived at the party.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 88

65. When we left the beach, the rain (already/start) ……………………………

66. When I found my purse, someone (take) ……………………………………

the money out of it.

67. The patient (already / die) ……………………………………… by the time I

saw her.

68. All the garages (close) ……………………………………… by the time we

crossed the border.

69. (you/already/leave) ……………………………………… when the trouble


70. They didn’t like the house even though they (live) …………………………

there for years.

71. There were books everywhere, she (read) …………………………………

all day.

72. She paid for her ticket and (leave) ………………………………………

73. I closed the door quietly because he (try)

……………………………………… to sleep.

74. I (know) ……………………………………… about this for some time now.

75. They (watch) ………………………………………television, their favourite

programme is on at the moment.

76. I wanted to be the first to tell her the news, but I was too late. Someone

(already/tell) ……………………………………… her.

77. The children are filthy. Where (they/be) …………………………………… ?

78. I’m going to bed. I (work) ……………………………………… for 11 hours

and I’m tired.

79. I think she is the nicest person I (ever/meet) ………………………………

80. Mary was cleaning the windscreen when she (notice)

……………………………………… a crack in the glass.

81. I couldn’t open the office door because someone (lock)

……………………………………… it.

82. I agree: I (not think) ……………………………………… you should


83. When I phoned her, she (do) ……………………………………… her


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 89

84. We (wait) ……………………………………… for three-and-a-half hours

when John finally arrived.

85. When I shouted, they (jump) ……………………………………… off the

roof and (run) ………………………………………away.

86. Don’t phone her just now, she (talk) ……………………………………… to

her boss.

87. Oh, you (have) ………………………………………a shave! You look

strange without a beard.

88. I (do) ……………………………………… military service for 18 months.

This is my last month.

89. We (travel) ……………………………………… for about four hours when I

realised that something was wrong with one of the tyres.

90. Mary will be ready soon. She (have) ………………………………………a

bath at the moment.

91. Sorry, I (not understand) ……………………………………… .Could you

say that again?

92. We (stay) ……………………………………… in the café until the rain

stopped, and then went home.

93. (you/be) ……………………………………… here before?

94. There was nobody at the office. Mr Brownlow (tell)

……………………………………… the staff to go home.

95. I signed the register and (go) ……………………………………… upstairs

to my room.

96. I couldn’t drive to work because Mary (use)

……………………………………… the car.

97. How many times (you/see) ……………………………………… him since

he went to Edinburgh?

98. Peter and Jane (argue) ……………………………………… , I could her

them from my room.

99. I (never trust) ……………………………………… him since he started

working here.

100. I’m worried. Whey (they/not arrive) …………………………………… yet?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 90

101. They’re very angry. They (try) ……………………………………… to see

you for the last two or three hours.

102. I wanted to help with the washing-up, but they (already/do)

……………………………………… it.

103. It’s the most comfortable car I (ever/drive) …………………………………

104. Peter was cleaning the flat and John (make)

……………………………………… the dinner.

105. I had a pleasant surprise when I got to my room, someone (put)

……………………………………… some flowers there for me.

106. (you/agree) ……………………………………… that we should tell him


107. They couldn’t leave the studio when I called because they (film)


108. I (use) ……………………………………… the machine for some time

when I realised that there was no ink in it.

109. When he warned them about the police, they (leave)

………………………………… the country.

110. Don’t make a noise: the children (try) ………………………………to sleep.

111. Oh! You (buy) ……………………………………… a new dress!

112. She (work) ………………………………………here for several years –

four or five now, I think.

113. We (sit) ……………………………………… in the sunshine for about

twenty minutes when I suddenly felt sick.

114. He’ll be ready in a moment, he (clean) ………………………………………

his shoes.

115. I (hate) ……………………………………… listening to their complaints all

day. One of these days I’ll tell them what I really think.

116. I (lie) ………………………………………down on the bed and fell asleep.

117. I think I (see) ………………………………………him somewhere before.

118. I couldn’t get into the car because the children (hide)

……………………………………… the car keys.

119. Peter was meeting someone that night, so I (stay) …………………………

at the office and (work) ……………………………… for a few hours.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 91

120. I mustn’t forget. I (meet) ………………………………………John at three

o’clock on Friday.

121. We (have) ………………………………………a party on Saturday, do you

want to come?

122. (you/play) ……………………………………… football this week?

123. Look at those black clouds. It (rain) ………………………………………

124. Look at the sun! It (be) ………………………………………very hot today.

125. Susan’s not working very hard. I think she (fail)

………………………………… her exams.

126. It’s nearly four o’clock. The lesson (finish) ………………………………



Pat: What (you/do) …………………………………this weekend, Jan?

Jan: I (see) …………………………………a new play at the Royal Court Theatre.

Pat: (you/have) ………………………………………the ticket yet?

Jan: No, I (get) ………………………………………them this afternoon, actually.

Would you like to come?

Pat: Oh, thank you, that would be nice.

Jan: OK, I (get) ………………………………………you a ticket, too.

Pat: Great! What time (it/start) ……………………………………… ?

Jan: Eight o’clock, but we (all/meet) ……………………………………… in the

Green Café at 7:15.

Pat: OK, I (meet) …………………………you in the café, but I (be)

……………………………… there about half-past seven.

Jan: That’s fine.

128. “Why is Sheila getting a passport?” – “She (live)

……………………………………… in Spain for a year”.

129. What are your plans? (you/see) ………………………………………your

parents this weekend?

130. I (give) ……………………………………… it to them when they visit us.

131. I (not send) …………………………………the parcel until I hear from you.

132. As soon as they ……………………………………… (phone) me, I’ll

contact you.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 92

133. I ……………………………………… (see) you before I fly to Paris.

134. They will send the money before they ……………………………… (leave)

135. When I …………………………………(talk) to him, I’ll give him your news.

136. She ……………………………………… (visit) her parents before she

……………………………………… (go) to the airport.

137. I’ll finish this when I ……………………………………… (be) at the office.

138. After I ……………………………………… (visit) the hospital, I’ll go and

see her parents.

139. I’ll call you as soon as we …………………………(get) to San Francisco.

140. He ……………………………………… (not do) anything before you tell

him to.

141. As son as I hear the results, I ………………………………(let) you know.

142. You probably……………………………………… (not like) him when you

meet him.

143. When they find out about this, there………………………………………

(be) trouble.

144. Your plane …………………………………… (leave) London a 8.30 and

………………………………… (arrive) in Cairo at 12.00, so it’s not a long flight.

145. The hovercraft ……………………………………… (leave) Felixtowe at

12.00. It ……………………………………… (take) an hour, so you get there at

14.00 French time.

146. I …………………………… (see) her tomorrow to talk about the new


147. (you/work) ……………………………………… all tomorrow evening?

148. I ……………………………… (see) them tomorrow, I

………………………………… (tell) them what you said.

149. She ……………………………………… (visit) our office next week. I

……………………………………… (ask) her then.

150. I ……………………………………… (not able) to lend you the car

tomorrow. I ……………………………………… (use) it all night.

151. This time next week we ……………………………………… (sit) on the


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 93

152. At four o’clock on Tuesday afternoon, we

……………………………………… (fly) over Paris.

153. What ……………………………………… (you/do) early on Monday night?

154. They ………………………………… (come) round for dinner tomorrow

evening. I …………………………… (show) them the photographs then.

155. Don’t phone James at 21.00, he ……………………………. (have) dinner.

156. I’ll be tired tonight because I ………………………………………… (work)

all day.

157. I …………………………………… (meet) the entire committee by the time

I leave England.

158. Next July, we …………………………………… (live) here for two years.

159. They will probably be hungry because they

……………………………………… (not eat).

160. Another million people ……………………………………. (become)

unemployed by this time next year.

161. She ………………………………………… (be) Prime Minister for ten

years by next year.

162. They .. ……………………………… (play) for five hours by eight o’clock.

163. We . ………………………………………. (drive) for 24 hours by twelve

o’clock tomorrow.

164. When they’ve talked to me, the police .

………………………………………. (question) everybody in the office.

165. She ………………………………………… (be) a member of the

committee for 25 years by the time she retires.

166. ‘We’ve run out of milk’. – ‘Oh, have we? I

………………………………………… (go) and get some’.

167. I’m afraid I can’t come to dinner on Saturday, I

…………………………………. (meet) Tom.

168. Ronald ………………………………………… (be) five next Tuesday.

169. It’s raining, so we . ……………………………. (have to) take an umbrella.

170. Next November we ……………………………… (be) married for 15 years.

171. I’ll let you know when Mary . ………………………………………. (phone).

172. I . ………………………………. (wait) at the airport when you plane lands.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 94

173. In two weeks’ time, she ………………………………… (finish) her exams.

174. At ten o’clock I . ………………………………………. (drive) for ten hours.

175. I . ………………………………………. (visit) my parents yesterday but my

car broke down.

176. He . ………………………………………. (say) something but he changed

his mind.

177. They . ………………………………………. (stay) in the Grand Hotel, but it

was full so they stayed with us instead.

178. I .. ……………………………………… (go) to University, but I failed my

exams, so I left school at 16.

179. It was 1946. The war . ………………………………………. (finish) and

Jack . ……………………………………….(leave) the army.

180. Come tomorrow at 7.30. I ………………………………………. (already

/have) dinner by then.

181. I .. ……………………………………… (write) letters all day and I’m tired.

182. I . …………………………………. (not play) football since I was at school.

183. How long . ……………………………………. (you/wait) to see the doctor?

184. When I arrived, the party . ………………………………………. (finish).

185. We’ve got two more hours. We . ………………………………………. (do)

all the housework by the time your parents arrive.

186. I . ………………………………………. (read) that book for two months but

I . ………………………………………. (not finish) it yet.

187. They . ………………………………………. (wait) for me for two hours

when I finally arrived.

188. We . ………………………………………. (know) each other since we

were at school together.

189. The machines . ………………………………………. (work) continuously

for two years when they get their first service next month.

190. We . ………………………………………. (work) on the car for two hours

before it finally started.

191. By tomorrow, they . ………………………………………. (get) permission

to have the meeting at the town hall.

192. (anyone / arrive) …………………………….… when you got to the office?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 95

193. She looks very tired. I think she ……………………………………….. (do)

too much overtime.

194. They . ………………………………………. (beat) us at football for the last

five years.

195. She . ………………………………………. (become) manager of the

factory in 1992.

196. We . ……………………………. (begin) the meeting yesterday at 3.30 pm.

197. The wind . ………………………………. (blow) hard all through last night.

198. I’m sorry, I . …………………………………. (just/break) one of your


199. (they / bring) . ………………………………………. your books back yet?

200. I . ………………………………………. (burn) my fingers on a hot plate

when I was making the dinner.

201. The police . ………………………………………. (catch) the person who

stole my purse. He’s at the police station now.

202. We . ………………………………………. (already/choose) the person for

the job.

203. Nobody ……………………………………… (come) to see me yesterday.

204. It was very expensive. It . ………………………………………. (cost) a

thousand dollars.

205. I . ………………………………………. (cut) the cake into four pieces and

took it into the sitting room.

206. (you / not do) . ………………………………………. the washing-up yet?

207. The bottle is empty. Someone . ……………………………………….

(drink) all the milk.

208. I . ………………………………………. (not eat) for two days and then I

had some soup.

209. Someone ………………………………………… (just/fall) into the

swimming pool.

210. I . ……………………………. (feel) terrible when I woke up this morning.

211. I . ………………………………. (find) some money in the street last night.

212. (you/ever/fly) .………………………………………. in an aeroplane before?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 96

213. (you/already/forget)… ……………………………………… what I told you

to do?

214. My parents . ………………………………………. (give) me some money

when I left home.

215. There’s nobody here, everybody . ……………………………………….

(go) out.

216. He . ………………………………………. (not hear) the news yet.

217. She was so angry that she . ………………………………………. (hit) him.

218. (your mouth / hurt) . …………………………….when you left the dentist?

219. I asked them to be quiet but they . ……………………………………….

(keep) talking.

220. I . …………………………. (know) him since we were at school together.

221. I . ………………………………………. (learn) a lot since I started coming

to this school.

222. How many people . ………………………………………. (leave) the factory

since the new manager arrived?

223. I ………………………………………… (already/lend) him the money.

224. The police . ………………………………………. (let) me talk to Jane after

she was arrested.

225. She . ……………………………………. (already/read) most of his books.

226. He was so angry that he . ………………………………………. (say)

something which wasn’t very polite.

227. I’m sorry the car is not here, I ………………………………………..

(just/sell) it.

228. She . …………………………………. (send) you a letter a few weeks ago.

229. He gave me a cup of tea and ………………………………………… (show)

me his stamp collection.

230. She ……………………………… (sing) very well but I didn’t like the band.

231. They . ………………………………………. (sit) down and started eating.

232. I was so tired that I . ………………………………. (sleep) for twelve hours.

233. (you/not speak) ………………………………………… to John’s teacher

about his homework yet?

234. I’m afraid I ………………………………… (already/spend) all my money.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 97

235. I ………………………… (stand) in the rain and waited for the bus.

236. She dived into the sea and ……………………………………….. (swim) for

about half an hour.

237. (you/not take) …………………………………………. my photo yet?

238. Someone .………………………………………. (just/tell) me about your

new job.

239. I can’t answer your question, I . ………………………………………. (not

think) about it yet.

240. She .………………………………………. (throw) the ball to me and I

caught it.

241. She .………………………………………. (wear) expensive clothes and

drove a Mercedes.

242. I .………………………………………. (already/write) 60 letters applying

for jobs.

243. We enjoy the theatre but we ……………………………………….. (not go)

very often.

244. What time ………………………………………… (the train/leave)?

245. My brother . …………………………………. (not live) at home any more.

246. Where . ………………………………………. (you / work) nowadays?

247. We enjoy the theatre but we …………………………… (not go) very often.

248. What time ………………………………………… (the train / leave)?

249. My brother . …………………………………. (not live) at home any more.

250. I …………………………. (not think) Jill .……………………………. (like)

me very much.

251. What time …………………………………….. (Ken/get home) after work?

252. Penny . …………………………………. (come from) Cargary in Canada.

253. How many languages …………………………………………. (you/speak)?

254. How much . …………………………………………. (it/cost) a return ticket?

255. Anna …………………………….. (not drink) coffee, but she

………………………………….. (like) tea.

256. They .………………………………. (often/phone) my mother in London.

257. …………………………………… (your husband / do) most of the cooking?

258. We'll save some food for anyone who ……………………… (arrive) late.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 98

259. '………………………………………… (you/do) anything tomorrow?'. - 'Not

really. We're just staying at home'.

260. 'How about your exams? ………………………………… (you/pass)?' -'I

don't know. I'll let you know as soon as I've heard the results'.

261. 'Is Jack the boy who ………………………………………… (come) to stay

next week?' - 'No, Dan is'.

262. '…………………………………… (you/see) Jenny recently?'. -'No, but

we'll probably see her when we go to Leeds'.

263. 'Will you come home after you …………………………………… (finish)

work?'. - 'No, I'm meeting John in town'.

264. You can go at five if you …………………………………… (finish).

265. They ..……………………………………. (sit) in the kitchen when they

heard the explosion.

266. Jack .…………………………………….. (arrive) when the children were

having their bath.

267. I .………………………………….. (hear) it was a good film so we decided

to go and see it.

268. It was getting late. I .………………………………….. (wait) there since two


269. 'Who .………………………….. (you/see) at the meeting?'. - 'I saw Jack'.

270. 'Where .………………………………….. (you/go) in England?' 'We went to


271. 'What plays .………………………………….. (they/see) at Stratford?'.

'They saw Hamlet'.

272. '.…………………………………..(Angelo / buy) many records in London?'

'No, he didn't. He bought only two'.

273. Katty was looking very well last time I .………………………….. (see) her.

274. Frank . ……………………………………. (phone) yesterday and

…………………………………….. (leave) a message.

275. I .………………………….. (work) upstairs when the accident happened.

276. We .……………………………………….. (enjoy) last Saturday film, when

suddenly the electricity .…………………………………………. (go off).

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 99

277. When she .………………………………………… (hear) the news, she

began to cry.

278. Yesterday evening everyone .…………………………………………. (talk)

quietly. Suddenly the door .…………………………………………. (burst) open.

279. Clara always talks to me when I ……………………………….(try) to study.

280. He ………………………………………….. (drive) at over 100 kilometres

an hour when the accident happened.

281. The thieves …………………………... (break in) while we were sleeping.

282. Yesterday someone ………………………………….. (run off) with my

clothes while I ………………………………….. (swim).

283. Last Friday I ………………………………….. (shop) in the supermarket

when I ………………………………….. (lose) my purse.

284. I first ………………………………….. (meet) my wife when we

………………………………….. (work) in London.

285. Our baby always ……………………………….. (wake up) when we were

trying to sleep.

286. I ………………………………….. (write) a book at the moment, so I

………………………………….. (be) very busy.

287. Why are you so late? I …………………………………….. (wait) here for


288. The boys must be very tired. They ………………………………….. (play)

football in the garden all afternoon.

289. It's time to do your homework. You ……………………………….. (watch)

television all afternoon.

290. John ……………………………….. (work) in his father's business since he

left school.

291. 'Where's Teresa?' - 'She ………………………………….. (go) shopping'.

292. 'Are you going to the film tonight?' - 'No, I …………………………………..

(see) it before'.

293. 'Can we go out?' - 'Wait till I ………………………………….. (finish) the

washing up'.

294. 'Do you know Michael?' - 'No, I …………………………….. (never / meet)

him before'.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 100

295. 'Can I borrow your book?' - 'I'm afraid I …………………………….. (leave)

it at home'.

296. 'Do you know London well?' - 'No, we ………………………... (just / move)

from Oxford.

297. 'How do you feel?' - 'Awful. I think I ……………………………….. (catch) a


298. 'Why isn't John at work today?' - 'I don't know. Perhaps he

…………………………………….. (have) an accident'.

299. 'Do you still work at Smith's?' - 'Yes, I ………………………........ (work)

since 1990'.

300. He told me Teresa ………………………………….. (go) shopping.

301. I didn't go to the film because I ………………………………….. (see) it


302. I didn't know Michael, in fact I ……………………………….. (never/meet)


303. We couldn't go out until Carlos ……………………………….. (finish) the

washing up.

304. I couldn't lend Sally my book because I ………………………………..

(leave) it at home.

305. I felt so bad, I was sure that I ……………………………….. (catch) a cold.

306. You may be in love with her now, but in a couple of weeks you

………………………………….. (forget) all about her.

307. By the time we get to Birmingham we ……………………………….. (drive)

over two hundred miles.

308. If they start school at four, most children ………………………….. (learn)

to read and write by the age of six.

309. By the end of this century, we ………………………………….. (use up)

most of the world's oil supplies.

310. After two hours, the leading competitors …………………………….. (run)

about 30 kilometres.

311. By the end of this century, scientists …………………………….. (discover)

a cure for cancer.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 101

312. By the end of next century, scientists …………………………….. (learn) to

control weather.

313. By the end of next century, the Third World War

…………………………….. (break out).

314. By the end of next century, man ……………………………….. (destroy)

the planet.

315. By the end of next century, the atomic energy

……………………………….. (replace) oil and coal.

316. By the end of next century, scientists ……………………………….. (build)

factories in space.

317. Love …………………………………….. (make) the world go round.

318. We …………………………………….. (have) a meeting. Come and join


319. Wait a moment. I ………………………………….. (listen) to the news.

320. My wife normally …………………………………….. (work) at home, but

she ……………………………….. (spend) this month in Nottingham. She

………………………………….. (teach) in a summer school there.

321. 'Look, it ……………………………….. (rain) again'. - 'Yes, it

………………………………….. (rain) most days at this time of year'.

322. Most days, John …………………………….. (cycle) to work, but since it

……………………………….. (rain) today he ……………………………….. (take)

his car to work.

323. We usually ……………………………….. (watch) the news on TV at

seven, but tonight we …………………………….. (watch) that new soap opera.

324. My daughter …………………………….. (work) in a restaurant this

summer, but she ……………………………….. (not like) it very much.

325. This cheese ……………………………….. (smell) awful, I'm not eating it.

326. I often try to read the newspapers in English, but I

…………………………….. (not understand) very much.

327. …………………………………….. (this coat / belong) to you?

328. I ………………………….. (phone) George an hour ago. He

…………………………….. (do) his homework.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 102

329. I first ………………………….. (meet) Mary a couple of years ago. She

…………………………….. (work) at the Royal Hospital at the time.

330. We …………………………….. (ask) Peter to come with us for a drink last

Saturday, but he ……………………………….. (watch) the football on TV.

331. While I ……………………………….. (drive) to work this morning, I almost

………………………………….. (have) a serious accident.

332. When we ………………………………….. (do) the shopping last week, we

………………………………….. (find) a nice place to have coffee.

333. When we were kids, we ……………………………….. (go) to Blackpool

for our holidays, but I ………………………………….. (not be) there for years.

334. I ……………………………….. (try) to phone John, but he's not at home.

335. On Monday I was late, the meeting …………………………….. (start) an

hour ago.

336. We had a party last night. My best friends ………………….. (not come),

even though I ………………………….. (send) them a special invitation.

337. Travelling to France last summer we …………………………….. (lose) our

way. We ……………………………….. (not know) what to do.

338. I feel awful. I think I …………………………………….. (faint).

339. They've invited lots of people. I ………………………………….. (be) very


340. We have a lot to do. It …………………………………….. (be) a hard day.

341. I listened to the weather forecast tonight. I …………………………….. (be)

wet and windy tomorrow.

342. The kids are tired out. They ………………………………….. (fall) asleep.

343. The referee is looking at this watch. He ………………………………..

(blow) his whistle.

344. Liverpool are three goals ahead. I think they ……………………….. (win).

345. It's Saturday morning. The shops ………………………….. (probably / be)


346. Liverpool have a good side. I think they …………………………………..

(win) easily.

347. The children get tired very easily. They ……………………………………..

(probably / fall) asleep.

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348. 'Have you decided how to spend the prize money?' - 'Well, I think we

………………………………….. (buy) a new car, but we haven't decided yet'.

349. 'Have you decided how to spend the prize money?' - 'Yes, we

………………………………….. (buy) a new car, but we haven't decided yet'.

350. 'Did you know Sue is in hospital?' - 'I didn't know that. I

…………………………….. (send) her a get-well card'.

351. Our next lesson ………………………………….. (be) on Monday.

352. They …………………………………….. (get married) in June.

353. It …………………………………….. (be) my birthday next month.

354. Monday ………………………………….. (be) the seventeenth of July.

355. If he …………………………………….. (come), I'll let you know.

356. We won't start until everyone …………………………………….. (arrive).

357. Lock the door after you finally .……………………………………. (leave).

358. There is a silver cup for the runner who …………………….. (finish) first.

359. Simon's plane ……………………………….. (arrive) just before midnight.

360. If it's fine, we ……………………………….. (have) a barbecue tomorrow.

361. Today's meeting ………………………………….. (start) at half past two.

362. A few friends ………………………………….. (come) round this evening.

363. The match ………………………………….. (finish) at nine, so I'll be home

by ten.

364. I ………………………….. (meet) Jane for lunch at about one thirty today.

365. Everybody …………………………………….. (go) to the match tomorrow.

366. We ………………………………….. (change) trains at Manchester, this is

the next stop.

367. I'll come round tomorrow if I ……………………………….. (have) time.

368. I'll give Jack the message if I ………………………………... (see) him.

369. I………………………………… (give) you a call from the first phone box I

………………………………….. (see).

370. There will be lots of games. I hope you ………………………….. (enjoy).

371. I won't go to the cinema unless you ………………………………….. (go).

372. I think I ……………………….. (stay) here until it …………………………..

(stop) raining.

373. I'll write to you as soon as I …………………………….. (hear) from Helen.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 104

374. I…………………….. (help) you with your homework when I

……………………….. (do) the washing up.

375. Amanda, Nick and Jane have gone to Cornwall on a school trip. So far,

they ……………………….. (have) a great time. There …………………………..

(only/be) one small problem. Yesterday, they …………………………………..

(visit) a castle. Many tourists …………………….. (visit) it every year. Amanda

…………………….. (never/see) such an old castle before. She

…………………………….. (start) exploring it by herself. Then it

…………………….. (happen). Amanda ………..........……….. (look) for secret

passages in a small room when the wind ………………………….. (blow) the

door shut. She ……………………….. (be) trapped. She …………………………..

(shout) for half an hour before Nick and Jane …………………………….. (find)

her. Today they …………………………….. (visit) the North Cornwall Museum.

They ………………………….. (take) a guided tour. Amanda

………………………….. (stay) close to the rest of the class.

376. The First man in Space.- It all …………………………... (begin) on April

the 12th, 1961. The Russian astronaut, Yuri Gagarin …………………………...

(wake up) by his doctor. After he …………………………... (eat) a breakfast of

meat paste, marmalade and coffee, his doctor …………………………... (give)

him a medical examination. At 7 o’clock Gagarin …………………………... (walk)

up the platform of Vostok 1. He …………………………... (wave) goodbye to al

those who …………………………... (come) to see him. Then Gagarin

…………………………... (disappear) into the spaceship. Finally, at 7:58, he

…………………………... (announce) that he was ready for take-off. Gagarin’s

flight …………………………... (last) only 108 minutes. During the flight he had

the feeling that he …………………………... (hung) in the air. His atlas, pencil

and notebook …………………………... (float) around him in the cabin. Vostock

…………………... (start) its return flight at 8:25, after it …………………………...

(orbit) the earth once. Back on Earth, a farm woman and her granddaughter,

who ………………………... (see) the spaceship as it ……………………... (land),

were the first people to greet the astronaut. Gagarin …………………………...

(travel) less than one hour in space, but he …………………………... (go) where

no man …………………………... (go) before.

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377. Famous names in space.- Most people have seen several rocket

launches on television. There …………………………... (be) nothing very

unusual about space travel today. Space flights …………………………...

(belong) to our modern world, but forty years ago sending a satellite into space

…………………………... (be) very exciting. …………………………...(you/hear)

of Laika, the unlucky dog which the Russians …………………………... (launch)

into space in 1957? She …………………………... (be) the first living creature in

space. Unfortunately, she never …………………... (return). However, a few

years later, in 1966, the Russians dogs Weterok and Ugoljko

……………………... (orbit) the Earth 330 times and finally ……………………...

(return) safely. …………………………... (you/hear) of Valentina Rereshkova?

She …………………………... (circle) the Earth 48 times in 1963 – she was the

first woman in space. But there’s one name that everybody ……………………..

(know) – Neil Amstrong, the first man on the Moon. On the 20th July, 1969, Neil

Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin …………………………... (land) on the Moon and the

whole world …………………………... (watch) them on television. The

astronauts ……………………... (be) 385,000 kilometres from home. So far,

astronauts …………………….. (land) on the Moon only. But will Mars be next?

378. The Surprise party. Last week Jenny and Jane organized a big surprise party

for Tom‟s birthday. This is what happened but the events are in the wrong order. Complete the sentences by writing the words in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous. Then write a number on the left to show what order the sentences should be in.

…2… Jenny phoned (phone) all Tom’s friends while he was playing (play)

tennis with Nick.

……. When Tom ……………………... (not look), Jenny …………………... (take)

his address book out of his pocket.

……. On Saturday morning, Jenny and Jane ……………………... (buy) the food

for the party when Tom ……………………... (see) them at the supermarket. But

he ……………………... (not guess) what they …………………………... (do).

……. Tom …………………………... (cycle) in the park with Nick when all the

guests …………………………... (arrive) for the party.

…… While Tom …………………………... (walk) up the stairs all his friends

suddenly …………………………... (shout), “Surprise!”

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 106

…… When Tom …………………………... (arrive) in front of the house with Nick,

all his friends …………………………... (hide).

…… When Jane …………………………... (return) the address book to Tom’s

pocket, he …………………………... (plan) an article with Jenny.

379. She …………………………... (not be) well lately. She looks very pale.

380. Amanda …………………………... (not visit) many old castles yet.

381. Before the accident, she ………………... (have) a nice time in Cronwall.

382. In general, Mark ………………... (not like) hard work and early mornings.

383. I’m sorry, but Susan …………………………... (go) out for the day.

384. …………………………... (you/come) to the football game tomorrow?

385. Who was he? She was sure that she ………………….. (see) him before.

386. When Nick came in, they …………………………... (talk) about the party.

387. Jenny usually …………………………... (finish) her work on time. What’s


388. I can’t hear a thing! Everyone …………………….. (talk) at the same time.

389. Mike …………………………... (wash) his car when it started to rain.

390. Paul …………………………... (train) for the football match all week.

391. Trig is speaking Triglonian. I ……………………….. (not understand) him.

392. I …………………………... (go) swimming once or twice a week.

393. ‘What …………………………... (you/do) in your spare time?’ – ‘I often go

to the cinema’.

394. I …………………………... (not visit) John since last year.

395. I …………………………... (not see) Claire for many years.

396. My best friend …………………….. (go) to work abroad. I really miss her.

397. I …………………………... (not wash) the car since last month.

398. Last summer, Michael …………………………... (surf) near the beach

when he …………………………... (see) a shark.

399. The incident happened while I …………………………... (go) to work.

400. It was late in the evening. Terry …………………………... (drive) my car

when he …………………………... (have) the accident.

401. When I …………………………... (get) home last night, the baby

…………………………... (cry).

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 107

402. They say tomorrow’s weather …………………………... (be) hot and

sunny so we can go to the beach.

403. I don’t think the journey …………………………... (take) them very long.

404. I …………………………... (phone) you as soon as I arrive at the airport.

405. I’ll tell him when I …………………………... (see) him tomorrow.

406. What will you say if you …………………………... (see) her this evening?

407. I missed the beginning because when I …………………………... (arrive)

home, the TV programmer …………………………... (already/start).

408. By the time the police arrived, the bank robbers ……………….. (escape).

409. I felt much better a few hours after I ………………... (take) the medicine.

410. Their parents …………………………... (already/send) the invitations

when they cancelled their wedding plans.

411. “Which airline ……………………….. (you/fly) with?” – “I flew with Iberia”.

412. ‘It’s our wedding anniversary today’. – ‘Congratulations! How long

…………………………... (you/be married)?’

413. The library …………………………... (never/be) open on Sundays.

414. She was very tired because she …………………………... (not sleep) for

two days.

415. I didn’t want to wake anybody, so I …………………………... (take) my

shoes off.

416. What …………………………... (you/plan) to do this summer?

417. We …………………………... (watch) television every night.

418. Larry …………………………... (visit) London every year in July.

419. It’s 7:00 in the morning. Detective Brown …………………... (get up) now.

420. Mark …………………………... (sleep) late today.

421. They …………………………... (eat) lunch at this very moment.

422. Listen! The phone …………………………... (ring).

423. Melissa seldom …………………………... (have) sweets in the evening.

424. Wood ……………………... (float) but iron ………………………... (not).

425. Bruce ……………………….. (open) the window. The window is still open.

426. He …………………………... (come) to Madrid an hour ago.

427. While Peggy was going along the street, she …………………………...

(meet) Pamela.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 108

428. When the children came back from school, she …………………………...

(already/cook) lunch.

429. Tomorrow …………………………... (be) Monday.

430. We …………………………... (never do) that again.

431. The population of the world …………………………... (rise) very fast.

432. He’s still ill but he …………………………... (get) better slowly.

433. “You ……………………….. (work) hard today”. – ‘Yes, I have a lot to do’.

434. What …………………………... (this word/mean)?

435. The Earth …………………………... (go) round the sun.

436. Nurses …………………………... (look after) patients in hospitals.

437. Water …………………….. (not boil) at less than 100 degrees centigrade.

438. Carpenters …………………………... (make) things from wood.

439. This machine …………………….. (not work). It hasn’t worked for years.

440. Most people …………………….. (learn) to swim when they are children.

441. My parents …………………………... (live) in London. They have been

there for 20 years.

442. That machine …………………….. (not work). It broke down this morning.

443. ‘What …………………………... (you/do) tomorrow morning?’ – ‘I

…………………………... (go) to the theatre with my mother’.

444. I can’t go with you, my sister ……………………….... (come) to lunch on


445. Alex …………………………... (get married) next month.

446. What time …………………………... (the film/start) this evening?

447. Next Saturday, the train ………………………... (leave) Plymouth at 10.30

and …………………………... (arrive) in London at 13.45.

448. We …………………………... (have) a party next Saturday. Would you

like to come?

449. ‘There’s a film on television tonight. …………………………... (you/watch)

it?’ – ‘No, I’m too tired’.

450. The sky is full of black clouds. It …………………………... (rain).

451. There’s a hole in the bottom of the boat. It is filling up with water very

quickly. It …………………………... (sink).

452. I feel a bit hungry. I think I ……………………….. (have) something to eat.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 109

453. I promise I …………………………... (phone) you as soon as I arrive.

454. ‘Can you clean the windows?’ – ‘OK. I …………………………... (clean)

them this afternoon’.

455. It’s cold. You decide to close the window. I think I

…………………………... (close) the window.

456. I’m sure Tom …………………………... (get) the job. He has a lot of


457. Oh, dear. It’s already 4 o’clock, we …………………………... (arrive) late

to the cinema.

458. ‘I’ve got a terrible headache’ – ‘Have you? Wait there and I

…………………………... (get) an aspirin for you’.

459. ‘The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it?’ – ‘No, it looks as

if it …………………………... (fall) down’.

460. You’ll recognise her when you see her. She …………………………...

(wear) a yellow scarf’.

461. I …………………………... (watch) television from 9 until 10 o’clock this

evening. So at 9.30 I …………………………... (watch) television.

462. ‘Is it all right if I come at about 8.30?’ – ‘No, don’t come then. I

…………………………... (study).’ – ‘Oh, well. What about 9.30? – ‘Yes, that’ll

fine. I …………………………... (finish) by then’.

463. We’re late. I expect the film …………………………... (already/start) by

the time we get to the cinema.

464. Tom is out of breath. He …………………………... (run).

465. Ann is very tired. She …………………………... (work) very hard.

466. Janet is hot and tired. She …………………………... (play) tennis.

467. We …………………………... (walk) along the road for about 20 minutes

when a car stopped and the driver offered us a lift.

468. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table and talking. Their

mouths were empty but their stomachs were full. They …………………………...


469. By next week, I …………………………... (finish) painting the garage.

470. At this time next month, I …………………………... (have) my exams.

471. By year 2015, I …………………………... (found) my own family.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 110

472. Alex ……………………….. (get) ready as he wants to go out in an hour.

473. If you …………………………... (often/see) films, try to see subtitled ones.

474. They …………………………..... (sail) along the coast when a terrible

storm appeared.

475. Yesterday evening, as soon as the wind ………………………….....

(start), they put up the sails.

476. Last Christmas, while my father …………………………..... (prepare) the

meal, we …………………………..... (decorate) the tree.

477. Yesterday evening, I …………………………..... (talk) on the phone when

my mom …………………………..... (get) home from work.

478. The Pilgrims ……………………….. (arrive) in America four centuries ago.

479. There …………………………..... (be) many technological developments

in the last years.

480. She …………………………..... (get up) late, so she was late for school.

481. I …………………………..... (be) in class since 9:30 a.m.

482. We …………………………..... (not see) each other since we were in

primary school.

483. My husband …………………………..... (not sleep) for two days.

484. His neighbour …………………………..... (play) the piano for 4 years.

485. I …………………………..... (study) German when I was at university.

486. I …………………………..... (have) a shower just after I got up.

487. I ………………………….. (never see) such a beautiful dress in all my life.

488. I …………………………..... (already/learn) the most difficult part.

489. …………………………..... (you/find) your passport yet?

490. I’m exhausted. I …………………………..... (study) for hours.

491. I …………………………..... (meet) Mike this afternoon for coffee. I’m

looking forward to it.

492. I …………………………..... (visit) Tome next month.

493. I’m sure the tickets …………………………..... (be) very cheap.

494. If the world …………………..... (change), there ……………………..... (be)

real opportunities for everyone.

495. If you looked at the sky, you …………………………..... (see) a UFO.

496. If I …………………………..... (be) rich, I could afford that trip.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 111

497. Will you switch on the computer to see if there ……………………….. (be)

any e-mails?

498. If I had known about his marks earlier, I …………………………..... (talk)

to him.

499. If I …………………………..... (lose) my job, I’d have felt depressed.

500. He got angry while they …………………………..... (laugh) at him.

501. When I …………………………..... (finish) my essay, I’ll help you.

502. I …………………………..... (lend) you the book about yoga as soon as I

read it.

503. Can I talk to you before you …………………………..... (go)?

504. Be careful! You …………………………..... (suffer) from anorexia if you

…………………………..... (stop) eating.

505. Mary always ……………..... (wash) her hair when she ………………….....

(have) a shower in the morning. Now it’s 8:30 a.m. and she

…………………………..... (wash) it.

506. Their children …………………………..... (go) to London next summer.

507. Be quiet! The baby …………………………..... (sleep) at the moment.

508. What …………………………..... (you/do) at this very moment?

509. This time next week, Jonah …………………………..... (get) married.

510. He …………………………..... (once/catch) an enormous fish in this river.

511. I’m sorry, I’m late. I hope you …………………………..... (not wait) long.

512. What …………………………..... (the kids/do)? Their clothes are wet.

513. His cheek is swollen because he .. (just/come) from the dentist.

514. My friend Louis …………………………..... (move) some weeks ago and

since then I …………………………..... (have) to look after his plants.

515. We …………………………..... (not see) you for a long time. What

…………………………..... (you/do)?

516. I …………………………......... (dig) the garden for hours and my back


517. I …………………….. (try) to play the piano years ago but I never learnt.

518. Hi, Mark! I …………………………..... (come) to see you about the car.

519. I …………………………..... (work) in the cellar when the crash happened.

520. He …………………………..... (take out) his notebook and started to write.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 112

521. Last Friday we …………………………..... (enjoy) the comedy, when

suddenly the lights …………………………..... (go out).

522. I told Ann a joke. When she …………………………..... (hear) it, she

…………………………..... (begin) to laugh.

523. I …………………………..... (live) in London from 1988 to 1990, but I

…………………………..... (move) to Bath recently.

524. I ………………... (see) a nasty film last week, but I ………………………...

(not see) any film this week.

525. I first …………………………..... (meet) John when we

…………………………..... (be) at school.

526. Patricia is my best friend. We …………………………..... (know) each

other for a long time.

527. I ………………………….... (already/phone) Tom three times this morning.

528. I was late. The lecture …………………………..... (start) half an hour

before I arrived.

529. He …………………………..... (not come) even though I had invited him.

530. She apologised because she …………………………... (leave) her credit

card at home.

531. The little boy didn’t know where to go because he …………………….....

(lose) his way.

532. As soon as I turned the light on, I …………………………..... (realise)

something …………………………..... (be) missing.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 113


1. Estoy esperando al tren.

2. Tengo que regresar a la oficina. Estamos trabajando en un proyecto nuevo.

3. Estoy bastante ocupado últimamente. Estoy haciendo un master.

4. El número de coches en la carretera está aumentando.

5. La tierra se está calentando lentamente.

6. Juego al badminton con Matthew mañana.

7. Sara a menudo trabaja hasta tarde en la oficina.

8. Normalmente voy a trabajar en autobús.

9. Tengo hambre, quiero comer algo.

10. Siempre llueve cuando tengo una fiesta.

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11. Veo la televisión todos los fines de semana.

12. Por el momento viven en un piso muy pequeño.

13. Vivo en una casa con cinco dormitorios.

14. Creo que tienes razón.

15. Estoy penando el problema.

16. ¿Pasaste un buen fin de semana en París?

17. El conductor no miró a su derecha y atropelló al perro.

18. Elvis Presly murió en 1977.

19. “¿Cuándo compraste el coche?” – “Hace unos tres años”.

20. ¿Estaba Matthew esperándote cuando llegaste?

21. Estuve trabajando todo el sábado.

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22. Conducíamos de regreso a casa cuando vimos el OVNI.

23. El sol brillaba cuando llegamos a la playa.

24. Se rompió la pierna cuando esquiaba.

25. Vicky estaba teniendo un sueño precioso cuando sonó el despertador.

26. Cuando Andrew vio la pregunta, supo la respuesta inmediatamente.

27. Nos marchamos del cine antes de que acabara la película.

28. No nos gustó la comida que nos dieron.

29. Nadie me contó el cambio de planes.

30. El accidente sucedió hace dos semanas.

31. Acabamos de regresar de nuestras vacaciones.

32. Acabo de tener una idea.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 116

33. No es una fiesta divertida. La mayoría de la gente ya se ha ideo a casa.

34. Mi hermano ya ha lavado su coche.

35. Son las once y todavía no has desayunado.

36. ¿Ha comenzado tu curso ya?

37. Esas personas llevan en el hotel desde el viernes.

38. “¿Cuánto tiempo hace que George tiene esa cámara?” – “Desde el jueves”.

39. “¿Cuánto tiempo llevan Trevor y Laura casados?” – “Unos doce años”.

40. Hace años que no veo a Rachel. Desde Julio que no nos visita.

41. Acabo de recordar su teléfono.

42. Hace años que no te cortas el pelo.

43. No te has duchado desde el jueves.

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44. No hemos hecho una fiesta desde el verano pasado.

45. Me encanta esta película. Es la cuarta vez que la veo.

46. No he visto la tele esta semana por el momento.

47. Es la segunda vez que mi hermana se olvida de darme los mensajes.

48. ¿Has navegado alguna vez?

49. Nunca he comido caracoles

50. Es la primera vez que tengo novio.

51. Mark compra el periódico todas las mañanas, pero no lo ha comprado esta

mañana todavía.

52. Llevamos aquí de pie años.

53. Mi hijo lleva jugando desde las once.

54. Lleva lloviendo todo el día.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 118

55. Llevo esperando veinte minutos.

56. Natasha toca el piano desde que tenía cuatro años.

57. He estado escribiendo una redacción. Estoy cansada.

58. “¿Cuántas cartas has escrito?” – “Unas veinte”.

59. Sabía quién era. Le había visto antes.

60. Corrimos a la estación, pero el tren acababa de irse.

61. Cuando llegué al concierto no me dejaron entrar porque había olvidado

mi entrada.

62. No fui a comer con Mary porque ya había comido.

63. Llevaba siglos esperando cuando apareció mi amigo.

64. Encontré mi calculadora. Llevaba buscándola dos horas.

65. Vicky se sentía cansada porque llevaba trabajando todo el día.

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66. Cuando me senté a la mesa llevaba horas cocinando.

67. No tendré tiempo de repasar.

68. Hace frío, cerraré la ventana.

69. “¿Qué quiere tomar?” – “Tomaré un zumo de naranja, gracias”.

70. No lo he decidido todavía, pero voy a quejarme al jefe.

71. “¿Cuándo vas a pagar esa factura?” – “No lo se”.

72. Voy a estudiar mucho este trimestre.

73. Me reúno con Harriet a las seis.

74. El avión está a punto de despegar.

75. El partido comenzará a las siete y media el próximo domingo.

76. Estarás agotado antes e llegar.

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77. Necesitaré el oche cuando esté allí.

78. Podré dormir cuando llegue a casa.

79. Trabajaré con mi padre después de terminar el curso.

80. Trabajaré con mi padre después de terminar el curso.

81. Tan pronto como lo sepas, llámame.

82. Estaré trabajando desde las siete hasta las nueve.

83. A esta hora la semana que viene estaré tumbada en la playa.

84. ¿Qué estaremos haciendo dentro de diez años?

85. Cuando los hombres abandonen el edificio, los policías están


86. Trevor y Laura llevarán viviendo aquí cuatro años el próximo abril.

87. ¿Habrás leído el libro para la hora de comer?

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88. Habré ganado muchos premios antes de los veinte.

89. Hacia la hora de cenar, mi madre llevará haciendo las maletas dos


90. El partido no habrá terminado hasta medianoche.

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La voz pasiva sirve para expresar una acción cuando el sujeto es receptor de la misma, y no ejecutor como en la activa. Por lo tanto el complemento (CD;CI) de la activa será el sujeto de la pasiva. Goerge saw my sister > My sister was seen by George. En ingles se prefiere tener como sujeto a una persona, por lo tanto siempre que sea posible hay que coger el complemento de persona de la voz activa como sujeto de la voz pasiva. They‟ll give you a notebook there. > You‟ll be given a notebook there. ESTRUCTURA Afirmativa: Sujeto + tiempo verbal de TO BE + verbo en participio pasado + (by+agente) My friends are / were / will be / have been run up. Interrogativa: Tiempo simple de TO BE + sujeto + verbo en participio pasado + (by+agente)? Auxiliar + sujeto + be o been + verbo en participio pasado + (by+agente)? Is Rose invited to the party? Was Rose invited to the party? Will Rose be invited to the party?

Has Rose been invited to the party? Negativa: Sujeto + tiempo verbal de TO BE +not + verbo en participio pasado + (by+agente) Sujeto + auxiliar + not + be o been + verbo en participio pasado + (by+agente). Rose isn‟t invited to the party.

Rose won‟t be invited to the party. Rose hasn‟t been invited to the party.

El uso de la pasiva en inglés se debe subrayar muy especialmente cuando, por ausencia de un sujeto activo concreto, se debe recurrir al uso de un sujeto pasivo, y por tanto una estructura de pasiva, para expresar la acción. Este caso se resuelve en español, generalmente, con la estructura de pasiva refleja con “se”. Se vendieron muchos libros = A lot of books were sold.

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1.- Complete the table:

Tense/Verb form Active Voice Passive Voice

Simple Present See/sees Am/is/are seen

Present continuous Am/is/are seeing Am/is/are being seen

Simple Past saw Was/were seen

Present Perfect Have/has seen Have/has been seen

Future simple

Future Perfect

Conditional simple

Conditional perfect

Past Perfect

Present Infinitive To see To be seen

Perfect Participle seeing Being seen

can can see can be seen

may May see May be seen

Must Must see Must be seen

Have to Has / have to see Has / have to be seen

should Should see Should be seen

Going to Going to see Going to be seen

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 124

2.- Turn these active sentences into passive ones.

1. The natives often weave such baskets.

2. Students frequently make mistakes.

3. A doctor then examines the patient.

4. Two boys found the missing bag.

5. The teacher reprimanded the boy severely.

6. A great artist painted this picture.

7. Some mean thieves stole the old man’s savings.

8. Our friends are making special preparations.

9. They are preparing the meal now.

10. Warships are shelling the harbour.

11. The specialists are examining the new specimen.

12. The cook was roasting the meat.

13. They were making food progress.

14. Tom and Harry were carrying the suitcases.

15. A special messenger has brought a letter.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 125

16. They have forgotten the incident.

17. Some workmen have removed the sacks.

18. I will supervise the whole this personally.

19. They will handle the goods with care.

20. They will certainly forgive you.

21. The men had done nothing; the women had done all the work.

22. After they had mended the burst pipe, they went home.

23. They do not sell such things any longer.

24. You must all write this essay.

25. They should fry the fish.

26. They new teacher gave us a lesson this morning.

27. Mr Smith has just told me a good story.

28. A distinguished surgeon will operate on him.

29. My friend George has lent me a hundred pounds.

30. They made him do all the work.

31. The bus ran over the unfortunate pedestrian.

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32. Who made that mistake?

33. What did he tell you?

34. His father has left him a lot of money.

35. The magician turned the judge into a parrot.

36. The gardener has planted some trees.

37. Dr. Brown will give you some advice.

38. A famous designer will redecorate the hotel.

39. Steven Spielberg directed “E.T”

40. Someone has broken the crystal vase.

41. His parents have brought him up to be polite.

42. Fleming discovered penicillin.

43. They will advertise the product on television.

44. Someone is remarking that film.

45. You must leave the bathroom tidy.

46. You should water this plant daily.

47. Our neighbour ought to paint the garage.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 127

48. I have to return these books to the library.

49. He gave me a present.

50. The waiter will bring us the bill.

51. The Queen presented him with a medal.

52. Her mother bought Mary some sweets.

53. Bob has sold Ted a second-hand car.

54. Larry is going to send a letter to Tom.

55. Someone is helping me with the housework.

56. A pickpocket robbed me.

57. You must extinguish your cigarettes.

58. The mail-order company sent Mrs Green a parcel.

59. You must dry-clean this shirt.

60. Someone will pay you within the next few days.

61. You can improve your health with more exercise.

62. A dog is chasing the child.

63. My friend sent me an invitation.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 128

64. The cleaner had been cleaning the kitchen all day.

65. The farmer will have built the barn by next Monday.

66. The secretary has given Mrs Jones some letters.

67. The traffic warden had already given him a ticket for illegal parking.

68. People must obey the law.

69. Someone had broken our door down.

70. They should have chosen him as the best actor of the year.

71. I was at school when they were building these houses.

72. Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.

73. The criminals are holding me hostage.

74. They were rescuing the passengers at 9 o’clock.

75. She’s not going to eat the apples.

76. They will shoot the new Harry Potter film in Brazil.

77. Are they painting their bathroom again?

78. They’ll leave the milk on our doorstep.

79. Was everyone watching the match?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 129

80. Pavarotti is going to sing a beautiful aria tonight.

81. They are printing the report for the next meeting.

82. You must type the letters before 5 o’clock.

83. They have cleaned all the windows this week.

84. Someone has stolen some money from Tom’s pocket.

85. He had repaired my central heating by November.

86. You have to brush your teeth three times a day.

87. You can see these mountains from a great distance.

88. They asked John a lot of difficult questions.

89. They gave some flowers to Mary.

90. They offered Jane a wonderful job.

91. He will give all the children a present.

92. Somebody sent me a strange letter.

93. Her parents have promised Ann a bike.

94. Your manager must have written the report.

95. A woman has been training the guard dog.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 130

96. People of all ages can play this game.

97. A meteorite destroyed the dinosaurs.

98. My parents promised me a new computer.

99. She took pictures of the disaster for a Spanish newspaper.

100. He couldn’t buy these diamonds.

101. I’m going to design a new type of chair.

102. Someone sent my picture to the newspaper.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 131

REPORTED SPEECH. STATEMENTS AND QUESTIONS Se debe recurrir al estilo indirecto cuando hay que referir lo que alguien ha dicho y no se quieren repetir las palabras textuales empleadas. Datos y cambios que se producen: 1.- Si el verbo introductorio va en presente, no hay cambio en el tiempo verbal, aunque sí cambia un come por un go natural.

Rose says, „I‟m here but I can‟t see the ballpen‟.

Rose says (that) she is there but she can‟t see the ballpen.

2.- Si el verbo introductorio está en pasado, hay que cambiar el tiempo y realizar el resto de los cambios.

Direct speech Reported speech

Simple present Present continuous Simple past Past continuous Future Present perfect Past perfect Future perfect Conditional Conditional perfect Can Must May Could Might Will Shall Would Should This These Here Now Ago Today Tonight Tomorrow Yesterday The day before yesterday Next week/month/year Last week/month/year

Simple past Past continuous Past perfect Past perfect continuous Conditional Past perfect Past perfect Perfect conditional Conditional Conditional perfect Could Had to / must (suposición) Might Could Might Would Should Would Should That Those There Then Before That night That night The following day / the next day The day before yesterday Two days before The following week/ month/… The previous week/month/..

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 132

3.- En el único caso en el que no se producen cambios en el tiempo verbal con el verbo introductorio en pasado, es cuando se refieren verdades aún vigentes: Copernico said that the Earth goes round the sun. 4.- Una aseveración, bien afirmativa o negativa, en la que el verbo introductorio es say, y cuya conjunción en estilo indirecto es that, expresa o elíptica. Linda said to me: „I don‟t like your dress‟. My mother told me (that) she didn‟t like my dress.

5.- Una pregunta del tipo Yes/NO, bien afirmativa o negativa, en la que el verbo introductorio es ask, want to know, wonder, etc., y cuya conjunción en estilo indirecto es if/whether, sin posibilidad de suprimirse. Charles asked, „Aren‟t my shoes here?‟ Charles asked if / whether his shoes weren‟t there.

6.- Una pregunta del tipo Wh-, con un verbo introductorio ask, want to know, etc. y con la forma wh- en la función de la conjunción en el estilo indirecto. His aunt asked, „When is he coming?‟

His aunt asked when he was coming. 7.- Un imperativo, bien afirmativo o negativo, en el que el verbo introductorio es say en el estilo directo y que cambia a tell en el indirecto, además de producirse la transformación de ese imperativo en estructura de acusativo-infinitivo al pasar a estilo indirecto.

The teacher said to us, „Study harder and don‟t waste your time‟. The teacher told us to study harder and not to waste our time.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 133


1. 'I'll go to London', she said.

She said ............................................................................................................

2. 'I can't drive', he said.

He told me ........................................................................................................

3. 'What time does the film start?', Mary asked.

Mary asked .......................................................................................................

4. 'I'll never speak to him again', Anna promised.

Anna promised ....................................................................................................

5. 'My dad is watching TV now', the boy said.

The boy told me ....................................................................................................

6. 'He has just left', she said.

She said ..............................................................................................................

7. 'He left an hour ago', the secretary said.

The secretary said ..............................................................................................

8. 'He'll be back in an hour', she said.

She told me .........................................................................................................

9. 'I've been typing since morning', she said.

She said ..............................................................................................................

10. 'I had a brilliant time', Mr Jones said.

Mr Jones said .......................................................................................................

11. 'I didn't like the food', Jimmy said.

Jimmy said ...........................................................................................................

12. 'The waiters were very rude', my grandmother said.

My grandmother told my father ............................................................................

13. 'How old is Mark?', Anna asked.

Anna asked me ....................................................................................................

14. 'Where's the main tourist office?', they boy asked.

The boy asked the tour guide ..............................................................................

15. 'Did you find my suitcase?', the old man asked.

The old man asked the receptionist .....................................................................

16. 'What are we going to do today?', the woman asked.

The woman wanted to know ................................................................................

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 134

17. 'What time do we leave tomorrow?', the students asked.

The students wanted to know...............................................................................

18. 'What time do the shops close?', the young boy asked.

The young boy asked ...........................................................................................

19. 'When is breakfast served in the hotel?', she asked.

She asked ............................................................................................................

20. 'Is there a shopping centre near here?', he asked.

He asked .............................................................................................................

21. 'Do you know where the nearest bank is?', the old lady asked.

The old lady asked Mary.......................................................................................

22. 'Did you have a nice time?, my friend asked.

My friend asked me ............................................................................................

23. “Mary works in a bank”, Jane said.

Jane said ……………………………………………………………………………

24. ‘I’m staying with some friends’, Jim said.

Jim said . ……………………………………………………………………………

25. ‘I’ve never been to Russia’, Mike said.

Mike said ……………………………………………………………………………

26. ‘Tom can’t use a computer’, Ella said.

Ella said ……………………………………………………………………………….

27. ‘Everybody must try to do their best’, Jill said.

Jill said …………………………………………………………………………………

28. ‘Jane may move to a new flat’, Rachel said.

Rachel said ……………………………………………………………………………

29. ‘I’ll be late’, Norman said to Rosa.

Norman told ……………………………………………………………………………

30. ‘I like your paintings’, Rosa said to Norman.

Rosa told ……………………………………………………………………………….

31. ‘I like this film’, You said to me.

You told …………………………………………………………………………………

32. ‘I’m leaving soon’, She said to Bill.

She told . ……………………………………………………………………………….

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 135

33. ‘Rosa, I love you’, Norman said.

Norman told …………………………………………………………………………….

34. ‘You can rely on me, Tom’, Anna said.

Anna told Tom …………………………………………………………………………

35. ‘Jane, you have been very kind’, Susan said.

Susan told ……………………………………………………………………………..

36. ‘I’ll help you with your homework, Angela’, Christina said.

Christina told ………………………………………………………………………….

37. ‘Are they English?’, Albert asked.

Albert asked ……………………………………………………………………………

38. ‘Where does Ann live?’, Alice asked.

Alice asked ……………………………………………………………………………

39. ‘Is that the museum?’, Kim wondered.

Kim wondered …………………………………………………………………………

40. ‘Have you enjoyed the concert?’, Alan asked her.

Alan asked her ……………………………………………………………………….

41. ‘When did you last go shopping?’, Elaine asked me.

Elaine asked me ………………………………………………………………………

42. ‘Can you swim?’, Robert asked me.

Robert wanted to know ………………………………………………………………

43. ‘Where has Maria gone?’, He asked.

He asked ……………………………………………………………………………

44. ‘Does Tim often play football?’, I asked.

I asked ………………………………………………………………………………

45. ‘How much money will I need?’, I asked.

I wanted to know ……………………………………………………………………

46. ‘How long have you been out of prison?’, I asked him.

I asked him …………………………………………………………………………

47. ‘I left prison six months ago’, He answered.

He answered …………………………………………………………………………

48. ‘Have you worked since then?’, I asked.

I asked him ……………………………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 136

49. ‘I haven’t found a job yet’, he replied.

He replied ……………………………………………………………………………

50. ‘Does your sister give you money?’, I asked.

I asked Julian ………………………………………………………………………

51. ‘Who else gives you money?’, She asked.

She asked me ………………………………………………………………………

52. ‘How long have you known Steven?’, He asked.

He wanted to know …………………………………………………………………

53. ‘Please wait a minute, Tom’, Sarah asked.

Sarah asked Tom ……………………………………………………………………

54. ‘Stand up, Mel’, The teacher ordered.

The teacher ordered Mel ……………………………………………………………

55. ‘Revise before your exams’, The teacher warned her students.

The teacher warned her students ……………………………………………………

56. ‘Make some coffee please, Bob’, Carol asked.

Carol asked ……………………………………………………………………………

57. ‘Remember to buy a map, Ann’, He reminded.

He reminded Ann ……………………………………………………………………

58. ‘Keep all the windows closed, Bill’, They warned.

They warned ……………………………………………………………………………

59. ‘Remember to phone Sally’, I reminded John.

I reminded John. ………………………………………………………………………

60. ‘Please play the guitar, Tom’, Jane said.

Jane tried to persuade Tom …………………………………………………………

61. ‘Children, stay away from the water’, Their mother said.

Their mother warned her children ……………………………………………………

62. ‘Don’t drive too fast John’, I told him.

I told …………………………………………………………………………………….

63. ‘Don’t close your books’, The teacher ordered.

Their teacher ordered …………………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 137


Complete the conversations. Use a, some or any.

Man: I’d like to book …….. single room, please.

Woman: I’m sorry. There aren’t ………... single rooms available tonight but

we’ve got ……………double rooms.

Man: OK. I’ll take ………….double room.

Girl: Are there ………….shops in this airport?

Boy: Over there.

Girl: Good. I want to buy ……………chocolate.

Man: I’m going to the shops to get ……………..bread for breakfast. Do we need


Woman: We don’t need …………..milk but we need ………….coffee.

Boy: Would you like to go to the concert at the city hall tonight?

Girl: Yes, but I haven’t got …………..ticket, and I haven’t got ………….money.

Boy: Don’t worry. I can give you …………….money.

Complete this e-mail. Use much, many, a few, a little, or a lot of.

Dear Philippe,

How are you? I don’t have ……………free time now because I’m working on a

check-in desk at the airport. I see ………….…..people but I don’t have

…………….time to talk to them of course because I’m looking at their bags and

their tickets. Some people only have …………………luggage and some have

six suitcases! I don’t earn …………… but I enjoy it. I don’t get

…………….weekends off –only one a month usually but I’m free on Mondays

and Tuesdays. That’s good because the gym is quiet on Monday mornings –

there are only ………………..people there and there aren’t ………………….cars

on the road so I’m happy. See you soon.


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 138

Writing Part 1. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same

as the first, using no more than three words.

1. The ring I bought was more expensive than the others in the shop.

I bought ………………..……………………………….ring in the shop.

2. The moon is smaller than the earth.

The moon is not ……………………………………….… the earth.

3. My brother is smaller than all the other boys in his class.

My brother is the ……………………………………… his class.

4. Sailing is less tiring than windsurfing.

Sailing is not ………………………………..………….windsurfing.

5. Children are given a quiz when they arrive at the museum.

The museum ………………………children a quiz when they arrive.

6. I am driven to college every day by my sister.

My sister ………………………………..……me to college every day.

7. It is necessary for all students to sign the register every morning.

All students ……………………………………………………………….

8. You are not allowed to have visitors after 11 pm.

You …………………………………………………………………………

9. The kitchen has got microwave ovens for students to use.

There ………………………………………………………………………

10. I have never lived in a flat before.

This is the first time ……………………………………..…… in a flat.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 139

11. My new flat is near the station.

My new flat is not …………………………….……………the station.

12. The flat is bigger than my old one.

The flat is not ………………………………..…………….my old one.

13. I moved into this flat two weeks ago.

I ……………………………………………….in this flat for two weeks.

14. The flat has two bedrooms.

There ………………………………………………..……….in the flat.

15.From my window, I have a lovely view.

From my window, the view …………………………………………

16.- From this flat, my journey to work is very short.

I get to work very ………………………………….from this flat.

17. The customer said, “Please show me some jackets”.

The customer asked the shop assistant …………………………..

18. The businesswoman said, “Leave my office immediately”.

The businesswoman told the visitors ……………………………..

19. She said, “Please lend me some money, Clive”.

She asked Clive …………………………………………………….

20. I said, “Please don’t touch my motorbike, Alan”

I asked Alan …………………………………………………………

21. He said “ I always tell the truth”.

He said ………………………………………………………………..

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 140

22. “I didn’t feel frightened”, said the boy.

The boy said …………………………………………………………..

23. The teacher said, “I have never heard any strange noises”.

The teacher said ………………………………………………………

24. “I saw a strange light in the garden”, said the policeman.

The policeman said ………………………………………………….

25. “I sometimes watch videos with my friends”, said Joanna.

Joanna said …………………………………………………………..

26. $20 million was given by a local millionaire to build a new sports stadium.

A local millionaire …………………….to build a new sports stadium.

27. The old sports stadium wasn’t big enough.

The old sports stadium was ……………………………………………..

28. The stadium was opened by a famous footballer.

A famous footballer ………………………………………………………

29. My friend told me that the stadium was much better than the old one.

My friend said “The stadium ………………………than the old one”.

30. A friend of mine had a seat in the front row.

One …………………………………….had a seat in the front row.

31. My sister said, “do you want a lift to town?”

My sister asked me …………………………………………………….

32. My father said, “Where did you buy your new jacket?”

My father asked …………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 141

33. We said, “What time does the last bus leave?”

We asked …………………………………………………………………

34. We said, “Have you seen the film?”

We asked …………………………………………………………………

35. He said, “Are the girls going out?”

He asked …………………………………………………………………..

36. We’ll go to the beach tomorrow unless it rains.

We’ll go to the beach tomorrow …………………………………………

37. Bill asked me if I wanted to come to his party.

Bill said, “…………………………………………………………….?”

38. Bill last had a party two years ago.

Bill hasn’t …………………………………………………………………..

39. Billy is two days older than me.

I am two ……………………………………………………………………

40. Billy was given a present by everyone.

Everyone ………………………………………………………………….

41. The flat was too small for so many people.

The flat wasn’t …………………………………………………………

42. If I don’t go home soon, I’ll be tired tomorrow.

Unless ………………………………………., I’ll be tired tomorrow.

43. My brother is fitter than me.

I’m ………………………………………….as my brother.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 142

44. I received several postcards from him.

He …………………………………several postcards.

Write sentences with TOO or ENOUGH.

1. I’ve only got €30 so I can’t buy the computer game I want because it is

too …………………….

2. You’ve grown very tall. Those trousers aren’t …………………

3. You’ve grown very tall. Those trousers are …………………..

4. I don’t want a big dinner. I’m not …………………………..

5. Mauro can’t drive yet. He’s only 15 so he isn’t ………………..

6. Mauro can’t drive yet. He’s only 15, he is……………………..

7. I don’t like skiing. It’s too ……………………….

8. I can’t finish this book. It’s too …………………

9. We can’t take all this luggage because our car boot isn’t


10. Sandra can’t lift her suitcase because it’s too ……………..

11. Sandra can’t lift her suitcase because she isn’t ………………..

12. I can’t read your handwriting because it’s too …………………..

13. I won’t swim in the sea today. The water isn’t ………………..

14. I won’t swim in the sea today. The water is ……………………

Join the two sentences with SO or SUCH.

1. We arrived late. I missed the plane.

We arrived so ………………………………………………………….

2. There was a long queue. I decided to come back later.

There was ……………………………………………………………..

3. The TV programme was boring. I switched it off.

The TV programme …………………………………………………..

It was …………………………………………………………………..

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 143

4. My boyfriend drives quickly. He frightens me.

My boyfriend drives …………………………………………………..

5. She has long hair. It takes hours to dry.

She has ………………………………………………………………..

He hair …………………………………………………………………..

6. The weather was cold. I wore two pair of socks.

The weather was ……………………………………………………….

It was ……………………………………………………………………..

7. The Far Planet is a good film. I want to see it again.

The Far Planet …………………………………………………………..

8. The food was disgusting. I couldn’t eat it.

The food ………………………………………………………………….

It was ……………………………………………………………………..

9. We have an old car. It often breaks down.

Our car is …………………………………………………………………

We have ………………………………………………………………….

10. The cup of coffee is strong. I can’t drink it.

The cup of coffee is …………………………………………………….

It is ………………………………………………………………………..

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 144



* Rewrite these sentences starting with the word(s) given:

1.- I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.

It’s years ………………………………………………………………………

2.- I haven’t studied Maths since I left school.

The last ………………………………………………………………………

3.- How long is it since you went to the USA?

When …………………………………………………………………………..

4.- She hasn’t eaten snails before.

It’s ………………………………………………………………………………

5.- Do you have anything fixed for Saturday evening?

What are ……………………………………………………………………….

6.- During dinner the phone rang.

While I …………………………………………………………………………..

7.- Hurry up! We’ll get to the theatre after the beginning of the play.

By the time we get to the theatre, the play ………………………………….

8.- There’s a party at Mary’s house next week.

Next week Mary ………………………………………………………………..

9.- He started working here six months ago.

How long ………………………………………………………………………?

10.- I haven’t seen my parents for a year.

The ………………………………………………………………………………

11.- David went home before we arrived.

When …………………………………………………………………………….

12.- I haven’t finished the book yet.

I am ………………………………………………………………………………

13.- Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.

Look at those black clouds. It …………………………………………………

14.- She took up piano five years ago.

She has …………………………………………………………………………

15.- They have never been to the opera before.

This is ……………………………………………………………………………

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 145

*Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

Use the word in parentheses and other words. Use between two and five words.

1.- I started working here 30 years ago, and I’m still working here. (here)

I’ve ………………………………….…………………………………30 years.

2.- She hasn’t spoken to her brother-in-law for ages. (spoke)

It’s ………………………………….…………………….to her brother-in-law.

3.- The last time I had my car serviced was February. (since)

I haven’t ………………………………..…………………………… February.

4.- the baby started crying at 8 o’clock this morning, and it still hasn’t stopped.


The baby …………………………………………….. 8 o’clock this morning.

5.- Five years have passed since our wedding day. (married)

We …………………………………………………………………. five years.

6.- It has been a long time since I went sailing. (not)

I ……………………………………………………….…………. a long time.

7.- We moved to this city sixteen years ago. (in)

We have been ……………………………………………….sixteen years.

8.- When they opened the new sports centre I started training every day. (been)

I have …………………..……………………….they opened the new sports


9.- The last time Sally saw her parents was 1994. (seen)

Sally has ………………………………………………………………. 1994.

10.- You haven’t bought me a meal for ages. (since)

It’s ………………………………………………………………….me a meal.

11.- Barry was very excited because it was his first time on television. (never)

Barry ………………………………………before, so he was very excited.

12.- The children ran over the bridge to see the fire engine, but it was no longer

there. (had)

The fire engine …………………………………….. time the children ran over the


13.- He looked familiar to me, but in fact he was a complete stranger. (met)

Although he looked familiar to me, I ………………………………….before.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 146

14.- After they had the contract read by a lawyer, they signed it. (before)

They had the contract read by a lawyer ………….………………………

15.- Staying in a five-star hotel was a new experience for us. (stayed)

We ………………………………………………….in a five-star hotel before.

16.- They arrived at the cinema just in time to see ‘The End’ come up on the

screen. (just)

The film ……………………………………………… by the time they arrived at the


17.- He had to write over 50 letters to get an interview. (had)

He got an interview only after …………………………………..over 50 letters.

18.- She left the office after running off all the lights. (turned)

After ………………………………………… all the lights, she left the office.

19.- When we arrived at the house, Dan had just left. (soon)

Dan left the house and ……………………….………………………… after.

20.- I checked that I had my passport with me before I left for the airport. (after)

I left for the airport ……………………………………….. that I had my passport

with me.

21.- Simon intends to join the police force when he leaves school. (is)

When Simon leaves school ………………………………………..the police force.

22.- He is such a bad driver that he is almost certain to have an accident soon.


I think………………………………………………… an accident soon, because he

is such a bad driver.

23.- The departure time for the train is 8.35. (at)

The train ………………………………………………………… 8.35.

24.- I have arranged to meet my bank manager in the near future. (am)

I ……………………………………………………………………… soon.

25.- They say that if the cows are lying down, rain will soon follow. (is)

They say that if the cows are lying down, it means that …………………..

…………………….. rain.

26.- What do you intend to do with all that money? (are)

What …………………………………………….with all that money?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 147

28.- We have not arranged to do anything in particular this weekend. (are)

We ……………………………………………anything in particular this weekend.

29.- I do not intend to help him, even if he pays me. (am)

Even if he pays me, I ……………………………….…………………….him.

30.- The film is scheduled to begin at four o’clock. (not)

The film ………………………………………………………until four o’clock.

31.- Sam met his wife during a tour of the Lake District. (going)

While …………………………………………….………. Jack met his wife.

32.- The thieves escaped before the police arrived. (had)

By the time ………………………………………………………….escaped.

33.- How long has David been working in your office? (start)

When ………………………………………………………….in your office?

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 148

CLASS BOOK: Vocabulary and Translation

Ready for PET (Preliminary English Test). By Nick Kenny and Anne Kelly. MacMillan 2007

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 149


Personal factfile

To be good at

To be interested in


To run a course

Block capitals


To attend (a class, a meeting)

To boil

To brush

To clean

To comb

To dial

To dust

To iron

To miss (a bus, class,etc.)

To tidy

To tie

To wash up

To do the washing-up

Thanks for + V-ing/noun/pronoun

To ask someone to do something for you

To feel about

To agree / to disagree

Agreement /disagreement

To suggest

Science, scientist

Philosophy, philosopher

In fact

To allow

Thanks to

To look at

ACTIVITIES (Remember: the verb

always in gerund)

Watching sports, watersports, dancing,

driving, playing sports, collecting things,

learning things, keep-fit exercises,

computer games, playing a musical

instrument, making things, surfing the

Internet, windsurfing


1. to hand in (books, homework)

2. to join in (game)

3. to plug in (light, radio)

4. to put away (books, game,

homework, make-up, socks, umbrella)

5. to put on (light, make-up,

music, radio, socks)

6. to put up (umbrella)

7. to take off (make-up, socks)

8. to turn on (light, music, radio)

9. to turn up (light, music, radio)

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 150


To hand in> vt.sep (presentar, entregar) = hand over

To join in> vt insep (juntar, unir, inscribirse, afiliarse, reunirse)

To plug in> vt. (enchufar)

To put away> vt sep ( poner en su lugar, devorar, sacrificar a un animal,

confinar en un manicomio).

To put on> vt sep ( ponerse ropa, encender, engordar, pintarse)

To put up> vt sep (levantar, alzar, construir, alojar, aumentar, subir precios)

To take off> (1) vi (despegar un avión) (2) vt sep (quitarse ropa, descontar,

rebajar, imitar,

To turn on> vt sep (encender); vt insep (atacar)

To turn up> (1) vi (llegar, venir, aparecer, ocurrir, surgir), (2) vt sep (subirse el

cuello del abrigo, hacer ver una carta, descubrir, encontrar, poner más fuerte)

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 151


To talk to

Long, length

Let’s start by + V-ing

To be useful for

To be good for

To sign, signature, signed

On request

Heavy fines

To take care

To take care of (phrasal) = to look

after (phrasal)

To borrow

To look for (phrasal)

To encourage

Science fiction

To hold someone’s attention

To be interested in


Mystery, mysterious


Excitement, exciting

To aim at

To chase, a chase

To ask for (phrasal)

Thrilling, thriller

Realistic, reality

Amusing, to amuse, amusement

Success, (un)successful,


To be delighted

To get tired of


Murder, murderer

Friend, friendless, friendship

Power, powerful

To stay alive

To set


To save

Deadly, death, to be dead, to die

To tell about

To suit, suitable, unsuitable

A bucketful

A mouthful

A spoonful

A handful

To cry out

In surprise



To take out

Wise, wisdom

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 152


1. Hace dos años que no hablo con mi amigo John.

2. ¿Qué longitud tiene el río Nilo? (two ways)

3. Comencemos buscando (use a phrasal) al asesino.

4. El cotilleo es útil para las revistas.

5. Llevo cambiando mi firma desde que aprendí a escribir.

6. Las multas costosas son buenas para los conductores.

7. Me gustó la chica que cuidó (use a phrasal) de mi hijo.

8. ¿Puedo pedirte prestado el libro de inglés?

9.Las novelas de ciencia ficción mantienen mi interés de principio a fin.

10. El autor lleva escribiendo esa novela de suspense y misterio sin pedir (use

a phrasal) ayuda desde agosto.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 153


To find out (pv)

Reception desk



To book



to pack

to arrange


to be sure of



to dive – diver





to look after (pv)

to take care of (pv)

To be famous for

To run out (pv)







to give a lift

Words to talk about holidays


Word-formation (page 21)

* Write here more words:

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 154


1. Entérese (phrasal) de cualquier información en nuestro mostrador de

recepción abierto las 24 horas.

2. Deje un mensaje en el contestador.

3. No deje su equipaje sin vigilancia en ningún momento.

4. Alguien siempre está disponible para darle información.

5. Siempre puedes esta seguro de ver ballenas y tiburones.

6. No es seguro bucear rodeado de tiburones.

7. Nuestro colegio es famoso por su cocina.

8. El agua en Madrid es segura para beber y nunca se acaba (phrasal).

9. Fuimos a darnos un baño tan pronto como llegamos al hotel.

10. Iremos de turismo cuando hayamos comido.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 155

11. Hablé mucho inglés mientras estaba de vacaciones.

12. Cuando voy de vacaciones, siempre meto en la maleta mis gafas de sol,

crema del sol y un buen libro.

13. Durante la huelga de autobuses de la próxima semana, puedo llevarte

(en mi coche) al colegio.

14. Un arquitecto ha estudiado arquitectura pero no derecho.

15. Un buen cocinero debe de estudiar cocina.

16. Si quieres pedir un trabajo, tienes que rellenar (phrasal) un formulario.

17. Mi hermano no es todavía ingeniero, lleva estudiando ingeniería sólo

cuatro años.

18. Biología es mi asignatura favorita; un día seré biólogo.

19. La compañía anunció un trabajo bien pagado. En el anuncio, decían que

tienes que ser químico.

20. La compañía de seguros logró contratar al abogado.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 156

21. Me encanta lo que hago y estoy muy orgulloso del uniforme que llevo.

22. Mi trabajo consiste en controlar el tráfico.

23. No fui bueno en el colegio. Sólo me interesaba dibujar.

24. Me gustar estar cómodo cuando trabajo, así que llevo vaqueros.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 157


What’s ….like?



To be fair-haired

To be dark-haired

To be middle-aged




Careful / careless

























To prevent someone from + V-ing

To agree / disagree

To take up (phrasal)


To advise

To develop


To encourage


To succeed

Successful / unsuccessful

Add here more vocabulary about the house: dining room, living room,

garden, ……

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 158


FACE: facial features EYES

a thin face Hazel

an oval face Beady eyes

a round face Bloodshot eyes

clean-shaven To be cross-eyed

a bloated face Crow’s feet

a chubby face Sunken eyes

freckles Bulging eyes

spots Slit eyes

blackheads Shifty eyes


wrinkles EYEBROWS

acne Arched eyebrows

a birthmark Bushy eyebrows

a double chin Thick eyebrows

a dimple

smooth-face MOUTH

a frown Full lips

a smirk Chapped lips


NOSE False teeth

A bulbous nose Front teeth

A hooked nose


A turned-up Handsome, good-looking, attractive

A pointed nose Pretty, good-looking, attractive, lovely

A pug/flat nose He’s quite a hunk

A lopside nose

A hooter / conk

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 159

BUILD Hair (cont)

To be well built A bun

Thin Lank hair

Plump Dull

Slim Greasy hair

A beer belly Fine

Strong Thick hair

Chubby Dry

Weak Shiny hair

Short Split ends

Tall Dandruff

Medium height A bob

Medium built A crew cut


HAIR A wig

blond Bald

Auburn A bald patch

grey He’s balding


To be red-haired

A brunette



Dyed hair


Short HAIR (cont)

Shoulder-length A fringe

Curly A pigtail

Wavy A ponytail

Frizzy bunches


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 160


1. Una mesa para el café es una mesa pequeña, baja que normalmente

encuentras en el salón.

2. ¿Cómo es tu habitación?

3. En mi habitación no hay muchos muebles.

4. Mis padres no quieren que ponga posters en la pared.

5. –No puedo encontrar mi calculadora. - ¿No está en tu mesilla?

6. ¿Has mirado en el armario?

7. ¿Puede decirme a qué hora sale el próximo autobús?

8. Esta es una foto de una fiesta familiar.

9. Mi novio es realmente atractivo, alegre y sabio pero es extremadamente

descuidado con su ropa.

10. Las vacas tienen una expresión realmente tonta en sus ojos.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 161

11. No soy para nada tímido, estoy seguro de mí mismo.

12. Los abuelos son comprensivos y pacientes.

13. A todo el mundo le gusta la gente honesta.

14. Esa chica tiene el cabello rizado y oscuro y una sonrisa divertida.

15. Algunos psicólogos advierten que demasiado estudio puede evitar que

un niño se desarrolle con normalidad.

16. Mi tiempo está totalmente ocupado (use a phrasal) por mi trabajo del


17. No estoy de acuerdo. Tengo muchos intereses / actividades al aire libre.

18. Ese es el profesor que es muy impaciente con sus alumnos.

19. No deberías animar a tu hijo a que entre en la universidad a una edad

tan temprana.

20. No pude encontrar un colegio adecuado para él.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 162


Changing rooms

To wrap

To giftwrap


To weigh


To pay for




To be available

Recorded message

To fill in

To look for (pv)

A range

To perform


To entertain


A dotted line



To miss

To get on (pv)

To take off (pv)




To check in

Boarding pass

To land



To catch




Upright position


* Don’t forget to write here more words you should know:

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 163


1. Sólo tienes que rellenar (phrasal) la información que falta.

2. Si no nos damos prisa, perderemos el autobús.

3. Es más barato para cuatro personas coger un taxi que ir en metro.

4. Después de facturar tu equipaje, te dan una tarjeta de embarque.

5. Alguien comprueba tu tarjeta de embarque antes de que te montes

(phrasal) en el avión.

6. El tren a Glasgow saldrá del andén número ocho.

7. El horario decía que el autobús salía a las 10.00. Llegamos a la estación

a las 9.45 para estar seguros de cogerlo.

8. El vagón restaurante está situado entre el vagón de primera y el


9. Por favor, tenga cuidado con su cabeza cuando abandone el asiento.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 164

10. Debería intentar no molestar a las personas.

11. Se sirven aperitivos fríos y calientes todo el día.

12. Para ir al viaje, tienes que reservar una plaza con un día de adelanto.

13. Este aviso te está dando información sobre qué instalaciones están


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 165














Pieces of clothing

Electrical goods



Out of order

To try on (phrasal)

To earn

To save


Credit card

To pay by

A note

A coin


To owe

To borrow

To lend

To shop

Department store


To go food shopping

To hate

Thank you for

To agree with somebody about something

To be crowded

To look for (phrasal)


To spend

To hurt


To feel about




To fill in

Add here more words about clothes. For example: Boots – coat – jacket –

pocket - ….

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 166

Write here sentences to say HELLO and GOODBYE (page 37)

Write here the adjectives we have used to describe the city and the

country (page 39).


1. Los probadores están al lado del ascensor.

2. Hay un límite en el número de piezas de ropa que puedes probarte (use

a phrasal) de una vez.

3. No gano mucho dinero en mi trabajo, pero ahorro algo cada semana

para mis vacaciones.

4. Si no tiene dinero en metálico puede pagar con tarjeta.

5. Si no metes ese billete en tu billetero, lo perderás antes de que puedas


6. Me dieron un recibo cuando compré esos libros para ti, así que puedes

ver cuánto dinero me debes.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 167

7. ¿Cuánto cobra por arreglar zapatos?

8. Quise comprar una camiseta esta mañana pero tuve que ir a comprar

comida, lo cual odio.

9. Estoy de acuerdo contigo sobre lo de comprar comida.

10. El supermercado está siempre hasta los topes y es aburrido buscar arroz o


11. Pero me encanta ir de tiendas aunque no tenga mucho dinero.

12. Suelo ir al centro comercial de mi ciudad sólo para probarme (use a

phrasal) ropa.

13. Estoy deseando (use a phrasal) recibir tu carta.

14. Me puse los zapatos nuevos para ir a una fiesta ayer noche y ahora me

duelen los pies.

15. ¡Odio llevar ropa incómoda!

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 168

16. Una gran ventaja de la ciudad es que tiene mucha vida nocturna y empleo.

17. Sí, tienes razón, pero todavía pienso que vivir en la ciudad es peligroso.

18. Una gran desventaja de vivir en la ciudad es que está muy contaminada y

es estresante.

19. Una gran ventaja del campo es que hay aire puro y tranquilidad.

20. Me temo que no estoy de acuerdo contigo porque vivir en el campo es muy


21. No te olvides de que el campo es mucho más seguro que la ciudad.

22. Pero tenemos que recordar que es más barato vivir en el campo que en la


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 169


A snack

A treat

A tin

A spoonful

A spoon

A hard-boiled egg

A mixing bowl

A fork


A knife

To pour

To take out

To stir


Orange juice

To ask for (phrasal)





to share

to organize

to argue


to allow

to give advice



to regret

top put away (phrasal)

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 170


1. first course

2. grub

3. helping

4. main course

5. portion

6. loin

7. beefburger

8. cheeseburger

9. chips

10. French fries

11. omelette

12. pancake

13. bun

14. loaf

15. gammon

16. chop

17. cutlet

18. rasher

19. rib

20. steak

21. chicken

22. duck

23. lamb

24. sausages

25. beef

26. cheese

27. cod

28. cuttlefish

29. hake

30. herring

31. mackerel

32. monkfish

33. sole

34. squid

35. trout

36. artichoke

37. asparagus

38. beetroot

39. broad bean

40. brussel sprout

41. cabbage

42. celery

43. courgette/marrow

44. French bean

45. peas

46. radish

47. carrots

48. garlic

49. mushrooms

50. tomatoes

51. leeks

52. spinach

53. apricot

54. avocado

55. cherry

56. grapefruit

57. peach

58. grapes

59. oranges

60. plums

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 171


1. Bien, voy a enseñarles cómo hacer búhos de tomate.

2. Primero, coja el cuchillo y corte los tomates por la mitad.

3. Después ponga el atún y el huevo duro en la mezcladora.

4. Entonces, utilizando un tenedor, mézclelos.

5. Cuando tenga una buena mezcla, vierta la mayonesa y la salsa de

tomate, utilizando una cuchara.

6. Tom, ¿comes fuera con frecuencia?

7. A veces salgo a comer con mi familia y otras veces voy con mis amigos.

8. ¿A qué tipo de restaurante va tu familia?

9. La comida española es mucho más interesante que la inglesa.

10. Estoy de acuerdo contigo, además no es muy cara.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 172

14. Nuestro hijo quiere su propia habitación, pero no tenemos sitio y no parece


15. Recuerdo que odiaba compartir la habitación con mi hermano mayor.

16. Mi madre siempre me está diciendo que arregle mi cuarto.

17. Soy muy desordenada, cuando me quito la ropa por la noche

simplemente las dejo donde cae.

18. Mi madre quiere que ponga todo en su sitio en el armario, pero tengo

tanta ropa que no entraría.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 173



To pollote


To breathe



To throw away


To dig up




to prevent smth/smb from


to notice

to realize

On horseback

On foot

By car, train…







To be covered in

To wonder

To be due in



To record

Write down all the weather words you know.

Write down all the animals which have appeared in this unit.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 174


1.- I listened to weather …………………… before we set out and it wasn’t

encouraging –storms with ………………… and ……………. and even snow on

the hills! Actually, it was a fine, clear day. There was ……………… on the

ground when I woke up and some …………………… over the fields, but that

soon disappeared in the warm ………………….. There were some clouds

about, but the ……………….. kept them moving and it didn’t rain. All in all, it

was a brilliant day!

2.- It was lucky we didn’t have far to walk on Saturday. I couldn’t help slipping

on the snow-covered pavements and the air was …………………….! But, really,

I like that kind of weather best. It kind of makes me feel alive –not like

…………………. days, or ………………, ……………… ones when I just want to

stay indoors, or very hot and …………………… ones which send me to sleep!

So it was a great day!

3.- You know what they say about the weather being ……………….……….?

Well, it wasn’t like that on Saturday! It was one …………………………….. after

another. Just when we thought it was going to …………………., it started

………………….. again! Still, it was quite warm, though it got …………………..

in the evening, so we didn’t really mind. I heard later there were

…………………… on the coast, so we escaped them! In spite of the weather,

we really enjoyed our day!

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 175


1. Nos hemos pasado los últimos cien años destruyendo nuestro medio


2. Las fábricas y los coches contaminan el aire que respiramos.

3. Mientras algunas personas se enriquecen, otras padecen hambruna,

pobreza y enfermedad.

4. Debemos evitar que esta situación empeore.

5. A pesar del tiempo, realmente disfrutamos del día.

6. El gorila es una criatura tímida y nada violenta.

7. Sólo se pone de pie sobre sus dos patas y se golpea el pecho si quiere

asustar a un enemigo.

8. Los gorilas son los más grandes y poderosos de todos los simios.

9. Por desgracia quedan pocos gorilas porque estamos talando los

bosques en los que viven.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 176

10. A menudo se dice que la mejor forma de ver un país es utilizar el medio

de transporte que es tradicional en ese sitio en particular.

11. Así que las personas deberían ver Argentina a caballo, Nepal a pie, y los

USA en coche.

12. Puedes pararte cuando quieras a escuchas a los pájaros o una cascada,

hablar con la gente o hacer una foto.

13. Gran Bretaña es una isla, así que ningún sitio está lejos del mar.

14. No encontrarás Sri Lanka a menos que mires un mapa del Océano


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 177


To look for (pv)

To be suitable

To fail

To get/be close to

To be frightened


To look after (pv)

To afford


To introduce



No charge




Rope bridges

To take up (pv)

To give up (pv)

To tie

To juggle







Flower pot

Watering can






In advance

To remove

To be worth + V-ing

To stop + V-ing

Write down here names of sports.

Write down words about health and sickness. For example:

Toothache, earache, earclinic, ….

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 178


1. Decide qué actividad vacacional sería la más adecuada para niños


2. Quiero llevar a mi hermano pequeño a cualquier lugar donde

pueda estar cerca de animales.

3. Ella adora escuchar relatos sobre animales, pero le dan miedo los

de verdad.

4. Estoy buscando (use a phrasal) algún lugar donde mis niños

puedan pasárselo bien con seguridad.

5. La abuelita no puede permitirse el gastar dinero en viajes.

6. Tienes que ser un buen nadador y estar de acuerdo en seguir

todas las normas de seguridad.

7. Como quiero hacerme una falda para llevar a una fiesta, necesito

tela, alfileres, tijeras y agujas.

8. Como voy a decorar mi dormitorio y poner algunos estantes,

necesito un martillo, pintura y clavos.

Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 179

9. Incluso si tuviéramos una medicina para curar cada enfermedad,

¿estaría todo el mundo en forma y sano?

10. Tengo un resfriado, dolor de garganta y fiebre alta.

11. ¡Escuche la tos tan horrible que tengo! Creo que tengo gripe.

12. Cuando me corté con el cuchillo del pan, la herida era bastante


13. Había mucha sangre así que me puse pálido.

14. Me sentí mareado y pensé que me iba a desmayar.

15. Estoy seguro de que no soy la única persona que odia ir al


16. ¿Por qué no podemos saberlas fechas de los exámenes con


17. Hace 200 años, la única cura para el dolor de muelas era quitar el


Use of Tenses 3º ESO. CEU Montepríncipe.- 180

18. Sophie piensa que merece la pena escuchar el consejo de sus


19. No merece la pena darte un baño frío si te duele la cabeza.

20. Merece la pena hacer footing si quieres mantenerte en forma.

21. Si no dejas (use a phrasal) de beber café, nunca dormirás bien.

22. Está prohibido fumar en los hospitales. (use a modal verb)

23. Una persona sorda no puede oír sin la ayuda de un audífono.

24. Tengo que tomar una pastilla tres veces al día para que mi dolor

de oídos desaparezca.

25. Ayer noche, me tomé una aspirina para que mi cabeza dejara de
