B.Organisms in or near Water



B.Organisms in or near Water. Aquatic flora. Lithrum salicaria. Lysimachia punctata. Lemna minor. Mentha aquatica. Reptiles-Terrapins. Mauremys caspica. Mauremys caspica. Trachemys scripta elegans. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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B.Organisms in or near Water

Aquatic flora

Lithrum salicaria Lysimachia punctata

Mentha aquatica

Lemna minor

Reptiles-TerrapinsMauremys caspica

Mauremys caspica

We have spotted the native Mauremys caspica terrapin (family Geoemydidae) and the alien species of the red-eared terrapin (Trachemys scripta elegans family Emydidae).

Trachemys scripta elegans

Reptiles-SnakesThe grass snake (Natrix natrix), sometimes called the ringed snake or water snake is a European non-venomous snake. It is often found near water and feeds almost exclusively on amphibians.

Birds - Waterfowl

The GreyHeron (Ardea cinerea), is a wading bird ofthe heron family

Ardeidae,native throughouttemperate Europe 

and Asia We have seen lots of ducks and the (Anatidae family) 

Anser anser Anas platyrynchos


Potamo potamios

Daphia sp.

Kingdom Monera (Bacteria)

We found bacteria from our water samples growing on our petri dish growth medium (agar).

Protists - Green algae


Insect larvae – Genus : Chironomids

Chironomidae family are mosquito-like insects that inhabit nearly every stream or creek. They are the most widely dispersed aquatic insect genera. In many lakes and slower streams huge populations of these insects make them the most prolific food source for fish. Chironomidae are important as indicator organisms, i.e., the presence, absence, or quantities of various species in a body of water can indicate whether pollutants are present. Large numbers of pollution-tolerant chironomids are often indicative of poor water quality (characterized by low dissolved oxygen and high nutrient concentrations). These species have a substance similar to haemoglobin in their blood which allows them to survive in places where the oxygen has become depleted.
