Botanical assessment of Farm 627/1 Location and Topography:...


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Botanical assessment of Farm 627/1

Location and Topography: Farm 627 portion 1 is located on the South-South-East facing slopes of the Klein River Mountains, ± 8km east of Stanford. It occupies an area of 246ha and reaches a maximum altitude of 575m at the ridge of the Klein River Mountain range on the northernmost corner of the farm; the southern corner descends to 40m. The annual rainfall is around 600–800mm per annum and falls predominantly during the winter months; this is supplemented by condensation from moisture-laden clouds on the upper mountain ridges during the drier months. Thus far about 3ha of the property had been transformed prior to the current owner in the process of building dwellings, sheds, and roads, along with adjacent areas that have been disturbed as part of the building process. None of the property is under commercial cultivation. Vegetation classification: The whole farm is found in a region classified as a Critical Biodiversity Area by the Overstrand EMF. The underlying rock is all part of the Table Mountain Group comprising quartzites and shales. Over 90% of the area is fynbos vegetation classified as Overberg Sandstone Fynbos (see Figure 1). It is found in poor acidic sandy soils derived from the hard quartzitic rocks of the Peninsula and Nardouw Formations and comprises mainly ericoid fynbos, with proteoid fynbos on the lower slopes; there are small patches of restioid fynbos. In the northern region of the farm, there is an East-West valley formed from erosion of Cederberg Shales. The vegetation here is classified as Western Coastal Shale Band Vegetation and comprises mainly proteoid fynbos. Along the extreme southern border of the farm, there is transitional fynbos on ferricrete derived soils but there is no true Elim Ferricrete Fynbos. The Klein River Mountain range is home to a number of endemic or near endemic species. A few of these occur on the reserve such as Lachenalia peersii, Leucospermum gracile and Sonderothamnus speciosus. Figure 1: Vegetation types found on Farm 627/1. Purple is Overberg Sandstone Fynbos, Brown is Western Coastal Shale Band Vegetation, Grey is Elim Ferricrete Fynbos.


Alien plants occur throughout the vegetation but are dense only in a few localities. Acacia saligna forms dense stands in the south-west corner. This has previously been cleared but regrowth is dense. Hakea gibbosa, Hakea sericea and Pinus pinaster, along with scattered Acacia saligna, are common in the south-east corner of the property. Paraserianthes lophantha is found along the streamlines in both these locations. Along the Cederberg Shales, Hakea gibbosa and Hakea sericea are particularly common as well as the occasional Pinus pinaster. Along the southern border the neighbouring properties have dense stands of Acacia saligna, Hakea gibbosa, Hakea sericea and Pinus. These will provide a constant source of new material for invasion and it will be require an ongoing programme to keep the property in as good a state as it currently is. Botanical assessment: Over the course of a year a continuing survey of the plants on the reserve has been made. A list of all species 325 found on the reserve to date can be found in Table 1. Eighteen species are on the Redlist of which 1 is Endangered, 6 are Vulnerable, 9 are Near Threatened and 2 are Rare. In the proposed site development plan for Portion 1 of Farm 627 four activities will result in removal of vegetation. These are the vegetable garden, the nursery, the walkways and the mountain hut. The first three are in close proximity to one another on the lower slopes around the current buildings, the mountain hut is at a much higher altitude (± 400m) towards the northern boundary. The vegetation type for all the sites is classed as Overberg Sandstone Fynbos. However, in a broad scale mapping of the area, the mountain hut appears as though it is in the Western Coastal Shale Band Vegetation. On site inspection shows that the underlying rock is displaced in this area due to a geological fault and that the mountain hut is on a quartzitic rock outcrop of the Peninsula Formation. Furthermore, this is supported by the vegetation in the area which is typical of Overberg Sandstone Fynbos. The lower three site areas have very similar flora, dominated by ericoid fynbos with scattering of proteoid and restioid species. The area of the vegetable garden has previously been cut as a firebreak. This has taken out many reseeding species of Protea and Erica, but increased evidence of the geophyte flora. The other two areas are rather senescent ericoid fynbos that has clearly not burnt in many years. There is evidence of old plants such Phaenocoma prolifera and Protea repens that have come to the end of their natural life and would need a fire to regenerate. This is unlikely to happen due to the proximity of buildings and the need to maintain firebreaks. Within these 3 sites there are five species listed on the Redlist. Four are listed as Near Threatened: Aulax umbellata, Ixia micrandra, Merciera leptoloba, and Protea scabra. One is listed as Vulnerable: Protea longifolia. All these species are common on the reserve outside the development areas and would then be conserved as part of the future business plan. Protea longifolia is represented by about 6 plants in the area of the nursery. The population on the whole of the farm is estimated to be at least 1000 plants, so this represents less than 1% of the population. Furthermore, these plants are already senescent and likely to naturally die in a few years. As the plants are in an area that would need to be cut as a firebreak regardless, development of the site will have no effect on the population as whole – the rest of which would then be conserved. The area that would be cleared as part of the mountain hut footprint has no species listed on the Redlist. The plants that are cleared in these areas will be used as far as possible in rehabilitation of other areas on the farm or in the nursery. Most geophytic plants and some woody and herbaceous plants can be replanted in other previously disturbed areas such as the scar, around the cottages or along the roads. Any seed produced will be collected from the plants prior to removal and used for propagation material in the nursery. It might also be possible to use other vegetative plant material as a source of cuttings for the nursery. Plants raised in the nursery from rescued material will be


used for rehabilitation and landscaping around the development. The time of the year that clearance happens will affect the availability and feasibility of any of these proposed mitigative measures. Vegetation not removed by the development will be conserved. While 86% of Overberg Sandstone Fynbos still remains, very little (6%) is under formal conservation. The greatest risk to this type of vegetation is invasion by alien species, which requires ongoing conservation efforts to control. Approval of the development of the site would enable almost 207ha of this vegetation type to be conserved, with a further 36ha of alien infestation to be restored. An ongoing programme to remove alien vegetation from the property is part of the development plan. Without the proposed development to provide a source of income, management of alien vegetation will not be possible. Table 1. A list of species identified to date on Farm 627/1

Family Species

Red List category (other than LC or DDT)


Carpobrotus edulis

Erepsia anceps

Erepsia inclaudens

Oscularia deltoides

Ruschia tenella

Scopelogena verruculata

Skiatophytum tripolium Vu


Agapanthus africanus

Cyrtanthus leucanthus En

Haemanthus coccineus

Haemanthus sanguineus

Nerine sarniensis


Searsia angustifolia

Searsia cuneifolia

Searsia laevigata

Searsia lucida


Arctopus echinatus

Centella macrocarpa

Centella tridentata

Itasina filifolia


Gomphocarpus cancellatus

Microloma tenuifolium


Zantedeschia aethiopica



Asparagus rubicundus

Drimia exuviata

Drimia filifolia

Drimia media

Drimia salteri

Drimia dregei

Lachenalia orchioides

Lachenalia peersii Vu

Lachenalia rosea

Ornithogalum juncifolium


Bulbinella trinervis

Trachyandra hirsutiflora

Trachyandra muricata

Trachyandra revoluta


Anaxeton asperum

Arctotheca calendula

Athanasia trifurcata

Berkheya barbata

Bryomorphe aretioides

Chrysocoma ciliata

Cotula turbinata

Disparago ericoides

Edmondia sesamoides

Euryops abrotanifolius

Gazania pectinata

Gerbera crocea

Haplocarpha lanata

Helichrysum foetidum

Helichrysum indicum

Helichrysum odoratissimum

Helichrysum pandurifolium

Heterolepis aliena

Hippia frutescens

Hippia pilosa

Oedera capensis

Oedera imbricata

Osteospermum hispidum var. hispidum Vu

Osteospermum moniliferum subsp. pisiferum

Osteospermum polygaloides

Phaenocoma prolifera

Senecio arenarius

Senecio burchellii

Senecio pubigerus

Senecio rigidus


Seriphium cinereum

Seriphium incanum

Seriphium plumosum

Stoebe capitata

Syncarpha canescens

Syncarpha vestita

Ursinia anthemoides subsp. anthemoides

Ursinia nudicaulis

Zyrphelis foliosa


Lobostemon curvifolius


Heliophila linearis var. linearifolia


Berzelia abrotanoides

Berzelia lanuginosa

Brunia laevis

Brunia noduliflora

Brunia paleacea


Cyphia volubilis

Lobelia chamaepitys

Lobelia erinus

Lobelia jasionoides

Lobelia pinifolia

Lobelia pubescens

Merciera leptoloba NT

Monopsis lutea

Monopsis simplex

Prismatocarpus brevilobus

Roella incurva

Siphocodon debilis

Wahlenbergia capensis

Wahlenbergia nodosa

Wahlenbergia procumbens

Wimmerella arabidea


Silene burchellii subsp. pilosellifolia

Silene gallica var. gallica

Silene gallica var. quinquevulnera


Cassine schinoides

Gymnosporia buxifolia

Maytenus oleoides


Onixotis punctata



Commelina africana


Cotyledon orbiculata

Crassula biplanata

Crassula capensis

Crassula ericoides subsp. ericoides

Crassula fascicularis

Crassula rupestris


Cunonia capensis


Chrysitrix capensis


Drosera aliciae

Drosera cistiflora

Drosera glabripes

Drosera hilaris

Drosera trinervia


Diospyros glabra


Erica articularis

Erica axillaris

Erica cerinthoides

Erica coccinea

Erica corifolia

Erica cristata

Erica curviflora

Erica cyathiformis

Erica discolor

Erica equisetifolia

Erica globiceps subsp. consors

Erica holosericea

Erica imbricata

Erica nudiflora

Erica obliqua

Erica perspicua

Erica plukenetii subsp. penicellata

Erica pulchella

Erica sessiliflora

Erica viscaria subsp. longifolia


Indigofera cytisoides

Indigofera filifolia

Psoralea imbricata


Rafnia capensis subsp. pedicellata


Chironia baccifera

Chironia linoides

Sebaea exacoides

Sebaea sulphurea


Pelargonium candicans

Pelargonium capitatum

Pelargonium chamaedryfolium

Pelargonium cucullatum

Pelargonium elongatum

Pelargonium grossularioides

Pelargonium incarnatum

Pelargonium longifolium

Pelargonium papilionaceum

Pelargonium pinnatum

Pelargonium triste


Grubbia rosmarinifolia

Grubbia tomentosa


Laurembergia repens


Dilatris pillansii

Wachendorfia multiflora

Wachendorfia paniculata


Caesia contorta


Empodium plicatum

Spiloxene capensis

Spiloxene monophylla


Aristea bakeri

Aristea capitata

Aristea oligocephala

Aristea recisa Rare

Babiana ambigua

Chasmanthe aethiopica

Geissorhiza aspera

Geissorhiza inflexa

Geissorhiza ovata

Gladiolus bullatus

Gladiolus debilis

Gladiolus hirsutus


Gladiolus martleyi

Hesperantha falcata

Hesperantha radiata

Ixia dubia

Ixia flexuosa

Ixia micrandra NT

Ixia stricta NT

Micranthus plantagineus

Moraea bituminosa

Moraea fugacissima

Moraea lewisiae subsp. lewisiae

Moraea lugubris

Moraea neglecta

Moraea papilionacea

Moraea tripetala

Romulea hirsuta var. cuprea

Romulea hirsuta var. hirsuta

Romulea rosea var. reflexa

Thereianthus bracteolatus

Tritoniopsis antholyza

Tritoniopsis burchellii

Tritoniopsis dodii

Tritoniopsis lata

Tritoniopsis pulchra

Tritoniopsis triticea

Tritoniopsis unguicularis

Watsonia borbonica

Watsonia meriana

Watsonia schlecteri


Triglochin compacta


Leonotis leonurus

Salvia africana-lutea

Salvia chamelaeagnea


Lanaria lanata


Cassytha ciliolata


Utricularia bisquamata


Hibiscus aethiopicus


Melianthus major



Cissampelos capensis


Montinia caryophyllacea


Morella serrata


Myrsine africana

Rapanea melanophloes


Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea


Olea europaea subsp. africana

Olea capensis subsp. capensis


Ceratrandra atrata

Disa bifida

Disa bracteata

Disa filicornis

Disa purpurascens NT

Disa uncinata

Disperis capensis

Holothrix villosa

Liparis capensis

Pterygodium catholicum

Satyrium bracteatum

Satyrium coriifolium


Harveya capensis

Harveya pauciflora


Oxalis caprina

Oxalis eckloniana var. sonderi

Oxalis heterophylla

Oxalis livida var. livida

Oxalis luteola var. luteola

Oxalis obtusa

Oxalis pes-caprae

Oxalis polyphylla var. polyphylla

Oxalis truncatula


Brachysiphon acutus

Penaea mucronata

Saltera sarcocolla

Sonderothamnus speciosus rare


Muraltia heisteria


Polygala garcinii


Aulax umbellata NT

Diastella divaricata subsp. montana Vu

Leucadendron laureolum

Leucadendron salignum

Leucadendron xanthoconus

Leucospermum conocarpodendron subsp. viridum

Leucospermum gracile NT

Leucospermum prostratum Vu

Mimetes cucullatus

Protea cordata

Protea cynaroides

Protea longifolia Vu

Protea neriifolia

Protea nitida

Protea repens

Protea scabra NT

Serruria elongata NT

Serruria fasciflora NT

Serruria phylicoides


Blechnum capense

Cheilanthes hastata

Cheilanthes induta

Pellaea pteroides

Polypodium vulgare

Schizaea pectinata

Todea barbara


Elegia filacea

Elegia racemosa

Hypodiscus argenteus

Hypodiscus aristatus

Nevillea obtusissima

Restio capensis

Restio egregius

Soroveta ambigua

Staberoha cernua

Thamnochortus fruticosus

Thamnochortus lucens

Willdenowia teres


Phylica lasiocarpa

Tricocephalus stipularis



Roridula gorgonias


Cliffortia atrata

Cliffortia graminea

Cliffortia juniperina

Cliffortia pterocarpa

Cliffortia ramosissima

Cliffortia ruscifolia

Cliffortia stricta

Cliffortia strobilifera


Anthospermum spathulatum subsp. ecklonianum


Eriospermum dielsianum subsp. dielsianum

Eriospermum schlechteri


Coleonema album

Diosma hirsuta


Buddleja salviifolia

Chaenostoma hispidum

Manulea cheiranthus

Microdon dubius

Oftia africana


Lycium afrum


Campylostachys cernua

Retzia capensis


Cyanella hyacinthoides


Gnidia juniperifolia

Gnidia oppositifolia

Struthiola ciliata


Typha capensis


Viscum pauciflorum

Alien species (*invasive)

Acacia saligna*

Anagallis arvensis forma azurea

Briza maxima

Erodium moschatum


Geranium molle

Hakea gibbosa*

Hakea sericea*

Hakea suaveolens*

Leptospermum laevigatum

Lythrum hyssopifolia

Paraserianthes lophantha*

Pinus pinaster*

Silene gallica var. gallica

Silene gallica var. quinquevulnera

Trifolium repens