Brain tumor detection from MRI images using …...Brain tumor detection from MRI images using histon...


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Brain tumor detection from MRI images using histon based segmentationand modified neural network.

V Sheejakumari1, Sankara Gomathi2

1Department of Information Technology, Rajas Engineering College, Vadakangulam, India2Department of EIE, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, India


Recently, magnetic resonance imaging has become an efficient tool for medical diagnoses and inresearch. It has become a very useful medical resource for the detection of brain tumor and provideshigh tissue information. For getting better accuracy, an efficient technique called histon based methodfor segmentation is employed in the image. Initially, in the preprocessing stage the noise is removed fromthe images using median filter. Subsequently, the noise free image is then fed to the feature extractionprocess. In this step, the feature values like area, mean, correlation and covariance from the images areextracted. The final stage is that the classification of images with the assistance of neural network. Theneural network used here is the modified neural network in which the weight values are optimized usingArtificial Bee Colony (ABC) optimization algorithm. The method is implemented and the results areanalyzed in terms of various statistical performance. Comparative analysis were made with differentexisting method to prove the efficiency of the proposed method.

Keywords: Magnetic resonance imaging, Brain tumor, Neural network, Optimization algorithm, Segmentation process.Accepted on April 15, 2016

IntroductionMedical images build essential parts for identifying and workdissimilar body structures and therefore the diseases offensivethem [1]. Many form of images area unit generated likeultrasound images, resonance images (MRI), X-rays whichmay be once more classified in radiographs, X-raying usuallytermed as CT scan, radiology, diagnostic technique [2]. Arrivalof the technology has revolutionized the medical imagingspace and has altered the task of research of a range of ailmentsfor drugs practitioner. To produce images of human body formedical purposes it can be very perceptive for the medicalprocess which is trying to analyse the disease Medicalimagining is the name given to the field which constitutes oftechniques and processes [3].

One of the main smartly analysed fields within the past fewdecades and builds the primary action within the image inv

estigation and pattern identification is Medical imagesegmentation. It's a very important and necessary a part ofimage study and is most tough for image process. Itadditionally has Associate in nursing additionally immenseworth find the last results of the examination. Imagesegmentation may be a procedure of separating a image intomany components such every region is, however the union of 2adjacent isn't, solid [4]. In handling trendy imaging modalitieslike Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-raying (CT),physicians and technicians got to procedure the arising range

and size of medical images. Therefore, to get rid of neededdata from these giant information sets effective and preciseprocedure segmentation algorithms is required. Also,sophisticated segmentation algorithms will facilitate thephysicians to demarcate higher than anatomical structuresconferred within the input images, increase the correctness ofdiagnosis and facilitate the simplest treatment designing [5].

Biomedical image segmentation is a complex and veryparticular task. Image segmentation, do a major role inbiomedical imaging applications such as the enumeration oftissue volumes diagnosis, confinement of pathology analysis ofanatomical structure, treatment planning, partial volumeimprovement of practical imaging data, and computerincorporated surgery [2]. A foremost goal of imagesegmentation is to acknowledge structures within the imagethat area unit expected to correspond to scene objects. Themission of image segmentation is to separate a picture intonon-intersecting regions supported intensity or textural data[6]. The artifacts, that have an effect on the brain image, areaunit completely different-partial volume impact is additionaloutstanding in brain whereas within the thorax region it'smotion artifact that is additional outstanding. Each imagingsystem has its own specific margins. as an example, in MRimages (MRI) one needs to beware of bias field noise (intensityin-homogeneities within the RF field). Naturally, someprocedures area unit additional common as compared to


Biomed Res- India 2016 Special Issue S1

Biomedical Research 2016; Special Issue: S1-S9

Special Section:Computational Life Sciences and Smarter Technological Advancement

specific algorithms and may be helpful to a wider form ofinformation [7].

The occurrence of brain tumors is mounting quickly,predominantly in the grown-up population weighed againstyounger population. Brain tumor could be an assortment ofabnormal cells that nurture at intervals the brain or round thebrain [8]. Tumors will squarely wipe out all work brain cells. Itmay also obliquely injury sturdy cells by situation additionalelements of the brain and transportation regardinginflammation, brain swelling and pressure within the bone [9].Brain image segmentation from MRI images is sophisticatedand difficult however its precise and actual segmentation isimportant for tumors detection and their classification, edema,hemorrhage detection and death tissues. For early detection ofabnormalities in brain elements, MRI imaging is that the mosteffective imaging technique and stands within the forthcominganalysis limelight in medical imaging arena [10]. Theremaining of the paper is organized as follows. Section IImakes clear the researches that square measure connected tothe prompt methodology. Section III demonstrates the promptmethodology for tomography image classification. Section IVdescribes the impact of the prompt methodologyology and lastSection V concludes the prompt method with suggestions forforthcoming works.

Figure 1. Block diagram of our proposed method.

Existing Methods and New IdeaLiterature presents a handful of researches for classification ofMRI images for tumor detection and has been a hot topic dueto its significant applications. Here, present a brief review ofsome of the techniques presented in the literature for medicalimage classification. Song et al. [11] developed a simulationtechnique for choosing imaging parameters supported

diminution of errors in signal intensity versus time andphysiological parameters derived from tracer kinetic analysisfor time-resolved acquisitions with k-space under sampling.Optimization was performed for time-resolved angiographywith stochastic trajectories (TWIST) rule applied to contrast-enhanced adult male Renography. a sensible 4D phantomcomprised of arteria and 2 kidneys, one healthy and onepathologic, was created with ideal tissue time-enhancementpattern generated employing a three-compartment model withmounted parameters, together with Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR) and Renal Plasma Flow (RPF). TWIST acquisitionswith totally different combos of sampled central and peripheralk-space parts were applied to the present phantom. Acquisitionperformance was assessed by the distinction between simulatedSignal Intensity (SI) and calculated GFR and RPF and theirideal values.

Qin and Clausi [12] bestowed Andre Markoff Random Feld(MRF) based mostly variable segmentation formula referred toas “multivariate reiterative region growing victimizationsemantics” (MIRGS). In MIRGS, the impact of intraclassvariation and machine price were reduced victimization theMRF abstraction context model incorporated withaccommodative edge penalty and applied to regions. linguisticsregion growing ranging from watershed over-segmentation andperformed instead with segmentation step by step reduces theanswer house size, that improves segmentation effectiveness.Chunming Li et al. [13] bestowed region-based methodologyfor image segmentation that was ready to affect intensityinhomogeneities within the segmentation. First, supported themodel of images with intensity inhomogeneities, they derivedan area intensity agglomeration property of the imageintensities, and defined an area agglomeration criterion operatefor the image intensities in an exceedingly neighborhood ofevery purpose. This native agglomeration criterion operate wasthen integrated with reference to the neighborhood center tooffer a world criterion of image segmentation in anexceedingly level set formulation, this criterion definedAssociate in Nursing energy in terms of the extent set functionsthat described a partition of the image domain and a bias fieldthat accounted for the intensity irregularity of the image.

Figure 2. General feed forward neural network architecture.


S2 Biomed Res- India 2016 Special IssueSpecial Section:Computational Life Sciences and Smarter Technological Advancement

AlZubi bestowed a paper that geared toward the event of ANautomatic image segmentation system for classifying Regionof Interest (ROI) in medical images that were obtained fromcompletely different medical scanners like PET, CT, or MRI.Multiresolution Analysis (MRA) victimization moving ridge,ridgelet, and curvelet transforms has been utilized in theprojected segmentation system. Curvelet remodel is ANextension of moving ridge and ridgelet transforms that aimedto take care of fascinating phenomena occurring on curves.Genus et al. [14] bestowed a generalized multiple-kernel FuzzyC-M. Genus et al. [14] bestowed a generalized multiple-kernelfuzzy C-means (FCM) (MKFCM) methodology as aframework for image-segmentation issues. Within theframework, other than the very fact that the composite kernelswere utilized in the kernel FCM (KFCM), a linear combinationof multiple kernels was projected and also the change rules forthe linear coefficients of the composite kernel were derivedsimilarly. The projected MKFCM formula provided a versatilevehicle to fuse completely different component data in image-segmentation issues.

Figure 3. Classification process in the proposed method.

Liu et al. [15] bestowed fast interactive image segmentationmethodology. Because it was projected for itinerant however itabsolutely was conjointly perceptive in medical imagininginstead of victimization world improvement, there algorithmbegan with imaginative over-segmentation victimization themean shift formula and adopted this by judicial bunch andnative anesthetic neighborhood classification. This procedureobtained higher quality results than previous ways that usedgraph cuts on over segmental region. Corso et al. [16] havebestowed a technique for automatic segmentation ofheterogeneous image information that takes a step towardbridging the gap between bottom-up affinity-basedsegmentation ways and top-down generative model primarilybased approaches. They enclosed Bayesian formulation forincorporating soft model assignments into the calculation ofaffinities, that square measure conventionally model free. Theyintegrated the ensuing model-aware affinities into theconstruction segmentation by weighted aggregation formula,and apply the technique to the task of detective work andsegmenting brain tumour and hydrops in multichannel MRVolumes. The computationally economical methodology runsorders of magnitude quicker than current state-of the-arttechniques giving comparable or improved results. AlZubi etal. presented a paper which aimed at the development of an

automatic image segmentation system for classifying Regionof Interest (ROI) in medical images which were obtained fromdifferent medical scanners such as PET, CT, or MRI.Multiresolution Analysis (MRA) using wavelet, ridgelet, andcurvelet transforms has been used in the proposedsegmentation system. Curvelet transform is an extension ofwavelet and ridgelet transforms which aimed to deal withinteresting phenomena occurring along curves.

Figure 4. MRI image dataset, A. MRI images without tumor; B. MRItumor images.

Proposed MethodBrain tumor detection from the MRI image has become anefficient and mostly followed method in the field of medicaldiagnosis. Various techniques have been developed in order todetect the tumor more efficiently. In this section, the proposedtechnique is described in detail about brain tumor detection.The proposed technique is carried out in four modules, namelypre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction module andclassification module. The input MRI brain image is initiallypre-processed using RGB to Grey Converter and median filter.The pre-processing makes the image fit for further processing.Subsequently, the image is segmented using Histogram basedsegmentation method in the segmentation module. From thesegmented image, various features like area, mean, correlationand covariance from the images are extracted in the featureextraction module. Finally, the classification is carried outusing Neural Network in the classification module to detectbrain tumor. The neural network is modified using ABC whereweight optimization is done. The block diagram of theproposed technique is given in Figure 1.

PreprocessingThe first step in our method is the image preprocessing. Inorder to reduce the imperfections and generate images moresuitable for extracting the pixel features demanded in theclassification step, preprocessing steps are applied. In this, theinput images are converted into grey image for bettersegmentation. A data set is created with the brain MRI images

Brain tumor detection from MRI images using histon based segmentation and modified neural network

Biomed Res- India 2016 Special Issue S3Special Section:Computational Life Sciences and Smarter Technological Advancement

which are manually segmented in order to compare thesegmented output for better result. After the conversion, theimages are filtered to remove the noise which is present in theoutput. The noise removal is done with the application of filterand utilized the median filter for the noise removal which isexplained in detail in the below section.

Figure 5. Input MRI images and segmented results.

Noise removal using Median filter: Noise suppression or noiseremoval is a very important task in image process. In theprojected technique we tend to utilize median filter for thenoise removal. The median filter is commonly applied to greyscale image as a result of its property of edge protectivesmoothing. Within the median filtering operation, theconstituent values within the neighborhood window area unitstratified in line with intensity, and also the median becomesthe output scale for the constituent underneath analysis.Therefore following steps were wont to take away the noisefrom images, in median filtering, the neighboring constituentsarea unit stratified in line with brightness and also the medianbecomes the new value for the central pixel. Median filters willdo a wonderful job of rejecting sure forms of noise, especially,“shot” or impulse noise within which some individual pixelshave extreme values. The final expression for the median filteris given as per the below equation��(�1,�2......��) = ���( ∑� = 1� �1− �� , ...... ∑� = 1� ��− ��(1)Using Equation 1, the median filtering is performed to removethe noise from the acquired image. The output image from themedian filter is blurred image and these images are subtractedfrom the black and white image obtained in the preprocessing

stage to obtain the output image. These images are thenprocessed for feature extraction.

SegmentationIn the proposed method, employed a histon based segmentationwhich is more effective in terms of segmentation accuracy.Histon is generally a contour which is represented based on theexisting histograms of the primary image in such a manner thatthe group of all points with the similar intensity sphere of thepredefined radius, called expanse, belong to one single value.For every intensity value in histogram, the number of pixelsencapsulated in the similar intensity sphere is evaluated. Thiscount is then added to the value of the histogram at thatparticular intensity value. This computation is carried out forall the intensity values that lead to the formation of histon.Histon can provide an additional asset to the histogram byimproving the depiction of spatial properties of an image. Thespecific application of histon is in the domain of segmentationof images showing slow gradual variations in the intensityvalue with respect to space. In order to initialize the centroid,histon is used. The various process followed in the histonbased segmentation process are explained below,

Construction of histogram: Consider an input image I of size Px Q. The histogram for the corresponding image is computedusing the below equation,�(�) = ∑� = 1� ∑� = 1� �(�(�, �)− � ��� 0 ≤ � ≤ � − 1 (2)where η is the dirac impulse function and K is the total numberof intensity levels in the image. The value of each bin is thenumber of image pixels having intensity S.

Construction of histon: Consider a X × Y neighborhoodaround the pixel I (p, q), the total distance of all the pixels inthe neighborhood and that of I(p,q) is given by,�(�, �) = ∑� ∈ � ∑� ∈ �(�(�, �)− �(�, �))2 (3)where η is the dirac impulse function and K is the total numberof intensity levels in the image. The value of each bin is thenumber of image pixels having intensity S. Then define amatrix M with M(p,q) which is given by,�(�, �) = 1 �(�, �) < exp����−1 ��ℎ������ (4)The expanse in the proposed method is given byexp���� = 1�xQ ∑� = 1� ∑� = 1� �(�, �) (5)The histon can be given by the expression,��(�) = ∑� = 1� ∑� = 1� (1 + �(�, �))�(�(�, �)− � ��� 0 ≤ �≤ � − 1 (6)


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Where η is the dirac impulse function and K is the totalnumber of intensity levels in the image. The value of each binis the number of image pixels having intensity S.

Calculating the maxima and minima of histon: Once gettingthe histon, calculate the maxima and minima. For thediscreteness of histon, find that there are many maxima andminima and the corresponding fitting curve is very hard tolocate the initialization. To further reduce the number ofmaxima and minima, we calculate the maximum values againbased on the first calculation.

Curve fitting with the reduction maximum values: Take thefirst c modes with largest number of pixels as the initialization.Once the segmentation is completed the feature extractionprocess is carried out which is then further utilized for theclassification of tumor images from MRI database.

Feature extractionArea: The simple form descriptor employed in the plannedmethodology is that the space the world of a selected image iscalculated exploitation the expression,����, � = �ℎ�� (7)Where, Ih - Image height; Iw- Image width.

Mean: is the mean of pixel in the image. The nth moment ofmean is�0 = ∑� = 0� − 1(��−�)��(��) (8)where

z is the gray level value

m is the mean value of z.

Covariance: Covariance is a measure of how much twovariables change together. The covariance between two real-valued random variables X and Y with finite second momentsis given by:


Where E(X) is the expected value of X .The sample covarianceof the K sets of N observations on the variables is the K × Kmatrix with Q=[qjk] the entries given byqjk = 1� − 1 ∑� = 1� (���− ��)(���− ��) (10)Correlation: Correlation refers to any of a broad class ofstatistical relationships involving dependence. Here,correlation of the image is given as the covariance divided bythe standard deviation.

ρX,Y = qjk/σXσY→(11)

Where ρX,Y is the correlation and σ is the standard deviation.After extracting the features of the each of the regions, thedetails are fed into the neural network for training.

Classification using neural networkOnce the options extraction is formed the feature squaremeasure recognized by examining the feature vector of theinput image with the bottom image. The extracted featurevalues square measure accustomed the neural network.Unremarkably the neural networks square measure trainedsuch the input needs to send a specific output. The neuralnetwork has superior compatibility with the classificationprocedure. Within the steered technique, the Feed ForwardNeural Network is employed for coaching. The feature valuessquare measure compared with the info offered to the neuralnetwork whereas coaching. There are square measure 3 layersparticularly input layer, hidden layer and output layer during aneural network. The Figure 2 shows the basic diagram for feedforward neural network. Here enclosed an improvementformula i.e. ABC within the steered technique for thedistribution of weights for the dissimilar nodes within theneural network so as to settle on comparative weights.

Planned artificial bee colony for improvement of weights inneural network: The aim of bees within the ABC model is toget the simplest resolution, the position of a food supplysignifies a possible resolution to the improvement drawbackand therefore the nectar quantity of a food supply correspondsto the standard (fitness) of the connected resolution [16]. Eachutilized bee goes to the food supply space visited by her at thesooner cycle when sharing their data with onlookers as a resultof that food supply lives in her memory, and so selects acompletely unique food supply by suggests that of visual datawithin the neighborhood of the one in her memory and assessesits nectar quantity [17].

Employee bee phase: The colony of artificial bees encloses 3teams of bees: utilized bees, onlookers and scouts. A beewaiting on the dance space for creating call to pick out a foodsupply is named onlooker a bee aiming to the food supplyvisited by it erstwhile is called an utilized bee. A bee effectingwhimsical search is named a scout. Half of the colony containsutilized artificial bees and therefore the last half includes theonlookers. For each food supply, there's only one utilized bee.The quantity of utilized bees is a twin of the quantity of foodsources round the hive in alternative words.

A set of food source positions are arbitrarily chosen by theemployed bees at the initialization stage and their nectaramounts are found out. After that, these bees come into thehive and share the nectar information of the sources with theonlooker bees waiting on the dance area inside the hive. Atfirst, ABC produces an arbitrarily distributed initial populationsignified by ρ having n solutions where each solution is thefood source position and Sp is the population size. Eachsolution is represented by hi, Where 1 ≤ i ≤ n is a N-dimensional vector, where N is the number of optimizationparameters taken into consideration. After initialization, thepopulation of the positions is subjected to replicate cycles ofthe search processes of the employed bees, the onlooker bees,and scout bees.

Brain tumor detection from MRI images using histon based segmentation and modified neural network

Biomed Res- India 2016 Special Issue S5Special Section:Computational Life Sciences and Smarter Technological Advancement

Onlooker bee phase: In this stage, choice of the food sourcesby the onlookers once receiving the knowledge of utilized beesand generation of novel resolution is performed. The looker-onbee wishes a food supply space betting on the nectar dataallotted by the utilized bees on the dance space. Because thenectar quantity of a food supply enhances, the chance with thatthat food supply is chosen by onlooker will increase, too.Therefore, the dance of utilized bees carrying higher nectarrecruits the onlookers for the food supply areas with highernectar quantity.

An onlooker bee selects a food source depending on thepossibility value related with that food source (Pi) specified bythe expression:�� = ��∑� = 1� �� (12)Where,

fi is the fitness value of the solution

n is the number of food sources which is equal to the numberof employed bees.

After incoming at the chosen space, spectator selects a uniquefood supply within the neighborhood of the one within thememory looking on visual info. Visual info relies on the link offood supply positions. Once the nectar of a food supply isdiscarded by the bees, a unique food supply is randomlyknown by a scout bee and substituted with the discarded one.Associate in nursing artificial spectator bee probabilisticallygenerates a modification on the position (solution) in hermemory for locating a unique food supply and checks thenectar quantity (fitness value) of the novel supply (newsolution).

Let the old position be represented by xi,a and the new positionis represented by qi,a, which is defined by the equation,

Xi,a = qi,a + σi,a(qi,a - qj,a), i ≠ j→(13)



σi,a is a random number in the range[ -1, 1].

The position update equation shows that as the differencebetween the parameters of the qi,a and qj,a decreases, theperturbation on the position qi,a also decreases, too. Thus, asthe search approaches to the optimum solution in the searchspace, the step length is adaptively reduced.

Rearranging the position updating step, we have:


As xi,a is the position update from qi,a in the previous step,representing in the time domain, then qi,a as ZT when xi,a istaken as ZT+1 . Hence:


The left side Zi+1-Zt is the discrete version of the derivative oforder α=1. Therefore :


Scout bee phase: The used bee whose food supply is tired outby the used and watcher bees turns into a scout and it carriesout impulsive search. The food supply whose nectar isdiscarded by the bees is substituted with a unique food supplyby the scouts. This is often replicated by at randommanufacturing a grip and commutation it with the discardedone. Now, if a grip will never be increased more through aplanned range of cycles referred to as limit at the moment thatfood supply is meant to be discarded. Within the classic ABCrule a scout explores the locality of the hive in associateimpulsive means. This looking feature of scout is useful withinthe initial iterations; although execution of a completelyimpulsive movement within the final iterations might not beeconomical. Therefore during this strategy, a scout appearanceat the search area globally within the initial iterations anddomestically within the closing iterations. As within the finaliterations, improvement of the simplest food supply might notoccur, thus it's going to be chosen as a scout and far from thepopulation. As a result the ABC assists to find the correctweight factors for each node in the neural network thusenhancing the classification process shown in Figure 3.

Figure 6. Classified tumor and non tumor images.

Results and DiscussionsThis section describes the experimental results of the proposedSegmentation technique using brain MRI images with andwithout tumors. The proposed approach is implemented inMATLAB. Here, the proposed technique is tested by usingmedical images taken from the publicly available sources. Theperformance of the proposed technique is compared with themodified region growing algorithm to evaluate the sensitivity,specificity and accuracy. Also Area, mean, covariance andcorrelation creates variables that are linear combinations of theoriginal variables. The new variables have the property that thevariables are all orthogonal. These components can be used tofind clusters in a set of data. These components are mentionedas a variance-focused approach seeking to reproduce the totalvariable variance, in which components reflect both commonand unique variance of the variable. These are generallypreferred for the purposes of data reduction [18-19].


S6 Biomed Res- India 2016 Special IssueSpecial Section:Computational Life Sciences and Smarter Technological Advancement

MRI image dataset descriptionThe MRI image dataset utilized in the proposed imagesegmentation technique is taken from the publicly availablesources. This image dataset contains brain images with tumorand without tumor. The Figure 4 shows some of the sampleMRI images with tumor images and non-tumor images.

The experimental results obtained for the proposed techniqueare given in this section. The Figure 5 shows some of the inputMRI images and segmented output obtained in each case. Thefinal classification of brain tumor as normal image or abnormalimage is shown in the below Figure 6. The proposed methodevolved to be better in terms of classification with higheraccuracy.

Table 1. Evaluation metrics values.

Images TP FP TN FN Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy PPV NPV FDR

1 1 1 1 0 1 0.5 0.83 50 100 50

2 1 1 2 0 1 0.67 0.91 50 100 50

3 1 1 3 0 1 0.75 0.94 50 100 50

Table 2. Performance of the HGNN classification method from different brain MRI images.

Images TP FP TN FN Sensitivity Accuracy Specificity PPV NPV FDR

1 1 0 3 1 50 80 100 100 75 0

2 1 0 4 0 100 85 100 100 100 0

3 1 0 4 0 100 90 100 100 100 0

Table 3. Performance of the IPSONN classification method from different brain MRI images.

Images TP FP TN FN Sensitivity ACC Specificity PPV NPV FDR

1 0 1 4 0 90 80 80 0 100 100

2 1 0 4 0 100 87 100 100 100 0

3 1 0 4 0 100 91 100 100 100 0

Performance evaluationThe evaluation metrics used to evaluate the proposed techniqueconsists of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. In order to findthese metrics, we first compute some of the terms of Truepositive (TP), True negative (TN), False negative (FN) andFalse positive (FP). Sensitivity is the proportion of truepositives that are correctly identified by a diagnostic test. Itshows how good the test is at detecting a disease (Table 1).

Table 4. Evaluation metrics in proposed and existing method.

Methods Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy

Proposed method 100 60.5 87.5

HGNN 83 100 85

IPSONN 96 93.3 86


Specificity is the proportion of the true negatives correctlyidentified by a diagnostic test. It suggests how good the test isat identifying normal (negative) condition.


Accuracy is the proportion of true results, either true positiveor true negative, in a population. It measures the degree ofveracity of a diagnostic test on a condition.


Comparative analysisIn order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodwe have compared our technique with that of other methodslikes HGNN and IPSONN. The Table 2 shows the valuesobtained in the existing method where HGNN is used. Thevalues shows that our proposed delivered better results in termsof accuracy, specificity and sensitivity. The Table 3 shows thestatistical values that are obtained in the existing method whereIPSONN is used. The values reveal that our proposed methodis more efficient in terms of accuracy and other measures. TheTable 4 shows the comparative averages of the proposedmethod along with the other existing works like HGNN andIPSONN. The average values shows that our proposed methoddelivers better results in terms of accuracy, specificity andsensitivity. The graphical representation of the variousevaluation metrics in proposed and existing methods are , TheFigure 7 shows the graphical representation of the sensitivityvalue for proposed and existing methods like HGNN and

Brain tumor detection from MRI images using histon based segmentation and modified neural network

Biomed Res- India 2016 Special Issue S7Special Section:Computational Life Sciences and Smarter Technological Advancement

IPSONN. The value shows that the proposed method deliversbetter results.

Figure 7. Graphical representation for sensitivity in proposed andexisting method.

The Figure 8 shows the graphical representation of thespecificity value for proposed and existing methods likeHGNN and IPSONN. The value shows that the proposedmethod delivers better results.

Figure 8. Graphical representation for specificity in proposed andexisting method.

The Figure 9 shows the graphical representation of theAccuracy value for proposed and existing methods like HGNNand IPSONN. The value shows that the proposed methoddelivers better results.

Figure 9. Graphical representation for accuracy in proposed andexisting method.

ConclusionIn this paper, an effective technique for classification of braintumor is presented. The proposed technique consists of pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction of the region andfinally classification. The MRI image dataset that utilized inthe proposed image segmentation technique is taken from thepublicly available sources. The performance of the proposedtechnique is evaluated by considering the existing algorithmand the proposed method in terms of the evaluation metrics.The obtained results for the tumor detection area unit evaluatedthrough analysis metrics specifically, sensitivity, specificityand accuracy. So as to seek out these metrics, it is tend toinitial cipher a number of the terms like, True positive, Truenegative, false negative and false positive. From the analysismetrics, we will see that our technique achieved higher resultsfor sensitivity, specificity and accuracy that tested theeffectiveness of the planned technique.

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*Correspondence to:V Sheejakumari

Department of Information Technology

Rajas Engineering College


Brain tumor detection from MRI images using histon based segmentation and modified neural network

Biomed Res- India 2016 Special Issue S9Special Section:Computational Life Sciences and Smarter Technological Advancement
