Brand Management Project


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Managing Brand Equity in the Public Sector

Term Project

Spring 2014

We knew the consumer perceptions concerning our public institutions. We also understand that competition is increasing and many private sector firms are slowly but steadily invading the Pakistani market. This necessitates the need to focus on 'Branding the Public Sector Institutions' in Pakistan. The below given are a few public sector organizations. You are required to work in the form of groups of 4 people at least and 5 people at most. Select an organization you wanted to work out (email me your desired organization -- first come first served).

1. Pakistan Railways2. Pakistan International Airlines 3. Public Hospitals 4. Pakistan Post office5. Rescue 11226. Punjab Police 7. National Bank of Pakistan

You are required to work this project in three phases.

Phase 01: Environmental Analysis

Perform a PEST analysis which must result in development of a SWOT. All PEST must be highly supported with industry data. A SWOT, without facts and figures will be rejected.

Outcome(s): What are the environmental opportunities and threats? How the firm can minimize the threats and avail certain opportunities? What is the remedy for some weaknesses? How the strengths can be further increased?

Phase 02: Manager Interview

Interview a manager from your selected organization and obtain information regarding the;

- Available segments in the market [extent of segmentation]- Target market(s) [Target market strategy]- Intended Positioning (POP & PODs + Desirable Brand Associations)- Marketing Mix [strategies]- Marketing Control [tools and mechanism]

Phase 03: Consumer Survey

You are required to conduct a Questionnaire based survey from 250 consumers of your selected organization. You are advised to develop a questionnaire based on ‘Customer Based Brand Equity Model’ and approve it from your course instructor before collecting data.


(1) Research Methodology

(2) What is the current stature of brand equity? What are the weak and strong areas in the brand equity model? What are the strategy options to counter these weaker areas? Overall, what strategies you recommend to strengthen the brand equity? [Based on your data and findings]

How you can help the organization in building a high class public sector brand – This is what I want you to learn.


- Manager Interview Findings - SPSS file containing data of 250 consumers - Power point Presentation

I am available for any counselling you need. Those students, who will be busy and will not keep me updated during the project for whatsoever reasons, should not expect good grades.

Best Wishes
