Brandmovers SEO and Competitor Analysis



By Blake Wetzel

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Brandmovers  SEO  and  Compe1tor  Analysis  Performed  by  Tyler  Barne0  PR  

Background  and  Overview  •  Full  service  promo9ons  agency  providing  promo9onal  strategy,  legal  assistance,  

crea9ve,  and  development  and  execu9on  of  digital  promo9ons  •  Provides  full  service  digital  engagement  to  clients  across  mul9ple  pla>orms:  

•  Mobile,  social  and  web  •  Also  adds  a  physical  element  to  promo9ons,  unlike  compe9tors    

•  Primary  promo9ons  include  sweepstakes  and  loyalty  programs    •  Four  primary  client  targets:  

•  House  of  Brands:  Nestle,  Johnson  &  Johnson,  Lean  Cuisine  •  Single  Brand  and  Niche  Companies:  Chiquita,  Hasbro  •  Entertainment  Companies:  Disney,  NBC,  FOX  •  Digital  agencies  who  do  not  handle/create  promo9onal  campaigns  

•  Promo9ons  have  reached  over  200  countries  •  Loca9ons:  Atlanta  (HQ),  New  York,  Los  Angeles,  Mexico  City,  London,  Mumbai  

and  Delhi    Analysis  Based  on  an  SEO  audit  conducted  in  July  2015,  Brandmovers  has  received  limited  media  and/or  editorial    coverage.  Our  aim  is  to  introduce/promote  Brandmovers  as  the  premier  provider  of  digital  promo9ons,  bridging  the  gap  between  the  digital  and  the  physical  world,  and  secure  top-­‐9er,  na9onal  media  coverage.  

Google  Search  Results:  “Brandmovers”  

Google  Search  Results:  “Brandmovers”  

Google  Search  Results:  “Brandmovers”  

Google  Search  Results:  “Brandmovers”  

Google  Search  Results:  “Brandmovers”  

Analysis:  A  Google  search  for  “Brandmovers”  reveals  numerous  company  reviews,  social  media  pages,  and  company-­‐sponsored  ar9cles,  but  lacks  top-­‐9er/na9onal  editorial  coverage.  Posi1ve  Rank:  If  prospec9ve  clients  know  to  search  for  “Brandmovers,”  they  will  find  informa9on  regarding  the  company  and  its  projects,  but  not  necessarily  its  innova9on  in  the  field  of  digital  promo9ons.    

Coverage  Analysis:  Insurance  Journal    

Overview:  This  informa9onal  ar9cle  provides  an  overview  of  Brandmovers’  “brandsurance,”  and  describes  how  the  service  will  operate.  Analysis:  This  ar9cle  helps  to  build  Brandmovers’  credibility  and  shows  prospec9ve  clients  that  protec9on  is  of  utmost  importance  to  the  company.  UMV’s:  199,361.  Engagement:  10  Retweets  and  9  shares  on  LinkedIn.  Recommenda1ons:  TBPR  will  secure  top-­‐9er  coverage  focusing  on  Brandmovers’  unique  approach  to  digital  engagement  and  promo9ons,  which  will  help  further  establish  credibility  and  increase  SEO  ranking.    

Coverage  Analysis:  Bloomberg    

Overview:  This  is  an  informa9onal  profile  for  Brandmovers,  the  services  it  provides  and  company  leadership.    Analysis:  Having  a  Bloomberg  company  profile  is  important;  it  helps  build  a  posi9ve  SEO  rank  and  maintains  company  credibility.    UMV’s:  7,522,952.  Engagement:  N/A.  Recommenda1ons:  While  business  profiles  on  Bloomberg’s  directory  are  helpful,  TBPR  believes  editorial  coverage  for  Brandmovers  and  its  clients/projects  on  various  Bloomberg  pla>orms  (e.g.,  Bloomberg  Businessweek)  would  be  more  beneficial.  

Coverage  Analysis:  Patch  

Overview:  This  ar9cle  talks  about  Brandmovers’  previous  expansion,  specifically  in  regards  to  a  larger  office  space  and  increase  in  employees.  It  also  addresses  the  impact  that  the  company’s  growth  could  have  on  Atlanta’s  tech  community.  Analysis:  This  ar9cle  is  generally  posi9ve,  but  is  limited  in  scope  as  it  is  Atlanta-­‐focused.    UMV’s:  3,846,184.  Engagement:  NA.  Recommenda1ons:  As  the  company  con9nues  to  expand  throughout  north  America  and  overseas,  TBPR  will  secure  addi9onal  na9onal  and  interna9onal  press  via  targeted  pitching  and  through  the  distribu9on  of  company  press  releases.  

Coverage  Analysis:    

Overview:  In  this  blog  post,  a  former  Brandmovers  employee  talks  about  being  laid  off.  “One  year  ago  today,  I  was  laid  off.  It  was  swim,  it  was  unexpected  and  they  handled  it  in  the  most  unprofessional  way  imaginable….There  is  something  deep  inside  of  me  crying  out  –  par9cularly  because  I  saw  it  happen  9me  and  9me  again  to  other  people  in  the  same  organiza9on.”  Analysis:  This  is  a  nega9ve  post,  and  it  is  concerning  that  it  appears  on  the  third  page  of  the  “Brandmovers”  Google  search.  UMV’s:  N/A.  Engagement:  No  responses,  comments  or  shares.  Recommenda1ons:  TBPR  to  dram  and  distribute  press  releases,  bylined  ar9cles,  blog  posts  and  will  secure  na9onal,  top-­‐9er  press  to  help  populate  the  first  three  pages  of  Google  Search,  effec9vely  driving  down  this  post.    

Coverage  Analysis:  Business  Because  

Overview:  Although  this  ar9cle  primarily  covers  the  Manchester  Business  School  MBA,  the  success  of  its  students  and  the  expansion  of  Brandmovers  to  India  is  posi9ve.  Analysis:  This  piece,  which  profiles  Suva  Ghosh  and  Amogh  Kuthiala,  highlights  the  exper9se  and  caliber  of  Brandmovers’  employees  while  calling  a0en9on  to  the  company’s  overseas  expansion,  two  things  poten9al  clients  would  be  pleased  to  see.    UVM’s:  N/A.  Engagement:  111  Facebook  likes,  13  Retweets,  five  email  shares  via  Google  and  no  comments.    Recommenda1ons:  TBPR  will  promote  posi9ve  company  news  and  announcements,  similar  to  this,  via  press  releases  and  media  pitching.  

Compe1tor  Analysis:  HelloWorld  

Analysis:  Although  HelloWorld  has  numerous  blue  chip/high  profile  clients,  their  inability  to  create  more  specialized  promo9ons  and  give  clients  the  same  9me  and  a0en9on  to  detail  as  Brandmovers  hinders  them.  TBPR  will  capitalize  on  this  unique  aspect  of  the  Brandmovers  process  in  media  materials/pitching.  

Background  and  Overview  •  HelloWorld  is  a  digital,  social  and  mobile  marke9ng  company  designed  to  create  

interac9ons,  drive  consumer  demand  and  accelerate  growth  for  client  brands/companies    

•  Was  founded  as  “ePrize”  in  1999    •  Covers  80%  of  the  industry  •  “Administers  four  9mes  more  promo9ons  (five  years  running)  than  its  

compe9tors  in  the  U.S.”  •  Market  themselves  as  a  marke9ng  and  technology  partner  •  Services:  Promo9ons,  loyalty  programs,  mobile  messaging  and  analy9cs  •  Sample  clients  include:  Coca  Cola,  Gap,  Covergirl,  Walgreens  and  KRAFT  •  Their  big  pla>orm  approach  affords  them  lots  of  clients,  but  in  turn  leads  to  a  

decrease  in  specializa9on  and  focus  on  individual  client  needs  

Compe1tor  Analysis:  “HelloWorld”  Google  Search  

Analysis:  Coverage  of  HelloWorld  in  a  Google  search  was  similar  to  Brandmovers’.  It  primarily  consists  of  company  reviews,  social  media  pages,  and  sponsored/promoted  informa9on.  Some  search  results  also  include  companies  and  products  with  the  same/similar  name;  for  example:  the  HelloWorld  mobile  app  (unrelated  to  the  digital  promo9ons  company).    

Compe1tor  Coverage  Analysis:  Campaign  

Overview:  This  ar9cle  addresses  APN’s  partnership  with  HelloWorld  to  promote  live-­‐pricing  on  digital  airport  screens.  The  ar9cle  included  a  quote  from  APN  sta9ng,  “We  applaud  HelloWorld  for  embracing  our  medium  and  execu9ng  a  clever,  well-­‐considered  campaign.”  UVMs:  N/A.  Engagement:  N/A.  Analysis:  This  was  posi9ve  coverage  for  the  company  and  showed  their  mul9faceted  services  and  ability  to  reach  interna9onal  audiences.    

Compe1tor  Coverage  Analysis:  MediaPost  

Overview:  This  ar9cle  explains  the  logis9cs  behind  the  “Seed  Campaign”  and  iden9fies  HelloWorld  as  the  agency  behind  the  promo9on.  The  “Choose  Your  #1  Seed  Challenge”  was  a  promo9on  in  which  Sco0s  Miracle  Grow  and  Lowes  paired  together  to  capitalize  on  March  Madness  in  a  way  that  related  to  both  companies  while  catching  the  a0en9on  and  involving  the  interest  of  a  diverse  audience.  Contestants  submi0ed  their  top  NCAA  ‘seeds’  to  Lowes  for  a  chance  to  win  9ckets  to  the  Final  Four.    UVMs:  637,808.  Engagement:  40  shares.  Analysis:  This  coverage  was  influen9al,  and  posi9vely  highlighted  the  prowess  of  HelloWorld’s  promo9onal  and  crea9ve  services.    

Compe1tor  Analysis:  Prizelogic  

Background  and  Overview  •  Digital  “partner”  or  marke9ng  agency  using  mobile  and  social  pla>orms  to  build  

brands  and  launch  promo9ons  •  Pride  themselves  on  their  insurance  policies,  indemnifica9ons,  back-­‐end  

technology  and  security    •  Create  new  ideas  from  scratch  for  each  client  •  Services  include:  Sweepstakes,  user-­‐generated  contests,  loyalty  programs,  

custom  games,  hashtag  aggregators  and  ecommerce    •  Sample  clients  include:  The  NHL,  Pepsi,  eBay  and  Subway  

Analysis:  Their  clientele  is  similar  to  that  of  Brandmovers,  but  their  website  is  slightly  easier  to  navigate,  which  allows  clients  to  be0er  understand  the  services  they  offer.  Their  website  also  looks  professional  and  highlights  their  best  work  and  emphasis  on  security  and  success.  

Compe1tor  Analysis:  “Prizelogic”  Google  Search    

Analysis:  Similar  to  Brandmovers  and  HelloWorld,  a  “Prizelogic”  Google  search  results  in  company  reviews,  social  media  pages  and  company  promoted  press  releases  and  links  to  the  Prizelogic  website.  There  is  very,  very  limited  editorial  or  media  coverage.  

Compe1tor  Coverage  Analysis:  Yelp      

Overview:  This  Yelp  review  is  a  complaint  from  a  customer.  “By  far  one  of  the  worst  customer  service  experiences  I  have  encountered.”      UVMs:  37,864,508.  Engagement:  None.  Analysis:  While  there  is  only  one  complaint  on  the  Prizelogic  Yelp  page,  this  single  review  is  a  reminder  of  how  important  online  reputa9ons  are  in  the  digital  age.  TBPR    will  be  sure  to  monitor  review  sites  on  behalf  of  Brandmovers.  

Compe1tor  Coverage  Analysis:  Cheap  Ass  Gamer      

Overview:  This  review  is  a  complaint  from  a  winning  contestant  who  claims  to  have  received  poor  communica9on  and  service  from  Prizelogic  operators,  as  well  as  a  delay  in  prize  delivery.    UVMs:  627,364.  Engagement:  This  post  generated  a  mul9tude  of  comments;  many  disagreed  with  the  unhappy  winner.    Analysis:  Please  keep  in  mind  that  there  is  no  editorial  coverage  on  Prizelogic,  and  that  these  nega9ve  company  reviews  are  prominent.  TBPR  will  promote  Brandmovers’  track  record  of  excellence  by  securing  top-­‐9er  media  coverage  and  pos9ng  a  steady  stream  of  quality  content  (e.g.,  op-­‐eds,  blog  posts,  etc.).  

Compe1tor  Coverage  Analysis:  Bloomberg  

Overview:  This  page  is  a  directory  on  the  Bloomberg  site,  and  provides  an  overview  on  Prizelogic,  its  services  and  leadership.  UVMs:  7,522,952.  Engagement:  N/A.  Analysis:  Inclusion  on  Bloomberg’s  directory  gives  the  company  credibility;  however,  it  is  important  to  keep  in  mind  that  this  is  not  media  coverage.  

Keyword  Search:  “Digital  Promo1ons”  

Analysis:  A  Google  search  for  “digital  promo9ons”  turns  up  a  number  of  various  marke9ng  and  digital  promo9ons  firms,  none  of  which  include  Brandmovers.  TBPR  will  work  to  connect  Brandmovers  to  this  search  term  via  press  releases  distributed  on  wire  services,  and  through  top-­‐9er  media  placements.  

Keyword  Search:  “Digital  Promo1ons  Agency”  

Analysis:  A  Google  search  for  “digital  promo9ons  agency”  again  reveals  numerous  digital  firms,  but  does  not  include  Brandmovers.  Through  targeted  content  development  and  media  placements,  TBPR  will  work  to  get  Brandmovers  on  the  first  page  of  this  par9cular  search.  

Keyword  Search:  “Social  Media  Contest  Agency”  

Analysis:  Brandmovers  is  not  included  in  a  Google  search  for  “social  media  contest  agency.”  TBPR  will  work  to  promote  Brandmovers’  social  media  campaigns,  contests,  sweepstakes  and  giveaways,  being  sure  to  link  to  this  search  term.  

Overall  Analysis  

Amer  careful  review,  which  is  based  on  our  research  and  SEO  audit,  TBPR  found  that  Brandmovers  has  li0le  to  no  top-­‐9er  media  coverage,  press  releases  distributed  via  wire  services,  or  blog/bylined  content  present  online.  This  creates  an  opportunity  for  TBPR  to  “start  from  the  ground  up,”  and  gives  us  the  freedom  to  curate  Brandmovers’  image,  build  its  credibility  and  strengthen  its  SEO  presence.        Our  main  goal  will  be  to  posi9on  Brandmovers  as  the  premiere  provider  of  digital  promo9ons.  We  will  do  this  by  implemen9ng  several  key  strategies—the  TBPR  team  will:  1)  dram  and  distribute  press  releases  via  PR  Newswire,  highligh9ng  company  announcements,  ini9a9ves,  and  news-­‐worthy  projects/campaigns  2)  dram  and  distribute  blog  posts,  bylined  ar9cles,  op-­‐eds  and  profile  pieces,  posi9oning  CEO  Andrew  Mitchell  as  an  industry  thought  leader  who  will  contribute  valuable  industry  insight  3)  stay  abreast  of  news  cycles/events/trends  rela9ng  to  digital  marke9ng/promo9ons,  and  pitch  Brandmovers’  leadership  as  experts  who  can  offer  commentary,  and  4)  secure  top-­‐9er,  na9onal  media  placements  which  will  populate  the  first  pages  of  Google  search,  drive  down  nega9ve  posts,  improve  Brandmovers’  SEO  ranking  and  will  build  trust  and  credibility  with  prospec9ve  clients  and  audiences.  Our  goal  is  to  have  Brandmovers  rank  for  search  terms  like:  “digital  promo9ons;”  “digital  promo9ons  agency;”  and  “social  media  contest  agency.”      Press  materials  will  emphasize  Brandmovers’  unique  approach  to  digital  promo9ons  and  ability  to  provide  superior  a0en9on  to  detail  and  client  service,  which  can’t  be  matched  by  larger  compe9tors  (e.g.,  HelloWorld,  Prizelogic).  TBPR  will  also  be  sure  to  monitor  web  review  sites  (e.g.,  Yelp,  Glassdoor  etc.)  for  nega9ve  posts.    To  keep  the  Brandmovers  team  apprised  of  developments,  and  to  monitor  the  success  of  our  efforts,  TBPR  will  send  update  reports/analy9cs  every  two  weeks.      
