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Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Ken van Wyk,, @KRvW

Break ‘em and Build ‘em WebSecAppDev 2016 Ken van Wyk, @KRvW

Leuven, Belgium 7-11 March 2016

Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Part I - Break ‘em!


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Module flow

Description of the flaw and how it is exploited Exercise to attack the flaw (for most) – We’ll let you try to figure each exercise out yourself – Then instructor will demonstrate the attack Discussion about mitigation steps – Mostly as they concern application layers – How does each mitigation fit into dev process


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The tools we’ll use

OWASP tools (freely available) – Firefox web browser

lWith FoxyProxy plug-in

– WebScarab -- a web application testing proxy lZAP is also installed in our VM

– WebGoat -- a simple web application containing numerous flaws and exercises to exploit them lRuns on (included) Apache Tomcat JavaEE server


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Setting up your virtual machine

Install VirtualBox on your system from the USB or download provided – You will need administrative privileges to install it if it

isn’t already there From the File menu, import the appliance prepared for this class – You may need to adjust the memory allocated for the VM

(default is 2 Gb) – You may need to tweak network settings and/or graphics

hardware settings — like 3D and 2D acceleration


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Setting up WebGoat

We’ll boot from the provided Virtual Machine –Class software pre-installed, but run from command line

lFirst cd into ~/Desktop/WebGoat

–To compile and run, type - l./

–Launch Firefox and point to server from bookmarklhttp://localhost:8080/WebGoat/attack

At this point, WebGoat is running, but you’ll still need a testing proxy to perform some attacks


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Next, set up WebScarab

Run WebScarab – Default listener runs on TCP port 8008 – Ensure listener is running within WebScarab Configure proxy – Use FoxyProxy in Firefox and select WebScarab

lThis configures browser to proxy traffic on TCP/8008 on (localhost)

– Connect once again to http://localhost:8080/WebGoat/attack


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WebGoat tips

Report card shows overall progress Don’t be afraid to use the “hints” button – Show cookies and parameters can also help – Show java also helpful – None of these are typical on real apps… Learn how to use it Fabulous learning tool


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Familiarizing Goat and Scarab

WebGoat – Do “Web Basics”

exercise – Try Hints and other

buttons – Look at report card

WebScarab – Turn on intercepts

lRequests lResponses

– Explore and experiment lParsed vs. raw view

– Try editing a request lModify parameters lAdd/omit parameters


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A word of warning on ethics

You will see, learn, and perform real attacks against a web application today. You may only do this on applications where you are authorized (like today’s class). Violating this is a breach of law in most countries. Never cross that ethical “line in the sand”!


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OWASP Top-10 (2013)

A1 - Injection A2 - Broken authentication and session management A3 - Cross-site scripting A4 - Insecure direct object reference A5 - Security misconfiguration

A6 - Sensitive data exposure A7 - Missing function level access control A8- Cross site request forgery (CSRF) A9 - Using components with known vulnerabilities A10 - Unvalidated redirects and forwards


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#1 Injection flaws

Occurs when “poisonous” data causes software to misbehave Most common is SQL injection –Attacker taints input data

with SQL statement –SQL passes to SQL

interpreter and runs –Data “jumps” from data

context to SQL context

Consider the following input to an HTML form –Form field fills in a

variable called “CreditCardNum”

–Attacker enters l ‘ l ‘ -- l ‘ or 1=1 --

–What happens next?


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SQL string injection exercise


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SQL integer injection exercise


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Injection issues and remediation

Passing unchecked data to any interpreter is dangerous Filtering out dangerous data alone can be problematic

SQL injection remediation – Use static strings – Parse for provably safe

input lNot a good idea

– Parameterized queries lVia PreparedStatement

– Stored procedures lSafe, but SQL engine


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Other injection dangers

SQL injection is common but others exist – XML – LDAP – Command shell – Comma delimited files – Log files

Context is everything – Must be shielded from

presentation layer Input validation will set you free – Positive validation is



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Log spoofing exercise


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Use DAO for as many interfaces as possible When not feasible, using safe code patterns – PreparedStatement

Code reviews should verify conformance – Consider tools with

custom rule sets


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Examples – How NOT to…

//Make connection to DB Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(DataURL, LOGIN, PASSWORD);

String Username = request.getParameter("USER"); // From HTTP request String Password = request.getParameter("PASSWORD"); // same

int iUserID = -1; String sLoggedUser = "";

String sel = "SELECT User_id, Username FROM USERS WHERE Username = '" +Username + "' AND Password = '" + Password + "'";

Statement selectStatement = connection.createStatement (); ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery(sel);


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Examples – PreparedStatement

String firstname = req.getParameter("firstname"); String lastname = req.getParameter("lastname");

String query = "SELECT id, firstname, lastname FROM authors WHERE forename = ? and surname = ?"; PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement( query ); pstmt.setString( 1, firstname ); pstmt.setString( 2, lastname ); try { ResultSet results = pstmt.execute( ); }


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Examples – Stored Procedure

String userID = request.getParameter("userID"); String pwd = request.getParameter("pwd"); try { CallableStatement cs = connection.prepareCall("{call sp_getUser(?,?)}"); cs.setString(1, userID ); cs.setString(2, pwd ); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); …


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#2 Broken authentication and session management

HTTP has no inherent session management – And only rudimentary

authentication Every developer has to invent (or reuse) one

Mistakes are common – Credentials transmitted

unencrypted – Stored unsafely – Passed in GET (vs.

POST) – Session cookies revealed

or guessable


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Authentication basics

Identification first – Typically, username Authentication factors – Something you know – Something you have – Something you are Passwords – Ubiquitous, but bad

Multi-factor – Token (hardware or

software) Biometric Text message out-of-band – Challenge/response – Notifications, etc.,

becoming common


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Authentication pitfalls

Credential exposure – Replay, man-in-the-

middle possible Failing to use multi-factor – SMS model is pretty


Injection susceptible server – LDAP, XML, SQL – Positive validation



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Spoofing auth cookie exercise


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Session management basics

Web contains no inherent session management Unique ID assigned to each session on server ID passed to browser and returned in each GET/POST – JSESSIONID for J2EE

Once authenticated, session token is as powerful as valid username/password Must be rigorously protected – Confidential – Random – Unpredictable – Unforgeable


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A word about setting cookies

Set-Cookie: name=VALUE; domain=DOMAIN_NAME; expires=DATE; path=/PATH/; secure; httponly

Set via HTTP headers Only name field is required Secure attribute instructs client to SSL encrypt – RFC 2965 still allows the client significant leeway – No guarantee for confidentiality, but still a good practice Httponly attribute prevents scripts from accessing cookie (e.g., Javascript in XSS attacks)


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Session management pitfalls

Exposing session token Session fixation Custom tokens

Not resetting session token Session hijacking and replay CSRF susceptible


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Session management issues

Session time-out – Inactivity – Absolute Logout button – Same place on every


Protecting high value functions/pages Referrer checking


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Resetting a session

public static HttpSession resetSessionId(HttpSession session, HttpServletRequest request) { session.invalidate(); session = request.getSession(true); return session;}


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Session fixation


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Examples – Flawed logic flow

bAuthenticated := true try { userrecord := fetch_record(username); if userrecord[username].password != sPassword then bAuthenticated := false end if; if userrecord[username].locked == true then bAuthenticated := false end if … } catch { // perform exception handling, but continue }


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Examples – Better logic flowbAuthenticated := false securityRole := null try { userrecord := fetch_record(username) if userrecord[username].password != sPassword then throw noAuthentication end if if userrecord[username].locked == true then throw noAuthentication end if if userrecord[username].securityRole == null or banned then throw noAuthentication end if … bAuthenticated := true securityRole := userrecord[username].securityRole } catch { bAuthenticated := false securityRole := null // perform error handling, and stop }


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Examples – Filtering usernamepublic static bool isUsernameValid(string username) { RegEx r = new Regex(“^[A-Za-z0-9]{16}$”); return r.isMatch(username); }

// java.sql.Connection conn is set elsewhere for brevity.

PreparedStatement ps = null; RecordSet rs = null;

try { isUsernameValid(pUsername); ps = conn.prepareStatement(“SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE username = ‘?’”); ps.setString(1, pUsername); rs = ps.execute(); if ( ) { // do the work of making the user record active in some way } }

catch (…) { …


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#3 Cross site scripting (“XSS”)

Can occur whenever a user can enter data into a web app – Consider all the ways a

user can get data to the app

When data is represented in browser, “data” can be dangerous

Consider this user input

<script> alert(document.cookie) </script>

– Where can it happen? – ANY data input

Two forms of XSS – Stored XSS – Reflected XSS


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Stored XSS

Attacker inputs script data on web app – Forums, “Contact Us”

pages are prime examples

– All data input must be considered

Victim accidentally views data – Forum message, user

profile, database field Can be years later – Malicious payload lies

patiently in wait – Victim can be anywhere


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Stored XSS exercise


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Reflected XSS

Attacker inserts script data into web app App immediately “reflects” data back – Search engines prime

example – “String not found”

Generally combined with other delivery mechanisms – HTML formatted spam

most likely – Image tags containing

search string as HTML parameter lConsider width=0 height=0



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Reflected XSS exercise


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XSS remediation

Multi-tiered approach – Input validation – Output encoding


But how? – It’s not so simple – Blocking “<>”,

“<script>”, etc. can lead to disaster

Strive for positive input validation, not negative – Prove something is safe Beware of internationalization Every single input – Database import, XML

data, the list goes on and on


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Presentation layer input validation

Client-side (Javascript) input validation – Trivially bypassed – Not a suitable security

control by itself – Good for usability

App server validation – XML config files Regular expression processing to verify fields – Positive validation Instant feedback to user


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Key concept

In a business application, if we are attacked – Block the attack – Know that we’re under

attack and alert the good guys

– Take evasive action Where should this happen? – Business logic, of course


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Examples - Javascript

// XSS filter code. takes out coding characters and returns the rest function emitSpclChr(nameStrng){ for(j=0;j<nameStrng.length;j++){ thisChar = nameStrng.charAt(j); if(thisChar=="<" || thisChar==">" || thisChar=="?" || thisChar=="*" || thisChar=="(" || thisChar==")"){ nameStrng=nameStrng.replace(thisChar,""); j=j-1; } } return (nameStrng); } //end XSS


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Examples - Javascript<SCRIPT> regex1=/^[a-z]{3}$/; regex2=/^[0-9]{3}$/; regex3=/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/; regex4=/^(one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine)$/; regex5=/^\d{5}$/; regex6=/^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$/; regex7=/^[2-9]\d{2}-?\d{3}-?\d{4}$/; function validate() { msg='JavaScript found form errors'; err=0; if (!regex1.test(document.form.field1.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\n bad field1';} if (!regex2.test(document.form.field2.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\n bad field2';} if (!regex3.test(document.form.field3.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\n bad field3';} if (!regex4.test(document.form.field4.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\n bad field4';} if (!regex5.test(document.form.field5.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\n bad field5';} if (!regex6.test(document.form.field6.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\n bad field6';} if (!regex7.test(document.form.field7.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\n bad field7';} if ( err > 0 ) alert(msg); else document.form.submit(); } </SCRIPT>


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Business logic layer input validation

Java regular expression processing – Positive validation Most popular frameworks have validators – Numerous data types Good idea to keep regex list in properties files for maintenance


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Examples – What’s wrong here?

public boolean validate(HttpServletRequest request, String parameterName) { boolean result = false; String parameterValue = null; parameterValue = request.getParameter(parameterName); if(parameterValue != null && parameterValue.indexOf(“<script”) != -1) { result = true;} return result;}


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Examples – A bit better

private static final Pattern zipPattern = Pattern.compile("^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$"); public void doPost( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try { String zipCode = request.getParameter( "zip" ); if ( !zipPattern.matcher( zipCode ).matches() { throw new YourValidationException( "Improper zipcode format." ); } .. do what you want here, after its been validated .. } catch(YourValidationException e ) { response.sendError( response.SC_BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage() ); } }


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Output encoding

Necessary for safely outputting untrusted data Context is vital to understand – HTML – Javascript – CSS – etc

Encoding scheme needs to match context of output stream Build/acquire an output encoding library – Different data types


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Examples – HTML escape

Context <body> UNTRUSTED DATA HERE </body> <div> UNTRUSTED DATA HERE </div> other normal HTML elements

String safe = ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTML(request.getParameter(“input”));


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#4 Insecure direct object reference

Architectural flaw in application Giving user access to a real world object is dangerous – Absolutely will be

tampered – Results can have major


Examples include – Files – User credentials – Payment information – Sensitive application

data or functions


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Object reference exercise


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Shopping cart direct object


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Object reference issues

Map objects in server code Many web apps use presentation layer security to “hide” sensitive functions – This approach is doomed

to failure

Strive for a positive input validation whenever possible – Map exposed names to

system objects on the server

– Discard all others OS-layer data access control and compartmentalization also highly useful


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#5 Security misconfiguration

Weakness in underlying components – Server, OS, framework,

etc. Can be just as damaging as a direct application weakness – Attackers don’t care

where a weakness is

Can be easier for an attacker to find – General, not specific to

your app – Many are published Can be easier to defend against also – IDS signatures, firewall



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Rigorous infrastructure testing – Penetration testing works

well for this Keep up with published reports – IT Security should be

watching for these

Find the holes before the attacker does Testbeds as well as production Many products available to assist here


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#6 Sensitive data exposure

Business software routinely processes sensitive data – Payment information – Customer information – Proprietary data – Application management


Potential exposures abound – Failure to encrypt in

transit – Failure to encrypt stored

data – Poor crypto choices


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Safe crypto usage

Crypto is a powerful tool for protecting data, but it is commonly misused in unsafe ways Problems abound – Key management – Poorly chosen keys – Inadequate algorithms Remember “encoding” is not the same as “encrypting”


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Encoding exercise


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Crypto issues

Sensitive data must be protected in transit and at rest Protection should be proportional to the value of the data Some tips – Store keys in safe place – Use strong keys that are

not easily guessed

– Use strong algorithms – Avoid re-using keys

Pretty basic, so why are so many mistakes made?


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Insecure transport layer

This is the “in transit” portion of insecure crypto Key management is biggest problem

Exchanging keys securely is where many mistakes made Information in URL field is subject to disclosure


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Insecure comms issues

Issues are similar to other crypto issues Key management is the big issue in crypto

Mutual authentication is highly advisable – SSL certificates on both

sides – Not always feasible – Consider Wi-Fi model


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#7 Missing function level access control

Many web apps lack even the most rudimentary access control – if authenticated then…is

NOT access control – Attackers are often times

able to navigate to sensitive data/functions

Potential exposures abound – Non-privileged user

accesses privileged functions or data

– Data leakage across administrative boundaries


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Access to URLs via “forced browsing”

Access to URLs is most basic presentation layer control Attackers only need a browser to guess URLs Admin functions commonly “hidden” this way “Forced browsing” attacks are pervasive and easy to automate


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URL access exercise


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URL access issues

Expect attackers to “spider” through your application’s folder/function tree Expect attackers to experiment with HTML parameters via GET and POST Presentation layer security is not sufficient

J2EE and .NET are a big help here


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Access control fundamentals

Question every action – Is the user allowed to

access this lFile lFunction lData lEtc.

By role or by user – Complexity issues – Maintainability issues – Creeping exceptions


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Role-based access control

Must be planned carefully Clear definitions of – Users – Objects – Functions – Roles – Privileges

Plan for growth Even when done well, exceptions will happen


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Access control matrix


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Java RBAC using Shiro

//get the current SubjectSubject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();

if (currentUser.hasRole(“administrator”)) { // Business logic goes here} else { // Security logic goes here}


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ESAPI access control


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ESAPI object references


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ESAPI access controlIn the presentation layer:

<% if ( ESAPI.accessController().isAuthorizedForFunction( ADMIN_FUNCTION ) ) { %> <a href="/doAdminFunction">ADMIN</a> <% } else { %> <a href="/doNormalFunction">NORMAL</a> <% } %>

In the business logic layer:

try { ESAPI.accessController().assertAuthorizedForFunction( BUSINESS_FUNCTION ); // execute BUSINESS_FUNCTION } catch (AccessControlException ace) { ... attack in progress }


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#8 Cross site request forgery (CSRF)

Relatively new, but potentially disastrous Attacker sends an image request to victim – During an active session

on vulnerable app – Request may include

malicious parameters – Response may include

session cookie

Consider if the image request arrived via spam email – Emailer renders the

HTML and retrieves all “images”

– Occurs while web browser is open and logged into popular banking site


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CSRF exercise


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CSRF issues

What’s the big deal? – <img src=‘…’> can be

used to hide commands other than images

– Session cookies often have long timeout periods

– Can redirect commands elsewhere on local network

Especially dangerous when delivered via email or malvertising – While logged into high

value system


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CSRF remediation

OWASP says, “Applications must ensure that they are not relying on credentials or tokens that are automatically submitted by browsers. The only solution is to use a custom token that the browser will not ‘remember’ and then automatically include with a CSRF attack.” This requires a lot of new coding Very few existing web apps are protected Phishers beginning to actively use this technique


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App containers - Tomcat

Current versions of Apache Tomcat have built-in filters that include CSRF protection – See org.apache.catalina.filters.CsrfPreventionFilter


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CSRF Guard (from OWASP)

One solution set is freely available Take a look at CSRF Guard –

Category:OWASP_CSRFGuard_Project – Uses a randomized token sent in a hidden HTML

parameter – NOT auto by browser Also look at CSRF Tester –



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#9 Using components with known vulnerabilities

Application ingredient lists often include weak components – Older versions with

published vulns – Fundamentally weak


Applications often “advertise” their weaknesses – Server headers – Stack traces when

exceptions not handled correctly


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Developers using weak code

According to OWASP, the following two components were downloaded 22 million times in 2011 – Apache CXF

Authentication Bypass – Spring Remote Code


Updated your OpenSSL library lately? – Did you go back and

rebuild all the apps you ever built using older versions?

How about glib? – Same thing


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The most important factor is vigilance – Keep up to date with

component weaknesses and patches

– Inventory of deployed components and versions l Include all dependencies

– Establish and enforce policies

Can’t avoid vulnerable component – Remove the weak

functions lRemember to update when

using new version

– Wrappers to disable unused or weak functions


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#10 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

Pages that take users to other URLs can be duped – Users think site is

trustworthy – Comes from your

domain –

Unchecked, can be used to send users to malicious sites – Malware launchpads Target-rich environment for phishers


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Am I vulnerable?

Review code for redirects or forwards – If target URL is a

parameter, ensure positive validation

Spider through site and look for redirect responses – Response code 300-307

(esp 302)

Fuzz test redirectors if code isn’t available


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Better still

Avoid using redirects and forwards entirely If you must, don’t rely on user parameters If parameters are essential, don’t rely on what the user inputs – Positive input validation ESAPI has a method for checking – sendRedirect()


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Information leakage and improper error handling

Information can “leak” from an application many ways – “Hidden fields” – File/folder naming – Badly handled errors

Consider other code quality issues as well – Comment fields – “Secrets” hard coded

into code


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Information leakage exercise


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Error handling

Errors can result from – Malicious payload injection – Bad (or missing!) input parameters – Duplicate input parameters Error handling can be problematic – Handle every error – Don’t give out too much information – Fail safely


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Safe failure exercise


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Error handling issues

Error conditions should provide user with helpful information, nothing more Debugging information should never be included in error messages

Graceful failure should consider all logical states – Include errors of

omission Consider Murphy’s Law


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#N Client-side reliance

Ok, it’s not on the OWASP list, but it is on the KRvW list Data (including scripts) that go to the client can and will be tampered with JavaScript tampering is trivial with the help of a tool like WebScarab


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Client-side script exercise


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Client-side issues

Never rely on data from the client If data must pass to the client and back, then it should be protected and then validated – So why pass it?

Keep sensitive data on the server – Session management – Customer data Use client-side scripts to help the user – If you validate data, then

it must be validated again on server


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#N+1 Quality concerns

Quality issues can manifest as security problems Classic J2EE problem with re-entrant servlets – Class variables can

change per instance Can be maddening to reproduce in test environments

Flaws appear during highest load periods – The worst possible time


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Concurrency exercise


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Concurrency issues

Be careful with class and instance variables – Declare final Use serial blocks sparingly – Performance bottleneck Look for flaws during high load testing – Not easy – Requires significant test harness


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Key concepts to never forget

Here are a few tips – Attitude

lPositive vs. negative validation

– Know your data lReally know it

– Know your business lNot everything is a tech


– Avoid quick and easy fixes lNo free lunches here


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Part II - Fix ‘em!


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WebGoat Dev Labs


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Lab agenda

We’ll do three hands-on labs – XSS remediation – SQL injection prevention – Role-based access control


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Some background

Let’s explore the WebGoat architecture a bit first


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WebGoat architecture overview

All labs use a custom Action Handler that is invoked from the main WebGoat servlet, The handler will execute their business logic, load the data into the WebSession object, and then turn control over to the view component (JSP) The WebGoat presentation only allows for a lesson to write into the Lesson Content portion of each page


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WebGoat architecture


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WebGoat page layout


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Code layout

Each lab’s action handlers are in a folder with same name – RoleBasedAccessControl lab is in


– Various java classes for each lab function – Let’s explore on disk a bit

lHint: Tab file completion is your friend


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JSP layout

All the JSPs are in – Resources tree – Again, let’s explore on disk Hint: only one lab requires modifying any JSPs


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Access control policy


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Database schema


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Org chart for Goat Hills Financial


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Lab 1: Cross-Site Scripting


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Lab overview

Six stages – Stored XSS attack – Positive input validation using regex – Stored XSS attack redux – Output encoding – Reflected XSS attack – Positive input validation using regex


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Stage 1

Login as “Tom” Plant and execute a stored XSS attack on the Street field of the Edit Profile page Verify “Jerry” is affected Hint: All passwords are the users’ first names in lowercase – Note to self: don’t use first name as password


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Stage 2

Block the XSS input using positive input validation Hints – Start by looking in UpdateProfile action handler

lSee request.getParameter calls in parseEmployeeProfile

– Java.util.regex is your friend Try it, then we’ll step through the solution


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Stage 3

Login as “David” and view “Bruce’s” profile – There’s an XSS attack already in Bruce’s data Think that’ll get caught by the input validator?


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Stage 4

Since it’s too late for input validation, fix this one using output encoding Hints – Look at output in JSP – htmlEncoder class in org.owasp.webgoat.util


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Stage 5

Login as “Larry” Use the Search Staff page to construct a reflected XSS attack – How could Larry attack another employee?


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Stage 6

Use positive input validation to block this reflected XSS vulnerability Hints – Same issues exist here re parsers and regex – Look through FindProfile to find where the name

parameter is being input


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Review checklist

Things to consider when reviewing software – Input validation on everything

lCentralized lEasily maintained lRegex-based

– Consistently applied


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Lab 2: SQL Injection


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Lab overview

Four stages – Use SQL injection to login as “Neville” without a correct

password – Block SQL injection using a parameterized query – As “Larry,” use SQL injection to view “Neville’s” profile – Block SQL injection


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Stage 1

Use a SQL string injection attack to login as the boss, “Neville” – WebScarab might be handy Validate that all functions available to Neville are accessible


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Stage 2

Look in Login handler – Alter the back-end SQL call – Change from concatenated string to parameterized query

lPreparedStatement is your friend


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Stage 3

Login as “Larry” Execute a numeric SQL injection in the View function


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Stage 4

This time it’s in the ViewProfile action handler Again, use a parameterized query to prevent the SQL injection from working


Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Review checklist

Look through all SQL connections Must not ever be mutable – No user-supplied data can affect the intent Static strings are OK


Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Lab 3: Access control


Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Lab overview

Four stages – Bypass business layer access control – Add access control using RBAC – Bypass data layer access control – Add access control using RBAC


Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Stage 1

Login as “Tom” Bypass access control in the Delete function in the Staff List page – Delete Tom’s profile


Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Stage 2

Look in the handleRequest method of the RoleBasedAccessControl handler – How is the action protecting for authorized access? Look at isAuthorized method (using Eclipse) – Failures should throw UnauthorizedException()


Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Stage 3

Login as “Tom” Exploit weak access control to View another employee’s profile


Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Stage 4

Implement data layer access control to block access to other users’ profiles Can build control programmatically or via better SQL You can use the following method – isAuthorizedForEmployee(s, userId, subjectUserID) Be sure to throw UnauthorizedException on failure


Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Review checklist

Look for RBAC structure (or other AC) Look for consistent application of AC architecture Focus review around most sensitive functions and data


Copyright© 2016 KRvW Associates, LLC

Kenneth R. van Wyk KRvW Associates, LLC

