Breastfeeding as a Tool for Reducing Health Disparities


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Breastfeeding as a Tool to Reduce Health Disparities

Cristina Leos ( University

I am specifically interested in getting Latina mothers to breastfeed for at

least 6 months.

This is just one behavior which can positively impact health during early


So in thinking on how to design solutions for these women, I wanted to know….

How many women

breastfeed already?

Breastfeeding Trends by Ethnicity and Income: 1999-2006

74% of Mexican American infants have been breastfed, and unlike other ethnic

groups, the rate is the same across socioeconomic status.

Why does this matter?

This tells me…

1. most Latina women are familiar with the practice of breastfeeding, and

2. even women with low socioeconomic status are willing to try breastfeeding at least once

Why does socioeconomic

status matter?



Education and income are closely linked to health. Generally, those with little education and/or low socioeconomic status

(SES) experience worse health outcomes than those of higher SES.

Breastfeeding is particularly important for Latina women with low socioeconomic status because this group is at such a huge health disadvantage


This group can gain the most from the health benefits breastfeeding provides to babies.

Reduced risk for childhood obesity***

*Anderson, Johnstone, & Remley (1999) **Jackson, Andrea, & Nazar (2006) ***Arenz, (2004)

Benefits of breastfeeding include:


ParentingClan PCM Lifestyle

Improved cognitive development*

Stronger immune systems**

And the health benefits increase the longer we can get women to breastfeed,

this is why I am interested in getting women to breastfeed for 6 months.

This one behavior can impact Latino health and reduce health disparities.

How many women

breastfeed for at least 6 months?

So I want to know…

Breastfeeding at 6 Months

Only ~40% of Mexican American infants are still breastfed at 6 months

30% of Latina women have breastfed at some point, but have stopped breastfeeding before the

6 month mark.

I am interested in designing solutions to get these women to continue


Past trials suggest…

Mobile Apps VideosNewsletters


…work well for women who are new to breastfeeding or otherwise promotes

breastfeeding over the short-term.

But in order to get mothers to breastfeed for at least 6 months, I propose 2 options:

Getting women to visit a lactation consultant once a

month for 6 months

Getting women to join a support group

Few people realize the importance of social support when mothers attempt to breastfeed.

I predict that visiting a lactation consultant or joining a support group will get 50% of women to

breastfeed for at least 6 months in 50% of the cases.

Thank you!

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