Brexit or no Brexit? That ‘Remains’ the question!” · “Brexit or no Brexit? That...


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“Brexit or no Brexit? That ‘Remains’ the question!”!!

John Scott!!!!!!!!!

The purpose of these observations is to consider why the subject of ‘Brexit’ often provokes reactions of anger, fear and confusion !

and how this can be reflected in our relationship to !Consciousness.!



Brexit or no Brexit? That ‘Remains’ the question!”!!!

Have you noticed how the mere mention of the word ‘Brexit’ inspires instantaneous, highly-charged reactions? Sometimes, and particularly if you have already established an orientation that is diametrically opposed to that of your interlocutor, you are open to arraignment by a motley of emotionally reactive outbursts, (reminiscent of the characteristic tourist abroad with their penchant to shout louder and louder in English when confronted by a non-anglophone counterpart in the vain attempt to make themselves understood!). As if facial contortions and blood-raising temperatures, accompanied by no mean amount of injurious or sarcastic invective, could possibly ‘win you over’.!!On other occasions you may find yourself being seduced into the silky smug assurances of those who consider themselves to represent the more educated elements of society, better informed about the longterm repercussions of the situation and only too aware of the sheer folly involved in supporting even the slightest allegiance to, or hinting at the remotest of sympathy for, the opposing stance. For they evidently benefit from a vastly superior overview of the situation, the height of which is corresponding reflected by the high opinion in which they hold themselves. Because it should be obvious to any one who was not out of their mind that their position was the only conceivable one possible. It simply beggars belief that anyone could even conceive of such folly!!!A further category, less vociferous yet internally seething as they witness the host of conflicting and mutually opposing views that echo in their ears, tentatively suggest that they shall not be unduly effected, regardless of the outcome and do not feel inspired to vote for either camp in any event. Why should they concede their own, quietly owned, sovereignty to some unknown, unelected and to all intents and purposes invisible controlling power elite whose elected

minions (EMPs) spend their time and your money oscillating between Brussels and Strasbourg, incurring in the process travel expenses at a cost of £130 million per year! (1)!!Regardless of which camp we are considering, it quickly becomes apparent that all sides are emotionally triggered by the subject in hand. All sides appear to be unaware of the dynamics that leap spontaneously into play, dynamics that have been playing themselves out in various shapes and forms since the inception of aptly named human ‘his_story’. For each moment belongs to history, and history recounts his story. And his story is always recounted from his point of view which is to be accepted as gospel without question as far as he is concerned. And of course, he is always right, always correct. How could it be otherwise. It would be ludicrous to assume that, given their particular perspective and their point of view, that their personal viewpoint could be false. For we are talking here of the history of the ego, the I-image that has left its imprint upon human evolution for ‘millen_I am’.!!Two issues come into play. Firstly the undeniable acceptance that any individual is legitimate in claiming that their point of view is correct, because logically it must be so…if only for them. At the same time, the potential scope for the existence of a variety of alternative viewpoints on any given subject under consideration (such as a painting, a sportive event, one’s favourite colour, etc), logically cannot be denied. But here we are, in the heat of the moment, raring to let loose in precisely the way that our reptilian brain has been created and conditioned to do. Its purpose is protect us and our respective interests, thereby enabling us to confront, to hide or run away from any perceived danger. Fight, fright, flight.!!Perceived danger? Why danger? Our reaction to whatever is perceived to represent a danger is wholly based upon one particular and fundamental belief system that pervades all other belief systems. A child may well perceive shadows in the dark to represent a dangerous animal, even though it transpires that it is only the movement of curtains in the penumbra. The child was right, from their point of view. On an individual level and throughout

millennia, we have incorporated a host of fundamental belief systems choosing only to adopt and prioritise a more limited number from among them. Nonetheless, a sense of danger would be non-existent were it not for this specific belief system that accompanies and underlies all of the others. Because believe it or not, we are talking about right and wrong.!!Each individual views their world from their own point of view, which is so called because it signifies their viewpoint, which is unique to them. It therefore cannot be deemed to be incorrect or wrong. This means that every individual is perfectly legitimate in considering themselves to be right. Furthermore, the very existence and survival of their personal identity and of their sense of integrity and self-esteem, depends upon the maintenance of their I-image, their personality. Our personality is our personae, our mask. This is the face that we put on show to the external world. It represents a kind of ongoing ‘selfie’ that nowadays enables us to immortalise our appearance (which many continue to equate with them Self) from one instant to the next, if only to be retained in a cloud storage system! Paradoxically, the ‘selfie’ serves to focus upon and illustrate the inherent ‘fractional’ nature of this ego-personality, because no two selfies are the same. We would appear to have, then, a multiplicity of identities, or none at all:!!“For the ego has no concreteness, no substance, no continuity. It is a collection of thoughts held together by memory. The person appears when you think of it. …It is created by society, by parents and education and crystallises as a complex of data and experiences. There is no one ego that an be described. Rather there are two, three, a thousand ‘me’s’…” (2)!!Rather there are two or three, or thousands of ‘selfies’! Instead, hidden behind the ego’s multiplicity of masks - one for the loved one, another for the baker, yet another for the neighbour’s barking dog, more again for work colleagues, etc. - contenting itself with the successive repetition through constant re-creation, moment to moment, of what we now perceive as being one constant being due to the workings of a combination of habit and memory. The naming

of objects, along with the naming of our self, both coincide with the identification with a ‘self’ that is considered to be an homogenous entity, living itself and its life intact from birth through to death. !!This all blithely presupposes the validity of the existence of linear time while precluding the equally fallible notion of multiple time-lines (3), in which any given (so-called) ’individual’ in fact pursues every option that presents itself to them, resulting an infinite number of versions of them ‘self’ pursuing each and every option along concurrent but separate timelines. The phenomena of ‘déjà vu’ here finds explanation when two or more separate timelines re-join one another in a sort of (inter-dimensional) ‘bleed through’ or cross-over situation, like rail tracks crossing over to conjoin once more on the main track. Indeed, it is high time we got back on track and returned to the subject in hand, Brexit!!!In the same way that multiple rail tracks eventually conjoin in order to ensure that voyagers reach their destination in one piece, so too, (and despite the initial appearance of division and separation that reigns amidst alarmed cries of ‘people going off track’), the Brexit vote ensures in the end that all desires are fulfilled. Those who, for one reason or another, did not actually get around to voting almost certainly sensed the underlying wisdom that was at play, precluding their need to cast aspersions in either direction. Instead of positioning themselves in either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ mode, they opted for the more unificatory ‘neutral’ mode, in which differences become implicitly reconciled as emotional investment is reduced to a minimum. After all, both the ‘heads’ and ‘tails’ are unified by one and the same ‘neutral’ coin.!!!

‘Everyone shall see their wish come true and their desires fulfilled.’!

!How can this be possible? First of all, and before answering that question, let us put Brexit into its global context, and in so doing, put each and every individual into their true, irrefutable perspective.!!

Everybody and everything is Consciousness:!!Is it possible to name anything, - an idea, one concept, a being, one mountain, a thought, a tomato - real or imaginary, that does not exist in Consciousness? Clearly, the mere invocation of a real or imaginary ‘thing’, dead or alive, real or imaginary, brings us back to Consciousness, which contains it. It is impossible to name any thing that exists beyond or outside of Consciousness as Conscious cannot be separated from any thing. No doubt this is why the scientist, although quite proficient in describing the effects manifested within reality, is incapable of coming to know Totality itself, because it can never know the knower scientifically. Because physics emphasises the perceived, the part, and not the perceiver, the Whole.!!For the perceived, Brexit, is in the perceiving, but the perceiving is not in the perceived. The ‘perceiver’ is not a fraction or a particular region located in the brain, but the Totality itself - Consciousness. While Brexit can be objectified, Totality cannot be objectified. Here, by focussing upon ‘one side’ of the Brexit question, - as in perceiving the need to ‘leave’ or to ‘remain’ - the vision of the whole picture becomes lost. We may think that our opinion or viewpoint represents the Whole, but obviously this cannot be so, otherwise how could any other opinion exist?!!Were we to replace ‘Brexit’ with ‘tomato’, we would have no problem whatsoever in accepting as valid the viewpoint expressed by someone who detested tomatoes, even though we may adore tomatoes personally. What’s more, this ‘anti-tomato’ person would avoid spending ages of their time ranting and raving about how they detested tomatoes, the very thought of which would make them feel ill. And the tomato-lover would see no point in seeking to convert the tomato-hater to their viewpoint or opinion.!!If everything is Consciousness, everything is by implication connected.!!

Contemporary science confirms that, with regard to physical reality, all matter is constituted by atoms. Even when the atom is ‘split’, it continues to exist in other forms. The more science seeks to identify the frontier of existence, the limits of the brain or of the material world, the more it is resigned to concede that ‘reality’ cannot be ultimately objectified. However, this does not prevent us from coming to comprehend how we can be all at once interconnected and at the same time experience our self as being a ‘separate’ identity, a separate entity. To do this we need to focus our attention on the way in which Consciousness manifests itself and why, with reference to our self.!!On the one hand, Consciousness manifests itself in the form of an ‘essence’, for example ‘John Scott’. This essence represents a singular manifestation of Consciousness which chooses to express itself in this particular configuration in order to explore and experience itself in this physical dimension, in order to give expression to just some of its infinite potentialities. While there are an infinite number of other dimensions, some of which are physical, others non-physical, one thing is sure; no other dimension is saddled with the issue of Brexit!!!Inasmuch as Consciousness, when we created this particular physical dimension at its inception, we devised several primary belief systems in order to provide a basis upon which gender and the multiple expressions of emotions could be explored. It could be said that they operate somewhat like the seemingly innocuous background music in a supermarket, designed as it is to subliminally influence the behaviour of its unsuspecting customers. The belief systems can be loosely described as follows: emotion; truth; relationships (e.g. intimate, family, work, social, political, etc etc); perception; duplicity; sexuality; the senses (physical senses/inner senses); religious (spirituality); scientific (elements of physical reality); physical creation of the universe (including accidents and coincidences). !!We incorporate every single belief which is contained within all of the belief systems. Yet while we incorporate every belief that is

associated with all belief systems, we express only comparatively few. We select the beliefs which are associated with and in accordance with how we choose to manifest our particular personality in respect of the given culture into which we choose to incarnate. In the same way, our essential beliefs will align with those of our families and in accordance with our orientations, which in turn serve to develop our preferences. We choose certain beliefs that we shall express, and these are associated also with our opinions.!!“What has all this got to do with Brexit?”!!Well, while you represent a particular, unique identification of Consciousness, at the same time you are all of Consciousness. It could not be otherwise. Were you not all of consciousness, where and what would be the frontier between ‘you’, (manifesting Consciousness in the form of an ego and as a unique personality) and Consciousness as a Whole (which we have already accepted as containing every conceivable thing and everyone)? !!At the beginning of history, even before man was conceived in flesh and blood, inasmuch as Consciousness we conceived everything! As we, mankind, progressively evolved throughout space-time, the association of our own, true essence has given way to that of the ego, which defines itself in terms of its ‘separation’ from the rest of the world, considering itself resolutely ‘apart’, differentiated from the world of objects that appears to surround us. What you identify presently as you, in this moment, in this physical manifestation, is a specific momentary focus of attention. This focus of attention creates a singularity in its concentration, and therefore appears to be separated from all else. But in actuality, it is merely the designation of this focus of attention that creates the illusion of separateness. We forgot that it was us, inasmuch as Conscience, who conceived this game in which the essence - the expression of our ego, of our singularity among Mankind - explores itself through the experiences made possible within the context of duality. At least up until the year 2012.!!

The Mayan calendar did not announce the end of the world for 2012, only the end of ‘time’ as we have known it for eons. A change in paradigm. We had previously decided to end our experiences in a duality-based context and thereafter begin to expand our conscious awareness, rediscovering in the process our latent inner facets which enable us to create new experiences. Having spent millennia focussing upon what we created, we now embark upon a deeper understanding of how we create our world, realigning our Self more directly with the creative process. Another way of describing this is that you are not here IN a place; you are here AS the place itself. You are the total experience that is taking place, even though you may view it solely from a particular ‘point of view’.!!Today we find ourselves at the outset of a situation that is entirely unique in the history of this world. We are partaking in an unprecedented rise in consciousness, amidst electromagnetic frequency levels that impact every aspect of reality such as we know it. This process involves a dramatic upgrading in vibratory frequency that manifests itself through any number of physical symptoms in respective beings. A few of the most common symptoms of these spikes in electromagnetic frequency are:!!� Hot flashes- as the body vibrates faster it generates heat;!� Blurred vision;!� Vertigo (dizziness);!� Irregular or skipped heartbeat;!� Unexplained pains that may linger to be acknowledged or may mysteriously come and go;!� Ringing in one or both ears. High pitched frequencies, harmonic tones, and/or sometimes temporary deafening;!� Mood swings as emotional blocks come up to be resolved;!� Extreme fatigue or extreme energy bursts depending on the kind of frequency experienced at the time and how the individual is dealing with it;!� Increased intuition, a sense of knowing or remembering things that guide you through difficulties, and increased sixth sense abilities (beyond touch, taste, feel, hearing, and sight);!� Nausea;!

� Flu-like symptoms (without fever temperatures);!� Problems with bowels;!� Extreme hunger or lack of hunger- different then usual;!� Anxiety and increased fight or flight mode in the body.!!Meanwhile, in France the movement of the Yellow Vests symbolises and renders (literally!) visible this rise in consciousness that once undertaken can never be reversed. Interestingly enough, the Yellow Vests movement succeeds in containing a considerable variety of supposedly ‘opposing’ political, social, religious viewpoints within its ranks, laying aside the historic rivalries in order the pursue the common cause. In this respect, are the Yellow Vests one step ahead of the Brexiteers?!!The most pervasive of our belief systems in this duality-reality is no doubt the notion of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. We have seen elsewhere that our perception of what is ‘right’ is wholly dependent upon…well, upon our own particular perception. The same sun can be simultaneously rising or setting depending upon respective different viewpoints, whereas viewed from space it can be deemed to neither rise nor set - ever! This means that several apparently ‘different’ points of view may nonetheless be considered to be perfectly correct at any given time depending upon their respective points of view. In the same way, our personal points of view are heavily influenced and determined by our perception which subsequently reveal themselves in the expression of our opinions.!!So in a nutshell: we have forgotten who and what we essentially are. Everything is Consciousness; Consciousness is limitless and cannot be objectified; each individual is an expression of Consciousness, an essence; everything we perceive to be outside of our essence is, in fact, a collectively influenced projection of our internal workings, because every single thing that we see, hear, touch, taste, smell and imagine is experienced from within the confines of our ego-personality, which we identify closely with the physical body. As we constitute all of Consciousness, we are thereby empowered to create and influence the totality of our reality.!!

Today everyone is experiencing the global rise in consciousness that is underway on an individual level, regardless of whether or not we like it. Schumann’s Resonance (4), which is likened to Earth's ‘heartbeat’, is also undergoing an unprecedented ascent in frequency levels. Schumann Resonance had remained more or less stable at 7.83 Hz since it had first been measured. However, on January 31, 2017 it is passed from its norm of 7.83 Hz to more than 36 Hz, which represented a fourfold increase. Several studies have suggested that the Earth's magnetic field is influenced by the level of human consciousness, and this reciprocally. (5) Historically, changes in electromagnetic frequencies throughout the world have been well documented and are habitually accompanied by extreme meteorological manifestations; flooding, tornados, earth quakes, tsunamis, heat-waves and so on. These in turn are reflected in the accompanying often tumultuous changes that are taking place within consciousness on both individual and collective levels. (6) It is also impacted by geo-engineering (7)!!On the social and political scene we are currently witnessing world-wide upheavals. For example, the Yellow Vests movement that first appeared on the 17th November 2018 is now visible in twenty-two other countries all around the world. For everything we observe outside of us is just a projection of what is happening and what emanates from within ourself. Today, our attention is being drawn towards understanding not only what we create but how we create it - the growing awareness of our own direct involvement in the process of creation. Our creations, that appear to manifest only in external realty, serve to ‘demonstrate’ what is in fact taking place simultaneously within us. In other words, the external manifestations are simply a reflection of what is being conceived from within. !!Brexit provides a vivid example of millennia-long internal contradictions and conflicts finally seeing the light of day, not only on an individual level but, expressing themselves openly on a large scale. External, collective demands for Scottish and/or UK independence, for example, echo the internal bid for sovereignty on behalf of the respective individual human being. If the predominant

motivating factor behind the Brexiteer call for independence is a demand for acknowledgement of their respective individual value in face of an impersonal authority, the parallel demand of Remainers would appear to be motivated principally by a desire for unity among all European peoples. However, and despite appearances, these are not by any means mutually exclusive. Self-validation leads to increased self-confidence which in turn nurtures acceptance of ‘difference’ (as may be perceived in the ‘other’) because any differences are no longer accompanied by fear. In the same way, the reciprocal welcoming acceptance of ‘different’ european (and other) cultures necessarily leads to an increased sense of self-worth, together with the validation of the respective cultural traits that are carried by all concerned.!!In the pursuit of their respective, apparently different, disposition, both Brexiteers and Remainers find themselves in the company of people from a variety of different social, political, religious, ethnic, etc., backgrounds, not to mention different political persuasions. It is not as if all white Tories voted for Brexit, or all Romany Travellers voted to ‘Remain’, or all black middle-class teachers opted to abstain. A bird’s-eye view of the overall situation quickly reveals the apparent incompetence of those deemed to be ‘in power’ to satisfy the respective demands of their (not for much longer?) constituent parties. Why then is the proclaimed Brexit taking so long to become enacted? What is the underlying purpose for all of the delays and interminable shenanigans? What is really going on behind the scenes to justify the prolongation from one date to the next of the Brexit process?!!‘Energetic Loosh’ is a term that is used to describe ‘spiritual energy’ or ‘life force’ that is common to both human beings and animals. When they feel threatened, are suffering harm or are being killed, they radiate emotional energy which also results in traumatised pain that is experienced and recorded within the body, mind and soul. In other words, in the event of a threatening situation, such traumas are reinvoked and seek forceful expression accordingly. (6) The ‘powers that were’, leaders of the ancient paradigm which is today falling into demise, were well-versed in the application of techniques

with which to exploit human ‘loosh' for their own purposes. (8) Historically, the negative entities and so-called ‘elites’ have depended and fed upon ‘loosh' for their survival. We are all familiar with the existence of cannibalism in certain cultures, a practise whereby the enemy's force and strength of character is sought to be consumed by the vanquisher. In the same albeit even more distasteful way, members of the ‘elite classes’ - royalty, religious, political leaders and various secret society members world-wide - have recourse to the consumption of live human flesh and blood, satanic sacrificial child practices, etc., in order to regenerate themselves with what they consider to be an elixir - adrenochrome and its associated derivatives. Nectar of the gods? The greater the fear and trauma that is generated within the victim and the higher their adrenaline count, the more highly charged the resultant emotional ‘loosh’. While such practises are revolting to any sane compassionate human being, it represents a matter of life and death for these particular entities. Their survival in this particular frequency band is dependent upon the perpetuation of such practices. !!The full scale of human and child trafficking world-wide is only now beginning to be revealed through alternative, independent non mass media sources. This is the same mass media that failed to ask how, and more to the point why, was it that an obscure night-club owner in northern England, once suspected of being implicated in a number of murder cases, became a privileged friend of Prince Charles, spent several Christmas Days at Chequers with Margaret Thatcher, become a Knight of the Realm and went on to be awarded a papal knighthood. During this time this individual was directly involved with activities in a variety of institutions and hospitals in which highly vulnerable children were retained. Perhaps Sir Jimmy Sa_vile OBE KCSG?…!!The highly reactive frenetic, panic-stricken and often agressive expressions that we have come to associate with many individuals’ reaction to the subject of Brexit exhibit the same symptoms that have been associated with the victims of trauma-based mind control and degenerate satanic sacrificial practises. Here however, the

Brexiteers and Remainers are purging themselves of past conditioned behavioural responses by cleansing and liberating themselves not only from those high, negatively-charged emotions but also by rejecting the ancient, rigidly controlling paradigm in preparation for the heralding in of the new liberating and (eventually!) unificatory paradigm. It is as though they are giving birth to a new paradigm, expressing all of the cries and pain, blood and thunder, contorsions and angst, fear and trepidation that accompanies each birth process. A rebirth that ends in joyous celebration! !!The agonising (for some) prolongation of the Brexit process provides yet another examples of how the ‘ruling factions’ are desperately attempting to generate and maintain their supply of ‘loosh' from within the ranks of the general public. Nonetheless, we are witnessing now the final death throes of the ancient paradigm, desperately attempting to prolong their own destiny, revealing as they go along a litany of lies and deceit that are being revealed only now in the full light of day. The historical, vertical power structure system is crumbling before our eyes. Traditional so-called representational politics, together with hierarchical national and global power structures - totalitarian oligarchies operating under the cover of ‘democratic unions’ and so on, - are coming to an end. The ‘masses’ are beginning to see through the subterfuge and the underlying hypocrisy of their masters’ claimed authenticity. The king is revealed naked under the increasingly relentless scrutiny of the freshly informed public eye, if only because genuinely independent ‘news’ content has become globally available as a viable source of information which is rapidly replacing the main stream media output.!!The machinations of the mainstream media illustrate how the misrepresentation of the many has been controlled by the few. (9) Approximately nine billionaire families own over 90% of world-wide media resources. Only the extremely naive would imagine for a moment that the main stream media operated in accordance with any directives other than those serving to assure the continuation of their respective vested self-interest. The incessant promotion of

‘fear porn’ by the mass media serves to stimulate ‘loosh’ on a mass scale. In addition, the systematic warped portrayal of a ‘reality’ that is presented under the auspices of ‘facts’ is today being exposed as its real motivations are becoming revealed. For the media’s role has been to preserve an unquestioned ruling elite through the systematic indoctrination of its spell-bound audiences, lulling them subliminally into a sense of helpless submission, punctuated by exaggerated fear-based news flashes that are designed to maintain the population in a state of constant insecurity. Dramatised threats of wars, terrorists, climate catastrophes, violence in all its forms, are all promoted with a view to creating a sense of desperate fear-based resignation on behalf of the shell-shocked impotent public.!!Nonetheless, when these systematically dishonest representations and lies are put into their historic context we can come to acknowledge that they symbolise our very own lies that we have accumulated over the centuries. The lies that we have told to ourselves in our refusal to recognise, admit or acknowledge our true, essential value in face of the systematic reprobation (‘mortal sinners’, etc.) instilled within us by our ‘chosen’ masters. They represent our individual and collective refusal to acknowledge our own creative responsibility for what we saw unfolding before our eyes. The Brexit story too serves to engage and express our individual and collective historical emotional traumas, bringing them out into the open to become resolved, once and and for all and, for once: for all! !!Millennia of social engineering and religious conditioning are now being revealed for what they are. (10) The means whereby we, as an expression of Consciousness in the form of an essence, enabled ourselves to explore as many different experiences of pleasure and pain, of right and wrong, of good and of evil, as was possible. Today, that particular experiment has come to an end. There is no further use for these uncompromising, trauma-provoking, psychopathic ‘leaders’ who are devoid of compassion, to stimulate our experiences. We are ready not only to regain control of our individual and collective destiny, but also to raise the game to a new

level in which the lower frequencies of fear, anger, hatred and despair will no longer have any role to play.!!Having spent millennia creating conflict, confusion, misery, division, warfare and violence in all its forms, we now direct ourselves towards acceptance, which represents the corner stone of our new orientation. Acceptance is the expression of non judgment and no expectations. This involves no judgment of good or bad, of right or wrong, and no expectations laid upon any other person. So how do we go about achieving ‘acceptance’ in the context of Brexit? How do we reconcile apparently opposing points of view, and calm the incredible level of animosity that the very word inspires? How do we come to know what is really going on, without being drawn into seemingly endless disputes, chaos and fear-mongering angst?!!Well, in the absence of proof to the contrary we have established that we are at once an ‘essence’, a singular unique expression of Consciousness in the form of ego-personality, and that we are at one and the same time all of Consciousness. By implication, ‘all of Consciousness’ is all-inclusive; you, me, the neighbour’s yapping dog, Mount Everest, Theresa May,…and both Brexiteers and Remainers alike! The structure on Earth that we as Consciousness provided in order to experience and explore emotions and gender has led to us ’forgetting’ the full extent of our immense ‘being-ness’ - Consciousness itself. So, despite the fact that we have created everything and everyone, we have been focussing our attention upon viewing reality from one limited perspective to such an extent that we have lost sight of the fact that we are actually perceiving ‘our Self’ in everything and every one that we equate as being ‘our’ reality.!!We are the ‘perceiving’ that perceives the perceived.!!When we fall asleep, our ego/personality/physical body is at rest. Yet we continue to perceive in dream-time. We continue to manifest ourself or others or other realities, above and beyond, so to speak, our physical ego-identity. For this too is who we are. Today, we have arrived at a turning point. A change that necessarily involves a

different ‘viewpoint’, a completely different perspective - an appreciation of both who and what we are. We have created limitations within our physical reality for an extensive time framework quite purposefully, and this is not bad or wrong. But now we are choosing a new experience, and in this new experience, we choose to offer ourselves more freedom, and in the expression of freedom, we are choosing to incorporate more of reality in this physical dimension. Our awareness is developing into expansion.!!Unsurprisingly, this action also incorporates trauma, which is why we are experiencing and witnessing trauma within our world. How can we move to eliminate these expressions of trauma and conflict? By familiarising ourselves with our Self, by familiarising ourself with our beliefs, and allowing ourself to move into the mode of acceptance – acceptance and trust of self, acceptance of our belief. We do not need to eliminate the ego-self or eliminate our beliefs, but simply grow to accept these beliefs for what they are, and of attain genuine acceptance of self.!!This is the movement that is taking place within our beliefs, the knowing that we hold beliefs that are basic to the design of this particular physical dimension, and not creating judgments upon those beliefs but allowing ourself to recognise them for what they are - mere beliefs. With this action, we can come to eliminate the automatic response that we create in relation to them, while retaining energy that is otherwise expended in rigorously seeking to maintain and express them. In as much as Consciousness, we have decided that we have finished with the millennia-long experience of duality-reality. This does not mean that we are going to abandon belief systems or stop feeling/experiencing emotions and gender. It simply means that we are embarking on a process whereby we progressively broaden our awareness - starting with our awareness of our veritable Self.!!Remembering the mantra “Love thy neighbour as (you love) yourself”, we are now embarking on a voyage that has never been undertaken by Consciousness, be it in this dimension or in any other dimension. Because we are embarking upon an expansion of

consciousness while retaining our physical body, from within physicality itself. All of our creations have served to bring us to this point time. But in order to proceed, we will need - not to destroy or totally abandon these belief systems but - to accept them for what they are, without judging them or others. In this way we can neutralise their impact upon the way in which we function, in our response to ‘life events’, one example of which is, of course, our response_ability with regard to ‘Brexit’!!!Belief systems have served to influence our perception, which in turn influences our response to life events.!!Brexit in the UK, the Yellow Vests in France (11), peoples’ peaceful revolution in Algeria, less pacific movements in Sudan, Venezuela, Mali, etc, are all indications of the rise in consciousness, even if many of the participants have no ‘conscious’ awareness at the moment of the immense implications of their actions with reference to this global change in paradigm. And as might be expected, we do not change paradigm without encountering upheaval…without which things would remain as they were. For those who have grasped the implications of this ‘shift’, this change of paradigm, the transition period will be a delightful walk in the park, because they will understand the positive significance of all of the events that are unfolding. For those of us who continue to be reactive in face of any changes and in all instances that ‘apparently’ threaten our safety, security and familiarity, the ride will continue to be nothing short of traumatic.!!For centuries we led ourselves to believe that God created Man in his image whereas in fact it is Man - Consciousness - who created god in its image. This is reflected in the words used to describe Consciousness: im_Man_ent - omniscient - omnipotent - omnipresence. Latterly, the new fiat god would have had us believe that: ’Money makes the world go round.’ The underlying belief system of recent times has been based upon the notion of competition. Competition in all spheres of life - family; education (there is not much room for humanity in education, where all is structured around psychological survival in a society that is built on

competition); employment; politics; religion… Everything is now dependent upon the backdrop of finance and its notions of ‘exchange’, the cornerstone of today’s reality (the ‘strong pound’, debt-slavery, etc). But competition moves contrary to acceptance:!comparison moves contrary to acceptance; authority is inherently contrary to acceptance; exchange - such as we have created it within our governments and our societies, is contrary to acceptance; monetary exchange in our financial world is contrary to acceptance. For why would we choose to create the imposition of ‘interest’ - certainly not in our interest! Yet this is what we create in our exchange of monetary currency and stock exchange.!!What is taking place today then, in the face of and in place of traditional authority? We are creating an action whereby we address our beliefs, which is leading inevitably to the emergence of an awareness of self. We are altering the expression of our physical reality – assuming our own authority individually, assuming increasingly our own responsibility for ourselves, and actualising the movement of creating our own reality which is no longer to be dictated by our beliefs or by what we previously deemed to be authority.!!This represents a tremendous movement in this physical dimension, for up until this moment throughout our history, we have never created this type of design or blueprint for our reality. There is a considerable rise in objective awareness against this type of action, for we have a conditioned instinct to cling in desperation to the familiar. This is because historically we have identified comfort, safety and security in what we deem to be familiar. Brexit symbolises how we are becoming involved in a face to face confrontation with our own Self, because we are consciousness, and consciousness is All. We are now in the process of confronting contradictions as they make themselves visible through reactive, uncritical acceptance of our traditional belief systems. Despite the fact that current life under the ‘powers that were’ may be uncomfortable, the fact that they represent familiarity means that there may still be a tendency to magnate automatically towards those expressions rather than move towards discovering the

unfamiliar. Even though the new and unfamiliar, is presented as offering tremendous freedom, there is still a tendency to move automatically to the confinement of the familiar, whereas one of the major aspects of the unfamiliar is this very freedom itself.!!When it came to the Brexit vote, what did these three options - Brexiteers, Remainers, and Abstainers, all share in common, as perceived from their respective point of view? Was it not a desire for liberty, equality, and fraternity? Have any of these voters genuinely created, achieved or received the above common desires as a result of any vote prior to that of the Brexit Vote?… Only an extremely strict minority of human beings on Earth today can claim to be able live in a situation of freedom and fraternal equality among their numerically limited, select peers. Past centuries have failed to provide such conditions for humanity as a whole, a humanity that has willingly or unwittingly invested its faith and energy in transferring its individual sovereignty into the hands of a strict minority that has, alone, done very well for itself thank you!!!Today, those who voted for Brexit now feel more greatly, personally empowered than ever before in their history, in that they consider that they have laid down a principle in favour of individual and national sovereignty. Their major task involves surpassing the quasi-conditioned emotional reactivity engendered in confronting differences of opinion if their nation, which is in turn a reflection of themselves and of their own self-esteem, is to become as free and prosperous as they claim to desire.!!Those who voted to Remain now feel even more determined in their resolve to maintain and reinforce their fraternal relationship with members of other European members, communities and nations, even more determined to remain inclusive rather than seemingly exclusive. Their major task is to reconcile themselves and their respective differences with their own self first, their own family members, their own fellow nationals, before envisaging further pursuit of constructive contacts and relationships with members of different countries. As long as internal strife Remains unresolved, there can be no realistic hope for external fraternity.!

!The Abstainers will have reinforced their conviction that voting for anything - let alone voting whichever way for an oligarchic, vertical control structure - is irrelevant and counter-productive because it implicitly involves giving away and conceding their own personal sovereignty to some one else, a representative who then may choose to act upon whatever interests they choose. Many individuals have been voting throughout many years of their life, voting and then complaining about the non-respect of their desired intentions for interminable years. Voting and continuing to suffer the predictable consequences for many years of their life. Promises of freedom, prosperity and happiness have failed to materialise. The only viable alternative for Abstainers is to turn towards them self for guidance, in order to identify what kind of world they genuinely desire to create and then to pursue that goal.!!All three categories face the essential task of, first and foremost, reconciling themselves with their Self!!!Some individuals have understood already the dynamics of consciousness and their principal role within it; they recognise that the so-called ‘other’ is non other than ‘one’s Self’. They are already embarking upon their own new voyage of discovery, confident in the knowledge that their orientation with regard to the sovereignty of Self shall be realised both individually and collectively. It shall be realised by all parties and for the benefit of all concerned, and this regardless of whether they have consciously chosen this path or not. For inasmuch as an expression of Consciousness itself, their decision has already been made.Because everybody is implicated in this process, despite the fact that some are as yet unaware of the fact at present. They are also unaware that, in Consciousness, the change in paradigm has already taken place, it is already in place. No vote, nothing and no one can reverse this particular time-line, that required critical mass in order to become crystallised in matter in exactly the same way that Consciousness leads to thought, which in turn leads to expression, before finally crystallising into materialisation in physical

reality. The ‘vote’, Brexit, was simply a pretext in order to enable individuals to reconnect with their true Self. Materialisation into matter is always the final stage. We do not start off with a cake, before then proceeding to assemble the required ingredients and bake it!!!All of the ancient, vertical, inhibitive, repressive, aggressive toxic control systems are crumbling and are in the process of being replaced by an horizontal, roots-upwards round-table reorganisation of society on a global scale. The interminable wars and poverty that have characterised the (dis)organisation of societies across the world throughout centuries, is now coming to a close. The world in 2050 will be totally unrecognisable to those who are living on Earth today. Freedom and creativity will replace subservience, fear and the ‘daily grind’.!Everyone carries within them an image ‘paradise’ - an image that would be impossible to formulate in consciousness were it not already existant. Acceptance of things ‘for what they have been’ while now focussing upon and embracing what is desired for the future represents a more constructive application of our creative energetic ressources today.!!So. Brexit or no Brexit? That no longer Remains the question!”!!

‘Everyone shall see their wish come true and their desires fulfilled.’!

!Brexit simply serves to symbolise this ‘re-birth’ unto our Self. A new beginning as opposed to…the End.!!!!!!!(5th May 2019)!!!


!(1) Once a month: ’Over the course of the weekend, some 2,500

plastic trunks will be loaded on to five lorries and driven almost 300 miles from Brussels to Strasbourg…On Monday, about 1,000 politicians, officials and translators will then make the same journey on two specially chartered trains hired at taxpayers’ expense.’!

!(2) Jean Klein, ‘Who am I? - The Sacred Quest’. (pp44-45,

NonDuality Press. 2006)!!(3) Multiple Timelines:!!!(4) Schumann Resonance:! dans-les-montres-philip-stein.html!! Electromagnetic theories of Consciousness:!“Jibu and Yasue suggest that the interaction between the energy quanta (corticons) of the quantum field and the bio-molecular waves of the neuronal network produces consciousness. However, another theorist, Giuseppe Vitiello, proposes that the quantum states produce two poles, a subjective representation of the external world and also the internal self.” !! Electromagnetic_theories_of_consciousness!!The Electromagnetic Field Theory of Consciousness:!!

!(5) Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist:!!!Patrick Moore, Green Peace co-founder:!!!!!!!!(6) Geo-engineering:!!!!(7) This trauma and pain gets recorded in the earth body itself. For centuries the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) have developed and exploited multidimensional occult practices through reversal creation code. This has been given to secret societies and institutions for the purpose of Mind Control and Social Engineering, in order to harvest Negative Emotional Energy or ‘loosh' from the masses.!!(8) With the current acceleration of the electronic era, which promotes trans-humanism and an array of Artificial intelligence technologies both overtly and covertly, the exploitation to extract negative emotional energy from humanity is at an all-time high. Our planet is being deluged with negative mind control programming and AI broadcasts that target the negative Ego Filters that have infiltrated every fibre of society. This is in order to elicit extremely negative emotions and painful trauma from the constant bombardment of harmful images, behaviours and actions. These programs encourage cruelty, brutality, and violence, which are being massively super-imposed upon humanity and the earthly kingdoms at this time. Extremely charged negative emotional energy, such as that achieved during Satanic Ritual Abuse, contains hormonal

adrenalin cascades that course throughout the cellular energy within the human body, blood and brain. Under such intense extremes of painful suffering, the blood and flesh becomes charged with heightened molecular content, which is highly prized by Negative Aliens and Satanic forces. This is why they delight in the torture, suicide and killing of human beings, especially the innocent souls unable to protect themselves, like children. (Inverted Systems Newsletter)!!!!!!(9)!!(10) Social Engineering:!!!(11)!!!
