Bridging Activity for September 2017 A level History · PDF file ... make a series of...


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Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

Why do I need to complete a bridging activity?

The purpose of this activity is to aid your preparation for advanced level study and make the transition from GCSE study as smooth as possible. Some activities are written pieces of work, some are research-based and some are practical. They should be completed to the best of your ability and they will give you the opportunity to start to showcase your talent for your chosen subjects. As these are compulsory activities, it is vital that you put in the time and effort to ensure they are completed to the highest standard. We adopt the ‘flipped’ method of learning on our course. In a ‘flipped’ learning structure, the focus of the work you do outside of the classroom is the ‘easy stuff’: using your reading, visual and task materials to learn key historical, developments, events and concepts. This is called your ‘flipped work’. This then equips you for the lessons, in which there is much more focus on the analysis and evaluative skills, and the assessment skills you will need for your exams.

When should I hand this in?

You should complete this activity for the start of your first lesson in September.

How will I be given feedback?

Research work will not be formally marked, but will be quality checked in class by your History tutor. The bridging activity will be applied to an initial assessment held at the end of induction. This assessment will be formally marked.


Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

Introduction to American History c.1865

Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

Welcome to the History Course at Huddersfield New College. Over the next two years you will be studying one of the most fascinating periods of history, exploring worlds that are very different from our own. In order to prepare for your study of our first Modern American topic, you are to undertake the following research which is designed to lead you towards an understanding of life in nineteenth century America. We will be starting the course with our modern topic looking at American social, cultural, economic and political developments between the years 1865-1920 and therefore the research activities set are to help you enhance your understanding of American life at this time.

Activity In Detail

Bridging work…

• Must be printed out, ideally in colour • Research and answers must be handwritten in the booklet with additional paper attached should you

need it • Research must be thoroughly undertaken, with all hyperlinks (provided in blue, underlined and accessed

through holding ctrl and clicking on the link) visited and used to enhance your understanding of the period

• Ought to take around 4 hours to complete

Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

The USA in 1865 – African American Developments

America’s original sin: Slavery and the 13th Amendment

• Existed throughout America since the 17th century. • 1860 – 4 million African Americans were enslaved, producing 75% of the world’s cotton. • By the 19th century, attitudes had started to shift, with an abolitionist movement seeking to abolish slavery. • Christian slave-owners evolved their pro-slavery argument by claiming they were doing God’s work; civilising the un-Christian ‘savages’. • The North eventual abolished slavery by 1804. The South however maintained slavery as it had come to economically depend on it. • As Americans moved and created new states to the West, the question of whether to allow slavery in these news states was hotly debated.

Enter the Great Emancipator

The election of abolitionist Abraham Lincoln in 1860 caused the Southern states to leave the union and form the Confederacy. It was this drastic decision that undoubtedly triggered the American Civil War – a war that pitched the slave owning South (the confederates) against the North (unionists). By the end of the war around 618,000 Americans had died – a total far greater than those US servicemen lost in the Second World War. As well as the high casualty-rate, the South lay physically and economically in ruins as the emancipation of over 3.5 million slaves destroyed the Southern economy over night. From 1865 onwards the US government had to attempt to reconstruct the south and re-integrate them back into the union.

Define abolitionist: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Abraham Lincoln’s Facebook Profile Task: Using the biographical links below, make a brief series of notes on Abraham Lincoln focussing on:

- Early years and social background - Key Achievements whilst President - Death and Legacy

Plot the above three headings on the following Facebook template. [hold ctrl+click to access] [hold ctrl+click to access]

Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History


Abraham Lincoln ‘The Emancipator’

Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

Lincoln’s Victory

Following Lincoln and the North’s victory in the civil war in 1865, slavery was finally abolished throughout the US. This was achieved through passing the 13th amendment to the American Constitution, which made slavery illegal. However freed African American slaves faced continual persecution and poor job prospects, in many ways they went from one form of slavery to another – below are some examples of the new struggles they faced. Complete the research tasks below.


From accessing the following link (hold ctrl and click)…

After the civil war, what compensation did African Americans expect to receive?


How had the actions of General T. Sherman created this expectation?


Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

What was the Reconstruction era? (You may need to conduct wider research here)

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why/how did African Americans struggle to gain employment during this period of Reconstruction? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How did the sharecropping system work?


Why did this system generate a sense of hopelessness for African Americans?


Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

The Foundation of the Ku Klux Klan c.1866

Using the following link… (hold ctrl and click)

How did the Klan organise itself?


What aspects of Reconstruction was it established to oppose?


By 1870, how popular was the Klan?


Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

What kinds of people joined the Klan?


How did the government attempt to restrict the activities of the Klan?


Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

Regional Developments – The Wild West?

It is worth remembering that at the start of our topic in 1865, the America we know today was yet to be consolidated.

As you can see from the above, vast swathes of the American West was in the process of being discovered and settled by American citizens. This area became known as the Frontier – and has been the focus of numerous Hollywood blockbusters. If Hollywood is to be believed, the American West was an atmosphere of lawlessness, violence and romanticised adventure. We will explore throughout this topic the extent to which this is true. In the meantime, research/define the following concepts and events surrounding Westward expansion.

Using the following link, define the concept of Manifest Destiny:


Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

Using the following link, make notes on the measures undertaken by the US government to encourage Americans to venture West. Homestead Act 1862:


The Northern Powerhouse?

In the north of the country, the industrial revolution was well under way. Increasing internal and foreign trade and improvements by canal, river and rad, led to the growth of a range of industries such as engineering and textiles. At the start of our topic, the North had twice as much railroad track and in 1860 only eight per cent of US factories were located in the South. Immigration had bolstered the Northern economy and between the years 1830-1860 most of the 5 million immigrants that entered the US resided in the North. By 1860 the North’s population was 18.65 million. What further protected Northern industry was the use of tariffs.

From using wider web research, define economic tariffs:


Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

The Great Rail Revolution

The railroad rapidly became the symbol of the industrial revolution. It revolutionised transport and opened America up to interstate trade and commerce. It also undoubtedly hastened the advance of westward expansion. In 1862, the Pacific Railroad Act chartered the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad Companies, and tasked them with building a transcontinental railroad that would link the United States from east to west. Over the next seven years, the two companies would race toward each other from Sacramento, California on the one side and Omaha, Nebraska on the other, struggling against great risks before they met at Promontory, Utah, on May 10, 1869.

From using the following link:

By 1860, what key developments had occurred in rail?


Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

What dangers faced the rail companies?


How did the central pacific railroad company address their labour problem?


Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

Political Developments

The Two Parties: Using the following links, make a series of biographic notes on the History of the two major American Political Parties. Be sure to focus on what they stood for with regards to the economy and social issues. Research further any concepts you do not understand.

The Republican Party (ctrl+click here)


Bridging Activity for September 2017

A level History

The Democrat Party (ctrl+click here)


End of Research. We look forward to seeing you in September!-
