Briefing to the Permanent Missions in Geneva



Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention / 17 – 21 October 2011 / Cartagena, Colombia Prevention, Minimization & Recovery of Wastes. Briefing to the Permanent Missions in Geneva. Secretariat of the Basel Convention. 14 September 2011. Overview. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention / 17 – 21 October 2011 / Cartagena, Colombia

Prevention, Minimization & Recovery of Wastes

Briefing to the Permanent Missions in Geneva

Secretariat of the Basel Convention 14 September 2011


• Venue: Cartagena de Indias Convention Centre in Cartagena, Colombia

• Dates: Monday 17th to Friday 21st October (pre-meetings on 15th & 16th)

• Theme: Prevention, minimization and recovery of wastes

• Agenda and pre-session documents available at:


• COP 10 plays an important role in determining the future of the Basel Convention

• A unique opportunity to position waste management as a model area for achieving an environmentally and socially sound economy

• By so doing, COP 10 could make a concrete contribution to Rio +20

• COP may wish to adopt a Declaration related to the theme of the meeting

• Achim Steiner, USG of the UN and Executive Director of UNEP, to attend on Thursday & Friday

Host of COP 10 / Participation

• COP 10 is hosted and funded by the Government of Colombia

• Thus far, USD 400,000 has been raised for participant travel to COP 10 which will fund the travel of 84 participants

• All Parties who requested funding within the established deadlines to receive funding for one participant

• Funding received from Australia, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA

• Confirmations are already being sent out to funded participants

• To date: 300 participants are pre-registered

Pre-meetings & Registration

• Registration:– Saturday 15 October to Tuesday 18 October: 8am to 6pm – Remainder of the week: 9am to 6pm

• Preparatory meetings:Saturday 15th: – Technical guidelines

Sunday 16th: – New Strategic Framework – Informal consultation on Swiss-Indonesian Country-Led

Initiative– Bureau meeting – Meetings of Regional Groups

Opening Session

• Honourable Minister of Indonesia as President of COP 9 will preside over the Opening Session

• Welcoming statements

• Forum on Prevention, Minimization and Recovery of Wastes

• Election of officers, adoption of the agenda and organizational matters

• Statements by regional groups

Strategic issues

New Strategic Framework (NSF):• Mandate: COP 9 decision IX/3 • OEWG 7 agreed on the following elements of a

new strategic framework: vision, guiding principles, strategic goals and objectives

• The COP could adopt the elements above including:– The means of implementation– The indicators for measurement of achievement and


Strategic issues

Country-Led Initiative (CLI):• Based on the COP 9 President’s statement on

the way forward on the Ban Amendment, the Governments of Indonesia and Switzerland organized a Country-Led Initiative

• Indonesia & Switzerland are to propose a draft decision including a package for the way forward

• Possibility to consider this item together with the NSF

Strategic issues

Review and strengthening of the BCRCs:

• BCRCs implemented or supported activities related to the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions. Six BCRCs have been endorsed as Stockholm Convention regional centres

• COP 10 to review and possibly adopt four documents prepared by the Secretariat for strengthening of the BCRCs

• Strengthening BCRCs also addressed by the NSF and CLI

Scientific & Technical matters

Technical guidelines:• COP10 to consider and adopt technical guidelines on

the:– ESM of used tyres– ESM of mercury wastes– co-processing of hazardous waste in cement kilns

• COP10 to receive an update on the development of:– Draft technical guidelines on TBM of e-waste, in particular

regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste– PACE guidance document on ESM of used and end-of-

life computing equipment– Technical guidelines on the ESM of POPs

Scientific & Technical matters

Amendment of annexes to the Basel Convention:

• Secretariat received applications for new entries to Annex IX of the Basel Convention from three Parties

• Procedure states that these proposed entries should be transmitted through the OEWG to COP

• Possible decision: COP to ask OEWG to consider these proposals at its next meeting

Scientific & Technical matters

Classification and hazard characterization of wastes:

• Review of:– work on the guidance papers on hazardous

characteristics H10 and H11 – cooperation with the World Customs Organization and

its Harmonized System Committee

• National classification and control procedures for the import of wastes contained in Annex IX

Legal, compliance and governance matters

Implementation and Compliance Committee:

• Report of Committee on its work and proposed programme of work for 2012-13– Draft decision: review of issues of implementation and

compliance (e.g. national reporting, national legislation, notifications and illegal traffic with a proposed new partnership) and of specific submissions (proposal to amend trigger options and authority sought to use resources in the Implementation Fund)

• Election of 10 new members (two candidates to be nominated by each UN regional group)

Legal, compliance and governance matters

National legislation, enforcement and illegal traffic:

• Consideration of the report from the Secretariat on the implementation of Decision IX/23 and a possible draft decision

• Draft instruction manual for the legal profession on the prosecution of illegal traffic submitted to COP 10 for approval

Legal, compliance and governance matters

National Reporting:

• Report on progress of work and draft decision for possible adoption

Addressing Article 17(5):

• Consideration of draft decision for possible adoption on the legal interpretation of Article 17(5)

Legal, compliance and governance matters

Implementation of Decision V/32 on enlargement of the scope of the Trust Fund:

• Report of the Secretariat on discussions held during OEWG 7, including transmittal of a draft decision proposed by Cuba

Legal, compliance and governance matters

International cooperation and coordination:

• Report on the Secretariat’s international cooperation activities

• Cooperation with International Maritime Organization (IMO): Legal analysis on the application of the Basel Convention to wastes generated onboard ships

Legal, compliance and governance matters

Environmentally sound dismantling of ships:

• COP to consider whether the Hong Kong Convention establishes an equivalent level of control and enforcement as that established under the Basel Convention

• Update on the work of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the IMO to develop guidelines to support implementation of the Hong Kong Convention

• Update on technical assistance activities

Basel Convention Partnership Programme

• Confirmation of existing partnerships and extension of partnership contacts by adoption of Partnership Work Plan, 2012-2013

• Specific partnership issues:– Possible adoption of PACE Work Plan


– Possible final adoption of MPPI Guidance Document


• Report on implementation of strategic plan focal area activities and the Nairobi Declaration through priority waste stream pilot projects and programmes, including:– Enforcement programme in Africa– E-waste programmes in Africa and Asia– Projects on ODS and POPs, asbestos and

mercury wastes, dismantling of ships

Financial matters

Programme of Work and Budget:• Decision IX/31 calls for the preparation of the

programme budget for 2012-13 based on two alternatives: – The Executive Secretary’s assessment of the required

rate of growth of the programme budget: zero nominal growth

– Maintaining the average annual operational budget at the 2009-2011 level in real terms: zero real growth

• No consideration of new initiatives Parties may wish to establish under the NSF and/or CLI

Work programme of OEWG for 2012-2013

• COP 10 may wish to:

– adopt the work programme of the Open-ended Working Group for 2012-2013

– elect the Bureau of the Open-ended Working Group for 2012-2013

Enhacing cooperation & coordination

Enhancing cooperation and coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions:

• At Stockholm Convention COP 5 and Rotterdam Convention COP 5, decisions SC-5/27 and RC-5/12, respectively, on enhancing cooperation and coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions were taken

• COP 10 is invited to consider adopting a decision that is identical in substance to decisions SC-5/27 and RC-5/12

Other items for consideration

• Venue and date of COP 11

• Basel Waste Solutions Circle

• Publications / public information material

Establishment of Contact Groups

• Strategic way forward (New Strategic Framework, Country-Led Initiative and BCRCs)

• Programme budget

• Possible others (e.g. Technical guidelines, Environmentally sound dismantling of ships)

For further information, please visit the COP 10 website:

(Accessible via the Basel Convention website)
