Brighton & Hove High School Prospectus 2012-13



Brighton & Hove High School Prospectus 2012-13

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Brighton & HoveHigh School

A girls’ day school trust school


As a member of the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) we are serious about providing the broadest education for girls, embracing academic success for all, along with the development of self-confidence and essential life skills to succeed in a changing world.

The school has a rich tradition of cultural development, with high levels of participation by the girls in drama, dance, music and art. The atmosphere is warm and purposeful and girls are happy and form strong friendships. We value highly our links with the wider community in Brighton and Sussex.

We aim to foster in girls excellent attitudes to learning which will stay with them for life. We want them to leave school, not only with excellent exam results, but with qualities of open-mindedness, curiosity and passion – ready to make their mark as women in all areas of society.

I recommend that you visit our school to see for yourself its attractive buildings and resources but, more importantly, to talk to the girls, from both Junior and Senior schools, in whom we take most pride.

Jennifer Smith, Head

Welcome to Brighton and Hove High School – the only independent school in the centre of Brighton that caters exclusively for 5-18 year old girls.


Brighton & Hove High School is enviably located in the heart of the city – the only independent school in the vibrant heart of this wonderfully lively metropolis – combining the luxury of green space with ease of access to the facilities that this modern dynamic city offers.

When you visit us you’ll notice we feel like a friendly, family orientated school. You’ll learn that we have exceptional educators, achieve outstanding results and are proud of our grounded, friendly, confident students.

Our girls primarily come from families based in Brighton & Hove and Sussex, helping to create strong relationships and a sense of belonging to a wider community.

All girls have equal access to the rich and extensive extra-curricular programme we have on offer.

All parents have the opportunity to develop strong relationships with our academic staff and with each other, fostering a unique and unsurpassable sense of community.

As part of the Girls’ Day School Trust we belong to the one the UK’s largest networks of schools. A GDST education has long been recognised by UK employers and universities as a mark of quality and, with increasing international links our global reputation is growing.

Excellence in the heart of the communityLocally based, internationally recognised

“The school is highly successful in meeting its aims to provide a high quality, broadly based education for girls in a happy, stimulating and safe environment, supported by a strong pastoral system.”ISI Report, 2011

“The quality of pastoral care is excellent. Pupils thrive in a happy, safe and caring environment which instils in them a feeling of self-worth.” ISI Report, 2011


Our pastoral care ensures that whatever challenges arrive in girls’ lives, by giving support and encouraging independent thought, confidence and consideration for others, we enable our students both to enjoy their school days and to be prepared, ready and eager for the future.

We create an atmosphere of support, inspiration and aspiration and are dedicated to creating the happiest environment in which your daughter can develop.

Our relatively small class sizes and year groups allow all our staff to understand your daughter’s hopes, talents and

dreams as an individual – and enable her to achieve them.

Our outstanding team fosters all-round social development within a nurturing and positive learning environment. Our aim is to provide a bridge between the security of childhood and the challenges of adult life – enabling our girls to live and thrive in the modern world.

The school’s pastoral care is praised by parents, students and inspectors and has helped us maintain our position as the leading educator in Sussex for over 130 years.

Bringing out the best in every girlLearning to live in a fast-moving world

“I’ve grown so much in my time here, and it’s made me feel ready for the future to begin!” Year 12 Student


Girls in single sex schools study a wider variety of subjects, participate more enthusiastically in sport and are more empowered in social relationships.

Girls who attend a single sex school particularly participate more in maths, science and languages. They make choices according to talent and interest, not gender or prejudice, leading on to more satisfying and fulfilling careers; they also achieve far higher academic results than if they were to go to a comparable co-ed school.

Girls at all ages are likely to develop differently from their male peers. As 80% of girls and boys learn differently (according to American research by Dr

JoAnn Deak et al) the dedicated and specialist care we offer supports this and offers real benefits - with our teaching focused solely upon the needs of our girls.

Our girls achieve outstanding results, are also more likely to excel on the sports field and, most satisfyingly, are more confident in developing positive social relationships with girls, boys and adults.

Research shows that girls educated in a single sex school enjoy active and fulfilling lives and relationships with both sexes. The only difference is that girls are more empowered to make their own decisions about relationships, and to be less influenced by peer pressure.

A Girls’ SchoolFreedom & expression

“Girls only education allows teachers to praise girls to the skies for their achievements and challenge sexual stereotypes still present in our society, without the presence of boys, who unwittingly can erode girls’ confidence.” Lorna Duggleby


Our modern, innovative and dynamic curriculum - combined with our own continual quality assurance, training and development – ensures that we are able to add value to your daughter’s academic education throughout the school.

We understand that high quality teachers are essential in providing a

first-class education and therefore offer outstanding conditions ensuring the best teachers come to us and want to stay.

We offer a constantly evolving and inspiring curriculum, as well as extensive extra-curricular activities which stimulate, fascinate and challenge our students.

Our ApproachAcademic excellence


Brighton & Hove High School GDST first assembled on the 13th June 1876 under the watchful eye of our first Head, a 21 year old Miss Creak.

The school rapidly grew in size and in 1880 moved to ‘The Temple’. This had originally been the home of Thomas Kemp, and is supposed to have been made to the exact same measurements as Solomon’s Temple. The pilasters on either side of the window on the ground floor were made to represent inverted cannons, to commemorate the end of the Napoleonic wars, and for this reason it has become known as the Temple of Peace.

In an era where girls’ education was still a novelty, the school immediately achieved outstanding success with our girls all passing their matriculation exams - at a time when there were only 700 female entrants nationally - and a steady stream of scholars began attending the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and London.

Ever since our early days, girls at Brighton & Hove High School have shown a love of games, as well as traditional studies. Our Football Club, founded in 1884, started our extra-curricular programme in the school. This remained one of the most popular clubs for many years, with several parents complaining the girls wore out their shoes on the gravel! Its popularity only waned when the Head ruled the ball was never to be kicked unless it was on the ground!

Charitable endeavours have also been at the heart of the school since its foundation and the present Guild for Social Service has had an unbroken career run. Although the activities have widened - from making useful garments for the servants of the girls’ homes and sometimes having the servants round to tea, to building schools in Afghanistan - the spirit of participating positively in the wider community remains central to the school to this day.

A Progressive TraditionEstablished 1876

“I’ll carry the memories of my time here with me forever. I can honestly say I’m going to send my children here.” Year 12 Student

“I really enjoyed doing lots of contemporary Art styles and reading about different artists and photographers. I loved being taught by amazing teachers like Ms Croydon, Ms Guthrie and Miss Dury. They are very inspiring!” Year 13 Student


Throughout their life at Brighton & Hove High School students have the opportunity to participate in a full range of subjects

We are pleased to offer French, German, Spanish and Latin in our pursuit of excellence in communication skills. We run regular trips abroad giving our linguists the opportunity to apply, develop and enjoy their language skills.

A significant number of girls go on to read a humanities subject (History, Geography, Religious Education, Philosophy and Ethics, Government and Politics) at the UK’s top universities.

The vibrant work on display is one reflection of the importance of the

expressive arts to the school. We hold regular events to showcase our pupils’ stunning work ranging from the Brighton Festival to the Royal Festival Hall and, of course, our commitment and success is demonstrated by our exceptional GCSE and A Level examination results. Many students choose to pursue this area of study at Higher Education level.

All girls are also encouraged to participate in the musical life of the school and we offer tuition that covers a vast range of instruments, using the latest technology and specialist teaching in well equipped music rooms. The achievements are expressed through various performances, orchestras, choirs, and clubs and we regularly tour throughout Europe.

ArtsEncouraging creativity & expression


Girls from GDST schools traditionally excel at science. Research shows the take up of Medicine and Dentistry at University by GDST girls is particularly strong at 9.9% and the percentage of GDST girls taking Physical Sciences remains significantly above the national figure.

A recent survey showed that 72.5% of pupils taking Maths A level in GSA schools, the association of leading girls’ schools, won A grades in Maths A Level; the figure was 64.9% for girls in their mixed equivalents. The overall national figure was nearly 30 percentage points lower.

The performance of students from Brighton & Hove High School reflect these figures.

We have numerous well equipped science labs and students utilise these from the Junior School upwards. Our senior girls also make full use of our recently refurbished Design and Technology, ICT and Maths rooms.

At every stage Brighton & Hove High School girls do well in national examinations and we were particularly pleased that the Royal Society of Chemistry recently recognized one of our students for achieving the country’s highest mark at A Level.

SciencesOutstanding achievement

“The ski trip was amazing! I’ll never forget it. Everyone who went was lovely and the hours spent skiing were brilliant, I’d do it over and over if I could.” Year 11 Student


We offer a surprising and extensive number of sporting opportunities for all abilities.

We have recently invested in a state-of-the-art dance and fitness facility that complements our large Astroturf areas, sports halls, tennis courts, netball courts and multi-purpose grassed lawn.

When specific additional facilities are needed, we ensure that the girls have access to the best the area has to offer.

The all-female environment means that

our girls are less self-conscious in playing games and are more likely to develop a life-long love of sport. With over 700 girls in our school we are able to field girls’ teams at every level, allowing us to offer more opportunities outside the first team for girls of all abilities to participate and benefit from the sports available here.

The Dance department has gone from strength to strength in recent years. Dance is studied at GCSE and A Level and opportunities are offered to girls who wish to represent the school at shows and competitions.

SportIncreased opportunity


One of the many jewels of Brighton & Hove High School is the Early Years Centre. It has its own self-contained base within the Junior School. This gives it its own identity - creating a family feel, whilst still reflecting the school’s philosophy of providing the very best care and education for girls.

The centre is a happy and secure environment and the perfect place for your child to flourish and grow. It has outstanding purpose-built areas, including an outdoor play space with safety surface and specific places for creative and quiet activities.

The girls also benefit from being within our Junior School, sharing their exceptional facilities, such as the award-winning eco garden and large indoor dance and play areas. The shared facilities – coupled with caring, highly trained staff - help create an enjoyable, relaxed transition to Junior School.

We also aim to be flexible to accommodate the parents’ and girls’ needs, offering an extended day and some holiday club provision.

The Early YearsA perfect balance

“The overall effectiveness and leadership and management of the setting, the quality of provision and the outcomes for children are all outstanding.” ISI Report, 2011

“In the Junior School the teaching is focused, lively and imaginative. Well-planned lessons are challenging, vibrant and engaging for all pupils.” ISI Report, 2011


The Junior School is a happy and bright community where pupils are able to prosper and grow. We have a spacious building with wonderful grounds and facilities in which our girls can both learn and play.

We find that they thrive in the safe and friendly environment which we provide. We take a personal interest in each girl and everyone is valued and respected. We strongly believe that girls make the best progress when they feel confident and valued, so we place great emphasis on pastoral care.

We encourage the girls to be aware of others and their needs. We believe that happy children love to learn and our supportive pastoral care, along with close home/school links, ensures that all are nurtured as we guide them through the first years of their formal education. Parents are always welcome to talk to us whenever they wish, and we have a variety of open sessions for them during

the year. We also offer clubs in the holidays for siblings who may attend schools with different term dates.

Specialist teachers in key areas such as Music, Art, PE, Languages and Science enhance a strong curriculum which puts an emphasis on participation and involvement. The use of specialist facilities such as a purpose-built science lab, spacious art room, large modern IT facility and well-equipped music room give girls an opportunity to enjoy a rounded experience.

We also offer opportunities for personal development and to enhance their understanding of the world around them through our extensive environmental activity and Guild. Our student Guild representatives carry out fundraising activities for local and national charities. The extra-curricular programme, along with visitors to the school and educational visits off-site, enriches our pupils’ development.

Junior Nurturing excellence


Girls from our Junior School are joined by girls of academic potential from a variety of maintained and private schools, and our experience of integrating girls into the school ensures they are all made to feel equally welcome by our staff and girls.

Girls entering in Year 7 have a wide range of options to choose from allowing them to fully pursue their interests prior to making their GCSE choices. Although there is no public exam in the early part of the school we believe that our teaching at this stage provides the foundation for outstanding results later in the school.

Prior to choosing GCSE options girls fully discuss their choices with us. We take time to fully understand not only our girls’ aptitudes and interests, but also their future aspirations. This allows us to ensure

the choices they make at this critical stage are right both for them now and in the future.

As well as Double Award Science at GCSE we offer all three sciences which is more challenging but we believe better prepares girls for A levels. We offer an extensive work–related curriculum including lessons in Citizenship, Personal, Social, Health an Education and robust Careers advice, including work experience and our bespoke Futurewise Profile.

Our academic standards form only part of senior school life. Our team ensures that good manners, behaviour and tolerance are developed and adhered to amongst all our students. We also offer an extensive extra-curricular programme that we encourage girls to participate in.

SeniorOutstanding in all areas

“Pupils are inspired by their teachers to achieve success. Effective classroom management promotes excellent behaviour.”ISI Report, 2011

“Out of my many years at the school, my two years at the Sixth Form are a definite highlight for me and I will fondly miss hanging out in the common room with everyone. Staying on at the Sixth Form was an easy decision for me and I’m so glad I did!” Sixth Former


We are confident about the quality of the education we offer here and are equally sure that whoever joins will be part of a warm and friendly community. Sixth Form girls have an important role to play as leaders in the wider school and will enjoy an environment that is positive, encourages and respects motivation and values independent thought.

Our teaching styles are tailored to the individual. Teaching is offered in small groups using a seminar style approach that provides an unparalleled preparation for university and achieves outstanding academic results. This is supported by excellent higher education and careers advice. Brighton & Hove High School has extensive experience in preparing students for UCAS entry and, through its membership of the GDST Alumnae Network and Careerstart Programme, offers Sixth Form students a unique programme of life skills in preparation for the workplace.

The stand-alone Sixth Form facility is

based in a beautiful building in the school grounds in the heart of the city. This allows the girls to play a rich part in community life and build solid friendships. The academic and social opportunities are supported by a varied extra-curricular programme. Brighton & Hove High School aims to nurture talent, increase responsibility and build confidence, teamwork and leadership skills through a programme of activities including drama, running clubs, music, Young Enterprise, Duke of Edinburgh, trips abroad, sport, mentoring and more.

If you are a student looking for a first class Sixth Form experience which will help you achieve your ambitions for higher education, set you up for your chosen career path, develop your individuality and independence, and help you gain the qualities you need to become the adults and leaders of the next generation, we would welcome the chance to discuss the opportunities at Brighton & Hove High School.

Sixth Form Foundations for the future


Early Years• Specially designed self contained area• Secure outdoor play area with safety

surface• Construction toys and musical

instruments• Role playing equipment• Quiet reading area

• Creative area for painting and craft• Age appropriate ICT equipment• The Early Years staff also have the

opportunity to use the Junior School facilities when they feel it can add to the experience offered to the girls.

Our FacilitiesA perfect environment

Junior• ICT suite with 24 computers and an

interactive whiteboard• Classrooms equipped with interactive

whiteboards• Large music rehearsal room and

numerous practice rooms• Bright and spacious art and design

technology room• Specialist science laboratory• Drama/dance room

• Large, well-resourced and welcoming library

• Dedicated after school area• On-site kitchen and bright eating area• Adventure trail• Wonderful sports facilities, including

a large Astroturf area, netball courts, tennis courts and a multipurpose hall

• Award winning garden and environmental area

Senior & Sixth• Main school based in and around a

beautiful refurbished Regency town house

• Tennis & netball courts• Large Astroturf playing fields at our

Radinden Manor Road site (5 minutes away)

• Fitness centre equipped with top of the range work stations

• Professional-standard dance studio with sprung floor and interactive AV equipment

• Wi-Fi network fed by a high speed fibre optic line (100MBs)

• Classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards with suites of laptops available for use

• Recently enlarged science building and refurbished laboratories

• Superb sports hall• New reception and administration

area• Separate music house with recording

facility• Specialist art, design technology and

home economics suites• Stand-alone Sixth Form in a beautiful

Georgian building

“The range of extra-curricular opportunities is outstanding.”ISI Report, 2011


Junior SchoolAthletics












Gardening and Eco Club




Recorder Club






Study Skills Support


We offer a fantastic range of extra-curricular activities, run by teachers and sixth formers who are passionate about their subjects. The list here is an

example of the courses run but changes every year to reflect the interests of the students. We also offer extensive trips and activities appropriate to all ages.

Senior SchoolAmnesty International

Art & Design


Biology Help Clinic

B.L.O.B.S. Peer Support Group

Book Week



Culture Vultures


Debating Club

Design Technology

Fashion Show

First Aid

House Plays

Maths Support


Open House Art Exhibition

Rock Challenge


Southern Schools Book Award


Training Orchestra

Year 7 Musical


Part of our success is attributable to being part of the Girls’ Day School Trust. Since its foundation in 1872, the Trust has provided a high quality education for girls and is one of the United Kingdom’s largest private educators.

Early pupils were among the first women to go to university and enter the professions.

The GDST continues this tradition of excellence in the context of the much wider opportunities that exist today. The aim of the Trust is to provide an all-round education for girls of promise.

The GDST is a unique educational entity. Its scale and structure, as an independently run, centrally supported group of schools, enables it to offer a clear educational philosophy allied to the highest standards.

Membership brings with it economies of scale, and these enable all schools within the Trust to provide a first rate education for competitive fees. In fact GDST schools feature strongly in national value-for-money tables; Brighton & Hove High School has been placed in the top 10 girls’ schools.

The school, on behalf of the Trust, awards scholarships to a significant number of girls in Years 7 and 12 and a number of bursaries on the basis of need.

The security of being part of an historic national charity means that parents have the peace of mind of knowing that the GDST does not focus on short term profit, but plans to be around for many years to come. This also provides continuing stability for your daughter during her academic career.

The GDST has the largest and most respected network of private schools in the UK and can often help with transfers between schools to help ensure your daughter seamlessly receives the same high quality of education.

The Trust continues to offer help and contacts after students leave the school through its well established and highly praised Alumnae Network - offering support to women pursuing careers from medicine and science to business and politics.

The Girls’ Day School TrustAt the forefront of education


100 Rochester Row, London SW1P 1JPTel: 020 7393 6666Fax: 020 7393 6789

A limited company registered in England no. 6400CA registered charity no. 306983

Claire Bennett Karen Pickering Dame Maggie Smith

Angelica BellTelevision Presenter (Notting Hill & Ealing)

Claire BennettFencer (Sydenham)Alumnae of the Year, 2012

Mary Berry CBECelebrity Chef, Writer & Journalist(Royal High Bath)

Enid BlytonChildren’s Author (Ipswich)

Baroness Virginia BottomleyPolitician (Putney)

A S ByattNovelist & Poet (Sheffield)

Charlotte ChurchSinger (Howell’s, Llandaff)

Jacqueline du PréWorld-renowned Classical Cellist (Croydon)

Claire Hicks MBEDirector of Impact Foundation, awarded MBE for Services to International Development(Brighton & Hove)

Bettany HughesHistorian, Broadcaster & Writer(Notting Hill & Ealing)

Konnie HuqTelevision Presenter (Notting Hill & Ealing)

Martha KearneyBroadcaster/Journalist (Brighton & Hove)

Martha Lane FoxWeb Pioneer (Oxford)

Miriam MargolyesActress (Oxford)

Suzy Menkes OBEHead Fashion Reporter & Editor for the IHT (Brighton & Hove)

Baroness NorthoverPolitician (Brighton & Hove)

Karen PickeringSport (Brighton & Hove)

Dame Stella RimingtonNovelist & Ex Director General MI5(Nottingham)

Patricia RoutledgeActress (Birkenhead)

Dame Maggie SmithActress (Oxford)


Junior DepartmentMost of the girls at our Radinden Manor Road site either walk to school or come to school with their family and friends. At the Montpelier Road site a considerable number of girls take advantage of the excellent transport links our city centre location gives us. We also run a minibus service currently from the Worthing area with pick ups in Shoreham and Brighton.

Senior DepartmentTransport routes most frequently used currently1. By train to Brighton Station (approx. 7 minutes walk from Brighton & Hove High School)• From Crawley, Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill, Preston Park and stations in between (the London line)• From Littlehampton, Goring, Worthing, Shoreham, Southwick, Portslade, Hove, andstations in between (the South Coast line)• From Eastbourne, Lewes, Falmer and stations in between (the South Coast line)For information about trains: 08457 484950 /

2. By Bus to Seven Dials (approx. 3 minutes walk from Brighton & Hove High School)• Number 7: George St. Hove - 7 Dials - Brighton Marina via Bristol Estate• Number 27A: Hangleton - 7 Dials - Saltdean via Rottingdean• Number 27: Westdene & Withdean - 7 Dials - Saltdean via Rottingdean

By Bus to Norfolk Square (approx. 7 minutes walk from Brighton & Hove High School)• Number 1: Mile Oak - Portslade - Norfolk Square - Whitehawk• Numbers 2 / 2A: Worthing/Steyning - Shoreham - Portslade - Norfolk Square -Woodingdean - Rottingdean• Numbers 5 / 5A / 5B: Hangleton - Norfolk Square - Patcham / Hollingbury• Numbers 6 / 6A: Mile Oak - Norfolk Square - Brighton Station• Number 14: Newhaven - Peacehaven - Saltdean - Rottingdean - Churchill Square - Norfolk Square• Number 25: Hove - Norfolk Square - Lewes Road - Universities• Number 49: Portslade Station - Norfolk Square - Churchill Square - East Moulsecoomb


This prospectus is for information only and does not form any part of any contract between parents and the GDST. This publication has necessarily been prepared well in advance of the entry of a pupil to the school and inevitably there may be subsequent alterations.Photo credits: Armelle Cronier & Sally Hindell

Brighton & Hove High SchoolEarly Years & Junior SchoolRadinden Manor Road


East Sussex BN3 6NH

T: 01273 280200

Senior School & Sixth Form CentreMontpelier Road


East Sussex BN1 3AT

T: 01273 280280

F: 01273 280281
