Bringing community schools online. One place to share content and apps


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Bringing community schools online.

One place to share content and apps.


• Community schools run silo (offline/online). • Content sharing is close to nil• Different User Experience (UX) in existing

apps (InfineCampus, SchoolCity)• Community schools do not trust existing

solutions “Google Classroom”.


LeapValley’s is an online platform for running a school. Students, teachers and everyone benefit from free or premium content and apps developed by community of developers and thinkers.

• Local school with global reach.• Seamlessly create and manage school.• School admin manage registration, classroom creation and so

on…• Students register to courses.• Courses can be online/offline depending on the



Key Functions

Admin Teacher

• Setup school on the cloud• Setup classroom• Setup courses

• Create and manage Classrooms• Create and manage Courses• Manage People(Students, Teachers, Staff, Parent) information

• Request /manage new classes• Request /manage new courses• Request / manage students


Key Functions

• Signup to receive school notifications•Volunteer to school activities

• Register course(s)• Manage course(s)• Complete homework online• Use apps for the class/home work

Parent Student

•Registration to courses•Manage classrooms for courses•Single sign-on for apps


Key Functions•FERPA Compliant•Secured and encrypted•Never share student data

Scale •Manage 1-10 students (small)•Manage 10-500 students (medium)•Manage >500 students (large)

API •Developer friendly API’s to build apps


• Community oriented (low cost)•Single Sign-on•Sharing apps and content easy

• Google account/email required•Trust is an issue

• School ERP on the web•High cost•No sharing

Market Study

LeapValley Clever Udemy UdacitySingle sign-on

Content shareApp sharePublic schools *Alternative education


•• Feedback:

Bringing community schools online.

One place to share content and apps.
