British culture,customs and traditions




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British Culture, Customs and


-Saloni Bedi

Bonfire night - Guy fawkes

On the evening of 5th november, there are fireworks ,bonfires and

people burn guy fawk’s images as they celebrate his failure to blow up

the parliament in 1605

St. George's day

St George's Day in England remembers St

George, England's patron saint. April 23, his death anniversary, is seen as England's national day.


Easter in Britain has its beginnings long before the arrival of



First day of the month of may,

warmer weather begins and trees

start to blossom.. Traditional English may day

celebration include


around a


Trick-or-treating harks back to

the Middle Ages, when

poor people in Britain would

beg for a sweet-bread treat, and pray for

dead relatives in return..


Orange and black are Halloween colors because orange is associated with the Fall harvest and black is associated with darkness and death.


 Santa Claus is referred to as Father Christmas in Britain

The first Christmas card was

posted in England

in 1840..

Queen’s telegram

On his or her hundredth birthday, a British person gets a

telegram from the Queen.

House of Lords

 In the House of Lords, Chancellor sits on the sack of   wool. This tradition

comes from the old times when sheep wool made England rich and


Windsor castle is the oldest and largest

royal residence in the world still in use.

Maundy  Thursday

Maundy Thursday is the day before Good Friday . On that day the Monarch ceremonially distributes

small silver coins known as “Maundy money” to a group

of old people.

Shaking hands

Hundreds of years ago, their soldiers began this custom. They

shook hands to show that they didn’t have a sword.


 British people drink 165 million cups of

tea every day.

British Literature

It is split into three large time periods, each represented by a

main author or work: Old English (Beowulf), Middle English (Geoffrey

Chaucer), and Modern English (William Shakespeare).

Thank you..And

Have A Nice Day !

Text & Photos ImagesMedias.photodeck And some forgotten ones


Saloni Bedi