British Waterways Managing canals & rivers in the UK Glenn Millar, Economic Development Manager,...


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British WaterwaysManaging canals & rivers in the UK

Glenn Millar, Economic Development Manager, British Waterways

What is British Waterways?

• Public corporation – Government-owned not-for-profit organisation

• Set up under Transport Act 1962

• Functions:-– Maintain & conserve inland waterways & their


– Encourage recreation, tourism & educational use of the waterways

– Encourage waterside regeneration

– Facilitate freight transport

3,200 km of canals & rivers in England, Scotland & Wales

Network originally developed for freight transport in late 18th / early 19th Centuries

Now boating is mainly for tourism & recreation – there is still some freight transport on the larger waterways in North-east England

On canals, BW owns & manages the towpaths

- 346 million visits to waterways (2009)

- 34,000 powered boats (2009)

Income 2008/2009

£millions %

Government grant £74m 33%

Income from third parties – Regions, local government, Lottery etc.

£36m 16%

Property & wayleaves £46m 21%

Utilities & water sales £21m 9%

Boat licences £15m 7%

Boat moorings & marinas £13m 6%

Other £18m 8%

Total £223M

Priorities for Government• Maintain waterways in a satisfactory order

• Move towards greater self-sufficiency• Deliver public benefits

Challenges• Pressures on Government funding• Pressures on income – resulting from recession• Shortfall of £30m p.a. to maintain waterways in

good condition• Need to convince Government & other

stakeholders of benefits of waterways• Investigating new status for BW – Third Sector?

Waterside regeneration (1)

• Revitalising urban & rural areas

• Green infrastructure

• Enhancing the image of towns & cities

Waterside regeneration (2)

• Restoration of disused waterways

• Creation of new waterway links

Business development

• Tourism & recreation-based businesses

• New opportunities – renewables, telecoms

The natural environment

• Aquatic & associated land-based habitats and biodiversity

Climate change

• Renewable energy

• Water for heating & cooling of buildings

• Green corridors for “city cooling”

• Ecological corridors facilitating species migration

• Land drainage & flood management

• Sustainable transport

Cultural heritage

• Buildings & structures

• Boats

• Traditions

Sustainable transport

• Freight – reintroduction on small waterways

• Passengers

• Walking & cycling along waterside paths

Health & well-being

• Physical activity & sport

• Mental well-being

Education & learning

• Learning outside the classroom for schools

• Training & skills development

Social cohesion

• Volunteering

• Opportunities for disadvantaged groups

• Initiatives to deal with anti-social behaviour

Framework for the sustainable development of inland waterways around the North Sea


• Stimulating business development

• Regeneration & restoration

• Sustainable management of the resource

• Innovation & new technology
