BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM - AZRDCBrownfields Definition Brownfields are real properties, where the...


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Overview of Blight 2.0: Strategies for Improving Your Town’s Curb Appeal

August 10, 2018

Presented by

Travis Barnum, Brownfields Coordinator


Brownfields - What is it?

Brownfields Definition

Brownfields are real properties, where the expansion, redevelopment or reuse may be complicated by the

actual or perceived presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or


Brownfields Overview

Is It a Brownfields?

Is It a Brownfields?

Is It a Brownfields?

Land Use History



Where does Brownfields funding come from?

I thought I got Brownfields funding from EPA, not ADEQ?

Empowers states, communities, and other stakeholders to work together to

prevent, assess, safely cleanup, and sustainably reuse brownfields

EPA Brownfields Program

Then what actions/activities can ADEQ provide to my project?

• Brownfields Assessment Grants – provides funds to perform Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments, asbestos surveys, and lead-based paint inspections

• Brownfields Cleanup Grants – provides funds to carry out cleanup activities for asbestos and lead-based paint on sites owned by the applicant

Brownfields Grant Guidelines

Types of Eligible Activities


Cleanup plans

Reuse plans


Petroleum Contaminated Sites

Brownfields Grant Guidelines

Types of Eligible Activities

Assessments Cleanup plans Reuse plans


Petroleum contaminated sites

Brownfields Grant Guidelines

How will Brownfields help if I attach a stigma to it?

If I claim a property Brownfields doesn’t that devalue the property?

Brownfields Impact on Your Community

• Complicates reuse of property

• Poses challenges to find new uses for sites

• Abandoned, not maintained with delinquent taxes

• Blights to the community

• Potential to attract vandalism and illegal dumping

• Degradation to the environment

• Depress communities

• Potential health risks

Advantages of Brownfields Revitalization

• Reducing environmental hazards

• Creating new business opportunities

• Increasing tax revenue

• Restoring blighted areas to productive use

• Redevelopment may be less expensive than developing previously undeveloped land

Benefits of Projects to the Community

• Protect human health and/or the environment

• Promote economic development and/or create jobs

• Create, preserve or enhance – parks, greenways and/or recreational properties

• Improve public services

Economic Stability and Growth

• Eco Tourism• Bird watching• Anthropology• Historical• Educational• Sports

Tourism$20.9 Billion in Direct

Travel Spending

Where does Brownfields fit in our redevelopment plans?

How do I get Brownfields funding?

How do I use Brownfields?

When in doubt, call ADEQ

First steps• Have a plan• Check if property is eligible

Brownfields Eligibility Requirements

• Site must meet the definition of a Brownfields

• Property cannot be located in a Superfund or WQARF area

• Applicant cannot be the responsible party for any contamination

• There cannot be any formal enforcement actions against the property

• Some kind of redevelopment plan should be under consideration for the property

• Applicant must own the property for a cleanup grant

State Response Grant Funding

• Focus on Arizona’s small and rural communities’ Brownfields needs

• Available to Tribes, non-profits, local governments, and hospital, police, school and fire districts

• Does not require any cost share or matching funds

• Awards are made according to available funds

• Non-competitive

FY 19 Projects

• Williams• Jerome• Superior• Duncan• Eager


Contact Information

Travis Barnum, Brownfields CoordinatorWaste Programs Division

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

Phoenix, AZ 85007

(602) 771-2296\brownfields
