Building in 19th Century Philippines


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Building in 19th Century Philippines

1 Graduate Student, Archaeological Studies Program, University of the Philippines


Hukay Volume 19, pp. 1-23

Ena Angelica C. Luga1


Prominent structures in Philippine history include those constructed

during the Spanish colonial period such as churches, fortifications, and “stone

houses” or bahay na bato associated with the elite. The archaeological

investigations of these structures have increased with the annual Field School of

the University of the Philippines-Archaeological Studies Program (UP-ASP). This

paper is an outcome of one such Field School conducted in 2011.The UP-ASP Field

School 2011 conducted an archaeological investigation of a structure recorded as

Structure B located in Barangay Pinagbayanan, San Juan, Batangas. This paper

investigates the methods and materials used for the construction of Structure B

and compares it with Structure A, an adjacent site previously excavated. Both

structures were found to be bahay na bato. This paper sheds light on how building

construction went about in 19th century Philippines based on archaeological

evidence. It presents the different factors that influenced building construction, the

peculiarities found in the construction of these structures, the challenges posed on

the construction of a bahay na bato, and the mechanisms used to cope with these

challenges in the 1800s.

2 Luga

Figure 1: Map of the Philippines showing the location of San Juan, Batangas on the left.

On the right is the plan of Structures A and B in Barangay Pinagbayanan (Prepared by

ACL Pineda after GoogleMaps 2014).


The archaeological excavations of Spanish colonial structures such

as domestic structures, fortifications, and churches in the Philippines have

been increasing in frequency especially with the annual Field School by

the University of the Philippines-Archaeological Studies Program (UP-

ASP). In 2011, the UP-ASP Field School excavated ruins of a structure in

Barangay Pinagbayanan, San Juan, Batangas (Figure 1). This structure,

recorded as Structure B, was the second structure to be excavated in the

area and was eventually identified as a bahay na bato based on

archaeological evidences and local accounts. Structure A was previously

excavated in 2009 and 2010 and found around 40m north of Structure B

(Barretto-Tesoro et al. 2009; Sales 2013; UP-ASP 2010).

During the excavation, several questions were raised regarding

the structure, one of which was regarding the technology and methods

used in its construction. The main objective of this research endeavour is

to answer this particular question: what were the methods and

technology used in the construction of Structure B?

3 Building in 19th Century Philippines

To answer the aforementioned question, this study’s aims are:

1. To identify construction materials found in Structure B;

2. To identify the technology and methods of construction employed in

Structure B; and

3. To compare the construction materials and methods in Structure B

with Structure A .

With increasing archaeological investigations of structures in the

Philippines, this study will contribute to the literature on construction

methods employed during the Spanish colonial period and aid in the

understanding of colonial structures. It will particularly help in

understanding Structure B as well as provide information on building

practices employed during the time of its construction. Furthermore, this

study may provide a relative date for when Structure B was constructed

based on the technology and methods used, and help identify the

relationship between Structure A and Structure B. This study will only

undertake the investigation of the construction technology and methods

used in Structure B. It will not investigate artefacts recovered from the site

but will instead make use of archaeological data related to construction

gathered from the excavation of Structure B. The entire structure,

therefore, will be treated as the artefact. Furthermore, this study will focus

on exploring the relationship between Structure A and Structure B,

excluding other archaeologically investigated structures. This study will

make use of archaeological findings from the excavation of Structure B as

primary data. These findings will then be checked against local accounts

on Structure B as well as archival research data regarding construction

methods and technology used during the Spanish colonial period. For the

comparison of Structure A and Structure B, the initial findings of this

study and data from previous excavations on Structure A will be


The bahay na bato

The bahay na bato was actually a Spanish adaptation of the

indigenous bahay kubo (i.e. nipa hut) (Huetz de Lemps 1998; Lico 2008;

Perez 1989; Valera-Turalba 2005; Zialcita and Tinio Jr. 2002). It followed

the post and beam structural system that the bahay kubo employs as well

as the practice of using only the second floor as the living area (Alarcon

1991; Sales 2010; Yu 1996; Zialcita and Tinio Jr. 2002). The adaptation of

4 Luga

the bahay kubo did not come about as a single event, though. The bahay na

bato, as we know it now, resulted not only from the fusion of Spanish and

indigenous architectural styles but is also a product of various events

exclusive to the context of the Philippines (Huetz de Lemps 1998; Lico

2008; Manahan 1994; Ordonez 1998; Perez 1989; Sales 2013; Valera-

Turalba 2005; Zialcita and Tinio Jr. 2002).

After a series of calamities, like earthquakes and fires that

devastated the metropolitan areas of the time, changes to the methods

and materials of construction were implemented. In 1583, the city of

Manila – with houses and churches made of wood, bamboo, and nipa –

were devoured by flames in a matter of hours. This resulted into changes

in construction with the city being rebuilt with stone, bricks, and clay roof

tiles. By 1645, the walled city of Manila had 600 stone houses (Zialcita and

Tinio Jr. 2002). However, a series of earthquakes devastated Manila in

1647, 1658, and 1677, reducing it to rubble. This caused further changes to

the design and construction of buildings. Houses were then limited to two

storeys with only the first landing of the main stairway made of stone.

The second flight of stairs and the second floor were made of wood.

Wooden posts were also found to be better adaptive to the shaking

ground compared to stone pillars (Lico 2008; Manahan 1994; Ordonez

1998; Perez 1989; Sales 2010; Valera-Turalba 2005; Zialcita and Tinio Jr.

2002). Radical changes in the construction of walls and columns as well as

in the roofing material used were primarily brought about by the

Earthquake Ordinance passed in 1880 by the then Consultative Council of

Public Works. Among the prescribed regulations of the 1880 ordinance

were: 1. the use of thinner wood posts; 2. the use of light roofing materials

such as corrugated galvanised iron sheets; and 3. the thickness of a wall to

be made at least a fifth of its height. Also after the implementation of the

Earthquake Ordinance of 1880, foundations were built shallower, running

to only about a meter deep (Huetz de Lemps 1998; Yu 1996; Zialcita and

Tinio Jr. 2002).

Structure B

The materials used for construction were relatively uniform

throughout the structure. Consistent with what is known to be ‚bahay na

bato‛ or ‚stone house‛, Structure B was primarily made of volcanic tuff

blocks locally referred to as adobe. These adobe blocks usually refer to

quarried tuff, a pyroclastic igneous rock, commonly used as construction

5 Building in 19th Century Philippines

material in the Philippines since the Spanish colonial period (Alarcon

1991; Valera-Turalba 2005). These adobe blocks are often seen in Spanish-

era houses, churches, and fortifications.. However, from an architectural

standpoint, adobe refers to a material which may be used as plaster or

bricks, made of ‚a heavy soil, composed largely of clay and silt in

sufficient quantities to form a matrix in which sand particles are firmly

imbedded,‛ (Harris 2006: 13) to which ‚water is *then+ added, and straw,

manure, and fragments of tile are sometimes combined with this mixture

to provide increased mechanical strength and cohesion when it

dries‛ (Harris 2006: 13). These sun-dried mud blocks could be traced as

far back as 8000 B.C. and has been commonly used for construction in

Latin America, Africa, some parts of Asia, and Southern Europe (Blondet

and Garcia n.d.). Such a conception of adobe is very far from the local

understanding of the term. Furthermore, during the course of the

excavation of Structure B, conglomerate, along with tuff blocks were

found to have been utilised. Local residents referred to both types of stone

blocks as adobe, referring to the conglomerate blocks as ‚mahunang adobe‛

or ‚weak adobe‛. The use of the term adobe to refer exclusively to tuff

stone blocks is then questionable. It may be that the use of the term adobe

in the Philippines refers to any stone block. Hence, to avoid confusion,

adobe will be used in this paper to refer generally to stone blocks. For the

construction of Structure B, two types of stone blocks were used. As

mentioned earlier, these blocks were either made of tuff or were of

conglomerate material.

These stone blocks varied in size. The stone blocks used in the

eastern portion of the structure were slightly larger than those on the

western side. The sizes of the stone blocks in the western portion, based

on what was exposed, ranged from 23 cm to 26 cm x 54 cm to 62 cm x 16

cm while those used in the eastern half ranged from 17 cm to 20 cm x 60

cm to 64 cm x 27 cm. These stone blocks were bound by and plastered

with lime mortar and cement for some parts of the structure (Figure 2).

Lime mortar and cement were also used as fill for the structure’s pillars

(Figure 3). Mortar requires aggregates to increase its strength (Figure 4).

In the case of Structure B, several types of aggregates were used. Tisa or

clay roof tile fragments were the most common aggregate in the structure

(Figure 5a). Baldoza or clay floor tiles were also used, as well as shells,

ceramic sherds, and scoria (Figures 5b and 5c).

6 Luga

Figure 2: A pillar base made of tuff stone blocks bound by lime mortar and exhibiting evi-

dence of lime mortar finishing for what used to be a pillar in the southwest corner of

Structure B.

Figure 3: Lime mortar fill of a pillar within the eastern half of Structure B. (Photo by

K. Tantuico).

7 Building in 19th Century Philippines

Figure 4: Roof tile fragments used as aggregates for a pillar grout. (Photo by

K. Tantuico).

Figure 5a: Tisa fragments with

evidence of being used as

aggregates. Figure 5b: Scoria collected from Structure B.

Figure 5c: Earthenware sherd with evidence of being used as an aggregate.

8 Luga

Figure 6: Capiz shells used in windows (Photo by M. Reyes).

Tuff and conglomerate stone blocks, lime mortar, and cement

along with various aggregates comprised the structure’s foundations,

walls, and pillars. Along with these masonry materials, though, locals

accounted for wooden posts which they identified as mulawin or

commonly known as molave (Vitex parviflora). These wooden posts were

supposedly taken during the destruction of the structure, explaining why

the only archaeological evidence found were post holes, post bases, and

their foundations. There were six post holes unearthed and one more that

could have possibly been a post hole but was no longer explored. These,

however, accounted only for the structure’s ground floor. According to

interviews with local residents, the structure had a second floor made of

thick wooden slabs or tabla. These, too, were supposedly made of

hardwood. Furthermore, according to one account, the second floor was

wrapped in capiz windows. Consistent with archaeological evidence,

worked capiz shells were retrieved from the site (Figure 6).

The structure’s roofing was corrugated galvanised iron (G.I.)

sheets. This is supported by a sizeable G.I. sheet fragment recovered from

Trench 4 (UP-ASP 2011) (Figure 7) further supported by archival records.

According to Mayo (2010), the old town of San Juan, identified as the

current Barangay Pinagbayanan, had six families who owned stone

houses with metal roofs. With regard to the structure’s entryway, local

accounts vary. Some said the structure had one entryway on the west

facing the current main road. A few said there were two entryways.

Archaeological evidence supports that at one point there could have been

two entryways.

9 Building in 19th Century Philippines

Figure 7: Corrugated galvanised iron sheet fragment (Photo by H. Valerio).

The south face of the northwest corner had a smooth finishing

suggesting that it was the end of the feature and not a result of the

structure’s destruction. There was also a mortar bed with stone block

impressions connecting the northwest corner to the west wall, and

leading up to this area from the west are stone block pavers (Figures 8a

and 8b). According to local accounts, the entryway was big enough to fit a

horse carriage. The distance between the south face of the northwest

corner to the edge of the west wall was approximately 165 cm, a

reasonable width which may have been wide enough for a horse carriage.

Another entryway was directly across the west entryway to the east also

with pavers leading up to it. This was smaller though, with a width of 140

cm, and had evidence of being closed off. The door to the main entryway

was said to have been made of hardwood. Again, no evidence of this

wooden door was found except for metal hinges that are decidedly

thicker and bigger than those currently used in houses (Figures 9a and


With regard to the structure’s flooring, there was unanimous

account that the second floor was made of wooden slabs consistent with a

traditional bahay na bato. Regarding the ground floor, however, accounts

varied greatly. Some said it had cement flooring; others, a dirt floor; and

yet a few said it was made of baldoza tiles. A few baldoza tile fragments

were found during the excavation. However, none of these were in situ.

What looked to be cement flooring was also exposed in a portion west of

the northwest interior pillar. This did not, however, extend throughout

the area. The material used for the flooring of Structure B was, therefore,

not established.

10 Luga

Figure 8b: South view of the northwest corner with attached pavers.

Figure 8a: West view of the northwest corner.

11 Building in 19th Century Philippines

Figure 9a: A corroded metal butterfly hinge (Photo by H. Valerio).

Figure 9b: Half of a metal hinge.

12 Luga

Construction Methods and Techniques observed in Structure B

There were three construction methods used for the building of

Structure B: 1. Grout masonry, 2. Solid masonry, and 3. Dry masonry.

1. Grout masonry is a ‚multi-unit construction in which the space

between masonry units is solidly filled with grout‛ (Harris 2006: 480).

Grout refers to mortar mixed with enough water to make it viscous

enough, allowing it to be poured (Harris 2006). This kind of masonry

was used for the construction of Structure B’s pillars, post bases, and

double walls. For the pillars, stone blocks were laid out in a manner

forming a square that is hollow in the middle. These blocks were

bound by lime mortar, and every few layers, grout is poured into the

hollow (Figure 13). A similar method was used for the construction of

post bases. However, before the grout was poured, the wooden posts

were probably first hoisted up and held in place. The grout, along

with stone blocks, helped stabilise the wooden posts. For the double

walls, stone blocks were laid side by side with a space in between.

Again, these stone blocks are bound by lime mortar, and grout is

poured after a few layers of stone blocks (Figure 10).

2. Solid masonry is a method used when masonry units (i.e. stone

blocks) are placed directly adjacent to each other to form a solid load-

bearing wall system (Ching 1991). It was used for the construction of a

single wall in the northwest portion of the structure (Figure 11). Stone

blocks were simply laid atop each other in a running bond pattern and

bound by lime mortar.

3. Dry masonry is simply ‚masonry laid without mortar‛ (Harris 2006:

342). It does not make use of any kind of binding agent and depends

largely on the fit of masonry units for its stability. This technique was

seen utilised for the foundation of a post base along the northeast wall

(Figure 11). The utilisation of rubble for one layer was noticeable in

this post base foundation. This was also observed in the pillar

foundation in Structure B’s southwest corner. Although lime mortar

and cement were used to bind the stone blocks of most of the

southwest pillar foundation’s layers, the penultimate layer was made

of irregularly shaped stones with no visible binding agent. Dry

masonry was also employed for the pavers on both the west and east

sides. Stone blocks were laid directly on the sediment in a running

bond pattern with no binding agent or mortar bed. The west and east

pavers, however, were oriented differently. The pavers on the east

13 Building in 19th Century Philippines

Figure 10: This is the eastern half of Structure B where remains (i.e. grout filling) of inte-

rior stone pillars and double walls are found.

Figure 11: A portion of the north wall showing a post hole and post base and its founda-

tion which used dry masonry; the only single wall in Structure B constructed through

solid masonry. (Photo by M. Sy Cruz).

were oriented north-south while those on the west had an east-west

orientation (Figure 15 ).

14 Luga

Figure 12: A portion of the structure’s south wall found in Trench 3 exhibiting pro-

nounced differences in wall construction.

Inconsistencies in Structure B

Structure B had noticeable inconsistencies in its construction. Just

along the south wall found in Trench 3, the double wall east of the

exposed post base was 93 cm wide while the double wall directly west of

it was only 55 cm (Figure 12). Further to the west closer to the southwest

corner of the structure, the wall once again thickens to 62 cm at its widest.

Such a drastic change in wall width was also observable along the north

walls in Trench 2 (Figure 15).

Also, the foundation along the south wall was explored. It was

found that the wall foundation east of the post hole, referred to earlier,

was made of three layers of stone blocks with an elevation of -125 cm DP

while that on the west of the post base was made of only two stone block

layers with an elevation of -105 cm DP.

Moreover, foundations of two post bases were looked into and it

was found that they were constructed differently. The post base

foundation along the south wall was constructed in the same way that the

wall foundations were built (Figure 12).

The post base foundation along the north wall, however, was

constructed similar to the southwest pillar foundation except that the post

base foundation did not make use of any binding agent (Figures 13 and


Also noticeable was that pillars within the structure were present

only on the eastern half (Figure 15). The only pillar present in the western

half was located along the perimeter walls, specifically at the structure’s

southwest corner (Figure 15).

15 Building in 19th Century Philippines

Figure 13: A post base foundation found along the structure’s North wall in Trench 2.

Figure 14: Ruins of a pillar, its base, and its foundation located in the structure’s South-

west corner in Trench 1.

16 Luga

Figure 15: Structure B’s floor plan based on the 2011 excavation (Prepared by Angel

Sales from UP-ASP 2011).

It was also observed that the number of post bases increased in the

structure’s western half. Such observations may be indicative of two


1. There were two phases of construction with the first being the

construction of the eastern half of the structure. The first construction

phase probably began prior to the Earthquake Ordinance of 1880

when structures generally depended on deeper foundations, stone

pillars, and thick walls. This was a time before thinner wooden posts

were prescribed and foundations became shallower.

2. The second floor of Structure B was only on the eastern portion

supported by the four inner stone pillars. This would be consistent

with local accounts that the second floor did not cover the entire area

of the ground floor. This would also explain the enclosures and wall-

like features within the structure. They could be what were left of the

main staircase with two landing platforms beginning parallel to the

north wall, directly in front of the entryway, and then turning right

going southwards. This would be consistent with local accounts as


17 Building in 19th Century Philippines

Another noticeable inconsistency is in the method employed in the

building of walls during the second phase of construction. All of Structure

B’s walls were double walls except for a portion of the wall in the

northwest found in Trench 2. A stretch of the north wall connected to the

northwest corner was a single wall (Figure 15).

These inconsistencies may be reflective of how building

construction was undertaken in 19th century Philippines. During those

times, there were no trained architects, engineers, foremen, or carpenters.

The first Filipino architect, Felix Roxas, Sr., left the Philippines in 1840 and

came back in 1854 after studying and practicing architecture in England

and Spain. He then held several positions such as interim head of the

Public Works Office in 1866 and eventually as architect for the Manila

Government (Zialcita and Tinio Jr. 2002).

It is thus understandable that, if the construction of Structure B

began before the Earthquake Ordinance of 1880, there were not that many

trained architects and engineers in the Philippines, and those who were

schooled were employed by the government and focused on public

works. House builders, then, were not formally trained and only had their

practical experience to bank on. As Zialcita and Tinio Jr. (2002:33) put it,

‚they *builders+ often guessed their way through‛. This may be a reason

behind the inconsistencies in the construction of Structure B such as in the

case of the corner pillars of the south wall. These builders, however, are

not to be belittled. Although oftentimes illiterate and without formal

training, maestros were recognised for their skills (Yu 1996; Zialcita and

Tinio Jr. 2002). A maestro was often employed in the countryside from the

big towns and cities. He directed the project from start to finish and was

his own architect, engineer, and foreman. The typical maestro, however,

‚did not know how to calculate, in advance, the precise dimensions of the

building as a whole and in its minute parts. As a result, he has no way of

computing the quantity of materials to get‛ (Zialcita and Tinio Jr. 2002:

39). He, therefore, only ordered the materials as work progressed. This

made house-building extremely challenging since getting materials to the

construction site was already not without great difficulty (Valera-Turalba

2005; Zialcita and Tinio Jr. 2002).

The circumstances of 19th century Philippines – with the difficulty

of acquiring and transporting construction materials as well as a maestro’s

lack of knowledge on standard cost estimating procedures – undoubtedly

had its effects on the construction of Structure B. The aforementioned

18 Luga

conditions are the most probable explanations to Structure B’s phases of

construction and inconsistencies.

It may be that materials procured when the construction began

were insufficient for the entire structure. Construction, hence, had to

come to a stop for a while, resulting to the eastern half of Structure B. The

rest of the materials probably came during or after the pronouncement of

the Earthquake Ordinance of 1880. Hence, the walls were thinner, the

foundations with fewer layers of stone blocks were, thus, shallower, and

wooden posts were used in the western half.

Such difficulty in accessing materials may also explain why a

portion of the northern wall was a single wall as opposed to the double

walls of the rest of Structure B. It is tempting to think that the house

builders, illiterate and without formal training, were inept. At first glance,

this anomalous single wall seems to be a product of such incompetency.

However, upon thoughtful inspection, Structure B’s single wall actually

exhibits the cleverness of its house builders.

As mentioned earlier, Structure B’s single wall was located along

the northern perimeter. This side of the structure faces Structure A – also

a bahay na bato previously investigated archaeologically – and is hidden

from public view. If the anomalous single wall was located in the west, it

would have been facing the main Barangay Road. If it were along the

southern or eastern perimeter, it would have been facing an old road now

known as kalsadang putol and would thus have been open to public view

and scrutiny. The single wall’s location, therefore, could not have been

just coincidental or a product of thoughtless endeavour. Its location was

carefully decided upon, hiding it from public view, keeping the

structure’s grandeur and establishing the owner’s status in the

community. The only probable reason, then, for why a portion of the wall

was constructed differently than the rest of the structure is that materials

could have once again run out, and the owners could no longer delay the

completion of the structure.

Comparing Structure A and Structure B

Structure A was a bahay na bato located north of Structure B. It was

archaeologically investigated for two years prior to the excavation of the

latter (Barretto-Tesoro et al. 2009; UP-ASP 2010). Like Structure B, it was

found to be a bahay na bato built in the late 1800’s (Sales 2013). According

19 Building in 19th Century Philippines

to local accounts, both structures were taken apart. Structure A’s stone

blocks were recycled by the locals and used to build fishponds as well as

tungko or outdoor stoves starting in the 1950s (Sales 2010). Structure B, on

the other hand, was also said to be taken down in the 1950s. According to

local accounts, the materials were recycled in the construction of a house

in a nearby town.

Structure A was constructed in a similar manner to Structure B.

They both utilised the double wall system, although a portion of Structure

B had a single wall. They basically used the same materials, although

more conglomerate blocks were observed in Structure B whereas

Structure A predominantly used tuff blocks. Both structures had stone

pillars as well as hardwood posts. However, Structure A utilised stone

pillars as the main structural support of the house whereas Structure B

primarily utilised wooden posts.

They both used lime mortar with tisa aggregates as binding agent,

although it was observed that Structure B also used other materials as

mentioned above. There was also evidence that, like Structure B,

Structure A had capiz windows.

Unlike Structure B, however, Structure A had decorative

mouldings along the base of its exterior walls. It also had pilasters on its

exterior of which none was found in Structure B. Moreover, Structure A

had arches whereas no evidence of such was found in Structure B.

Also, Structure B had no sufficient evidence to establish the

flooring material whereas Structure A had several flooring materials in

situ such as baldoza tiles and tuff stone blocks. Baldoza tile impressions on

mortar flooring were also exposed as well as compact dirt floor of dark

reddish colour. These changes in flooring material helped in the analysis

of the use as well as the hierarchy of space in Structure A which,

unfortunately, could not be established in Structure B. Furthermore,

unlike Structure B which used corrugated galvanised iron sheets as

roofing material, Sales (2013) would argue that Structure A made use of

tisa or clay roof tiles. However, archival records do not mention any

house in Pinagbayanan having clay roof tiles for roofing. Instead, six stone

houses with metal roofing were recorded (Mayo 2010). Another major

difference is in the method of construction used for the foundations.

Structure A made use of wooden planks as formworks, indicated by

plank impressions on excavated foundations, while there was no such

evidence anywhere in Structure B. Based on these evidences, the owner of

20 Luga

Structure A seems to have had more means to get good quality

construction materials such as tuff stone blocks and clay tile flooring.

Structure A was also more decorative with its arches, mouldings, and

pilasters. This indicates that the owner of Structure A may have been

wealthier than the owner of Structure B. On the other hand, these

differences may simply be indicative of changing times. Based on the

predominance of stone pillars in Structure A and of wooden posts in

Structure B, Structure A may have been constructed at an earlier time

than Structure B.


Structure B is a bahay na bato constructed in 19th century Spanish

colonial Philippines. An analysis of its construction shows the challenges

of house building in the 1800s. Its construction methods and materials say

quite a lot about its social milieu. Its phases of construction show that,

consistent with archival records:

1. Maestros or master builders of the time relied only on previous

construction experiences and did not have sufficient knowledge for

estimating, in advance, the amount of materials needed for the

construction of the entire structure; and that

2. Raw materials for construction were difficult to come by. From the

procurement to the transportation, house builders faced numerous

challenges to accessing construction materials; and such difficulties

left uncertainties as to how long it would take for completion.

On the other hand, Structure B also exhibits the craftsmanship of

house builders of the time. Although without formal training, house

builders – or at the least maestros – were skilled and experienced. They

may have guessed their way through but they worked with careful


Although both structures have been archaeologically established

as stone houses, there were quite significant differences in their

construction. One is in the materials used. Tuff stone blocks are known to

be more durable than conglomerate blocks and were more commonly

found in Structure A than in Structure B. Furthermore, the predominance

of stone pillars as opposed to wooden posts as well as the supposed use

of clay roof tiles rather than corrugated galvanised iron sheets for roofing

21 Building in 19th Century Philippines

may be indicative that Structure A was completed prior to the Earthquake

Ordinance of 1880 and before the completion of Structure B. Also, the

construction of Structures A and B were probably undertaken by different

maestros as seen in the differences in construction method and design.


The preliminary analysis of the construction methods and

technology used in Structure B and its comparison with the Structure A

shed some light on how construction of stone houses were undertaken in

19th century Philippines. It also, however, raised several questions.

It is recommended, then, that for further studies, the following

may be explored:

1. The peculiar form as well as the use of rubble or irregularly shaped

masonry in the construction of the column (i.e. stone pillar and wooden

post) foundations;

2. Sourcing of construction materials such as lime, hardwood, capiz

windows, and roofing materials;

3. The utilisation of various types of aggregates such as ceramic sherds,

roof and floor clay tiles, and volcanic rocks; and their effects on the

durability and strength of the mortar produced; and

4. The variability in design of stone houses and its possible correlation

with the status of the owners.


First, I would like to thank Dr. Grace Barretto-Tesoro from whom I

learned most of what I now know about archaeology and who

persistently prodded me on to complete this article. Second, I would like

to thank my colleagues during my field school who unselfishly shared

their data with me. To Harpy, Ian, and Melo, thank you especially for

allowing me to use photos that you took for this article, and for serving as

my sounding board throughout the process of writing this paper.

To Coli, my ‚trenchie‛, our sleepless nights writing our 207 papers

are over! Thank you for being with me all those late nights in the

Batangas Work Station. To Anna, thank you for always being available

22 Luga

and willing to help, even when it meant going out of your way. And of

course to my loving and supportive parents, thank you for always being

there. Finally, I would like to thank my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,

without whom I could not accomplish anything of value. This article is for

all of you.


Alarcon, N.I. 1991. Philippine architecture during the Pre-Spanish and Spanish

periods. Manila: University of the Philippines Publishing House.

Blondet, M. and G. Villa Garcia. (n.d.). Adobe construction. Accessed 24

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