Building Strong Brand - · Building Strong Brand W. Rofianto ... • Simplify product...


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Building Strong Brand

W. Rofianto

“A name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them,

intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of

sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors.”

Consumer Benefits

• Simplify product handling

• Protect unique features

• Create loyalty

• Establish barriers to entry

Marketer Benefits

• Identify source/maker

• Simplifies decision making

• Reduces risk

The added value endowed on products and services

because of the brand.

Brand Equity

Brand Resonance Pyramid

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Internal Branding

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Slide 6 of 37

• Brand Connection

• Shared rituals/stories

• Responsibility to community

Brand Communities

The act of designing

a company’s offering and image

to occupy a distinctive place

in the minds of the target market.


Company (Product)

Target Customers Key BenefitPrice Premium

Value Proposition

Volvo(station wagons)

Safety-conscious upscale families

Durabilityand safety

20%The safest, most durable wagon in which your family can ride.

Domino’s (pizza)

Convenience-minded pizza lovers

Delivery speed and good quality

15%A good hot pizza, delivered promptly to your door, at a moderate price.

Frame of Reference

Points of parity / difference

Brand mantra

Brand Positioning

Nike – “authentic athletic performance”Disney – “fun family entertainment”

Brand Mantra Criteria• Communicate• Simplify• Inspire

Brand Positioning Bull’s-eye

Competitive Advantage

Sustainable Leverageable

Customer Advantage

Differentiation Strategies

Emotional Branding

Lovemarks• Mystery• Sensuality• Intimacy



Share of Market

Share of Mind

Share of Heart

Defense Strategies

Protecting Market Share

Product Life Cycles

Hypothetical Market Structure

Defense Strategies

Protecting Market Share

Business has only two basic functions

marketing and innovation.

(Peter Drucker )
