Bulletin - February 7 2016 - stgmiami.org · Reverend Archdeacon David Nimer Chris Farha, Cathedral...


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القد�س جاورجیوس للروم األرثوذ�س اتدرائ�ة�

The Most Reverend Metropolitan JOSEPH, Primate Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

The Right Reverend Bishop ANTOUN, Auxiliary Bishop

“The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.” (Acts 11:26)

Weekly BulletinWeekly BulletinWeekly Bulletin النشرة األسبوع�ة February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016

األحد السادس عشر من متى واألحد الذ� �عد عید دخول السید إلى اله��ل

The Sixteenth Sunday of Matthew and

The After-Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

The The The Weekly Bulletin Weekly Bulletin Weekly Bulletin is an official publication of Saint George Cathedral, Coral Gables, Florida.is an official publication of Saint George Cathedral, Coral Gables, Florida.is an official publication of Saint George Cathedral, Coral Gables, Florida.

320 Palermo Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida 33134

Phone: (305) 444-6541 Fax: (305) 445-6530

Email: Office@StGMiami.org

Website: www.StGMiami.org Webmaster@StGMiami.org

Very Reverend Father Fouad Saba, Cathedral Dean

Reverend Archdeacon David Nimer

Chris Farha, Cathedral Council Chairman

Weekly Schedule of Services

Saturday: Great Vespers (as announced in Calendar)

Sunday: 9:15 a.m. Orthros (Matins) - 10:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Confessions by Appointment

Saint George Antiochian Orthodox CathedralSaint George Antiochian Orthodox CathedralSaint George Antiochian Orthodox CathedralSaint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral

Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral, Coral Gables, Florida

g{x ECDIVtà{xwÜtÄ VÉâÇv|Ä Officers


ex-officio Members

Welcome to Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral!Welcome to Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral!Welcome to Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral!Welcome to Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral! This Church is one community of many in the One, Holy, Universal (catholic), and

Apostolic Church. As Antiochian Orthodox, this Church belongs to two thousand

years of history and tradition, which express the continued commitment of its mem-

bers to the faith in The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Visitors, please feel at home in prayer and worship. Please submit your names to

the Ushers and introduce yourself to Father Saba at the end of the service so he may

welcome you personally. Welcome! Ahlan wa Sahlan!

V. Rev. Fr. Fouad Saba

Chris Farha

Sdn. Elie Bardawil

Diana Nimer O’Brien

Jamal Habib

Muazzi Hatem

Dean / Presiding Officer





Financial Secretary

Rev. Adn. David Nimer

Carmen Kostik

Lama Elhaj

Miray Hayek

Noura Soufia

Tony Zammar


Sunday School

Antiochian Women

Fellowship (FSJD)


Order of Saint Ignatius

Andrea Abu-Akel

Larry Cameron

Abdallah Daiha

Douglas Ede

Said Elhaj

Michel Nasr

Dr. Don Shalhub

Nasser Soufia

Yamil Zacur

Tony Zammar

Changes in the Liturgyتغییرات في القداس

At the beginning of the Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m.,

please turn to page 92 in the Red Service Book

to follow along with the Liturgy.

Please use the inserts in this Weekly Bulletin

for this week’s changes in the Liturgy. ~ ~ ~


First Antiphon

My heart hath poured forth a good

word; I speak of my works to the

king. My tongue is the pen

of a swiftly writing scribe.

Through the intercessions of the The-

otokos, O Saviour, save us.

Grace is poured into thy lips: there-

fore God hath blessed thee forever.

Through the intercessions of the The-

otokos, O Saviour, save us.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever,

and unto ages of ages.

Through the intercessions of the The-

otokos, O Saviour, save us.

االند�فونا األولىلساني قلم . فاض قلبي ��الم صالح

.�اتب سر$ع الكتا�ة

.�شفاعات والدة اإلله �ا مخلص خلصنا

لذلك , قد انس�بت النعمة على شفت�ك .�ار�ك هللا الى االبد

.�شفاعات والدة اإلله �ا مخلص خلصنا

المجد لآلب واإلبن والروح القدس، اآلن .و�ل أوان والى دهر الدآهر$ن، آمین

.�شفاعات والدة اإلله �ا مخلص خلصنا

Changes in the Liturgyتغییرات في القداس

Second Antiphon

Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh, O

mighty One, in Thy comeliness and

Thy beauty. Bend Thy bow, and pro-

ceed prosperously, and be king.

Save us, O Son of God, Who wast

carried in the arms of righteous

Simeon, who sing to Thee, Alleluia!

Thine arrows are sharp, O mighty

One, in the heart of the king’s ene-

mies; whereby the peoples fall un-

der Thee.

Save us, O Son of God, Who wast

carried in the arms of righteous

Simeon, who sing to Thee, Alleluia!

A scepter of uprightness is the scep-

ter of Thy kingdom.

Save us, O Son of God, Who wast

carried in the arms of righteous

Simeon, who sing to Thee, Alleluia!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit. Now and

ever, and unto ages of ages.

O only-begotten son and word of


االند�فونا الثان�ة Eد , تقلد س�فك على فخذك أیها القو وتشد

.وتوفG واملك

�ا من حمل على , خلصنا �ا ابن هللاGی د !هللو�ا, لنرتل لك ،ذراعي سمعان الص

Eوشعوب تحتك , ن�الك مسنونة ایها القو .�سقطون

�ا من حمل على , خلصنا �ا ابن هللا

Gی د !هللو�ا, لنرتل لك ،ذراعي سمعان الص

.عصا ملكك عصا استقامة

�ا من حمل على , خلصنا �ا ابن هللاGی د !هللو�ا, لنرتل لك ،ذراعي سمعان الص

المجد لآلب واإلبن والروح القدس، اآلن .و�ل أوان والى دهر الدآهر$ن، آمین

…�ا �لمة هللا االبن الوحید

Changes in the Liturgyتغییرات في القداس

Entrance Hymn (Tone Two)

O Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ.

Save us, O Son of God, who art risen from the dead, who sing to Thee: Alleluia! !هلم لنسجد ونر�ع للمس�ح ملكنا والهنا، خلصنا �ا ابن هللا �ا من قام من بین االموات، لنرتل لك هللو�ا

Troparion of the Resurrection (Tone Three)

Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad, for the Lord hath done a mighty

act with His own arm; He hath trampled down death by death and became the

first-born from the dead; He hath delivered us from the depths of Hades,

granting the world the great mercy.

ألن الرب صنع عزا �ساعده، ووطئ الموت �الموت . لتفرح السماو�ات وتبتهج األرض�ات .ومنح العالم الرحمة العظمى. وأنقذنا من جوف الجح�م . وصار ��ر األموات

Third Antiphon

Hearken, O daughter, and consider,

and incline thine ear; forget also

thine own people, and thy father’s

house. Even the rich among the peo-

ple shall entreat thy countenance. I

shall commemorate thy name in every


(Tone One)

Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, full of

grace; for from thee arose the Sun of

justice, Christ our God, lighting those

who are in darkness. Rejoice and be

glad, O righteous old man, carrying in

thine arms the Deliverer of our souls,

Who granteth us Resurrection.

االند�فونا الثالثةوجــهــك , إســمــعــي �ــا بــنــت وأمــیــلــي أذنــك

سـأذ�ـر اسـمـك , �ستعطف اغن�اء الشعـب .في �ل جیل فجیل

ألن , إفرحي �ا والدة اإلله الممتلئـة نـعـمـة , منك أشرق شمس الـعـدل الـمـسـ�ـح إلـهـنـا

ـــالم إفـــرح اآلن . مـــنـــیـــرا الـــذیـــن فـــي الـــظد یخ الص حامـال عـلـى , یG وابتهج أیها الش

ذراعــ�ــك الــمــعــتــG نــفــوســنــا والــمــانــح إ�ــانــا .الرحمة العظمى

At this point, please turn to page 98 in the Red Service Book.

Changes in the Liturgyتغییرات في القداس

Troparion of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Tone One)

Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, full of grace; for from thee arose the Sun of jus-

tice, Christ our God, lighting those who are in darkness. Rejoice and be glad, O

righteous old man, carrying in thine arms the Deliverer of our souls, Who

granteth us Resurrection.

منیرا الذین , ألن منك أشرق شمس العدل المس�ح إلهنا, إفرحي �ا والدة اإلله الممتلئة نعمة د . في الظالم یخ الص حامال على ذراع�ك المعتG نفوسنا والمانح ,یG إفرح اآلن وابتهج أیها الش

.إ�انا الرحمة العظمى

Troparion of Saint George the Great Martyr (Tone Four)

As deliverer of captives, and defender of the poor, healer of the infirm, cham-

pion of kings: Victorious Great Martyr George, intercede with Christ our God

for our souls’ salvation.

�ما أنك للمأسور$ن محرر ومعتG، وللفقراء والمساكین عاضد وناصر وللمرضى طبیب المؤمنین م�افح ومحارب أیها العظ�م في الشهداء جاورجیوس الآل�س الظفر وعن وشاف

.تشفع إلى المس�ح اإلله في خالص نفوسنا

Kontakion of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Tone One)

Thou, O Christ God, Who by Thy Birth, didst sanctify the Virgin’s womb, and,

as is meet, didst bless Simeon’s arms, and didst also come to save us; preserve

Thy fold in peace, and confirm them whom Thou didst love, for Thou alone art

the Lover of mankind.

المستودع البتولي قدست، ولیدE سمعان �ما الق �ار�ت، , أیها المس�ح اإلله , �ا من �مولدك إحفc رعیتك �سالم وأید الذین أحببتهم، �ما أنك وحدك محب . ولنا اآلن أدر�ت وخلصت


Epistle of Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost السادس عشر �عد العنصرة الرسالة لألحد

The Lord will give strength to his people!

Bring to the Lord, O sons of God, bring to the Lord honor and glory!

The Reading is from Saint Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians (6:1-10)

Brethren, working together with him, then, we entreat you not to accept the grace

of God in vain. For he says, “At the acceptable time I have listened to you, and

helped you on the day of salvation.” Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold,

now is the day of salvation. We put no obstacle in any one’s way, so that no fault

may be found with our ministry, but as servants of God we commend ourselves in

every way: through great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beat-

ings, imprisonments, tumults, labors, watching, hunger; by purity, knowledge, for-

bearance, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, and the power

of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left; in

honor and dishonor, in ill repute and good repute. We are treated as impostors,

and yet are true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live;

as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet

making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything.

موا للرب �ا أبناء هللا! الرب �عطي قوة لشع�ه موا للرب مجدا وعزdا, قد !قد )10-6:1(فصل من رسالة القد�س بولس الرسول الثان�ة إلى أهل �ورنثوس

ألنه �قول إني في وقت مقبول * �ا إخوة �ما أنا معاونون نطلب إل��م أن ال تقبلوا نعمة هللا في ال�اطلولسنا نأتي * هوذا اآلن یوم خالص . فهوذا اآلن وقت مقبول . استجبت لك وفي یوم خالص أعنتك

ام هللا في صبر �ثیر في * �معثرة في شيء لئال یلحG الخدمة عیب بل نظهر في �ل شيء أنفسنا �خدفي جلدات في سجون في اضطرا�ات في أتعاب في أسهار في * شدائد في ضرورات في ض�قات

في �لمة * في طهارة في معرفة في طول أناة في رفG في الروح القدس في مح�ة �ال ر$اء * أصوام �أنا مضلون * �مجد وهوان، �سوء صیت وحسنه * الحG في قوة هللا �أسلحة البر عن ال�مین وعن ال�سار

بون وال نقتل * ونحن صادقون، �أنا مجهولون ونحن معروفون، �أنا مائتون وها نحن أح�اء، �أنا مؤد . �أنا حزان ونحن دائما فرحون، �أنا فقراء ونحن نغني �ثیر$ن، �أنا ال شيء لنا ونحن نملك �ل شيء

The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew (25:14-30)

The Lord spoke this parable: A man going on a journey called his servants and

entrusted to them his property; to one he gave five talents, to another two, to an-

other one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who had re-

ceived the five talents went at once and traded with them; and he made five tal-

ents more. So also, he who had the two talents made two talents more. But he

who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s

money. Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled ac-

counts with them. And he who had received the five talents came forward,

bringing five talents more, saying: “Master, you delivered to me five talents;

here I have made five talents more.” His master said to him, “Well done, good

and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over

much; enter into the joy of your master.” And he also who had the two talents

came forward, saying: “Master, you delivered to me two talents; here I have

made two talents more.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful

servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into

the joy of your master.” He also who had received the one talent came forward,

saying: “Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow,

and gathering where you did not winnow; so I was afraid, and I went and hid

your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.” But his master an-

swered him, “You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I

have not sowed, and gather where I have not winnowed? Then you ought to

have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have re-

ceived what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him, and give it

to him who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will more be given, and

he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be

taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness; there men

will weep and gnash their teeth.” As Jesus said these things He cried out: “He

who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

لألحد السادس عشر من متى اإلنجیلGospel of the Sixteenth Sunday of St. Matthew

لألحد السادس عشر من متى اإلنجیلGospel of the Sixteenth Sunday of St. Matthew

)30-25:14(التلمیذ الطاهر , شر?ف من �شارة القد�س متى اإلنجیلي ال�شیر فصل فأعطى واحدا خمس * إنسان مسافر دعا عبیده وسلم إلیهم أمواله . الرب هذا المثل قال

فذهب الذE أخذ * وزنات وآخر وزنتین وآخر وزنة �ل واحد على قدر طاقته وسافر للوقتوه�ذا الذE أخذ الوزنتین رgح وزنتین * الخمس الوزنات وتاجر بها ورgح خمس وزنات أخر

و�عد * وأما الذE أخذ الوزنة الواحدة فذهب وحفر في األرض وطمر فضة سیده * أخر$ین فدنا الذE أخذ الخمس الوزنات وأدh خمس * زمان �ثیر قدم سید أولئك العبید وحاسبهم

فقال * وزنات أخر قائال �ا سید خمس وزنات سلمت إلي وها خمس وزنات أخر رgحتها فوقهاله سیده نعما أیها العبد الصالح األمین، قد وجدت أمینا في القلیل فسأق�مك على الكثیر،

ودنا الذE اخذ منه الوزنتین وقال �ا سید وزنتین سلمت إلي وها وزنتان * أدخل إلى فرح رgكفقال له سیده نعما أیها العبد الصالح األمین، قد وجدت أمینا في * أخر$ان رgحتهما فوقهما

ودنا الذE أخذ الوزنة وقال �ا سید علمت * القلیل فسأق�مك على الكثیر، ادخل إلى فرح رgكفخفت وذهبت وطمرت * أنك إنسان قاس تحصد من حیث لم تزرع وتجمع من حیث لم تبذر

فأجاب سیده وقال له أیها العبد الشر$ر الكسالن قد * وزنتك في األرض، فهوذا مالك عندكتي * علمت أني أحصد من حیث لم أزرع وأجمع من حیث لم أبذر ف�ان ین�غي أن تسلم فض

فخذوا منه الوزنة وأعطوها للذE معه * إلى الص�ارفة حتى إذا قدمت آخذ مالي مع رgى والعبد )* ألن �ل من له �عطى فیزاد ومن ل�س له فالذE له یؤخذ منه(العشر الوزنات

ولما قال هذا نادh * هناك ��ون ال��اء وصر$ف األسنان. ال�طال ألقوه في الظلمة البران�ة .من له أذنان للسمع فل�سمع


Traditionally, at the feast of the Lord’s Epiphany (Baptism) on January 6th, the Great Blessing of the waters takes place and then is used to sanctify the homes of all the faithful. In bringing the blessed water to the homes, and sprinkling it in each room, we rid our house of any evil influence, and rededicate it to God in a special way.

As we were once renewed by the waters of our own baptism into Christ, so too our home, and our entire lives, are re-dedicated and renewed unto Christ our God each year at this time.

- Please contact the Cathedral Office at 305-444-6541 to schedule the Home Blessing by Fr. Saba.

- The following should be prepared for the Home Blessing: All members of family must be present.



Lit Candle

Burning Incense (Optional)

Small Table (or dining room table)

- The visit by Fr. Saba should be approximately 45 minutes. Several visits will be scheduled on a given day in order to reach and bless all families and homes this season.

Once the Home Blessing Season is mostly over, Fr. Saba will

continue the regular Pastoral Visits, during which Fr. Saba

will spend ample time with each family.

Prayer List

The following names were submitted this week and remembered TODAY in the

Holy Altar! If you desire to have your loved one(s) remembered on Sunday,

please contact the Church Office and submit the name(s).

Please indicate the reason for the prayer (illness, name’s day, birthday, anniver-

sary, in memory, etc.) and the duration for inclusion on the list (one week, two

weeks, etc.).

Names of the living and departed should be submitted by Wednesday morning for

inclusion in the following Sunday’s Weekly Bulletin.

Living Departed The abducted Metropolitan PAUL

The abducted Archbishop YOUHANNA

All our brothers and sisters afflicted by war, hunger, pov-

erty, oppression, persecution, and occupation in the Mid-

dle East and Worldwide.


Mother Tamara

Mouna and Laura Dahlan and family

George Karam and family

George and Widaa Khoury and family

Yvonne Soof, Osama Khoury

Salem, Hannan, Naife, Sammy, & Christian Mounayyer

Michel and Shirley Husson and family

Harry Wardell and family

Fuddha Nihem

Jorge and Najat Zacur and family

Fadwa Habash

George and Charme Elias and family

Guinevere Haddad, Richard and Gwynn Elias

Sabah Khoury, Lubna Jahjah

George Bchara

Salwa Dammous, Asmerom Beyene

Jim and Marsha Barrows

Latife Zyne, Mona Habib

Nicholas Shaheen, Dorothy Skaff, Terry Gotard

Denise Ede, Patty Hill

Adelina Del Valle, Bianca


All our brothers and sisters departed by war, hunger,

poverty, oppression, persecution, and occupation in

the Middle East and Worldwide.

Michael Dahlan

Alissar Karam

Ibrahim Khoury

Mary Ann Wardell

Robert Hanna Hanna

Rameh Cafroni

Sophia Fahel

Naim Nihem

Fouad Mounayyer

Aida Saba

Sami Hakim

Naife Mounayyer

Samira Abourjaily



FEBRUARYFEBRUARYFEBRUARYFEBRUARY Salem and Hannan Mounayyer and Family George and Widaa Khoury and Family Mouna Dahlan and Family Michel and Shirley Husson and Family

MARCHMARCHMARCHMARCH Salem and Hannan Mounayyer and Family Mouna Dahlan and Family Michel and Shirley Husson and Family

APRILAPRILAPRILAPRIL Archdeacon David and Pat Nimer

MAYMAYMAYMAY Drs. Michael Maunder and Sawsan Khuri & Family


Altar Vigil Candle

To sign-up for the Altar Vigil Candle, please contact the

Church Office to submit the names of your loved ones

to be remembered for the duration of the month you


The Candle remains lit for an entire month on the Holy


There is no fee required to offer the Altar Vigil Candle.

The offering is by donation only.

If you choose to make a donation, please make your

donation payable to ‘St. George Cathedral.’

Please see schedule below (in order of submission by


Holy Bread Offering

TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Mouna Dahlan and Family George Karam and Family

FEBRUARY 14FEBRUARY 14FEBRUARY 14FEBRUARY 14 Baracatt Zacur and Family


FEBRUARY 28FEBRUARY 28FEBRUARY 28FEBRUARY 28 Atalla and Andrea Abu-Akel and Family

MARCH 6MARCH 6MARCH 6MARCH 6 Asmerom Beyene and Amleset Tekle


Coffee Hour Sponsor


FEBRUARY 14FEBRUARY 14FEBRUARY 14FEBRUARY 14 Baracatt Zacur and Family

FEBRUARY 21FEBRUARY 21FEBRUARY 21FEBRUARY 21 Annual Cathedral Festival

FEBRUARY 28FEBRUARY 28FEBRUARY 28FEBRUARY 28 Atalla and Andrea Abu-Akel and Family

MARCH 6MARCH 6MARCH 6MARCH 6 Asmerom Beyene and Amleset Tekle


MARCH 20MARCH 20MARCH 20MARCH 20 The Alfonso Family


MARCH 20MARCH 20MARCH 20MARCH 20 The Alfonso Family


Cathedral NewsCathedral NewsCathedral NewsCathedral News The Holy Bread and Coffee Hour are ministries of the Antiochian Women. Please see the Co-ordinator of these ministries, Mrs. Salma Zacur, to inquire on scheduling and requirements.

Church Etiquette

During the reading of the Epistle and Gospel, please refrain from

moving or walking so you may not be a distraction to others listening

and so you may be properly focused and reverent to the Word of God.

TODAY: Forty Day Memorial Service in memory of

Michael Dahlan, offered by Mouna Dahlan and Family.

Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!

TODAY: One-Year Memorial Service in memory of

Alissar Karam, offered by George Karam and Family.

Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!

Cathedral CalendarCathedral CalendarCathedral CalendarCathedral Calendar

TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Orthros (Matins) Service 9:15 a.m.

TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Divine Liturgy 10:30 a.m.

TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Home Blessings Continue! Please see INSERT

TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Sunday School Classes After Communion

TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Monthly Antiochian Women Meeting 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, Feb 9Tuesday, Feb 9Tuesday, Feb 9Tuesday, Feb 9 Monthly Cathedral Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, Feb 13Saturday, Feb 13Saturday, Feb 13Saturday, Feb 13 The Great Vespers Service will NOT be celebrated.

Sunday, FebSunday, FebSunday, FebSunday, Feb 14141414 Orthros (Matins) Service 9:15 a.m.

Sunday, Feb 14Sunday, Feb 14Sunday, Feb 14Sunday, Feb 14 Divine Liturgy 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, Feb 14Sunday, Feb 14Sunday, Feb 14Sunday, Feb 14 Sunday School Classes After Communion

Save the Date!Save the Date!Save the Date!Save the Date!

Annual Middle Eastern Festival Feb 20Feb 20Feb 20Feb 20----21, 201621, 201621, 201621, 2016

“Charity Basketball Game” Feb 21, 2016Feb 21, 2016Feb 21, 2016Feb 21, 2016

Clean Monday (First Day of Great Lent) Mar 14, 2016Mar 14, 2016Mar 14, 2016Mar 14, 2016

Great and Holy PASCHA (Easter) May 1, 2016May 1, 2016May 1, 2016May 1, 2016

Southeast Diocese Parish Life Conference in Pensacola, FL Jun 15Jun 15Jun 15Jun 15----18, 201618, 201618, 201618, 2016

“Annual Love Ball” - “50 Years in the Gables” Celebration Oct 1, 2016Oct 1, 2016Oct 1, 2016Oct 1, 2016

53rd Biennial Archdiocese Convention hosted in Miami Jul 23Jul 23Jul 23Jul 23----30, 201730, 201730, 201730, 2017


“The Church is like Noah’s ark that was

full of both clean and unclean ani-

mals. It must have had an un-

holy smell, and yet it was carrying eight

persons to salvation.

The world today is tearing up the photo-

graphs of a good society, a good family,

a happy, individual personal life.

But the Church is keeping the negatives.

And when the moment comes

when the world wants a re-

print, we will have them.”

- Archbishop Fulton Sheen

2017 Convention Updates2017 Convention Updates2017 Convention Updates2017 Convention Updates

Email and Facebook Sign-up


Please see the 2017 Convention Committee

Chairlady, Mrs. Andrea Abu-Akel to sign-up

for the Convention Committee

