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by AIESEC in Turkey

Promotion Booklet

What is Meet My Friend?

Meet My Friend project is a cultural

understanding project which is running nationally every year in Turkey . International students will enrich Turkish

High Schools by doing presentations about their home countries, facilitating “discussion days” and “mini projects”in about local and global issues.

Meet My Friend is a great opportunity for international interns to learn about the lifestyle in Turkey and for Turkish students to find

out more about foreign cultures.

The long term goal of the project is to foster cultural understanding and the motivation to learn foreign languages, of Turkish students.

Also by the help of “discussion days” and “mini projects” our aim is to raise the awareness of children for local and global problems and become social responsible.

All interns will work with children who are around 15-17 years old and studying in Turkish high schools. The project will run in high schools and all trainees will present their countries during classes to

the students.

On the other hand all the participants of the project will have a chance to live and learn real Turkish culture through the project. Trainees will live in Turkish host families in order to get to know a

deep insight in the Turkish Culture.

Participating trainees will have the chance to meet and work together with students from all over the world coming from around

20 different countries.

5 LC’s in Turkey to live your lifechanging experience;

LC Ankara

LC Bursa

LC Eskisehir

LC Istanbul

LC Izmir

Content of Meet My Friend:

Country Presentations in High Schools;

In the first month of the project the participating

interns will make country presentations and answer the questions in minds about their country, culture coming from Turkish students in high schools which we cooperate with since 2003.

Discussion Days;

The interns will facilitate “discussion days” in the 3rd quarter of the project. The intern will be responsible to search and find the topic to discuss

with the students by the help of Project teams in schools (e.g global warming). This time, each intern will have one high school to facilitate

“discussion days” in. By the help of proactive students in the schools the intern will prepare outputs of

“discussion days” to be used in “mini projects”. Discussion days will take 15 days in each school.

Mini Projects;

With the outputs of discussion days, the interns will

prepare mini projects together with the Project teams created in schools (e.g. a seminar in school

adressing the issue discussed before). The

interns main responsibility will be facilitating these projects and make the students act about the topic adressed in discussion days. Mini

projects will help us to impact more concrete to the students and they will enjoy taking responsibility about important issues in their very early ages.

Specially structured reception for MMF interns

Living in Turkish host families, families of the students from high schools to see turkish culture beter, deeper.

Reception tours to touristic, interesting places of Turkey with MMF team. Fun every weekend!

Weekly meetings in each LC to evaluate the Project and satisfaction of interns.

Global Villages in schools.

Opening seminar in the beginning of the Project in Istanbul, hosted by MC Turkey for

preparations of interns and giving information about Project, Turkish culture, Turkish education system.


Job Descriptions


Description 1

The intern will prepare and hold presentations of his/her

home country for children in the age of 15-18 years in

Turkish High Schools.


Description 2

Trainee will help the project team consisting of high school

students with min. 3 to max. 10 participants.


Description 3

The intern will facilitate discussion days in high schools

during lessons about local, global issues and prepare

outputs to be used in the last part of the Project.


Description 4

In the last part of the Project, the intern will facilitate the

students on creating mini projects about the issue

adressed in discussion days


Description 5

The intern will participate in the local Learning

Environment activities of the LC.


Description 6

The intern will participate in min. 2 Global Villages at

some of the High Schools. The interns responsibility will

be cooking his/her countries traditional foods and making

a special presentation for the families of the students.


To Apply Meet My Friend plus! And for your questions contact;


National Exchange Team Member

Meet My Friend PboX National Coordinator

AIESEC in Turkey



“Meet My Friend plus!”

National PboX initiative by AIESEC in Turkey

Sep. 15 2007