By Becki Baucom. The breaking apart of the rocks and minerals


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By Becki Baucom

Weathering and Erosion

The breaking apart of the rocks and minerals


Mechanical Weathering is the breakdown of rocks and minerals by direct contact with forces acting on the Earth.

Mechanical Weathering

Tree Roots

Here is an example were mechanical weathering is taking place, the roots of the tree are breaking apart the rock to get nutrients that it need below the rock.

Ice WedgingWhen a crack appears in a rock and water seeps down into the rock then the water freezes. It expands which cracks the rock even more. When the ice thaws and then refreezes again the cracks become larger.


In this picture the moles live in burrows underground but before they live there they must first dig through the dirt and create tunnels which is an example of mechanical weathering.

The weathering of a rocks surface through a chemical process.

Chemical Weathering


An example of Oxidation is this rusted nail. When water mixes with oxygen it creates iron oxide the iron oxide breaks down the nail causing material to flake and break off.


When mineral-rich water comes through the roof of a cave and drips, it leaves a mineral deposit behind. Over time, the deposits build up and form a narrow, hollow tube called a stalactite. This is another example of chemical weathering.

Acid Rain

Acid rain is another form of chemical weathering. In this picture acid rain has broken down the rock and caused it to have discoloration. When pollution in the air mixes with rain water it creates acid rain.

Climate Weathering is when earth’s weather conditions breakdown the rocks and minerals.

Climate Weathering

MountainsIn the top picture the mountains are very jagged, pointy, and edgy, but in the picture below the mountain is smooth and there are few jagged edges and giant cliffs. Over a long period of time the edges and cliffs become smooth hills. This is what can happen when weathering is taking place.


This picture used to look like a giant piece of rock but over time the wind has worn the soft parts of the rock away leaving what you see in this picture.


Over millions of years ice flows down hills and breaks apart huge areas of land. The large mass of ice combined with such a long duration causes rough rocks to become smooth

The breaking away of rocks and minerals and the rocks and minerals being transferred to another




This gully was formed by water erosion. The water breaks down the sediments and moves them down stream.


This landslide is another form of erosion. The sediments break away from the mountain and under the force of gravity is pulled down, deforming everything in its path.


This is an example of the ocean eroding the edges of this cliff and carrying the eroded sediments away.
