By: Henry Foster. A Lizard’s Look Most lizards are green, but they can be tan, brown, black, blue,...


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By: Henry Foster

A Lizard’s Look

Most lizards are green, but they can be tan, brown, black, blue, or even multi colored. All lizards have eyes on either side of them. They can be as big as your car, or smaller than your hand. They can weigh on a large scale from 4-300 pounds.

A Lizard’s Lifespan

Some lizards are endangered, but some are not. They live on a scale from 4-30 years long. That’s how long lizards live.

Where Lizards Live

Lizards live in warm places around the world, including Florida, Jamaica, Arizona, and many, many, more places around the world!

How lizards get their food

Some lizards go right at their prey. Those lizards usually use an adaptation. For example, chameleons use their long tongues to get their prey. Others team up on their prey.

What Lizards Eat and What Eats Them

Some lizards only eat vegetables. Others eat insects, spiders, worms, snails, or others small lizards. Some lizards have to watch out for birds and snakes.


Some lizards can change color to camouflage. Some run really fast. Some even fly to get away.

Fun facts

- The Komodo dragons are the world’s biggest reptile.- Every scale on a lizards back is a different color.- Lizards have holes in their heads for ears.


Lizards don’t do much. When predators come near they hiss at them. If the predators aren’t scared, they run as fast as their little legs will go.
