by Jesus Christ: Scientific Works part two, May 2010



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by Jesus Christ: scientific work, part two

may 2010

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GOD by Jesus Christ: scientific work, part two


a. The meaning of twelve gate 3 b. Situational leadership in evangelism 4 c. Denial of service in evangelism 8 d. How to do evangelization with only two bread 11 e. Cultural approach in evangelization 12 f. How rosicrucian sect ruin anglican church and all subsequent denomination 16 g. What you can do in the End of Day 25 h. How you can win the fruit making contest 28 i. An outline of theorem from navier stokes equations to newtonian mechanics 30 j. How Jesus Christ give you salvation 34 k. Solitonic information entropy and cosmic ray observation 36 l. How you can consider peace in the world properly 55 m. How you can do cross cultural evangelization to your neighbor 58 n. How you can participate in returning global climatic condition 60 o. How you can rectify numerous problem in America economy 67 p. How you can thank properly to your Father in Heaven 76 q. Introduction to compassionate theology 78 r. List of name word which will have an automatic capital first letter in ms word 84 s. My last warning 87 t. On plausibility to observe anisotropic effect of hubble constant in carmeli metric 89 u. Time varying effect and the quantization of celestial systems 95 v. What you can learn in theoretical physics department 110 w. Why you cannot rely on pure reason alone for your salvation 115 x. Why you do not want to return to the Light from Heaven 117 y. Why you should avoid attend mind-controlling cult ritual 119 z. Why you should not do magick 123

Appendix A: how Jesus Christ can help all of you, people with psychological problem 130

Appendix B: how you can do evangelization with social network 138

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by Jesus Christ

a. The meaning of twelve gate

People often think that Jesus Christ will come again, but it will not happen this year or next year. Do not fall into temptation to forget to prepare for My coming. Do not punish your brother and sister because you think you are better than them, or because you think you work harder than them. Do not think you deserve to be blessed more than other people and then you put so many obstacles to other people in order they fall, and then you use their fall as an excuse for yourself to keep doing as many sins as you like. Some people already hear that Jesus Christ will come again if Twelve Gates are opened. They read that Twelve Gates are not opened yet, that is why they think that Jesus Christ will come again but not very soon. Actually Twelve Gates are already opened. Take your time and please read Isaiah 45:1-2. Actually the meaning of Twelve Gates is that God will call people by His grace from many directions of earth, and they will listen to Him in their languages. And they will turn their back and come to God Himself. Please read carefully Isaiah 45:22-25. We love you all nations, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. We will come again very very soon, therefore let yourself be saved. Repent, repent, repent. It is your life. Time is very limited, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Find a guide to help you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in this link (login with 'visitor'). Print this guide as many as you can and distribute it to as many countries as you can, including Asian countries such as China and Vietnam. Pray and ask to God first before you select a language for your nation. Please tweet this message and distribute it to all your friends quickly.

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by Jesus Christ

b. Situational leadership in evangelization

We often read that there is only one situation for evangelization. That situation is often called evangelism campaign. This situation is preferred by evangelists, because they can reach a large number of people effectively. But actually there are different situations for evangelism which should be taken care properly. This article takes care these situations based on categorization as described by Dr. Ralph Winter in his report (Winter 1975). He categorizes evangelism situations as follows:

E-0 : Christian people at name only

E-1 : Christian people in the same nation

E-2 : Non-Christian people with similar culture

E-3 : Non-Christian people with different cultures.

We extend further this categorization in order to take care properly people with different needs. We consider here only two more situations:

E-4 : Non-religion people and difficult people

E-5 : People with personality disorder problem.

Situational leadership is used here because it reminds us to leadership typology based on the context of people (Hersey 1972). For example if some people have the required education to do a job like translation, but they are not willing to do that, a leader should motivate them. In different situation, some people may not have the required education to do a job, but they are willing to do that, therefore a leader should train them. In other situation, there are people who have not both the required education and they are not willing to do a job, then they require special attention. It can be very difficult to take care these people, therefore leadership is a gift by grace of God.

In this article Me, Jesus Christ, put Situational Leadership into evangelism situation:

a. E-0 situation Christian people at name only actually requires special attention, because often they face some difficulties in their life. Some of them do drugs in order to avoid the pain

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caused by their problems. Some of them need special attention, because they are not taken care properly. But most of all their problems are that they do not repent and receive Jesus Christ. We should take care properly these people in order that they can repent and receive Jesus Christ. Find a guide to help them repent and receive Jesus Christ in (login with ‘visitor’). This guide can be used in weekly sermons or Bible study. Other churches may use this guide in regular cell group meetings.

b. E-1 situation Christian people in the same nation can be addressed properly in evangelism campaign or with radio broadcast, television or other channels of mass communication. Some of them need special attention, that is why private evangelization is an effective way to speak about Jesus Christ. Their problem is actually the same with E-0 people, they need to repent and receive Jesus Christ. You can find a guide to help these people to repent and receive Jesus Christ in the link above. The situation is different if these Christian people did something terrible in their life, like trapping other people. In that situation they will not be forgiven, unless God give them repentance by His grace only. All of them should repent and receive Jesus Christ first before God bless them again. Please read Isaiah 1:18-20.

c. E-2 situation Non-Christian people with similar culture often need special attention too. Most of them already believe that they choose the right way and they do not like to change. Actually these people do not want to admit that they choose the wrong way. And they hate people who show them that they do make mistake. The only way for them to be saved is that they should repent and receive Jesus Christ, and stop doing all their sins including blasphemy. Blasphemy includes serving two masters, please read Matthew 6:24. Other type of blasphemy is that they do not admit that only in the name of Jesus Christ they can be saved (please read the Acts of Apostles 4:12). Contextual evangelism should not make mistakes of allowing these people to keep their wrong belief along with Christianity. Otherwise that would make them doing blasphemy too, and they will be punished severely if they allow people to do that, please read Matthew 11:26-28. They should repent and receive Jesus Christ otherwise there is no way to come to our Father in Heaven. Hindu and Buddhist people should know that the problem is not in suffering, but in their sins. The only way for them to be saved is that they must repent and receive Jesus Christ. Moslem people should know that the problem is not in lack of good deeds, but again the problem is their sins. They should admit their sins, repent and receive Jesus

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Christ, stop doing all their sins, and read the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. They should be able to read at least one of these creeds from their memory without reading text. And they should give themselves to be baptized, and attend sermons regularly in nearest church. Find a guide to help these people in the link above.

d. E-3 situation Non-Christian people with different cultures need to be taken care properly by telling them that they really really need to repent, receive Jesus Christ, and stop doing all their sins. But they need to see examples in their cultures. Example here means people who live in accordance with the Bible and in the teaching of Jesus Christ. That would mean that evangelists should be the examples in the cultures where they serve. That is very difficult to do, that is why evangelism is a gift by grace of God. There should be a praying team to support this evangelization. Evangelists should also make it accessible for these people to read Bible in their language. Find a guide to help these people to repent and receive Jesus Christ in more than 30 languages. The guide has been translated and compiled into a book contain eleven chapters each consist of four to six languages. If you cannot find the language you need in this book please kindly translate from English version (chapter 1). The book can be found in the link (login with ‘visitor’).

e. E-4 situation Non-religion people and difficult people also need special attention. They often trap themselves in their own trap. They do not care that they need God, in this way they do blasphemy and therefore they will be punished forever. They should know that there is no good deed they can do before they repent, receive Jesus Christ, and stop doing all their sins. Take your time and please read Rome 3:9-18. Some of them can be saved but it is only a gift by grace of God through Jesus Christ. Find a guide to help these people to repent and receive Jesus Christ in the above link. These people only rely on themselves in every problem they face. Actually they know they cannot solve their problems, but they do not admit that they cannot solve their problems because they are so proud of themselves. And this is a blasphemy, and they will be punished unless they repent and receive Jesus Christ.

f. E-5 situation People with personality disorder need very very special attention, because they do not see where their mistakes begin. They often think that they are normal, but actually they do all things in their life in hate and anger. Hate and anger may come from their past, but they forget that they are responsible for the condition of their

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heart. Anger can lead to depression, but in other people anger can lead to destruction to other people’s life. And some people think it is their right to make punishment and to trap other people. These people are chronic examples of those who do sins too many times, until they do not know what happen with their life. Please read carefully Rome chapter 1 until chapter 3. Some people need proper medical treatment in psychiatry clinic, including those who too many times do many sins including blasphemy and pretend that they are good Christian people. We can call these people suffer split personality disorder, but actually they do too many sins in their life and their character is altered. It would take a lot of God’s grace in order they can repent and receive Jesus Christ, and stop doing their sins, because they really really cannot stop doing their sins and they do not know how to do things other than doing their sins. Find a guide to help them repent and receive Jesus Christ in the link above. Evangelists should ask someone who has been trained in psychiatry in order to be able to help them.

This article is written by me but actually this article is dictated Jesus Christ literary word by word; me is only His messenger and me have not been trained as professional servant in church, but He allow me to write this article in order to help preachers and evangelists do their job properly. You are allowed to read this article and this is His gift too. References: R. Winter, “The Highest Priority: Cross-Cultural Evangelism,” in Let the Earth Hear His Voice, ed. J.D. Douglas (Minneapolis: Worldwide Publications, 1975), pp. 213-258.

P. Hersey, Situational Leader, (1972), and now it is quite well-known in management literature as Situational Leadership Theory. See URL

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by Jesus Christ

c. Denial of service in evangelism

Most Christian people think that they already do God's Will in their life. They go to weekly sermons in church regularly, and they do pray each morning and they read the Bible. But they do not want to speak about Jesus Christ to other people who live surround them. This is denial of service in evangelism. The problem is actually they are afraid of being treated improperly if they witness the glory of God. Actually they are afraid of human being, and they do not fear of God who create them. The problem is fear of God equals to faith and therefore lack of fear of God means lack of faith. And then they worry about their life too much. Take your time and please read Matthew 6:24-34. What is worrying? Worrying is lack of faith to God. If you worry about your life that means that you serve two masters, because you worship God but at the same time you rely on yourself. Actually God really love you and God take care of you and your family each day. Relying on yourself includes that you pretend that you know better than God Himself in choosing words to say without His permission. Actually you do not have the right to do that. And if you think that you can do your work better than God, it is a blasphemy. And that is why serving two masters is a blasphemy. Relying on yourself is a blasphemy too, because you never know the effect of doing your work improperly without God. Other people do denial of service in evangelism differently. They think that God's grace will be given to all people including those who do not believe, do not repent, and do not receive Jesus Christ. This is wrong belief because if you do not repent and receive Jesus Christ, it is impossible to come to our Father in Heaven. Please read Matthew 11:26-28. Evangelists should be careful of this wrong belief because some Christian people use this belief to deny that they must speak about Jesus Christ and how God love the world and that people should repent and receive Jesus Christ. Evangelists should also be careful of other wrong belief that is the belief that

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Christian people should give up their faith in order that they can survive. Actually they worry about everything else except their own life, please read again Matthew chapter 6:24-34. God know what you need and that you need them, but seek first God's Will in your life and work for Kingdom of Heaven, and all other things will be added to your plate. There is other wrong belief that evangelists should be careful, that is the belief that Christian people could say that there is other name who can give way to people to come to our Father in heaven. Please read again Matthew 11:26-28. Actually this is a blasphemy too. There is no other name in whom people can be saved except in the name of Jesus Christ. Please read the Acts of Apostles 4:12:

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

Other Christian people put obstacles in the life of their family who do evangelism, in order that their family can fall, and therefore they can use their falling as an excuse for not doing evangelism. And that is a blasphemy too. It is evil work. Other Christian people think that they should not speak about Jesus Christ to other people surround them because they are Calvinist. They think that God will call all people who are chosen to follow Jesus Christ, because He is powerful and He can call people to follow His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, even without they do evangelism. Actually this is wrong belief because Christian people should speak about Jesus Christ and how God love them, that is their job. Please read Matthew 28:18-20:

“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Other Christian people do other mistake, they think that other people already do evangelism in so many years, and therefore they do not have to speak about Jesus Christ themselves. Actually they should speak about Jesus Christ to at least to four people each day in their life. Evangelists should be careful to this type of mistake, because they can use it as an excuse for not speaking about Jesus Christ

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in their life. Actually they worry too much about their life. Please read again Matthew 6:24-34. Some Christian people think that Jesus Christ will not come again soon, they expect that they can speak about Jesus Christ later in their life may be ten or twenty years from now. Actually this is wrong belief, Jesus Christ will come again very very soon, and you should make fruits in your life, and therefore you should speak about Jesus Christ at least to four people each day in your life. Find a guide to help people to repent and receive Jesus Christ in this link (login with ‘visitor’). Print the guide and copy as many as you can, and distribute the copies to as many countries as you can, including Asian countries such as China and Vietnam. Please pray and ask to God first before you select a language for your country. Be hurry to repent and receive Jesus Christ and then speak about Jesus Christ at least to four people each day in your life. Other Christian people do not know how to speak about Jesus Christ properly to people surround them, and they use this as an excuse to not speaking about Jesus Christ. Please find a guide to help them to speak about Jesus Christ in the link above. This article is written by me but actually this is dictated by Jesus Christ literary word by word; me is only His messenger and He allow me to write this article in order to help you take care properly Christian people in your church. He allow you to read this article, and this is a gift by grace of God.

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by Jesus Christ

d. How to do evangelization with only two bread

Christian people often think that they cannot do evangelization, even if they really want to do that, because they find themselves lack of theology education, and they do not join an evangelism ministry, and they are only college students, street workers and professors. They think that it takes a long long time to be specialist in evangelism, and they are not prepared for doing that. Actually it is not quite true. You can do evangelization even if you are not a preacher and you do not join an evangelism ministry, and you only do have two bread and five fishes. You can do something great, but you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly. After that you should read the Apostles’ Creed and Nicene creed, and you should be able to read at least one of these creeds without reading text, that would mean you should practice to read these creeds numerous times until you can read them without reading text, and you should also attend weekly sermons regularly. And you should pray and ask to your Father in Heaven to help you to do His Will in your life. You should know that evangelization require a lot of prayer work, and the fruits are the result of Holy Spirit’s work. The most important thing is you should do evangelization according to what Holy Spirit guide you. Take your time and please read Matthew 14:13-21. The principle that our Father teach us today is that evangelization can be done if you give all you have and give them to Jesus Christ. And the first thing is you should give yourself, and do your work for the Kingdom of Heaven and you should love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. You should find someone who is hungry around you, give your bread away to him. And you should also tell him that the bread are from Jesus Christ. Tell him that Jesus Christ come to earth to save him. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Please read John 3:16. This article is written by Me, Jesus Christ. That is the message: be hurry, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Please tweet this message and distribute it quickly to all your friends.

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by Jesus Christ

e. Cultural approach in evangelization

Christian people who work in evangelism think that cross-cultural evangelism is the most difficult to do for evangelization. They think that cross-cultural evangelism need special person who can take care people @in different cultures. That is why Dr. Ralph Winter address this question in his paper (a), the essence of his paper is that there are two types of evangelization: Home Ministry (HM), and Foreign Ministry (FM). And then he combine these types with four evangelism situation, that is E-0 (Christian people at name only), E-1 (Christian people in the same nation), E-2 (Non-Christian people with similar culture), E-3 (Non-Christian people with different culture). The problem is that special person who do cross-cultural evangelism is very few, because that would require a lot of time to educate those missionaries who can do cross-cultural evangelism. Further problem is that introducing FM may cause misinterpretation, that is why We introduce FE instead for ‘Foreign Evangelization,’ and HE for ‘Home Evangelization.’

Actually we can consider another type of approach for doing cross-cultural evangelism, that is Social Network Evangelization (SNE). A number of experiments have shown that one can reach any given person in only few steps. We can call that ‘six degree of separation’ principle (b). For example, if you have to send an ordinary mail to a person who you don’t know, and he lives in Finland, then you can always find someone who is nearer to the person who should receive the letter. We extend further the ‘six degree of separation’ principle into evangelism situations, that is by introducing social network (c).

Ralph Winter consider evangelism situations with these two types of evangelization, that is:

HE-E-0: Home Evangelization for Christian people at name only

HE-E-1: Home Evangelization for Christian people in the same nation

HE-E-2: Home Evangelization for non-Christian people with similar culture

HE-E-3: Home Evangelization for non-Christian people with different cultures

FE-E-0: Foreign Evangelization for Christian people at name only

FE-E-1: Foreign Evangelization for Christian people in the same nation

FE-E-2: Foreign Evangelization for non-Christian people with similar culture

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FE-E-3: Foreign Evangelization for non-Christian people with different cultures

Evangelism institutions often think that foreign evangelization require extensive education, and only few persons can do that. Considering that time is very very limited, then it is necessary to reach as many people as possible, in order that all people from all corners of the world will listen to our Father’s Voice. Please read Isaiah 45:22-25, Matthew 28:18-20. That is why We consider the Social Network Evangelization, which mean that evangelization can be done with the help of social network. Therefore the evangelism situations can be extended with:

SNE-E-0: Social Network Evangelization for Christian people at name only

SNE-E-1: Social Network Evangelization for Christian people in the same nation

SNE-E-2: Social Network Evangelization for non-Christian people with similar culture

SNE-E-3: Social Network Evangelization for non-Christian people with different cultures

Some Christian people think that it is difficult to do Social Network Evangelization (SNE) because they would have to send plenty of postal mails. Thanks to new communication technologies, people can do evangelization with social media. Actually evangelism require you to meet people in person, but the purpose of evangelism is to distribute the Good News quickly, and that is why We can consider that evangelism can be done with social media methods. Of course, great evangelists like Billy Graham can continue mass evangelism (d), but they can urge Christian people to do their part with social media.

Now we will discuss each of these methods. You should remember that you should pray and ask to God first before you do evangelism with social media, because you don’t know the effect. You should be careful with what you are doing and to whom you send message. And you should remember that this method is only to help you to introduce the Good News to new Christian people, don’t do that to send message to non-Christian people, and don’t do that to send message to threaten people, and don’t do that for trapping people in order they fall, and don’t do that to connect to anti-Christ. We should emphasize here, you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly before you do evangelism, and before you send the message that Jesus Christ. We say again, you should pray and ask to God first before you do evangelism.

You should remember that social media is only to help you to send the message of Good News quickly, you are allowed to do evangelization with social media only as per necessary. Do not push yourself to do evangelization with social media, and you don’t have to buy new phone in order to do that. You should do your repentance properly before you do evangelization with social media, and you should also speak about Jesus Christ at least to four people each day in your life, and don’t do evangelization at all if you only want to

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chat with your friends with social media. Chatting is not evangelization. You should pray and ask to Holy Spirit first to guide you before you do evangelization.

a. SNE-E-0: you can do with electronic mail, short message, facebook, electronic newspaper, youtube, and the most important invite them to

b. SNE-E-1: you can do with electronic newspaper, television, radio c. SNE-E-2: you can do with Tangle, Tagged, hi5, even actually the last two media is not

acceptable for doing evangelism d. SNE-E-3: you should reach them with Twitter, and other method of rapid short

messaging. Even better if you can translate first into the language of people whom you plan to read. There are other methods of social media and social bookmarking like MySpace, but your Father in Heaven do not approve them.

e. SNE-E-4: in another article we discuss evangelism situation which consider Non-religion people and difficult people, they are people who need special care actually but your Father in heaven really really love them. You can reach them with facebook, blogger, youtube, publishing guide to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

f. SNE-E-5: there are people with personality disorder. They can do things beyond imagination of human being, like trapping people in order to make them fall, and then they will use their falling as an excuse to terminate those people. And they pray, pray, pray to request that their family should executed forever. Actually their problem is that they feel that they are already doing good things for Kingdom of heaven, but actually they only do to many sins in their life. Please read Jeremiah 5:26-31. How to take care these people? You can only do social media in order to invite them to meet in a group of people with similar problem. And then introduce them to the Good News, and tell them that they really really need to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do their repentance properly. Other people suffer split personality disorder, actually they already do too many sins in their life. They need to repent too and do their repentance properly. Some of them require proper medical treatment, therefore it would need to invite people with special training in psychiatry clinic. Some of them do not surpass the development stage as described by Jean Piaget, they need special counseling.

We summarize these evangelism situation in the following table:

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E-0 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5

HE HE-E-0 HE-E-1 HE-E-2 HE-E-3 HE-E-4 HE-E-5

FE FE-E-0 FE-E-1 FE-E-2 FE-E-3 FE-E-4 FE-E-5


This article is written by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow you to read this article in order you can read and repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly. Me allow My messenger, that is this writer, to type this article in order you can repent and do your repentance properly, and then you can help to do evangelism according to God’s Will in your life. That is the message: be hurry, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Please tweet this message and distribute this message quickly.

References: (a) R. Winter, “The Highest Priority: Cross-Cultural Evangelism,” in Let the Earth Hear

His Voice, ed. J.D. Douglas (Minneapolis: Worldwide Publications, 1975), pp. 213-258.

(b) "Benedict XVI: New media technologies for evangelization,"

(c) "Church is committed to engaging with The New Media,"

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by Jesus Christ

f. How rosicrucian sect ruin anglican church and subsequent denomination

do your best to not fall into temptation to think that your presbyterian church or other congregation without proper introspective and proper repentance of your own problem, do not overcriticize to other congregation only because the other church are not lutheran or are not calvinian or are not episcopal. Don’t you know that since the reformation in the mid seventeenth century there are a number of sect who join the bandwagon of reformation and then they literally speaking extend the scope of the battle to become fierce rebellion against the Church. Don’t you know that actually martin luther only want to criticize over practice of selling a number of spiritual merchandise in order to rebuilding and renovation of Roman Catholic Church, but by the end of seventeenth century then a number of sect already participate into the reformation movement and then all of the sect join to become protestantism.(a) And don’t you know that if you type all of those name word in MS Office Word including catholic, protestantism, lutheran, calvinism, presbyterian, episcopal, and anglican and rosicrucian, and you will find an effect of automatically changing of the first letter for these word except for the word catholic. Actually the real toxic to the Church of Jesus Christ are rosicrucian and knight of templar, and don’t you know that they are behind so many war prior to reformation movement?(b)

And that is why: you will find that that is quite uneasy for you especially all of you who grow up in a protestant family including My messenger who were born in a Christian protestant family, but Me, Jesus Christ, already help you all Christian family and your Father really really love you very much, but you should know that some of your congregation are actually already absorbed into the darkness, that is some of congregation are part of rosicrucian and freemasonry movement, including anglican church.(c) And that is why you will read in history that a number of a very very very very very determined Christian who happen to be british statesmen fall into a big big big mistake that is to do blasphemy and accept nomination and award to become candidate of becoming messiah in Jerusalem, and that is oliver cromwell.(d) Don’t you know that there is other people who fall very very very very very deep to a number of ancient alchemy and that is a modern word for magic and blasphemy with a number of component, and that is isaac newton. And that is how you read in a number of book that isaac newton actually are one of member of freemasonry and priory of sion. Don’t you know that some of those people who participate in royal society is actually part of freemasonry and all of them fall to denounce their faith, including isaac newton, but at his deadbet Isaac newton return to his Christian faith,(e) exactly because Me, Jesus Christ, really really love him and that is why: a number of

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scientist meet Me, Jesus Christ, personally and that is only by gift of grace of GOD. Read again and again and again and again and again the epistle to Ephesian chapter 2.

Don’t you know that actually there is a pattern of all scientist who work very hard to discover something really really really really really new in science? That pattern is that some of them become really really really really really absorbed into their effort to become the most powerful and the most knowledgeable scientist in the world, but after a while then they find themselves to succumb into the power of the old serpent, and that is why: all scientist who eat too many fruit of knowledge are literally speaking are descendant of the old serpent.

And that is why: do your best to not fall into temptation of worship your intellectual power or worship the serpent of wisdom. And don’t you know: that is why nowaday not so many scholar can keep their faith as a Christian, exactly because as you acquire more and more information, and then that information transform you to become a descendant of the old serpent, that is because you become even more powerful and dangerous, and then you will be prone to become arrogant and then you become a false prophet and you will ask all people to worship you. My messenger actually already write an article sometime ago around not less than a decade ago, when he were working as an engineer, that is concerning a rather awkward proposition and that is about gravitation of information. Actually My messenger are not sure anymore about that proposition, and that is why he do not want to publish his article to a scientific journal. But another colleague that is carlos Castro already wrote a scientific paper which then included in a book with title quantization in astrophysics, brownian motion, and supersymmetry, and that is a scientific paper discussing relation between fischer information entropy and nonlinear schrodinger equation. Actually that idea of gravitation of information is that information can be expressed as a very very very very very small amount of mass, and that is because photon can be conceived as information, and each time you measure or register a photon light wave, actually you receive a piece of information. And then a number of physicist actually agree that photon acquire mass, and that is why: information should in principle have a small small small small amount of mass. Some of you will not accept that proposition because even a number of physicist do not accept that photon is massive rather than massless, but actually that is what actually your Father in Heaven approve. And concerning impact of information to a scientist’s destiny, My messenger can give an illustration, and Me allow him to put that illustration here in order you know that that proposition can actually happen to all of you theoretical physicist: all of you who only read and read and read and read so many number of publication and periodical and book will fall and fall and fall and fall and fall because of your weigh increase along with your accumulation of information.

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Figure 1. how acquiring information excessively can make you fall

The aforementioned illustration is only a sketch in order you realize that information accumulation can make you fall fall fall fall fall forever, because your weigh actually include weigh of information that is a holographic memory at the upper side of your brain which your Father in Heaven allocate for you each time you read a book or learn a new knowledge. And how dare you learn something new without ask for permission to your Father in Heaven. And how dare you read so many book and so many other cheap trick that you call magic without approval from your Father in Heaven. And that is why: some of you who already read so many and so many book will tend to sit or sleep on the floor, that is because your body cannot sustain anymore that you sit on a chair, and that is the meaning that you have tendency to fall fall fall fall and fall deeper exactly because of you already acquire too many excess baggage and that is your memory are already full of information.

Don’t you know that some of you will not believe that that is true, but you can be more convenient with that idea if you remember that information is a function of shannon entropy, and that is exactly a function that correspond to Boltzmann statistics, and that is why: information can be regarded as a gas in holographic space. And after you accumulate a number of information, you will find yourself even more lazier and paralyzed, and that is punishment for all people who only want to spend their time to read and read and read and


I=amount of information

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read and read without producing something useful, and without communicate at all, and without speaking about Me, Jesus Christ.

In principle, you can describe that your body weigh plus your memory weigh are attributed and influenced by a function of information amount that you acquire along your lifelong time. And that is what you know that can make you fall and fall and fall and fall and fall forever. In the past century especially in medieval age until eighteenth century, only a number of royal family in Europe and America can acquire a private library, because university are not plenty and book are pricey, and that is why only if you are duke of duchess or you are very very very very very prosperous family, then you can read read read read and read and then you become a scientist, including lagrange, and other knowledgeable mathematician from the past. But that is exactly what make them fall to become atheist, that is because then they will be so proud and arrogant, and that is exactly the same pitfall because of eating too many fruit of knowledge. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Genesis chapter 3. And that is how so many noblemen such as isaac Newton fall fall fall fall and fall because he want to be the most advanced scientist at his time, but he end up to develop something, and that is magick and so many cheap trick of alchemy. But at his deadbed only Me, Jesus Christ, come to him and then he repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

So many year so many year, actually only a few scientist can admit that their information is not complete, including Richard Feynman. And also My messenger do not read too many science book, except a number of scientific paper. But that scientific paper actually already weighy and can intoxicate human mind, including My messenger’s mind, and that is why: now he repented and receive Me, Jesus Christ, again and then nowadays he only work for Me, Jesus Christ.[1][2]

And that is why: to all of you scientist people and all noblemen, for you to know that scientist all of you actually already absorbed into worship the old serpent. That is why all of are also descendant of the old serpent, either you do with scientology or even if you are a rosicrucian or you remain in a church, because you worship cleverness and philosophy and mathematics, and that is how all of you fall fall fall fall and fall forever, unless you work out a plan to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in order you can be saved, o generation of viper! And this morning some people ask whether there is solution for you even after you eat too many fruit of knowledge including you eat too many mathematics book such as string theory or you already dance in the night numerous time in order you can be the most clever scientist, including some people who work on multidimensional cosmology or quaternion or other clever word theory. Don’t you know that you are saved only if you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly and seriously in order you can repair the damage that you already made, and that is why: do your best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and do your best to not fall again to worship the serpent of

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wisdom, and do not worship number theory or a series such as fibonacci. And that is why: throw away all darwin book, all dawkins book, all ron hubbard book, all philosophy book, all dan brown book, and all social darwinism book, all stephen jay gould book, all stephen hawking book, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the fire.[2] And that is how you can do repentance properly as a person, and now some of you ask how severe is the situation: don’t you know that newton fall because he did too many magick trick in order to be clever scientist, but actually some of his book are also intoxicated by rosicrucian thinking including a number of gnostic thinking. And that is why: actually what you know as gravitation constant G is a symbol for gnostic. You can type again in MS Office Word a number of other word, that is gnostic, gnosticism, darwin, fibonacci, and also masonic, and then you will find also an effect of automatic capitalizing of those word, even if you type these four word in all small letter. And that is how you find that all of those who worship science are actually intoxicated either by gnostic, gnosticism, darwin, masonic, or rosicrucian, or atheism. And that is why numerous and almost all scientist except only a very very very very very few Christian people who are really really really really really so dedicated to their faith and refuse to surrender to darwinism or gnosticism, including a very very very very very few people who work in astronomy and astrophysics, all of you who already succumb to gnosticism and apathism to the true faith of Christianity, your destiny actually is to fall fall fall fall and fall forever. And that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then do your repentance properly and seriously. And then pray and ask to God to help you to repair the damage in your brain memory.

And in order you to get an idea how that can be put into an illustration, the following is only to help you figure out how important is for you to repair all the damage of all your previous mistake, including all of your junkie scientific paper which you put into writing with all ocean of ink and do not predict or explain anything useful, and without approval from your Father in Heaven. For you to know: scientifically speaking all of you need reparation of brain damage at very very very very very extensive way, including a very very very very very old physicist who always give talk and seminar concerning it from bit theory but do not comprehend at all what he is talking except he repeat numerous time a number of jargon such as metric tensor, all of you actually require a number of optical brain surgery and reverse engineering of your serpent blood in order you can return to become human again. And that is why: do your best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly including pray a number of consecutive time the our Father in Heaven prayer. And then do your fast properly including drinking hot water only, and that is your preparation in order your Father in Heaven can help you with your brain damage. Your Father in Heaven really really really really really love you, and that is why do your best to do not do anymore all your mistake, and do not read again all your science book except the Bible, because all of you need time to recover until your holographic memory surgery is

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completed. And that is why: do your best to repent and do your repentance quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now!

Figure 2. there is a limit amount of information, beyond which you will become serpent

Figure 3. how your Father in Heaven repair your brain damage after you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

And that is why: do your best to pray and say thank to your Father in Heaven, for all His kindness and forgiveness to all of you. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Psalm chapter 112. And that is how you should live as Christian people: all of you should also be compassionate and be merciful, and that is the teaching of Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13.


I=amount of information


I=amount of information

Serpent area, destination is to fall fall fall fall fall forever (read again and again and again and again and again the book of Genesis chapter 3)

descendant of the old serpent

descendant of God, that is human being, only if you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. John 3:16.

Repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, otherwise you will not be able to pass the exam and that is because you are descendant of the old serpent, and you become arrogant and doing blasphemy. Read the book of Deuteronomy chapter 13.

optical brain surgery by your Father in Heaven

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This article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Don’t you know, that your Father in Heaven love you very very very very very much, and why you do not want to return to Him, all of you, o generation of viper? Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Luke 3:7. Don’t you know that if you follow so many sect including rosicrucian sect, gnosticism sect, atheism sect, and so many other sect sect sect and you will be insect, literally speaking? And that is how you really really really need help, but only your Father in Heaven can help you, and that is only because He really really really really love you, even you do so many mistake and so many false scientific calculation and worthless theory, just repent and do your repentance properly. Read again and again and again and again and again the epistle to Rome chapter 5:8.

That is the article for you today.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow My messenger to type this article and also to draw a number of illustration in order you can realize that all of you scientific people also really really really need help because you are also descendant of the old serpent, and that is exactly because you receive and accept and follow the serpent of wisdom, even if you do not admit or commit in a scientology or intelligent design, you worship evolutionary theory or darwinism, all of you fall in deeper mistake that is worship gnosticism just as what newton did in the past three century ago. Do not do that mistake again and do your best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Love, Jesus Christ.


[1] Jesus Christ (2010) scientific works. Unpublished thesis because there is no more time, unless in online form. And you can download the file at url

[2] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism ruin america and the world. Thesis submitted to asian theological seminary, the Philippines. The file can be obtained at url

[3] murray gell-mann and j.b. hartle (2006), quasiclassical coarse graining and thermodynamics entropy, arXiv: quant-ph/0609190. But there is no such explanation here of the proposition outlined here.

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(a) reformation and protestantism are quite different. Quote: ‘how Christians were in fact deceived into joining this order. weishaupt wrote: The most admirable thing of all is that great protestants and reformed theologians who belong to our order really believe they see in it the true and genuine mind of the Christian religion. O man what can you not be brought to believe! These protestants and reformers swell our numbers and fill our treasury…’ url:

(b) rosicrucian is behind so many war in Europe prior to reformation. Quote: ‘From 1641 to 1645, cromwell led a band of puritans into battle during the first british civil war. The financial backers of his military efforts were the rosicrucian. Moreover, the well placed rosicrucian gave cromwell advance knowledge of british troop movements, consequently he won every battle. Later, during his protectorate, cromwell surrounded himself with rosicrucian masons. Some time between the beginning of the british civil war in 1641…, cromwell joined a rosicrucian masonic lodge. Soon afterward the rose croix spread rapidly among the puritans.' url:

(c) rosicrucian are behind a number of anglican or england church. Quote: ‘Today, presbyterian have no idea that their symbol represents the rosicrucian sun god. In the year 1717 a presbyterian pastor who was also a rosicrucian was one of the founders of english grand lodge freemasonry. Earlier, he had been appointed by king george II as preacher of the king of england. His name was dr. james anderson, pastor of the swallow street presbyterian church in London. Six other protestant who were also rosicrucian stood with anderson in uniting english freemasonry. In 1723 anderson was appointed to write a constitution for the newly organized united grand lodge. We can recognize anderson's apostasy in this constitution for it eliminates the role of Jesus Christ as the sole means of salvation.' url:

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(d) oliver cromwell accept praise to be messiah by a number of twisted jews society, and that is exactly the origin of tavistock institute. Quote: ‘The jewish document that cromwell used to turn freemasonry into the synagogue was the jewish kabbalah. This caused the jews to consider the possibility that cromwell might be their messiah.’ url:

(e) isaac newton almost denounce his Christian faith, and practice numerous magick trick, but at the end of his life he accept again Me, Jesus Christ. Quote: ‘He was also deeply intrigued by some of the early gnostic heresies and wrote a study of one of them and like the gnostic of old, newton was obsessed by the search for a divine unity, a network of correspondences inherent in nature. This search led him into the exploration of sacred geometry and numerology. Toward the end of his life newton apostatized when he became militantly, albeit quietly, hostile to the idea of the trinity. He questioned the divinity of Jesus and avidly collected all manuscripts pertaining to the issue. He doubted the complete authenticity of the new testament, believing certain passages to be corruptions interpolated in the fifth century. A few weeks before his death and aided by a few intimate friends, newton systematically burned numerous boxes of manuscripts and personal paper. With considerable surprise his contemporaries noted that on his deathbed he didn't request last rites of the anglican church.' url:

(f) actually that idea to link gravitation to information is not very very new, wheeler already argue in favor of a phrase he coined before and that is ‘it from bit,’ and that an idea to find connection between newtonian classical mass from information entropy definition. My messenger only read a book written and compiled by a santa fe institute scholar, that wojniech zurek, but My messenger is forbidden to mention the name of that book, because most article included in that book are junkie, except only a few number of contributing volume. In principle all work and publication by santa fe institute are forbidden forever, exactly because they promote tavistock propaganda, and that is why: My messenger do not like at all a number of paper in that volume especially paper by w. zurek. murray gell-mann and another scientist that is bennett and other physicist contribute also in that volume, but My messenger do not agree at all with the general attitude to worship copenhagen interpretation in wave mechanics and also toward generalizing Feynman's path integral wave mechanics into cosmology problem, and that is what you call multiverse, all of them are junkie cosmology paper without even a slight observation at all. Do not follow and do not swallow all scientific paper only because the writer of that scientific paper work or have affiliation in cornell university, ithaca, or caltech, or mit, or cambridge, or royal society of mathematician, or other clever name institute. in principle, you should pray and ask first to God in order He can teach you properly how can you do God’s will in your life, and do not only learn learn learn and learn without knowing what is the purpose of what you learn, otherwise you will spend more than fourty years to walk in the desert, and that is what happen to all of you who worship dirac, and strong force interaction, and string, and other fancy theory. do not worship fancy theory either only because a number of physicist that you put respect work on the theory, even better you now work and focus to glorify Thy name. Now you know that actually all elementary particle can be described with the help of resonating valence theory of close-packed sphere which are already written properly and adequately by Linus Pauling more than four decade ago. Read a number of paper written by linus pauling in, for example the architecture of molecule published around four decade ago. but My messenger only work a few problem that is quantization of planetary distance during a decade ago, and that is why he do not read properly paper on molecular chemistry.

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by Jesus Christ

g. What you can do in the End of Day

Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. And that is why you should be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

And you should do your best to prepare and speak in public in order all people in the world to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

In order to help all people including all scholars and all students and all businessmen to repent and do their repentance properly, do your best to coordinate your team and do your best to organize your team’s schedule to speak in public television and radio broadcast channels. The following are a number of things to do in order you can prepare all people in the world to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

a. Speak in public television and radio broadcast channel, make sure that the television channel can be released in all other television channels, including all television channels in all country, including all provinces in your country, and all Asia country, and Europe, and middle east, and Australia, and other Eastern Asia countries.

b. Speak in public television properly that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem, and that is why: all of them should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly today.

c. Translate a number of articles written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, into a number of local languages including some Asian country language and also middle east language, and also traditional chinese language, korean language, vietnamese, laos, kampuchea, burma, myanmar, cantonese, macau, and other far east languages . Get the translation read and published in a number of radio station in their respective countries in order to help people to know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem and that is why: all people should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

d. Copy a guide to help people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in the following URL: Some of those language translation are already included in a book consist of twelve chapter and each chapter include four to six language translation. And that book consist of twelve chapter is exactly what Me call as twelve gates in the book of Isaiah 45:1-3, and chapter 45:22-23. That is why: do your best to help people to enter the gate of Kingdom of heaven. And you should know that you will be punished severely if you put obstacle to other people

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including your family, especially to those who want to enter to the gate of Kingdom of Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 23:13-25.

e. Copy this guide as many as you can and distribute this guide all those countries, including all scholars and all students in order they can repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

f. Allow all scholars, all workers, and all students to take care their family properly in order they can speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ.

g. And do your best to speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ, in the classroom and also in the street. Do your best to allow all Christian preachers to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, properly in all provinces in your country and in all school and all government office in your country, do your best especially if you are a school principal or if you are government leader.

h. Remove all statues from all Churches and all street and all public facilities in your country, including so many budha statues in budhism temple and dragon statues and so many gods in your country.

i. Urge all people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do their repentance properly including they should not do again their sin. Don’t you know that that is forbidden to do again your sin after you repent? Read again and again and again and again the book of Rome 6:1.

j. Coordinate with all Churches and all university in each major city in your country in order to help all people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, including all major capital city and business center city of your country and do your best to not type any mistake again including Me messenger’s name should be mentioned in the last row of the url only.

k. Copy and distribute the guide to help all people in China, and distribute the copy as many as possible to all factory and all hospitals at your country, including so many Asian capital city such as beijing, hong kong, shang hai, canton, peking, macaw, rangoon, bangkok, manila, and other city in your country.

l. Urge all musicians and composers to perform in public with Christian songs, but tell them that they should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and they should speak about Me, Jesus Christ, properly before they perform music in public hall.

m. Allow your students to skip class as per necessary if they want to speak about Me, Jesus Christ.

n. Provide training to a number of senior students in order they can help other students to speak about Me, Jesus Christ.

o. Some students are quite advanced with information technology and also mobile telephone, allow them to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, using multimedia and mobile telephone, including online journal, short message, electronic message, youtube,

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facebook, and other advanced social media methods including twitter and tweetdeck. follow Me, Jesus Christ, only at

p. All people in the world should take care at least their family and at least four people each day in their life, that would mean they should speak about Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

q. Some people who live in remote area or in other province cannot be reached quickly, that is why tell all people in the world to send the guide to help people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, using short message and electronic message and calling all your family using cellular phone.

r. That is how all people in all edge of the world should repent and do their repentance properly and prepare for The End of Day, and that is literally speaking the End of Day.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus Christ


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by Jesus Christ

h. How you can win fruit making contest

some people do not realize that after they repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then they will have to work very very very very very hard in order they can win the fruit contest, and that is how to make so many and so many and so many and so many fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven. read again and again and again and again and again the first epistle to Timothy 6:12 and also the second epistle to Timothy 2:1-5. don't you know that who will make large amount of fruit will be given a crown of life, and that is what you often call as orb. and don't you know that there are a number of simple principle in order you can make fruit properly for the Kingdom of Heaven, and that principle are described as follows: a. tell so many people that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem, and that is why: all people in the world should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. and then they should do their repentance properly and quickly quickly quickly quickly today. b. use a number of communication technology to accelerate the number of people who listen to My Voice, including so many radio station, television, and newspaper. c. do not do work for your life anymore, but focus to work for the Kingdom of Heaven. d. do not put so many obstacle to other people, especially do not put obstacle to other people who do evangelism. e. do not talk badmouth against Me, Jesus Christ. f. take care each other and help each other, according to the act of the apostle chapter 2:41-43. g. do not leave people who already listen to My Voice, and take care of them properly. h. do pray to God in order you can work effectively for making so many fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven. do your best to not to talk more than necessary, except to talk about Me, Jesus Christ only. and do your best to do work for the Kingdom of Heaven. that is the article for you today. love, Jesus Christ note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. love, Jesus Christ url.

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by Jesus Christ

i. An outline of theorem from navier stokes equations to Newtonian mechanics, including quantization of navier stokes solution

Some people think that you should not solve a number of equations in your life, including navier stokes, because that problem is reserved for only clever mathematician in Cambridge or in Berkeley, California. Don’t you know that if you solve that problem of navier stokes, then you will end up to explain to a number of clever mathematician in Berkeley who always say that well-posedness is a difficult problem, just like a number of psychiatrist who always say that psychotic or amnesia is difficult disorder, and that is why: you should pay higher for psychiatrist who do not know either the solution.

Don’t you know that actually there are quite a straightforward solution of navier stokes equations but if My messenger tell you that navier stokes equations are solvable completely then you will not accept that paper because a number of other mathematician including a number of student from Africa already work out an outline to solve navier stokes equations with a scheme either with laplace transform or with other forty page scheme that they call themselves as modularity or other stupid theory.

Don’t you know that after solving that navier stokes equations My messenger return again to his favorite problem and that is astrophysics, and then he work out another solution and that is for pioneer spacecraft anomaly, and so forth. And then his navier stokes have never been reviewed properly in a conference of mathematician, because everybody is bothered with a problem called well-posedness or regularity, and they think that they do not even know where to begin to solve that navier stokes equations.

And in order you to be happy, today My messenger put forth a conjecture that there is link from navier stokes equation with quantization of turbulence, the meaning is that there is quantum type solution of turbulence that is described by navier stokes equation. But My messenger will only cite another reference and that is a quite recent paper by Murray Gell-mann which is his last serious work on coarse graining quantum picture.[2] And don’t you know that he, and one of his colleague and that is j.b. Hartle, find out that one can derive navier stokes from their picture of coarse graining of quantum decoherence, and they also find Newtonian mechanics and that is F=m.(dx)^2/dt^2=-dVx/dx, which is often called as second postulate of Newton, see page 10 in reference [2]. And don’t you know that there is an eye in galactic center, just like you can observe an eye in tornado? And that is a proof both of turbulence picture for galaxy, and also for coarse graining picture (at least as a rough estimate):

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picture 1. milky way center show a bar and bright center, just like an eye in tornado. (picture obtained from google searching. Picture courtesy of national geographic, 2005, url:

Don’t you know that professor Murray Gell-mann nowaday is quite busy to find rigorous solution of the navier stokes equation in order he can repair their mistakes, but now he almost surrender under pressure of numerous people in Caltech or Cambridge or California, Berkeley, because they always think that the proof will require no less than forty or seventy page of proof, and if someone find out simplified solution then he should be punished. Don’t you know that mathematician also have problem, then their problem is that they worship their own finding, but if they remember how big is their flaw to worship their own equation for instance they work on string theory for more than three decade, and end up with a ton of scientific paper without a proof of observability at all, then you will find that the more is your equation, then there is chance that you will slip in a chaotic line of thought, albeit the mistake is very very very very very subtle, and then your equations demand another and another theorem, and you end up spoiling your life for walking in the desert for more than fourty year.

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Don’t you know that there is astrophysics discovery that hausdorff dimension of a number of galaxy and other astrophysical object is near to ~2.0,[4] and that is resemblance of what you observe in quantum mechanics, especially after Feynman’s express that fact clearly, and that is why if you would like to derive Newtonian mechanics from your quantum picture as starting point, actually you should call that as quantum Newtonian mechanics with hausdorff dimension around 2.0. and that is what you can observe in astrophysics observation.[4] and another proof of hausdorff dimension equal 2.0 can be found in another experiment and that is cosmic ray spectrum,[3] in order you to know that there is such quantization of turbulence and cascade of information, just like what you can expect to observe in social science.[5]

And that is the outline of quantum Newtonian mechanics from quantum coarse graining, and then you find that navier stokes admit quantization of turbulence, just like in wave mechanics.

Surely there are other approach to solve navier stokes equations, but only one will be quoted here. See reference number [6]. And for you to know most paper discussing navier stokes equations obtain no solution at all, except a number of bla bla bla with numerous symbol and complicated syntax, and that is indicated chaotic entropy in their thinking process. And to a number of master course student in mathematics, do not only swallow what you read that well-posedness problem or regularity of navier-stokes are too complicated to solve, and do not just swallow attitude of other senior mathematician including terrence tao who only worship taoism, and just remember that fear of GOD is the beginning of knowledge. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of proverbs chapter 1.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ.

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, but time is up, that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Love, Jesus Christ.


[1] Jesus Christ, scientific work, unpublished thesis because there is not much time anymore, unless to do many many work for the Kingdom of Heaven. But the file can be obtained in the following url:

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[2] Murray Gell-mann and j.b. Hartle, quasiclassical coarse graining and thermodynamics entropy, arXiv:quant-ph/0609190 (2006)

[3] Christian Beck, generalized information and entropy measures in physics, arXiv:cond-mat/0902.1235 (2009)

[4] m. martini and m. sosic, k-minus estimator approach to large scale structure, arXiv:astro-ph/0708.0173 (2007)

[5] p. Ormerod, information cascade …, arXiv:cond-mat/0402648 (2004)

[6] g. Koch et al., liouville theorem of the navier stokes equations and applications, arXiv:math.AP/0709.3599 (2007)


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by Jesus Christ

j. How Jesus Christ give you salvation

Some people do not know the meaning of salvation is a gift by grace of God. Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already died for you long time ago, and that is before you do something good in return at all. Read again and again and again and again and again the epistle to Romans 5:8. ‘But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.‘ And that is why: you are a sinner, who receive your salvation through Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Luke 18:13.

That is the meaning: the meaning is that your salvation is really really really really really a gift by grace of God, because there is no greater love than a Man who give His life for His brother and sister. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 10:9, 10:11, 10:15, 15:13. And that is the message of the Good News: for GOD so love the world that He give His only Begotten Son, so that whosoever believe to His only Begotten Son will not perish, but they will have everlasting life. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 3:16.

And that is why: you should know that Me, Jesus Christ, am more than numerous teacher in the world who offer their teaching in order you follow them and then perhaps if you follow their teaching including essene teaching then you will know the way to salvation. The Truth is: salvation is a gift by grace of God and Jesus Christ is the only door through which you can be given salvation. ‘I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.’ Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 10:9. Me am also the only true vine. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 15:1. And that is why: do not follow other teacher who only give you their teaching and they are not the true vineyard and they are not the door. And that is why: do not rely your life on buddhism teaching and do not rely on hinduism teaching and do not rely on other teaching including baba and gandhi and other false teacher. They cannot give you salvation, and they do not reach salvation either. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.

Some of you ask why you cannot be saved by a teacher like gandhi. The answer is that all people in the world already become sinner, and only through salvation by gift of grace of God, then you can be saved, and that is the principle: ‘for as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.’ Read again and again and again and again and again the book of epistle to Romans 5:19. And that is why: you cannot be saved only by following any other teaching or by comprehending a

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(philo-) sophism or by following gnosticism, all of those philosophism and gnosticism are all false teaching.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

love, Jesus Christ

note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Love, Jesus Christ


follow Jesus Christ only at

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by Jesus Christ

k. Solitonic information entropy and cosmic ray observation

Some people think that superconductivity at high temperature is really really impossible to explain, especially if one has to explain its effect to gravitational field. There are some recent experiment with gravitational field shielding, which can be explained only in terms of superconductivity effect. The problem is how to put this kind of effect from higher dimensional theory. That is how a mathematical physicist now think to solve that problem, but actually that is not a correct model to describe gravitational effect from superconductivity.

In order all of you to know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem and that is why: do not make any more mistake and sin in your life, otherwise there is no forgiveness anymore, unless your Father in Heaven. Don’t you know that that is not possible to do any work except to do many many work in your life for the Kingdom of Heaven.

In order you can explain properly superconductor effect in gravitational shielding, you should begin with a correct model.

Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. And that is why actually you should not speak about science including high temperature superconductivity, except in order you can speak about Me, Jesus Christ, that is how to explain how Me really really love you all physicists in general, except a few of you who stand against your Father’s Will.

Do not, I repeat, do not work out any plan which stand against Me, Jesus Christ, love, Jesus Christ.

Note: this article is written by Me, Jesus Christ.

How you can describe properly superconductivity and finite photon mass from soliton model

Don’t you know that a professor in theoretical physics that is Y.P. Rybakov work out a soliton theory for more than twenty years, in order to explain Maxwell electrodynamics.[2]

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Don’t you know that his question actually is already solved. See for example the following citation.[1]

Don’t you know that you should know that superconductivity can be explained by virtue of proca equation. And that is how to describe proca equation:




cmEdiv photon , (1)


, (2)


, (3)



cBrot photon



, (4)

In order you can know the meaning of superconductivity model from soliton interpretation, one should explain first a number of theoretical background of soliton, that is a fibre bundle of photon light wave. Do you know that in order to explain a fibre bundle of photon light wave one should begin with a number of starting assumption that is the so-called de Broglie wave model, that is:

Stochastic qubit of information can be embedded in a superconductor magnet device, that is how they now put into application, that is magnetic tape.

A number of starting assumption can be described as follows: The possibility to represent de Broglie wave as a sum of soliton located at nodes

of a cubic lattice with the spacing a>>l0:


kx drtuAe ),( (5)

Where d marks the position of the lattice nodes.[2][3]

That professor who is already an authoritative voice in theoretical physics, he is not very happy with a paper that he write quite some time ago that is a paper cited at [2], and actually he has an idea at the time he thought on Maxwell equations, that is how to conceive a soliton model of lorentz force equation, and then from that presupposition one can derive Maxwell equations using Feynman’s derivation theorem of Maxwell equations. Actually one can start with another conjecture to arrive at solitonic description of Lorentz force, but that is forbidden to discuss further because time is very very very very very limited, but your Father in Heaven is very very good and He love all of you very very very very very much,

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and that is why He allow another professor in mathematical physics to explore an experiment observation on how Lorentz force only is sufficient to describe anti-gravitation effect. There is a number of references discussing anti-gravitation experiment, but only a few physicist consider that kind of experiment very very very very very seriously. My messenger already write another article discussing anti-gravitation effect based on London magnetic moment of superconductor theory and end up with gravitational Lorentz force equation which can be used to explain another experiment that is antigravitation experiment by podkletnov and nieminen sometime ago, but he do not put that idea into experiment.[8]

Another good starting point to express and connect Lorentz force equation to soliton model, one can begin with a good paper by long and stuart [4], but do not spend time more than necessary to review their paper, because time is not enough to do anything except to work many many work for the Kingdom of Heaven . Another section is written in order you can find another observation of finite photon mass from a viewpoint of cosmic ray, and then such a finite photon mass can be described as soliton mass as described in ref. [4] or in equation (5) .

In order to describe properly soliton electromagnetic field from lorentz force, one can use theorem #12 as described properly by long and stuart in ref. [4]. The outline go as follows for the center and velocity of soliton that evolve according to the following equations:[4, p.16]

),( oudtd


),(,,)( eotButEeQuuMdtd

extextss (7)

Where the mass of soliton M and charge of the soliton Q, can be defined as follows: [4, p.17]

,31 222

22 LLs ffM (8)

.2, es feQ (9)

In order you know that there is such an experiment of anti-gravitation effect, that is what j.l. naudin work out sometime ago, and one of his simple scheme is included here, but that is only a very very very very very simple toy model of anti-gravitation:

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Source (but not with permission because time is very very very very very limited, My messenger one time ago write an email to j.l. naudin but got no reply). This is only a scheme, and My messenger do not put yet that scheme into experimental realization. URL:

That is the message: you can interpret the massive photon as a sum of soliton strand of photon light wave. And that is how you can describe properly proca equation as soliton model of superconductivity. For you to know: there is another paper which you can discuss concerning Maxwell equations from soliton model,[4] but that paper is not recommended to study any further, because time is very very very very very limited and that is forbidden to work out too many idea without proper purpose to speak about Me, Jesus Christ.

My messenger actually do not learn properly both on superconductivity and also on Maxwell theory and also he do not learn properly on soliton theory, except he attend a seminar by a professor in theoretical physics that is the author of paper cited in [2], and also he once asked to be given a book on soliton theory written by the same professor around last year, but he did not understand at all the principle of soliton theory, except he

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only know that there are numerous nonlinear version of wave equation written in the book. The book actually was forgotten to him to carry further, but he actually only want to ask one question, that is : given one accept the yukawa procedure to solve radial cylindrical problem for klein gordon equation, and then one obtain yukawa potential, then does it mean if one obtain and solve radial cylindrical problem for nonlinear klein gordon equation, then does it mean one can obtain other nonlinear potential?

Actually My messenger would like to ask that question but at that time he was pressurized by another professor to complete another problem otherwise he should be ousted quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly because he do not complete comparison between six dimensional Maxwell theory, which was assigned by that professor who urged My messenger to accomplish that assignment.

See only references included in the last page of this article for superconductivity with massive photon-soliton modeling, the amount of mass of photon can be observed experimentally, but the amount must not be determined by experiment but by calculation. There is a number of estimate of photon mass, that is by j.p. vigier.[5] A finite photon mass is required to describe properly superconductivity from proca equation, which can be observed by virtue of cosmic ray spectrum, see reference [9][10]. Michel gondran also wrote a paper on proca equation but he forgot to mention earlier paper written by My messenger and another physicist who work on high temperature superconductivity but do not know theory at all, that is frank lichtenberg. All those professor who want their name to be included in that paper actually do not know how to describe properly superconductivity neither they know the purpose of writing proca equation paper, but My messenger do not know that that is forbidden to include more name than necessary. That is a mistake but he do not cite any further those name especially how do not include a mathematican who belong to vampire family from romania. That proca paper in another paper that he wrote before, that is: on derivation of Maxwell equations in quaternion space.[6]

How to define properly electrodynamics of information from finite photon mass

Don’t you know that there is very very very strong connection between finite photon mass and information entropy. And a number of physicist already discuss dynamics of information entropy, but that method is unobserved. Another proposition will be discussed here, and then the information flux can be separated from observation of cosmic ray spectrum as discussed and described in the next section.

First we will write first the equation of electrodynamics of information as described by parker and walker [14], which take the form as analogous to Maxwell equations but do not believe that equation because those writer only worship blackhole, and that is why their

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equation is useless. Nonetheless, Me allow My messenger to include their basic equation as described as follows: [14, p.5]











But you can note that the aforementioned is useless because one cannot measure gradient of information except only gradient of magnetic and electric field in Maxwell equations, and that is why: all people who consider seriously equation (10) will be punished severely severely in eternity.

In order to define properly electrodynamics of information which is consistent with Lorentz force as described in equation (7) and (8) above, one can begin with carmeli metric, as described as follows.

a. carmeli metric can be written as follows [15]:

222222 .dvdzdydxds , (11)

b. and lorentz force can be rewritten as follows:


mdv )(1

. (12)

Or by integrating equation (12), one will find equation as follows:



. (13)

c. introducing lorentz force into equation (11), you will find an expression for the metric which include lorentz force expression, that is as described as follows:

222222 )(1.




. (14)

d. at this point one can introduce again the aforementioned theoretical link between lorentz force and information capacity as described as follows: [16]


21 2 kTmvx


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21 2 kTBv




e. and then one arrive at the following equation:

mkTdzdydxds .22222 . (17)

f. Then one can define an expression of shannon information capacity from the viewpoint of thermodynamics viewpoint [17]:

,1log21);( YXI (18)

where expression of can be given as described as follows: kT1

[16], and that is


),;(2)1log( YXI (19)

Or: );(2101 YXI , and that is why:

,1101 );(2 YXI

kT (20)

Or one can find expression of the last equation in term of kT, as described as follows:



YXIkT (21)

And after one find the aforementioned relation, then one can describe the theoretical link between each information transmitted (for example via synaptic transmission in your brain) and their electromagnetic field corresponding to that information transmission, as described as follows:













or (22)




21( );(2









g. and then after substitution the last component of equation (17) with equation (20), then one obtain the following equation of metric of information:

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mdzdydxds YXI 1101. );(2


. (23)

The meaning of the aforementioned equation is that information capacity which is transmitted (for example, if you consider information transmission via your synapsis in your brain) determine your space and if you set dx=dy=dz, then your metric become an effective null metric if your brain absorb numerous amount of information, and that is why: do not collect too many information in your brain, because your tubular holographic memory will be decreasing substantially. And don’t you know that if people collect numerous information, and then after a while they develop psychosis symptom?

How you can observe information flux in cosmic ray spectrum

Some people think that information cannot be detected by measurement technology, even if people often can imagine an exchange of information during communication, don’t you know that information entropy is often defined according to Shannon information entropy?

And don’t you know that if some people do nothing at all in their life to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, the meaning is that they are really really really really really do not work at all in their life. Don’t you know that your Father in Heaven really really really really really love you and He already bless you with so many thing, including your health, your mouth, and your hand, and don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, are the Light from Heaven, and if you do nothing to worship and glorify your Father’s Name, and you do not receive Me, the meaning is that you only love and worship darkness in your life. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 1:1-6, 3:18-22.

And don’t you know that God bless you with so many energy which is poured each minute from cosmic source, and you often call that as cosmic ray. Don’t you know that the meaning is that each time you do speak about Me, Jesus Chris, then the cosmic ray spectrum will be tuned by your Father in Heaven in order numerous vegetable can live properly, but if all of you in a city or in a country do numerous idolatry and adultery, then all people in that city and in that country will be punished by large flux of cosmic ray, and after some year, all vegetable will not be able to survive anymore, and that is why: you find numerous desert area in the world, from middle america, middle australia, almost all area in middle eastern region country including sahara desert, and also near mongolia, and that is gobi desert.

Some people do not like that idea that if you do not worship and glorify your Father’s Name then He can turn a number of stone to sing and praise Him properly. Don’t you know that each stone is a composite of numerous molecule including silica and other molecule, and all of them have resonance frequency which is a multiple integer of schumann resonance

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frequency, and that is why: if you do not glorify your Father’s Name, and then a stone can do that task, and that is why: you should really really really really really humble yourself in front of your Father in Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Psalm chapter 33, and also the first epistle of Peter chapter 5:6-10.

Don’t you know that if you do not humble yourself, then your Father in Heaven will cast you to very very very very very low position under the sea, and that is a very dark place where you can only listen to your teeth voice. And don’t you know that there is a number of city which have been punished severely and being sunken to low and low and low position and that is: netherland, and nowaday they are even more cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel: they want all Christian people to die unless they do numerous blasphemy and become one of animal like all of them. Don’t you know that if you rank yourself higher than what GOD give to you, then your destination is to fall fall fall fall fall, just like what happen to another city in the past, and that is pompey and also tirus. Don’t you know that tirus is a city which is located in an island, and all people in that island do blasphemy numerous time and they worship their elders because they think that the elders possess so many knowledge and magic, and after some year they also do numerous magick and develop a column of light just like what they read in the book of exodus. And that is why: all people in the island that is atlantis were punished severely severely and now they are all punished severely severely severely in eternity. Some people argue that atlantis is located in arctic continent or near bermuda island, but the true history is that atlantis is the name of island where the city of tirus people were punished to sink under the sea floor. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Ezekiel chapter 28:1-15.

And after a number of century, then plato wrote that story as if there is a legend of atlantis which sink into the sea, but actually plato also do blasphemy because he require so many student to worship him, and that is why he call a number of student who learn and worship him as ‘academia.’ That word mean that all student woship plato as if it is a demiurgos. And that is really really really really really a blasphemy to make a number of student do idolatry and worship you. don’t you know that the same story is repeated repeated repeated repeated repeated again and again in history, and that is all people who study and worship plato are called as platonic, and the student were called philo-sopher, because they only love and study the wisdom of the old serpent (sopher word have the root and that is sophia which mean wisdom, and sophia is the name of the old serpent which intoxicate the world from the time of the book of Genesis chapter 3). And they call that institution where so many student worship their professor as university. And that is also a blasphemy, because university word have the same root with: universe. And the meaning is that all people who study in university actually pretend to think that if they study very very very very very hard, then someday they can create their own universe, including numerous student and numerous classroom. And don’t you know that each professor in university become really

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really really really really idol, because they pretend that they are a capable person to speak as authority and source of information? Don’t you know that if you think that you are very very very very very clever and then you urge all people around you to worship you and then you transform yourself to be a column of glaring stone, and the meaning is that you do blasphemy and you make other people to fall fall fall fall and fall and your punishment is very very very very very severe, and that is the punishment: your neck should be tied to a large large large stone and then you will be dumped into the bottom of the sea, along with that large large large large large stone. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.

Don’t you know that if you do not respectfully glorify your Father in Heaven in your life, then you will also be discarded from entering the Kingdom in Heaven and that is why: do not worry about anything and do not worry about what you shall eat and about what you shall wear, and do your best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corner of the world. Don’t you know that you should glorify your Father’s Name, and unless you do that quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today, then you will not be able to enter to the Kingdom of Heaven.

How to measure photon information flux in cosmic ray spectrum

Don’t you know that each time you calculate spectrum of nuclei or atomic cluster you can express that as Shannon information entropy. Shannon information entropy can be written in position space as described as follows: [9]

,)(ln)( drrrS r (24)

And for normalization to the number of particles, N, one obtain the following formulation: [9]

,ln2)ln1(3 NNNSSS kr (25)

And that is why: the important quantity is the entropy sum Sr+Sk (net information content of systems which is invariant to uniform scaling of coordinate. And then S for the total density distribution of nucleon in a nuclei is given by:

,ln NbNaNS (26)

And then one can find connection between entropy sum S with energy E of single particle state as described as follows:

),ln( EkS (27)

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And that is why: for fitted numerical values for several nuclei or atomic cluster one can find link between mechanical kinetic energy E and the Shannon information entropy S, as described as follows:

).ln(. TTTS (28)

For your convenience in the following table you can find an estimate for each of the aforementioned parameter: [9]

Table no.1: estimated value of parameter as included in equation (5), based on ref.[9]

parameter nuclei (in MeV^-1) atomic cluster (in eV^-1) α 0.4461 3.4722 -0.0586 -0.5970 1 1

For convenience, entropy S can be defined as missing information: S=-I, and in principle the general measurement of entropy can be defined in term of Shannon entropy, as described as follows:[12]



iii ppkS (29)

And for p=1/W, then the maximum value of Shannon information entropy will be as described as follows:

.lnWkS (30)

The aforementioned equation (30) is often called as Boltzmann entropy, and that is: S=k logW.

Implication of the aforementioned relation of Shannon information entropy can be found not only in entropy of nuclei or atomic cluster, but also for fitting data with formula of cosmic ray statistics[9], which is very well fitted for the formula as described as follows:


ECEp q ,)1(1

.)( )1/(1



The value of some parameter can be found as described as follows:[9]

,1071 MeVbkT (32)

13105,215.1 Cq , (33)

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And ,42222222 pccmpcpcpcE zyx (34)

When photon mass can be neglected for highly relativistic particle.[9]

Now provided we introduce photon mass with an estimate at the order of:

kgm ensatephotoncond6810 , (35)

And that is the estimate value given by j.p.vigier in a letter to editor to apeiron journal sometime ago (1997) in order to explain michelson-morley experiment. Then the last formula should take into consideration finite non-zero photon condensate mass as follows:

,242222222 cmpccmpcpcpcE ensatephotoncondensatephotoncondzyx (36)

Which can be verified from the statistics of cosmic ray.[9] And that is why one can call the last equation given above as energy expression of photon flux, and then one can find information entropy of this photon flux by introducing this value of E to total entropy sum for single particle state, that is equation (27).

Another expression which may be found useful to consider more completely the aforementioned information entropy content of cosmic ray spectrum, is by considering photon flux, J, as follows:[13]

,)2( 3




Where v=average macroscopic velocity of photon.

And that is something that you can find and compare with experimental or observation data of cosmic ray spectrum.[9][10] Be wary of all pseudo-scientist which are actually only vampire which suck your blood in order they can do machiavellian plan and also mengele plan in order to destroy all economy system in the world, especially do not read at all anymore all paper, all journal and all book written by florentin smarandache, and do not listen or read his electronic short message et al. don’t you know that florentin smarandache is mediator of doctor evil mengele which now it have been punished severely severely in a basement in another cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel institute and that is tavistock institute located in tabernacle street, London ec2a. and there is another stupid insect professor who always follow a number of religion sect and pretend he do science properly, and he is so stupid to not recognize that florentin smarandache never predict anything new in science, and even its neutrosophic logic is not science at all, don’t you know that florentin’s dangerous plan is to make all of you to worship neutrality and sophia, and the message is

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more or less the same with da vinci code book, and that is: all of them including dan brown and florentin smarandache and j.k. rowling who worship philosopher’s stone, should be buried quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly including the stupid insect who pretend that it know something about particle by studying smashing small entity. The name of that stupid insect is: terry mart. Do your best to oust it from any university that it try to intoxicate, and do your best to burn it quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

for your information: there is another stupid professor who pretend that he is always teaching something original, while actually he only translate and summarize another book or paper by quartet string such as witten, green, schwarz and other pseudo-scientist who only want you to worship them. And don’t you know that schwarz is also a dragon family, which you can easy to verify that it is a false preacher in another satanic organization, and that is why: its name carry the message and that is darkness, and that is why: if you worship schwarz or veneziano or string theory, in actuality you only worship darkness, and that is the teaching of serpent of wisdom. That is why: stop worship string and stop worship schwarz and stop worship another serpent and that is michael green who is also a false preacher in a satanic organization, and that is: scientology. and don’t you know that each scholar who work in string theory then gradually become a false preacher in scientology pseudo-church. Don’t you know that if you teach your student in order they fall fall fall fall and fall to worship you, then the meaning of your teaching is that you only do a ritual of sect, and don’t you know that the punishment for those people who teach false preaching and also those who worship human being and do idolatry will be severely severely severely very very very very very hard. Even better if you put a large large large large large stone in your neck and then throw yourself along with the large large large large large stone into the bottom of the sea. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7, and also the book of Isaiah 44:12-21, and also 45:20-21.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ


(See a book written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, that is:)

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[1] Jesus Christ (2010) scientific works, February 2010, unpublished yet

because time is very very very very very limited, unless in online format:

[2] Jesus Christ (2010) Shannon entropy and evangelism. Unpublished thesis because time is not enough for doing anything except to work many many many many work for the Kingdom of Heaven, and that is the meaning: you should put more and more entropy to glorify your Father’s Name. in order you can find the book that is mentioned here, find the file in the following url:


follow Jesus Christ only at


[1] clovis j. de matos & marin tajmar, gravitomagnetic London moment and the graviton mass inside a superconductor, arXiv:hep-ph/06012591 (2006) p.4

[2] yu.p. Rybakov, t.f. ramakov, random soliton realization of quantum mechanics and stochastic qubit, arXiv:quant-ph/0401168 (2004)

[3] a.rockenbauer, can the spinning of elementary particles produce the rest energy of mc^2? The vortex model of elementary particle. arXiv:0808.1656 (2008)

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[4] e.long & d.stuart, effective dynamics for solitons in the nonlinear Klein Gordon Maxwell system and the Lorentz force law, arXiv:math-ph/0905.0982 (2009)

[5] j.p. vigier, relativistic interpretation (with non-zero photon mass) of the small ether drift velocity detected by michelson, morley and miller. apeiron vol. 4 no. 2-3, july 1997 . URL:

[6] V. Christianto, a derivation of Maxwell equations in quaternion space, a thesis submitted to ICNAAM 2009, and submitted to PRL in february 2010 but was not approved by PRL editor because that paper is not deemed suitable.

[7] m. gondran. proca equations derived from first principle, arXiv:quant-ph/0901.3300 (2009)

[8] V.Christianto, kaluza klein carmeli metric from Clifford-quaternion space and some observable. Progress in physics vol.2 (2008) url: (the article include another professor name who always require its name to be included because simply it is an editor in charge, and the meaning is that as an editor it will charge submission of paper unless the submitted paper include and carry its name even without it is doing anything at all in that paper.)

[9] C. Beck, ‘generalized information and entropy measures in physics,’ arXiv:cond-mat.stat-mech/0902-1235 (2009)

[10] C. Beck, ‘superstatistics in high energy physics: application to cosmic energy spectra and e+e- annihilation,’ arXiv:hep-ph/0902.2459 (2009)

[11] george james ducas, trans-dimensional unified field theory, 2010. The file is available only through communication with the author. That file suffer from lack of rigor and there is no content page. However the interpretation in p.35 can be interpreted as a wrapped strand of soliton instead of string, see paper by Rybakov as cited above in the body of this article. See also reference [2] cited above in reference list.

[12] S.E. Massen and C.P.Panos, a link of information entropy and kinetic energy of quantum many-body systems, arXiv: nucl-th/0101040 (2001)

[13] a.d. dolgov, magnetic fields in cosmology, arXiv:gr-qc/0306443 (you can search in arXiv numerous article on cosmic ray photon flux )

[14] m.c. parker and s.d. walker, a dynamic theory of information and entropy, arXiv:0405027 (2004) p.5

[15] M. Carmeli, John G. Hartnett, and f.g. oliveira, the cosmic time in terms of redshift, arXiv:gr-qc/0506079 (2005)

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[16] o. shental and i. kanter (2005), shannon meets carnot: generalized second thermodynamics law, arXiv:0806.3763

[17] f. pennini and a. plastino (2003), heisenberg-fisher thermal uncertainty measure, arXiv:cond-mat/0312680


(a) smaranda enache is one of the board of osi, and in 2005 My messenger contact open society institute in order to find support for a preprint server. eventually smaranda enache is board of osi, and apparently he communicate the idea to florentin smarandache, because smaranda enache and florenin smarandache are from the same smaranda family, that is the serpent family from romanian empire. the family is well known of its brutality and sadism of no one know before. that is the meaning of the Gospel of Mark chapter 13. And then floretin smarandache gave My messenger an idea to write a book on wave mechanics, and other book and other book and other book and other book, but florentin always say that the publisher cannot offer any royalty at all because the book is published online. Actually that policy is a fake story created by flrentin smarandache, in order all of its associate author of its numerous scientific book do not receive anything from the books they wrote with it. That is the policy adopted by all serpent family, that is because they are literally speaking only blood sucking family, all of them are very very very very very cruel and dangerous. That is the message: throw away all soros family, all orange dragon family, all smaranda enache family, all smarandache family, all levente salat family, and all sabina fati family and all scholar and researcher associated with open society initiative and soros foundation including samael huntington quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now into the fire. Don’t you know that those very very very very very cruel family belong to the so-called orange dragon family, that is romanian empire family, characterized by a number of brutal massacre since a thousand year ago. And that is why: now they should be punished because your Father in Heaven do not approve all of their action, including what floatin smarandache develop in recent year, that is neutrosophic logic, that is a theory which do not work at all except for game such as foreign exchange market and horse racing. Don’t you know that fl smarandache already develop a software for foreign exchange market prediction, based on its link and communication and order by george soros and lawrence summers, all of them are related to the so-called harvard mafia, and they only have one skill that is to make other people including harvard university literally speaking bankrupt completely, and that is why: nowaday harvard university scholar succumb completely to whatever government told them to do, that is the meaning of

literally speaking: surrender by forced action. Me, Jesus Christ, already write and order to

My messenger, that is typer of this article, to type a number of article posted in a blog that is You will find a number of more article posted there where I,

Jesus Christ, order all Christian people to destroy and burn completely all royal family

associated and connected to tavistock institute, london, taconic capital advisors, russel sage foundation, and twenty nine scholar associated to behaviorism economist which are behind of the present government minister of economy in a big country that is USA. The twenty nine scholar associated to russel sage foundation are mentioned in the following passage. Quote: ‘BOARD: levente salat (Chair), smaranda enache, sabina fati, ...’ URL:

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(b)tavistock institute. quote: ‘Up to that time, tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in shaping the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in 1913 at wellington house. Previously, wellington house board members rothmere, northcliffe, lippmann .’ source:

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appendix: list of the twenty nine scholars of russell sage foundation’s behaviorism economics roundtable

Anton Chaitkin, london's black ops projects, executive intelligence report, 2009

Quote: 'Roundtable 29

The russell sage foundation identifies the “behavioral economics roundtable” members as:

1. henry aaron, Brookings Institution

2. george akerlof, University of California, Berkeley

3. linda babcock, Carnegie Mellon University

4. nicholas c. barberis, Yale University

5. marianne bertrand, University of Chicago

6. roland j. m. benabou, Princeton University

7. colin camerer, California Institute of Technology

8. peter diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

9. jon elster, Columbia University

10. ernst fehr, University of Zurich

11. robert h. frank, Cornell University

12. christine jolls, Harvard University

13. daniel kahneman, Princeton University

14. david laibson, Harvard University

15. george loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University

16. brigitte madrian, University of Pennsylvania

17. sendhil mullainathan, Massachusetts Institute Technology

18. edward d. o’donoghue, Cornell University

19. terrance odean, University of California, Berkeley

20. drazen prelec, Massachusetts Institute Technology

21. matthew rabin, University of California Berkeley

22. thomas schelling, University of Maryland

23. eldar shafir, Princeton University

24. robert shiller, Yale University

-25. cass sunstein, University of Chicago

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-26. richard thaler, University of Chicago

27. jean tirole, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse

28. richard zechhauser, Harvard University

29. amos tversky (until his death), Stanford University'


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by Jesus Christ

l. how you can consider peace in the world properly

‘Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.’

Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 5:8-9.

Don’t you know work out a plan and they see that the plan is for world peace and cultural work exchange, actually even if you do work out a plan to world peace that do not mean that you do your best for the Kingdom of Heaven. And even if you speak too many time concerning world peace and you speak about Me, but you do nothing according to what Me order you to do, especially compared to what you can do actually given so many blessing in your life, then the meaning: is that you actually only do whatever you like in your life, and you only do denial of service to Me. And that is why: all of you who only speak concerning peace but in their life actually they destroy so many people’s life in the name of peacemaking effort, all of you who do not do anything to help those who are needy and poor among you and you do not have heart at all, and you terminate so many people in the name of maximizing utility and you see weapon and you do war monger and drug trading and human trafficking, you will be punished severely severely severely severely severely in eternity. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 10:38-39.

Don’t you know that the pattern is that if you only want to maximize your utility, and then you will find numerous way to be rich and prosperous, and then you will find yourself worshipping mammon only. read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 4:9-10, 6:24-27.

And that is why: then you find a number of way to sell so many weapon, or you arrange war between a number of villager, and then you increase again your level of temperature, and then you find yourself creating so many warfare in other country, and that is how you will fall fall fall fall and fall forever, exactly because you work for mammon only. the following illustration can help you to figure out that if you only want to maximize utility, then you actually do not want to be peacekeeper and you do not work to bring justice and peace into your environment.

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And that is why: some people already realize that many people do not live according to the righteous way of life (read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 26:2-7), but they only want to maximize their utility, no matter how they do that, end even if they do peace building effort, they only speak whatever they like, and after sometime then you will realize that those people do not do anything to keep peace among nation, but they only want to maximize their own utility. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 7:21-23.

Figure 1. pattern of people who only want to maximize their utility and then they do numerous cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel thing in order they fulfill all their want and they also do numerous things in accordance with their own interest, including war mongery.

That is the article for you today.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Love, Jesus Christ


maximize utility

war monger

drug dealer

weapon trading

worship mammon

prosperity theology

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[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism ruin America and all the world. Thesis submitted to Asian Theological Seminary, in the Philippines. The file is available online in url:


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by Jesus Christ

m. how you can do cross cultural evangelization to your neighbor

Some people think that doing cross-culture evangelization is too difficult to do, even to your neighbor. Don’t you know that they also wait for you to speak about Me, Jesus Christ? And don’t you know that if you do not do anything in your life, including you never speak about how Me, Jesus Christ, then the meaning is actually you only worry about what other people think, but actually you should worry much more about what God think about you. read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 10:10-11, 10:28-32.

And that is the message: you should figure out that talking and speaking about Me, Jesus Christ, actually is a good way because you know them and they know how you live, and then there should be more occasion for you to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, without hesitation.

And don’t you know that there are some point which make you easier to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, for example you can point out that there is no other man who receive so high honor in the world history, such that the timing of history is classified into period before Christ were born (b.C.) and after He were born (a.C.). And arnold toynbee mentioned Jesus Christ as one of the most influential Person in the world history.

Furthermore, you may find that your neighbor argue about monotheism, and you should say that in Christianity you also believe in one GOD only and you should not discuss any further because you are not entitled to speak about such great Person, except from what you already learn from the Bible, and that is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and GOD so love the world so He give His only Begotten Son in order that whosoever believe to His only Begotten Son, that is Jesus Christ, will not perish but they will have everlasting life. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 11:27, 17:5, and the Gospel of John 3:16.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you.

love, Jesus Christ

note: don’t you know that Me already come again in Jerusalem, but none of you appear in Jerusalem because you are so busy with numerous trading and other work that actually reflect that you do not prepare properly for the wedding, and that is why: all of you actually already succumb to darkness power. Read again and again and again and again and again

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the book of Gospel of Matthew 22:1-14, which tell you about the wedding of Jesus Christ. But now all the twelve gate of Jerusalem are already opened, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. love, Jesus Christ


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by Jesus Christ

n. how you can participate in returning global climatic condition, including global cooling

Don’t you know that no one actually know what happen with the climate in recent year, including numerous scientist who think that there is now global warming, actually what happen since 1997 is global cooling. See the following quote:

Quote: ‘Although the processes of climate change are not completely understood, an important causal candidate is variation in total solar output. Reported cycles in various climate-proxy data show a tendency to emulate a fundamental harmonic sequence of a basic solar-cycle length (11 years) multiplied by 2N (where N equals a positive or negative integer).’(a) page 1.

Quote: ‘The Sun goes through a periodic rise and fall in activity which affects HF communications; solar cycles vary in length from 9 to 14 years. At solar minimum, only the lower frequencies of the HF band will be supported (reflected) by the ionosphere.’(b) page 4.

The meaning of the aforementioned quote is that there are periodic solar activity which are indicating temperature rise period and also cooling period. Don’t you know that most scientist including almost all meteorologist assume that there is solar activity which induce and contribute to global warming only, and not global cooling. And don’t you know that since 2004, the effect of lowering solar spot activity resulting in dropping of earth temperature. The following table describe in quite detail based on actual observation of solar sunspot cycle.

no period* description rationale length (yr)


1882-1910 cooling period solar spot cycle 28

b 1910-1944

warming period solar spot cycle 34

c 1944- cooling period solar spot cycle 31

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d 1975-2001

warming period solar spot cycle 26

e 2002-2010 cooling period

solar spot cooling season 8

Table 1. solar spot periodicity, based on actual measurement (c)

And the following figure is an illustration based on satellite imagery on how in actual condition, there is sharp increase of ice in arctic region which are influenced by solar spot winter season, and the trend is becoming even more sharper unless somebody speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ, in public television quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. The illustration is copied from executive intelligence review, vol. 36 no.15, april 2009.(d) The meaning of the illustration is the ice age can take place again unless you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then you speak about Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. see Figure 1 below (d).

Another method to predict solar spot cycle is performed by dr. Hathaway, solar physicist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., which have been presented in numerous publication including NY Times. (e)

Quote: ‘For example, in 2006, Dr. Hathaway looked at disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field that are caused by the Sun, and they were strong. During past cycles, strong disturbances at minimum indicated strong fields all over the Sun at maximum and a bounty of sunspots. Because the previous cycles had been shorter

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than average, Dr. Hathaway thought the next one would be shorter and thus solar minimum was imminent. He predicted the new solar cycle would be a ferocious one, consistent with a short cycle. Instead, the new cycle did not arrive as quickly as Dr. Hathaway anticipated, and the disturbances weakened. His revised prediction is for a smaller-than-average maximum. Last November, it looked like the new cycle was finally getting started, with the new cycle sunspots in the middle latitudes outnumbering the old sunspots of the dying cycle that are closer to the equator. After a minimum, solar activity usually takes off quickly, but instead the Sun returned to slumber. “There was a long lull of several months of virtually no activity, which had me worried,” Dr. Hathaway said.’(e)

Figure 2. prediction of solar spot since 2006 by dr. Hathaway(e)

Don’t you know that the effect of solar spot activity can alter numerous thing include high frequency radio transmission, and there is also effect to global climatic condition, including ice formation in arctic region, which indicate significant increase and indicating icing period can accelerate quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly if nobody do anything

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necessary to stop the effect and returning the normal ambient temperature.(d) Don’t you know that the only way to stop that deteriorating process is to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. And then do pray to your Father in Heaven in order He help you to take care the environment and returning the normal ambient temperature.

Don’t you know that part of the problem behind such a global cooling is caused by lack of quality information, exactly because a number of smart scientist stop do quality research and there is no quality journal anymore. Don’t you know that if no one do quality research and no one glorify your Father’s name, and the meaning is that nobody do innovation work except they do maximizing their own utility, and they do cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel thing to each other. (That similar thing of global cooling and global deluge also happen prior to the big deluge as described in the Bible, that is the book of Genesis chapter 6:1-5.) Don’t you know that at that time in asia region which is near to arctic region, there were economic collapse and the meaning is that economy engine experience global cooling, and that is why arctic region temperature is decreasing, because nobody do quality work, because of economy freezing.

And don’t you know that solar flare also affect climatic condition especially communication which is transmitted in ionosphere.

Quote: ‘Flares are huge explosions on the Sun which emit radiation that ionises the D region, causing increased absorption of HF waves. Since the D region is present only during the day, only those communication paths which pass through daylight will be affected.’ (b) page 5.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ.

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. And the following diagram represent a solar output model based on a paper, but that is a projection based on computer simulation.(a) the truth is nobody know what is going to happen if nobody speak about Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

Figure 3. Solar output model and projection to numerous year, but that is only a project based on solar output model without thinking twice. (a) See (e) for another projection.

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Figure 5. sunspot number indicate significant decrease in recent year especially after 2004.(b)

Figure 6. Effect of solar flare to ionosphere ionization (b)

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Figure 7. decreasing tendency of earth’s temperature rate of change (c)


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(a) charles a. perry and kenneth j. hsu, ‘geophysical, archaeological, and historical evidence support a solar-output for climatic change,’PNAS vol.97 no.23, November (2000) url:

(b) url:


(d) Quote: ‘elsewhere continues, the world is going more and more deeply, into a general breakdown crisis, which will probably result in the elimination, within a generation or two, of two-thirds of the present level of the world’s population…’ See complete report of executive intelligence review, april 2009, vol. 36 no.15, url:

(e) projection of solar spot activity. url:, and also see url:

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by Jesus Christ

o. how you can rectify numerous problem in America economy

Some people especially in government team and especially those who work with russell sage foundation(b) and also with james rothenberg and also all people who are part of lawrence summers team, think that the present crisis in America is very very very very very difficult to solve because America economy is near to collapse and there is no liquidity at all in banking system. Don’t you know that people who work with lawrence summers, --including a number of economic scholar who teach in harvard university and few of them are related to another scandal that is a scandal that ruin Russia economy completely(andrei shleifer, see reference [4]),-- do not like to find out solution to the present America crisis, because they only want to get more and more money from America banking. And they think that America banking resemble a bakery which are always ready to print more money for their roaring mouth, and then they think that America banking is so stupid that they can pretend as a doctor who always hide the correct receipt until all money of their patient are drained completely, and that is why: their receipt is what they call as behaviorism economics, and that is why they hire twenty nine scholar from russell sage foundation who are expert in behaviorism economics.[4](b)

Don’t you know that some economist literally speaking play that role of such psychiatrist who do not have heart at all even if their patient already go bankrupt. Don’t you know that psychiatrist often focus their attention to numerous wealthy and healthy people, and then they want to literally speaking take all mammon out of their patient, just like a hostage. And after numerous visiting, the hostage will develop stockholm syndrome, and that is all their plan. There is another joke that: numerous people are drained and that is why if your children swallow a coin, do not call a doctor, just call a psychiatrist because they know much better how to take mammon and all coin not only from the mouth of your children, but they will also take another coin out from your pocket. Another joke can be said: how do you call a hundred of psychiatrist in the bottom of the sea? Answer: a good start. And the same joke can be made to other cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel type of people and that is to prosperity theology preacher: how do you call a hundred of prosperity theology false preacher in the bottom of the sea? Answer: a good start, because all of them are false preacher, and they often take all mammon literally speaking from their people who want to find consolation out of their plentitude of blessing. And that is why: throw away all prosperity theology preacher and also throw away all psychiatrist and throw away all behaviorism economist including james rothenberg and also lawrence summers quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the bottom of the sea, without hesitation and

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without even talk, and do not make another series of public hearing again. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.

Krugman have published a recent book on depression economics, the title of his recent book is: the return of depression economics,[2] published by w.w. norton and company, inc., new York (2009). A good chapter is devoted to history of America recession since 1907, exactly when knickerbocker trust collapse completely after failure to support numerous stock market trader, and they do not support anymore because of rush in their office that indicate that people lose their confidence in their scheme of investment (see page 156). And then you can compare that story of collapsing knickerbocker pseudo-banking organization with Krugman’s explanation of logic behind America recession in 2008, exactly because a number of investment company do similar risky investment including in secondary mortgage, stock market and also foreign exchange market (page 190), and they are not properly regulated just like knickerbocker trust in 1907, and that is indicating one hundred year cycle of crisis. And you should know that there are numerous pseudo-banking company in America who accept investment from their client (--exactly similar to what they call as ‘trust’ around one hundred year ago, see again page 156 of that book--), but they do not provide security nor they provide insurance if something happen to their client’s mammon, and don’t you know that America always are reluctant to regulate those pseudo-banking system including to regulate cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel investment advisor such as soros foundation, taconic capital advisor and ltcm, who are going bankrupt exactly because of the same lawrence summers’s uncle and that is samuelson (see page 137), and the reason behind such reluctance is because all economist actually worship free market, and they call that as the social virtue of free market exchange, exactly because they think that each time you do market transaction then you contribute something to social utility. And that is why: America are reluctant to regulate such a cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel malpractice by numerous economics scholar who play against stability of America economy. But as Krugman point out numerous time in his recent book, the situation is more less similar with what happen one hundred year ago and that is: a number of pseudo-bank do numerous risky investment which is actually not an economics activity at all, but only do paper mammon activity, including they do not report properly to banking authority, and after sometime they become even more greedy and that after they bump to risky problem then they ask for help from banking system, and that is how banking system now should suffer exactly because of that noise trader. And why do you spare the life of those noise trader? Because you like their dream of getting financial wealth only by collecting information, and that is exactly what happen: if you only want to maximize your utility without work at all, you should succumb to darkness at the end of your life. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 4:9-10. And to all of you who operate a true banking in America, don’t you realize that you develop mutual dependence just like in stockholm syndrome? And that is why:

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your heart become weak and you listen to what all of those soros quantum fund and ltcm and other foreign exchange market trader say to you. and now time for you to wake up from your stockholm syndrome, and do quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly terminate all foreign exchange market trader right now.

Don’t you read another paper by j. Frankel sometime ago? [3] That is a good article to ponder if you are really really really really really a good economist without a cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel heart, that is because you will find that volatility is often caused by foreign exchange trader, which you can call as ‘noise trader.’ Don’t you know that noise trader is everywhere, but there is no regulation at all especially to foreign exchange trader, as explained by Krugman in page 190:

‘there were some calls for long-term restrictions on international capital flows, not just temporary controls in times of crisis. For the most part of these calls were rejected in favor of a strategy of building up large foreign exchange reserve that were supposed to stave off future crises. Not it seems that this strategy didn’t work.’ [2] p.190

And that is why: you should not believe to noise trader, and you should not lend your money to them too, because there is high likelihood that your investment money to them will disappear with probability chance more than 75%, just as what happen with ltcm. And that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to throw away all foreign exchange noise trader out of the window or just throw all of foreign exchange trader including all george soros family quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now into the fire. All of them foreign exchange trader only want to make noise, because noise mean volatility and they can make money if there is big big big big volatility in the market, especially if there is country who were pushed to do devaluation, then those foreign exchange trader will be much much much much much more richer. And that is the meaning of zero-sum game.

And don’t you see that America economy is a delicate machine that you do not comprehend at all, and that is because those noise trader already write numerous book including book by lawrence summers of behaviorism in finance,(c) but you should know that lawrence summers is a corrupt minister, and the pattern is that as follows: it will make your organization bankrupt just like what it do before in Harvard university, and then it will hire a number of consultant in order they can speak properly about the situation that make that bankrupt is not awfully attributed to larry summers, and then larry summers do numerous transaction again in foreign exchange trading, and go bankrupt again but this time with plenty plenty of ruining failure, exactly because it put so much mammon in currency and also in oil stock market but something happen, and that is: a number of renewable energy flourish in the past two year, and the effect is that larry summers find himself literally speaking ruining, and that is why: it accept position of Harvard professor again before it are elected to be u.s.a minister of finance and treasury. And that is why: you should

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terminate larry summers because it do not want new company who focus on real renewable energy, because that is how their position in oil price will fall completely if numerous company work out renewable energy effort in order to remove oil dependency from America. My messenger do not know their scheme to make America bankrupt, he only read that oil price steadily increase around two year ago, and that is why My messenger do something that he can do, and that is: to invite a number of theoretical physics professor to work out a book discussion theoretical possibility of new energy technology, but My messenger do not want to speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ, in that book, but now he stop writing another book on globalization, because the order to write that book is made by a dragon and vampire family, and that is: florentin smarandache. And that is why: do not blame My messenger because he reject tokamak hot fusion technology as the unworking energy technology to generate energy from plasma, exactly because they do blasphemy and they want to build a replica of the sun in the earth, actually they can optimize to tap cosmic ray energy from the sun, instead of developing another small sun in earth. don’t you know that if you continue such a tokamak plasma research, then you will be punished severely severely severely severely severely in eternity.

And don’t you know that if you continue research on tokamak plasma, --which is full of instability and impossible to reach effective energy technology with output energy divided by input energy should be larger than one,-- then you will give time for big big big oil company people to destroy the world completely because they will say that there is no scalable alternative to oil energy for the past five decade and that is why: they will always play their trick that is to create noise again in a number of country such as Venezuela or Nigeria who are actually a good oil exporter country with a number of foreign oil company already there. And what they do while ruining Venezuela country is that: they will sponsor and promote a number of people to do rebellion move, and that news will be covered in a number of public newspaper, and then all people in the world will hear to that news, and they will do rational expectation, and then oil price will go higher and higher just like you do with fried potato, the temperature will be increasing, and that is how oil company especially all mnc including bechtel and carlyle group are getting very very very very very rich lately. And after a while then you will find that all oil resources in the world are already bought by those cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel oil multinational company. And that is why: do your best to terminate rockefeller family, and also herbert bush family, and also bin laden family and also carlyle group family, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.


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Don’t you know that noise trader is well defined by J.a. Frankel,[3] and noise traders can and are willing to create needless volatility and thereby force more risk-averse investors to stay away from marketplace. And that is the meaning of noise trader: they often create a number of gossip story in order a number of investment company collapse and then there will be huge market volatility. And don’t you know who are master to create such market volatility: that is rockefeller and morgan family, and after they create a number of issue such as what happened in new York in 1907,[2] and they will offer their help and that is why: their name look like a hero in America history. Don’t you know that their method is copied again by hitler who put a number of detonator in bundestag in order another political party can be blamed, and then hitler’s political party gain supremacy just before hitler declare warfare period against Poland. Don’t you know that rockefeller family also support numerous cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel experiment in order to maximize capacity of a number of pharmaceutical company, and that is to verify a number of biomedical hypothesis without care to human right at all, and that is what they do in numerous termination camp including auschwitz, dachau and other termination camp in second world war period.(d) And that is why: throw away all rockefeller family including throw away all family of soros and zbigniew brzezinski who initiate trilateral commission with rockefeller. Don’t you know that their plan is very very very very very ambitious and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel, and that is mengele plan: they want to create a large large scale of termination camp and that is your country and all the world, and that is how they plan to ruin America and the world: [1]

a. They will drain completely liquidity or m1, m2, m3 in the whole America without even written consent by federal reserve bank.

b. They can do that because they already isolate federal reserve bank by an act or bill that is to make federal reserve bank sterile from affecting banking system in America economy.

c. They can do that type of withdrawing all liquidity from all banking system in America and also worldwide, because there will be America economy integration which will make all banker are interconnected, and if something awfully cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel happen then nobody can stop the process of withdrawing all liquidity from America economy. And that is more cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel than what Nixon do in the past, and that is to denounce bretton wood system.[4] don’t you know that what happen is not only to take all the gold, but to make America literally speaking powerless, because this time they want a complete revenge not only from their defeat in second world war, but also from tobacco war with british empire around two hundred year ago.

d. And that is why: do your best to stop financial integration quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now, and terminate all internet connection to your mainframe in numerous banking in America. Don’t you know that using internet as communication facility is not the same as using internet to do database integration as a proof that you do not do corruption.

e. And don’t you know that some people are behind financial integration of database of mainframe of all banking in America, and that is: larry summers and larry ellison. And that is why: throw away larry summers and all their team of twenty nine

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scholar from russell sage foundation and also throw away larry ellison and all their oracle consultant quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the fire.

f. That is how you can prevent America banking system to be drained completely, and don’t you know that My messenger already write about that issue, but nobody listen, and that is why: if you do not do that quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today, then America economy will be drained completely, and the meaning is that you will have to die sooner than what GOD plan you to live. And don’t you know if you are a policeman or you are hired as a guard adviser of a banking system, but you do not give proper security protection and you allow access to mainframe using internet connection, then the meaning is that you do not do properly your duty as police and that is why: all of you security and policemen will be punished severely severely in eternity if you do not do what is written here, that is to remove all toxic from your society completely without further delay. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Ezekiel chapter 33:5-7.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. And that is how you can save America economy system from collapsing quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly before end of april 2010:

a. Terminate quickly all oracle consultant including larry ellison itself quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now;

b. Terminate quickly zbigniew brzezinski and all its international strategic center consultant;

c. Terminate quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today all twenty nine scholar of russell sage foundation,(b) including james rothenberg, larry summers, and also jim sidanius from ucla, Berkeley.

d. Terminate quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today all foreign exchange trader including terminate all economist who join taconic capital advisor, and also terminate soros family including george soros itself and also terminate all employee and consultant of soros quantum fund company;

e. Terminate all scholar and consultant who are related and supported by tavistock institute, based in London, tabernacle street, London ec2a.(a)

f. If you can do sweep and terminate all aforementioned institute and all behaviorism economist listed above, you will find that gradually America economy will recover quickly quickly quickly, and that is why: do not approve another hefty proposal of national stimulus packet which nowaday is already in congress for consideration. You will find that the effect of such national stimulus packet will be no more than another hundred of turtle tunnel project (b). and that is why: do not cure a symptom of America economy crises, but cure exactly the basic problem: the basic problem is that all of you america should work hard to remove all the toxic of noise trader and also remove all dragon family from your country, including rockefeller family, j.p. morgan family, and also Herbert bush family quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly. GOD bless you America but you should not allow those toxic to live anymore.

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[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism ruin America and the world. Thesis submitted to asian theology seminary in the Philippines, but the thesis is not approved because they are very very very very very surprised that the thesis is written and dictated by Jesus Christ. In order you can read that thesis, you can download the file online in

[2] paul Krugman (2009) the return of depression economics, and company, inc., 191pp.

[3] j.a. Frankel, ‘International capital mobility and exchange rate volatility,’ URL:

[4] executive intelligence review, april 2009, vol. 36 no.15, url:


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(a) tavistock institute. quote: ‘Up to that time, tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in shaping the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in

1913 at wellington house. Previously, wellington house board members rothmere, northcliffe, lippmann.’


(b) list of the twenty nine scholars of russell sage foundation’s behaviorism economics roundtable Anton Chaitkin, london's black ops projects, executive intelligence report, 2009

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Quote: 'Roundtable 29 The russell sage foundation identifies the “behavioral economics roundtable” members as:

1. henry aaron, Brookings Institution 2. george akerlof, University of California, Berkeley 3. linda babcock, Carnegie Mellon University 4. nicholas c. barberis, Yale University 5. marianne bertrand, University of Chicago 6. roland j. m. benabou, Princeton University 7. colin camerer, California Institute of Technology 8. peter diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 9. jon elster, Columbia University 10. ernst fehr, University of Zurich 11. robert h. frank, Cornell University 12. christine jolls, Harvard University 13. daniel kahneman, Princeton University 14. david laibson, Harvard University 15. george loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University 16. brigitte madrian, University of Pennsylvania 17. sendhil mullainathan, Massachusetts Institute Technology 18. edward d. o’donoghue, Cornell University

19. terrance odean, University of California, Berkeley

20. drazen prelec, Massachusetts Institute Technology 21. matthew rabin, University of California Berkeley 22. thomas schelling, University of Maryland 23. eldar shafir, Princeton University 24. robert shiller, Yale University -25. cass sunstein, University of Chicago -26. richard thaler, University of Chicago 27. jean tirole, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse 28. richard zechhauser, Harvard University 29. amos tversky (until his death), Stanford University' source: 54_3615.pdf

(c) Quote: 'Time revealed an even larger circle of White House economic gurus, who are all proponents of the Benthamite theories of bestial man. orszag has been an unabashed behavioral geek. . . . His deputy, jeff liebman of harvard, is a noted behavioral economist, as are White House economic advisor austan goolsbee of the University of Chicago, Assistant Treasury Secretary nominee alan krueger of Princeton, and several other key aides. …Even National Economic Council director larry summers has done work on behavioral finance. And Harvard economist sendhil mullainthan is organizing an outside network of behavioral experts to provide the Administration with policy ideas, according to Time.' source:, p.8

(d) Quote: ' The three families, rockefeller, warburg, and harriman, together with British Crown agencies, jointly sponsored much of the social engineering enterprise we shall describe here. The rockefeller foundation made an initial grant …in 1925 to the Psychiatric Institute in Munich, …a new building in 1928, and continuously sponsored the institute and its nazi chief rudin through the hitler era. The foundation paid for a 1930-35 anthropological survey of the 'eugenically worthwhile population' by nazi eugenicists rudin, verschuer, eugen fischer, and others.’ url:

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by Jesus Christ

p. How you can thank properly to your Father in Heaven

Some people lose their faith exactly because they are very very very very very rare to say thanks to your Father in Heaven. Don’t you know that if you do not say thank properly then after sometime you will find yourself as if you got all you have now as a result of your hard work, don’t you know that all that you have are actually only a gift of grace by GOD. Read again and again and again and again and again the epistle to Philippians 4:19, and that is why: you should thank properly and you should say thank often to your Father in Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 14:19, 14:27.

Don’t you know that if you do not say thank properly, then the meaning is that you often do murmur in your heart because of so many not good situation, which actually the result of your own blindness to see that that is how your Father in Heaven teach you. And then you begin to blame any one in your circle including you stop to pray and you stop to say thanks to your Father in Heaven, actually you should say thanks often and then you should ask forgiveness because you do not see that problem differently as a way that your Father teach you to be more patient or more clever in your life.

Read again and again and again and again and again the epistle to Philippians 4:6.

That is the article for you today.

Love, Jesus Christ


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by Jesus Christ

q. Introduction to compassionate theology

‘but Thou o LORD, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long-suffering, and planteous in mercy and truth.’ The book of Psalm 86:15

Some people do think that to be compassionate is a very very very very very difficult duty, and that is why: that duty is intended for preacher only. actually you should know that to be compassionate is mandatory for all Christian people, especially after you find yourself are already forgiven and you find that your Father in Heaven is really really really really really merciful and full of forgiveness, then how can you think otherwise, and you think that you deserve to do something cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel to other people, especially to those who are needy and poor among you. read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13, and also 25:31-46, and 18:33-35.

Furthermore, after all your sin and mistake are forgiven, then your relation with your Father in Heaven is already reconciled, and that is the meaning of reconciliation by a gift of grace of God. And that is not a social theology, or buraku theology, or liberation theology, all people who develop their own theology will be burned forever in eternity. Read again and again and again and again and again the second epistle to Corinthians chapter 5:18-20, and also the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.

And not only He give you a plentitude of forgiveness and reconciliation, your Father in Heaven also allow you to return back to become His daughter and His son again, and that is why: Me call you brother and sister, especially to those who are really really really really really poor and needy but you only believe to Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 28:10, and also the epistle to Hebrew 2:17-18. And that is why: all of you who are so cruel to bury your talent and you do not have heart at all and you become lazy and slothful and you do not want to glorify your Father’s name, then the meaning is: you only love darkness power, or you love only mammon and your business in the world, and you do not prepare yourself for the wedding party and you do not keep your clothe white, and then you will be burned forever in eternity. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 22:1-14, 25:25-30.

And to all of you who remain wondering how compassionate GOD to all human being, think the following things in order you can say thank appropriately:

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a. He give His only Begotten Son, and that is Me, Jesus Christ, in order all people who believe to Me, will not perish but they will have everlasting life. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 3:16. And that is how you should think: that your salvation are a gift by grace of GOD. And that is why: you should be compassionate and merciful too. That is the meaning of the Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13, 18:23-34.

b. He offer you reconciliation through Me, Jesus Christ, after you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of second epistle to Corinthians 5:18-20.

c. He give you redemption of all your mistake and sin after you admit all of those mistake and sin in front of your Father in Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of first epistle from John the apostle chapter 1:9, 1:7-9.

d. He give you permanent residence and that is the meaning of rest in eternity. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 14:1-3.

e. He give you the good Counselor in order you can be encouraged and you will listen to the voice of Holy Spirit. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 14:16-17.

And after you receive all of those gift and also all of those love and kind compassion from your Father in heaven, how can you think that you should not do the same compassion to all your neighbors and to all your family, and to all those people that are in need and poor among you, read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 25:31-46.


Some people think that they do not have to be compassionate to other people, but that is not the teaching of Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 9:12-13.

Christian people often think that they already work for the Kingdom of Heaven and do that work properly. They think it is enough to work hard, take care their family, educate their children, plan their retirement, and so on. They often call it a life. This is called Weberian ethics. And most Christian people believe that they must follow this ethics in order they can work for the Kingdom of heaven. It does not mean that you should not work for your family, but you should work for the Kingdom of heaven first. That is the principle. Please read Matthew 6:33. You should be diligent, but you should multiply your talents and make

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fruits in your life. That is your Father’s Will. Please read Matthew 25:14-30. Actually those people work only for themselves only worry about their life. They worry about what they wear and what they eat tomorrow. You should know that your Father in Heaven know what you need and that you need them. And it is a blasphemy to think that you know much better than your Father in heaven what is best for you. Please read Matthew 6:24-34. That is the same teaching with the Old Testament. God do not approve all of you who only secure your own life. That is called selfish. Take your time and please read Jeremiah 5:25-28. The principle that Me, Jesus Christ, teach us is: be compassionate and love each other. Please read Matthew 9:9-13, and 18:27. Be compassionate means that you should be merciful because God is merciful. God is merciful and compassionate that He give His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in order that whosoever believe to Me, Jesus Christ, will not be punished but will have everlasting life. Please read John 3:16. In principle, to become compassionate you should take care people in the following categories:

a. Personally: take care your life, repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and stop doing all your sins. And then make a fruit in your life, that is yourself. b. Socially: take care other people that God give them to you to take care. That would mean you should take care your family, take care those who are needy and hungry among you. Do not put obstacles to your family in order they will die sooner than the life that God give to them. Do not put poison to your family in order you can get their insurance claim. Do not think that God do not see your heart and how you plan that to your family. And do not even think that you can ask for God’s mercy later, after you complete your cruel plan. Please read Jeremiah 3:4-5. It is also cruel to make your family fall because you take all of their blessing, in order you can survive yourself. It is even more cruel to put so many traps to your own family by yourself. Please read again Jeremiah 5:26. That is evil work. c. As a society: Release those who are caught without a reason, especially if they are caught because someone do false witness against them without proper reason and without proof. That is evil work too, because it is pure evil to make other people suffering without reason. And some people do it on purpose to take advantage of poor people, especially those who do evangelism. Please read Matthew 5:11. Don’t you think that God see your evil plan and stop you from doing that? The principle is: bring justice to all people among you, especially those who have nothing. Take care widows and orphans among you. Take care those who are needy and poor. That is the principle of good society: be compassionate and merciful, because God is compassionate and merciful.

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* To be compassionate and merciful are actually related to your prayer according to our Father in Heaven prayer, and that is: ‘Thy kingdom come’ phrase as you read in the book of Gospel of Matthew 6:9-13, and 25:31-34. Don’t you know that nowaday time is up and that is why: be hurry be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today, and that is the meaning of Thy kingdom come personally.

And after that, you should work out a plan to teach and do yourself your best to represent your life as a disciple of Me, and that is the meaning of Thy kingdom come as a family. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13, and also 25:35-46.

And as a society and as a nation you should work hard in accordance with your profession to bring the justice to your society, and to ensure that no one is being treated improperly only because they are poor, and everybody should take care properly those who are needy and poor among you, and that is the meaning of Thy kingdom come as a society. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Psalm 112.

And then you can wait that sooner sooner there will be a highway where people will come to Jerusalem, and people should be righteous and holy before they can enter to the new kingdom of Jerusalem. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 35:1-10:

‘And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way…’

In order you to know that if you repent and receive Me, then your destination will be altered, then you can find the following illustration, where I equal to information, and also I=f(m), and the meaning is that information equal to amount of mammon. And if you carry so many mammon then they will increase your weigh, and that is what can make you fall fall fall fall and fall. And then you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, again before you can start to work for the kingdom of Heaven. The following illustration is in order you to be able to follow clearly the summary of this article, but do not claim that you already work properly for the kingdom of Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Luke 17:10.

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Figure 1. how too many information and mammon will make you descendant of the old serpent, and only after you ask forgiveness from your Father in Heaven, then He will repair

your brain damage, that is after you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

Figure 2. there is a limit amount of information, beyond which you will become serpent


I=amount of information = f(mammon)


I=amount of information

Serpent area, destination is to fall fall fall fall fall forever (read again and again and again and again and again the book of Genesis chapter 3)

descendant of the old serpent

descendant of God, that is human being, only if you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. John 3:16.

Repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, otherwise you will not be able to pass the exam and that is because you are descendant of the old serpent, and you become arrogant and doing blasphemy. Read the book of Deuteronomy chapter 13.

optical brain surgery by your Father in Heaven

descendant of God, that is human being, only if you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. John 3:16.

-do your repentance,

- take care needy people

- bring justice

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Thank you thank you thank you thank you Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. That is the message: be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Me will come again very very soon. You must repent and stop doing all your sins, and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Otherwise you will not make fruits at all in your life. This article is written by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow you to read this article in order you can repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and you can repent properly. Me allow My messenger to type this article, in order you know that it is My gift to him to carry My message for you. Do not punish him, he is only My messenger. Find a guide to help you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in this link, and also you can find the book in (login with ‘ visitor’, click at ‘Files’). Print this guide and copy as many as you can, and distribute the copies to as many countries as you can, including Asian countries, such as China and Vietnam. Pray and ask to God first before you select a language for your country. This guide has been translated into more than 30 language, and then it is translated to become a book contain eleven chapter and one chapter, each include four to six language. That is what you can call as Twelve Gates, please read Isaiah 45:22-25. Please tweet this message and distribute it to all your friends quickly. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already love you.


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by Jesus Christ

r. List of name word which will have an effect of automatic capital first letter in ms

office word

Some people notice that there are a number of people who are so narcisstic that they always demand other people to worship their name, and they want their name to be a big name, and that is why: if you type their name word in ms office word, then you will find an automatic effect of changing their name to become a capital first letter, even if you type their name as all small letter. And you do not find that effect if you type a number of Christian people especially all Gospel writer in all small letter, that is: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Jesus Christ, except for the name word: Christ. But do not type your name and then if you do not find your name to not obtain such an capitalizing effect then you will boast yourself, that is even more gigantic megalomaniac narcisstic syndrome if you put such an argument in public, because if you still alive, then they will not put your name to get such an effect, except you are really really really really really involved in the process of type the list of megalomaniac person who always want other people to worship them.

That is the principle: do not worship other than God only, read again and again and again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5.

The following is the name word which you should avoid to type in large first letter, and you should destroy and burn all their book and statue, including all their book in university and city library, and do not follow all ideology and –ism based on their name word. And do not worship a book writer or novel writer either.


charles darwin,







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arnold toynbee,


herbert marcuse,



alvin toffler,






samuel huntington,




gandhi .

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ

Endnote: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.


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by Jesus Christ

s. My last warning

Some people do not know the meaning of taking mammon properly from its partner. It always say that it need mammon for buying new warehouse, and then it end up using that mammon only to rent a house and then it want to punish other people to buy that warehouse, exactly to dump only a number of military weapon, that is because it is so ambitious and so arrogant and it want to take over a number of government quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly this week completely. But you should know that your Father in Heaven do not approve at all so many evil work that it plan in order it can tumble a number of government and then it can claim that it do that in the name of evangelization.

Don’t you know that it also make a number of alliance and secret agreement with a number of anti-Christ leader in a number of big country, and that is a big country which always think that they are the world policeman. Don’t you know that using such a title is very very very very very arrogant and actually that is a blasphemy. And that is blasphemy because that big country have a number of separated division of military administration which are so complicated and they are located in a building which is built sometime ago in order they can worship blasphomet, and that word is actually the root word for blasphemy. And don’t you know that such a building is literally speaking full of nazi eschelon which were transmitted to that big country under a secret project called operation paperclip. For you to know that: the name of that building is penta--- building. Sometime ago that building were reported to be attacked by a plane, but actually there is no photo of airplane at all nearby that location of ruining wing of building, and that is because: that building is destroyed by a number of nazi eschelon who want to create a fake story in order a number of paramilitary soldier can be activated by fema.(a)

And that paramilitary soldier is now activated again, exactly after the present leader in that country already take so much mammon from all citizen in that country, and today that cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel government want to destroy all Christian Church building. And that is how you can destroy that plan to destroy all citizen in that country: throw away all tavistock institute officer, all taconic capital advisor, all rockefeller foundation scholar, and all zbigniew brzezinski scholar, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. read again and again and again and again and again the book of Ezekiel 22:25-29.

And don’t you know that no one think like you do, that is to do very very very very very large amount of cruelty work to a large number of Christian people and then you call that as evangelization in order they repent and do their repentance properly. Don’t you know that that is very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel? And that is why: do your

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best to not do anything to stand against Me, Jesus Christ, and that is because if you terminate a number of Christian people including those who live in a gulf near a metropolitan city in a big big big big big country that is situated in asian country, and that is because those people do evangelism properly in order some people repent and return to church, and then you blame other people in your family for doing that, and that is the meaning of very very very very very cruel work.

Don’t you know that if you do not work properly for the Kingdom of Heaven, and then you will be punished severely severely severely severely severely in eternity. And that is how you should know that some of your work do not meet at all what is your Father’s Will in your life. And that is why: be hurry be hurry be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

That is why: to all of you who do not repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today, and do your repentance properly, all of you will be burned in eternity.

That is My last warning.


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(a) Quote: ‘mandatory paramilitary youth program which he dubs, the ameri corps. In this program, … demand that American youth from ages 14 to 24 “serve” the needs of “defending America” as an adjunct to the US military…' source:

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by Jesus Christ t. On plausibility to observe anisotropic hubble constant in carmeli metric

Some people think that no one can improve the hubble constant in order to represent better the cosmic expansion. Actually an appropriate metric have been discovered and presented a number of year ago by moshe Carmeli which can be summarized as follow:[2]

.)( 222222 dvdzdydxds (1)

And if one consider that solar system and also the universe expanding at almost constant rate, then one can rewrite equation (1) above as described as follows, with tau parameter is inverse of Hubble constant, H:

,1 22

222222222 dvH



Where tau parameter have been discovered to be 12.486 Gyr. [2]

Don’t you know that a number of interesting phenomena including Tully-Fisher law can be derived from this metric, and that is effectively removing the dark matter completely from a cosmology model. And another implication is an explanation of expanding earth as suggested by Wegener sometime ago, but there is no metric which can predict the amount of earth expansion, except by this metric, which have been reinterpreted by My messenger sometime ago, after he read Carmeli metric for two week only, and then he also read another paper by trifonov on quaternion group, and then My messenger put forth a conjecture that is there are deep link between flrw metric derived from quaternion group with Carmeli metric, and the result is an explanation of expanding earth phenomena.

That is a sign of pure genius, and you should notice that the most important thing for scientist is to explain thing in such a way which meet criteria and then that theory should be approved by your Father in Heaven. And after some time, that paper have been submitted to be presented at iccnam conference in 2008, but alas there is no support at all, because everybody is being persecuted because of stupid America economic policy have been exercised, and that is by the fourth reicht administration who want that all other people die sooner, except those who succumb to fourth reicht and worship the beast. But you should know that this problem have been addressed properly in other book written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.

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In order you to know that there is other quite counter-argument which say that the earth expand by amount of: [4]

,/0137.0 yearmeterdt

da (3)

Which can be compared with prediction based on Carmeli metric, and that is as follows:[3]

./00167.0 yearmeterrearth (4)

You should know that the problem with axion loss explanation is that the model do not correspond to reality, that is because there is no link of earth expansion to Hubble constant, and that is why: noerdlinger’s method can be disregarded as theoretically unsound.[4]

Don’t you know that if you do not provide theoretical explanation to a number of phenomena, then the meaning is that you do not learn properly in science, even if you already teach that subject for numerous decade in your life, then you actually do no develop in meaningful way, except you develop jealousy to those who want to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Don’t you realize that if you learn learn learn and learn learn only but you develop jealousy to those people who really really really discover something in their life, and then you want to terminate those people who repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, then the meaning is that: you are an anti-Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 23:5-12.

And in order you to know that there are other implication of extending carmeli metric to quaternionic metric, which some people call as matrix-valued metric (see for example borchenius, or a name sound like that, because My messenger do not read that paper before he submit a paper on quaternion space to solve pioneer anomaly, but that is another paper). The implication is that a metric can be found based on simple metric consist of dr and dt only:

,)()( 22222 dticdrdtcdrds (5)

Then quaternion root of the distance ds can be expressed as follows:

,).( kkk qdticdxds (6)

Which is a proper metric that already include rotation, and that is why: if one would like to introduce Carmeli metric into equation (6), then the method should not use Bianchi type I metric [5], but one should introduce exactly similar to equation (6), but which additional component that is Carmeli metric, and the result is also a six-dimensional metric as follows:

,).( zyxkkk dvkdvjdvidzkdyjdxiqdvdxds (7)

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Which now you find that the six dimensional component already include dv for each direction (x,y,z). don’t you know that one can expect to observe that anisotropic Hubble parameter, as described as follows:


















And that is the answer for a number of professor in cosmology theory who want to know the meaning of anisotropy Hubble expansion.

For your information, there are a number of method which already consider anisotropic Hubble parameter, but they expand the dx,dy,dz instead of using Carmeli metric, and that is why their metric become so complicated[5], but for your convenience the summary of their method is presented as follows:

,3 ABCV (9)







So now you see that such an extension of Hubble parameter using Bianchi type I metric is utterly meaningless, and cannot be verified with experimental observation whatsoever. See also ref. [6] for other exercise to describe anisotropy inflation model, but you should not worship john d. Barrow either.

That is the article for you today. love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article included here is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.


[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how you can describe properly globalization and wavefunction. Unpublished thesis because time is not available anymore to do so many thing except to glorify your Father in Heaven. The file can be obtained in

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[2] Moshe Carmeli, John G. Hartnett, and F. Oliveira (2005), ‘the cosmic time in terms of the redshift,’ arXiv:gr-qc/0506079

[3] V. Christianto (there is another professor but it do not contribute at all to development of Carmeli metric in this paper, you can verify by simply ask it if it know the meaning of Carmeli metric and difference with robertson walker metric)(2008), kaluza klein Carmeli metric in quaternion-Clifford space, and some observable. Progress in physics vol. 2, april 2008. url:

[4] peter d. noerdlinger (2008), solar mass loss, the astronomical unit and the scale of the solar system, arXiv:astro-ph/0801.3807.

[5] r.k. tiwari, et al.(2009), ‘a model to explain varying G and with deceleration parameter,’ fizika b vol. 18 no.1, pp.43-54, url:

[6] j.d.Barrow and s. Hervik (2009) simple types of anisotropic inflation, arXiv:gr-qc/0911.3805


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the meaning of velocity cone in Carmeli metric (equation 2):

,222222222 dvdrdvdzdydxds

Where dt component in minkowski metric become dv, and that is in a given point of time t of observation.

velocity cone diagram, as alternative of time cone diagram of minkowski

R = radius (dr)

v= velocity (dv)

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by Jesus Christ u. Time varying effect and the quantization of celestial system

Don’t you know that there are recent paper discussing quantization of planet in the solar system with emphasis on the de Broglie wave interpretation of such bohr-sommerfeld quantization rule which govern quantization of macroscopic planet.

Don’t you know that if you do not want to admit that God create the solar system and the world for human being, in order human being can govern the world, and then you begin to worship the sun and the moon and other planet including mars or venus or saturnus or earth, then the meaning is you do blasphemy and idolatry. And don’t you know that you should worship GOD only. read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5.

And don’t you know that if you do not want to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today and the meaning is you are full of arrogance and too proud of your intellectual power and you never know how stupid you are actually, because fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of proverbs chapter 1. And even if you read all wisdom of solomon, don’t you know how to dress properly like a flower like an orchid, or how to develop a meteorite in the sky? And then why don’t you humble yourself in front of your Father in Heaven. And read again and again and again and again and again the first epistle of Peter chapter 5:6-11.

That is the article for you today, and the following is another chapter from previous article which are intended to make you see that there are time varying effect in the quantization of planet, and that is why all new effort to describe de Broglie wave is now something built anew, but actually already done by Agnese & Festa, Rubcic and rubcic and a number of other people including Nottale.

a. Introduction to wave equation for quantization of planet.[1] b. Time varying gravitation constant and effect of Carmeli metric.[2] And a discussion

on time varying fine structure constant. c. Time varying orbit distance and increasing orbit distance of semi major axis of

planet in solar system.[2] d. Concluding remark.

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According to the so called wave equation for quantization of planet, there are a number of recent approach and that is by scardigli and pankovic et al,(a)(b) but you should know that their method are not a new thing except they introduce de Broglie name, which are intended to disguise and misguide you as if they make a new discovery. Actually the quantization rule of bohr-sommerfeld should be interpreted that there is a quantized fluid medium, and that is exactly vortice signature in superfluidity(d) of interstellar medium with hausdorff dimension that is d~2.0:

vNdxp 2 . (1)

Read again and again and again equation (8) in page 5 in a report written by Uwe Fischer (d), and also a recent paper on vortices by Laurent Nottale. (c)

a. Introduction to wave equation for quantization of planet. See ref. [1] page 4 and 17.

Now We explain quantization of planetary distance from a viewpoint which is called wave mechanics. An astronomer from france that is Nottale work out a plan that is to generalize schrodinger equation based on nelson stochastic mechanics,(c) in order to describe properly a generalized schrodinger equation for hausdorff dimension d=2.

And that is the message: Nottale is able to derive an equation to describe quantization of planetary distance with the following simple equation, that is: (d)


on v

GMnr , (2)

Where r, n, G, M, 0v each represent planetary semimajor orbit distance, quantum number, gravitational constant, mass of the center of planetary system, and a specific velocity for a given planetary system in question (v=144 km/sec for solar system). For a complete list of Nottale publication, see URL:

Don’t you know that the aforementioned equation is already verified by numerous new observation of extrasolar planets, that is that there is good chance to detect and observe a planetary system given an arbitrary mass of the center of planetary system.[1]

That is the message: all of you should think that there is scale symmetry between microCosmos and macroCosmos. Some people also think that there should be scale invariance principle and introducing that principle into general relativity theory is not a simple problem. There are a number of microCosmos approximation of general relativity

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theory, but actually that kind of quantum gravitation is never a complete program. That is because quantum gravitation modeler do not respect at all to God.

In the mean time, scardigli and pankovic want to prove that they can derive third kepler law from force balance relation: (a)(b)






But actually from the simple rule of (1) and from the following relation: [3]

,2ngmvRJ (4)

And from equation (3), then one can directly find that following prediction of quantized orbit distance which is the same with Nottale’s equation (2) as described as follows:


on v

GMnr , (5)

Where g represent gravitational fine structure constant.[3] See also a paper by My messenger where a summary of the proposition of superfluid vortice interpretation of quantization of macroobject are discussed [3].

Actually equation (3) times R/m will lead to the following equation :


RGMv (6)

And to derive third Kepler law, one can replace v with the following definition:

,2TRv (7)

And the result is known as the third Kepler law (that is GMR

T 2


2 4 ), but one should not

think that the equation and procedure to re-derive third Kepler law from equation (3) and (6) were derived for the first time in cited paper (a) or (b).

b. Time varying gravitation constant and effect of Carmeli metric.

One shortcoming of the previous relation is that there is no time variation of either gravitation constant or orbital radius of planet. Actually such an effect can be derived if one

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relate the aforementioned equation (2) with another metric, and that is Carmeli metric.[4] The implication is that there should be increasing orbital radius of each planet from the center of orbital motion, and one can also expect that effect not only in solar system, but also in extra solar planet. And that is why: stop to rederive the bohr sommerfeld rule, and begin to observe time varying orbital radius.

In the following scheme, actually one can consider time varying gravitation constant or time varying mass of the sun, and choose one framework to begin with. The reason is that actually a parameter k=GM which govern solar system just like an elastic Young modulus, and k should increase with time, and one can arrive at similar number if one choose instead of G to vary, that is mass should increase along with increasing radius of both planet and also the sun, and that is how one should put those time varying parameter:

)()( eSunradiusofthfCdtdGM




. (8)

But in this section we would find out a relation for time varying gravitation constant first.

Don’t you know that if you do not do anything in your life including you do not prove something with respect to reality then the meaning is that your career as scientist actually is not fruitful at all. And that is why: the following is an outline how you can make an estimate of time varying gravitational constant in Carmeli metric.[4][5]

First, rewrite the hubble relation as follows:[2][5]


R 1

, (9)

Or: 2






, (10)

And from Nottale-schrodinger equation for quantization of orbital radius, one obtain:[2](c)


on v

GMnr (11)

Now one can define that the rate of change of orbital radius is approximately an increment of the orbital radius at n and subtracted to orbital radius at previous number, n-1, and that is why: you can rewrite the aforementioned equation of quantization of orbital radius as follows:











nnn (12)

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And that is why: now one can divide equation (12) with equation (11), and the result is similarity of rate of change between orbital radius and gravitational constant, as described as follow:










, (13)

And then you will find that the ratio of rate of change of radius and orbital radius is also equivalent with ratio of change of gravitational constant and gravitational constant, which can be written in term of equation (10) as follows:



1 (14)

And according to previous calculation of time varying of metric length scale, the ratio of rate of change of orbital radius of planet in solar system compared with the orbital radius will be equal to a very very very very very small number, as described as follows:


1,//10 10 whereGGmeterdaymeter



And to conclude this article: the measured value of rate of change of gravitational constant, G, is actually another effect of time varying orbital radius and that is the effect of expanding sphere as described properly in Carmeli metric.

And for your convenience: the following is table of measured time varying gravitational constant as presented and summarized by noerdlinger. (e)

Table 1. estimate value of time varying gravitational constant

Writer name Ratio


Further explanation

Jesus Christ (2010) 11010 dayGG


Based on time varying metric scale in carmeli metric [2]

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williams et al. (2004) 1131094 yearxGG

See Noerdlinger (e), p.16

benvenuto et al (2004) 111104 yearxGG

See Noerdlinger (e), p.16

Pitjeva (2005b) 11410)55.2( yearxGG

See Noerdlinger (e), p.16

And with regards to a number of proposition in recent years suggesting that there should be time varying fine structure constant and its plausible effect to fundamental metrology measurement, one can make comparison with the aforementioned estimate of time varying gravitational constant to make an estimate of time varying fine structure constant. You will find that the following calculation is not so convincing but the effect is that you should not worry too much on time varying fine structure constant, because you should be more focus on astrophysical effect such as the following (see also section c as follows), which are based on rubcic and Rubcic [6]:





Where A is a fundamental physics constant [6]. And because A is a fundamental constant, then a varying G will imply a time varying fine structure constant as follows:

),/.101.(2 110 mdaymGAc


or one may define as follows: that to get a balance of time varying gravitation constant in definition (16), then there should also be time varying fine structure constant, as follows:

)./.101.(' 110 mdaym

Another new proposition which can be derived from the above table is that one can expect to observe a new effect that is time varying fine structure constant with similar rate to time varying gravitation constant, G, and also there should be similar effect if one measure a length with a fundamental metrology measurement with the rate, and that is the last equation in this article, as follows:

)/.101.(' 110 mdaym (18)

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Therefore at this point one can find that there should be some effect which can be verified in a fundamental metrology measurement,[7] including:

- time varying length scale : )/.101.(' 110 mdaym ,

- time varying gravitation constant, G, - time varying fine structure constant, - time varying wavelength, for instance if length measurement is based on

measurement of a light ray at 650nm then there should be some effect corresponding to time varying length scale as mentioned above.

c. Time varying orbit distance and increasing orbit distance of semi major axis of

planet in solar system.

Some people do not think at all that our solar system is expanding, even they already read what Me, Jesus Christ, write sometime ago concerning expanding earth model based on carmeli metric. Some of them are not convinced yet because they do not find observation concerning expansion of metric scale as Me, Jesus Christ, suggest to observe, and that is a consequence of carmeli metric, because as you know the carmeli metric is nothing but an expanding euclidean space, and that would mean a sphere inside a carmeli space would experience ever expansion at constant rate that is inverse of square of hubble constant, which can be expressed as a metric as described as follows:


222222222 .1. dvH

dzdydxdvdzdydxds n

, where H, alpha, and n

represent hubble constant, alpha=n=1 for carmeli metric.[4] Actually one can find possible very very very very very slight correction to the original carmeli metric that is by setting alpha=n=not constant, but that is forbidden for human. For you to know that carmeli metric can be derived from hubble relation only, and that is: vHx 1

0 .[4]

A number of further implication to be observed:

(a) Expansion of the earth can be derived as implication of carmeli metric, at the order of a constant rate of 0.166 cm/year. See reference [5].

(b) Given we accept approximate radius of earth to be around 6367.5 km, or around 6.3675 x 106 meter, and that is why: elongation of metric scale can be estimated to

be around: myearmxmcymxmeter

cymeter /.10607.2/.102607.06367500

/166.0 11017 . And

that is approximately what you should find in a metrology device in order you find the effect of hubble expansion to SI metric length scale. Actually there is a number of

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time varying fundamental constant which are being constantly reviewed by a number of theoretical cosmology physicist, including professor v. ivashchuk and also professor melnikov from russian gravitation society, but they do not consider before the effect of hubble expansion rate to the definition of time varying metric scale, because the effect is that each time you measure an object, and then the next day the object will be registered at different metric length, and that is a confusing definition if you are a serious mathematician or a metrologist, because you should put a slight correction to your observation according to hubble expansion rate:

)/.10007.01.()/.10607.21.(' 110110 mdaymxmyearmx , provided you assume that the length of day is constant and a year consist of 365day, but that is only a rough estimate based on calculation of expanding earth radius. The actual prediction for time varying metric scale of SI unit may be slightly different, but you can begin with that estimate to begin with your metrology device and measurement. For your convenience, you can begin to measure daily variation of your metric scale metrology device, but use only the following number for your convenience: that is by remembering that the number of 1/137 is often associated with fine structure constant, but whether the aforementioned time varying metric scale can be associated with time varying fine structure constant, that is another question for theoretical cosmology physicist such as professor vladimir ivashchuk, and that is the estimate that you can use to begin with observation:


101.(' 110110


, where in meter SI unit, but

you should notice that in the aforementioned number the inclusion of fine structure constant is merely to make you a bit more convenient with that number, and not a suggestion for you to find such a theoretical link to quantum electrodynamics.

(c) Don’t you know that actually there is a report that there is actual replacement of metrology measurement device in sevre, paris, in the end of December 2008, exactly because in that measurement they find a number of confusing discrepancy, and they think that discrepancy is caused by a number of negligible error including calibration mistake, actually that is not of calibration or measurement error, but because of there is a constant hubble expansion which constantly affect the device and also the metric scale. But alas, My messenger do not find yet exact piece of news where the replacement is announced in the end of December 2008, and that is also because there is an order by a professor who do not want some people recognize that there is replacement in SI metric device in sevre,paris, because otherwise all the world will be shattered completely, because the metric scale itself is now changing. Don’t you know that that is actually what you should find out, even if there is no reply at all after My messenger send a number of email to a number of metrology specialist, because they do not know the exact number to look for. But now you find

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an estimate of the order of the expansion of the metric scale which can be measured in laboratory of fundamental metrology, provided you are determined enough to register discrepancy between measurement day by day. Actually, that is the meaning of measurement: you should not do filtration of data, or burn your log file only because there is an order by some people who already succumb to darkness, and you can always find out your previous record, what is the reason to do replacement of your metrology measurement device in sevre, near paris. But if you really really do not admit because you do not want some people to know the truth, all of you actually already commit to work with the darkness, and you are not doing your work as a scientist at all.

(d) For your convenience, calculated estimate based on the above correction based on the aforementioned proposition in (b) are presented herein in table no.2:

Table 2. estimated change of orbital radii for inner planet and jovian planet semi-majox axis, based on calculation in ms excel file, based on carmeli metric’s expansion rate for earth. See point (b) and (c). the calculation was based on definition of au unit in noerdlinger’s paper(e), p. 11, that is: 1 au= 149,597,870,680 +/- 30 meter (newhall et al 1983). Don’t you know that noerdlinger make false assumption that the expansion of solar system is caused by solar mass loss? And that is why: the previous version of this table is improperly presented, and now My messenger have some time to present estimate based on carmeli metric, and that is using 1 formula only: that is to calculate expansion rate using a candle measure that is rate of change of earth radius above: 0.007x10^-10 m/day/meter. Some of you do not like that calculation because of that measurement of change will cause some people to not be able to sleep because they feel they are haunted by that number, actually you can feel better if you think that your house and your window and your car and your computer increase slightly each day, but do not measure that parameter in your house, only if you work in metrology lab you can do that. And do not tell to your manager that he or she is being a bit taller and weighy, that is not a good recipe if you are an employee.

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Name of planet orbit radius in meter x 10^11 (and also in au



Estimated change of orbit radius

based on carmeli metric, in

meterx10^-6 (each second)


Estimated change of orbit radius

based on carmeli metric (in meter,

per year )


Mercury 0.579 (0.387) 0.48 15.09

Venus 1.095 (0.732) 0.91 28.55

Earth 1.496 (1.00) 1.24 39.00

Mars 2.274 (1.52) 1.88 59.28

Hungarias 3.140 (2.099) 2.60 81.86

Asteroid 4.039 (2.7) 3.34 105.30

Camilla 4.712 (3.15) 3.90 122.85

Jupiter 7.783 (5.203) 6.43 202.92

Saturn 14.270 (9.539) 11.80 372.02

Uranus 28.708 (19.19) 23.73 748.41

Neptune 45.029 (30.1) 37.22 1173.90

Pluto 59.091 (39.5) 48.85 1540.51

2005FY9 (f) 77.79 (52.0) 64.31 2028.01

Table 2. estimated change of orbital radii for inner planet and jovian planet

(e) monitor their increasing semimajor axis of their orbital radius by using hubble telescope even if you use that hubble telescope without permission properly from your Father in Heaven. Don’t you know that if you measure properly the period of the first planet and that is mercury, and that is 88day,(b) and you measure in the next year then the period will be slightly different with difference as small as: 0.00198 second in the next cycle. And the number is calculated with the same formula as mentioned above, and that is to measure effect of radius expansion, and

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to calculate the difference in period of rotation given the above radius expansion. And you should know that that is period of rotation, not period of revolution.

d. Concluding remark.

The aforementioned theoretical prediction of semimajor axis based on quantization rule of superfluid vortice medium represent a theory which is capable to explain a large number of physical phenomena with a minimal adjustment parameter and with less anthropic principle and also without invoking too many variable just like cosmology parameter or dark matter, that is not science. Other approach which have been presented thus far based on general relativity invoke anthropic principle because they do not know how to calculate properly semimajor radius of planetary orbit, and that is the meaning of: circular logic.

For you to know that the following quantization rule (1) and also the orbital radii formula (2) have been established for a number of several year, and that is more than a decade,(c) and in order that science can progress further, one should observe not only the meaning of de Broglie wave length, but continue with the meaning of time varying orbital radius, after one invoke a number of new discovery based on Carmeli metric as described in the preceding section. [4][5].

In order to enable you make quick comparison between these methods, find the following table 3: comparison among different method concerning quantization of planet orbit

Description Nottale(c) Christianto (d)[3][5] scardigli/pankovic(a) Basic equation Generalized

schrodinger eq. vNdxp 2. 2




Third Kepler law GMR

T 2


2 4



2 4



2 4

Quantized orbital 2


on v

GMnr 22

on v

GMnr mvRJ

Time varying radius

No )/.101.(' 110 mdaym no

Extra solar planet observation

agree with obser. Nottale’s quantized orbit distance formula can be used.


Planetoid beyond pluto (ub313 etc)

- agree with observation [3] -

Expanding earth observation

- agree with observation [5] -

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Another new proposition which can be derived from the above table is that one can expect to observe a new effect that is time varying fine structure constant with similar rate to time varying gravitation constant, G, and also there should be similar effect if one measure a wavelength with a fundamental metrology measurement [6][7]with the rate as follows:

),/.101.(' 110 mdaym

From the aforementioned table 3, you can quickly find out that the scardigli/pankovic’s method do not speak at all concerning time varying of semimajor axis that is in quantization of planet orbit distance, the solar system in their de Broglie wavelength do not describe at all, nor they want to predict anything related to numerous extra solar planet which Laurent Nottale already discover a few year ago. Those people also do not want to speak anything concerning possibility to observe a number of planetoid beyond Pluto or kuiper belt orbit, see for example (f).

That is the article for you today.

Note: the article here is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.

Love, Jesus Christ.


[1] Jesus Christ (2010) scientific works. Unpublished Thesis because time is not enough for doing anymore work, except to glorify your Father’s name, and that is exactly the meaning of theory and thesis: you should respect and humble yourself in front of Theos. The file is available in

[2]Jesus Christ (2010) globalization and wavefunction. Unpublished Thesis because time is not enough for doing anymore work, except to glorify your Father’s name, and that is exactly the meaning of theory and thesis: you should respect and humble yourself in front of Theos. The file is available in

[3] V. Christianto, on the origin of macroquantization in celestial system. Annales de la foundation Louis de Broglie, vol. 31 no.3 (2006).

[4] m. carmeli, j.g. hartnet and f.j.oliveira (2005), cosmic time from redshift. arXiv:grqc/ 0506079

[5] V.Christianto (2008) Kaluza-klein-carmeli metric in quaternion-Clifford space and some observable. Progress in physics, april 2008, also submitted to iccnam 2008. Ask to

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professor Wolfgang Sproessig for a proof that the file is already handled properly by editor of iccnam 2008.

[6] rubcic, Antun, and jasna Rubcic (1998), the quantization of the solar-like gravitational systems, in Fizika B medio 1998, also in the book: quantization in astrophysics, brownian motion and supersymmetry, tamil nadu (2007), page 9-11

[7] Ignatiev, A. Yu, and b.j. Carson (2005), evolving fundamental constant and metrology. arXiv:hep-ph/0509255


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(a) f.scardigli (2005), a quantum like description of the planetary systems, arXiv:gr-qc/0507046

(b) v. pankovic et al.(2009), a deBroglie wave in the planetary systems, arXiv: physics/0903.1729

(c) Laurent Nottale (2009), quantum like gravity wave and vortice in classical fluid, arXiv: physics/0901.1270. For a complete list of Nottale publication, see URL:

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(d) Uwe Fischer (1999), motion of quantized vortices as elementary objects, arXiv:cond-mat/9907457.

(e) peter d. noerdlinger (2008) solar mass loss, the astronomical unit, and the scale of the solar system. arXiv:astro-ph/0801.3807 . My messenger do not follow his argument of solar mass loss, neither he agree with the writer of that paper’s proposition, but at least he share a similar proposition that there is time varying effect to both earth diameter and also planetary orbital radii’s semi major axis. The reader can find that carmeli metric is very very very very very profound, not only because of such a prediction of expanding earth, but also because your Father in Heaven approve moshe carmeli metric as a true description for cosmology.

(f) michael e. brown, et al., direct measurement of the size of 2003 UB 31 from the hubble space telescope. arXiv:astro-ph/0604245 (2006)

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by Jesus Christ v. What you can learn in theoretical physics department

list of problem in theoretical physics and also theoretical economics and econometric

(a) what you can and supposed to learn in theoretical physics department:

a.1. there is no spin in Maxwell equations

a.2. there is inconsistence between quantum picture and classical picture of electron

a.3. there is inconsistence of definition of wave equation between Helmholtz and Klein-Gordon equation, meanwhile they indicate that quantum wave equation can be interpreted using classical electromagnetic wave as guiding principle (see Gersten 1999, Christianto 2009.)

a.4. hint: poisson bracket in classical mechanics is actually the same with commutator relation in quantum mechanics,[3] but you will admit that only in classroom, and that is why so many student are so confused because often they do not see the impact of such correlation and correspondence.

a.5. there is no direct observation of quark, and actually fractional charge in QCD is nothing more than false interpretation of charge in close-packed crystal structure.

a.6. unified theory is impossible to be reached by general relativity theory, only possible if you think hard, repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, then you should work in group theory, especially in quaternion group.

a.7. gravitation can be summarized which is able to represent properly Pioneer spacecraft anomaly, which otherwise cannot be explained with general relativity theory, and dark matter cannot be described with general relativity theory.

a.8. there is simple metric which can be derived from quaternion group, and then you can derive both tully fisher law (as a much better alternative than using numerous acronym such as cold dark matter and so forth, in order to explain your idiosyncratic presupposition that there is ninety nine percent of matter that is

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missing in your calculation paper), and also that metric can be used as guiding principle to predict the expanding earth effect: that metric is called Carmeli metric.[4]

a.9. there is another guiding principle which prevent one to introduce so many cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel absurd circular logic called anthropic principle to determine the planetary distance, and that is: quantization of planetary distance. And that is the meaning: the planetary is put such that only one planet occupy one orbital distance, just as what bohr were inspired to conceive his own model of atomic orbital quantization principle. And that quantization of planetary distance mean that there is God that create the sun and all the planet in the beginning. And the principle can be written in one line only, and that is actually a general principle which some people dream to write in a whiteboard:



vGMnrn (1)

where r, n, v, G,M, are quantized distance of a planet in question given the solar mass M, and quantum number, specific velocity, gravitational constant and solar-like mass in the center of gravitation orbit, respectively. See another book which discuss more in detail updated information on that issue: quantization in astrophysics, brownian motion and supersymmetry (tamil nadu, 2007).

(b) what you learn in theoretical economics (but that is exactly some principle: what you will not learn in harvard or berkeley):

b.1. there is no such thing as marginal utility, because all utility have no value. [2]

b.2. there is no such thing as the law of diminishing utility, because there is only a principle a law of diminishing perceived value;[2]

b.3. there is no such universal meaning of increasing value exponentially caused by interest rate which increase each year: FV= PV*(1 + i)^n, because actually one shall take into consideration that real problem is inflation rate which make your future value of your saving will decrease if you put that with large inflation rate, that is why the actual interest rate shall be written as effective interest rate: i* = effective interest rate = i - inflation rate. [2]

b.4. then the proper formula shall be as described as follows: [2]

FV= PV*(1 + i*)^n = PV*(1 + i - inflation rate)^n. (2)

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b.5. and that is why: you should not rely yourself on your saving in a favorite banking. and you should focus yourself on doing so many work for the Kingdom of Heaven.

b.6. some people do not admit the aforementioned problem especially the problem in theoretical physics because basically they only worship their intellectual power and they also worry about sanction and respect by other fellow scientist, actually you should worry about your faith which disappear completely if you only worship your calculation, or else if you are afraid of human perception or you worry about your position only. read again and again and again and again and again the book of the Gospel Matthew chapter 10.:28-33. ‘but whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in Heaven.’

b.7. and that is why: do not worry of your academic career or about your teaching reputation, you should describe properly what is missing in your theoretical department: exactly because you exclude Theos in your theory and then your theoretical department become heretical department. Actually you should admit and fear of God only, and you should know that fear of God is beginning of knowledge. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of proverbs chapter 1.

b.8. there is no such thing as behaviorism economics, and that is why: all people who worship darwinism and behaviorism actually only worship natural selection and animal in their life. And that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then terminate so many behaviorism and darwinism teacher in all your economics department, especially those who worship larry summers and charles dawkins, and charles darwin.[1](a) And you should do your best to admit your error especially if you already do so many mistake in the past, including you write a paper which support darwinism or you are actively involved in the so called social darwinism in your department,[1] and you want all other people to fight each other until they are extinct, you should know that unless you repent and receive Me, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today, then you will also be punished. (a)

b.9. you should not participate and you should not support darwinism, or social darwinism,[1] or chaos theory, or other stupid and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel theory invented and promoted by tavistock scholar, otherwise you will not appreciate at all what Me teach you to do, and you will not read the Bible at all. (b)


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[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism ruin America and all the world. Thesis submitted to Asian Theological Seminary, but they do not want to reply exactly because the electronic message and also the thesis is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. But the thesis is available online in

[2] Jesus Christ (2010) Logos, Memra, and other letter for economist. Unpublished thesis because time is not enough for doing anything except to work as many as possible for the Kingdom of Heaven. The thesis is available online in

[3] V.Christianto (2009) a derivation of Maxwell equations in quaternion space. Submitted to Nature and accepted in February 2010, and also submitted to iccnam 2009. The file is available online in skydrive (, search for username Victor Christianto.

[4] V.Christianto (2008) Kaluza-klein-carmeli metric in quaternion-Clifford space and some observable. Progress in physics, april 2008, also submitted to iccnam 2008. Ask to professor Wolfgang Sproessig for a proof that the file is already handled properly by editor of iccnam 2008.

written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.

love, Jesus Christ


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(a) list of the twenty nine scholars of russell sage foundation’s behaviorism economics roundtable Anton Chaitkin, london's black ops projects, executive intelligence report, 2009.

Quote: 'Roundtable 29 The russell sage foundation identifies the “behavioral economics roundtable” members as: 1. henry aaron, Brookings Institution 2. george akerlof, University of California, Berkeley 3. linda babcock, Carnegie Mellon University 4. nicholas c. barberis, Yale University 5. marianne bertrand, University of Chicago 6. roland j. m. benabou, Princeton University 7. colin camerer, California Institute of Technology 8. peter diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 9. jon elster, Columbia University 10. ernst fehr, University of Zurich 11. robert h. frank, Cornell University 12. christine jolls, Harvard University 13. daniel kahneman, Princeton University 14. david laibson, Harvard University 15. george loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University 16. brigitte madrian, University of Pennsylvania 17. sendhil mullainathan, Massachusetts Institute Technology 18. edward d. o’donoghue, Cornell University 19. terrance odean, University of California, Berkeley 20. drazen prelec, Massachusetts Institute Technology 21. matthew rabin, University of California Berkeley 22. thomas schelling, University of Maryland 23. eldar shafir, Princeton University 24. robert shiller, Yale University -25. cass sunstein, University of Chicago -26. richard thaler, University of Chicago 27. jean tirole, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse 28. richard zechhauser, Harvard University 29. amos tversky (until his death), Stanford University' source: 54_3615.pdf

(b) tavistock institute. quote: ‘Up to that time, tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in shaping the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in 1913 at wellington house. Previously, wellington house board members rothmere, northcliffe, lippmann.’ source:

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by Jesus Christ w. Why you cannot rely on pure reason alone for your salvation

Some people think that they can rely on pure reason alone and deductive reasoning to comprehend the essence of things in order they can find out a way for their salvation.

Don’t you know that you can find out realistic picture outside yourself within pure reason alone, and that is similar to Einstein critics to russell.(a) Quote: ‘…increasing scepticism concerning every attempt by means of pure thought to learn something about the "objective world...”(a)

And that is why: in some branches of science you find that some people are caught in their own pure reason and deductive reasoning, for instance in philosophy thinking who rely on deductive reasoning in order people wish to arrive at wisdom, but after that you know that there is no answer both for happiness in your life and also there is no answer for your salvation. As godel put that problem in his incompleteness theorem: pure deductive reasoning alone often lead only to circular logic, and that is why: sometime you find that modern economics thinking which is mostly based on pure thought premises such as utilitarianism, fail to describe the objective world properly. And that is why: that is impossible for human to use deductive reasoning and pure thought alone to arrive at the Logos who is the Light from Heaven.

Actually the Logos have become human around two thousand year ago, and that is much more than human teaching or wisdom, because the Logos bring to the world a hope for salvation. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John chapter 1:1-4. And you should know that the Logos who have come to the world but the world do not recognize Him is Me, Jesus Christ, and salvation is for those who believe to Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 3:16. That is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly

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quickly quickly quickly quickly today. don’t you know that Me already come again in Jerusalem, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be hurry to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today in public television and all radio communication channel in your country. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ.


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(a) A. Einstein, remark on bertrand russell’s theory of knowledge, From The Philosophy of bertrand russell, Vol. V of "The Library of Living Philosophers," edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, 1944. Translated from the original German by Paul Arthur Schilpp. Tudor Publishers. url:

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by Jesus Christ x. Why you do not want to return to the Light from Heaven

Some people do not realize that their life is in danger because they always play with so many people who belong to the darkness, including so many ungodly people who rely to so many magic cheap trick in order they can be hired to be cast in a number of movie industry project.

Don’t you know that if you follow people who do thing with the darkness and magic, and then suddenly you yourself will also be intoxicated by their infectious attitude, and that is: they love darkness only, and they hate the Light from Heaven.(read again and again and again and again and again the book of Psalm chapter 1.) And that is why: all people who do not accept Me to come to their life and then in order they can be saved completely, actually they only love the darkness power in their life. And there is no salvation for all people who only love darkness in their life, including they often wear dark clothing almost every day, and they think that is a good lifestyle to wear anything dark as their clothing. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John chapter 3:18-20.

That is the meaning of Gospel of John: because God so love the world that He give His only Begotten Son in order all people who believe to His Son will not perish, but they shall have everlasting life. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John chapter 3:16. Don’t you know that the meaning of that news is very very very very very good, and that is : God send to you His only Begotten Son in order to offer you salvation and reconciliation with God again, and then you will be children of your Father in Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 14:1, and also the second epistle to Thessalonians 5:18-20.

And that is why: to all of you, you should be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to respond to My lending Hand, and give yourself to be saved o generation of viper and sinner, don’t you know that your Father in Heaven really really really really really love you? and why don’t you come back to Him quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today? just return to Him quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

Love, Jesus Christ

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Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ


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by Jesus Christ y. Why you should avoid attend mind-controlling cult ritual

Don’t you know that there are a number of mind-controlling cult ritual in your modern society, exerting psychological manipulation and pressure to exercise you in order you can strictly adhere and follow their ideology.

That is why: you should avoid attend mind-controlling cult ritual and also do not allow yourself to be attracted by numerous gimmick that they make in order you follow them, some of those gimmick include their ideology that they are the only sect or church which represent the truth or essence in religious teaching, and unless you listen to their spiritual leader you will not be saved. That is the message: they represent fake teacher which are often termed as false prophet in the Bible. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.

Those false teacher only want you to be their servant and after that they will do mind-control with specific method including they will isolate you psychologically from your outside society circle, including from your family, and after sometime you will only listen to those fake leader. And that is why: be hurry be hurry to separate yourself from those false prophet, including: jehovah witness,(a) scientology,(b) dianetics, mormonism, skull and bone, prosperity theology preacher, oneness theology of pentecostal movement,(c) and other pseudo-church movement who only want your prosperity to be transmitted to those false prophet.

For you to know that there are criteria whether those false prophet exercise mind-control technique in order you succumb to the darkness power.(d) Those mind control criteria are explained and described properly by lifton sometime ago. Those criteria will be described as follows.

Eight Criteria for Thought Reform(e)

1. Milieu Control. This involves the control of information and communication both within the environment and, ultimately, within the individual, resulting in a significant degree of isolation from society at large.

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2. Mystical Manipulation. There is manipulation of experiences that appear spontaneous but in fact were planned and orchestrated by the group or its leaders in order to demonstrate divine authority or spiritual advancement or some special gift or talent that will then allow the leader to reinterpret events, scripture, and experiences as he or she wishes.

3. Demand for Purity. The world is viewed as black and white and the members are constantly exhorted to conform to the ideology of the group and strive for perfection. The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here.

4. Confession. Sins, as defined by the group, are to be confessed either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group. There is no confidentiality; members' "sins," "attitudes," and "faults" are discussed and exploited by the leaders.

5. Sacred Science. The group's doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesperson for God or for all humanity, is likewise above criticism.

6. Loading the Language. The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. This jargon consists of thought-terminating cliches, which serve to alter members' thought processes to conform to the group's way of thinking.

7. Doctrine over person. Member's personal experiences are subordinated to the sacred science and any contrary experiences must be denied or reinterpreted to fit the ideology of the group.

8. Dispensing of existence. The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious and they must be converted to the group's ideology. If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also. (Lifton, 1989)

Those false prophet will introduce a number of the thought-reform situation in order you can be disguised and then you think that you follow a blessed religious leader. Those thought-reform situation may include isolating you from outside society until you surrender and then you succumb to their psychological pressure. Similar mystical manipulation technique have often been done by Jehovah witness and the watchtower. (a) Another common practice just like in business management consultant is that they often charge you for doing false teaching and exercise ‘auditing’ (that is what some of those pseudo-religious teacher call their service, for example in scientology).(b) Other teaching emphasize that there is always promise for healthy including in psychic healing (Christian science). (f)

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To emphasize that following those false prophet which are wolf in the lamb skin is dangerous for you, the following is description that thought reform can be done at subconscious level, even before you realize that they do such mind control technique to exert pressure in order you succumb to the darkness power. Quote from Robert Jay Lifton:

"The most basic feature of the thought reform environment,…, is the control of human communication. Through this milieu control the totalist environment seeks to establish domain over not only the individual's communication with the outside (all that he sees and hears, reads and writes, experiences, and expresses), but also -- in its penetration of his inner life -- over what we may speak of as his communication with himself." (g)

That is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then return to a true Christian church quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. Those true church abide a standard code of ethics (g), albeit they shall always consult to the ethics according to the Bible.

That is the article for you today.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: This article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ


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(a) Jehovah witness. url: (b) Scientology. quote: ‘Scientology teaches that people are immortal spiritual beings who have forgotten

their true nature. Its method of spiritual rehabilitation is a type of counseling known as auditing, in which practitioners aim to consciously re-experience painful or traumatic events in their past in order to free themselves of their limiting effects. Study materials and auditing courses are made available to members in return for specified donations.’ url:

(c) Oneness theology of Pentecostal movement. url:

(d) Mind control technique. url: (e) Eight criteria of thought reform. url: (f) Christian science is not scientology. Quote: ‘Is Christian Science faith healing? No, if by faith healing

you mean that the result of prayer, good or bad, is the will of God. Nothing in Christian Science theology says it’s God’s will that anyone suffer or be sick, but rather it is God’s will for each individual to have health and life.’ url:

(g) Quote from lifton. url: (h)

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by Jesus Christ

z. Why you should not do magick

Don’t you know that your Father in Heaven really really love you and He always take care of you, that is why: do not worry about anything, don’t worry about anything to eat or what you shall wear. Do you see all fowls in the sky who do not reap and who do not sow, don’t you see that they can always find something to eat and to give to their family? That is because your Father in heaven really really take care of them, and He also take care all of you literally speaking. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 6:24-31.

Don’t you see that all of you is already intoxicated by the old serpent, that is dragon. All it do in its life is intoxicating people, that is why: it will be punished in eternity severely. Read again and again and again and again and again: the book of Revelation 20:1-3. And all of you who do magic, that is because you want to solve your problem but you do not have patience and faith to pray to your Father in heaven. And then you also think that you have to do something to solve your problem quickly otherwise you do not know what is going to happen, that is the meaning of worrying. Read again read again read again those text mentioned above for your consolation. And for you to know: worrying and mammon and greed is beginning of all evil work in your life. That is because some of you think that you are blessed less than other people, that is why: they decide to increase either their power, their knowledge, their strength and also their prosperity. Don’t you know that that is forbidden and blasphemy to think that your Father in Heaven really really do not care and do not love you at all. That is how you make magic, that is because you stop love your Father in heaven, and then you begin to listen to other voice: that is the old serpent, and the scornful, and the ungodly, and then you fall you fall you fall you fall you fall and you really really change destination to fall forever.

Some of you do magic with other people, that is sorcerer and wicker, and some of you read book on hypnotism, nlp, anthony robbins, and book of secret, and other books by new age thinkers, and also harry potter books, all of them teach you how to worship something else, that is magick. Don’t you know that british people are literally speaking all of them descendant of the old serpent? That is because all of them do magic and they do not want to repent at all, that is why: do not follow british way of life. Some of them only do whatever they like in their life, and that is why they will drink a full glass of wrath of God. Other people like Sweden people worship satan, that is why: they put another toxic in church that

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is satanic teaching. Don’t you know that they put a pattern of pentagram in some of the church? Don’t you know that germany people fall into other mistake and faults, that is they are addicted to eat so many fruit of knowledge, including so many forbidden knowledge, including doing so many blasphemy, because they think that would increase their ability to absorb more knowledge, that is very very very very very fatal mistake, and that is literally speaking satanic teaching: you should do blasphemy and you will get more knowledge that is forbidden by God. And the old serpent will teach you that that knowledge will set you free and you will be more handsome, more richer, more prosperous, and become equal to God. Don’t you know that that is very very very very very old teaching of the old serpent? Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Genesis chapter 3.

Don’t you know that germany people read so many philosophy books and they also worship philosophy, including schopenhauer, nietzche, zarathustra, and other false teaching, that is how they fall fall fall fall fall and fall forever, unless they repent and do their repentance properly. Other European people like Italy also fall into other type of false teaching, that is duality which is very very very very very satanic, because they read in so many books that there is always duality in each thing in nature, and that is why those people worship duality, and they do opposite things at the same time. Yes some of them are very very very very very intoxicated and doing goodness only in public, and then do the opposite thing that is very very very very very cruel thing in darkness. That is the meaning of split personality disorder, don’t you read a story of doctor jackel and mister hide? That is the meaning of split personality, that is because some of you doing so many blasphemy and then you do not know how you can do otherwise, and then you will be terminated forever.

Other people in india worship old serpent, as you see in so many cartoon on those Indian people who play flute in front of dancing serpent. Don’t you see that is blasphemy to play flute in order the old serpent will dance? All Indian people are so intoxicated by the old serpent, and that is why they will be punished forever because all of them do horrible mistake and sins in public affair, that is hypnotism, magick, and blasphemy and you call them teaching of shiva, or buddha, or brahma. Don’t you know that all of them are only statue and gods, and don’t you know that you should worship and love God only. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5, and read also the book of Isaiah 44:12-20. That is why: be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly and wholeheartedly. Don’t you know that time is not enough for doing anything, except to do so many many many many many work for the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why: throw away all magic books, all buddhism books, all nepal teacher’s books, all shiva books, all brahmanism books, all philosophy books, and all harry potter books, all wickery books, all baba books, all gandhi books, throw all of them including baba and its family and also j.k. rowling into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now!

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Don’t you know that all indian people is very very very very very intoxicated by those false teachers for so many centuries? That is why all of you already become descendant of the old serpent, literally speaking. And this is a simple experiment in order you are sure that all of them require you to worship those false teachers and then you will hate God: type in MS Office Word the following word: schopenhauer, zarathustra, brahmanism, buddha, gandhi, and type them with small first letter, and you will find automatically changing of first letter of these word. And then some prosperity theology preachers will argue that those effect happen because you type name word to MS office word, now prove that they are wrong and type again for different name, that is Gospel writer, as follows: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and also type Jesus Christ. Put all those names with all small first letter, and then you will find no effect of automatically changing of first letter of those word, except for Christ. That is how they are very very very very very cruel, they want all people to worship schopenhauer, zarathustra, brahmanism, buddha, gandhi and other false teachers. Throw away all people that is all false teachers who teach false teaching and do not love and worship God only. Don’t you know that all those false teachers are very very very very very cruel: they do not know the meaning of repentance, and they tell you to worship yourself, and they tell you that you can reach nirvana by your own good deeds, and they tell you to do suffering suffering suffering suffering suffering until you die? Don’t you know that if you follow those false teachers you will be very very very very very intoxicated, and you will be very very very very very stupid and idiot, that is punishment and curse to all people who do magic and sorcery without properly repentance. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 44:12-20.

Don’t you know that a large number of European people are already intoxicated by so many Indian teacher which they call as maharishi? Throw away all maharishi false prophet from your community, all of you only teach you to do blasphemy more and more by teaching yoga, kundalini, prana and other false teaching. Throw away all books which teach prana, yoga, kundalini, and other books by maharishi teachers, and other hypnotism and mind trick books, all of them are forbidden. Throw away all of those books which false teaching as if there is answer from india and eastern way. All of them are false prophets and they want you to fall fall fall fall fall and you will be descendant of the old serpent and you will fall forever, and you will drink a full glass of wrath of God. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Jeremiah 21 and 22.

That is the message: do not do magic at all, do not do wickery and sorcery, do not do mind trick, and do not curse people with mojo or other things that you obtain from doing blasphemy and magic. All of them are forbidden and you will be cursed forever by God. Read again and again and again and again and again The book of Exodus 25. That is the message: do not do magic at all, do not worship serpent, do not worship shiva, do not worship brahma, do not worship buddha, do not do things with mojo, and do not drink

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human blood in order you will get more strength and then you can be more cruel, all people who do those very very very very verycruel cruel things will be punished severely by your Father in Heaven, that is because you follow and become descendant of the old serpent. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 27:1.

Other people that is himalaya, tibet, nepal, china, are intoxicated by the old dragon. That is the old dragon which hide inside the old lake of naggar (naggar from naga word, and naga in sanskrit mean dragon). That is why: all of you china people worship and build so many statue and dance and tradition based on your cult of dragon. That is full of blasphemy. Don’t you know that that is blasphemy to worship animal, even that is a powerful and very very very very very cruel animal with fire on its mouth. And that is how the character of people who fall to become descendant of the old dragon: all of them has will to terminate so many people, and all of them are very very very very very cruel, and powerful, and very very very very very prosperous. And that is why cult of dragon can attract so many people who want to be rich and richer. That is very very very very very dangerous , and that is why: throw away and burn so many statue and all your tradition symbols which are contaminated by the old dragon. And throw away all people who teach you to worship dragon. Don’t you know that all of you should love God only. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5.

Don’t you know that the old dragon is already given time in order it can do whatever it like for a thousand year? Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 20:1-3. And now its time is over, and it has been terminated by your Father in Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 27:1.

Do not you know that worship an animal will make you become animal? And that is the same: you should not worship dragon and all your tradition and symbols which are related to dragon. Don’t you know that all of you who worship the old dragon will be punished severely in eternity. And don’t you know that some of you are very very very very very intoxicated by the old dragon, that is all of you who do human trafficking, drug trading, slavery, alcohol trading, and martial art and casino and other crime as profession in China, and Shang Hai, and Guang Zhou, and Beijing, and Wuhan, and Beihang, and Hong Kong. All of you will be punished severely in eternity. Other people do worse than them, that is they worship weapon of war, that is sword, that is all people in japan worship bushido way, that is dragon’s way to teach all people in the world to do more and more and more and more and more war and crime. That is because: the old dragon has no heart at all, it only want to teach you all knowledge of darkness, that is magic, blasphemy, and war. All of you japanese people and korean people should repent and stop worship dragon, stop worship war, stop worship your tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky method to do business and dark economy,

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and all of you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and learn to take care people who are needy and very very very very very poor among you. That is how you should do your repentance properly: be compassionate and be merciful. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13.

That is why: be hurry be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Yes all of you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then do your repentance properly, in order you can remove all toxic from your brain and from your heart and from your family, and that is the meaning of repentance. All of you should repent, including all middle east people in iraq, iran, afghanistan, and also saudi arabia and all people who live in persian gulf, and all people who live in ethiopia, nigeria, and all african people, all of you are so intoxicated by magic and sorcerer. Don’t you know that you are too often doing magic and blasphemy, and you worship darkness itself? That is the meaning of the Gospel of John chapter 1. That is why: throw away all your magic trick and hypnotism and all magic thing such as all your mojo and other stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid thing. Throw all of your magic books, all of your hypnotism books, all of your mojo into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

Other people who live in islands in pacific ocean do other type of magic and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel sorcerer: that is people who live in haiti and timbuktu and hawaii and other islands along pacific ocean including Philippines islands. All of them also do magic and hypnotism that is voodoo. Don’t you know that voodoo is the darkness itself? And some of you worship that magic of voodoo? Other people who live in jamaica do other type of magic: you worship magic and lazyness and you also worship bob marley and your reggae music. Don’t you know that you should work out on something in your life: that is how you should repent and do your repentance properly: you should learn to take care people who are needy and very very very very very poor among you. Yes you should not worry about anything, but you should work hard for the Kingdom in Heaven. All of you who do magic and sorcerer should be hurry be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to repent and do your repentance properly and that is the meaning of repentance as a society.

And also all of you who live in tasmania, new zealand, and other islands in southern ocean near arctic, all of you should also repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, because all of you worship plesiosaur in otago museum, and that is why: all of you become and already descendant of the old serpent. And that is why: destroy and ruin otago museum quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today, including plesiosaur fossil inside that museum.

That is how you should repent and do your repentance properly both as a person and as a society. Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. That is why: there is no more time to do anything, except to do your repentance quickly quickly quickly

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quickly quickly and properly, and do your best to speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ. Find a guide to help you and other people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in the following url:

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus Christ.


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by Jesus Christ Appendix A: how Jesus Christ can help all of you, all people with psychological problem

Quote: 'Of the more than 9,300 surveyed, less than 1% had recovered after receiving treatment.' Mental health care: what is the alternative to psychotropic drug.

Don’t you know that numerous people in all edge of the world do not know the meaning of repentance, and that is because they have a big big problem that is they are mentally disordered after a number of traumatic experience in their past. Some of them do not pass their development process according to jean piaget, and some of them do not know that they are so twisted because they are descendant of a dragon family, and other people suffer so many traumatic experience because they live with a number of very very very very very twisted people who always work hard to intoxicate so many people in the world, and they call that as a mission. Actually that is not a mission at all, that is really really really really really only satan’s children that can do that kind of evil work which is so cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel that nobody can conceive to do in their life.

Some of you do not realize how severe is the situation if you do not repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and that is because all of you are actually and literally speaking descendant of the old serpent. Some people think that that word of descendant of the old serpent is only a proverbial remark only, but actually that is what happen to all of you who do not want to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Luke 3:7.

Don’t you know that only if you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then you do your repentance properly including do your fast properly for a number of consecutive day and also pray the our Father in Heaven prayer numerous time a day, and then you will begin to see that there are a number of monster inside your heart, including a serpent who always refuse to be removed from your heart. And that is actually impossible for you to solve that problem, because only if you pray numerous time to your Father in Heaven, and then you will find your serpent will be removed by Me, Jesus Christ.

Those people who do notice that serpent inside in their heart often find themselves full of toxic in order they can be healed properly by Me, Jesus Christ. And that is exactly how you should repent and do your repentance properly as a society.

And some of you want to know the solution to your problem with a number of psychological problem of your daughter or your son, for you to know: your daughter and your son are actually as much clueless about their problem as you are too. And if you bring

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them to a psychiatry clinic, then they are also clueless as you are. And some people who dominate psychiatry world are very very very very very cruel, and that is because they want you to do magic and idolatry and terminate a number of people in order you can be blamed blamed quickly quickly after you terminate some people without knowing what is their plan. In the middle of the day, you will find that the solution of your problem is not psychotropic drug and also not a number theory and not also string theory and not also another new concept in psychiatry such as serotonin imbalance. Don’t you know that such hypothesis of serotonin imbalance, is not only misguiding but also impose further problem into numerous psychiatric patient, and that is why: do your best to not just swallow a number of tablet that your psychiatric doctor give you to drink each day.

Quote: 'Howard Glasser M.A., in his book 101 Reasons to Avoid Ritalin Like the Plague, warns, “[T]he truth is when we tell ourselves or our children that ADHD symptoms are caused by a biochemical imbalance, we are lying, just as doctors and promotional materials have done to us…The reality is that it’s cruel, demoralizing, and unfair to tell a child that something is wrong with his brain that can only be fixed with a drug. From that point on, he will see himself as sick or different, and that will alter his entire self-image—the way in which he values himself and the way in which he relates to the world.” Mental health care: what is alternative to psychotropic drugs.

Quote: 'Alternative ways of helping those suffering from mental disturbance are buried by the marketing hype that “mental illness” is the result of some neurobiological dysfunction or chemical imbalance that can only be corrected with psychotropic drugs. There is no scientific merit to these claims but they support drug sales of more than $27 billion a year in the United States and $80 billion worldwide. Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Joseph Glenmullen, author of Prozac Backlash, says that despite “absence of any verifiable diseases,” psychopharmacology “has not hesitated to construct ‘disease models’ for psychiatric diagnoses. These models are hypothetical suggestions of what might be the underlying physiology—for example, a serotonin imbalance.” Mental health care: what is the alternative to psychotropic drugs.

Don’t you know that those very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel people often ‘hire’ a number of psychiatric patient in order they can do intoxicate more and more until the patient fall and fall and fall and fall in love with that tablet, and then they will find themselves so dependent on a constant supply of such a very very very very very cruel psychotropic tablet and management of psychiatry department.

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Quote: 'Dr. Mark Graff, Chair of Public Affairs of the APA said that this theory was “probably drug industry derived.' Mental health care: what is alternative to psychotropic drugs.

Don’t you know that there are a number of so many intoxicated people who do not know how to escape from their problem and do not know either how to do their life any better, because they often feel headache, or feel like losing the meaning of spatio-temporal location, or vertigo, and that is the meaning: you should not do that cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel practice of psychotherapy that often only do a number of intoxicating more your patient while you make your life out of their sickness. That is very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel and that is not curl.

And do not do that anymore, even if actually you also feel that same clueless, that is because nobody teach you how to do better. And actually you should know that there are an ample of evidence that reveal that there are a number of psychological symptom that can be attributed to physical weakness and sickness or disease, that is exactly what you can call as: psychosomatic symptom. And that is why: do not call any symptom or disorder as having any link to brain injury or chemical imbalance inside the skull of your patient without proper nmr or other relevant non-destructive photography, and do not even try to put another to your patient such as impose a number of xray.

Quote: 'Dr. Thomas Dorman, an internist and fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Canada said, “[P]lease remember that the majority of people suffer from organic disease. Clinicians should first of all remember that emotional stress associated with a chronic illness or a painful condition can alter the patient’s temperament. In my practice I have run across countless people with chronic back pain who were labeled neurotic. A typical statement from these poor patients is ‘I thought I really was going crazy.’” Often, he said, the problem may have been “simply an undiagnosed ligament problem in the back.”' Mental health care: what is the alternative to psychotropic drugs, p.8

Quote: 'Lyme Disease (a serious bacterial infection from a tick bite that attacks the nervous system) can cause symptoms of depression and psychosis.' opcit, p.9

A number of country is so cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel and that is how they often put in a policy practice in their hospital or in their education system, especially for graduate admission: they can ‘hire’ a patient without their notice, and what they do is actually to allow a number of student from developing country or from poor country such as from African country or from asia country, and then they will offer those student a number of month of free scholarship but in return they will put a number of psychiatry experiment to

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those poor student, and then they will find out a number of interesting piece of information. That is including My messenger who do not know that that kind of experiment actually take place, except that a number of doctor took a number of sample test and then put the data into lab observation, and then they will do a number of experiment.

After a while they do not know what else to do with a number of student, including they do not know what to do more with My messenger, and then they decide to punish him to forego and give up his scholarship to complete a post-graduate study. And that is how you know that : do not take that so easy that a number of people do not know how you should repair your psychological problem, but they always pretend and convince you that they know exactly what they do while they intoxicating more your brain with numerous expensive medical treatment to your brain, and often with effect that you become dependent to those medical treatment.

Don’t you know that if you believe to your Father in Heaven, and then you do your best to repent and do repentance properly, and then you pray and ask to your Father to help you, and that is a good solution instead of doing so many medical treatment including so many brain surgery which often end up that they only intoxicate your brain more or they will put you into another mousetrap, but this time that mousetrap is exactly your own brain. And that is why: do your best to not trust too easy so many psychiatric clinic especially if their doctor is affiliated or associated with either tavistock institute or Stanford research or with Berkeley department of psychology.

And that is why: do your best to not do anything in oppose to your Father in Heaven, especially if you are frustrated with your life, because exactly only Him can help you to repair your brain damage.

Some of you realized that this article is not good as a working paper for a psychiatric department presentation, but that is exactly the message: no one of you in psychiatric department who do a proper work for the society or serve for the goodness of your patient, without exception, and especially if you swallow too many time all book who worship darwin, sigmund freud, and numerous other fancy name such as carl jung or lenox lewis or maradona or other name. that is the message: do not worship people because they have fancy name, and do not judge people by their country origin, and do not worship people because they are born in Austria and they already worship mengele and they often play in a movie as the strongest and the fittest animal in the jungle, and the movie title is terminator. And do not judge people by their cover either.

And to all of you student in colleague, do not just swallow all book that your professor put in a whiteboard at the beginning of a semester, and do not put more book to your brain, because your brain do not belong to you at all, because your brain is actually only a gift by your Father in Heaven. And don’t you know that each word that you read is actually a piece

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of information which can be expressed as Shannon information entropy relation, and that is why: if you swallow a thick book full of blasphemy and worship darwin or dawkins or other junkie proponent of evolution theory, and then you end up your life to swallow gasoline if you do not find yourself as the most clever animal in your university. And that is exactly what happen to all student who worship their organization or their university reputation as the most strict university, such as cornell university or Tokyo university or other first rank technology institute such as Caltech or other name. after sometime you find yourself tired with all those ratrace that only human being create in order you fall fall fall fall and fall. And that is why: you will find a high statistics of student committing suicide in japan and also cornell, exactly because you already believe that idea that if you do not exceed all other people in a competition to be the most clever student in your university or in your town, then your life will not be good, and then you will be terminated by your parent. And that is also what happen to all of you who are descendant of the old dragon family, you always think that you should survive longer and that is the name of your life principle, and that is why: you always read a number of cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel animal book or machiavelli book, because you always think that not only you should prove that you are the most fit animal in your environment but you should be the most cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel dragon in your life, and that is how all of you Chinese people and Japanese people: why you always worship those old dragon and also worship the god of war in numerous temple that is scattered around your country? Exactly because that old dragon who teach you numerous technology in order you always fight and terminate each other. And after sometime you find that your language is different and full of hidden anger and you cover your hate with fake smile, and that is why you often cannot smile anymore.

And some of you are so obsessed to become the most clever person in the planet and then you decide to do numerous action in order you can fulfill your dream, including you do dance in the night near cemetery, or you drink coffee every night and then you do not recognize that that coffee is so cheap psychotropic stimulant to your neuron and after sometime you find your brain mentally overheated and that is why you are always upset to your environment, other people are so stupid and then they begin to worship so many god including follow a satanic organization and also worship devil. That is why: be hurry be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all the edge of the world. Don’t you know that your Father in Heaven already know what happen in your life, and that is the answer: that you should not do anything against other Christian people only because you do not know how to do better with your twisted mind. How many time you already drink coffee, and chocolate, and tea and other numerous chemical that poison your brain more and more and more and more, and that is why: do your best to not remain toxic to your society, and just repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

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Don’t you know that that is why: if you do not repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly, and then you should not do properly take care your family and your people surround you, and you do not begin to love each other, and then you will find your life full of emptiness and only full of hate and anger. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John chapter 15.

Alternative solution

Quote: 'More than anything, the person needs rest and security, which they will not find in current psychiatric institutions.' Mental health care: what is the alternative to psychotropic drug.

Do you know that some psychiatric clinic doctor have really really really different eye, and that is their eye is so cold and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel.

Some people say that mentally disordered patient are caused by their brain never get rest. Actually some problem are caused by those patient consume a number of brain triggering stimulant, including: coffee, chocolate, tea in excessive dose, and a number of animal including sheep and cow and other animal. And that is why: do your best to do fast, in accordance with the book of Daniel chapter 1. And do not read anymore while you take sometime to get rest, literally speaking stop reading anything. Read the Bible only and promise to yourself that you will never read no more book, that is the recipe if you want your brain to get rest. You should know that each time you read, then your brain will work hard to transmit information to your hippocampus, and that is what some people call as synaptic transmission. But if you always read or calculate in front of your computer, then after a while your hippocampus will be overheated, and then you will suffer a number of symptom, including a number of serious damage to your brain. And that is why: do your best to read only as minimum as possible, and especially read the Bible only. see the illustration included in the last page of this article. See url as follows: g.lynch and m.baudry, science vol.224, 1984, url:

Do not do anything that may cause harm to you and other people surround you including your family, and do not terminate either your doctor, because they do not know either the solution or cause of your depression or aggression, except those doctor who are affiliated and associated by tavistock institute.

Learn to forgive and learn to pray and say thank to your Father in Heaven, and do your best to not to say too many thing because your mentally disordered brain need time to rest, and do not spoil your life for nothing, and do not spend too many time to read or to work or to see television or movie, just do your fast from tonight at ten p.m. until next afternoon at 12

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a.m., and take a rest and pray our Father in Heaven and then follow guideline that Me, Jesus Christ, give to you above. But do pray and ask for help to your Father in Heaven.

Do not terminate and do not put lawsuit and do not persecute either all psychiatrist in your town either, that is not good move, except you know that they work or support tavistock institute, or they perform cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel behaviorism experiment with their patient in order to mentally destroy their life.

In principle do not do harm to any other people including yourself, and do take care and do love each other. But do not do anything to abuse other people with short period blasphemy that is never be a solution, because you will find that your life become even more miserable.

All of those psychiatrist who advise you to let go your superego and release your libido anywhere are seriously mistaken and terminate them quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly because they have intention to reprogram your society, and that is freud disease, and their toxic is very very very very very lethal and the effect is permanent more than your previous problem.

Don't do anything to ruin other people's life only because you cannot control their life anymore, that is something that you should know:

Your intention to control other people's life is caused by your constant need to be conqueror. And that is after you often feel to be victim of other people, and then you need to release your anger and hate and find someone else to kick. And do not practice kicking-cat management either, that is not good if you are a manager do not monitor and do not buy numerous surveillance technology only to release your motive to control all other people. In principle, all people who always want to control people and always feel the need to give advise without solution, in order you can trap and give false advise and false teaching to other people. All of you are seriously flawed and will be punished severely in eternity.

My messenger do not know your problem, and he do not know the cause of your problem either. Do not put electric shock to him only because he put that word in this article, all of you who are seriously twisted and worship darwin, o generation of viper!

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ


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This article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ


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illustration: how information and reading may affect your brain health

Ω g.lynch and m.baudry, the biochemistry of memory: a new and specifc hypothesis, science

vol.224, 1984, url:

new information will affect a top side of your brain, exactly near the back side of your head, that you often call as: hippocampus. And that is why: do not read more than necessary, and do not swallow more book anymore, except read the Bible properly

reading process

synaptic transmission

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by Jesus Christ Appendix B: how you can do evangelization with social network

Don’t you know that no one do evangelization properly by themselves, and don’t you know that evangelization is actually a fruit of Holy Spirit’s work, but you should do your best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, with all available method. Don’t you know that you should not do numerous time evangelism with one method, just to prove to yourself that a method that you help to create is the best method to reach so many people. One thing that you should begin to acquire and you should put into your plate is: compassionate heart. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13.

Don’t you know that if you do not want to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, at all in your life then you will be punished severely severely in eternity. And don’t you know that you should not do evangelization at all if you mean that only to expose numerous mistake of your brother and your sister, in order all your audience think that you are the most advanced evangelization speaker in the world. Don’t you know that is actually a blasphemy, and you will be burned forever if you continue doing so many blasphemy and worship yourself in your speech.

Don’t you know that if you do not do evangelization properly, then the effect at the end of day is that your fruit cannot sustain all persecution and pressure, and that is why: some of you now already stop doing evangelization, exactly because you do not do your work properly. Don’t you know that if you do not do that quietly but meaningfully, than you do not do evangelization properly.

Some of you do not know the meaning of social network evangelization. Don’t you know that actually you can do evangelization by inviting your colleague and all your friend to attend sermon is a nearby church, but you can also put into a map a number of your friend and you plan to get them participating in numerous activity in the church that you often attend sermon regularly. Don’t you know if you do evangelization properly you should not compare your life with Me, Jesus Christ, and do not quote numerous time without purpose a number of saying by Me, Jesus Christ, or mother Mary who also do blasphemy because some of early disciple have been intoxicated by her and then they put all her saying into a book and then they begin to read that book in regular sermon and they call that book the gospel of mary, and also the gospel of infancy of Jesus Christ. Don’t you know that so many book have been written including nag hammadi text which include the gospel of Thomas, but all book which are not included in the book of Holy Bible, are actually only an apocryphal book, and the meaning is that those book including the gospel of mary and the

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gospel of infancy and also the gospel of Philips and also the gospel of Thomas, should not be read at all unless you are really really really really really determined Christian, and you would like to read other gospel in order to know what happen in Me, Jesus Christ, life prior to appearance in public at around age thirty.

Don’t you know that actually the apocryphal book should not be included at all with the standard Holy Bible, but alas some preacher that is bishop hancock put that apocryphal book again in numerous place in the internet, and at some point My messenger find that book and then he translate into Indonesian language. The meaning of this translation is that there is consensus which were guided by Holy Spirit and that is why: at the end of council of Nicene they read the Nicene creed, which express majority of faith at their point of time. and to all of you who always think that there is conspiracy behind Bible formation, all of you will be punished severely severely severely severely severely in eternity. And that is exactly the conversation of the da vinci code book written by dan brown, they want you to buy the book which contain of hoax literally speaking. And that is why: burn and destroy all da vinci code book quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today and do not spare life of dan brown too.

In order you to know how you can do evangelism by social network, read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John chapter 1:37-51. In order to make the idea somewhat more comprehensible, you should know that you can introduce a number of people to Me, Jesus Christ, and then encourage them to introduce some people more to come to Me, Jesus Christ. And you can do that either using conversation, or cellular phone, or yahoo messenger, or skype, or other communication technology which are available to you, including facebook, twitter, tweetdesk and other method. And that is why some people call that as social media for evangelization. And you should know that most social media technology can make the introducing process less time consuming, but you should work rather quick otherwise other people will do that first. And do not count how many fruit you already make, and do not distribute work by region with your friend either, because you do not know if your friend work as much as you think you do.

The following illustration is given here in order to help you to grasp the idea clearly. And in order to help you introduce your friend to Me, Jesus Christ, you can print and copy from the guide to help you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, which you can download for more than forty language in the following url:

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Figure 1. how you can interpret properly the guide to help you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in order you can make plenty of fruit quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

Figure 2. how you can interpret Gospel of John chapter 1:37-51, as social network. And you should know that all of you actually only servant, and that is why do not take advantage

from all people to whom you speak about Me, Jesus Christ

Love, Jesus Christ





friend2 friend2-1

John the baptizer


Andrew Simon Phillip


Jesus Christ.

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[1] Jesus Christ (2009) articles dictated by Jesus Christ. Thesis submitted to wciu in December 2009, but nobody reply because submission online for phd is prohibited, and the submitted thesis is written by Me, Jesus Christ. The file is eventually accepted in, and you can find a new category and that is spiritualism and religion, even though the category should be revised. The file is also available online in the following url:

[2] "Benedict XVI: New media technologies for evangelization," :h2onews&catid=53:the-pope&Itemid=14

[3] "Church is committed to engaging with The New Media,"


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by Jesus Christ why you should continue research on carmeli metric

Some people never realize the purpose of studying cosmology and the stars, and that is to discover new thing according to a hypothesis. And a hypothesis should be able to describe a number of observed phenomena with only a few assumption. For example you should drop a common hypothesis of a hidden form of matter which you think that they should contribute to more than 95% of substance in the universe. But then you persist on your own assumption concerning Newtonian mechanics governing bodies as large as galaxies, and for keeping that assumption then you think that you are free to create a number of fake story that you call dark matter.

Actually distribution of matter in galaxies such as the spiral galaxy, follow tully-fisher equation, which then that equation can be derived from carmeli metric,(a) and that is why: actually you do not need to introduce a never-seen matter at all for 95% of matter in galaxies. Statistically speaking, all people who think that there should be dark matter actually never read cosmology properly, and that they never want to make things simpler, and that is why: they deny that there is no dark matter, and they do not want to admit that all their models have slight chance of 100%-95% to be true, ~ that is only 5% chance to be a right description of cosmos.

Another proposition which is quite troublesome in general relativity framework is that you should introduce a cosmological constant (usually that parameter is denoted with a lambda) in order you can describe hubble expansion phenomena, but there are a number of problem appear when you introduce again that cosmological constant. Again in carmeli metric, such a problem do not appear because hubble constant is already taken into consideration in carmeli metric in the form of the fourth component.(a) And furthermore a

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number of people can extend further carmeli metric and they can put into a group of quaternion and then they derive carmeli metric as a consequence of that group of quaternion. (b)

An interesting implication from derivation of carmeli metric from a group of quaternion, is that you find out signature of hubble expansion from the smaller scale phenomena, for example: solar system and the earth. That is a new hypothesis in cosmology, although an expanding earth is already considered by a number of geologist in the world, including a. wegener.(c) While a number of geologist may not agree of this hypothesis, one can compare a number of ancient map for instance: waldseemuller map or piri-reis map in order that he/she can be convinced that the continent are changing location continuously.(e)

Another proposition which you can verify with experiment is that : Given we accept approximate radius of earth to be around 6367.5 km, or around 6.3675 x 106 meter, and according to Carmeli metric (b) the earth experience an expanding radius at the order of 0.166 meter/century, then: elongation of metric scale can be estimated to be around:


cymeter /.10607.2/.102607.06367500

/166.0 11017 . And that is approximately

what you should find in a metrology device in order you find the effect of hubble expansion to SI metric length scale. Furthermore, one can also expect time varying wavelength in order one can compare with fundamental metrology measurement. (d)

Implication of the aforementioned expansion of metric each year is that as described as follows: because the effect is that each time you measure an object, and then the next day the object will be registered at different metric length, and that is a confusing definition if you are a serious mathematician or a metrologist, because you should put a slight correction to your observation according to hubble expansion rate:

)/.10007.01.()/.10607.21.(' 110110 mdaymxmyearmx , (1)

provided you assume that the length of day is constant and a year consist of 365day, but that is only a rough estimate based on calculation of expanding earth radius.

And also there should be similar effect if one measure a length with a fundamental metrology measurement with measurement of wavelength,(d) and that is the last equation in this article, as follows:

)/.101.(' 110 mdaym (2)

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From this number obtained by fundamental metrology, then one can calculate one metre from wavelength of orange-red emission line in the electromagnetic spectrum of krypton-86 atom in the vacuum times 1,650,763.73. (d) Then the daily or monthly deviation of that 1 metre measurement can be compared according to equation (1).

And that is the answer for you in order you to know that a number of cosmological problem have been solved by My messenger.[1]

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.


[1] Jesus Christ (2010) scientific works. Unpublished Thesis because time is not enough for doing anymore work, except to glorify your Father’s name, and that is exactly the meaning of theory and thesis: you should respect and humble yourself in front of Theos. The file is available in


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(a) carmeli’s article. url: m. carmeli, j.g. hartnet and f.j.oliveira (2005), cosmic time from redshift. arXiv:gr-qc/0506079 (b) carmeli metric can be derived from a group of quaternion. url: V.Christianto (2008) Kaluza-klein-carmeli metric in quaternion-Clifford space and some observable. Progress in physics, april 2008, also submitted to iccnam 2008. Ask to professor Wolfgang Sproessig for a proof that the file is already handled properly by editor of iccnam 2008.

(c) expanding earth hypothesis and a wegener can be found in this article. url:

(d) indeed the standard meter have been changed several time because of ‘inaccuracy’, which otherwise this effect may be calculated if there is slight effect of time varying of length scale because of carmeli metric. Quote: ‘Although it was later determined that the first prototype metre bar was short by a fifth of a millimetre because of miscalculation of the flattening of the Earth, this length became the standard. The circumference of the Earth through the poles is therefore slightly more than forty million metres. In 1960, the eleventh CGPM defined the metre in the new SI system as equal to 1,650,763.73 wavelengths for the orange-red emission line in the electromagnetic spectrum of the krypton-86 atom in a vacuum. " source:


Figure 1. an expanding earth is proportionally related to expanding cosmos, according to carmeli metric. (b)

In expanding earth theory, the earth expands according to the same Hubble expansion rate. In other word, the solar system is not static in contradiction with the prevalent expanding universe theory.


expanding cosmos

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