By: Ne’lijah McDonel & Alexis Parker. Robert Croak invented the silly bandz. Toledo, Ohio. ...


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SILLY BANDZ By: Ne’lijah McDonel

&Alexis Parker

These are all sorts of Silly Bandz and the form of how they may look like.


Robert Croak invented the silly bandz. Toledo, Ohio. May 13th 2010.

Robert Croak’s Boigraphy

Robert Croak was the inventor of silly bandz and was born in Toledo , Ohio. He was a bar owner and a former concert promoter, but his big invention for the silly bandz went all out. He was nominated for inventor of the year.

How did Robert Croak invent the Silly Bandz.

Here is The Silly Bandz Company make Silly Bandz:

Why is the Silly Bandz interesting and important?

Robert Croak came up with an excellent idea. This was for many children. The children all love these little trinkets, but not just all children where them you can catch teens , adults , or even celebrities wearing Silly Bandz.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Shakira Kardashian

Where can you buy Silly Bandz?

Wal-Mart, Walgreens , CVS , and all other stores.

Positive and Negative effects on Silly Bandz?

Positive: many children buy these and it is good designs. They have some for different type of TV shows.

Negative: Silly Bandz are banned from a lot of school because one they are a distraction, and they can cut your blood pressure. EX. Below

Different kind of shapes of Silly Bandz.

Yes, there are different types of Silly Bandz shapes and sizes. They have

CEO of Silly Bandz

The CEO of Silly Bandz is Robert Croak

Headquarter of Silly Bandz

The headquarters of Silly Bandz is located in Toledo, Ohio.

Silly Bandz website

The name of the Silly Bandz official website is called

Can anybody operate , use , or buy Silly Bandz.

Yes, it is harder to buy the Silly Bandz online that’s why you can find Silly Bandz in stores and every where. Children can buy them, but they should be kept away from children under the age of 3.

How many Silly Bandz are made ,built, or created each day, month or year?

There are over a thousand Silly Bandz made a day. <estimate

$How much does Silly Bandz cost$

Silly Bandz’s price is between $1.50-400.

Interesting information about Silly Bandz

We’ve told you how they are banned right. Well see their banned because distraction , children trading, and how they are hurtful and teachers don’t want to be blamed for a silly Silly Band incident.

Are Silly Bandz still around?

Yes silly Bandz are still around and they has been modified.

Other Questions

Q- How do you think Robert Croak came up with the name Silly Bandz.

It got its name because of its silly shapes that they are made in, and what other name to call them than Silly Bandz.

