BY TREMAYNE. What do worms look like? Well they are pink, slimy, soft and dived into rings called...


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Contents • What do worms look like?• What do worms eat?• Where do worms live?• Worms Enemies • 10 Facts• Photos • Earth Worm• These are some types of different worms• Different types of worms • Bibliography• THE END

What do worms look like?

What do worms look like?

Well they are pink , slimy , soft and dived into rings called segments .

What do worms eat

Worms eat dead leaves, soil, sand, compost {food} or mud as they travel through the tunnel.

What do worms eat

Were do worms live?

o Underground, compost, burrow. o Worms live in the soil to fertilize the

ground.o Worms live in the ground to not get

dried out.o The worms live in the Annelid family. o Worms live every where

Frogs, birds, people, ants, flies even fishes for bait and many more.

Worms Enemies

10 FactsA. Worms are both male and female.B. Worms have up to 1-5 hearts.C. Worms are cold blooded.D. Worms are 80% water.E. There are about 6,000 species of earthworms.F. It takes over 20,000 compost worms to eat or recycle .G. Compost worms are found in every ecosystem and

even the Ocean.H. They can live up to 15 years.I. When you or me walk on the ground the worms think it

is thunder!J. The smallest earthworm in the world is 1cm long

Sea Worms


Earth WormsYou might not know this but earthworms are really important part to the ground ‘s growth.Earthworms waste is called casting.They breath though there skin because they have no lungs. The saddle is were the baby's come fromThey eat rotten plants and animal matter in the soil.Earth worms help the farms with the soil because they loosen up the soil for the crops to grow.

Earth Worm

These are some types of different worms

• Garden Worms• Manure Worms• Red Worms• Gray Worms• Tiger Worms• Dew Worms• Earth Worms

Dew Worm

Tiger Worm Grey Worm

Earth Worm

Garden Worm Manure


Photos of Different types of worms


• Thanks to1. William2. Wikipedia3. Google 4. Ask Kids 5. Mum6. Dad7. Mr Broughton 8. Hamish9. Joseph 10. Google Images 11. Books Mini beast and Worms

