By Yue Zhu (Monica). Most of the inhabitants speak Spanish. And Guatemala in Spanish called


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By Yue Zhu(Monica)

Most of the inhabitants speak Spanish.

And Guatemala in Spanish called

In Central AmericaNear Pacific Ocean

In the gulf of Mexico

Guatemala is …

Guatemala is mountainous and volcanic.

40% of the land cover by forests.

It is continental tropical climate in Guatemala: Hot and humid in lowlands, but it is cooler in highlands.


Legislative Executive Judicial

Guatemala has a presidential representative democratic republic style government system.

This picture is showing us the capital building of Guatemala.

is not only the capital of Guatemala, it is also the largest city in Guatemala.

The music of Guatemala comprises a number of styles and expressions.

Guatemala also has some special instrument.

Such as merimba, it is a traditional instrument in Guatemala, it is similar to xylophone.



A lot of clothing and foods are traditional Mayan style.

Some African culture also influence Guatemala culture.

Most of the inhabitants believe in Roman Catholic.

September 15th Independence Day

It is the Independence Day parade in San Pedro la Laguna

A long long time ago, Guatemala was once the Mayan Empire center.

But after the Mayan civilization disappeared. It became a colony owned by Spain.

The red part was owned by Spain at that time.

September 15th, Guatemala got independence from Spain.

Guatemala emerged from a 36-year civil war, and reestablishing a representative government in 1996 .

Carlos Mérida (famous artist)

He was born in Guatemala City

He studied in the Instituto de Artes y Artesanios, and becamen acquainted with a number of modern artist.

Estampas del Popol Vuh, 1943

Guatemala is very different today from what it was only thirty years ago.

Since the peace from 1996, the population growing to 12 million.