C. Aipperspach SP13MUAP 1162 1262 Voice.doc



Voice Lesson Course Syllabus

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MUAP 1162 and 1262

Candice L. Aipperspach, M.M. Office hours listed on office door Email: caipperspach@southplainscollege.edu or candiceaipperspach@yahoo.com Cell: 8067772185 Course Objective The intent of this course is to develop the singer’s voice to its best potential with a good foundation of vocal basics. Vocal performance as a means of artistic communication is emphasized and will be tailored to the individual student’s goals, whether those goals be vocational or recreational. Course Content A. Proper breathing exercises to assist with breath support and posture B. Vocalization with proper Italian vowels for the development of good vocal line and technique C. At the discretion of the instructor, performance of assigned songs in English and Italian. Vocal majors may also sing in German. Texts/Materials: The student may be asked to purchase music. The student will also have a pencil and other materials requested by the instructor at all lessons.

Recitals: A. Vocal majors are required to perform on at least one student recital a semester

occurring on one Thursday a month. Freshman will perform at the discretion of the instructor

B. Vocal majors are highly encouraged to attend these Thursday recitals even when they are not performing

C. Non-music majors and music majors with non-vocal concentrations will be asked to sing on a student recital at the instructor’s discretion

D. Vocal majors and minors are required to attend and participate in voice studio occurring on one Thursday a month.

E. In the fourth semester of vocal study, voice majors must perform a 20 minute solo recital of material selected by the instructor

Grading: Based on lesson attendance, practice, and lesson preparation: Attendance: 60% Practice/ Preparation of assigned music: 40% A grade will be given after every lesson that will be calculated into this average Preparation for lessons includes coming with assigned sheet music and a pencil to all lessons!

Attendance Policies: 1-2 absences: No penalty 3 absences: one letter grade reduction 4 absences: two letter grade reduction 5 absences: three letter grade reduction 6 absences: automatic “F” Tardies- Lessons are scheduled close to each other. The singer should realize that even the smallest tardy may not only affect them, but everyone else receiving lessons in that same day. 2 tardies equal 1 absence. Being tardy is being more that 2 minutes late. Emergencies- The instructor will work to reschedule lessons due to extreme emergencies. Examples of extreme emergencies include death in the family, major accident, etc. In the case of illness, those are only excused and able to be reassigned with a note from a doctor or the campus infirmary. In all of these cases, please contact the instructor before the lesson by email or text if possible! Failure to contact the instructor before an anticipated absence will result in the absence counting as 2 absences. The use of cellphones and other communicative devices during a lesson is prohibited unless recording one’s lesson. If a student is found using such, an absence will be recorded for the day.

Accompanist: An accompanist will be provided on an as need basis. The purpose of voice lessons is the development of good vocal technique, not necessarily the acquirement of repertoire. If and when repertoire is assigned, an accompanist will be necessary so that the instructor can concentrate on the singer.

If an accompanist is required, the following rules apply:

A. The singer is responsible for copying their music for their accompanist. These copies should be neat and legible.

B. Even if the services of an accompanist are found to be needed, the accompanist will not be required to come every week. Technique will still be the priority and some full lessons may be completely devoted to that.

C. If a student is singing on a Thursday recital or is performing in a solo recital, it is the student’s responsibility to practice at least twice with the assigned recital accompanist. The singer will keep in mind that the accompanist for the recital may not be the same accompanist that comes to lessons. The singer will make sure that the recital accompanist has their music way in advance of the performance.

Diversity Statement: In lessons, the instructor will establish and support an environment that value and nurtures individual and differences and encourages engagement and interaction. Understanding and respecting multiple experiences and perspectives will serve to challenge and stimulate all of us to learn about others, about the larger would and about ourselves. By promoting diversity and intellectual exchange, we will not only mirror society as it is, but also model society as it should and can be.

Disability Statement: Students with disabilities, including but not limited to physical, psychiatric or learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in their lesson should notify the instructor and obtain the proper documentation for the instructor’s records.