C HAPTER 1.3 Interaction among living things. D ISCOVER A CTIVITY PG 24 1. Copy a butterfly on paper...



Q UESTION ABOUT YOUR A CTIVITY Will butterflies that blend into their environments increase or decrease in numbers? INCREASE! Less animals will be able to catch the butterflies.

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C HAPTER 1.3 Interaction among living things D ISCOVER A CTIVITY PG Copy a butterfly on paper following the picture in the book. 2. Find a place in class where you want to put the butterfly on and color the butterfly same color as the place you want it on. 3. Tape your butterfly. Q UESTION ABOUT YOUR A CTIVITY Will butterflies that blend into their environments increase or decrease in numbers? INCREASE! Less animals will be able to catch the butterflies. F IGURE 12 Q UESTIONS P. 25 WHAT ORGANISMS ( LIVING THINGS ) LIVE IN OR ON A CACTUS ? ADAPTATION Adapt to fit in the environment Example: polar bears live in cold area Natural selection those that adapt to the environment survive and pass on their traits to their babies What happens to you if you do not adapt to an environment? You die or move somewhere else! ADAPTING TO THE ENVIRONMENT Each organism has unique characteristics. These characteristics help them survive in an environment. 1. natural selection 2. niche 1. W HAT IS N ATURAL SELECTION ? NATURAL SELECTION is characteristics that makes an individual better adapted (fit) to its environment ex. feather in birds, thumb in humans, scales in fishes etc. Activity with adaptations. 2. W HAT IS NICHE ? Niche : organisms role, or job, in its habitat. Now that you are a student now, your job is to learn, study and pass classes. A job of a bird is to learn to fly, how to find food, find a mate etc. E XAMPLES OF HABITAT : The habitat of a whale is an ocean. The habitat of a bird can be a forest. The habitat of an earthworm is soil. R EMEMBER Organisms may have the same habitat, but not the same niche. D IFFERENT NICHES Many kinds of organisms share the same habitat, but they have different niche (job). Polar bearSeal For example: polar bears and seals swim in the Artic Ocean, but they have different needs and roles. Polar bear hunts seals and other animals. Seals feed on fish. They both have different shelters. R EVIEW W HAT IS YOUR HABITAT ? My habitat is my house in Urbana, Maryland house in Baltimorehouse in Germantown I NTERACTIONS AMONG ORGANISMS : Interactions CompetitionPredationSymbiosis W HAT IS COMPETITION ? COMPETITION a struggle between organisms to survive as they try to use the same food, water, shelter. Ex. two lions fighting over a killed zebra, two or three birds fighting over seeds etc. W HAT IS PREDATION ? PREDATION a relationship in which one animal catches and kills another ex. an eagle kills and eats a mouse; a bear kills and eats fish etc. PREDATION- CON T. PREDATOR an animals that kills/hunts PREY- an animals that will be killed/eaten Who is the predator and who is the prey? P Mimicry copying a dangerous animal to make predators leave you alone Tentacles of jellyfish have poison that paralyzes prey Skunk releases bad smell to make predators run away Example: cheetah can run very fast to catch prey Predator adaptations ways to kill a prey Prey adaptations ways for prey to avoid predators Other examples of prey adaptations Other examples of predator adaptations W HAT IS SYMBIOSIS ? SYMBIOSIS is a close relationship between species that benefit or hurt each other. There are 3 kinds of symbiotic relationship: 1. Mutualism2. Commensalism3. Parasitism 1. MUTUALISM 1. MUTUALISM - a relationship in which both species benefit from each other. EXAMPLE OF MUTUALISM : Bacteria living in intestines of humans. Bacteria help break down food and get nutrients from us. Humans feel better when food is digested by bacteria. 2.C OMMENSALISM Commensalism is a relationship between two different kinds of organisms in which one benefits and the other is not helped nor harmed. E XAMPLE OF COMMENSALISM : Barnacles attach themselves to the whale and feed themselves while moving through fresh water. 3. P ARASITISM Parasitism is a relationship between two different kinds of organisms in which one lives on or in another organisms and harms it. _______- is an organism in where a parasite feeds on _________ -is an organism that hurts the host HOST PARASITE E XAMPLE OF PARASITISM : Ticks, fleas, leeches feed on the blood of animals. Some worms, tapeworms, fungi live in an organism. M ATCHING P Competition__hunter 2. Predation__hunted 3. Symbiosis__struggle for resources 4. Predator__close relationship 5. Prey__process of hunting REVIEW: W HY CAN T TWO SPECIES OCCUPY ( HAVE ) THE SAME NICHE ? W HAT ARE TWO PREDATOR ADAPTATIONS ? W HY DOESN T A PARASITE USUALLY KILL ITS HOST ? W HAT IS AN EXAMPLE OF PREDATION ? W HY DO SNAKES HAVE SHARP FANGS ( TEETH )? H OW DO THEY HELP THEM SURVIVE ? W HAT IS N ATURAL SELECTION ? S ECTION 1.3 A SSESSMENT 1a. What are adaptations? 1b. How are a snakes sharp fangs an adaptation that helps it survive in the saguaro community? 1c. Explain how natural selection in snakes might have led to adaptations such as sharp fangs. 2a. What are three main ways in which organisms interact? 2b. Give one example of each type of interaction. 3a. List the three types of symbiotic relationships. 3b. For each type of symbiotic relationship, explain how the two organism are affected. C ON T. 3c. Some of your classroom plants are dying. Others that you planted at the same time and cared for in the same way are growing well. When you look closely at the dying plants, you see tiny mites on them. Which symbiotic relationship is likely occurring between the plants and mites? Explain.